automated eating tracker

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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worth it
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Post by worth it » Tue Aug 07, 2018 4:27 am


Just caught up and saw all of your recent success!! Way to go!!! You are so inspiring- especially on the dry days. 😉 I’ll be joining you next month!

In the meantime, I can only imagine the relief you must be feeling with your numbers doing so well, especially around your pre-diabetes. My mom is diabetic and it is no joke.

Anyway, I’m sending a bunch of virtual hoots and cheers and hugs and i’m looking forward to hearing more of your continued successes! ðŸ˜

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Post by eschano » Tue Aug 07, 2018 7:07 am

So much here I have to catch up with properly later but we’ll done on the no-alcohol!
eschano - Vanilla rocks!

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Post by automatedeating » Tue Aug 07, 2018 1:46 pm

Oh Gosh, last night was hard again to resist having wine. I guess I had a bit of honeymoon period those first few days, and now it has gotten tougher. But I did fine, just wasn't expecting to still have those urges.

Tuesday, August 8th
Blood Pressure: 106/78 (sheesh that is kind of an amazing turn-around!)
Fasting Blood Glucose: 85
Weight: 136.2/BMI 24.9

B: coffee w/milk, eggs & avocado & cheese & fried zucchini
L: skip
D: grilled burgers w/friends tonight, lots of veggies w/dip, tons of great toppings -- bacon, avocado, tomato, onions, lettuce, pickles. Everyone else will be having alcohol and snacking. Dessert will be available. Mental preparation in process!
Last edited by automatedeating on Wed Aug 08, 2018 1:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by eschano » Tue Aug 07, 2018 6:12 pm

Well done again! It might be like I found NoS - even after a couple of years I’d suddenly have a week full of cravings then had easy weekend again?
eschano - Vanilla rocks!

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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Aug 08, 2018 5:23 am

Wow look at those numbers. How’d the night go? Social situations are the hardest for me. I drink partly because of social anxieties I think.
:twisted: SW: 210 lbs
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Imogen Morley
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Post by Imogen Morley » Wed Aug 08, 2018 6:23 am

Congratulations on your dry days! Also, regarding your weekend challenges, I know that if I taste something sweet before lunch, the whole day is a goner. Perhaps delaying consumption would bring you some peace of mind?

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Post by automatedeating » Wed Aug 08, 2018 1:56 pm

Thanks everybody! You guys are forever encouraging. I really appreciate it.

Imogen - maybe you are on to something with me that I hadn't recognized before. I think that I might be like that too -- if I start the morning with a pastry, I end up eating fries and a milkshake with dinner, lol.

So, last night went fine! I was only mildly tempted by the alcohol -- the other nights without guests were actually tougher! :shock: But, I should add, it went fine because I had mentally prepared prepared prepared for massive temptation. And I knew you all had my back! :-)

Wednesday, August 8th
Weight: 136.0/BMI 24.9
Fasting Blood Glucose: 88
Morning Blood Pressure: 121/77

We are going to a water park/theme park today. Leaving now (early) and getting home about 10pm. So a LONG day! And of course theme parks are notorious for having crap to eat. So what to do? I don't have a solution at this point. If I was a faster, I'd just try that. So I'll see how long I can go, but seriously, I want to have fun today and not worry too much about avoiding food! But it's not really in the "S" Day category, so I think I'll just try to make reasonable choices under the circumstances. We'll see!
Note: I LOVE doing stuff like this with my kids at their ages (12 and 9). I'm not freaked about losing them (as much, haha), and the older one is a very strong swimmer. The younger one, not so much, but mostly he's on slides. He can't go in the wave pool without me (at least that's our rule). We all have so much fun, and my boys have the stamina of a marathon runner! We are usually the last to leave these places when they close.
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Post by eschano » Wed Aug 08, 2018 3:26 pm

Sounds like such a fun day and I would definitely consider making it an S day.
We went to Legoland about a month ago and brought a big picnic basket with food with us so it wasn’t a problem for us then. Mainly because on the internet Legoland UK is notorious for having bad food that is served too slowly 😂
eschano - Vanilla rocks!

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Post by automatedeating » Thu Aug 09, 2018 2:37 pm

Oh, MAN! I failed but it was SO close to what could have been a revolutionary win!!!
So, yesterday, I had an egg sandwich for breakfast, which was more bready than I'm currently eating, but I felt like it was a decent start to the long day. Then -- about 1:30 my husband and I shared a plate of Nachos with cheese, beef, sour cream, salsa, guacamole, olives -- it actually was decent and about the best we could hope for at the park. Then..... (drum roll) we left at about 8:30pm and had already decided to go through a drive-thru on the way home. I felt strange...hungry? but not hungry? I craved fries and a milkshake and so to beat the craving I ordered a HUGE burger, thinking I had outsmarted my cravings! Alas, as soon as I bit into the burger, I realized I wasn't hungry, I didn't need it. But I just kept eating it. I should have just skipped dinner!! But even though I've done that a few times at home (rarely, very rarely), in that setting (a fun outing with family), I've habituated to overeating every time! So, a FAIL. However, what stings the most is how close I was to making a GREAT decision. And I missed the chance to really knock it out of the park (theme park, haha). Oh well. Mark it and move on.

BTW, we had a great time together as a family yesterday. Love my boys. And I love my husband, who is a great dad. My dad never came to stuff like that with me as a kid. My poor mom, what a trooper, she carried right along and made sure we did fun stuff. So I appreciate seeing my husband "play" with the kids, and be there to help out when each kid wants to go a different direction, lol. And I'm totally stiff and sore and bruised and thoroughly pleased with the day, food notwithstanding.

Thursday, August 9th
Weight/BMI 25.1
Morning Blood Pressure: 112/72 (lovely!)
Fasting Blood Glucose: 95

B: coffee w/milk
L: skip
D: chicken fettuccine alfredo

note -- I seem to do much better if I plan my meals for the day as soon as I wake up. However, today has some quirks so I'm hoping I can make better choices than last night, despite not having adequate plans....
What is that saying, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail?"
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Post by eschano » Fri Aug 10, 2018 10:55 am

Auto what are you doing food wise now? Not NoS? Seems like everyone has moved on.
eschano - Vanilla rocks!

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Post by automatedeating » Fri Aug 10, 2018 3:29 pm

Hi eschano!

I haven't moved on from NoS, although I'm not able to get away with just Vanilla anymore. I rarely rarely ever skip a meal, haha. (Well, unless you count breakfast when for all 5 years on NoS I have often just had milky coffee in the morning.) I still take weekends as S Days, but I'm restricting the fun to afternoons and even then choosing my treats with care. I know I need to establish something I can stick with for the rest of my life, and I can't deny I freak myself out sometimes wondering if I will not be able to keep to my lifestyle changes.

My issues are that I now have officially developed prediabetes, pre-hypertension, and mild chronic kidney disease, so I am finally motivated to adjust what's on the plate. Unlike so many of my friends on these boards, I resisted and really dug in my heels for years to begin eating healthier food. My years of fast food have caught up with me. The only nice part is that medical problems do provide motivation to change, lol. And note -- I feel fine -- these are all health problems that tend to lead to bad outcomes, but don't feel bad for many years. So, I'm determined to turn things around. I've been chipping away at my eating habits for about 9 months now with reasonable success.

Friday, August 10th
136.5/BMI 25.0
Fasting Blood Glucose: 101
Morning Blood Pressure: 123/75

This morning I went in for an A1C test and a fasting insulin test. My nephrologist was very nice, but he really could not understand why I wanted the fasting insulin test. When I said I'm concerned I have hyperinsulinemia, he said "that's impossible" because then my glucose wouldn't be elevated. Grrr. I guess docs are not all on the same page about insulin resistance yet. But I know it just takes time for them to catch up. Remember 10 years ago when NO ONE routinely was tested for Vitamin D? And now every physical does it? Or even fasting glucose -- before that was routine? Well, fasting insulin will be the norm in another 10 years, I predict. For now, I'll continue to be a high maintenance patient and ask for it. I had to ask for the A1C test, too, but the doc was totally cool with that one.

And I was prescribed a thiazide for my hypercalciuria. Thiazides!! They INCREASE the risk of type 2 diabetes, especially in someone susceptible like me. So I will not be taking that med. So everybody here on the board keep your fingers crossed that my (moderate) low-carb diet will help reduce my hypercalciuria. I am optimistic. In 3 months I have two more 24 hour urinalysis so we'll find out. I'm not saying I would never take the drug, but I want to try dietary interventions first.

Sometimes I think I really need to go back to school and study some more. I have a Master's in Physiology and I love my teaching job, but I (apparently?) am really craving more intellectual challenges, to the point that I am over-analyzing and dissecting my own (minor) health problems. For those of you that have read this far, I feel like I need to put out a disclaimer that I am not actually stressed about my health. I enjoy tackling the puzzle. I would have really enjoyed a career as a doc that is brought in when the case is confounding. :D

B: coffee w/milk
L: steak salad
D: grilled salmon w/veggies
Last edited by automatedeating on Sat Aug 11, 2018 12:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by eschano » Fri Aug 10, 2018 4:53 pm

Thanks auto for explaining. I’m sorry to hear about your health issues. They seem to have caught them all early so fingers crossed.
eschano - Vanilla rocks!

July 2012- January 2016
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worth it
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Post by worth it » Fri Aug 10, 2018 9:18 pm

Hi auto,

So I just looked up hypercalciuria. Dang it... sorry to hear about this one too, although it seems somewhat related to your kidney issues. Anyway, I find it awesome that you are not discouraged and continue to try and find another way through (other than a prescription) first.

I also understand about wanting to “tackle the puzzleâ€. Since I’m an HR person, I tend to notice people’s competencies/strengths and I’ve definitely seen your ability to tackle problems come through your posts repeatedly (its awesome)!

Finally, the water park sounded like a blast. I’m the one who does that with my son (my husband doesn’t typically go). It’s a good reminder that I’ll need to do it soon because summer is running out fast!!

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Post by automatedeating » Sat Aug 11, 2018 1:54 pm

Saturday, August 11th
I didn't even realize it was an S Day until I read Octavia's post! Haha!

Weight: 136/BMI 24.9
Morning Blood Pressure: 118/73 (!!!!!!!!!! note to others -- if you have hypertension, give low carb a try! Holy cow, it's like magic with my blood pressure!!!!! My previous readings were consistently 140/90.)
(out of Glucose strips so can't do FBG this morning)

It's Saturday, and this "automated eater" will be having her Sat night ice cream. :-)

So it's the end of the day and I'm not sure how I feel about today. I think GOOD. But, also not sure of my boundaries.

B: coffee w/milk, avocado on toast
L: nachos w/cheese, avocado and sour cream
D: chicken sausage w/ roasted zucchini, onions, garlic, and mozarella
snacks & desserts: couple handfuls of blueberries; 2 plums; 1 bowl of ice cream I savored the ice cream.....I ate just plain old vanilla and it's that premium vanilla from's divine. I never was one to just eat vanilla ice cream, but I gotta say -- I think it's a new pleasure for me! And also, I am consciously scooping out a moderate serving. For much of my life, eating ice cream meant shoving as much in my bowl or cup as I could. And many times I would feel icky afterwards. So I know I can enjoy it and feel good later if I watch the portion.
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Post by automatedeating » Mon Aug 13, 2018 1:18 am

Sunday S Day, August 12th

B: coffee w/milk
snacks: grazed on blueberries, 2 plums
L: piece of cheese & salami; cheese & bean quesadilla
D: cheese ravioli w/tomato & tuna fish
Dessert: vanilla ice cream & brownie

I am EXHAUSTED. I spent all of yesterday and all of today deep-cleaning my house. My sister-in-law and my brother are visiting for the first time ever. Their house is always immaculate. I know I shouldn't care too much, but I do like to have my house really clean, actually -- so this just provided me with ample motivation. :-) Just the garage left tomorrow, and I did that one not too terribly long ago so I'm hoping it's not too intensive. Note to self: dust blinds more often in future, lol.
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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Aug 13, 2018 3:04 am

The best part of having visitors or parties is we are suddenly motivated to do stuff around the house we’ve been putting off for months. Enjoy your visitors!
:twisted: SW: 210 lbs
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Imogen Morley
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Post by Imogen Morley » Mon Aug 13, 2018 8:30 am

How big is your house? My friend has to clean 22 windows every time her sister visits... just listening about it is exhausting.

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Post by automatedeating » Mon Aug 13, 2018 2:05 pm

LOL, Imogen!!!! My house only has 7 main windows, plus a few small ones in the closet (which I just counted after your response, haha!).

Monday, August 13th
Weight: 135.6/BMI 24.8 Can you believe that? My weight went DOWN after an S Day?! I should remember that I kept both days very N for normal with the exception of grazing on fruit a bit and having a very proper dessert each night.

Morning Blood Pressure: 114/75 (Who would have ever known I had a blood pressure problem, based on that reading? I can't believe it was this easy to lower, and nary a pill in sight.) Note to others -- consider reducing your carbs (especially sugar & flour, which is what I've done the most) to reduce blood pressure. Definitely worth a try before going to medication.

B: coffee w/milk
L: (will be) walnuts, brie cheese, and blueberries and/or 1/2 apple - I might try an egg with this but not sure if this would all go together. Can you tell I really want to eat the brie but I'm avoiding crackers? Plus, I don't even have any crackers today.
D: (will be) slow-cooked chicken thighs with broccoli salad

I've been loving the website It has a lot of recipes that are very basic and use simple ingredients, and pretty much always include different ways to prepare veggies. I feel like HomeChef (my meal subscription) was preparing me for this next step in my cooking life. I can do this!

Note 1: Imogen's suggestion that keeping my S Days "N"ish until noon is key for me. Indeed Sat & Sun I just waited for evening to have a (delicious, delectable, guilt-free) dessert and I've never been happier about my S Days!

Rant 1: I was reading a nutrition study comparing two diets. I looked through the meals provided for the participants and I ABOUT FELL OUT OF MY CHAIR. This was a NUTRITION dept, and they had (I am NOT kidding) crap served at the end of both lunch and dinner EVERY DAY for 2 weeks!!!!! m&ms, skittles, snickers, hershey kisses, etc. What a joke! I guess they think it's all about moderation, but in my mind, that is not moderation. They could do well to check out the NoS Diet. Grrr, what ridiculousness!!! point 1: really? Do they really think people need pure sugar at every meal? point 2: really? Do they really think people will stop at a small handful every time? Haven't they read ANY of the studies on the addictiveness of sugar? point 3: And really? Do they really think that those crappy treats they mentioned are worth it? They could have at least served up a quality dessert instead of gas station sugar bags. End Rant. :lol:
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Post by ladybird30 » Tue Aug 14, 2018 5:53 am

Congrats on your progress, especially the BP.
Three meals a day - not too little not too much, but just right

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Post by automatedeating » Tue Aug 14, 2018 1:16 pm

Thanks Ladybird! :-)

Tuesday, August 14th
Today is 2 weeks Dry - 6 to go

Weight: 135.3/BMI 24.7
Morning Blood Pressure: 116/69
-Out of glucose strips-

B: coffee w/ milk
L: (will be) not sure yet
D: (will be) burgers w/ lots of veggies
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Aug 15, 2018 2:32 am

You’re doing great! I’m a little jealous of your responsive body. Seems like the only way I’m going to lose another pound is to lose a limb. But enough of me, keep up the great work & thanks for always being so supportive!

:twisted: SW: 210 lbs
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worth it
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Post by worth it » Wed Aug 15, 2018 3:08 pm


You are doing amazing! So inspiring! Seems like you have really gotten into a groove and are becoming" automated" for sure.

Not to mention, I always enjoy your humor-infused posts!!! You crack me up!

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Post by clarinetgal » Wed Aug 15, 2018 5:14 pm

Hi, Auto! I’m glad things are going well for you with reducing your blood pressure, and everything! I can relate to you, on the house cleaning. I will be having a family gathering at my place on Sunday, to honor my sister and brother in law, who are visiting from Germany, so i’d like for my house to be decently clean. I noticed my goal weight is identical to yours. I think we are about the same height. I’m 5’1.
Take care!
Committing to a fresh start, with 3-4 plates and no snacking.

1/2018 Current BMI: 31.8
2/2018 BMI: 31.5
4/1/2018 BMI 31.5

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Post by automatedeating » Thu Aug 16, 2018 2:01 am

Linda -- OMG, please keep all of your limbs. :lol: But thanks for your encouraging.

Worth it -- I certainly want to be automated, but I tend to get on a kick and then fall off the wagon. But I do feel determined to stay on this wagon at the moment.

Clarinetgal -- I'm 5'2"! :-) So yes, very similar height and goal weight. Let's do this!

Yesterday I ended up with two fails: cheese in the afternoon and ice cream after dinner.

Wednesday, August 15th
My brother and his family arrived last night. Today we headed out to the San Juan Islands to show him around the Pacific NW a bit. :-)
B:coffee w/ milk followed by a latte
L: cobb salad -- left dressing on the side and didn't end up needing it
resisted donuts & ice cream that others were enjoying.
D: (will be) quesadilla with cheese, tomato, avocado, sour cream
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Post by Imogen Morley » Thu Aug 16, 2018 7:26 am

Somehow I've missed the fact that we're the same height, but that explains why I can relate to so many of your insights. Enjoy your guests!

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Post by automatedeating » Thu Aug 16, 2018 5:45 pm

Thursday, August 16th
B: coffee w/milk, bacon & eggs. Feels like a fail, because I wasn't actually hungry, but my husband made the meal for our guests and I would have felt weird to not eat. Strange.
L: glass of milk
D: After our guests left, it was date night -- split a burger & fries w/hubby + bacon & brussel sprouts. I also .... um..... had a glass of wine. That of course was later followed (at home) by two more. FAIL. Oh. And the wine lowered my brownie inhibition so I also ended up eating a brownie. FAIL.
Overall, not the proudest of habit days.
Back on the dry wagon today though.
Last edited by automatedeating on Fri Aug 17, 2018 4:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Aug 17, 2018 4:40 am

Oh sorry you felt the pressure to eat. Next time just say “I’m not a breakfast person†and drink your coffee. Nobody seems to question breakfast skippers too much.

Keeping my limbs for no! ;)
:twisted: SW: 210 lbs
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Post by automatedeating » Fri Aug 17, 2018 4:46 pm

"I'm not a breakfast person."

Yes, I can practice saying that!!

Friday, August 17th
Weight: 135.2/BMI 24.7
morning blood pressure: 118/86

B: coffee w/milk
L: yogurt, walnuts & brie cheese
D: Salmon with pistachio tapenade & roasted thyme tomatoes; green salad w/avocado

Visitors gone and a week of vacation left. I am going to tackle one last big project -- reorganize kids' rooms. I'll need my husband to help me take apart the bunk beds in one kid's room so that we can move one of the beds to the other kid's room (who has just been sleeping on a mattress on the floor for a couple of years!).
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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Aug 18, 2018 5:05 pm

Wow 135.2! Congrats!

Good idea to use your momentum and get the kids rooms done too!
:twisted: SW: 210 lbs
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Post by automatedeating » Sun Aug 19, 2018 2:03 am

The kids' rooms are done! 2 bags for goodwill, and 2 bags of garbage. :-)
Normally my kids are responsible for cleaning their rooms on Saturday morning, but I only inspect to make sure nothing is on the floor and the bed is made. I let their sloppiness go, telling myself it is their room and their space, after all. Haha I hope that is a decent philosophy. But they both wanted to move some furniture around, etc., so it was fun for all of us, actually. And oh don't you love a clean room? 8)

I spent a few hours this morning really combing through my old journal entries. It was interesting to see how low I'd gotten down to just using Vanilla NoS and daily walking -- 130. I didn't stay there long, though. Makes me wonder if 130 is a weight that will require constant vigilance to remain there. On the other hand, at that time I completely rebelled against ANY healthy food choices on the plate. I have finally embraced healthier eating, so perhaps 130 will be realistic. TexArk warns against focusing on a goal weight (in her May testimonial), but I've been complacent for 10 years with a heftier weight, even though deep down I've known that my weight is not OK, despite my friends telling me it's fine. I know where I will feel best, and I don't want to be complacent anymore.
TexArk also said that health issues sometimes motivate people sufficiently, and I like to think that's helping me.

I also sure enjoyed reporting on my various systems back then. I had a lot at one point! Currently, I still use my YNAB budgeting software (and love it). Maybe it's time to start recording some of my other systems again.

Saturday, August 18th - S Day

NoS Eating
S Day!
B: coffee w/milk
L: chicken caesar salad
D: hot dog & small piece of pizza

NoSloth -- this will be my daily morning dog walk + I am experimenting with biking to and from work from my kids' new school this fall. I think this will work out, but I'll need to work the kinks out. I just bought a new bike!!!! Got a rack put on for transporting my work bag. The bike is purple & lime colored. I adore it. :-)

NoSpending -- this will have to be a more flexible version of the VERY strict no spending M-Th that I used to do. Life is just too in-my-face with sudden needs to get things for kid field trips, classmates' birthday parties, sign-ups for sports, etc. I'm just going to begin by recording daily spending, then see if there is a pattern that can fit a NoS rhythm.

KidsWithLimitsAreHappier - this is a combo of a couple of my earlier systems. I still valiantly attempt to limit my kids' electronics, much to their disgruntlement. It is, hands-down, THE most difficult aspect of parenting. For about 6 months, our time limits have been -- 90 min/day on weekdays; 3 hrs/day on weekends & S Days (yes of course they know S Days are special -- NoS has been part of our lives for 5 years!!!). I used to read a great deal to my kiddos (and had a system called RaisingReaders) but both of them like to do their own reading now for the most part. I am still working through Harry Potter with my 9-yr-old - we are currently about 1/2 way through the Goblet of Fire. I'd like to finish it before Christmas (I know, I know, slow going -- I definitely don't read to them like I used to!). My older son is cute -- he likes to listen in even though it's his third time through. I do know that despite their push-back, moderation in electronics helps them find balance in life: I see better interactions between them, their friends, and their parents(!); I see more creative gameplay (e.g. working on card tricks or writing stories); and they go to sleep better when their electronics are limited. So, green days here will be standing firm on electronic limits, and reading to my 9-yr old, even if it's just for 5 or 10 minutes.
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
3/19-22.1; 10/19-21.8
6/20-22.5; 7/20-23.0; 9/20-23.6
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Post by automatedeating » Sun Aug 19, 2018 4:15 pm

Sunday, August 19th
S Day

Weight: 135.3/BMI 24.7
Fasting Blood Glucose: 88
Morning Blood Pressure: 117/78

B: coffee w/milk
L: pork loin, a chunk of corn on the cob, brussel sprouts
D: (will be) filet mignon, salad & maybe some french fries
Dessert: (will be) ice cream of course!

How much freedom do I need to maintain (for life) good eating habits? That is my ultimate question, because I truly see the need for occasional release from willpower. That is the key to long-term compliance, I'm convinced. I think it gets trickier for people that have a sugar addiction (I don't seem to). However, even a couple days of heavy eating cause me to gain weight. So 2 full days is too much! My goal moving forward is to keep S mornings normal. Imogen had suggested this, and I think it's a reasonable habit. If I REALLY want a donut or cinnamon roll I can have one after lunch, haha. But usually by then I don't crave one anymore.

Oh, also I am SUPER excited about a new cookbook I ordered. I found it through DietDoctor. It is called Dinner Plans: Easy Vintage Meals. It has a mix & match spiral pages so that each meal you pair:
A for Adequate Protein
B for Bright Veggies
C for Careful Carbs

I think it will be great for the kids too, to see how a basic meal should have these three components. I can even let them pick. Her website is
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
3/19-22.1; 10/19-21.8
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Imogen Morley
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Post by Imogen Morley » Mon Aug 20, 2018 9:37 am

I've been struggling with the same question: how much freedom can I enjoy before it becomes a slippery slope? One thing is sure: I'm not going to restrict myself in any way during Christmas and Easter. All else is negotiable.

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Post by automatedeating » Mon Aug 20, 2018 3:41 pm

Monday, August 20th

Weight: 135.5/BMI 24.8
fasting blood glucose: 87
morning blood pressure: 110/68 (wow!)
waist at belly button: 32 inches (I have lost an inch)
natural waist (narrowest point): 30 inches (I have lost an inch here too!)

B: coffee w/milk
L: leftover steak, tomatoes, mini-cucumbers, mini-peppers dipped in ranch; & raspberries. Let me just say that was a delicious and satisfying lunch!
D: baked cod, sauteed mushrooms, veggies & corn on the cob -- fried rice for kids

walked dog

Goal will be to only spend enough $$ to buy milk and yogurt today
I've been spending too much/frequently on Amazon, so I will start the "put it in the cart" until S Days system that helps me avoid overspending. I think I need to take back grocery shopping from my very kind husband. I appreciate that he goes to Costco for me, but he cannot resist over-buying there. And now that I'm no longer working insane hours, I would like to take on the shopping since it goes so well with my menu planning goals.

Read 1 chapter Harry Potter this morning already.
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
3/19-22.1; 10/19-21.8
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Post by automatedeating » Tue Aug 21, 2018 4:12 pm

Oh Gawd -- yesterday I overspent so much. $100 at Costco, a book on kindle. I was only supposed to get milk and yogurt, lol.

Tuesday, August 21
Weight: 134.3/BMI 24.6
*I can't decide whether my healthier food choices or the no alcohol has been the real key to my recent weight loss. I suspect the alcohol was holding me back a lot more than I wanted to admit.

B: egg, cheese, mushroom, pepper omelet; coffee w/milk
L: walnuts & yogurt & blueberries -- I ate it at the Froyo shop while the kids ate their desserts!!!!! Wow, that was a first.
D: braised chicken breast, peppers & dip, sauteed mushrooms -- I burnt the mushrooms a bit and underseasoned the chicken, but I still enjoyed the meal.
I was never very good at experiments in grad school -- I'd always get distracted forget to add something. Same problems with cooking. :oops: Oh, well!!! Mark it (the bad cooking) and move on!

still need to buy the yogurt I didn't get yesterday; plus have to buy a froyo for 9year old to celebrate his grammar book accomplishments this summer.

Biked dog

Read 1 chapter of Harry Potter while younger son ate his breakfast and practiced his card shuffling (he is getting good - he can do this thing called a "card spray flourish" now!)
Last edited by automatedeating on Wed Aug 22, 2018 2:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
3/19-22.1; 10/19-21.8
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Post by cedar » Tue Aug 21, 2018 4:46 pm

Your meals sound yummy Auto! What is kids with limits?

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Post by automatedeating » Tue Aug 21, 2018 4:48 pm

Cedar -- you have no idea how amazing it is that anyone on these forums would think my meals sound yummy!!!!!! I was kind of the poster child for eating like a teenager. :wink:
I have come a long way and can't wait to update my testimonial later this week (5 years!)

And here is the longer description of KidsWithLimits:

KidsWithLimitsAreHappier - this is a combo of a couple of my earlier systems. I still valiantly attempt to limit my kids' electronics, much to their disgruntlement. It is, hands-down, THE most difficult aspect of parenting. For about 6 months, our time limits have been -- 90 min/day on weekdays; 3 hrs/day on weekends & S Days (yes of course they know S Days are special -- NoS has been part of our lives for 5 years!!!). I used to read a great deal to my kiddos (and had a system called RaisingReaders) but both of them like to do their own reading now for the most part. I am still working through Harry Potter with my 9-yr-old - we are currently about 1/2 way through the Goblet of Fire. I'd like to finish it before Christmas (I know, I know, slow going -- I definitely don't read to them like I used to!). My older son is cute -- he likes to listen in even though it's his third time through. I do know that despite their push-back, moderation in electronics helps them find balance in life: I see better interactions between them, their friends, and their parents(!); I see more creative gameplay (e.g. working on card tricks or writing stories); and they go to sleep better when their electronics are limited. So, green days here will be standing firm on electronic limits, and reading to my 9-yr old, even if it's just for 5 or 10 minutes.
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
3/19-22.1; 10/19-21.8
6/20-22.5; 7/20-23.0; 9/20-23.6
4/21 - 25.2

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Post by automatedeating » Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:17 pm

Wednesday, August 22nd

Weight: 133.6/BMI 24.4
Fasting Blood Glucose: 77 (lowest recorded EVER since 2011, when I first started playing around with blood glucose)
Morning Blood Pressure: 116/75

B: 1 egg & cheese omelette with a couple slices of avocado, coffee w/milk
L: greens with cheese, avocado, tomato, walnuts & blueberries
D: I made too much food for myself!!! Salmon filet, sauteed mushrooms, mini-bell peppers & dip, mini-cucumber, a few pieces of squash. I wasn't able to eat the salad greens & tomatoes!

I will just do some pull-ups and chin-ups (or try, haha - although I can do one of each now); and I might ride my bike for a few minutes with the dog. It's just so SMOKY outside from the forest fires in Canada right now. There's been ash on my car every day this week.

Goal today is a true $0 spending.

Read Harry Potter to my son while he ate breakfast. We are approaching the first task -- the DRAGONS. :-)
Last edited by automatedeating on Thu Aug 23, 2018 1:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
3/19-22.1; 10/19-21.8
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Post by cedar » Wed Aug 22, 2018 5:33 pm

Looking forward to reading your testimonial!
I totally agree with you about the electronics with kids.. it's a constant challenge in our house too. I really like that.. great idea!

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Post by automatedeating » Thu Aug 23, 2018 2:07 pm

OK, yesterday I typed up a draft of my testimonial. I'm still kind of mulling it over before I post.

Thursday, August 23rd
Weight: 134.5/BMI 24.6
fasting blood glucose: 83
morning blood pressure: 126/75

NoSEating -- another N Day home alone while fam out of town!
B: coffee w/milk, egg, cheese & avocado. I think I have to finally admit that I can't just have coffee on an empty stomach. It tends to make me a bit queasy. I think it must increase my stomach acid. I could either try just one cup (I usually have 2), or just make sure to eat breakfast with it.
L: plain whole milk yogurt (I love Siggi's brand! Or Zoi), walnuts, and blueberries
D: (will be) again -- not sure what to eat when I'm alone like this. Last night I did great, so maybe I can bake salmon again. Will also include the rest of the squash, some greens & tomatoes. Lots of fruits & veggies to use up in fridge. Update: roasted salmon, mushrooms and some sort of squash from my FIL; leafy greens with avocado slices and blueberries

I've been trying to feed my dog more raw or people food. But I'm worried about his diet not being balanced, so I thought I'd keep track of his food too. LOL. I'm a little new to this way of feeding, so please don't be too harsh with me if you disagree with this. He almost died this summer of an autoimmune disease, and might still have to be put down, so I thought -- what the heck....why not try this? He certainly loves it. He does IF and skips lunch. :lol:

pill in pb
B: 1 egg, spoon of yogurt, can of tuna fish, beef marrow bone
D: (will be) last of the smoked salmon, leftover hamburger patty and some blueberries

will bike with dog again and do chin-up/pull-up when I go by the bar. I am NOT kidding I have gotten stronger! Just by playing around on that bar! I can do an actual chin-up now! And I can do a pull-up but my 12-year old says I'm cheating because I don't start with my legs dangling. Harumph. I'm making progress. And it's fun! When my kiddos get on that bar, they are truly just playing and wiggling around on it. And it makes me laugh! And then the dog gets involved and starts biting at our legs. And then daddy shows up and impresses us all with his giant muscles. I highly recommend everyone get a pull-up bar for at least one doorway in their house. :lol: :lol:

I have to go buy dishsoap today -- we are totally out. This means Costco for one item! Whaddya all think? Can I pull it off?!

Well, seeing as they are with their grandparents for another day, this momma has the house to herself and is only reading her books and doing her electronics, haha

I'm so relaxed these days, and just feeling really good about things. I have successfully NOT been thinking about work for close to a month. I start back next week and I feel refreshed, but I want to hang on to this calm, easy-going feeling. Sigh. My trigger for overeating and making poor food choices is stress. There's simply no doubt about it.

My strategy to combat this is to religiously make time to meal plan and carefully grocery shop every week. Also, getting to bed by 9pm so I wake up early enough to pack healthy lunches for the kids, and to thaw meat if needed, that sort of thing. So, above pretty much everything else, I need to prioritize planning and preparing for the foods in our lives. Feeding myself and my family is pretty much one of the most important things I can do to help all of us feel and function our best. I have to remember these things even when there are multiple demands on my energy each day.
Last edited by automatedeating on Fri Aug 24, 2018 1:32 am, edited 3 times in total.
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
3/19-22.1; 10/19-21.8
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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Aug 23, 2018 5:23 pm

Super jealous of your home alone situation. If I get out of Costco spending less than $100 I’m pretty happy but you are stronger than me so I think you’ll do it!

I agree meal planning and cooking are so important. I feel like if I’ve done nothing else as a parent I’ve been pretty good about providing 3 solids a day. I know I used to do a 4 week rotating menu and that worked really well. I kind of miss it actually but don’t think I’m ready to give up my addiction to Plated just yet.

I hope this year is more relaxing than the last with your work!
:twisted: SW: 210 lbs
CW: 172

worth it
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Post by worth it » Thu Aug 23, 2018 11:33 pm

Hi Auto,

Just reading your thread made me feel super chill... you do sound so relaxed.

I totally agree with you and Linda about the meal planning. For whatever reason, I just feel so much pressure sometimes to get that right. I think that having family sit-down dinners are more important for our connections than we realize. Or maybe we do realize it, and want to ensure it happens?

Either way, I also hope this year goes great! Seems like you'll be back to doing something you really enjoy anyway.

p.s. Good luck on the Costco trek. I can NEVER get outta there under $100!

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Post by automatedeating » Fri Aug 24, 2018 4:53 pm

Friday, August 24th

I posted my 5 year anniversary testimonial!!

Weight: 133.9/BMI 24.3
fasting blood glucose: 88
morning blood pressure: 117/75

NoSEating -- Friday is going to be my weekly meal-planning day, and then either Friday night or Saturday can be shopping day. Sounds pretty basic to all y'all, right? But for me this is not ingrained habit at this point. Also requires me to take back shopping chore from my "impulse-buying, sale-sucker" husband. :lol:
B: coffee w/milk
L: yogurt, blueberries & walnuts. This is becoming a delicious dietary default! And something I can easily modify for work. Along the dietary default lines, I am going to hardboil a dozen eggs this afternoon to have on hand for "late breakfasts" when school starts. I find that I am not hungry until 10 or 11, and at that point I'll already be at work. So I'll need some good protein & fat defaults to eat in my office before I start teaching. And stuff that will transport easily in my backpack on my bike!!! Have I mentioned how much I LOVE my new bike????!!!! I mean -- it's purple & lime-colored! What more could I ask for?
D: Date night! Family returns this afternoon. That means I'll make mac & cheese or frozen pizza for kids and hubby & I will eat out. Update: date night I had a burger and a salad. Delightful. I couldn't even finish it all.

Yesterday I successfully got in and out of Costco buying 2 items: Dish soap and bacon. $23. I didn't even get a cart to make sure I could only buy what I could carry. Haha
Today I will be going to the butcher shop to get meat for RawDog. And then date night, but hubby pays. Hehe

Short bike ride with RawDog. He gained so much weight on the pred he is like an old dog now.
Enjoyed a few loud shouting pull-ups. My entire abs cramp up (I think this is something to do with weird healing after C-sections) -- who would've known pull-ups use so much more than just your arms/upper back? No one is home so I've been dancing around the house and just in general having a great time.

Not so raw -- can of dog food for bf. But I reduced his pred from 1 pill to 3/4 pill for first time today. I'll be doing an alternating 1 pill / 3/4 pill for a week. This has been a very long taper of the drug. Those of you that know me will not be surprised that I found my own tapering regimen, and even have made some tweaks to that. Come to find out in the research, pred taper is more an art than a science. I know my dog, so I'll try to do my best to use his behavior as an indicator of how the tapering is going. If his autoimmune disease returns, we will very likely need to put him down, so a lot hinges on a proper taper -- but I suppose even a perfectly done taper (for him) doesn't mean his autoimmune meningitis won't return.

Kids? What kids? Oh, my kids that have been gone for 2 days! :lol:
My husband went with his parents and some of the kids' cousins to the county fair in grandparents' town.
My husband texted me: "take an educated guess".
I texted back to hubby, "grandpa left with cousins but our kids still on rides".
"Bingo," he texted back. "They have been on the zipper 20 times. Not hyperbole".
:lol: Love my boys! They take this world by storm!
Last edited by automatedeating on Sat Aug 25, 2018 1:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
3/19-22.1; 10/19-21.8
6/20-22.5; 7/20-23.0; 9/20-23.6
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Post by sharon227 » Fri Aug 24, 2018 11:31 pm

Meal planning is something I know I should do but don't very often. Doesn't sound basic to me at all, not an ingrained habit for me either. Good for you to be working it!

I took some new cookbooks out of the library and hope they will inspire me.

worth it
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Post by worth it » Fri Aug 24, 2018 11:58 pm


As usual I am giggling after I read your thread! I love the story about your boys on the zipper. LOL! Also, congrats for getting out of Costco at $23 – unbelievable

Thanks for stopping by my thread earlier. It’s so great to have your continual support. Now I’m going to run over and check out your five-year testimonial.

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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Aug 25, 2018 4:36 am

So glad your boys are having fun! What great spirits they have!

Great job at Costco. You inspired me to try the same. I went today sans cart and came out with just some veggie sausages and stamps. Woot!

I loved reading your 5 yr testimonial. Can you believe I never write one? I think I was waiting to hit 50 lbs for some odd reason but by that fine I was doing IF and wasn’t sure how to fit that in there. Okay, one of these days I’ll get around to it.

Happy weekend!
:twisted: SW: 210 lbs
CW: 172

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Post by automatedeating » Sat Aug 25, 2018 11:15 pm

Linda, I absolutely know that you have not posted a testimonial!!!!! I have very purposely not given you a hard time all these years (kiss emoji here), but I know you'll post when you are ready!!!!!

Saturday, August 25th
S Day!!!!

Weight: 132.5/BMI 24.2
fasting blood glucose: 80
morning blood pressure: 135/75

NoSEating-S Day
B: 1 egg, coffee w/milk -- had to fight some cravings today, because my mind knew it was an S Day and wanted to go a bit wild. Looking forward to ice cream tonight without guilt!
L: yogurt & blueberries
snack: walnuts & almonds
D: pulled pork sandwiches & veggies only if I feel like it. I guess not needing to eat veggies is part of my S Days, lol. Update -- definitely didn't want veggies. And that is A-OK. I'm still eating more veggies on a single N Day than I sometimes used to eat in a whole week!
Dessert: ICE CREAM (the premium vanilla from Costco. That stuff is just amazing)

I got all my dinner meals planned for the week!

NoSloth - S Day but I did go on a walk

NoSpending - S Day
Bought just a couple of grocery items needed for the week
Bought lunch items for kids' (school starts Tuesday for them!)

My older son SPIT on my younger son in the middle of the grocery store. Claimed it was an accident but this is not the first time. Grrr. So he lost the rest of his electronics today. Little booger.
Last edited by automatedeating on Sun Aug 26, 2018 2:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
3/19-22.1; 10/19-21.8
6/20-22.5; 7/20-23.0; 9/20-23.6
4/21 - 25.2

worth it
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Post by worth it » Sun Aug 26, 2018 1:10 am


I just wanted to say that I absolutely loved your testimonial!! Your journey has been so awesome to witness and I wish you much continued success! So happy you are here on this board!!😀

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Post by automatedeating » Sun Aug 26, 2018 2:35 pm

Thank you so much for your encouragement, WorthIt!
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
3/19-22.1; 10/19-21.8
6/20-22.5; 7/20-23.0; 9/20-23.6
4/21 - 25.2

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Post by automatedeating » Sun Aug 26, 2018 6:41 pm

Sunday, August 26th

S Day In All Ways!

B: coffee w/milk, some almonds
snack: cheese & salami, 2 strawberries
L: corn tortillas with cheese, avocados, sour cream & tomatoes
snack: glass of milk
D: (will be) hamburgers w/ all the great fixin's
dessert: (will be) a serving of the most heavenly premium vanilla ice cream from Costco.
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
3/19-22.1; 10/19-21.8
6/20-22.5; 7/20-23.0; 9/20-23.6
4/21 - 25.2

Posts: 5305
Joined: Sat Aug 31, 2013 2:16 pm

Post by automatedeating » Mon Aug 27, 2018 3:28 pm

Monday, August 27th

Weight: 133.3/BMI 24.4
fasting blood glucose: 85
morning blood pressure: 125/80

B: coffee w/milk, 1 egg, 1 piece of cheese
L: yogurt & walnuts, celery sticks w/cream cheese
D: tough because it's the kids' back-to-school bbq and I'm sure I'll not want to eat what they have. I think I will eat before or after, but even then not sure what to eat. Update: ate a burger with lots of fixings. Nothing like what we grill at home, but it was still good!

short bike with dog
short bike ride by myself
short bike ride with son

Today I have to pay cash for the kids' hot lunches and a few other things tonight. Other than that, nada.

Hubby and I are deciding limits for fall quarter. So far, here's where we are at:
1. weekday electronic limit will be between 60-90 minutes (we are still discussing this range). Update: 60 minute limit it is
2. all homework and chores must be complete before any electronics
3. electronic cut-off will be 8pm. This one is the trickiest, because of .... #4, which is
4. What to do on days when we are out of the house until later? -- agreement on no roll-over minutes. LOL, yes, this is the kind of specifics we have to determine or our kids fight us at every boundary. Well. They still fight us at every boundary but at least this way hubby and I have a ready answer and a united front. Update: Too bad. If we are gone until after 8pm, no electronics that night. Sorry kiddos. I know, yes, I know you think I'm the meanest mom in the neighborhood, your school, and possibly in the world.
5. Also still debating weekend hours. This summer we've had 3 hours/day limit, but hubby thinks it's too much and wants to lower it to 2 hrs/day on weekends. (I guess I agree, but I am the enforcer so it has to be an amount I can stick to my guns about). Update: 2.5hrs/day on weekends/holidays
6. Possibility exists for 30 minutes extra if weekly homework (due by Friday) is finished by Wed; and if weekend homework (due Monday) is finished on Saturday.
Last edited by automatedeating on Tue Aug 28, 2018 1:35 am, edited 3 times in total.
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
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Strawberry Roan
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Post by Strawberry Roan » Mon Aug 27, 2018 3:34 pm

Just read through your thread. Wow,you are doing great on all levels!
Your testimonial is truly a testament to hard work and the desire to be the best that you can for yourself and those who love you.

You seem like such a wonderful, caring, family. God Bless you and your husband for putting forth the effort to raise happy, emotionally grounded, productive children. It certainly isn't easy.

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Post by worth it » Tue Aug 28, 2018 1:24 am


I feel lucky that I am able to read through your thread especially on the electronics boundaries. It truly makes me feel better to know what other parents are considering for reference. My son gets 60 minutes a day during the week, since he has football practice for 2 hours each day (yes, you read that right- which I think is completely nuts for 8 year olds). On the weekend he gets unlimited time but also has to complete homework for the upcoming week as well as compete in football games and spend time with family etc. so it doesn’t get as crazy as it could. We are pretty close to what you do with your boys. Sigh. I was about to make a comment about the old days where there was no Internet, tablets, etc., but clearly I’m dating myself, so I’ll just stop! 😜

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Post by automatedeating » Tue Aug 28, 2018 1:53 am

Worth it -- I totally think previous generations had it easier raising kids. The lines were all pretty much the same from one family to another. Dang that XBox! As I've said before, electronic boundaries have been THE hardest thing about parenting so far.

My older son did the tackle football thing with the crazy practices when he was 7 and then again when he was 9. So your son is a Pee-Wee still? :-) Love those names. He didn't like the tackling and so he just does flag football through the YMCA. Very low-commitment and no traveling, which is great. HOWEVER, he is a basketball fiend and we were traveling all over the state last fall & winter. :roll: So, I feel you with the crazy schedule!!
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Post by automatedeating » Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:12 pm

Tuesday, August 28th

First day of school for kids! And first day back to work for me!
A little tricky to work out my morning routine, but that is to be expected!

Weight: 133.5

B: 2 pieces of bacon, 1 hard-boiled egg, 1 latte
L: yogurt, almonds, walnuts, celery w/ranch, little bit of cheese
D: (will be) spaghetti for fam; beef veggie bowl for me (squash, squash, more squash + onion + tomato + cheese + celery for crunch -- we'll see how that works out!!)

walked dog this morning

I stopped to get a latte on the way into work. Oops. Planning ahead more would have avoided that.

Today is Day 1 of Fall Quarter Electronic Limits, and my younger son and I are on Chapter 22 of Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire. :-) Update: now on Chapter 23! Harry is going with Parvati to the Yule Ball, and Cho is going with Cedric!

I feel really good about my productivity today. I wasn't expecting to get a lot done on my first day back, but I did actually get through a lot of work.
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Post by automatedeating » Wed Aug 29, 2018 2:23 pm

Wednesday, August 29th

Today will be my first day to ride my bike to work from the kids' new school. It's a route I've never done before -- should be interesting!

Weight: 132.6/BMI 24.3
fasting blood glucose: 72!

B: 1 piece of celery w/pb, coffee w/milk -- mid-morning I might have part of lunch to get through -- sort of a mod while I situated to back to work.
L: string cheese, walnuts, carrots, celery w/pb; leftover beef bowl
hungry today!!! I need to either eat more fat or more protein or both. Had to have a glass of milk when I got home and fixed dinner pretty early.
D: 2 Chicken sausages & brussel sprouts, more squash, tomato

Walked dog, will ride bike to work

Should be A-OK

KidsWithLimits (Read More)
Reading HP w/son for 10 minutes before school; also 10 minutes after school
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worth it
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Post by worth it » Wed Aug 29, 2018 6:35 pm

Auto, Will you look at that glucose number! Totally awesome!

And, I hope the new route goes well today, and (even more) that the boys have an amazing day first day at school!

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Post by automatedeating » Thu Aug 30, 2018 12:08 am

Thanks worth it! I can't believe how quickly my diet has turned around my blood glucose. So grateful.

And kids are loving school! And my bike ride is only 20 minutes one-way, and almost perfectly flat (my kind of bike-riding!!!)
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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Aug 30, 2018 4:02 am

Great numbers and looks like things are generally going really well! Hope the bike ride went okay.
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Post by automatedeating » Fri Aug 31, 2018 4:28 am

Thursday, August 30th
Weight: 133

B: what a mess. I didn't eat breakfast (due to being rushed with new school schedule) and I didn't even my usual two cups of coffee.
L: so (see above), I started eating my LUNCH at like 9:45 this morning! I was so hungry!! let's see, walnuts, almonds, yogurt w/blueberries, string cheese, celery w/cream cheese, carrots
glass of milk when I got home
D: another not-on-one plater. It was the draft party for our fantasy football team. I kind of took a "half-S day?" I didn't eat desserts or bread, but ate lots of food: salmon, green salad, fruit, more salmon (haha), some cheese and pepperoni/salami

walked dog
rode bike to work


All Clear -- I read about 10 min of Harry Potter this morning, but didn't have energy to read when we got back from the draft party.

I'm so tired tonight! I could barely type this up. :roll:
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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Aug 31, 2018 4:42 am

Sounds like you had a crazy day too. Hope you got some rest and that tomorrow goes more smoothly!
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Post by Octavia » Fri Aug 31, 2018 3:26 pm

Hi Auto,
It’s so great to check in with you - I’ve been off the boards for a few weeks and need to catch up with people. Interested to read how you looked back at your old posts to see when and how you were at your most successful. I need to remotivate myself - maybe I’ve lost interest in No S, slightly- though I think it’s inevitable from time to time, and one great strength of No S is that you don’t have to stay super-engaged with it in order to do the basic plan. I’ve had loads of work over the summer, a couple of holidays, DD’s exam results, and a friend died. So I’ve been pretty distracted from matters of health and eating. But reading your thread has got me interested again. I’ve gone down with a cold and feel very unmotivated right now, but I think I can feel a return to better form, just around the corner! Thanks for all your posts! X

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Post by automatedeating » Fri Aug 31, 2018 5:09 pm

Thanks Octavia!! This thread is so important for my own mental health and life balance, so that is great to hear that others may sometimes benefit from reading about my journey.

Friday, August 31st

Weight: 133.6/BMI 24.4

B: coffee w/milk - And yes, I got both of my cups this morning! Drank one at home and one in the car. But when I bike I only have time for one. Maybe that will become my new normal..... :cry:
L: I think I just have to accept that food will be spread a bit (not one plate) while I am adjusting. Between 10am and noon, I ate my lunchbox, which included: 2 hard-boiled eggs, carrot slices, celery w/cream cheese, walnuts, almonds, and 2 string cheeses
D: I made my menu & grocery list after work and then hubby & I went shopping at Costco our date night. I wanted to eat as soon as I got home from work, but hubby was ready to go ....... so I ended up going to Costco and resisting impulse buying (see below -- I also am on a super tight budget). Then, my husband bought a pizza!!! And brought it home for him and the boys. :evil:
And YET, and YET, I resisted and made myself a tuna salad w/celery, pickles, tomatoes, and some leafy greens!!!!! Wow, I'm super proud of myself and the meal turned out quite tasty (I was a little nervous to try tuna fish without bread......)

Walked dog, but drove to work (that is the plan, actually, so I have more flexibility on Fridays to run errands if necessary before I pick up the kids)

Planned Grocery Shopping
OK!!!! I had a budget of $130 for the week, and I was terrified (well, perhaps that word is hyperbole) that I would go over!!! Well, ladies & gentleman - $105.99. Oh yeah baby!

Read Harry Potter this morning. I think we finally reached ch 25. We just finished the part where terrible Rita Skeeter writes an awful article about Hagrid actually being part-giant. :evil:
My older son is so obsessed with video games. Will this battle ever end? He tells me I'm ruining his life with these limits and that he is not learning any kind of internal control from my external limits. Grr.
Might do a bit more reading tonight.
Last edited by automatedeating on Sat Sep 01, 2018 2:10 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by cedar » Fri Aug 31, 2018 10:06 pm

Oh gee, he's smart..hard to argue with that isnt it😀! Its such a battle because all kids (and adults!) are doing the same with screens (ie..on yhrm all the time!!) I have no advice because I'm working it out with my boys too but i think it is so important for them to be free from screens for a certain amount of time each day.. friends children who don't own devices or have very little time playing with them do seem sooo obsessed with them.. its the first thing my nephew asks as soon as he walks in the door to our house (ipad and chocolate..2 things his mum is super strict with) yeah..tricky one but know you are doing the best for your children that's for certain.
Hope that makes sense I've just finished work and my brain has stopped working😂😂🤔🙄.

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Post by automatedeating » Sat Sep 01, 2018 1:28 pm

Saturday, September 1st!

Weight: 133.5/BMI 24.4
fasting blood glucose: 85
morning blood pressure: 115/71

S Day!

Also, starting Dry Days again. I made it 18 days for August -- let's see, that's 58% compliance...... not exactly the 80% compliance we shoot for with NoS. Alas, if at once you don't succeed, try, try again.

This is kind of embarrassing. We were at a wedding this evening, so I'm completely dumbfounded that I actually thought today would be our first Dry Day. Silly me. Will start tomorrow.

B: peach, coffee w/milk
L: nachos, another peach, some yogurt
D: salmon, green beans, green salad, goat cheese
dessert: I waited until I got home from the wedding (yes, I passed up wedding cake) because what I really wanted was my vanilla ice cream. :-)

I ate a LOT today, but it sure was a wonderful afternoon/evening at a beautiful wedding.
Last edited by automatedeating on Sun Sep 02, 2018 4:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Sep 01, 2018 2:31 pm

Omgosh, don’t you love when they try to guilt you out of being a good parent? I have to say I’m terrible about the whole electronics thing but I do take it away from my oldest daughter at bedtime otherwise she stays up way too late. Other than that she has no restrictions yet she acts like I’m the meanest parent ever. So we have to draw the line somewhere and it seems no matter where we draw it, they’re still going to be pissed. Actually, I’m so envious of your limits. I just gave up trying and now it feels too late. Anyway, he will thank you someday. You’re doing a very good thing!

Good luck on the dry days, I’m starting Tuesday but I want to go for 30 days so I’ll go till October 4th. Maybe we should start a thread on the general board to see if anyone wants to join? I can already think of four social events coming up that are going to make it tough. I think I’ll need a fancy mocktail to get me through. It’ll be good to give my liver a little break! 😊
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Post by Octavia » Sun Sep 02, 2018 3:41 pm

Good luck with the dry plans, guys! I won’t join you as my own weakness is not booze but chocolate. :roll:

Oh Lord, I have SO failed in controlling electronic devices in our house. DD and her friends even have these agreements where they have to message each other everyday till infinity, and you mustn’t miss a day or you’ve broken the chain. There’s a special word for these things, can’t remember what it is....

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Post by automatedeating » Sun Sep 02, 2018 5:06 pm

Thanks cedar, Linda & Octavia. It seems pretty clear I am not the only one that struggles with the electronics thing!

Sunday, Sept 2 -
S Day
Weight: 132.8/BMI 24.3

B: coffee w/milk, then a peach, then bacon, eggs & hashbrowns (more like a brunch, actually). A real feast!
L: a few blueberries
D: burgers w/ cheese, bacon, lettuce, tomato. The avocados aren't ready yet, bummer, and we are out of onions. Also I fried up zucchini and saute mushrooms.
Dry Day #2 (even though day #1 was a fail already!!)
bowl of vanilla ice cream - probably way too much....

So....September is always a tough month for us financially because we don't get paid in the summer and so we run out of money by now...... totally my fault because I am not frugal enough. Alas, moving on from that character flaw... so -- this month we are eating out of freezer and pantry! I'll have $50 a week to buy fresh veggies, fruit, milk, eggs, cheese as needed to finish off meals. And the no-alcohol thing will go a LONG way to save us $$. The saddest part is no date-night (or at least, date night will need to be a walk....very free!)
Last edited by automatedeating on Mon Sep 03, 2018 2:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Octavia » Sun Sep 02, 2018 11:42 pm

You’re right, alcohol is expensive! think what you could buy for the price of a bottle of wine: meat, potatoes, onion and carrot for a pie or casserole, and probably some milk and bread too! My DH doesn’t earn much in summer so we will be budgeting too. And DD starts 6th form college so will need endless supplies of trendy new teen clothes.

Those chain text things are called Streaks, I’ve just remembered. As in ‘but mum, I have to message Bradley because we’re on a 446 day streak.’ 🤣

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Post by automatedeating » Mon Sep 03, 2018 2:24 pm

Monday, September 3
Labor Day! But not an S Day

135.1/BMI 24.7
Brunch: coffee w/milk, fried greens w/butter, cheese & walnuts. Turned out pretty good, actually. I'll make more with dinner
L: yogurt w/blueberries (always the trickiest meal to decide on, so I went simple today but golly-gee I have developed a taste for plain yogurt! That stuff is good!)
D: chicken thighs, sauteed mushrooms, and fried greens. I've never made cooked greens before today -- and the thought of it kind of grosses me out (although my update is that I have now cooked them twice in one day, lol). Do they even keep any nutrients after they've been cooked? Update -- some of the nutrients are MORE available after cooking! Who woulda thunk it?
Day 3 of eating down our freezer stores; and Day 3 of Dry Days

Octavia -- 446 days? Wow, that girl has some tenacity!

I worked on finding some ways to save $$ this morning. Called the cable company and got our TV/Internet bill down to $105/month (from $165). Hey, I know it's still a lot of money, but to keep my marriage together hubby needs sports...... :roll:
We had to give up the DVR (recording) option, but now have it pared down to just local channels.

Regarding NoSpending, I know it is a tough system. BUT (and that's a BIG BUT), if I plan the menu and make a shopping list, I CAN avoid spending on Monday - Friday, with just a few exceptional circumstances. Even when kids have crazy sport schedules, I can PLAN snacks for them while we are out, or feed them adequately before we leave. It's not easy for me, but I can do it. So I might bring it back into my systems with full NoS rules (as I did a few years ago). I want this year to be a year where we save a lot of money. Last time we did that we were able to refinance the house (with a lower interest rate) and get to go to Disneyland with the kids! All thanks to NoSpending and it's restraining of my spendthrift tendencies. So. It's decided! NoSpending Extraordinaire is reinstated without the wiggly freedom I originally brought it back with! Ta-Da!!!!
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
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Post by cedar » Tue Sep 04, 2018 7:48 am

Nice one with the budgeting , I'd like to get more organised with that. Planning meals definitely helps me rather than just buying heaps of food but still having nothing for dinner!
Good luck, I'll be watching from the sidelines😉.

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Post by automatedeating » Tue Sep 04, 2018 6:00 pm

Thanks Cedar. :-)

Tuesday, September 5th

133.9/BMI 24.5

B: did a little better today to eat something before leaving home. Way better! It's 11am and I'm not starving. Had coffee w/milk (2 cups), and then yogurt & blueberries
L: string cheese, carrots, celery w/cream cheese, walnuts & almonds
D: tilapia, avocado, more cooked greens; rice-a-roni for kids

walked dog, but couldn't bike to work. I have a bit of tennis elbow from playing pickleball. :-(

None in the plans!

Read a whole chapter of HP this morning before school! We are on Chapter 30, The Pensieve (I think that's the one when Dumbledore uses his wand to pull memories out of his head). My younger son and I have a plan to finish HP #4, watch the movie, then read the 1st book in Gregor the Overlander, then back to HP, and so on and so forth.
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Sep 05, 2018 4:31 am

Looks like you’re doing great on all fronts! I don’t know if I ever thanked you for introducing me to ynab but it’s helped us so much. We are far from perfect but at least I know how much I’m spending now.

Btw, what’s pickleball? ☺ï¸
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Post by automatedeating » Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:50 pm

Wednesday, September 5th
133.2/BMI 24.4

B: bacon & eggs & a few blueberries
L: cheese, yogurt & blueberries, carrots
D:(will be) beef bowl w/avocado, cheese, mushrooms, cooked greens (spaghetti for boys & hubby)

walked with dog this morning

I was supposed to have a coffee meeting with a co-worker, but maybe I can propose a walking meeting instead to avoid spending money.

More on this later, but older son and I just have been constantly arguing, fighting, bickering. He pushes, pushes pushes. I wish I had more time to describe, but I gotta get out the door. Sigh. I lost my temper and screamed (he doesn't accept the no and I need to learn how to handle that better). Then I had to apologize, but I still want him to stop push push pushing.
And wtf he's mad because he gets white milk instead of choc milk, since he's the only kid with that rule and he says he isn't fitting in. wtf wtf excuse my language this kid.
Now he's refusing to go outside to play because when he wouldn't answer the door (his friends) I finally did -- he was playing his stupid video game and so I told his friends he'd be out soon since his time was up. My son, hearing this, is now mortified and crying because he doesn't want his friends to know he has electronic limits. :roll:
Really, that story is only the start of life with this pubescent, defiant, striving to be popular child.

Also had a rough day at work -- my old admin duties ended up engulfing me (due to issues with new admin and job duties, etc.....) sucked up all my time planned for class prep. Discouraging.

So. I came home and as I was driving realized this was EXACTLY the type of night I would look forward to drinking wine. But - DRY DAYS REIGN
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Post by automatedeating » Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:11 pm

Thursday, September 6th
133.0/BMI 24.3

B: 1 egg w/ 1/2 an avocado and 2 pieces of bacon, coffee w/milk
L: walnuts, yogurt & blueberries, cheese sticks
D: quesadilla bar -- cheese, tomato, avocado
my kids were fighting so much and now they are both in their rooms crying. One is grounded through the weekend. Argh. It completely ruined the peace of my meal. I should have just not eaten until things had settled down. Now I feel kind of sick to my stomach because of their conflicts/discipline/etc.

I truly just don't know what to do....

Walked dog before work
Oh, and yesterday I ended up doing a 1 hour walk for a meeting -- and was able to avoid buying a coffee!

No plans! And yesterday I switched from a "coffee" meeting to a "walking" meeting so I didn't spend $$. Victory!

Well, despite my tirade yesterday, I did read over 2 chapters of HP. Poor Cedric. And poor Harry to go through all that. So now just a few "wrap-up" chapters to tie up all the loose ends.

Lately a few posters have been mentioning about their hopes to get into the "10" below the group they are in. Well, I found myself daydreaming this morning about getting into the 120's. Haven't been in that "decade" in over a decade! :lol:
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
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Post by automatedeating » Fri Sep 07, 2018 1:15 am

Advice please --

my older son constantly aggravates his younger brother for his own entertainment (he is 3.5 years older and much more precocious and a foot taller). The younger one (my 9 year old) has gotten to the point that he has a hair trigger and just totally flips out and then can't control his temper.
Ultimately they both end up in trouble, but my gut feeling is that the older one is really starting it always, looking for it in fact. He gets a rush from seeing his brother lose his temper.

I'm just so at a loss. I have no discipline philosophy that is carrying me through these issues. What is the right thing to do? Oh, gosh this has been such a hard parenting week.
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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Sep 07, 2018 3:38 am

Oh hugs hugs! My girls got into a big fight the minute I walked in the door tonight and now my youngest is pissed off at me. I’ll spare you the details but boy do I feel your pain. I feel like I just have no idea how to handle these fights. Either way, someone will feel like they were unfairly treated.

That’s a hard call with your boys. You said one is grounded through the weekend. Is it the youngest for his over the top reaction? Maybe they need more equal punishments because your oldest is instigating it. He may deny it, but I’m guessing those mommy instincts are spot on. Maybe that would make him think twice about pushing his brothers buttons. On the other hand, don’t feel badly about giving your youngest a consequence. Evenhough his brother may be purposely provoking him, he still needs to be held responsible for his actions right?

Something that’s been helping me lately is to remind myself that it’s not my fault that theyre fighting. This is normal sibling behavior. It helps me to relax and have some distance from the situation when I can let go of some of the guilt.

Not sure if that helped but I’m sorry you’re having a rough night. It’s no fun I know. I keep fantasizing about going away for the weekend with DH. Budget be damned. ☺ï¸

Hang in there!
:twisted: SW: 210 lbs
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Post by automatedeating » Fri Sep 07, 2018 2:13 pm

Thanks Linda! It actually is the older one that got the grounding! The younger one just got sent to his room.

Isn't it funny how the fight happens right when we show up????

I like your thought that it is normal sibling behavior. It certainly was in my family. However, my husband's family -- they all pretty much got along! And I have co-workers and numerous friends (it feels like) that tell me their kids are great playmates and only rarely have conflict. Grrr. Maybe it's our spirited natures passed on to our children!!! They have spunk! :lol: That should help me put up with it.

Anyway, I totally empathize with you about feeling like you never are confident in how you handle their conflicts.

Friday, September 7th
132.2/BMI 24.2

B: coffee w/milk
L: yogurt & last of the blueberries, cheese sticks & walnuts
D: roast beef and potatoes (I may have to skip these -- in theory I am working at moderate carbs, but in reality anything with potatoes in it is a over-consumption trigger for me like no other!), cooked greens, avocado slices

Walked with dog this morning. My younger son has been coming along almost every day this week! Despite my rough parenting week, we've had good times together walking, and also reading together. I should remember these good moments. Also, this week I've walked in the EVENING for just a few minutes with the dog - around 8pm. It helps because usually at that time I'd be pouring wine. :oops: And without the wine, I actually feel ready for bed at 8 -- too early. So it's a win-win-win-win. Dog gets more walking, I get more exercise, it staves off my fatigue, and it keeps my month dry! We only go about 10-15 minutes, so it barely counts as exercise, but I still am liking this developing habit. I wonder if it will stick around?

Doing great this week! And tomorrow is an S Day! So I will buy just a few essential groceries (milk, eggs, fresh veggies/fruit) tomorrow. Linda -- we are so right there with you on the budget stuff right now!
Well, I might actually go do my shopping tonight. The stores will be less crowded. My budget is $50, and the items are basically fresh fruits/veggies, school lunch stuff, and eggs, and then sparkling water because my husband likes to have that instead of wine in the evening. I'm not sure how it will go, but I'll report back.

What can I say? I've held the line and been the dragon-mom all week. And it's been rough. My 12 year old is as hormonal as you can imagine. Lots of tears on two different occasions and he NEVER misses a chance to argue his various life limits (that I impose and ruin his life with). Yesterday I sent him to his room TWICE for arguing. This is hard, so hard for me to do. And yet I think I have to. My nature is discuss, to reason, to explain, to be always as fair and honest as possible. But that nature is like blood in the water to a smart 12 year old boy (that I have to admit has had his logic-skills honed by his parents to their own damn detriment at this point). So. I have to realize I am NOT an authoritarian parent just because I put a LIMIT on arguing. I can still hear him out on new topics, and when circumstances change. But in-between, I can't live like this -- getting accosted every day on the way to and from school, and then all evening. I won't put up with it and he will go to his room.
At this point, he is grounded from electronics through Sunday. So I need to steel myself for the weekend.
Last edited by automatedeating on Sat Sep 08, 2018 12:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by jenji » Fri Sep 07, 2018 3:30 pm

Hang in there. It is hard work. I feel that I have been slacking a bit with this aspect of parenting and need to get better. Summertime led to some wild electronics habits. Now we need to get back on track for homework and bedtimes.
I'm a 53-year-old mom and non-profit CEO
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Post by automatedeating » Sat Sep 08, 2018 12:09 am

Thanks for the encouragement, Jen. Big sigh. It's been a tough week.

So many politics at work this week. I had hoped to escape it, but alas, it was like a wave of poison. Even though I was interrupted SO MANY times today, I just decided to leave at my normal time because I need to keep that boundary firm this year. No wiggling around the edges of my newly found work/life balance.
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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Sep 08, 2018 2:18 am

Those people are lying about their perfect families. Trust me!

Good for you for keeping your limits with work as well as alcohol. I’m feeling better without drinking but the real test will come when I’m in a social situation where everyone else is drinking. I really want to prove to myself that I can do this so I’m going to try!
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Post by Octavia » Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:14 pm

Well done on dealing with this difficult week. ‘Poison’ is a good word for these people at work...they can get under your skin and make you ill. It’s great you left at your normal time. I often use the term ‘people poisoning’ for that feeling when you need to get away, get into a better mental space.

I like your Kidswithlimits policy of not allowing arguing. I think it’s miles better to ban arguing than to get into fights with them. I sometimes say to my DD ‘stop arguing’ - they think they know best, and twist anything you say, so it’s far better to just say stop arguing. This policy has worked for me so far! Touch wood!

Have a good weekend!

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Post by automatedeating » Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:45 pm

Octavia wrote:they think they know best, and twist anything you say, so it’s far better to just say stop arguing.
Such a good point, Octavia. I am learning how true your words are, but I guess I just didn't expect my children to be so egg on my face. Maybe KidsWithLimits will really end up my parenting journal, instead of just my attempts to limit electronics and read more.

Linda -- Ha -- about the perfect families!!!!! -- When will I learn about that too? I know I've seen evidence of that on facebook, but I didn't think that I would "face" that from friends in conversation. Sigh. Based on my kids and on my friends, I'm still fairly naive. :roll:

Saturday, September 8th
S Day!!!!!
Fasting Blood Glucose: 85

B: blueberries, bacon, eggs & hashbrowns, coffee w/milk
L: peanuts & a bag of popcorn
D: (will be) burgers w/all the fixings, maybe some cooked greens
dessert: (will be) either at my friend's house for her birthday get-together (if it's awkward to skip it or if there's something delectable) or once I get home (ice cream in that case)
also - I might have a glass of wine at this dear friend's birthday party.

Had a very nice walk with dog on this cool afternoon.

NoSpending Budget update: I spent almost $100 on groceries. :oops: I had a list, and only got essentials + veggies + four items to help my husband cope during Dry Days (dry roasted peanuts + dark chocolate, sparkling water & non-alcoholic beer = $29 just for those items). I also bought ice cream because my family loses it without desserts available. All-told I really could have gotten by with spending only $60 but then we might have failed on the Dry Days or on the eating at home, or in my case, in eating healthy whole-foods and avoiding processed meals. So....I guess it is what it is. For the next two weeks I have upped the budget to $75/week because I can tell that $50 is not going to cut it. Now, I know we COULD do it on just $50, but the rest of my family is not on-board with this whole budgeting thing like I am, so I have to be more moderate in my approach or risk marital strife.

Just because I like lists, here is what I bought:
Costco: - $57
caesar salad mix
cherry tomatoes
le croix sparkling water -- hubby
ice cream
chocolate covered almonds (kids' lunches)
dry-roasted peanuts -- hubby
regular grocery store: - $37
hamburger buns
Sharp's non-alcoholic beer --hubby
dark chocolate bar --hubby

Work/Life Balance Update: OK, so the chair that was supposed to take over for me (and I spent last spring and summer training) has taken a new job (suddenly -- it was announced Tuesday). It is a great opportunity for him and I am happy for him, but it leaves a void in the chair role, and so in absence of anyone in the role, people come to me and I am experiencing job creep this past week. To complicate matters, there has been strife and anger and bitterness directed at certain people and everyone comes to me to hash it out. So I have faced my most stressful kind of admin duty -- that of NOT gossiping and being two-faced. It has been so hard! I have not been perfect, but I have been mostly ethical and have mostly handled myself with integrity. Of course I am feeling guilty for the moments of "under-bus throwing" that I am tempted to do sometimes to avoid conflict. Hate myself for those moments, and probably the biggest reason I was glad to be done with admin.
In addition, there is now a void with particular teaching responsibilities and I have been asked to take some of them on. I am reporting here a victory because, although it was very hard to say no, I did it. I feel very bad for those that now have to clean up the pieces, but I served my time very faithfully, and now I'd like to focus my energies on purely teaching & advising + parenting + marriage + healthy eating + reasonable exercise. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: not too long of a list, eh?

Well, the grounding of the arguer is going fine. He's been practicing card tricks all day. Maybe he'll become a famous magician and then look back and thank his dragon-mom for the time to perfect his skills. :twisted:
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Post by automatedeating » Sun Sep 09, 2018 1:54 pm

Sunday, September 9th
S Day!

I was noticing my eating yesterday for lunch was so typical of my old S Days. For the past couple months, even my S Days have been healthier food choices. Not yesterday. A bag of popcorn for lunch? Really, Auto? Oh, well, it IS an S Day - and without NoS I'd probably still be eating like that every day, not just on S Days. That said, I'd like today to be more N-ish, with the exception of having my nice ice cream this evening.

B: coffee w/milk
L: (will be) as usual, I'm drawing a blank for lunch. Always a toughey for me! I could just have yogurt & fruit again, but is it weird if I have that even on weekends? Why does meal planning & preparation stress me out so much? :roll: Update: cooked greens with tomatoes, garlic, cheese & walnuts; I'm debating on the taquitos because I tend to overeat on stuff like that. OK, I ate 2 and then put the remaining 4 on a plate and hid it from view. Now I'm having a diet coke, which is a rare rare treat these days.
D: cooked greens, tuna salad w/celery, onion & tomato -- what can I put in there for crunch? Do I dare try nuts? Well, yes, I guess I will! I just found a recipe with walnuts, which I have in spades.
So this meal was really interesting. It tasted good, but I couldn't finish it. It exemplifies the principle that I've read about -- I can't really overeat on whole foods. It's as if my built-in nutrient sensors work properly. But as soon as I eat food like certain processed stuff, I literally can eat and eat and not want to stop (best examples for me include: bread, chips, pasta, mashed potatoes, french fries).
Dessert: a guilt-free, delicious, stupendous, silky bowl of vanilla ice cream. I savored each bite.

I'd like to take the dog on a meandering long walk like I did yesterday.
Also researching a new resistance exercise routine for a 5 week commitment. Stay tuned. I'll be reading about it today.

Yesterday on the way to my friend's birthday party I caved and bought her a bottle of wine and some dark chocolate. I was planning on just not bringing a gift but chickened out at the last minute. We are really scraping bottom this month. We get paid on the 25th.

Last day of grounding for 12 year old. My younger son and I have started reading Gregor the Overlander. We are on Chapter 6. One of my FAVORITE series ever. I was thinking I should, after all these years, give names for my family. It gets tiring calling them the 12 year old and the 9 year old! Based on their personalities, I wonder what you guys would call them? :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by cedar » Sun Sep 09, 2018 9:31 pm

Sounds like a good weekend! I enjoy your updates. It's so hard with the money thing isn't's like as soon as we leave the house money gets's so hard.

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Post by automatedeating » Tue Sep 11, 2018 12:53 am

Yeah Cedar, money drains like a sieve when I leave the house! :lol:

Monday, September 10th

B: coffee w/milk
L: yogurt w/strawberries (I put frozen ones to thaw overnight), walnuts & carrots - then to lunch to celebrate a leaving co-worker..... guacamole & chips & a margarita So....dry day fail as well.
D: (will be) chicken thighs & cabbage wedges

Um, I was a sloth today. I overslept and didn't walk this morning.

Um, I was a big spender today. I went out to lunch, paid for my co-worker's meal too, then went back to my office and ordered something (expensive) for one of my classes that I'm paying for myself and not getting reimbursed for.....probably because of the drink, which undoubtedly lowered my inhibitions.

Well, at least I did fine with this today. I've already read a couple chapters of Gregor the Overlander and plan to read more before bed.

I'm very tired today....
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Post by automatedeating » Tue Sep 11, 2018 1:59 pm

Tuesday, September 11th

Hmm today is 9/11. I always feel somber for a bit on this day, probably like much of the US and even some of the rest of the world.

weight: 132.4
morning blood pressure: 126/76
B: coffee w/milk
L: yogurt & strawberries, walnuts & carrots
D: fish, roasted broccoli & cabbage wedges, cooked greens, and rice-a-roni for kids Hey! I can tell I'm eating healthier because I can finally spell broccoli on my thread with ease. :lol:

Think maybe I'm experiencing a bit of what y'all describe as "appetite correction". I've been surprised at the small amounts of food that have been satisfying me, and then noticing I've been just satisfied with coffee w/milk in the morning. Last week I was starving if I accidentally missed breakfast. Or it's just cyclical appetite variation for the month. Whatever. It's neat.

walked 30 minutes with dog in the rain. :lol:

I will do better today!!! No lunches, no drinks, no expensive curriculum for my classes!

As we speak, I heard Creator9 on his way down the stairs. I'm sure he'll be asking about Gregor soon -- but I've got to breakfasts & lunches ready first. Challenger12 is still asleep. Now I just have to think of a name for hubby. Passive43 came to mind, but that doesn't seem very nice. Not surprising that I married a passive guy though -- opposites attract! He is also very sweet. And good-looking. Sexy43?

Can I just say that I am feeling really proud of myself for my healthier eating -- or maybe even more than -- my food preparation!!! What FINALLY worked for me is extremely simple, whole food preparation (as you can see from my entries). Nothing needs much more than roasting, frying, baking, or grilling. Lots of butter or olive oil on everything, salt & pepper are the main seasoning. I do love putting onions in things, garlic, and the chicken thighs last night I just put some Italian seasoning on (which technically is processed, but let's not let the perfect be the enemy of the good, haha). I mean, seriously, if you would have told me a year ago that I would -- with ZERO stress -- bake fish, roast cabbage & broccoli, and fry up some greens on the stove, all the while watching the rice -- I would have laughed! Who would've thought basic cooking is so simple? I almost wonder if the rise of the "really good cooks" (which are many of you and most of my friends!!!) made me think that all cooking involves numerous ingredients, various knives, and multiple kitchen tools. All I really use are frying pans, casserole dishes, and a couple knives. I do love my garlic press and use it often. And meat really is the easiest thing to prepare. Way easier than carby dishes, now that I'm reflecting on this.

Ah, as I sip my tea with my feet up (while reading a book about alcohol moderation, btw), I'm feeling pretty happy about how far I've come. Now to sustainability and long-term compliance!!!!
Last edited by automatedeating on Wed Sep 12, 2018 2:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Octavia » Tue Sep 11, 2018 2:07 pm

It is a sombre date. I wonder how the folks working at airports are feeling today. There’ll be a lot of sadness around.


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Post by ladybird30 » Wed Sep 12, 2018 4:16 am

Definitely not a good cook here. My meals are often made in one pot on top of the stove, often with the addition of stuff prepared earlier.

I do make my own stock though. It adds a lot of flavour to basic meat & veg.

A non US citizen here, but I can still remember where I was when I saw those first awful pictures of 9/11.
Three meals a day - not too little not too much, but just right

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Post by lpearlmom » Wed Sep 12, 2018 5:44 am

Yay I’m so proud of you with your cooking too! I do remember when someone said you ate like a teenage boy. I didn’t think that was too nice but you took it in stride. Look at you now though. I think you are doing home cooking the way it’s meant to be. Simple, wholesome food.

Can you tell me what the book is you’re reading on moderate drinking ? I now have 5 social events with drinking involved coming up this month! 🤦ðŸ¼â€â™€ï¸ Three are with my neighbor who is sober and I told him today I was doing sober September. So now if I do drink I feel like he’ll be judging me. I guess that’s good and bad.

Anyway cute names. I’d definitely go with sexy over passive. Now I want to come up with names for my family...
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Post by automatedeating » Wed Sep 12, 2018 1:52 pm

Wednesday, September 12th

Linda - I put the name of the book on your thread before I posted here. It's called "Controlling Your Drinking" by William Miller.

morning blood pressure: 110/72
out of glucose strips again - those things are expensive, too!

B: coffee w/milk
L: (will be) yogurt, strawberries, walnuts, carrots
D: (will be) Caesar salad, quesadilla, tomato, broccoli. A bit of a mish-mash

Walked dog

Hopeful - no plans

Gregor the Overlander chapters 18 & 19 at least
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Post by Octavia » Wed Sep 12, 2018 11:07 pm

Argh, I wonder if I need to read that book, Controlling your Drinking. Have just concluded that I need to drink more, as I had such a great night out with some friends tonight and feel that the wine has enabled me to dismiss stress as mere trivia. I’ve got my wine goggles on, that’s for sure. If only I could be as chilled as this without the wine.

Your meals today look super healthy and delicious, Auto!

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Post by worth it » Thu Sep 13, 2018 12:47 am

Auto- you are doing great! Consistent as ever. I â¤ï¸ The names of your family! Totally cracked me up! I agree with LInda, I’d go with “Sexy†for your hubby!

I also was laughing about your drinking tea (while reading a book about alcohol moderation) and was so excited about your increased confidence in cooking. That is so AWESOME (and so are you! 😀).

Keep on keeping on!

p.s. I recently discovered just how pricy those strips are when I went to pick them up for my mom once. I couldn’t believe they were even more expensive than the monitor!

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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Sep 13, 2018 5:45 am

Thanks for the book title. I love that there’s a book for everything! 😃
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Post by automatedeating » Thu Sep 13, 2018 1:57 pm

Thursday, September 13th

131.4/BMI 24.0

B: coffee w/milk
L: yogurt w/strawberries, walnuts & a carrot
D: (will be) spaghetti for kids; modified beef bowl for me. Onions, celery, broccoli, cabbage, maybe cheese, maybe olives. more caesar salad

Oops, overslept AGAIN, no morning walk. Will aim for a lunchtime and/or post-dinner walk, which I have been doing lately but not usually logging here since I tend to log more earlier in the day.
Fit in a walk at work during lunch.

Nope, won't do it!

We are burning through Gregor!! We are on Ch 23 -- I'd forgotten how quickly this book reads. As opposed to the very slow build of Harry Potter.
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Post by cedar » Fri Sep 14, 2018 10:18 am

Hey Auto you're doing so well. Sorry if it's been said but are you low carb? I'm liking your meals, I think I'm relying too much on bread etc.. I'm just wondering if I should try cut it out and replace it with more veg meat fruit etc.. I get fluid retention and I really noticed a difference when I was low carb, I just don't want to be so strict about it and then rebel and binge.

How's work going? Sounded like it's been quite intense. :D

And yes definitely another vote for Sexy :lol:

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Post by automatedeating » Fri Sep 14, 2018 2:45 pm

Hi Cedar! I guess you could define my new way of eating as low-carb, although I avoid mentioning that because it could be polarizing. It keeps my blood sugar perfect, and my blood pressure came down too! And, the biggest surprise was that by cutting out the filling pastas & breads, I had more room in my stomach to fit the veggies (which aren't as palatable to me). Now, knowing they are all I can have (in addition to the proteins, which I always love!), I am learning how to prepare them and eating more than I have in my entire life!

I actually have a cookbook now that delightfully provides me with scores of ideas and fits my philosophy perfectly: Dinner Plans, Easy Vintage Meals, by Jennifer Calihan & Adele Hite. I love love love it. I have bought it for two friends already. Her formula for a meal is:

Adequate Protein
Bright Veggies
Careful Carbs

NoS is always my foundation, so I have the weekend release valve to deal with any particular carb craving (for me, it's either potatoes in some form or ice cream, lol). I have developed my own philosophy of health/weight management, and I add in these "levers" in order of need. I assume as I age I will need more of the levers.

1. NoS - always king habit
2. Menu Planning & a list for grocery shopping
3. Daily relaxing walk, nothing crazy hard - just move
4. Whole Foods/Low Carb on N Days - I have now had to implement this and honestly, I am loving it. Happier, healthier, more energy, slimmer, better role model for my kids. #nevergoingback
5. IF on N Days - not there yet, probably will be needed around menopause, hopefully not before
6. Weight lifting - I love the idea, but something always hurts. But by the time I need this lever my kids will hopefully be out of the house and I can afford (time and money-wise) to join a gym.

Long answer to cedar's question, but I've been mulling these thoughts over and had been thinking to write out my list soon.

Friday, September 14th
130.8/BMI 23.9 eek! :-)

B: coffee w/milk
L: (will be) yogurt w/strawberries, walnuts, carrots
D: (will be) pot roast, cabbage, broccoli, whatever last veggies I can find in the fridge -- maybe some green beans. French fries for kids

Tonight is menu making and grocery shopping (if I feel like it - I'll go tomorrow if I'm too tired tonight)

Walked this morning. It was POURING, but doggie and I loved it.

Grocery shopping is A-OK today

Should finish Gregor today. Then either on to Gregor II or on to HP #5. HP#5 is SO long and Harry is SO puberty-ish that I'm not looking forward to it. Challenger12 gives me all the puberty I need right now. :roll:
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Post by cedar » Fri Sep 14, 2018 8:16 pm

Love it! Thanks, You've inspired me. I have always felt good eating that way in the past, and a lady (nutritionist) I once knew said bread isn't bad but it takes room away from veggies etc and can be a lazy food...that is exactly how I am with it lately. Good on you Auto! :lol: 8) .

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Post by Azalealilac » Sat Sep 15, 2018 3:27 am

Auto, I just read a whole bunch of your posts. You are very inspiring!

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Post by lpearlmom » Sat Sep 15, 2018 6:37 am

130?! Girl, you are almost in the 120s! I know is weight is not your main goal but it still must be pretty nice to see that number so low.

I love your levers. What a cool idea. IF is definitely a good one to have in your back pocket although technically you are already doing it a little bit by skipping breakfast. ;)

Enjoy your S day tomorrow!
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Post by automatedeating » Sat Sep 15, 2018 4:10 pm

Thanks Cedar and Azalea!

Linda - you are so right, I get a bit of a shiver to imagine being in the 120's. Not the goal, but it is the dream, lol.

I know I'm kind of IFey with often skipping breakfast, but if I am hungry for breakfast, I definitely have it. It's not something I'm requiring of myself, if that makes sense.....and that makes me less likely to rebel against it.

S Days are here!

Saturday, September 15th
B: coffee w/milk, a smoothie (yogurt + frozen fruit), and a handful of chocolate-covered almonds (from my kids' lunch snacks....I've been dying to try them all week). I am determined not to let this morning sweet derail me for the rest of the day!
L: frozen pizza, nectarine
D: nachos w/beans, cheese & sour cream
A carby day, felt like I ate a ton, but upon writing it down I realized it wasn't over the top, just processed food choices that feel like I'm really indulging.

Went shopping last night. Did NOT do as well as last week (and last week was a budget overshot, too!)..... spent about $200. For my own list-making purposes, here is what I bought:

Costco - $162
spring greens
eggs (36)
pet stuff: canned cat food ($23) + dog treats ($23) - wow
block of cheese
kids' lunch stuff: string cheese, peanut butter pretzels, go-gurts, trailmix (I hide this stuff and make sure everyone knows it's off-limits except for lunches)

Local grocery: $44
brussel sprouts
nectarines, 3
1 onion
3 big yogurts
1 milk
1 can refried beans (Costco carries a kind we don't like now, so sad)
non-alcoholic beer (for Sexy43)
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
3/19-22.1; 10/19-21.8
6/20-22.5; 7/20-23.0; 9/20-23.6
4/21 - 25.2

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