Clarinetgal's check in!

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Post by LoriLifts » Mon Nov 03, 2014 2:34 am

I'm sending healing thoughts to your leg!
Get well soon!
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Post by MerryKat » Mon Nov 03, 2014 11:33 am

So glad they have a plan in place for your leg, hope this op resolves this for you.

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Post by clarinetgal » Tue Nov 04, 2014 8:11 am

Thank you, Merry Kat, and Walkerlori! :D

The past few days were rough, in terms of eating. DH had dental surgery. Thankfully, he is doing okay, but having to deal with the extra housework, take care of the kids, and deal with my MIL (who lives downstairs, but spent lots of time upstairs the past few days) was very stressful, and it definitely played out in my eating. Thankfully, I started getting back on track yesterday, and I had an even better day today.

Breakfast: Coffee with coconut milk and liquid stevia, hot cereal with butter, a Lara Bar alt, and a Satsuma.

Lunch: Salad with various veggies, chicken, pecans, and honey mustard dressing. 2 homemade cookies that are sweetened with bananas. Some jelly beans.

Dinner: Some leftover homemade pizza with Canadian bacon, pineapple, fresh basil, leftover chicken, artichoke hearts, mushrooms, and Daiya cheese shreds. It was really good! Chips. A kiwi.
No eating after dinner! Woo hoo!😃


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Post by clarinetgal » Thu Nov 13, 2014 7:39 am

I'm still here. I'm just in a real rut with my eating right now, especially with lunches. :( I feel like I eat the same few things all of the time, and I am not a sandwich person.
Also, I'm still feeling discouraged about weight loss. I still want to lose weight, but I'm afraid that in order for that to happen, I'm going to have to go back to being super obsessed about tracking every mouthful of food, and I just don't want to do it anymore. I do want to eat healthier, so I suppose I should just focus on that, for now. I definitely want to stick with 3 plates a day (at most 4 plates, depending on my reflux).
I'm meeting with a dietitian on Tuesday, and I'm hoping she can give me some answers on how to work around my food sensitivities (especially dairy).
That's it, for now.


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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Nov 15, 2014 2:46 am

Being super obsessed is not a fun way to live. Is it possible to make peace with your current weight and just get on with your life? I wish to God I had done that many pounds ago. The only thing being super obsessed got me was a higher weight each time I went off my diet.

Anyway I hope the dietician can give you some good ideas.

Good luck with everything!

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Post by automatedeating » Sun Nov 16, 2014 11:37 pm

Clarinetgal--sorry that the first procedure wasn't entirely successful, but it's always good to have a plan of action going forward.

hemp latte? Maybe that's what I need for my anxiety! :lol:
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Post by clarinetgal » Mon Nov 17, 2014 2:16 am

Linda, Thanks. You're right that being super obsessed with my weight is not fun, to say the least. :( I think I'm about at that point of coming to terms with my weight. I did just buy several pairs of size 12 pants, because the 10s were getting too tight on me (except for a few pairs of 10s that are looser on me). I hated having to buy the 12s, but they look a lot better on me, and I feel a lot better wearing pants that actually fit me. I think that if I just work on being more moderate in my eating, I should at least not gain a bunch more weight, and I'll definitely feel a lot better. Yes, I hope the dietitian can give me some ideas. Thanks!

Auto, Thanks. I'm hoping the second procedure will work better. I should be having it in January. Hemp milk lattes are good. :D


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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Nov 19, 2014 3:05 am

Yeah it's never fun going up a size but also impossible to feel good in clothes that are too tight. I think moderation is a great goal. Any changes that don't seem sustainable for life are pointless IMO as they only set you up for failure.

I hope your 2nd procedure goes well too. Health problems are so frustrating.

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Post by clarinetgal » Thu Nov 20, 2014 2:05 am

Linda, Thanks. I definitely feel better. Yes, health problems are frustrating. How are you doing?

I'm doing okay. I'm just focusing on being more moderate with my eating, and hopefully, not gaining weight over the holidays. I met with a dietitian on Tuesday. I will be starting an elimination diet on Dec. 28, to see if certain foods are the cause of my gut issues. It sounds challenging, but it will be nice to know for sure. I also found out I am not lactose intolerant (I took the breath test). Interesting, since I've had problems with dairy off an on, for as long as I can remember. I'm guessing it's one of the other components. I think I will allow myself moderate amounts of dairy, to see how I do with it. I won't have much milk or yogurt, since I don't like milk or yogurt, but foods like full fat cheese, and the occasional bowl of ice cream.


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Post by Sinnie » Thu Nov 20, 2014 12:56 pm

Hey CG,

Thanks for popping by my thread and always being so supportive! I appreciate not feeling like an outcast - I think that's why I love this board because EVERYONE is so darn nice and understanding.

Interesting about the lactose intolerance. DH is as well, although I wonder if he ever did the breath test. I should ask. Would be nice if he could indulge in more dairy as I've learned to cook without any cheese or milk (butter is fine for some reason). But he says he always gets symptoms...guess that's my answer!

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Post by clarinetgal » Mon Nov 24, 2014 5:28 am

Sinnie, Thanks! :D That is why I like these boards so much, too. I would say for your DH that if he gets symptoms with dairy, then it's definitely better to avoid it.

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Post by clarinetgal » Mon Nov 24, 2014 5:40 am

I'm still here. At this point, I'm more focused on not gaining weight, as opposed to losing weight. For the next few days, I will focus on eating lighter foods, so I can feel free to enjoy myself on Thanksgiving Day.

Breakfast: Homemade chocolate avocado pudding (pretty good!). Coffee with a small amount of DF egg nog for creamer.

Lunch: Smoothie. Fish sticks with some tartar sauce.

Afternoon: Coffee with TJ coconut milk creamer

Dinner: Soup and salad. Two homemade Paleo pumpkin chocolate chip bars. 3 Kirkland chocolates of the world (these are good, but I think I'm going to have to stop eating them, because they hurt my stomach too much).


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Post by LoriLifts » Wed Nov 26, 2014 10:44 pm

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Post by clarinetgal » Thu Nov 27, 2014 5:10 am

You, too, Walkerlori! Thank you! :D

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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:56 am

Glad you're still hanging in there. Hope you had a nice thanksgiving!
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Post by clarinetgal » Mon Dec 01, 2014 9:02 am

Thanks, Linda! :D My Thanksgiving was very busy (there were 16 people at my sister's place, which included 6 little boys), but nice! :D I'm just working on getting back on track with my eating. I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving, also!

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Post by clarinetgal » Thu Dec 04, 2014 1:20 pm

I'm still here. I've been super busy lately. I'm playing in 6 band concerts this month! The first one was yesterday, and it went really well.
As for eating, I have been allowing myself too many Christmas goodies, so I know I need to cut back on that. On the positive side, I'm still sticking to structured meals, and I'm not doing a lot of random snacking.


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Post by r.jean » Thu Dec 04, 2014 3:41 pm

From Thanksgiving to New Year's is a challenge! Six weeks of neverending treats. It is hard not to give in occasionally!
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Post by Tessytwinkle » Thu Dec 04, 2014 10:05 pm

Hi Clarinetgal. Sounds like you are having a wonderfully musical time :) hope your leg is not too painful. Well done with keeping random snacking at bay. But enjoy your treats the weekend is coming :)

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Post by clarinetgal » Mon Dec 08, 2014 6:53 am

Thanks, R jean and Tessy! I'm still here, just struggling with eating sweets at night. My stomach is really paying for it, too. :( I still like the thought of having treats at this time of year, but I've got to get it under control. I also need to cut way back on chocolate, because that seems to affect me worse than any other treats I have eaten. I'm actually sort of looking forward to starting FODMAPS in a few weeks, because it will force me to get my eating under control. It's a fairly strict elimination diet for the first two weeks, and the goal is to help you figure out whether the sugars in certain foods trigger digestive issues. In my case, I think that could be part of my issues, but I'll know more in a few weeks. In the meantime, since I'm starting FODMAPS on the 28th, my goal is to really taper back on the sweets and other trigger foods. One way to do that will be to brush my teeth after I have my nightly cup of coffee or tea, so that i won't eat anything else. I'll try brushing my teeth earlier first, and then I will work on getting my eating back under control. I will update soon.

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Post by r.jean » Mon Dec 08, 2014 2:58 pm

Good luck!
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Post by clarinetgal » Tue Dec 09, 2014 9:06 pm

Thanks, R Jean!
I've been doing some thinking about my eating, and I realize one thing I'm really craving (pardon the pun!) is control. I think that's why I'm looking forward to FODMAPS, because it will force me to stay somewhat structured with my eating. In the meantime, I think I will go back to 3 meals (with an optional 4th mini meal on band nights). If I have sweets (which I know I will at this time of year), I need to have them with a meal, or with some sort of protein, at least. One thing I'm still not sure about is I really like having one meal a day where I'm not interrupted multiple times by my children, while I'm trying to eat. I think that's why I struggle so much with eating at night, because that is the only time I can eat in peace. I'm thinking about eating a mini meal in the late afternoon, and moving my dinner to between 9 and 10 PM, depending on whether I need to practice that night. I suspose I can try it, and see how it goes.


Update: So far, my eating has gone okay! I did snack on 5 tortilla chips this afternoon, but other than that, my eating has been pretty good!

Breakfast: oatmeal with raisins, almonds, and cinnamon. Some slices of uncured bacon. A clementine. Coffee with coconut milk creamer.

Lunch: Veggie egg scramble (homemade). Piece of toast with butter, honey, and cinnamon.

Snack: 5 tortilla chips, cup of coffee with Coffeemate peppermint mocha creamer. Cashews. Most of an apple. (Actually, now that I think about it, this wasn't a bad snack/mini meal)

Dinner: A brown rice pasta and shrimp dish DH made yesterday (I took just enough to fit in the middle of an 8 inch plate), small piece of German fruit cake. 2 small pieces of peppermint bark.

Minor fail: Fell asleep while watching Rudolph, woke up and ate 1 chocolate covered gingerbread cookie and 2 chocolate.
So not a perfect day, and I did eat too many sweets, but it was a way better day than I've had lately. Plus, my stomach doesn't feel nearly as bad, so I know I'm on the right track. The mini meal at dinner time plus a slightly smaller dinner between 9-10 may end up working out well for me.


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Post by clarinetgal » Sat Dec 27, 2014 12:46 am

I'm back! I'm done with my band concerts, and Christmas is over, so I figure today is the perfect day to get back on track. It has been hard to not snack on junk food between meals, but I've been hanging in there. I'll still allow myself some leftover Christmas goodies, but I'm going to be much more moderate with them.

Breakfast: Homemade egg nog muffin, cashews, applesauce, gingerbread coffee (Trader Joes) with some whipped cream.

Lunch: Green smoothie, some left over tuna.

Afternoon: Cup of Trader Joes peppermint mocha coffee with whipped cream

Dinner: Christmas dinner with my family. We will eat soon.

I will update more tonight.


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Post by eschano » Tue Jan 06, 2015 11:43 am

Happy New Year Heather!
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Post by clarinetgal » Wed Jan 07, 2015 7:51 am

You too, Eschano! Thanks! :D

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Post by clarinetgal » Thu Jan 08, 2015 2:08 am

Just a quick update. I just had my second surgery for the AVM in my right leg. The surgeons were able to get 90 percent of it, but they discovered some more spots from the AVM around my knee, so I'll have to have at least 1 more surgery. :( I'm treating the next few days as S for sick days.

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Post by Tessytwinkle » Thu Jan 08, 2015 6:10 am

Hi there. Glad your surgery went well overall. Sorry to hear you need another one. Hang in there. It will
Come right. I'm thinking of you. Good idea to take some S days.

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Post by clarinetgal » Thu Jan 08, 2015 6:22 am

Thank you, Tessy! :D

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Post by eschano » Thu Jan 08, 2015 10:24 am

I'm with Tessy!

S days they are - whatever makes you feel good while healing.
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Post by clarinetgal » Thu Jan 08, 2015 2:54 pm

Thank you, Eschano! :D

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Post by clarinetgal » Thu Jan 15, 2015 8:17 pm

Hi! I'm doing okay. It's been 9 days since my surgery, and I'm doing fairly well. I just have some residual knee pain, so I'm still taking it easy, as much as I can. Anyway, my eating has been going pretty well, the last few days! I'm alternating between either 3 or 4 meals per day, depending on the day. I'm still eating sweets, but I've cut way back on them. I'm also back to not eating after dinner -- except for on band days, because rehearsals make me really hungry. My efforts are starting to pay off, because I've noticed a slight drop on the scale. Now, I just need to keep it up. :D

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Post by eschano » Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:43 am

I'm glad your surgery went well and that you are now healing. I'm pretty impressed you're not treating it as a long S period. Doing well!
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Post by clarinetgal » Sun Jan 18, 2015 12:51 am

Thank you, Eschano! :D I'm turning 40 next month, so I'm trying hard to lose a little weight, but more importantly, I want to be healthier. For me, that means returning to eating lots of fruit and veggies, keeping my carb intake moderate (but not low), and no snacking -- especially after dinner.

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Post by clarinetgal » Sun Jan 18, 2015 12:53 am

Yesterday was DH and my 16th anniversary, so it was a NWS day. We enjoyed a lovely lunch at the Olive Garden, and some dessert in the evening. I am getting back on track with my eating today.

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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Jan 19, 2015 12:19 am

Happy Anniversary!!! Sounds like you're doing great. The fact that your efforts are starting to pay off is very encouraging. Great job!
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Post by eschano » Mon Jan 19, 2015 10:06 am

Happy Anniversary! That is a big one Heather!
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Post by clarinetgal » Fri Jan 23, 2015 8:10 pm

Thank you, Linda and Eschano! :D
I'm still doing mostly well. I did have a couple of fails, though. One of the days was when I was in the middle of AF. I always really struggle during that time, and I tend to binge on chocolate and on salty foods.
The other fail happened after band. Usually, a group of band members go to Shari's restaurant after rehearsals, and they usually get food. I decided to go, and I ordered coffee and pie. The pie was alright, but it wasn't 'that' good. I'm finding anymore that 2-3 bites of a dessert tend to satisfy me now. Oh well! Live and learn. The next time I go to one of these gatherings, I may just get coffee.


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Post by Tessytwinkle » Sat Jan 24, 2015 11:18 pm

Oh clarinet gal I'm longing for the day gat only 2 or 3 bites of desert will do me. You have come so far. The odd slip will not throw you off the rails I'm sure. I'm so glad your surgery went well. Wishing you pain free days and more pounds dropping off :D

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Post by clarinetgal » Thu Jan 29, 2015 10:49 pm

Hello! I just had my third, and hopefully, final surgery on Tuesday. I'm mostly doing okay, except that it really, really hurts to bear any weight on that right leg, for now. :cry: I'm hoping that will get better, as the swelling goes down. I haven't worried about my eating too much, the past couple of days. I decided to treat them as S days, for sick days. I have definitely enjoyed the good food my mom has cooked for me. :D I've started to get back on track a little bit today. I decided I'm going to go back to 3 plates, plus a small snack right before bed, when I take my last pain pills. Once I'm off of the pills, I'll go back to 3 plates.
I've been doing some more thinking about weight loss. I've had a few online friends who have lost a lot of weight recently, by going on stricter diets (Whole 30, or low carb). I'm happy for them, but I will confess, I'm also a little bit envious. I have thought very seriously about trying one of those diets, so I can lose weight faster, but I really don't think I want to go through all of that. I like having the freedom to decide what I want to put on my 3 plates, and I like that I can eat what everybody else is eating at a celebration, as opposed to just eating the foods on my diet plan (some of my Whole 30 friends did this). I realize my weight loss will be slower, but I think I'm okay with it now. Granted, I will have to start an elimination diet in mid February (doctor's orders), but once I'm done with that elimination diet, I am going to very happily return to No S. While I will never be a 100 percent compliant No Ser, I really do believe that No S is the way for me. :D


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Post by clarinetgal » Thu Jan 29, 2015 10:51 pm

Thank you, Tessy! :D I will try to catch up on some of the other check ins later. I've missed this place!

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Post by eschano » Fri Jan 30, 2015 12:36 pm

I hope you feel better soon Heather!!

As for your friends: I have those friends too and I suggest you wait a year to see which of them still is their current size. I would bet money on the fact that most of them will go straight back.
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Post by nbh76 » Fri Jan 30, 2015 1:57 pm

Thanks you guys... it's funny how some deaths just really affect you. I know that's a weird thing to say but obviously this is what lifes all about and I've had people pass in my lifetime but this one just makes me sad. He had this wonderful family and for almost three years has been graciously allowing all of us to be part of his journey and now it's done. He was just such an inspiration.

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Post by clarinetgal » Sat Jan 31, 2015 8:08 pm

Thanks, Eschano! :D I couldn't agree with you more. That lifestyle is too hard to maintain long term, unless you have a medical condition where you would benefit from remaining Paleo or low carb. I am becoming more and more convinced that moderation is the way to go. I may lose weight a lot slower than my friends, but when the weight finally does come off, I think it will be for life -- as long as I maintain good habits.

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Post by eschano » Mon Feb 02, 2015 3:09 pm

I lost quite slowly and I can't imagine ever going back. It's more about the lifestyle than the weight. I don't feel good after a heavy weekend and now I know an alternative. I didn't use to feel good a few years back but I could never find a way out of the overeating - "being good" - overeating cycle. I think it is just more permanent by default as it's so much easier than the crazy diets.
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Post by clarinetgal » Mon Feb 02, 2015 6:51 pm

Those are some good points, Eschano! Slow weight loss is better, because it's much more likely to be permanent. Also, I agree that heavy eating weekends are not the best. So how do you handle your S days?

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Post by ironchef » Tue Feb 03, 2015 1:34 am

Before No S I went through probably a decade (at least) of dieting plus regaining. Like your friends, I would do really well with something (calorie counting, "clean" eating, whatever) and lose weight fast down to the bottom end of my healthy BMI range. I would manage to white knuckle it for a while, then would start the slow creep back up to the top of my healthy BMI range. This cycle of rolling up and down the same 30 pound went on for years. And the sad part is, at no point in that time did I enjoy food - I was either stricting controlling and counting it, or I was regaining and feeling sad and guilty.

I really understand the envy, but the inside of the situation doesn't always feel as good as it might look from the outside.

Also, why does an elimination diet mean you can't do No S? Perhaps I've misunderstood what that is? Surely you can still put together three plates a day, even if you can't have what you might enjoy on S days?

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Post by eschano » Tue Feb 03, 2015 9:13 am

Heather, funnily I just replied at Lovedby2's thread about this topic. The thing is: I don't do anything. I feel like it's over the top on weekends but understand that in reality, even if the feeling doesn't go away, it is less and less food on S days (this started to calm down after 2 years on NoS only).
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Post by clarinetgal » Wed Feb 04, 2015 1:38 am

Ironchef, Thanks! Your experiences really resonated with me. I think the reason I've been so resistant to commiting to one of these diets (Whole 30, low carb high fat, etc...) is I want to enjoy my food. When I dieted more strictly, I felt like I was being punished. As for the elimination diet, it's called FODMAPs, and the purpose is to see if certain sugars in foods could be triggering some gut issues I've been having. The way the diet is set up, there are certain foods in the list that have a small amount of FODMAPS that I can have, but I can only have one serving with each meal (examples include fruit, coffee, and nuts). The book that I'm using as my guideline has people eating 6 times a day (Blech!). I'm going to see if I can structure it so I can eat 4 times a day. It's a weird diet, and I'll be glad when it's done -- but if it helps, it will be worth it!
Anyway, thanks! :D

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Post by clarinetgal » Wed Feb 04, 2015 1:50 am

Eschano, Thanks! I'll have to check out your response.

This is my second day of being back on track, and I'm not doing too badly. I'm getting hungry between meals now, and I think that's a very good sign! My meals used to be bigger, and it would take at least 6-7 hours before I started getting hungry again.
Also, I have not weighed myself since last Monday, and I have felt a lot less stressed. I think my obsessive weighing was really not good for me. I'm going to weigh myself tomorrow, and I think I'm going to try limiting my weigh ins to 1-2 times a week.
Finally, I have been eating 4 times a day (3 meals and a protein bar). It seems to be working somewhat well for me! I'll keep eating 4 times a day for awhile.


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Post by LoriLifts » Wed Feb 04, 2015 2:33 am

Hi Heather,
Just stopping by to say You're doing great!
:D :D :D
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Post by clarinetgal » Tue Feb 10, 2015 2:02 am

Hello! Sorry I've been MIA. I've been doing sort of okay with my eating. I've gone back to not eating at night. It's just too hard on my stomach. I think I still need to tweak the size of my meals, so I start losing weight, but I'm definitely getting back on track. Tomorrow is my 40th birthday, so it will definitely be an S Day. :D I have some friends doing something for me on Thursday, so it will be an NWS day, and I'm having a family gathering on Sunday.
I'll definitely be back on track on the in between days, and I'll be more consistent, starting next Monday.


Thanks, WalkerLori! :D

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Post by eschano » Tue Feb 10, 2015 4:09 pm

Happy Birthday!
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Post by clarinetgal » Fri Feb 13, 2015 1:21 am

Thank you, Eschano!
I had a great birthday on Tuesday, with lots of family time, and food. :D Yesterday (Wednesday) was tamer, although I did eat some birthday leftovers after dinner. I made sure to stop eating at 9:30 PM, and that helped a little bit. Today, my mom visited from out of town, and we had more good food. I'm expecting Friday and Saturday to be tamer, even though Saturday is Valentine's Day. Sunday is a big family gathering, and that will be my last big eating day for awhile. I start the Low FODMAPS Diet on Monday. :(


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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Feb 13, 2015 5:24 am

Happy late bday Heather!!! ðŸŽðŸ°ðŸ·
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Post by clarinetgal » Fri Feb 13, 2015 7:04 pm

Thank you, Linda! :D

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Post by clarinetgal » Mon Feb 16, 2015 7:48 am

Hello! Tomorrow, I am starting an elimination diet called the low FODMAPS diet. FODMAPS is an acronym for the sugars in foods that can trigger gut issues. The purpose of this diet is to see if any of these sugars are causing my gut issues. Anyway, because this diet is so restrictive and structured, I don't think I will be able to eat 3 plates a day. I want to try to eat 4 times a day. The book I'm using as my guideline has people eating 6 times a day, and there's no way I'm doing that! On the positive side, this diet is going to force me to really cut back on sugar. The diet will end right around Easter.
I will confess that I had a huge binge tonight, because I was enjoying a lot of the foods I won't be able to eat for the next 7 weeks. :oops: i know it sounds dumb, but I felt like I was saying goodbye to old friends. Just to give you an idea of what I'll have to give up, here is a sample of what I can't have, except for on challenge days: gluten, dairy (unless it's lactose free), beans, garlic, onions, certain fruits (apples, plums, peaches, watermelon), certain veggies (kale, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage), and other sugars, like honey and agave syrup. On the positive side, at least I'll get to try out some new recipes.
Anyway, these are some of my thoughts about the diet. I'll start listing my meals again, in case anybody is interested, and I'll share some of my thoughts and observations, because it will be a good way to assess whether this diet is working for me, and if I want to keep following it after seven weeks.


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Post by r.jean » Mon Feb 16, 2015 1:24 pm

I have been gone for awhile and I am catching up on posts. It looks like you have had a rough couple months! Hope you are healing.
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Post by eschano » Mon Feb 16, 2015 2:12 pm

That bingeing feeling is while they have pancake Tuesday before lent :) You're not alone!

Good luck with Foodmaps. I hope less coffee will give you the same rewards as me.
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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Feb 17, 2015 4:57 am

Good luck Heather! I know it'll be tough but will give you some invaluable info (I hope!) so will be worth it.

Looking forward to hearing how it goes.

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Post by clarinetgal » Tue Feb 17, 2015 8:13 pm

Thanks, Rjean! :D Thank you, Eschano! Actually, the reduced coffee intake is going okay, so far! I have noticed a few points in the day where I feel fatigued, but it hasn't been too bad, at this point. If this continues to work well for me after 7 weeks, I may just keep my coffee intake limited. Thanks, Linda! I hope so, too! It has been a little challenging, but not too bad, at this point.

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Post by clarinetgal » Tue Feb 17, 2015 8:19 pm

Today is day 2 of low FODMAPS. It has been a little challenging, but not too bad. Because of the rules of the diet, I'm going to have to eat 4-5 times a day. :( That part is a little bit of a pain, but not too bad. As for whether I'm feeling better, it's a little early to say. Two things I have noticed already, though, are that I'm feeling more alert (unless I go too long without eating), and I'm already feeling less bloated (slightly TMI, but I have definitely noticed a difference).
I'll try to update my meals regularly.

Breakfast: Gorilla Munch cereal with lactose free milk. Coffee with coconut milk creamer.

Will update later.

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Post by LoriLifts » Wed Feb 18, 2015 5:43 am

I hope the low FODMAPS diet help your gut issues.
I'll check back to see how you're doing.
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Post by clarinetgal » Wed Feb 18, 2015 12:54 pm

Thanks, Walkerlori! :D

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Post by clarinetgal » Thu Feb 19, 2015 1:55 am

Day 3 of low FODMAPS has gone better. Over the past couple of days, there were times when I got pretty cranky, and I wonder if I was detoxing? My overall mood has been much better today, and I have been less tired, plus I haven't had a major headache yet today. There are some parts of this diet that still annoy me ( like just having 1 cup of coffee a day, and only being allowed 1/2 C of certain fruits per meal or snack, plus I don't like planning 5 meals/snacks a day). On the positive side, my stomach is starting to feel better, and I am already down 2 pounds!

Breakfast: 1 C coffee with TJ coconut creamer, bowl of Bob's Red Mill Mighty Tasty Hot Cereal with Kerrygold butter and sea salt.
Snack: Homemade pecan pie granola bar (yum!)
Lunch: Turkey sandwich with lettuce and tomato on GF bread, pop chips, blueberries and coconut milk
Dinner: Pork, brown rice with butter, spinach salad
Snack: 1/2 C lactose free vanilla ice cream


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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Feb 20, 2015 5:35 am

Yeah! So awesome that your finally finding some relief. It does sound like a lot of work but you're doing great!
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Post by Imogen Morley » Sat Feb 21, 2015 9:50 am

FODMAPS was a lifesaver when I was struggling with my digestive issues. But yeah, 5 mini meals per day was annoying the hell out of me. My whole life revolved around food - oh the things we do for health...

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Post by clarinetgal » Sun Feb 22, 2015 1:45 am

Thanks, Linda! It is challenging, but it is definitely helping with some issues, so I think it will be worth it. :D

Imogen, it's nice to know someone who has done it! Yes, the 4-5 meals really is annoying, and I do feel like my days are revolving around this diet. Oh well! At least it's only for 7 weeks. Did the diet help you figure out your issues? Do you still follow any principles of the diet? It's still too early for me to say, but I may continue using some of the recipes, when I'm done.

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Post by clarinetgal » Sun Feb 22, 2015 1:50 am

I've made it through most of day 6, and it's still going okay. I can say the diet is definitely helping me with some of my issues, but it has exacerbated a couple of issues so ??? I'll be seeing the dietitian on Thursday, so it will be nice to get some answers. There are some definite positives and negatives of this diet. I actually kind of like the structure, and I may continue to keep my eating more structured, when I'm done. I also like how it has really forced me to cut back on sugar. What I don't like are the restrictions on fruit. I miss having fruit with breakfast. I'm also getting tired of all of the cooking, but on the other hand, I have enjoyed trying new recipes.

Breakfast: Baked potato with butter and chives, 1/2 C shrimp, coffee with creamer. It will be nice when I can go back to normal breakfasts again. My breakfasts are weird, because I can't have fruit and coffee in the same meal.

Lunch: Leftover spaghetti with homemade low FODMAPS sauce. 1/2 C blueberries.

Dinner: Tacos modified for low FODMAPS! Chips. Some sort of fruit.

Snack: 1/2 C lactose free vanilla ice cream.


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Post by gingerpie » Sun Feb 22, 2015 12:48 pm

Your doing great! ! It is wonderful that you are gathering so much information about which foods help you and which hurt you.

I hear you about the cooking. It gets old fast. But I cook almost everything from scratch so that I can better control what my family eats. There just is no they way to have control over your food and to really know what you are eating.

Good luck with your exploration.

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Post by clarinetgal » Mon Feb 23, 2015 1:40 am

Thanks, Gingerpie! :D I agree with you about cooking, even though it does get tiring sometimes. It really is the best way to have control over what you eat. Take care!

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Post by clarinetgal » Mon Feb 23, 2015 1:44 am

I made it through the first week! Woo hoo! 6 weeks to go! Today hasn't gone too badly. I've been eating smaller meals, because I have a cold and my appetite is off. It's an okay way to eat, but I won't eat that many meals after this is over. It's just too much work. All in all, though, I haven't done too badly with this diet, so far.

Breakfast: Bob's Red Mill Mighty Tasty hot cereal with butter and sea salt. Coffee with lactose free creamer.

Lunch: Veggie egg scramble and 1/2 C berries

Snack: Homemade granola bar

Dinner: Nachos modified for low FODMAPS! Grapes

Snack: 1/2 C raspberry sorbet


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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Feb 23, 2015 2:11 am

Yay! Great job Heather! Definitely doesn't sound like a sustainable way to eat.
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Post by clarinetgal » Mon Feb 23, 2015 9:06 am

Thanks, Linda! :D Nope, I won't be doing the mini meals after this diet is done.

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Post by clarinetgal » Sat Feb 28, 2015 8:28 am

Hello! I am almost at the end of week 2 of the low FODMAPS diet. It's going okay, but I am SO ready to be done with it! I have decided that after this, I will do no more restrictive diets, unless my doctor makes me do one. On the positive side, I do like that this diet has forced me to cut way back on sugar. I will continue to eat a lower sugar diet after this, because I do not want to go through another horrible detox. I also kind of like that I have to be more creative with my cooking.
I think, once the diet is finished, I may end up eating 4 meals a day, and possibly 5 meals on my gym days. I do seem to feel better with slightly smaller meals.
That's all for now!


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Post by clarinetgal » Tue Mar 03, 2015 11:29 pm

I just started week 3 of low FODMAPS, and honestly, I'm ready to quit.😥 There are too many restrictions, and I'm still having stomach issues, so it doesn't seem worth it to stick it out for 5 more weeks. The only things that have kept me from stopping are: a) I'm not a quitter, and b) once I start challenging foods, I'm curious to see how I react to them. After this, though, no more restrictive diets. No S really is the best.


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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Mar 05, 2015 2:22 am

Oh gosh-you poor thing!! It sounds like a total pain but good for you for sticking it out. At least you can rule out food being the issue now right? Does this mean you'll have more food options afterwards? Will they start to look for other causes? Could it be stress related?

Good luck and go celebrate when this is all over!

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Post by Imogen Morley » Thu Mar 05, 2015 7:39 am

Sorry to hear FODMAPS didn't work for you. We're all different. I stuck with it for about 3 weeks, which in my case was enough to heal up my gut. But I still stay away from bananas, white rice, and red meat. These foods mess up with my digestive system BIG TIME. Perhaps you could look into soluble vs. insoluble fiber? Personally, I feel better keeping the ratio in favour of soluble one. It might be worth a shot. Otherwise, I second what Linda said - maybe your problems aren't really related to dietary factors? Keeping my fingers crossed! I know how frustrating it can be, and how careful one has to be when trying to heal up digestive issues *hugs*

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Post by gingerpie » Thu Mar 05, 2015 12:16 pm

I don't know anything about these issues at all! I have the toughest gut ever.

The question that came to my mind was "Is it possible it takes more than 3 weeks to experience a change?" If you really believe you should see positive changes by now and haven't, I don't see any reason to stick it out 5 more weeks but if you have felt a change (even minor) then maybe your body just needs more time and I encourage you to stick it out at least a little longer.

Why was 8 weeks recommended?

Good luck.

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Post by clarinetgal » Sun Mar 08, 2015 5:35 pm

Thank you, ladies! I decided to stick it out until the end. I am starting the food challenges this weekend, which will help, because that means I am that much closer to the end. This weekend's challenge is lactose (dairy).

Linda, Thanks! I still honestly don't know, at this point. I suspect dairy is an issue (especially since I reacted to the little bit of dairy I had yesterday), but I'm not sure about other foods, yet. I'm sure there are other factors like stress involved, too. I'll have to wait until this is done before I get my other foods back, so I will definitely celebrate, when this is over.

Imogen, thanks! I'm still not sure. I know when this is all done, I will go back to limiting dairy. Red meat gives me problems, too. I'll research the fiber.

Gingerpie, I have noticed some minor improvements, so maybe it will just take longer to see changes. This diet is normally 7 weeks, but because I was having issues, the dietitian wanted me to do an extra week. :( thanks!

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Post by clarinetgal » Thu Mar 12, 2015 6:36 am

I'm in my 4th week of the low FODMAPS diet. Unfortunately, I'm still not seeing huge improvements with my digestive health. :( I think I'm still hanging in there for a few reasons: a) Honestly, the biggest reason is because I've lost almost 7 pounds, plus 1 inch off of my waist. I'm starting to fit into size 10s again! :D b) In some ways, I am eating a lot healthier than I did before I started the diet. I'm eating way less sugar than before, and I'm eating more protein, which I think is a good thing. I have also discovered I feel better when I eat more carbs. I'm trying to focus more on healthier carbs and less on the junk carbs. C) I am genuinely interested in seeing how my body will respond to these challenges. D) I'm not a quitter. I just wish I felt better.
Once this is done, I think I will stick with the structure I have fallen into since starting this diet. 3 planned meals (I'm actually doing better with meal planning), and a small treat after my kids go to bed.
One thing I do not want to do is fall back into my old addictions of Starbucks and Panera. I think I will make Starbucks a twice a month treat, and maybe do Panera once a month, or less -- depending on how these food challenges turn out.
Those are all of my thoughts for now!


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Post by osoniye » Thu Mar 12, 2015 9:10 am

Hi Clarinetgal-
Wow, lots of positives there! I know you'd like to get an answer to the digestive problems, but those things you wrote about are significant, still. Congratulations on losing ~7#, cutting down on sugar, & discovering which carbs work for you. I wish you the best with the 3 meal schedule when you get off the FODMAPS train, and who knows? Maybe eventually your evening treat will be a cup of herbal tea and a good book!
Last edited by osoniye on Thu Mar 12, 2015 10:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by gingerpie » Thu Mar 12, 2015 10:22 am

I agree the challenge was worth it for all the insight. Keep at it and you will established some great baseline eating habits!!

Sorry you don't feel better though. I'm sure that part is pretty frustrating. After the diet, maybe you should have a talk with your doctor about possible medical reasons for your problems. You can take all the information you've compiled from this diet to the discussion.

Good luck

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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Mar 13, 2015 4:24 am

Yay! 7 lbs is awesome! I would love to see a size 10 again! It sounds like you're in a good eating groove. It's nice to have a lil treat after dinner to unwind. I usually sort of eye an open spot on my plate for an apple which I eat later in front of the tv w a cup of herb tea. I really look forward it--it's so relaxing!

You're almost there--great job!

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Post by clarinetgal » Sun Mar 15, 2015 10:13 pm

Thank you, Sonya, Ginger, and Linda! :D Ginger, I definitely plan on talking to my doctor, once this is done.
I'm at the end of week 4. This weekend's challenge is fructose, the sugar in honey, fruit, agave, etc... It's kind of nice getting to eat more fruit for a few days, but I don't like all of the extra sugar. Once the challenge is done, I'll go back to lower sugar eating.
Oh! I also am discovering I feel better when I eat lower fat. Linda, Are you and your DH still eating lower fat? Do you have any good tips?

Here is what I'll end up having today:

Breakfast: Grits with butter, honey, and salt. 8 oz cup of coffee with coconut creamer, raisins

Lunch: eggs (one egg, one egg white) with LF cheddar, basil, and dill; GF toast with butter and marmalade, pineapple chunks

Dinner: Lemon basil chicken, rice, carrots, and peas, more raisins

Snack: Tea with agave, 2 GF chocolate chip cookies


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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Mar 16, 2015 5:23 pm

Hi Heather

I feel so much more energetic when I eat less fat. We're trying to keep it really low and sometimes it takes a bit of work but I don't miss the fat at all. In fact this morning I made my daughter french toast with egg whites & nonfat milk in a nonstick skillet and she ate it all happily.

For a basic dinner we have lean chicken or fish with a grain (rice, barley etc) and veggies either steamed, grilled or roasted w no or little oil. If we have a salad I always make my own dressing. Store bought lowfat dressings are not too tasty. Here's my absolute favorite dressing from the low-fat moosewood cookbook: ... ing-444849

We use a lot of egg whites, nonfat greek yogurt, and veg protein substitutes like boca burgers. Trader joes has some great choices.

Here's some of my favorite lowfat cookbooks.
1) moosewood--tons of recipes. Just about everything I make from here comes out good: ... +moosewood
2) heres a lowfat vegan cookbook I've really enjoyed: ... 200+pounds
3) martha shulman writes great cookbooks and I love this one. It's a more moderate approach with family friendly (yet still sophisticated). She includes poultry & fish: ... man+lowfat
4) dean ornishs books are also very inspirational.

Best of luck with everything. You're getting close!

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Post by ironchef » Mon Mar 16, 2015 10:56 pm

Well done, cg. It takes a lot of planning and energy to stick with such a detailed plan.

I know it's frustrating, but just like in science, an experiment that doesn't turn out like you expected still gives you important information. Knowing that your symptoms AREN'T caused by these specific foods / allergens is an important piece of information, which helps you decide what to do next. It also means that you won't waste effort cutting out foods that actually aren't the cause, or feeling that you are "to blame" for your symptoms because of your eating. That's got to be a win.

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Post by clarinetgal » Tue Mar 17, 2015 7:12 am

Thank you for all of the ideas, Linda!! I will certainly check out those cookbooks. I've already noticed a little bit of an improvement keeping my fat intake a little lower, so I think I will keep on doing that, even after this diet is done.
Very good points, ironchef! Thanks! :D

Edited to add: Linda, I just bought the Moosewood one (Amazon had a great price!), and I downloaded the vegan one to my Kindle. That should give me a great start! :D


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Post by clarinetgal » Tue Mar 17, 2015 7:27 am

I'm coming off of a tough weekend, food wise. I was challenging the fructose group for the low FODMAPS diet that I'm doing, and I really didn't enjoy this challenge. It was too much sugar, and I spent the whole weekend feeling really bloated. Blech! I may have tried too many foods from this group, but I'm not quite sure. Anyway, I'll go back to keeping my fructose intake limited, because I feel better with less sugar.

Breakfast: Oatmeal with raisins and Smart Balance Lite butter, applesauce, coffee with coconut milk creamer

Lunch: Green smoothie (Rice milk, rice protein powder, spinach, GF oats, 1/2 T coconut oil, 1/2 C raspberries), 4 oz of apple juice, a 4 oz pouch of mango applesauce, corn chips (a weird lunch, but I did a challenging workout followed by a lot of shopping, so I was starving).

Dinner: Homemade chicken vegetable soup (I found a broth without garlic and onions. Woo hoo!), 2 GF biscuits with Smart Balance and honey.

Snack: 1/2 C lactose free vanilla ice cream, small carton of lactose free yogurt, more corn chips. (This was not my favorite eating day. I was hungry after band, and I was trying to eat things that were legal with the diet, and that can be combined).

Tomorrow, I go back to the elimination phase of the diet. This will last for 4 days, and then I will challenge the sugar group that includes wheat products, garlic, onions, and several veggies (like broccoli and cauliflower). I'm thinking about keeping this challenge simpler, and just testing out wheat and garlic and onions (the garlic and onions will be in spaghetti sauce on regular spaghetti). I think I did this last challenge with too many foods, and that could be why I had so many problems. Next time around, by keeping it simpler, I think it will give me a better idea of what foods I can and can't tolerate.
That's all for now!


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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Mar 18, 2015 5:18 am

Sounds like you're getting some good info. Let me know how you like the cookbooks. Also forgot to mention the skinnytaste cookbook but I think we've talked about that one before. Not all of it works for our needs bit the recipes I've tried are really good--pancakes, choc chip cookies, turkey burgers, and Santa Fe chicken have all been great and very kid friendly.

You're doing great. Sounds like it takes a lot of creativity to come up w meals that work.

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Post by clarinetgal » Wed Mar 18, 2015 6:06 pm

Thanks, Linda! I will do that. I bought the Skinny Taste cookbook awhile ago, so I will look through the recipes. Yes, it does take some creativity to come up with good low FODMAPS meals. Interestingly, I really don't miss garlic and onions. I'm learning how to season my food with sea salt and other fresh herbs (like basil, oregano, and Rosemary), and it still tastes good.😃


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Post by gingerpie » Thu Mar 19, 2015 1:41 am

I'm pretty sure I'd starve to death if I couldn't eat onions or garlic. :wink: I admire your fortitude.

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Post by clarinetgal » Thu Mar 19, 2015 6:52 am

Thanks, Ginger! It hasn't been easy, that's for sure!

I found out I might have to stay on the diet for an extra week (plus, the dietitian wants me to challenge a couple of other foods), which means I'll end up being on this diet for 10 weeks. Aargh! I'm taking antibiotics right now for walking pneumonia, and the dietitian was concerned about them interfering with the results of the diet (I agree with her). Thankfully, I'm starting to feel better. On the positive side, although the diet has aggravated certain digestive issues, it has helped some other issues to feel better. I think once this is over, and I have a better idea of what my food triggers are, I might stay on a modified low FODMAPS diet, where I would reincorporate the high FODMAPS foods that don't bother me, but follow the overall structure of the diet. I know I'll keep my dairy intake limited, because dairy has always bothered me. At this point, I'm not sure whether I'll stay gluten free. I will definitely keep my sugar intake lower from now on. That is an area where I noticed a huge difference. I definitely feel better with a lower sugar intake. As I've mentioned before, I will also continue to eat lower fat.

Breakfast: Mighty Tasty hot cereal (a GF cereal kind of like Cream of Wheat) with 1/2 T butter, a dash of sea salt, and 1/4 C rice milk. Small carton of lactose free yogurt (I don't like yogurt that much, but I definitely need the probiotics while I'm on these antibiotics).

Lunch: Homemade chicken veggie soup, a GF biscuit with 1/2 T Smart Balance Lite, 1/2 C combo of blueberries and raspberries. Another carton of lactose free yogurt.

Dinner: Pork roast, baked potato with 1/2 T butter and chives, green beans.

Snack: 2 homemade GF cookies with a homemade DF mint frosting


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Post by lpearlmom » Sun Mar 22, 2015 2:16 am

Oh no sorry about the extra week & also that you've been sick on top of it!

On the plus side, it sounds like you're persistence is finally paying off & that you're getting some invaluable info regarding your food issues.

You definitely are not a quitter!

Have a great weekend.

Linda 😀
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Post by clarinetgal » Mon Mar 23, 2015 4:05 pm

Thanks, Linda! :D I hope you had a good weekend, too!

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Post by clarinetgal » Fri Apr 03, 2015 7:51 am

I'm still plugging away at the low FODMAPS diet. I have 11 days to go. Woo hoo! I will confess I have allowed some safe cheats the past few evenings, because I am SO bored with all of the restrictions. I got back on track tonight, though, because the cheat foods were wreaking havoc with my stomach. Through all of this, I have figured out I do better with limited fruit and dairy, and I do react to garlic and onions. I'm not as sure about wheat (which is in the same sugar family as garlic and onions), so I may test it individually after the diet is over, just to see if I need to remain gluten free. I also definitely do better with a lower fat intake, so I will work on finding lower fat foods that I like, and that keep me satisfied. At this point, I am down about 8 pounds. :D

Breakfast: Mighty tasty hot cereal with a small amount of butter, milk, and salt. Carton of lactose free yogurt. Coffee with lactose free creamer.

Lunch: Homemade chicken, quinoa, and veggie soup. Low fat chips. A kiwi.
Dinner: Fish, quinoa, mashed sweet potatoes.

Snack: Small serving of dark chocolate covered almonds.

I really want to go back to the No S structure, but I may have to eat 4 or 5 meals. This diet hasn't helped my reflux, so that might be a good next step. :?

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Post by gingerpie » Fri Apr 03, 2015 12:31 pm

Hey CG, glad to hear you are doing well. It sounds like you are learning a lot about yourself. 11 days to go and a weight loss!! Congratulations on sticking it out. You're stronger than I am.

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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Apr 04, 2015 7:11 pm

11 days? It seems like it keeps getting longer! Oh well once you're done you should have a lot of good information to plan your eating strategy. It's nice to know wheat might not be an issue for you as it really opens up your options.

Hang in there--your doing fantastic & 8 lbs woot! Woot!
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Post by LoriLifts » Sun Apr 05, 2015 10:13 pm

Happy Easter Cgal!

I've been reading about your FODMAPs experiment. I admire your resolve to get to the reasons behind your stomach distress. It sure isn't easy to implement dietary restrictions. I hope you get some answers soon.
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Post by clarinetgal » Mon Apr 06, 2015 3:56 pm

Thank you, Ginger, Linda, and Walkerlori! :D

I now have 7 days left on this diet. Woo hoo! One interesting, but also negative experience I had this past weekend was I tested out galactans, which is the sugar in beans, lentils, soy milk, coffee, and a few other foods. I kept it simple, with an extra latte with soy milk, and 1/2 C beans, later in the day. My reaction was really bad (lots of stomach distress), so I will not be touching beans or soy milk again anytime soon, and I think I'll continue to limit coffee to one 8 oz cup per day. I'm more sad about coffee than anything else in the galactans group. At least now I know.


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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Apr 07, 2015 5:09 am

Oh that is good info but yes I'd be sad about the coffee too! I bet 1 cup will be okay and maybe you can have tea later in the day or something to satisfy that craving.

7 more days--you got this!!
:twisted: SW: 210 lbs
CW: 172

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