Check In by Bunso

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Wed Oct 26, 2016 12:42 pm

Hi kaalii

I was impressed by your account of exercise and fitness activities, too!

Feeling good this morning, after fasting yesterday, and down two lbs, which is VERY rare. Fasting means not eating breakfast and lunch, and a light dinner is all my stomach needs for dinner on a fasting day. Tuesdays and Fridays. My plan is to do it this way through the end of the year. Maybe I'll drop some poundage.

day off today, going to clean house and Netflix.

I sure do wake up hungry after a fasting day.

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Thu Oct 27, 2016 10:55 pm

Things are going well. I ate really rich yesterday, my BF and I went out for dinner, then strolled around a charming little shopping center that is all dolled up for Halloween. Dinner was easily the most rich food I've eaten in a long long time. Lemon artichoke sauce over fresh made Fettucine. Mmmmm so good, so high fat! and dairy based, so I had a tiny bit of tummy trouble afterward. But we walked around for a couple of hours, and maybe worked off the calories a tiny bit. Oooh, I bought a caramel apple. It is sitting still wrapped, on the kitchen counter. I plan on saving it for Saturday. What a treat it'll be!

Today has been good. Due to the heavier dinner, I didn't need much for brekkie...toast with banana. Lunch was a quesadilla style with not-cheese sauce. Dinner is coming up, probably my homemade pho style soup. I have all the ingredients.

Tomorrow is Friday, a fast day.

It's very nice to have my appetite be calm between meals. Things on that front are going very well indeed. It's lovely not thinking about food for hours on end. ;)

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Fri Oct 28, 2016 1:31 pm

sometimes things just line up to point the way you are supposed to go. For example just now.

Today is Friday, a day I've chosen to fast. Two days per week, eating only one meal. But this morning...well, first of all I woke up at 3:00 am, and secondly my heart is beating erratically. Both of these are hormone related, as I am pretty much entering menopause and once a month I get the odd symptom. Insomnia is one, and so is the heart thumping weirdness. Other months it'll be monster munchies and weepiness.

Well, with feeling this way, and knowing that fasting can make my heart do this strange un-rhythmic pounding, I was on the verge of saying "screw it. Today I'll eat"...but I got in here before work and clicked into Oolala's journal and found something from strawberry roan...all about 5:2 fasting.


So, I am not as determined to eat something as I was a half hour ago. That doesn't mean I *won't* eat today, but isn't it something that the very thing I'm focusing on comes at me in a random internet post.

We'll see how I feel when the breakfast rumbles are over...

(LATER), I had a granola bar two pack and feel much better. The heart thumping was just too much. And eating that little bit completely stopped it.
Last edited by bunsofaluminum on Fri Oct 28, 2016 4:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by LifeisaBlessing » Fri Oct 28, 2016 3:34 pm

buns - Just a word of caution about fasting. I did IF for a while until I noticed that it started really messing around with my biology. Like you, I noticed some erratic heart rhythms, and I also started feeling lots of fatigue and sleep disturbances. Around then, I read up on the possible negative effects of fasting on women, specifically hormonally. Not wanting to even remotely go into messing around with my hormones, I stopped IF immediately. My previous symptoms went away, and I felt like I was geting back to "normal." It sounds like you're going through menopause now, so be VERY careful about the possible negative hormonal effects of IF.

I will say that at first, I did get that "IF high" and energy that seems to be a typical initial response from most who dabble in it. But did you know that the "high" feeling is actually a stressor to your body? Not everyone experiences this, but it's important to recognize signs that your body is NOT liking IF.

Just wanted to make you aware from someone who's been down the IF road! :)
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
~Jimmy Dean

The second you overcomplicate it is the second it becomes the thing for which it is a corrective.
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Post by bunsofaluminum » Fri Oct 28, 2016 4:23 pm

LifeisaBlessing wrote:buns - Just a word of caution about fasting. I did IF for a while until I noticed that it started really messing around with my biology. Like you, I noticed some erratic heart rhythms, and I also started feeling lots of fatigue and sleep disturbances. Around then, I read up on the possible negative effects of fasting on women, specifically hormonally. Not wanting to even remotely go into messing around with my hormones, I stopped IF immediately. My previous symptoms went away, and I felt like I was geting back to "normal." It sounds like you're going through menopause now, so be VERY careful about the possible negative hormonal effects of IF.

I will say that at first, I did get that "IF high" and energy that seems to be a typical initial response from most who dabble in it. But did you know that the "high" feeling is actually a stressor to your body? Not everyone experiences this, but it's important to recognize signs that your body is NOT liking IF.

Just wanted to make you aware from someone who's been down the IF road! :)
thank you Blessing :) Yeah, the little bit I read from Strawberry Roan on Oolala's thread, she said she always ate if she got feeling sick. Well, if your heart thumping super uncomfortably isn't "feeling sick" I don't know what is.

And now I have to think about some things, because I'm mighty sick of being 70 lbs or more overweight, and the little bit of strolling around on Weds and Thus leaving my feet aching SO much. Well, when you're pressing down on those foot bones with this much TONNAGE, they're gonna ache. I've got to take off some pounds, I want it to happen faster than it is going right now, and I thought maybe 5:2 eating would do the trick. Hm. Maybe just a real low calorie day, like 200 cals for each meal rather than 600.

I felt so good this past week, after my Tuesday fast. But yeah, I'm going to listen to my body and it was telling me today "eat something!" so I did :) I'll research the effects of fasting for women, and decide possibly on a day by day basis.

SOMETHING has got to start working for me. Though I love eating this way, maybe some tweaks on content of my meals is in order.

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Sat Oct 29, 2016 5:46 pm

argh sugar cravings! I haven't eaten "sweets" since mid May WHY am I still dealing with it? jeez.

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Sun Oct 30, 2016 7:14 pm

It's "that time of month" again. I've got lots of symptoms this time, including the raging munchies. Thank goodness it's the weekend. Yesterday was slice after slice of a VERY GOOD bread from an artisan bakery along with a huge humongous massive lunch. Today it has been potato chips. *sigh* what is it gonna be like when I get home from work.

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Post by LifeisaBlessing » Mon Oct 31, 2016 1:07 pm

Hey buns, hope things have calmed down for you a bit! I had a similar TTOM experience this month, even gained a bit, but am back to handling things through my modified NoS--thank goodness for daily weigh-ins! :o

I really think that Reinhard has it right when he says we are all "durings," no matter where we fall on the weight loss journey. Ultimately, it means that even if a goal is reached, you never are quite "done." Vigilance and keeping an eye on things will never go away completely; you just hopefully get to a point where it becomes a bit easier and more natural to incorporate adjustments to your eating to keep making progress or maintaining where you'd like to be.

Are you familiar with a poster on NoS named "BrightAngel"? She doesn't post on here as often anymore, but she is a formerly obese person who had weight loss surgery and operates her own "Diet Hobby" website. I've perused quite a lot of her posts over there, and she has some truly wonderful insights on weight and fat loss, and what it takes to maintain both. She both talks and walks the talk. You might find some helpful information over there! :) She also has some pretty cool recipes! 8)
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
~Jimmy Dean

The second you overcomplicate it is the second it becomes the thing for which it is a corrective.
~El Fug, on the NoS Diet

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Mon Oct 31, 2016 6:26 pm

thanks Blessing :) I'll have to click around in that blog for a while. I ended up eating so much food, including a boat load of potato chips, fried bread (can you EVEN believe it) and to top everything off, the one thing I was saving for my S day treat: a yummy caramel apple.

Meanwhile I am SO THANKFUL for N days. Back to sanity, and thinking about last weekend, when things were just like N days with chocolate added. So, I'm thankful for that, too since yesterday was pretty much out of control.

With the disaster of trying to fast on Friday, I have decided not to carry on with that, but I'm going to pay attention to my true hunger signals

1) eat when hungry and 2) stop when full

also, I'm going to put in three workouts a week at the exercise room. I set the timer for 14 minutes on the bike, and then seven minutes with weights doing shovelglove moves. Flat out, Mon, Wed, and Fri. Going to burn some calories...this comes from the book Fit in 30 Minutes. I figure at this point, anything is better than what I've been doing.

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Fri Nov 04, 2016 9:21 pm

good gracious but I'm craving chocolate, and HUNGRY. My appetite is grumbling loudly and for the first time in ages, it's bothering me. If I had chocolate with me at work, I probably would have eaten some. Best make myself something substantial for dinner...IN TWO HOURS. how am I going to make it that far? blargh.

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Sat Nov 05, 2016 2:53 pm

S day! Chocolate day! hopefully a sane day with regular meals and just chocolate for my S treat. No need for seconds or snacks...I ate a pretty big, quite late dinner last night

Ate potato chips! as a SNACK :( because dinner was going to be hours later than my usual. Well, I had a piece of toast at my regular dinner time, to tide me over. No problo....then for whatever insane reason, I grabbed the bag of chips from off the top of the fridge and had a palmful. Ten minutes later, I got up and grabbed ANOTHER HANDFUL! dang. the DAY BEFORE an S day? Really? :roll:

so my first red day in just ages. I posted a second 21 day streak, even. And two days later, lost it in a feeding frenzy. Oh well...not going there today or any time soon. It's like my sixth red day in six months so I'm doing actually REAL good. :) disappointed that I didn't continue ignoring the chips, as I have been.

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Post by Imogen Morley » Sun Nov 06, 2016 8:04 pm

bunsofaluminum wrote: just like N days with chocolate added.
Love that phrase! Sounds like an ideal S-day, something to aspire to.
I don't know why Fridays can be so hard... Maybe because most people consider Friday afternoon as part of the weekend?

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Mon Nov 07, 2016 7:56 pm

S days over. I over ate for lunch both days...not seconds, but MASSIVE plates of food, and had chocolate, and otherwise it was a good couple of S days.

Back to normal now. Sanity resumes. So, I had a moderate serving of oatmeal for brekkie...and felt hungry two hours later. Jeez. Which just means that my appetite is being ugly again. It was pretty regular for a long time...didn't bother me. But lately it has been.


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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Tue Nov 08, 2016 6:17 am

Thanks for sharing that.
I had quite a chocolatey Sweekend, and on Monday I was really hungry about two hours after my breakfast (overnight oats with raspberries & yog). That led to a snack mid-morning - which I managed to 'keep' to a small orange and few peanuts. But I carried on snacking later :roll:

It's really making me thing about the whole sugar/carb thing.............. I know that, for me, cutting it (chocolate for example) right out would only lead to rebellion farther down the line. But for a few weeks' now, I've wondered about having sugar only on Saturdays...... and using Sunday to get back on the level..............Have you got any ideas?
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Post by bunsofaluminum » Wed Nov 09, 2016 1:38 am

RAWCOOKIE wrote:Thanks for sharing that.
I had quite a chocolatey Sweekend, and on Monday I was really hungry about two hours after my breakfast (overnight oats with raspberries & yog). That led to a snack mid-morning - which I managed to 'keep' to a small orange and few peanuts. But I carried on snacking later :roll:

It's really making me thing about the whole sugar/carb thing.............. I know that, for me, cutting it (chocolate for example) right out would only lead to rebellion farther down the line. But for a few weeks' now, I've wondered about having sugar only on Saturdays...... and using Sunday to get back on the level..............Have you got any ideas?
Now that you mention it, I did have some candy on Saturday night. Hmmm. A tootsie roll and a bite of a Reese's peanut butter football that I actually spit out. Didn't taste good AT ALL. But...I didn't overdo candy. And the only chocolate I eat is 85% extra dark chocolate, that isn't sweet at all. Maybe it just has to do with sometimes having appetite struggles. It was a rough "time of month" for me, and some of my S day eating was emotionally based...and the mid morning hunger could well have been from "being good" and eating not a big enough breakfast. pfft. Diet mentality.

Other news: I'm doing 15 minutes on an exercise bike every other day, then seven minutes of shovel glove motions with a weight (in the exercise room or with my frying pan at home) and using the stairs at least once a day at work on the days my ankle doesn't hurt, walking down and back to get my mail (from the fifth floor to the bottom, and back up the garage ramp NOT stairs) I can do an every other day workout plan FOR SURE. It would be a literal shame, as in SHAME ON ME if I can't pull it together for less than half an hour, every other day.

And focusing on the habit of it, more than the actual pushing it physically BUT I felt so good after my Saturday workout...and I wonder what the heck is wrong with me NOT to push myself like, frequently...well anyway. Hopefully as I go thru the weeks with this new moderate exercise plan, I'll start seeing SOMETHING budge.

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Sat Nov 12, 2016 12:33 am

It's closing in on the end of an N week. All green days :) after that odd potato chip Friday a week ago.

Chocolate tomorrow will taste good. A friend at work gave me Lindt truffle balls...her last day :( and that was a good bye gift. They are going to be way too sweet for sure, but my extra dark...yum!

Still no weight off, but I have been consistent now for three weeks on the every other day workouts. :) and I'm proud of myself. Keeping that up for sure. It's funny how i go through episodes of sheer laziness, then get into fitness big time. No lie, I have gone so far as to join a boot camp workout that met every other morning at 5:00 am, started out running a mile, some days did 30 minutes of spinning, some days did uphill sprints (which I walked hahahaha or jogged, at best)...anyway, that's the general idea. how did *I*, the couch potato queen, get into fitness to that level?

Another time, I spent a solid 18 months really committed to daily yoga, and on the days when i didn't do a yoga practice, I went out for 90 minute BRISK walks, and sometimes jogs.

but the past two or so years, I've been absolutely lazy, and now I've got something going on with my foot so the walking that has always been foundational to my overall health, is really no longer possible. Some days I go for a walk anyway, and I end up paying for it afterwards.

Well anyway, every other day, 20ish minutes on the exercise bike plus seven minutes doing shovelglove motions with an 8lb weight...maybe it will get me back "into" fitness. And please god LET IT HAPPEN! that I drop some poundage. Jeez.

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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Sat Nov 12, 2016 4:44 pm

You've done really well with your commitment to exercise.

I hope you enjoy your chocolate - I'm having quite a snacky Saturday - but did go for a 5k run this morning - and am happily chilling out for the remainder of the day.
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Post by bunsofaluminum » Mon Nov 14, 2016 4:33 pm

Yeah, I'm feeling really good about the exercise. I made a decision to use the stairs at work at least one time during each work day...that is 48 upward steps. Also, to simply get up and walk around for a few minutes every hour. Desk jobs. Pffft. If I'm not careful, it'll age me too fast.

At any rate, today being a Monday, I've been to the exercise room and did my workout. All told, between the bike, shovelglove, and stretching, it was about a half hour, and then I walked up the parking garage, rather than taking the elevator home. Had brekkie and read for a half hour (Van Gogh: The Life...a massive tome and a long term commitment at 900 pages, but really it is an easy read. Very personable) then my shower and right now I'm just busting with energy. :) My poor BF, not a morning person, is glaring at me grumpily. I didn't mean to wake him up. :roll:

My S days were moderate to severe hahahaha. Saturday was a blow out. I ate normal +chocolate for breakfast and lunch, then when I got home from work, went berserk and ate dinner plus seconds plus sweets, then some more seconds. Honestly.

Sunday was more sane with three meals and chocolate. Even though I had a very early morning, waking up at 2:30 and finally getting out of bed after an hour of trying to fall back asleep. And on shift by yeah, sleep deprived but that's okay. I fell asleep fast last night and got a solid seven hours at least.

Here's to a wonderful Green Week!

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Sat Nov 19, 2016 7:16 pm

Oh gosh what a week it's been. I felt so fantastic on Monday morning after my moderate workout, ready to take on the world. Well, by noon my heart rate was still high, and it was thudding erratically...sometimes way too fast, and sometimes skipping a beat for several counts.

now...lest anyone is alarmed...this is something I was diagnosed with in my 30's; it is called paroxysmal atrial tachycardia, and I've dealt with it off and on (mostly off) for 20 plus years. Well lately, whenever that time of month comes along it has been flaring up, lasts for a day or less, and easily managed. (I find that if I give one or two sharp coughs, it brings the heart rhythm to normal right away) Well that didn't work on Monday and no matter what I tried, I could feel my heart hammering and thudding and it was SO uncomfortable. Not painful, and nothing else such as sweats or backache. I ended up coming home from work after just a half hour and then sitting and resting...and when it was still acting up 12 hours later, at 7 pm, my BF marched into the apartment and said "Get some jeans on, you are going to the hospital" and there was no arguing with him.

Four hours later, after an ECG, and monitoring and resting, they found exactly what I thought: no heart attack, and nothing but some moderate arrhythmia. But honestly, that thudding continued until about 30 minutes before they discharged me. And it started up again on Tuesday, not as bad, and then on Weds, Thu, and Fri...same. Especially if I exerted myself at all. It was frustrating and actually kind of stupid feeling. "Ah declayuh, Ah'm havin the vaypahs"

And then this morning, I woke up NOT able to feel my heart thudding. Did some rapid leg lifts before getting ready for work...heart rate went up WITHOUT freaking out! There is an appointment set with the cardiology clinic for a stress test, and my research points to hormonal fluctuations being a possible cause of palpitations, and thinking back, it was always the worst when I was pregnant. SO...this is a menopause thing. And I'm going to do something about that. I don't need heart meds, I need to figure out hormonal oddities and adjustments. That is doable, I am almost positive, with lifestyle changes.

Now, with all of that, check this out. Yesterday (Friday) my first day back to work after taking two sick days, I was sitting at my desk. Because of a super early start, I had brought a granola bar and a couple pieces of fruit for breakfast to eat when the hour got more reasonable. Well, I got an appetite roar at about 10:30 and made a grab for the banana that I had left from brekkie...and DIDN'T eat it! heh. Yay me!

That was my big triumph of the week, and thinking about it, there are some adjustments back to Vanilla No S that I should self-enforce...such as, not munching while I cook, or not grabbing a bite JUST as I am fixing a meal. I've done that just a couple of times recently, and though I don't count it as red day stuff, it is eating from other than a plateful. I need to stop that, for sure.

I think the time has come for me to start adjusting my plates at meal times, now that I've trained myself not to be afraid of appetite surges. Smaller portions, and greater variety, also slowing down and chewing thoroughly and stopping when full. The habit is down pat for me, I am aware whenever I step away from the patterns I've established, and I persist in not losing any weight or inches or otherwise. so...yeah, a little readjustment. Maybe making oversized meals...all in one plate?...only on S days.

Today is an S day. I am going to treat today and tomorrow like N days, with added chocolate. :D Oh, I take that back. I had a Werther's. That's a sweet. It was yummy.

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Post by Merry » Sat Nov 19, 2016 9:29 pm

Oh wow, what a week! I'm glad you're okay. I probably would have taken you to the ER too! Hope you find some good solutions.
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Post by bunsofaluminum » Tue Nov 22, 2016 8:07 pm

I declare today an S day so I can eat chocolate because I am having the period from hell.

That is all.

edit: One more thing. Even if I didn't call an S day, I would just take it as a red day know...from you know where.

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Sat Nov 26, 2016 5:24 pm

Okay, I'm pleased with how Thanksgiving went. I did treat it as a Capital S day, but ended up not having seconds, though I did nibble on the veggie tray and dip before dinner, and had pie for dessert, two pieces :) Then sat around the table with my brother and his wife, my mom, Wylie, and me and played an absolutely hysterical game of Aggravation. I won :)

Then yesterday, the day after T'giving, I didn't hardly need to eat a thing, and that's what I did. A piece of fruit and a granola bar for brekkie; about 1/3 of the portion of sweet potato dish I'd brought with me for lunch, and a peanut butter samwich and carrots for dinner.

Today, back to totally normal. I wasn't triggered by eating massive quantities of food, and I'm happy to get back into my regular s day (lower case, which is an N day plus chocolate)

AND I put in 30 minutes of cardio this morning. :) and my heart rate remains normal.

Thinking about that stupid horrendous "time of month"...I may have to count it a red day, because I anger-ate everything.

Like...all the things. In. My. Belly. NOW! Total emotional eating, total "Screw this, my life sucks, I'm going to eat whatever I damn well please"

Yeah. Red day. Oh well. No regrets. That was Tuesday, and I didn't let it leak over into Wednesday even though I was still really ticked off at my uterus. And it, at me.

Now, back to sanity and normalcy.

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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Sat Nov 26, 2016 8:02 pm

Oh my gosh, you've had a hellish week with your period and your heart thingy - darn! I'm so glad I'm past all that hormonal stuff (lucky, I know!).

Sounds like you did pretty good at Thanksgiving itself - and that's a WIN! I blame my temporary insanity on phases of the moon :lol: I must go back and read what you've been saying about fluctuations in appetite. It always takes me by surprise when I have a 'hungry' day - as generally, I'm find to wait for the next meal 5-6hrs later. For myself, it sometimes seems to be if I've eaten fewer calories the day before, or less nutritionally sound meals, or have lost a bit of weight.
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Post by bunsofaluminum » Thu Dec 01, 2016 5:59 pm

Okay, so my appetite is in a weird place. Even while my tummy feels nicely satisfied, I find myself wishing I felt hungry so I could fix food to eat. Yesterday I had a normal lunch, a little bit later than usual. so at my usual dinner time, I got up to fix food, but wasn't hungry. DARN IT. I waited a half hour or so, but didn't want to go too late as I don't like going to bed with food in my I ate dinner even though I wasn't actually hungry.

Walking around in Costco the other day, with abundant snack food gifts everywhere, I realized that this upcoming holiday season could well be pretty rough, as I will be tempted a lot every day. Treats, snacks, parties, neighborly gifts, etc. I may tweak my No S to include a snackish treat during meals on my N days, just so I don't go around feeling deprived.

Well anyway. Other than this reality hitting me, I've been holding out pretty well. One red day on Tuesday, since I munched some while making lunch, not because i was hungry, but just feeding the munchy monster. Otherwise, even though there's a lot of temptation out there, I've kept to the habit. Just not looking forward to turning away from all kinds of temptations for the next four weeks.

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Post by Merry » Fri Dec 02, 2016 6:14 am

Sometimes I kind of feel this way--I know I'm full but I wish I could eat more. Sometimes it's hard adjusting to eating less even if it's mainly our senses that want it over our stomachs!

Can you save some of the most special treats that come your way, to enjoy on S days? Or, plan some extra special Christmasy treats for your S days. My grandma always made nutmeg shortbread cookies, and nothing says Christmas and "home" and "Grandma" like her recipe--I know we'll be making some on one of these weekends coming up! (And I'll have to squirrel away a baggie for me, LOL! So they don't disappear too quickly!)
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Post by bunsofaluminum » Fri Dec 02, 2016 3:12 pm

Shovelglove this was too blasted cold to go out to the exercise room across the path. brrrrr. So I just set my timer, picked up my skillet, and went for it while I watched a show on Netflix.

How cool, to have lots of options. :)

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Sat Dec 03, 2016 2:29 pm

thank goodness, the scale went back down after going up and staying up two lbs after Thanksgiving.

It ticked me off, because I really did not overdo it on the day. I had a standard plate of food, no seconds except I did ask for the gravy again, to put more on my taters. And I did have one piece of punkin pie, and one piece of my mom's soda cracker pie. A few nibbles of the veggie tray and dip at noontime. IOW, I enjoyed a capital S day without completely blasting my way thru a ton of food...and gained weight.

It really bothered me when the scale stayed up those two lbs though. But finally today it resolved back to my usual weight. Which simply won't budge.

Which is getting old.

Frankly I know what I really gotta has to do with added fat. Though I have experienced that "I felt more full with fat in my meal" thing, I also know from experience that I gain weight when I have added fat. I actually have personal experience to show people who try and tell me that it's sugar...nope. I went completely without sweets, the only sugar in my eating for more than three months being the occasional Altoid, and didn't lose an ounce.

In the past, when I've ditched added fat, and calorie dense foods, I've lost pretty effortlessly. So what am I going to do about it? Obviously, eating whatever I want, and only at mealtimes, and no seconds or sweets, is not doing it for me.


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Post by kaalii » Sat Dec 03, 2016 6:26 pm

i am also feeling the age and my body demanding to reduce the quantity of food...
just an idea: are you using smaller plates?
it is doing wonders for me for maintaining lean... which could translate into losing on higher BMI...
i love and eat fat with every meal... but yes, i cant eat croissants every day...
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Post by bunsofaluminum » Mon Dec 05, 2016 5:14 pm

Smaller plates is a good option. I also swear by the habit of chewing every bite thoroughly and stopping when full. I actually took off about 40 lbs back in the day eating anything I wanted, but chewing every bite to a watery slurry (30 chews as a basic rule of thumb) and didn't eat past full. I think that is a terrific way to retrain oneself for mastery over the appetite. Stopping when full.


the weekend was good. I chose to make Sunday a snack day, eating granola bars, pretzels, chocolate, and pistachios for breakfast, then a late hearty midday meal at about 3:00 pm, and a few more nibbles in the evening.

Saturday was perfect except I ate dinner too fast, and that felt out of control. Otherwise, normal meals and chocolate. :) Exercise good. I'm busy and energetic, and actually exercising because I gotta move or bust. that is a GOOD feeling!

Now on to a green week! 8)

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Mon Dec 12, 2016 11:06 pm

Well, two pretty good S days. Strange, but chocolate on Saturday wasn't all that delightful.... it gave me heart burn and I only had a very small bit of it. Everything else was right on target, though I did stretch out breakfast eating a piece of fruit, and then an hour later, a granola bar, or what have you, on Sunday. And a delicious salad for dinner that I ate way too fast.

This morning went "red" right away as I made a batch of scrumptious biscuits at my BF's request, and had a couple on a plate with jam for breakfast...and then had another one, and one more, so...seconds. But I have been right on target the rest of the day and will stay there.

Exercise. I re upped my shovelglove commitment and have been doing that most days for a couple of weeks. :) Rhinehard is right: It is just too easy to stay home and get it done. I don't do 14 minutes every time, and lately I've been putting something on TV and watching while I sling my skillet around. I'll be looking for a 10ish pound sledgehammer after Xmas. It feels like doing this consistently will make a difference. I want to also keep up with yoga, though I haven't really done an actual yoga practice in a long time. But I love to stretch, and find that warming up my spine and opening my hips and knees helps everything in my entire body so much...and it really only takes about 10 minutes. Again, consistency.. I just need to get a move on, every day.

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Post by Merry » Tue Dec 13, 2016 1:13 am

I often do my exercise routine during a TV show too. Whatever gets it done!
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Post by bunsofaluminum » Fri Dec 16, 2016 4:04 pm

I am so proud of myself. Once again, my period has hit with extreme ferocity. Pain. Lots of pain. (and frankly, it's a flood, not to be too graphic but there it is) And I'm pissed. I will be 56 years old in nine days. I started bleeding every month right after my 12th birthday. I've never missed unless I got pregnant. And, after birth, where some people get to be period free for the entire time they are nursing their babies? I started back up EVERY TIME when my babies were three months old, even though I nursed every one of them to at least six months of age. That is to say, it is OLD ALREADY. Body, it is TIME for the PAUSE part of MENOPAUSE...ugh.

So I'm super cranky and I want to just curl up in a ball with my heating pad on my abdomen, with an open bag of potato chips nearby, and a box of tissues for the crying.

Which is how I felt yesterday between breakfast and lunch. We have a bag of chips that my BF brought home, lays wavy one of those specialized flavors...Greek Tsikziki (???) and I had one to taste a few days ago (during lunch, just three for a taste). Well yesterday, sitting quietly and reading and sniffling and feeling sorry for myself

and DEATHLY CRAVINGS set in. I wanted those chips so bad. If there hadn't been another human being there to witness it, I would have gotten them and eaten them all...but as it was, there was someone there, and I didn't go get those chips. BUT...and here is the genius of the No S plan... I decided then and there to have popcorn for lunch.

So that's what I did. I waited until lunchtime and then popped a big batch of popcorn, buttered it. salt, garlic powder, chili powder, nooch yeast YUM! And that was my lunch. I ate it all gone. It was my lunch and it was perfect. I got my salty crispy, it wasn't a snack between meals, and I didn't eat anything until dinner time. :) ...which was a moderate serving of absolutely scrumptious bean soup and two pieces of toast.

Anyway, whether it was cheating or not, I found a way through that horrendous self-pity craving, did NOT get the potato chips out, had my salty crispy fix, and conquered the day. In fact, it wasn't cheating. Sure, I ate a snack food, but it was at mealtime. It WAS my meal. :)

Now Friday at work, without a fridge and pantry at my elbow. No problo. Ohhh...I may have chocolate today the same way I did last month. I figure if you're going to work even though it is near impossible to get comfortable
and you'd much rather hug your knees and watch Netflix in your PJ's...? yeah, I'm a hero and I deserve chocolate. ;)

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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Fri Dec 16, 2016 8:20 pm

Oh, poor you..... you are doing so well with this. It'll soon be Saturday - hang on. Drink some cocoa rather than eating chocolate?

That popcorn hit was a win!
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Post by bunsofaluminum » Wed Dec 21, 2016 2:08 am

Good S days, with three meals plus chocolate, and on Sunday I nibbled M&M's after dinner.

I have to regrettably count today as a red day, because I ate a (not that delicious) sugar cookie at lunchtime. Yes, it was part of the meal, but I haven't been "allowing" myself sweets so...

and today I've been craving chocolate pretty badly. And...not having it. Mostly because it would be between meals. Kind of tired of my mind always wandering to food. Yeah, I'm sticking to the habit really well, but dangit, I want to think of something else ONCE in a while.

and that's about it. Wish I could have some chocolate.

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Post by Merry » Fri Dec 23, 2016 6:13 am

bunsofaluminum wrote:Good S days, with three meals plus chocolate, and on Sunday I nibbled M&M's after dinner.

I have to regrettably count today as a red day, because I ate a (not that delicious) sugar cookie at lunchtime. Yes, it was part of the meal, but I haven't been "allowing" myself sweets so...

and today I've been craving chocolate pretty badly. And...not having it. Mostly because it would be between meals. Kind of tired of my mind always wandering to food. Yeah, I'm sticking to the habit really well, but dangit, I want to think of something else ONCE in a while.

and that's about it. Wish I could have some chocolate.
It's coming soon! You are doing well, keep hanging in there.
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Post by bunsofaluminum » Mon Dec 26, 2016 5:25 pm

Thanks Merry...yes, I've seen a few times where I got involved with something and my mind strayed from food. :) I'm sure naturally slender people don't have this problem, along with not eating anything, even delicious delightful treats, past the point of full. It must be nice not having such an obsession....

well anyway.

Christmas is upon us. Yesterday was "The Day" and also my birthday, so I had two capital S days in a row (rather than a double capital S day on one day hahaha)

On both days, I had seconds of a few things, and I ate sweets on both days, along with my standard chocolate that I save for all S days. Yesterday I pretty much nibbled on yummy treats from lunch until dinner, and dinner was simple but rich. Towards the evening, I had heartburn and a "food baby" with my stomach distended.

Now what is joyful about that? they both went away, and I hit the sack without feeling full, which was nice. But I learned something. As much as the "S's" are yummy and we look forward to them, too much isn't that much fun.

and I've been thinking about how to change things a bit once the holiday is over. (being old school, I consider actual Christmas to be from Dec 25 to Jan 6, which is the feast of Epiphany and the actual end of Xmas)... well of course I can't afford to eat so feasty all 12 days, but if I happen to have a sweet or a snack in this period of time, I will count it a yellow day, not red.

And come Jan 7, I plan on a couple of simple changes. First, I want to eat one huge salad every day. Mostly a simple tossed green salad with lots of fresh veggies, but probably the occasional specialty...spinach salad or maybe Caesar, or coleslaw. One every day. Easy to chop all the fresh greens ahead and keep them in gallon ziplocs.

The second thing I'm thinking about doing is putting my S days on a different schedule. A 14 day cycle where for 11 days I stick strictly to the No S rules (and my own whole foods, low fat, plant based eating) and then three days of eating whatever I want. If you start on a Monday, that lands your three days of whatever you want on Fri, Sat, and Sun.

Then back to the 11 days of strict habit. This gives me six S days a month. I would still treat them as lower case S's unless it was a SPECIAL day. I'm not super sure of this plan, but I want to try it.

My weight went up a few pounds suddenly, like within the last several days??? and has stuck :evil:

Not happy about that. I wonder if my grumpy period eating is what did it. pfft. And, due to that stupid full body period I did put down the skilletglove...who knows. Whatever, I can NOT gain any more weight, I have GOT TO start losing.

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Post by Merry » Tue Dec 27, 2016 6:30 am

Interesting idea, you'll have to let us know how that works out. What made you think of that (rather than something like one day per week as a way of cutting down S days?)

We keep our tree up until after Epiphany but don't necessarily have special foods etc... that whole time.

I find my body has certain "set points" --weight levels that it likes & finds hard to shake. I can lose and then if I sneeze wrong, I'll bounce back up to that point it seems! It feels like such a sense of accomplishment when I finally get past one of those points. I hope you see some movement soon.
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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Dec 27, 2016 6:42 am

Happy birthday!!!

That stuffed feeling is never fun yet hard not to overeat on S days (at least for me). Putting some structure on my S days has helped some but I still overdo it. Maybe I'm just kind of extreme.

Your plan sounds interesting and I agree with Merry about those set points. I'm fighting one now.

Hang in there!

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Sat Dec 31, 2016 3:12 pm

Okey dokey, going into another S weekend/holiday weekend. Our family get together is tomorrow...I know, I know, why? Christmas is so last week hahahaha

anyway, we'll have treats and snacks and feasty foods and lots of fun. Sort of a Capital S day. Today will be a regular S day (meals plus chocolate)

I've been fighting a cough for weeks, which has 1) deprived me of sleep. Not only have I had a tickle in my throat and sinus pressure, my living partner, sweetheart, my feller, my guy, the man in my life has it worse than me and is coughing every two minutes, day in and day out. Ugh...2) made me really tired so my house is a shambles and there is no food made (which is my default for healthy eating: Make a big batch of something good, or a few things, and eat it for lunch and dinner through the week...and 3) made me actually sort of dread the family party tomorrow. We always have so much hilarious, hyper, happy fun, I just hope I'm up for it.

On the plus side, food isn't QUITE as much a focus of my thinking as usual. Another really cool thing to report: For the first time in my life, I haven't gone all feeding frenzy and eaten my way thru all the treats during the holidays.

My Xmas amounted to a "four day weekend" pretty much, with some sweets on Friday, S days on the 24th and 25th, and then a couple of leftover cookies between lunch and dinner on Monday. And then all was back to normal. :) My usual way of doing things is seriously, starting at T'giving most years, and then simply nibbling my way all through the month, but especially between Christmas Day and New Year's.

That said, I am super sad to report my weight has gone up five lbs overall since I started this No S thing. Now, I know not to expect rapid weight loss but GAINING?

Not. Happy.

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Sun Jan 01, 2017 8:59 pm

Been thinking, and I've got my goals sort of whittled down to just a few.

1) follow No S...but back to clean, low fat eating, and adding a big salad every day.
2) exercise every day except Sunday (credit for using the stairs ;)*
3) spend time outdoors, in stillness every day (as possible)
4) limit my screen time. Will check everyday systems for tips on that.

That's it. I think this little list will be doable.

*I really REALLY want to make yoga a regular daily part of my life. I have all the DVD workouts from DDPYoga, which is a wonderful workout and highly motivating. And super high energy which I sometimes want to avoid.

I also have a basic easy routine that I learned early in my yoga explorations, from a video on Youtube, that I just love. It takes about 15 minutes, and loosens up all the joints, with a focus on mindfulness.

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Sat Jan 07, 2017 6:15 pm

well, one green week behind me for the year 2017 :)

I have my little list of daily goals, and hate to report that on my first day of "daily exercise" I did yoga, and hyper flexed my knee, so that it hurts like anything. It's been several days, and over time it has gotten a bit better.

I'm able to go upstairs, as long as I haul myself up with my arms by the hand rail. Downstairs, not so much. It hurts WAY BAD to bear weight while bending. So that kind of derailed my daily exercise goal right off the bat.

I got to the store for salad stuff on the 5th and had some chopped kale salad blend yesterday with a few pieces of pizza without cheese. Man, did those fresh greens taste good! they were just what I needed and wanted. I'll finish off that little salad "kit" tonight with dinner. I have chopped romaine in the fridge, and today after work picking up maybe some cukes and some more red peppers. Also, garbanzo beans to cook.

My S days will be "lower case" ... the plan is to have regular meals with chocolate, and not worry about treating myself otherwise. My next capital S day?... hm... maybe Easter. I'm committed to compliance with the whole foods veggie low fat eating that has given me such good energy, overall health, and very decent weight loss in my life over the past seven years.

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Post by Merry » Mon Jan 09, 2017 5:22 am

Ouch! I hope your knee heals soon.
Homeschool Mom and No S returnee as of 11-30-15.
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Post by bunsofaluminum » Tue Jan 10, 2017 12:12 am

Just thought of something, when a mid afternoon hunger pang got me... The one time I was most worried about was the after work/before bed snack I always had, every night. That has pretty much disappeared, and actually pretty fast if I remember rightly. Seems that after work appetite hasn't been a problem almost from the very beginning.

But there can be some bothersome grumbles at the 3:30 to 4:30 mark...So I'm thinking why this is. Turns out, on my S days, I do allow myself the occasional between meal snack, but even on S days, ever since my first one, when I gorged on tater tots with and after my dinner. Went to bed with my stomach packed full and it was NOT I never did it again, even on S days. IOW, I never indulged that late night appetite grumble, though I have indulged the midday grumbles on S days


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Post by bunsofaluminum » Wed Jan 11, 2017 2:28 am

got my book today! Days off coming up, so I'll have plenty of time to read it.

Down 1/2 a pound. We'll see. To be totally honest, though I absolutely love the way my mindset towards food has changed with this, I am not feeling like it's working for me, for weight loss. I've been at it since mid-May, and have actually gained five pounds. And finally this morning, I see it down a half pound BUT I'M ALSO FOLLOWING THE LOW FAT PART OF MY REGULAR DIET REAL CLOSELY...which is what I really think is working.

We'll see. I have to think, if I'd already had the No S habits, when my BF and I got together...eating out a lot, having treats and such...if I'd already been committed to no seconds, no snacks, no sweets, I probably would have gained MUCH less weight, if any. I guess we'll never know.

I've been feeling irritable about it today. Have some more thinking to do about it.

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Fri Jan 13, 2017 12:21 am

The book is so worth reading! I'm glad I got it.

I've copped a bit of an attitude about No S lately, because it's been a long LONG time since i started, and I actually gained five lbs, and finally I am down two lbs after two weeks of being REALLY strict with the low fat McDougall plan. which makes me think it isn't No S that is working, but lowering my fat intake.

Reinhard talks about historical eating patterns...such as having discrete meals, no snacking, and sugary stuff being pretty much not available until very recently.

Dr McDougall talks about historical eating patterns, such as the fact that starches...tubers and grains....have comprised the majority of humanity's calories for our entire history as a species. (Reinhard also gives a few pages to this fact in the book)

The McDougall program is a forbidden foods plan, and I've followed it with overall success for years. Lost 55 lbs on it, and conquered depression and IBS with the extremely healthy foods. I do not miss animal flesh at all BUT...just as Reinhard says in the book, if I go weeks and months without any butter or other fat AT ALL...yep. I start putting it on everything. And adding fat to everything will pack on the pounds for sure. I've proven that.


Both No S and McDougall bring in cultural proofs...but Reinhard wins if you ask me, because he talks about the French, who have remained slim and healthy, although they eat rich foods and do not abstain from animal protein.

Dr M is wonderful...he offers his program for free on his website. No membership fees to see all the info, and no supplements or shake powders, etc. Just good old whole food, low fat, avoid animal protein. But he may be wrong about his stance on moderation. He insists it cannot work.

Not going to abandon the McDougall program. It has been very good for me. But the no butter part of it? hmmm...

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Fri Jan 13, 2017 11:39 pm

Excited for an S day coming up. Chocolate! Also thinking about my once a month popcorn. Next weekend, for sure, since I took a couple of vacation days. I'll have two days entirely to myself at home, and I'm going to love it!

Popcorn and Netflix for at least part of one of those days. ;)

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Sat Jan 14, 2017 2:32 pm

Just filled in two yellow days on HabitCal for my S days, and see two SOLID GREEN weeks! :)

Changed my mind about going 11 N days, then three S days. Just going to keep it at vanilla No S.

I made a "New Months Resolution" for January: Eat a big green salad every day, and I've been doing that. I'm thinking my New Months Resolution for February will be 26 sit ups a day (crunches, leg lifts...core work). Because one of my umbrella resolutions is to exercise. Well, what the heck does that mean? But if I make a commitment to one month of a specific exercise...that could be doable.

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Post by lpearlmom » Sun Jan 15, 2017 6:07 am

Mmmmm...popcorn & Netflix sounds like heaven on earth to me. Enjoy!
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Post by bunsofaluminum » Mon Jan 16, 2017 8:43 pm

Two S days over. Saturday was just like an N day with chocolate added, and I had a bite or two extra of the chicken noodle soup I had for dinner. Sunday was a LEETLE bit more indulgent. I ate regular meals and had chocolate while at work. When I got home, I decided to make popcorn which was REALLY delicious. I'd been thinking about it for a few days and decided to go for it.

I did have my regular meals, and then after dinner, I had four...FOUR...cookies. That first nibble while making dinner triggered me hahaha! and I just took some with me to my comfy seat and ate them while sipping tea and watching television.

It was more than I wanted to do for my S days this time, but looking back, last weekend, my S days were truly lower case, and this time I only indulged for one of my S days.

Annnnnnd now I've got the stomach bug that is going around. Nausea, diarrhea HOPEFULLY not vomiting, but boy I feel yucky.

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Fri Jan 20, 2017 4:43 pm

down three lbs and it's sticking. :)

This week, I've really been committed to chewing my food thoroughly and stopping when full. When I eat that way, I tend not to feel hungry until close to meal time, so I'm going to keep that up. This morning breakfast, I wasn't able to finish. Tossed two or three bites.

Gradually and naturally, my plates are decreasing in size. I also caught myself putting bread on top of some food on my plate. But two weeks ago I didn't even know that wasn't okay so...things are changing. I like it that I'm doing this naturally, learning by experience, being in touch with and following my own body. I wonder where I'll be by this time next year....weight loss and other benefits.

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Sat Jan 21, 2017 3:05 am

I wrote this on the FB page and wanted to save where I could find it again

Let's say it takes a year to lose 20 pounds on no S...if you had done the usual, you would either stay the same or gain weight. If you went on diets, like the old-fashioned meaning of the word, and lost 20 pounds in a month, how much influence would there be on your eating habits from one month of following a diet? In other words, if you follow the usual pattern of dieting and losing quickly, and then giving up on the diet and regaining, then you haven't really done anything, right? But if you go a whole entire year and developing the habits that are promoted in no S, even if you lose only 20 pounds, you're still 20 pounds lighter after 12 months, plus you have the benefit of having developed some amazing good habits in regards to eating and self-discipline. Those habits, that self-discipline, will do so much more for you in your lifetime, than losing 20 pounds rapidly and regaining 20 pounds rapidly, and never changing your eating habits.

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Post by beginagain » Sat Jan 21, 2017 9:27 pm

Congratulations on 21 days, I saw your post there! I am encouraged by you!

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Post by kaalii » Sat Jan 21, 2017 9:44 pm

beautifull post, bunsofaluminium!!
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Post by bunsofaluminum » Mon Jan 23, 2017 2:42 pm

hi Beginagain and Kaali

thanks for dropping by. It's encouraging to have people comment on my posts.

Okay, S days over. I am SO GLAD to be getting back to normal with N days, but can't figure out why. Was my eating over the top?

I baked bread on Saturday and had several slices with butter. OH YUM! I munched that bread off and on thru the day. Hmmm. stomach never really had a chance to empty out, because I enjoyed slices of bread between meals. Hm.

Also on Saturday I ate dinner a little later than usual and I ate dinner REALLY fast for some reason. We ordered Chinese in, and I had Moo Shu, which was scrumptious (but since when is the only flavor in Chinese cuisine "salty"?) anyway, it was yummy, but I ate fast and didn't even stop to savor it or anything. But I did stop when full and left about half of it for the next day. went to bed not feeling empty.

Because of not being empty at bedtime, I wasn't hungry Sunday morning and had coffee and one granola bar first thing. Late breakfast was moderate. Leftover Chinese. I allowed myself the usual chocolate, and about halfway thru my work shift, I wanted salty/crispy so I stopped at the store on my way home and bought pretzels. But that means that for the afternoon I never got hungry. My stomach was full from 4:00 on. At bedtime I wasn't *full* but didn't have that sort of light, empty feeling either. I never felt like I was out of control with anything, but thinking it through, I missed the routine.


Because I took some vacation days, I had Saturday S day, at home, near the fridge, close to the pantry! and I didn't like it. I am so glad my S days are actually work days, so I don't have the option of browsing the shelves and picking at the this and the that.

anyway, here I am, beginning of another bank of N days and glad of it.

Based on how these S days were, I am going to adjust next weekend. FOR SURE.

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Fri Jan 27, 2017 10:22 pm

Okay, so I tried out the small plate thing for the majority of my meals this past week. Not sure if I'm a fan, because the appetite kicked in more often than usual. never once killed me. Just not a delightful comfortable feeling. And last night before dinner I got SO hungry, I was afraid I'd wolf down my dinner, but I didn't. We got home with our take out, put it on plates, and sat down to eat.

Nice! They're always warning us not to get too hungry before meal time, or we'll be too hungry and eat too fast and take in more calories. I guess that does happen, but last night, for me, it didn't.

S days coming up. I've already decided, Saturday is going to be a sweets day, and Sunday snacks. Popcorn after work.

my usual chocolate between meals. A much more moderate weekend than last time.

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Post by Merry » Sun Jan 29, 2017 4:58 am

You're doing awesome!

I vary my plate size--usually depending on the meal (I'll use a regular dinner plate if I'm serving meat/potatoes/veggies & a side for example, or I'll use a medium sized plate if I'm serving a casserole or spaghetti w/o salad). Sometimes it might vary depending on hunger though. Over time, I've gone to mostly the medium-sized plates, but there are times it's just nice to have the regular-sized dinner plates out.
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Post by bunsofaluminum » Sun Jan 29, 2017 1:26 pm

hi Merry! thanks for dropping by. I think I'm going to end up the same. Adding a plate size rule isn't really doing anything for me, but depending on what the food is, I also adjust plate size. Salads get large plates. Sandwich and veg stix, not so big. Etc. I am more mindful of the virtual plating that Reinhard talks about in the book, and don't lay the bread on top of my food anymore. :roll:

So I wanted to talk about yesterday, an S day. I had already designated it as a Candy Saturday and had peppermint bonbons and Reese's miniatures throughout the work day. I gotta say this, it'll be a long time before I feel the "need" for Reese's again. They made me feel grody. They FELT fat. The peppermints were scrumptious, and thankfully I only had a little bit with me, maybe 10 in a single serving package. Soft peppermint puffs. They're like a hard candy, but they melt almost as soon as you put them in your mouth...those I enjoyed thoroughly.

I had brekkie and lunch, normal meals. Plus the sweets during the day. Extra dark chocolate, just a tiny bit of that. Then dining out for my girl's bday, so it was quite a bit later than my usual "old person" dinner time of 5:00. I wasn't roaring hungry but ready to eat by the time my (one) (single) sushi roll got to me. Oh, and miso soup.

What was I thinking? Was I trying to save money? One sushi roll? a serving of miso soup? while all around me were having sushi for their dang appetizer, and then their soup, and THEN their entrée. :lol:
so I ate slowly and relished every bite. Had a few bites of Wylie's rice with sauce from his orange chicken...and then sat and visited with people. My daughter has some really good friends and I was happy to meet them.

Someone had brought along their toddler, who was bent on making an escape and fussing his mamma, so since I was finished eating, I asked if I could take him for a walk....we went all over that restaurant, the little guy leading me by the finger and waving a chopstick around. We had a grand time, back and forth two dozen times in the sushi bar at the back of the restaurant, getting under foot. Those agile, sure footed servers!

Anyway. When I brought Junior back to his parents and sat down I realized, my stomach was fully satisfied. I did not feel hungry in the slightest. :shock: after a cup of soup (like literally, 8 oz) and a sushi roll amounting to maybe 1/2 c of rice plus cucumber, mango, avocado, and "spicy mayo eel sauce"

My kid opened her gifts, and we headed home. Went to bed reasonably, slept soundly for seven hours, and woke up hungry. Now it is Sunday. I'll have my standard meals plus one snack today. Sorta want popcorn.

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Sun Jan 29, 2017 7:48 pm

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:07 pm

(all of them learned thru experience…the best teacher)

There are two rules, essentially

First: Don’t eat seconds, snacks or sweets.

By limiting myself strictly to three plates of food a day, no seconds, and nothing between meals (no snacks), I am learning that I don't have to feed my appetite monster every time it growls. I don't tend to get between meal hunger pangs as much as I used to, but even when I do, I either ignore it and it goes away, or a mug of hot tea with honey calms it down, no problem.

N DAY LESSONS: or “what we learn from restrictions”

Lesson One: For me, hunger doesn't stay. Eventually I will be home and fix a meal, and sit down, and eat it, and my stomach will be satisfied.

A: I don't die from hunger pangs. They are momentarily uncomfortable, but not fatal.

Lesson Two: a meal enjoyed on an empty stomach tastes SO good.

A: anticipation is a powerful sauce
B: I don't binge on the next meal because of getting "too hungry".
NOTE: even if I wolf down the meal, no seconds means there is a brake applied to the amount I eat.

Second rule: follow the no S rules strictly except on days that start with S

On S days, you allow yourself whatever you want. If you want to snack all day long, have cookies, cake, and ice cream, candy, pretzels, peanuts, or whatever, you can. If you want to go back for seconds, do it! Every S day means you get to eat whatever you want, however much you want. This opens up the door to excess, and that's a good thing in my case, because....

S DAY LESSONS part one: or “what we learn from excess”

Lesson Three: seconds REALLY stuff the stomach, uncomfortably so

A: going to bed with food in my stomach is NOT good
1) an early dinner is best, giving my digestive tract a break=good thing, man!

Lesson Four: eating a lot of a treat, even one I’ve been craving, is generally yucky

A: a whole bag of potato chips is not terrific
1) the corners of my mouth! ouch!
2) the salt!!

B: Reese's miniatures are not terrific by the dozen
1) even the first taste is nothing compared to the first taste of a high quality dark
2) after three pieces, my stomach was rebelling and I had to take a break
NOTE: I physically couldn't eat any more right then. Had to put them aside
3) as of right now I may never need to eat another Reese’s in my entire life

NOTE: Reese's miniatures have long been my favorite candy, and following a "forbidden foods" diet NEVER turned me off of them, even though they are one of the forbidden foods. But eating too many of them in one day? BAM! job done.

the other side of the S Day coin is waiting for our treats.

S DAY LESSONS part two: or “what we learn from delayed gratification”

Lesson Five: waiting for it makes a yummy treat into an absolute delight

A: Dark Chocolate, a really good quality organic, is pure bliss, when you wait for S days
1) the first taste is the best, and that bliss fades after the third or fourth square.
2) I can make a dark chocolate bar last two weeks nowadays.

B: a little taste of that appealing treat can be just right.
1) I don't have to eat the whole thing. One forkful may well be enough
a) but if I want it, I can eat ALL of the treat. :) On an S day.

C: Putting off my treats can make me forget them. When S days come, I don’t want them.

TO SUM UP: my cravings and appetites can wait. Anticipation is actually a wonderful thing

Well anyway. Just some notes I jotted down. I tried to make it look like notes you'd take during a lecture in school. :lol:
Last edited by bunsofaluminum on Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:45 pm

NOTE: even if I wolf down the meal, no seconds means there is a brake applied to the amount I eat.
OMG, reading over my "notes" and seeing this actually brought tears to my eyes.

I am SO GRATEFUL for this concept. No Seconds!'s almost breathtaking in its simplicity and its power. Overeating, stopped in its tracks, right then and there.

Amazing. Thank you Reinhard for reminding us how eating should be.


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Post by kaalii » Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:14 pm

oh yes, i find no seconds the most silent but probably the most powerful of the Ss...and yes, thank you reinhard - i would have never thought of it myself...
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Post by Merry » Mon Jan 30, 2017 6:23 am

Awesome notes!
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Post by Allisonmeg » Tue Jan 31, 2017 1:18 am

Wow, thank you buns! Your notes are fantastic reading. I'll be rereading those many times over :D

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Tue Jan 31, 2017 1:43 am

Thanks Kaali, Merry, and Allisonmeg. :) it was fun writing those. I started out just jotting some things in my journal and it turned into...that. :lol:

S days behind me...very reasonable, moderate S days. ON Saturday I ate candy. Reese's miniatures which made me feel nauseous. I may have turned myself off of Reese's for life.

Also peppermint puff candies. SO good! I had a little packet that I bought for a dollar. About 15 I'd say. Loved em. then sort of light snacky stuff throughout the afternoon, and dinner out where I had the absolute lightest dinner I've ever had: a cup of miso soup, and one veggie sushi roll.

Sunday was all normal meals plus chocolate, popcorn after work, and I had a jones for granola about an hour before bedtime so I had some granola with almond milk. Pretty good, in control, moderate S days.

and back to normal N days. :)

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Post by idontknow » Tue Jan 31, 2017 7:59 pm

Love your notes - thank you :D
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Post by bunsofaluminum » Thu Feb 02, 2017 9:02 pm


thanks. I hope they work for me when my resolve is weak. Like today.. pfft...

for some reason it's been a weepy, emotional day for absolutely no reason. Just heavy hearted, and crying over nothing whatsoever. Like...reading a book, not at a sad part or anything else...and bawling. Getting on FB and nothing new...and weeping. It's ridiculous. I'm blessed that my man saw/sensed what was going on and just wrapped his arms around me for a good long hug while I sorta cried into his shoulder and bemoaned being hormone wracked. It's one of those days, and I wanted chocolate REALLY bad. So far, haven't caved.

I made banana bread, timing it on purpose so it would come out of the oven at lunch time. That was a good one :) and my stomach is satisfied, but I'm still edgy and don't want food.

How's THAT for huge improvement!

Oh...added a "New Month's Resolution" of exercise for 14 minutes every day. Skilletglove

Because I made it all the way thru January green on No S'ing, I am REALLY amped to see February 100% green for skilletglove (except Sundays) I started on Monday, which was Jan 30, so I have four days behind me. I think the only thing getting me going every day is that I want that green day BADLY. It's going to be nice seeing all that green in my shovelglove habitcal at the end of the month.

*sigh* glad the habit is in place. Today's a tough one.

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Post by Merry » Fri Feb 03, 2017 5:59 am

Hang in there, bunso. I hate those emotional, hormonal times.
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Post by bunsofaluminum » Fri Feb 03, 2017 1:13 pm

Merry wrote:Hang in there, bunso. I hate those emotional, hormonal times.
thanks Merry. I found out later in the evening that an old church friend has passed away :( For what it's worth, I think my spirit knew. Years ago, Sandy and I, and her husband Henry, were the main core of the prayer team before services started every Sunday, for months and months. A connection? Possibly,

anyway, the emotional turmoil is over. I was tired and down all day, and today is a new day.

Shovelglove done for the day...I feel pretty darn good. It gets my heart rate up, and works my upper body. I'm getting stronger and that feels good, too.

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Post by Merry » Sat Feb 04, 2017 5:47 am

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. :(
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Post by bunsofaluminum » Sun Feb 05, 2017 4:52 pm

Thanks Merry. And I was sad again because I had to work, and couldn't go to her funeral.

Terrific, in control S days. Normal meals, plus chocolate, plus one snack yesterday. Today is Sunday. Nothing is calling out to me so maybe it'll just be normal meals plus chocolate.

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Tue Feb 07, 2017 3:59 am

S days were great. In control, almost like N days plus chocolate though I did have one snack, each day. No sweets nor seconds.

My skillet glove habitcal is filling up with green. That has turned out to be quite a motivator for me...I REALLY want to see all of those green squares packed in there. I am giving myself only Sunday off. It's gotten to where I enjoy the rush...heart rate up a bit, and muscles feeling the joy of motion and work.

Still can't walk much thanks to my ankle and now my knee. Made the mistake of using the stairs at work yesterday, and woke up today regretting it. Elevator ONLY for me until my knee is REALLY better. Anyway, skilletglove is doing just fine for now. That is my New Month's Resolution: Do 14 minutes of skillet glove a day.

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Tue Feb 07, 2017 2:53 pm

ended up making Monday a red day, as there were pretzels just sitting out, in an open bag, ON the couch, when I got home from work. So I had a few.
But this is also something new...a FEW? There was about one "serving" left in the pretzel bag and I could have easily polished them off. But I didn't. I had maybe five.

Good on me!

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Thu Feb 09, 2017 2:27 pm

Yesterday I didn't do shovel glove. My feet hit the floor running when I got up, and when my morning of helping my daughter move was over, it was so exaltedly beautiful outside, I went to the park and just enjoyed being outdoors. Then home and hung out with my man. A very nice day, but no skillet glove. *sigh*

Thought about food a lot yesterday too. The past couple of days, really. Not even hungry, but thinking what I want for my next meal, randomly here and there...smh. Food on the brain comes from a lifetime of food being my main comfort, primary entertainment,, emotional crutch, and object of desire.

I think it's changing though. Heaven knows, I am physically healthier towards food than I've ever been. :)

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Post by Merry » Fri Feb 10, 2017 6:29 am

bunsofaluminum wrote:ended up making Monday a red day, as there were pretzels just sitting out, in an open bag, ON the couch, when I got home from work. So I had a few.
But this is also something new...a FEW? There was about one "serving" left in the pretzel bag and I could have easily polished them off. But I didn't. I had maybe five.

Good on me!
That's awesome! I love those "reds" that are really successes--way to go!
bunsofaluminum wrote:Yesterday I didn't do shovel glove. My feet hit the floor running when I got up, and when my morning of helping my daughter move was over, it was so exaltedly beautiful outside, I went to the park and just enjoyed being outdoors. Then home and hung out with my man. A very nice day, but no skillet glove. *sigh*
I'm pretty sure that you got 14 minutes of good exercise in by helping your daughter move!

Hope your knee heals up soon.
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Post by bunsofaluminum » Mon Feb 13, 2017 11:31 pm

Hi Merry! thanks for dropping by. You're right about moving being a high energy activity, but I didn't do hardly anything for her, because of my knee, and she had her roommate and a friend there, too. No up and down stairs, and really not even any lifting boxes or such. I did help my mom change her FB password hahahaha and at the new place I unpacked their pantry boxes onto the shelves so it really wasn't much exercise at all.

But look how perfect skillet glove is for someone with a bum knee...upper body, zero impact on my legs, and it feels good. I'm starting to get some stamina. And today, when my Pandora went to a song that had a beat more suited to dancing than skillet glove...hahahaha....I put down my skillet and danced around the front room :)

About halfway thru the month of February and thinking about what I want my new month's resolution to be for March.

1) read a poem every day
2) mindful eating every meal
3) get outside for a walk every day (knee? ankle? :( )
4) get outside every day and sit in the outdoors

actually, I think it's gonna be that poem thing. You can do anything for a month :D or 21 days.

but whatever I decide, I'm going to continue with skilletglove. It makes me feel good, and what is 14 minutes? This morning, after I was done, I kept on with the music and danced all over the place for a grand total of about 25 minutes of exercise.

as for the mindful eating, I need to do that anyway, and have been quite a bit better recently. Chewing every bite thoroughly is a very good way to slow down, and masticating food volumizes it, makes it a bit bigger, so not as much needed, to feel full. I did this mindfulness at meal times many years ago, eating everything I wanted, and lost 40 lbs.

When I tried a smaller plate, I was getting too hungry before the next meal. But heaven knows I don't need the heaping platters I was chowing down on at the beginning. Slowing down and chewing, then stopping when full (not necessarily when the food is gone) is a good tweak, IYAM. Maybe that will decrease my portions and plate size. And my jeans size! ha!

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Fri Feb 17, 2017 11:01 pm

well Valentine's week had a few yellow days for me, because my son was in town! He arrived Monday night, and we went to lunch on Tuesday, where I ate a normal meal, then we shared a dessert. That was my only S for the day.

Wednesday, pizza with all my kids and there was some LO Valentine's candy so I had some of that. The only S of the day. Another thing...on Weds we ate 2.5 hours later than my usual and I was so hungry, I snarfed my was NOT a good place to be. Also, it had cheese, and I paid for it the next day. It tasted good but I think it wasn't worth it. "Urgency" and "bowel distress" are not good things.

Thursday we all got together and went out for dinner, which was a Mongolian barbecue/stir fry, all you can eat. Again with the super late dinner, so I ate an apple at 4:30 to tide me over, which worked just fine. I had my plate of food, and waited for a few to see if I felt hungry still, which I did, and it tasted so I had seconds. My only S for the day.

so, three yellow days in a row, but sensible every one of them. In fact, because I ate heavy cheesy pizza late on Wednesday, I wasn't hungry on Thursday morning so no breakfast, just lunch, and apple, and dinner.

Today has been 100% normal and I'm looking forward to S days with regular meals plus chocolate. Chewing carefully all the time EXCEPT the other night with the pizza. I was simply too hungry and pretty much inhaled it.

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Mon Feb 20, 2017 10:09 pm

I had one normal S day...meals plus chocolate and didn't indulge in any other S's. But on Sunday, good grief. I popped some corn when I got home from work, and ate it all. Then just grabbed the potato chips and ate straight out of the bag. And then, a really nice roll...Beehive Rolls that only one grocery store in town makes. Soft, buttery, flaky rolls. And I had one with butter.

Oh...I didn't chew any of the above, beyond what was needed to gulp it down.

IOW, Sunday post work was pretty much out of control. Oh, I ate dinner, too. When I was done with the junk food.

So I have got to start thinking about my S days. Too many times, I use them as an excuse to get out of control. Yet, I know I can do an S day that isn't over the top. I had three S days during the week, with my son in town, and had one S per day and never once lost control like I did on Sunday.

Fact of the matter is, I am not losing weight with No S. I've never followed any eating plan that didn't bring about weight loss. And I am following vanilla No S almost perfectly, since last May.

How was I eating before I started this? Snacking was the biggy. I tended to nibble at work...pretzels, sugar snap peas, baby carrots. After work, always a 10:00 pm snack, usually something left from dinner, or a piece of fruit. Possibly something my BF had made for his dinner. Dark chocolate every day, just a half dozen small squares (it would take me three days to get thru a big 3 oz bar)...I figured out the calories one time, and one square of my favorite dark chocolate came to 60 cals, so I was aware of how many calories I was adding.

I was eating popcorn every weekend, not choosing one S day a month. BUT that was pretty much the only butter I was eating. Nowadays, having given myself "permission"...I'm putting butter on a lot more things, because I like butter, and No S says "as long as it is on a plate" so I have buttered toast with a salad, or with a plate of spaghetti or stew. And doing that is adding 100 basically empty calories or more...more, because I don't usually have just one TBSP. ... sigh ...

well, I'm going to do some thinking. I'm not very happy right this moment. Why not eat snacks, if I wasn't gaining or losing when I DID eat snacks every day. Why not have seconds when all this discipline and habit forming for months and months hasn't made a single OUNCE of difference in my weight...or jeans size...or energy level...or name it. Other than having sanity about food

which is a HUGE BLESSING and I don't want to throw that away, so this is just a rant, I guess

anyway...something has GOT TO START WORKING. Something has got to make a freaking difference.

sorry. This whole post is sort of disjointed and I'm not even done...more thinking to do.

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Post by LifeisaBlessing » Tue Feb 21, 2017 3:55 pm

buns, I'm sensing that you really need some advice. We've been members here for roughly the same amount of time, minus one month, and I've read many of your posts, so I feel pretty familiar with your situation. Please read my comments below in the spirit with which they're intended--to help you out. :)
bunsofaluminum wrote:So I have got to start thinking about my S days. Too many times, I use them as an excuse to get out of control.
^^^^This is why I employed my NoS mods. Having consistently used them successfully for coming up to a year, I can vouch for their effectiveness. You may want to consider loosening up the rules a bit, and modify so that you can have treats during the week, removing them from their pedestal status.
Fact of the matter is, I am not losing weight with No S. I've never followed any eating plan that didn't bring about weight loss. And I am following vanilla No S almost perfectly, since last May.
I think I can safely say that you've given vanilla enough time to work for you. Given that you're seeing no progress in weight loss, you may want to consider adding in some mods, or changing things up entirely.
well, I'm going to do some thinking. I'm not very happy right this moment. Why not eat snacks, if I wasn't gaining or losing when I DID eat snacks every day. Why not have seconds when all this discipline and habit forming for months and months hasn't made a single OUNCE of difference in my weight...or jeans size...or energy level...or name it.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: weight/fat loss is all about a caloric deficit. NoS will NOT work for weight loss--even if it's vanilla, even if you follow it "to the letter"-- without a caloric deficit. If your MAIN goal in doing NoS is losing weight, then you really have to face this fact head on.

Here is a helpful article I've linked to before on here. Please read it. If you truly want to lose weight, you can't ignore what it says. Make peace with it, and move ahead with your weight loss plans.

Other than having sanity about food which is a HUGE BLESSING and I don't want to throw that away, so this is just a rant, I guess

anyway...something has GOT TO START WORKING. Something has got to make a freaking difference.

sorry. This whole post is sort of disjointed and I'm not even done...more thinking to do.
buns, I know there are some on here who are strictly doing NoS for the "sanity about food" purpose, without caring about weight loss, either because they are already at a weight they are happy with, or because their goals of weight loss are secondary to their goals of "sanity about food." You have to ask yourself: What is MOST important to ME, RIGHT NOW? Can I wait months, possibly years, to get to my goal of weight loss? If you answer the second question "yes," then read no further. Just keep on doing what you've been doing.

If you answer the second question "no," you really should consider modifying NoS, possibly incorporating some calorie counting back into your life, or even trying another type of diet that might be a better fit for you.

You could wait around for weight/fat loss to happen "naturally," but do you really want to? I can truly say that keeping myself at the weight that I am thrilled with is by no means "natural," and I doubt it ever will be. I ALWAYS have to make educated choices and decisions to control my calories based on the fact that I do NOT want to ever return to the weight I was at prior to starting my modified NoS weight/fat loss journey. But does that mean that it all comes easily to me now? NO. WAY. I'd still LOVE to dive into that bag of chips, the container of cookies, that box of candy, that huge slice of cake, etc. etc. etc. I'm perfectly okay with diet vigilance from here on out. Why? Because I like how I look now, and I'm willing to "pay the price," so to speak, for keeping it that way.

The trick is to find a reduced calorie eating plan that makes it as easy FOR YOU to stay as compliant as possible. Obviously, "vanilla" NoS is not making it happen for you. Possibly adding some mods could work, but don't rule out trying something else altogether. A friend of mine is having absolutely fantastic success following Weight Watchers--she is a snacker like you, and would never have been able to start her weight loss journey jumping into eating only three meals a day. Because of their "points" system, she is able to snack her heart away on fruits and vegetables, and is loving every minute of it. She's not hungry at all, and is thrilled with her weight loss--35 pounds and counting! :) She loves the plan, and how easily it fits into her life--there's that key I was talking about!

And she also said something to me that I was so happy she realized: "You know, ***LifeisaBlessing***, it really is all about the food. It's the calories and what you do or don't eat that makes the difference." She found HER solution in WW, which is wonderful! :)

The point is, buns, you have to do what works FOR YOU to lose weight, keeping in mind that it is, indeed, all about reducing calories in a way you can live with forever. Don't feel like you have to follow NoS for the sake of following it, even if you're a member of the boards here. Don't get me wrong, the NoS framework with mods has worked wonderfully for me, but it doesn't mean it's the solution for everyone who wants to lose weight. It is, however, a very viable option in the sea of choices out there. But there's nothing magic about it.

Above all, be happy with whatever you choose to do to reach your goal of weight loss. :)
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
~Jimmy Dean

The second you overcomplicate it is the second it becomes the thing for which it is a corrective.
~El Fug, on the NoS Diet

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Tue Feb 21, 2017 6:16 pm

thanks Blessing! this is SO GOOD! I was trying to remember who on this discussion board had tweaked No S to include a sweet every day, so that the S days didn't get out of control. That's you, eh? hmmm...sweets aren't that important to me, but maybe one snack a day would help...and just carry it over to the S days, so I don't have this "yay freedom to pour all the food down my gullet" effect.

Believe me, I have been internally ranting about the vegetarian/low fat/no processed foods I've been eating since 2007, too. I've lost a lot of weight, and fallen off the wagon, gained some back and lost again with THAT diet, as well. Sort of like a long drawn out yo-yo rather than crash diet, lose fast, and gain everything back plus some... eating that way makes me feel really good...high energy, good stamina... but beating myself up if I butter my toast, or pop popcorn in coconut oil and put butter on it? I don't want to live that way, and it isn't really sustainable. I've proven that.

I love No S because it seems so doable, for the rest of my life, but vanilla No S really doesn't seem to be working.

anyway, thanks for your thoughts. I'm going to re read the book, where it talks about modifying.

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Fri Feb 24, 2017 3:46 pm

buns, I know there are some on here who are strictly doing NoS for the "sanity about food" purpose, without caring about weight loss, either because they are already at a weight they are happy with, or because their goals of weight loss are secondary to their goals of "sanity about food." You have to ask yourself: What is MOST important to ME, RIGHT NOW? Can I wait months, possibly years, to get to my goal of weight loss? If you answer the second question "yes," then read no further. Just keep on doing what you've been doing.
I've been thinking about this a lot. Because I'm rather discouraged about the hard work involved in taking off weight, and how FREAKING EASY it was to gain SO MUCH back, and not sure that the plan I have been following (the low fat, whole foods, vegan) is actually sustainable for me...and how many decades of my life have been above overweight, into the obese and even morbidly obese category, I need to just stop. Now, the temptation is to say screw it and just eat what I want, when I want...but I know how that will end up.

so for right now, I'm going to quit trying to lose weight. I've been this weight before, on the way up, and on the way down. And I am still about 100 lbs down from my heaviest weight 20 years ago. Yes, it really is okay if it takes months or even years to achieve my goal weight, if that means in the meantime I get a grip on my food obsession(s) and control over my appetite. FOR RIGHT NOW...which could change by summertime.

But RIGHT NOW it's just too much. I feel too discouraged about not shedding any weight, but I feel too darn good about the sanity with food not to continue with No S, using lower case s days for the majority of my s days, and having Capital S days for the real special occasions.

I need to just hang onto the habit and let the rest of it all go, and maybe settle into a peace about this.

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Sun Feb 26, 2017 8:52 pm

two days have passed since I posted my thoughts about getting some peace with...appetite? my current weight? food sanity? No S?...

Had to catch myself on Thursday, not to just say screw it and eat all the things, though I did have popcorn with my BF in the evening, so it was a red day. And I was real close, believe me. But then it occurred to me... what I love most about this is the fact that I am in control. My appetite is no longer the boss of me, and I eat when I have designated it to be meal time, no other time, no other things.

What has thrown me off from the start has been treating this like a temporary thing.

"Oooh! Let me follow No S and lose some weight! Cool!"

And let it be like every single other "diet" I've followed: super excited at first, hyper focus mode, super detail oriented, very diligent, very rule-obedient...until I have a cheat day, for whatever reason. Then I do another one (after all, the world didn't explode when I cheated that first time) and pretty soon I'm simply not following that diet anymore. I go bats, eating all the things and I gain...until the next one comes along. Rinse. Repeat.

and, with every other/temporary diet, doing that has resulted in weight loss. I have dropped pounds, and regained pounds, on the following, starting with the current and going back from most recent to most distant:
  • McDougall: Low fat, whole foods, "plant strong/vegan"... still mostly eating this way
    High cal/low cal meal plans (protein strong)... I lost weight really fast, but this one destroyed my digestion and I got IBS really bad. I literally CANNOT eat this way anymore. Even one day of it makes me physically ill
    Super fitness freak... it lasted for a good long time...for me
    The Hiller Method: chew every bite at least 30 times and stop when full... took a lot of focus, but I liked it and I still like the idea of mindful eating
    protein power plus... I lost fat, but I felt tired ALL the time
    McDougall...the one I now follow 80% of the time
    Fit for Life (correct combining based on diurnal rhythms)... this one made me feel fantastic, but I was hungry all morning, because only fruit for breakfast
LONG LONG break away from dieting (when I got out on my own away from my weight obsessed mother)

My mom's suggested diets when I was an adolescent:
  • one day a week fasting... did this one for a few weeks and gained a pound
    scrupulous calorie counting lost two lbs my first week but it lasted about one week. I just didn't think it was that big an issue
(I must be fair to my mom...she nagged me about weight gain quite a bit, and tried every diet on the planet herself, but if I wasn't interested, she didn't push anything on me)

Okay, all that to say, No S has been pretty much more of the same. I've been so into it, excited and following the rules, and really focused on doing it right. I have done it right, by George. Followed all the rules with intensity and focus, told other people about it...etc. And just then, on Friday after I had decided that I would settle into peace about it, I almost went off the deep end. That is, I almost gave No S a place in the pile of "Diets That I Have Followed and Abandoned" in order to just go nuts until the next one came along.

Well...I stopped with one little bowl of popcorn and told myself I can still stick to the habit, even if I'm not being all diligent and focused and hyper about it. If I end up finding the next great diet, the habit will remain...if I stick with the McDougall way that I've been pretty true to for 10 years, the habit will remain.
Last edited by bunsofaluminum on Sun Mar 05, 2017 1:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Tue Feb 28, 2017 12:55 am

S days were MUCH better this time around. Though I did have some potato chips, out of the bag, it wasn't because I was out of control snarfing and simply cramming food in with an eye on what I'd eat next.

I also ate a bowl of granola near the end of the evening.

So on Saturday my "s treat" was simply dark chocolate between regular meals.
Sunday, potato chips and a bowl of granola were my S's.

Also on both S days, I was careful to use a physical plate, and physically place the physical food on it, with nothing overlapping. Today I chose a smaller plate... nine inches sounds big, but really it's a salad plate.

Which is small, people!

And...For lunch, I had about half the portion of entrée that I would have put, in order to leave room for the green beans. :) Ate lunch, and now it's getting close to dinner time and I'm feeling hungry. It hasn't been an issue up to about now. So...eating the smaller amount didn't freak out my stomach. My breakfast also was on a smaller plate. A regular dinner plate for dinner.

I'll go again with the smaller plate tomorrow. We'll see what we shall see.

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Post by Merry » Tue Feb 28, 2017 6:14 am

bunsofaluminum wrote:S days were MUCH better this time around. Though I did have some potato chips, out of the bag, it wasn't because I was out of control snarfing and simply cramming food in with an eye on what I'd eat next.

I also ate a bowl of granola near the end of the evening.

So on Saturday my "s treat" was simply dark chocolate between regular meals.
Sunday, potato chips and a bowl of granola were my S's.

Also on both S days, I was careful to use a physical plate, and physically place the physical food on it, with nothing overlapping. Today I chose a smaller plate... nine inches sounds big, but really it's a salad plate.

Which is small, people!

And...For lunch, I had about half the portion of entrée that I would have put, in order to leave room for the green beans. :) Ate lunch, and now it's getting close to dinner time and I'm feeling hungry. It hasn't been an issue up to about now. So...eating the smaller amount didn't freak out my stomach. My breakfast also was on a smaller plate. A regular dinner plate for dinner.

I'll go again with the smaller plate tomorrow. We'll see what we shall see.
Sounds like a nice, sane weekend, way to go!

I do smaller plates also. My regular plate is 8.5" and that's what I eat most lunches and dinners on. Our dinner plates are 10.25" and they seem huge now! I only use them when I've made a special meal with several components. I hope the smaller plates work out well for you!
Homeschool Mom and No S returnee as of 11-30-15.
2 years and counting on No-S.
29 lbs. down, 34 to go. Slow and steady wins the race.
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Post by bunsofaluminum » Sun Mar 05, 2017 1:23 pm

Slower eating. Chewing my food thoroughly. OH MY WORD a bite of bagel becomes a MASS of food when you really masticate it. Normally just chomping a few times and swallowing, no big deal, but when you really chew it, it seems to expand and becomes sort of burdensome like...what HAVE I got myself into? Will I be able to swallow this?

and...bagel with cream cheese ain't all that appealing that way.

So. With this way of eating...chewing every single bite until it becomes an even textured slurry in my mouth...has actually got me stopping before I finish the food on my plate/bowl. Yesterday for dinner I had some leftover soup, veggie sticks and a flour tortilla, and hummus. Well, I ate about half of it, all told. Got full, and didn't need any more.

This is the first time since starting No S that I've put aside food from a meal. Chewing everything thoroughly just fills me up, so I don't need to put more food in my stomach. Like...ew. Food? I'm full!

This is a good thing. I will continue this. Even on S days I will eat my meals this way. My snacks and sweets, too. (If)

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Post by Elizabeth50 » Sun Mar 05, 2017 9:07 pm

ROFL! I am glad I read your post to remind me to chew my food completely! And also to have a bagel now and then. lol A funny post to go along with your funny user name. Thank you for the giggles and the inadvertent advice. :)
No S Restart 05/22/19

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Mon Mar 06, 2017 8:24 pm

Elizabeth50 wrote:ROFL! I am glad I read your post to remind me to chew my food completely! And also to have a bagel now and then. lol A funny post to go along with your funny user name. Thank you for the giggles and the inadvertent advice. :)
thanks Elizabeth. It is kind of comical, but I learned my lesson: smaller bites!

And on that front, chewing every bite extremely, down to an even, pretty liquefied slurry in your mouth is working. I am eating much smaller portions, and no hunger pangs between meals. Though I do get hungry by meal time, which is nice.

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Tue Mar 14, 2017 5:33 am

Two more "normal with chocolate" S days behind me, and still chewing every bite thoroughly, stopping when full. I can tell when I need to make a meal a little bit bigger...and I do...but overall eating about half what I was putting on my plates when I first started No S'ing.


but today was a close one. I work at a call center and had a particularly annoying call. When it was over, i took a break. I even said to myself "Okay, going to proclaim today a RED day" and went down to the little self serve market we have in the break room. Surely a chocolate bar, or maybe something in the salty fatty snack category? after such a call?

but in the end, I just stood there for a bit, trying to decide...and there was NOTHING there worth making today a red day. It might have been a bit tempting if some rare and delectable treat were available. But...Cherry Nibs? Fritos? Huh. My lifelong habit of not eating processed foods, plus my newfound habit of nothing between meals (because they do have things like energy bars and whole raw nuts there, too)...well, together I was able to decide that nothing in the Avanti market was worth it, to have a red day.

Even the yummy salted chocolate and almond bar didn't end up getting me, because I WILL and DO eat the entire bar (worth 600 calories) if I even have one square of it.

and, as weird as my day was, and really i am tired, here it is, ten minutes to midnight, and I'm not asleep.


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Post by bunsofaluminum » Thu Mar 23, 2017 7:06 pm

The scale is beginning to move downward! though last weekend, with Friday being a Capital S day (St Patrick's), and Sunday I ate plenty and beyond of the yummy desserts at the family celebration of that holiday...and on Monday the scale was up three. But it's back down again, and staying.

Slowing myself down, chewing thoroughly, and stopping when full at every meal is doing the trick. :)

I got a surprise red day last home from work, about an hour before dinner, and while I waited for meal time, I popped a little something in my mouth, "so I wouldn't get too hungry by dinner"...virtual plate you! I ended up standing in the kitchen eating a handful of something, and then just a spoonful of something else, and another little thing. *sigh* but I did realize what I was doing. I guess that's better than just mindlessly snarfing.

One other little tweak I'm going to add: butter or other added fats only on S days, maybe only one per weekend. I know know KNOW that fat makes me gain faster than anything, and I'm sure allowing myself frequent buttered things to break the "forbidden foods" paradigm had a lot to do with my not losing up to now, and because buttered things like toast and popcorn truly ARE treats, and because I discovered how luscious chocolate it when I wait until S days...well just imagine how scrumptious buttered things are going to taste.

Otherwise, all is going along normally, and delightfully sane.

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Tue Apr 04, 2017 2:28 am

these past two S days were nice and sane. I loved having my little treats... cinnamon sticky buns on Saturday, and a late night snack on Sunday night. I also allowed myself buttered toast with a meal on Sunday. Otherwise, meals were normal. Didn't overdo on ANYTHING. It was terrific.

Now those sticky buns were the very thing that got me in trouble on Thursday, the day I made them. Oops. BF requested, I made, I didn't resist. I didn't resist on Thursday, but they sat there all day Friday with me not even touching them :) Yay me!

And I had one for breakfast on Saturday. So...two sticky buns out of the batch? That can't be right. Maybe I had two on my Red Thursday. Anyway. A yummy treat, fresh baked and I DIDN'T eat half the batch? You see what I mean?

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Post by Merry » Tue Apr 04, 2017 4:45 am

bunsofaluminum wrote: A yummy treat, fresh baked and I DIDN'T eat half the batch? You see what I mean?
Good for you! That's awesome!!
Homeschool Mom and No S returnee as of 11-30-15.
2 years and counting on No-S.
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Post by bunsofaluminum » Fri Apr 28, 2017 6:56 pm

Well, here I am at the end of April. I guess I'm not posting daily check ins. But that's because everything is going along just fine.

On Easter, something cool. We were visiting between services at my mom's church, and we got talking about how French people aren't fat. She says "Yeah, this No S diet that I'm following points that out"


But she uses No S to remind her to eat, since she is the type to ACTUALLY forget to eat. and looks it. But that's okay. A fellow No S'er in person. ha!

As for my habit, I'm really grateful it's in place, because I've run into some moderate stress lately, and though I did eat some chocolate the day it "hit" and I had two bowls of pho soup at lunch...and then no dinner... yesterday, I think I'm doing great. In the past, I would have at least grabbed a banana or something. Or...would simply have wandered around the kitchen, putting random whatever in my mouth.

I've also started up at Planet Fitness, to sort of jump start a fitness regimen. Keeping it at home simply isn't working for me. I go for a few days or a week and then just blah out on it. We'll see if I can get something going...I have gotten on several different fitness kicks through having a place to go.

Hopefully I'll be able to do some walking this year. That's my favorite, and I plan on getting to a foot dr about my ankle...get me back on my feet!

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Post by oolala53 » Tue May 02, 2017 12:24 am

I've come and skimmed your story. It sounds good! I started No S determined that I would follow it whether I lost a pound or not. (But in the back of my mind, I did think I COULD probably get back to high school graduation weight, before I ever went on a diet but was 10-20 lbs. heavier than the really slim girls.) It took two years and many plateaus. But in a way it didn't matter because I wasn't just doing this until I lost weight.

After maintaining for a few years and secretly sometimes being miffed with my weight, even though it was in the normal range, because others had lost so much more, I got interested in some changes for other reasons, and dang if I haven't lost a bit more. I really don't think I can do it for weight loss, though I actually am intrigued by being able to keep tapping into my fat stores. I know that sounds paradoxical. I resent the cultural ideal so much, and the pain so many women live in over it, that I start to resent the changes if I think it's because I"m supposed to be thinner. But it makes sense to aim at eating less and letting the body use up its stores. Now that it's happened, it is rather convenient. And I don't feel terribly resentful of my routines, though I did eat a bit more on my long weekend than I thought I would.

I say all that just to tell you that if you don't have a health condition driving it, I think your decision to just let the moderation habit really take hold without expecting weight loss is probably a good thing, as long as moderation is truly your pursuit. Not pursuing weight loss was never a reason to me to still overeat. But it isn't obvious what that means. I really have to live it all the time. It's not torture, though. And I stopped expecting it to get carefree, as it has for some. That just doesn't seem to be in the cards for me now. I can accept that.

You're freer than I am, really. I feel I have to post here or on Spark. But even that could be worse. Until it's more painful to do it than not, I'll come and cheer or comfort as needed.

Cheers !
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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Post by oolala53 » Tue Sep 05, 2017 12:50 am

Would love to hear a quick update, here or on the Team 2017 thread. Some members could use a boost!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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