~ Reviving Renee ~

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Post by ~reneew » Fri Dec 30, 2016 5:24 pm

2017 plan:

I think what I've been feeling is panic. And a desperate scrapping for a plan that will guarantee results as fast as possible. I see that what I tried today didn't work for me so I need to do something else tomorrow... Day after day... Year after year. I'm generally a long term thinker so this goes against my grain. I don't know why I do it. Looking back and seeing that I actually lost 39 pounds on noS was good for me. My past loss of 50 counting calories and exercising, then another 45 or so counting fat grams was what I always fell back in because it seemed proof to me. A guarantee that I'd loose. But now I'm trying to get it in my head and remind myself that Losing 39 on noS is just as sure, I just need to stick with it. I hit my all time high on July 4th 2016. I am about 10 down from that right now so that's where 2017 will probably start.

My 2017 plan is to stick with noS no matter what. All year. I might make mods... But slightly, because I know this works, I just need to do it. I also know that the longer I do it, the easier it is to do! I'm starting with vanilla but only taking special events, not Whole S days because that derails me every darn week. So, no sweets, no snacks, no seconds except on special occasions.
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Post by ~reneew » Thu Jan 05, 2017 12:19 am

It's going fairly well..l Monday I blew with so many good leftovers and company still about. Tuesday was really good, today was good enough. I'm leaning to stick. The rules of vanilla and not frustrate myself trying to do it better than good.
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Post by Amy3010 » Thu Jan 05, 2017 5:47 am

Glad to hear it, Renee! And you're right - why frustrate ourselves trying to do it better than good? :mrgreen:

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Post by ~reneew » Thu Jan 12, 2017 2:38 am

I'm doing a bit better. The first week of the year was a total blow out. Holiday recovery is hard when my house is still full and we still have so many awesome high calorie treats around. It wasn't so much the sweets even, just the hordeorves and dip and snacks. I could have done it, but didn't well. I snacked and had seconds continually. But this week is going much better. 3 successful days in a row and I'm almost back to my pre holiday weight. That's happy news in my book! When I'm tempted to go extreme I chill myself and remind myself of the plan of the year. Not Month. Not week. Not DAY! All year I am going to do noS. I plan on trying sane s days and I would like to try one 24 hour fast (wait to eat until dinner) a week if I feel strong. Sanity the rest of the time. NoS isn't really that difficult, it's just me that makes it that way. I'm tracking on an app. That seems to help, it's easier and faster to get to and it has a password so I can write my weight and be truthful without fear of someone reading it.
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Post by ZippaDee » Thu Jan 12, 2017 3:30 am

Hi Renee! I am back and committing to a year as well. I am rottin' for ya!
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Post by Over43 » Thu Jan 12, 2017 3:34 am

8) 8)
Bacon is the gateway meat. - Anthony Bourdain
You pale in comparison to Fox Mulder. - The Smoking Man

I made myself be hungry, then I would get hungrier. - Frank Zane Mr. Olympia '77, '78, '79

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Post by ~reneew » Mon Jan 23, 2017 2:25 am

I guess my little motto has been staring me in the face the last 2 minutes. I had been doing well then Saturday came. I went to a Chinese buffet (always always a horrible idea) and ate too much. I had done fairly well last week but when faced with a scrumptious buffet... I cave. Big time. I did go in actually hungry and I did stop after eating less than the average buffet, but this morning I woke up hungry. I am usually never hungry till 11:00. That always happens. People say you don't stretch out your stomach but I don't believe them. Anyway. I had 3 pieces of leftover pizza for breakfast and continued to eat all day. Uuuuuhhhhgggggg! I need plain old vanilla to get back on track. As I was showering I was planning on counting calories tomorrow and then remembered that I proclaimed that I was going to stick this year out doing noS and not panic and switch plans because they never work. This has... Let's just do it again!
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Post by ironchef » Mon Jan 23, 2017 6:26 am

My favourite thing about vanilla No S has always been Mondays. Always there to fill me with relief after too many S's on the weekend. Don't worry about anything new, just drop back into your N day habits and have a green Monday. You'll feel like a different person by the end of the day :-)

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Post by ~reneew » Tue Jan 24, 2017 1:54 am

You're right! Such a relief today was. Great success. I feel the need to track here where it can be read. I'm going to try To finish the month perfect vanilla.. Here goes...

23- :mrgreen:
24- :oops:
25- :mrgreen:
26- :oops:
27- :mrgreen:
28- :wink: but relatively tame s day
29- :wink: not too wild here either
30- :mrgreen: double good
31- :mrgreen: double good

Well... I've been warming up for February. I'm going to have a perfect month. I keep telling myself that it's the shortest month...
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Post by ~reneew » Thu Feb 02, 2017 12:11 am

February :
It's the shortest month of the year! Do it!
1- :mrgreen: double good day 3 in a row
2- :mrgreen: double good plus treadmill
3- :mrgreen: double good
4- :wink: Sday
5- :wink: Sday terrible overboard snacking for super bowl. Ug
6- :oops:
7- :oops:
8- :mrgreen: I have strep again... My to difficult to behave
9- :mrgreen:
10- :mrgreen:
11- :wink:
12- :wink:
13- :oops:
14- :oops: I would have done it if I hadn't gotten so many Valentines
15- :oops: I need to remind myself that I need to do nothing fancy, just vanilla
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Post by Amy3010 » Thu Feb 02, 2017 7:24 am

Double good - I love it! Well done!

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Post by Merry » Fri Feb 03, 2017 5:57 am

Great start to February!
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Post by ~reneew » Sat Mar 11, 2017 5:17 am

I kind of fizzled February so I decided to be smart about what I gave up for lent this year. NoS completely wouldn't probably be doable but I need to work toward that, so I gave up snacks (eating between meals). I've bee successful for 10 days. I haven't needed more than a couple desserts but seconds have been bad. I figure I'm gaining the no snack habit at least. Weekdays are good, it's just been the weekend last week that was bad and I was on a little weekend away, so I'm happy with my habit building so far...
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Post by ~reneew » Wed Mar 29, 2017 12:04 am

Knowing this was my plan, struggling with weekends and probably only having maybe 2 successful days a week, I thought I needed guaranteed faster results. Of course. Again. Panic mode set in. For 7 days straight I was convinced that eating one meal a day in the evening was the thing to do. The oldest person in the world eats that way and always has... Strong Olympians, army generals, etc. on and on blah blah. I was actually successful for 7 days straight. Not on single mess up. Perfect. I didn't even want seconds. Yes I said WANT. In those 7 days, I lost at least 8 pounds, my sanity, my reserves of willpower (depleted) and my faith in the plan. One 4 day stretch of binge rebound (I swore I wouldn't) and I'm up a pound from where I started.


Should I have known better? Yes.
Do I regret it? Probably not because it was bothering me to try it for a long time.
Will I do it again. Lord, I hope not!

So, once again, I'm back to sanity and noS. If I can find my willpower again, I have proven that I have more strength than this takes, that's for sure! Just do it!
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Post by ~reneew » Tue Apr 11, 2017 3:03 am

Still telling myself that other things will work, then I try them and fail. Why is it that I can go a week eating one meal a day when I know I will lose fast but I can't do even this.
Commit to the rest of the week perfect noS! As a matter of fact, I'm going to renew my membership in the 21 day club! Here goes...
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Post by ~reneew » Mon Apr 24, 2017 9:59 am

I e been keeping track of my weight and comparing things... When I eat one meal a day (dinner) I lose 2 pounds every day. From morning til morning. If I do 4 days in a row, I lose 8 pounds. So I feel empowered to lose weight fast by doing that, a guaranteed success. But looking back, I also lose 2 pounds by doing perfect noS. consecutive days aren't as successful but I know that I also start to heap it on. So, just stick with noS!
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Post by ~reneew » Sat May 06, 2017 4:21 pm

I'm managing about 3-4 successful days a week and am down 15 from my highest. Which is about 5 down this round. At lest it's going in the right direction. I'm not going to quit this time. This is the plan. The only one that works for me.
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Post by Merry » Sun May 07, 2017 3:58 am

~reneew wrote:I'm managing about 3-4 successful days a week and am down 15 from my highest. Which is about 5 down this round. At lest it's going in the right direction. I'm not going to quit this time. This is the plan. The only one that works for me.
Sounds like you're headed in the right direction!
Homeschool Mom and No S returnee as of 11-30-15.
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Post by ~reneew » Mon Jun 19, 2017 1:26 am

Well... Dang... I'm not doing so well... Trying to get my head on straight.

Vanilla is straight.

I'm reading the book... It's been 8 years I think
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Post by Merry » Mon Jun 19, 2017 4:21 am

~reneew wrote:Well... Dang... I'm not doing so well... Trying to get my head on straight.

Vanilla is straight.

I'm reading the book... It's been 8 years I think
Hope the book helps--was very helpful to me (I read and re-read it several times my first year).
Homeschool Mom and No S returnee as of 11-30-15.
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Post by ~reneew » Mon Jun 19, 2017 1:51 pm

Me to! Ha!

I've update (grudgingly) my first post on this thread to show my Rollercoaster trend that I am going to now begin anew. I'm 5 below my heaviest. Pitiful. Here I go...

Day 1 of the rest of my life...

I did great today! Of course I suddenly wanted everything in sight. Even things I'd never want...

My fridge just stopped working... A $2,000, 5 year old fridge... Is this a sign? Haha
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Post by Merry » Tue Jun 20, 2017 3:40 am

~reneew wrote: My fridge just stopped working... A $2,000, 5 year old fridge... Is this a sign? Haha
Oh no! Hope you can get it fixed!!
Homeschool Mom and No S returnee as of 11-30-15.
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Post by ~reneew » Tue Jun 20, 2017 1:28 pm

Me too! Thanks :D
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Post by ~reneew » Thu Jun 22, 2017 11:31 pm

You have lost about 40 pounds on noS... Just do that again!!
Think of where you would have been if you'd kept going!!

Here goes week one of my final return...

6/19- :mrgreen: total success. Perfect! I was even on the treadmill for 30 minutes to make sure. Of course it was very difficult for me. I could have eaten a shoe. I seriously just wanted to shove stuff in... Thus is the extent of my food addiction. But I'm reading the book and concentrating on strict! This time no amendments to vanilla, no banking, no make-up cover ups for fails. I simply won't allow myself to have one! It's a slippery slope and I have to earn my grippy shoes first. I'm definitely wearing slippers.

6/20- :mrgreen: perfect great day. No exercise, maybe I'll try for 3 a week. I just want to focus on one thing. Strict. No exceptions, no bending the rules this time.

6/21- :mrgreen: Wednesday today. And prefect again!! I was even treading for 30. It's still hard, I want to eat everything I see, even things I wouldn't normally want. Strict s the only thing getting me through. I'm focusing on his as a lifestyle not something I have to endure to lose weight. This time it's forever. It has to be. I'm 50. I've spent the last 19 years overweight. I'm finished with that part of my life. I managed to lose weight after my first 2 kids... My youngest are 19 and almost 16. I think it's time! I finished the book today. I highlighted all over the place. I'll start rereading the highlighted part tomorrow.

6/22- :mrgreen: great success. The strict thought is helping. Every night after dinner I am sooooooo tempted to snitch as I clean up after dinner but I tell myself that I can't. Not even one tiny bite. That starts the slippery slope for me. I can't even look back at the slope right now. I need to strongly forge ahead with total strictness. Oh and I was on my treadmill again. Same strictness there too. I need to build the musclle of habit.

6/23- :mrgreen: Friday was even a success! It's the one worry I have with blowing my plan: pizza night. I as a complete success!! I had a normal plate and I didn't overlap, but I did squeeze it on and chose thick pizza to make sure I felt satisfied while complying to th strictness. That was my only goal. Strict success to form habit. And I did it!

So today is Saturday and I woke up and wanted to eat all of the leftover pizza but I had 2 cups of tea instead. Then around 11:00 I caved and ate 2 pieces of pizza. No plate, just unrestricted hand to mouth. But I managed to stop, call it lunch, and get on with my day. I have dinner plans and if I am able to succeed, today will be great :)
Last edited by ~reneew on Sat Jun 24, 2017 4:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Skycat » Fri Jun 23, 2017 5:12 am

Great job so far. Hopefully your brain will start to settle into it's new routine. I see a lot of my own difficulties in what you've written, with the just wanting to eat everything, particularly.
I think it must have been from the book )although I've loaned my copy out so I can't check) that my real turning point came. It was about recognising that it's OK to be hungry, and it's OK to desire food. But we can acknowledge the hunger and desire for what they are, without feeding them. Congrats on the good streak... :D
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Post by ~reneew » Fri Jun 23, 2017 10:04 pm

Thank you skycat! It sure is a struggle to get going again. I remember when I was down 40 on noS thinking that it was odd to have a bad day. It seemed easy. I was in the habit. Sooo easy to fall ff the Avon when you're not vigilant.

I wrote this in reply to someone else and thought I'd remind myself...

I think hunger is good! Embrace it! Your body will adjust to the eating times and amounts soon enough. Also, if you don't let your body get hungry before meals, it has trouble telling you when you've had enough because it thinks you had enough in the first place!
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Post by ~reneew » Tue Jun 27, 2017 12:00 am

I think I'm just gong to go for the 21 day club again. It's a good way to jumpstart the habit, I certainly need to renew my expired membership, and I have 8 days good days done already... So why not!

21 days:
19- :mrgreen:
20- :mrgreen:
21- :mrgreen:
22- :mrgreen:
23- :mrgreen:
24- :wink:
25- :wink:
26- :mrgreen:
27- :mrgreen:
28- :mrgreen:
29- :mrgreen:
30- :wink: holiday party with friends
1- :wink:
2- :wink:
3- :oops: oh nooo... I blew it! Too far off track this 4th of July weekend
4- :mrgreen:
5- :oops: Ug
6- :mrgreen: I'm on rocky ground.
7- Going camping for a week... Going to keep trying...

We celebrated the 4th, company, then long vacation... And we got back yesterday so I was again feeling quite mad about my choices and once again panic set in, so I was planning on fasting today, Or counting calories, or eating just fruits and veggies... That was the panic plan. Why do I do that??? En my son said "so... Ya getting back to noS mom?"

Ahhhh wise words. Reality check.

"Why yes I am!!!"
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Post by ~reneew » Mon Jul 17, 2017 9:12 pm

Back on track and trying for 21...

17- :mrgreen:
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Post by splandrea » Tue Jul 18, 2017 3:05 am

07/01/17: 258
Current: 238
Aiming for 180. We shall see...

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Post by ~reneew » Tue Aug 29, 2017 12:10 pm

Yet again, was way off track and panic hit... I'm gaining composure and sensibility. Back to noS. tracking on an app.
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Post by ~reneew » Tue Sep 05, 2017 2:50 am

It's a sick cycle I'm on. Blow it, don't care, binge for days, stop and reality hits, panic, plan a severe plan like counting calories or eating one meal a day, fail over and over, then common sense kicks in and I realize that noS is sane and doable and if I can't actually do this, there's no way I can eat only once! So here I am again. School has started and I quit my job so I have no excuse...
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Post by ironchef » Tue Sep 05, 2017 4:22 am

Excuses will always be there for you - they are always there for me. But you get to decide whether to fall back on those excuses or just march on through. Give yourself a simple internal statement like "I'm going to stick with vanilla" or something like that and be your own broken record. Then you can answer yourself when your excuses arise:

I'm so busy at work and my schedule is so chaotic - it's hard, and I'm going to stick with vanilla.

I'm so bored at home and I'm always near the fridge - that's true, and I'm going to stick with vanilla.

My husband can eat whatever and whenever he wants and always stays slim - yup, doesn't seem fair, and I'm going to stick with vanilla.

I've already blown it by eating that extra toast - yes, this is a red day, and I'm going to stick with vanilla.

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Post by ~reneew » Sun Sep 10, 2017 3:39 pm

Awwww. Thank you so much! It's true. I need much more positive self talk and doing that has helps in the past. Repeating my mantra. I'll start that again.

I, once again, caught myself in the panic lane of my revolving cycle... The one I've been repeating for 20 years... And was once again going to either count calories (800 mind you) or eat once a day. I panic and feel like I need a kick in the butt for a jump start. Underneath I know I have a compulsive eating disorder. Food controls me and I feel completely out of control with my entire life and the frustration affects everything. So last night I went to bed nauseated from over eating (again) and wake up around 4:00 feeling panic again and I started searching online and came across this message that seemed to really hit me.

"End restrictive diets . “Overeating and restrictive eating are often two sides of the same coin,†May says. “Deprivation can be a trigger for overeating just like stress, anger, or anxiety.â€"

One of the things that trips me up is that even when I do noS perfectly all week, I then binge all weekend undoing any progress that I did during the week. That's what is so frustrating to me. I think I need continuity. I'm going to do no snacks/sweets/seconds except for social events. NoS feels normal to me, it removes the panic, it removes the spaghetti thoughts of disorganized crazy thinking that comes with the struggle to overcome the temptation and just eat normally.

I'm going to repeat this mantra...

I am thin, beautiful, and I'm going to stick with noS.
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Post by gingerpie » Sun Sep 10, 2017 3:53 pm

Good luck to you this week. Don't you hate that very unpleasant 4:00 wake-up call from you stomach? Weirdly, I didn't even realize it was happening until I was able to get a week or two of no-evening snacks under my belt. (no pun intended :wink: )

Slow and steady does indeed win this race. I'm glad that you realized the 800 calorie diet wasn't going to do you any good and only lead to more trouble. Oh, how easy it is for us to be wooed by false promises.

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Post by ~reneew » Mon Sep 11, 2017 12:39 am

Thanks! Sometimes I think I'm typing to no one.

I was just looking at my noS history (on page 1 on this thread) which is quite bleak considering I'm higher now than when I started... but it reminds me that 5 years ago I had lost roughly 42 pounds (taking into account my terrible scale issues) and I know I can do this again! Just remember to be the hare, not the rabbit! :roll:
Right now I'm 12 down from my highest weight and I am recording on a great app that I have on my phone...
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Post by ironchef » Mon Sep 11, 2017 1:13 am

You remind me of one of my favorite L M Montgomery quotes: "Don't let a three-o'clock-at-night feeling fog your soul". But unfortunately there is a 3am every night!
Good thoughts for a green week!

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Post by ~reneew » Tue Sep 12, 2017 2:07 am

Solid 2 great days. :shock:

Another good quote I just read here...

Put "maintenance and sanity" first, and you get weight loss as a bonus. Put weight loss first, and long term, you get neither.

that so is what I need to concentrate on right now!
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Post by oolala53 » Tue Sep 12, 2017 3:15 am

I was just browsing and couldn't believe I hadn't been following you. Did you join the "Team 2017?"

How about, I am beautiful and I'm going to stick with No S?

After all the time you've put in, I think you've earned your S day mod. Mine is pretty much the same, though I've said it as I can eat S's in company. (I"m single and don't eat with others very often. If that changes after I retire, I may have to amend it.) I used to be limit it to just sweets, but found I was permasnacking too much, and "joylessly," as Reinhard wrote in one of his mods. I'm easing into it by allowing non-manufactured snacks for now. But I think yours will serve you better.

May I ask, what if you do No S perfectly and you don't lose the weight you think you will? Would the lifestyle not be worth it then?

Gillian Riley, who started out teaching people to stop smoking and now specializes in reducing compulsive eating says if you want to learn how to stop eating compulsively, you have to stop asking how to lose weight, especially for vanity's sake. It is NOT an effective long-term motivator.

If you have a health condition that demands it, and you're not doing it, it's another kind of problem.

One of my main motivators was that I saw that I had been fighting this for 38 years, and it was getting worse, so at age 56, I said to myself I CANNOT live like this for my last decades. I had said I cannot live like this before so many times, but this time, the glaring truth that it really wasn't going to go away on its own and I could continue to suffer FOR DECADES made me see that nothing I had to bear doing No S could be as bad as that. Overeating was much more unpleasant that waiting out urges.

But that didn't make it suddenly easy. I had to say to myself many times, "THIS is the moment I have to say no or this habit is going to continue to rule me." I stopped feeling like it had to be easy, though it is hardly torture. It's livable! But I realized I had to be willing to bear with some very uncomfortable feelings and urges at times. And possibly for a longer time than I wanted to. But what choice did I have?

And I've had semi-relapses. But it's been the backbone for 7.75 years. And a 20+% loss maintained for over 5 years.

So, try thinking not this is how I"m going to lose weight, but this is how I"m going to beat compulsive overeating.

I cautiously recommend you read Health at Every Size, though I think she has a bias for completely unrestricted eating, which is NOT the way slim cultures eat. Perhaps it can help you assuage the panic while you work on the habit.

And if I'm repeating myself after saying something similar on your thread before, I apologize!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by ~reneew » Tue Sep 12, 2017 5:59 pm

Thank you! I didn't join team 2017. Im spineless right now. I think I remember commenting on it, but I cant find it now (probably right under my nose)
School has started and I have quit my teaching job in favor of getting my life back. The pay wasn't worth it and I need to get in shape. What I am discovering is that I need to get in shape mentally first. Time for a new beginning! I'm not settling with this weight as I turned 50 this year and like you, I don't want to spend the rest of my life stiff, hurting, hating my body image, and fat. I have been in the binge-panic-extreme diet-half heartedly trying for so long that I realize I need sanity first. I need to know normal. I started a few weeks ago and did well but so many things came up that messed me up that I'm now on day 3 of my final try. I'm in this for the long haul. Of course I always say that but this time it's true. :wink: one thing I worried about yesterday was that 2/3 of the way through my lunch plate, I felt full and didn't feel like finishing it. After a very brief debate with myself I decided to finish it so I wouldn't get hungry and fail later. Dinner was the same. Then today at lunch I REALLY didn't feel like finishing it, so I gave 1/3 of my plate to my dog. She loved it. I didn't miss it at all. Yet. We shall see. I have often struggled between following hunger/fullness and noS, maybe this can be my happy place Inbetween.
Last edited by ~reneew on Mon Oct 09, 2017 2:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by gingerpie » Tue Sep 12, 2017 6:34 pm

I have often struggled between following hunger/fullness and noS, maybe this can be my happy place Inbetween.
If it helps at all . . . I eat significantly less now than when I started. I think I was just overeating a lot!!! Sometimes, I'm actually disappointed in how quickly I feel full/satisfied now. I'd like to continue eating just for the joy of it but I always end up feeling half sick when I do. So, I'm slowly learning to give up that particular "joy" in my life. Have to admit it isn't easy though. Sometimes, I feel downright sad as though I'm grieving the loss of my old habits. So, what I'm trying to say is that I'm not sure some of the concepts of intuitive eating and no-s are completely incompatible and that you can follow both. I firmly believe in the structure of no-s because if I could eat intuitively, I wouldn't be in this predicament to begin with. But part of what I'm learning is that I really can trust my body to know how much I need to eat at any one of those 3 meals.

Glad your doing well

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Post by ~reneew » Thu Sep 14, 2017 1:32 am

Haha joy of it... And mourning the loss... That's so right and I totally get it!
Today I was more tempted, (held firm) and I started thinking about habit and just cold turkey giving up snacking. And the feeling of it. To get to the point where it's not even debatable is my goal. Like going to church every week. We just do. Period. My kids never questioned it. Ever. We just did. Friends of mine let it be debatable. We didn't. I want that with snacking.

I just don't. Period.
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Post by ~reneew » Mon Oct 09, 2017 2:45 pm

Still more struggling with my cycle of failure-panic-extreme plan-fail-attempt a sane plan...

My current plan continues: 2 dishes of food (brunch and dinner) 7 days a week. Period. Nothing else. A simple sweet is ok since I'm not really a sweet lover but it has to be on my plate. It's sane. It eliminates my binging weekends.

I have been walking half an hour 4 days a week for a couple months. That's good. No weight loss from that of course because food is my issue.

I sometimes wonder if I should add another plate for s days but I know how I tend to blow that up. 2 is plenty for controlling hunger.

If only I could get through a weekend or two... I do fine during the week and blow it every weekend, then feel like a failure so it's hard to get going again on a Monday. Ug!

Well, THIS week is going to be a good one :wink:
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Post by Gracie » Mon Oct 09, 2017 6:12 pm

You've got this, Renee! Having a positive attitude is such a big part of the battle. I'll be cheering you on from this side of the interwebz. ;)

Keep us posted!


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Post by gingerpie » Mon Oct 09, 2017 6:18 pm

2 dishes of food (brunch and dinner) 7 days a week. Period. Nothing else.
Hi reneew, do you mean two dishes total for the day or two dishes per meal for a total of 4 dishes per day? Sorry if I'm being dense. I have a few thoughts about it either way but I'm not sure what exactly you mean . :wink:

Congratulations on the walking habit. I think walking brings huge benefits even if no weight loss.

I don't know why exactly (sometimes communicating via the internet can be tricky as it doesn't give the best feedback) but I have the feeling that you're still being really hard on yourself. Almost punishing really. If I'm wrong please feel free to disregard anything I have to say but if I'm right, I really encourage to to embrace the "mark it and move on mentality". I know Reinhard has a podcast (or two) about the topic and it has proven to be one of the most valuable concepts for me. It allows me to to make a mistake and acknowledge it but not get bogged down in it. So despite many, many "failure" I never leave No-s. It's just that some days I follow it more rigorously than others. Best of luck to you this week. I hope it's a stellar one.

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Post by oolala53 » Tue Oct 10, 2017 2:25 am

Wouldn't it be better to add a plate on the weekend than to try to force yourself to stick to two and then "blow it" ? Hunger is not the only reason to eat every time.

Or practice failing and NOT feeling like a failure. Research shows that people who told themselves, oh everyone makes mistakes, I'll get better at this, etc. tended to eat less later.

At the same time, I affirm for you that you have S days you can feel good about soon. The best way not to feel regret is to hold out when the urges make eating seem like the most logical thing in the world.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by ~reneew » Thu Oct 12, 2017 3:38 am

Hm. Maybe I should do the 3 dishes (plates) on the weekend. I'd have a much better chance at success.

In answer to my plan, I have 2 plates of food a day. Brunch and dinner. I can't stand eating breakfast, I never really have and if I eat 3 plates a day, I gain weight fast. I don't know if it's because I have hypothyroidism or eat big rich foods or both or a combination, but I know this to be true.

I'll try the 3 on the weekend. Thanks!
Last edited by ~reneew on Fri Oct 13, 2017 4:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by oolala53 » Thu Oct 12, 2017 4:22 am

Brunch and dinner makes sense to me for a lot of people. I might be one of them after I retire.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by ~reneew » Fri Oct 13, 2017 4:39 pm

so in reality, the 3rd plate on Sdays is kind of my S and a controlled Sday really...
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Post by oolala53 » Sat Oct 14, 2017 2:07 am

Sounds reasonable.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
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1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by gingerpie » Sat Oct 14, 2017 11:59 am

Still more struggling with my cycle of failure-panic-extreme plan-fail-attempt a sane plan
Are you still struggling? I'm wondering what exactly you mean by "failure". Could it be reframed as a slip as opposed to a fall? Also, even if you do "fall" why panic? What exactly are you panicking about? And lastly, if you "fail" at no-s (which by the way, I don't believe anybody can "fail". The worst that can happen is that one decides that no-s isn't meeting their current needs but that's way different than failure) How is it then logical that an even stricter way of eating is the only course of action?

I just offer this as food for thought. If none of it speaks to you, feel free to disregard my rambling thoughts.


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Post by oolala53 » Wed Oct 18, 2017 3:45 am

Checking in after the weekend.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by ~reneew » Fri Sep 21, 2018 2:40 pm

I just wanted to update everyone with whom I used to chat with on a daily basis. In March I injured my foot and was wearing a boot (should have been a cast because we found out later it was fractured) and in April I was on my hands and knees praying for God to help me once and for all to lose weight. I can’t do it on my own! I asked and even said to teach me, even if it hurts!
2 days later I had a pulmonary embolism from several blood clots that travelled from my leg (entire leg was a clot) through my heart and lodged in my lungs. I’m lucky to b here as we discovered, I’ve had one 3 years ago, and I have a rare blood clotting disorder. I lost 20 or so pounds just being sick, following noS sort of, and when I started to gain it back, I panicked and prayed again and the next day my daughter (a physician assistant) called and gave me the weight speech she has never dared say, and strongly suggest I start weight watchers as it’s the most successful plan ever. So the next day I did. I’m happy to say I started at 245, and am now 195, and my goal is 155. I believe NoS is common sense and I just wish I could do it but after 10 years, and only gaining (see my first page here with my roller coaster history), I realize it’s not working. I know weight watchers is teaching me to eat healthy in a way which noS couldn’t. One plate of pizza like I used to have is about 4 days worth of points on weight watchers. No wonder I struggled!! It’s coming off so easily now! Not much effort at all. The app makes it so so easy to track (no lik before) and their new plan has so many zero points foods, like chicken, fish, eggs, corn, fruits and veggies.

So I guess I’m here to say farewell my friends! Join me at weight watchers if you will... I’m -reneew on there. Thanks for all of the needed loving and caring. I wish you all well!
Last edited by ~reneew on Thu Dec 02, 2021 12:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ladybird30 » Sat Sep 22, 2018 3:45 am

All the best reneew, and may you have long term success with weight watchers.
Three meals a day - not too little not too much, but just right

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Post by automatedeating » Sat Sep 22, 2018 3:50 am

Reneew! So scary about your embolism but very glad it resulted in some great determination, and some great results, and some confidence in your body and your journey! All the best, and don't feel like you can't still pop on here to update us! We all have different paths!
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
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Re: ~ Reviving Renee ~

Post by ~reneew » Thu Dec 02, 2021 12:26 am

So… doing Weight Watchers, I got down to 75 pounds total. Then, I started to get really seriously sick of the diet foods I had learned to eat. I was about ready to gag if I had to eat another egg or chicken breast. Slowly over the next year and a half have gained all of the WEIGHT WATCHER weight back.

So, now I’m back and going to do this, the sensible, normal, vanilla noS plan. Forever. :D
I guess this doesn't work unless you actually do it.
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Re: ~ Reviving Renee ~

Post by ladybird30 » Thu Dec 02, 2021 3:59 am

Welcome back Renee. Not surprised you couldn't face another chicken breast - I gave them up for the pleasures of whole chickens a long time ago. If I had to eat diet foods to lose weight, I would still be rather heavier than I am. Good thing I can slowly lose weight eating the foods I enjoy as long as I stick to the NoS rules plus doing my best to be hungry when I eat, and not overeating at meal times. Its the overages that do the damage IMHO.

All the best.
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Re: ~ Reviving Renee ~

Post by Amy3010 » Thu Dec 02, 2021 8:12 am

Hi Renee, I remember you and am wishing you success on your journey - I totally understand getting sick of diet foods! Let's all just keep plugging along here :mrgreen:

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Re: ~ Reviving Renee ~

Post by ~reneew » Thu Oct 06, 2022 7:48 pm

I was here years and years ago. I lost ver 40 pounds, then started to cheat and not stick with it. I gained a lot. Then 4 years ago I had a pulmonary embolism and freaked enough to start weight watchers. I was a point tracking saint! I lost 75 pounds. Then covid, weekends, cheating, and life happened. I gained back 50. I kept telling myself that it was easy to do!M I jus need to get myself to do it again! But in reality, I gained it back because I hated eating like that. I was constantly eating! Counting points, feeling righteous. Well that doesn’t work for me. So, I need to do this full time forever! I’m going to stick with the vanilla NoS plan without wild weekends. I plan on paying attention to the “sometimes” clause of days that start with S. I’m a cheater, I need to make some rules for myself as I remember weekends were my downfall most of the time. So this is it:

No snacks, no sweets, no seconds, except SOMETIMES on Saturdays and Special days. :mrgreen:
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Re: ~ Reviving Renee ~

Post by ladybird30 » Thu Oct 06, 2022 11:58 pm

Great to hear from you again Renee. I hope that this time you can find a way of eating that you can live with permanently.
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Re: ~ Reviving Renee ~

Post by Amy3010 » Fri Oct 07, 2022 6:13 am

Hi Renee! Welcome back. Good luck with regaining some peace around your eating with No-S! You can do this!

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