Pinkhippies daily check in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Tue Sep 15, 2015 3:01 pm

Hello all. I remember I first tried NoS probably around 5 or so years ago. I think I was nursing my second baby at the time. Now I have had and finished nursing baby #3 and I am done with babies and ready to move on. I started at about 200 lbs, and I have used Intuitive eating with great success but it only keeps me about 10-20 pounds above what I want to be ( the pre 2nd baby weight) I am currently at a healthy BMI, about 157 lbs at 5' 8.5". Pre baby I was about 145-155 depending on time of year/month etc... I am relatively happy with my current weight but if I solely use IE to maintain it starts drifting back up to 165 and I don't want that. I discovered after experimenting with Intermittent fasting that I feel better when I don't snack in between meals. Physically my body pretty much never needs seconds, I just eat them when Im stressed or anxious, and I have a sweet every day habit that I would like to change. I really do think its just a very ingrained habit and I don't feel good when I eat a lot of sugar so I want to change that. This brought me back to No S.

And here I am.

Yesterday I had no problem not snacking between meals but I did have seconds because it was the first night I was going without a dessert or two or three in a very long time. I felt like I had to keep eating more food to make up for it. Tonight, my goal is to incorporate some kind of fruit for dessert into my dinner and to not have seconds. I really like not snacking between meals because I feel genuinely hungry for my meals and they taste much better. :)

eta: I really think all the work I did with IE is helping me a lot with NoS. I rarely eat for emotional reasons anymore, did lots of work with that and becoming more assertive and meeting my own needs so I don't usually need to eat to take care of my non hunger needs. Also, I am pretty good now at eating when Im hungry and stopping when Im satisfied. Before when I did NOs I was not yet in touch with that and I had HUGE plates of food and I ate them all. I also really struggled with after dinner with emotional/soothing/caretaking eating and now that is rarely an issue. Its not that I don't emotionally overeat sometimes, but I definitely do it way way less. I think I just needed a bit more of a framework/structure/habit to put my IE in. We will see if that actually ends up working. :)

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Post by pinkhippie » Wed Sep 16, 2015 12:11 am

Well, Dinner was difficult. I was very aware as I was making dinner that I wasn't even thinking about dinner, I was thinking about dessert! I had a small ramiken of unsweetened applesauce on my plate as part of my dinner. For a minute I was thinking about blending some frozen blueberries to make sorbet, but I am trying to get away from the need for desert after dinner mentality/habit altogether, not just eating something calorically low. It is very hard but I did not have seconds, I ate my plate until I was satisfied, and I did not have dessert.

I have already built the habit of not eating in the evening so now is not difficult. I usually have a cup of tea in the evening while my husband and I watch a show on netflix and talk. Its just the hour and a half after dinner when the kids go outside to play/ get ready for bed and it feels like now is the time for a reward. I was aware of feeling very sad and very deprived while I was making dinner and after dinner about the idea of not having dessert. It really is a mental /emotional habit. Now that that time has passed, I feel fine about it. So, I think I can probably call this day a success! 2 whole days of no dessert after dinner! I will change this habit yet.

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Post by pinkhippie » Wed Sep 16, 2015 11:50 pm

Another difficult dinner. I had this idea in my head of what dinner should be and my recipe didn't work out. So, it was not the amazing dinner I was hoping for. Typically this makes me indulge in a lot of desert after dinner because the food was so disappointing. This time, I did not. I didn't even have anything sweet with dinner. Just pasta and chicken and veggies, oh with a small piece of french bread and butter. I was really craving carbs, I wonder if Im in small sugar withdrawal from no sweets during the week. Hopefully I won't mess myself up on my S days which I am REALLY looking forward to. I am really happy to be building these new habits though.

Before dinner, about an hour before I felt all lightheaded and weak. That was annoying, not sure why that happened. It had been about 5 hours since lunch. I still did not snack.

This is really hard sometimes though, which makes me want to change the habit even more. It shouldn't be this hard. Im getting plenty of food. So, here is day 3 of no dessert after dinner! :) Success!

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Post by pinkhippie » Mon May 30, 2016 1:04 am

*blows dust off old thread*

Well, here I am at 173 lbs. le sigh... Intuitive eating is not really working for me. Im going to try to recommit to No S.

I have been doing No S since last Wednesday. Yesterday, ( Saturday) was an S day and I ate dessert after lunch and dinner and had pizza at about 10 pm while watching a movie. Today, although its technically a S day I didn't snack, but did have a few squares of chocolate after dinner. Since I last tried No S last year I have gotten much better at going without snacking between lunch and dinner. Part of that is now I have a part time job and can't eat between 10:30 and 5 pm. Its a little tough but with a big lunch at 10 30 and lots of water it is doable. That is only 3 days a week, so on my non work days, eating lunch at 12, its no problem to make it to dinnertime at 5 pm. I think my biggest dietary downfall is the Sweets part of the S. I would be happy with dessert after every meal. What I am doing this time around is including a small bowl of cereal in my dinner meal. I love cereal, it feels like a treat and it helps with my dessert craving. WHen I was young and single I used to just eat cereal for dinner. We will see how that goes.

Tommorow is memorial day and although it's an S day for special, (Big bbq at the in laws) I plan to treat it like I did today. Breakfast, no snack, lunch, desert either after lunch or dinner and no snacks. I figure that will help balance having a Special day right after my S days for the weekend.

We will see how it works out. :)

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Post by kaalii » Mon May 30, 2016 5:53 am

hey, welcome back!

yes, hard to keep with intuitive eating while sugar, a very addictive substance, is all around us... noS seems better for it and giving sugar intake more control...

im rather new here but nice to have you back! :)
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Post by pinkhippie » Tue May 31, 2016 1:07 am

kaalii wrote:hey, welcome back!

yes, hard to keep with intuitive eating while sugar, a very addictive substance, is all around us... noS seems better for it and giving sugar intake more control...

im rather new here but nice to have you back! :)
Hey thanks for the welcome!

I definitely agree with you about sugar being addictive. I think No S works really well for that as well.

Speaking of, today I had dessert after both lunch and dinner but no seconds and no snacks. My Mother in Law makes amazing desserts and she sent some home with us. Tommorow might be a bit tricky with it staring me in the face but I am determined to have a successful vanilla NO S day tomorrow. Im going to start mentally prepping myself now. :)

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Post by kaalii » Tue May 31, 2016 5:50 am

just a tip that i have read somewhere here for that delicious cake from your mother in law:
some poeple on noS actually freeze a piece or two of the cake they really want to have... and then eat it on the weekend!
like that it is not wasted and you do get to enjoy it...
noS is really great in that way...
i havent done freezing yet but it seems to be working for them and even taste more delicious because of the postponed gratification...
i did have a piece of apple pie staring at me from the fridge for 2 days, though... i made it till saturday morning... and had it for breakfast then... yes, it was delicious and just the fact that i remember having it and enjoying makes it worthwile to wait sometimes... :lol:
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Post by pinkhippie » Wed Jun 01, 2016 1:06 am

kaalii wrote:just a tip that i have read somewhere here for that delicious cake from your mother in law:
some poeple on noS actually freeze a piece or two of the cake they really want to have... and then eat it on the weekend!
like that it is not wasted and you do get to enjoy it...
noS is really great in that way...
i havent done freezing yet but it seems to be working for them and even taste more delicious because of the postponed gratification...
i did have a piece of apple pie staring at me from the fridge for 2 days, though... i made it till saturday morning... and had it for breakfast then... yes, it was delicious and just the fact that i remember having it and enjoying makes it worthwile to wait sometimes... :lol:
Oh that is a great idea! I don't know why I didn't think of that. I am totally going to go and freeze a piece of that cake right now. Thanks so much for the idea!

Good for you with the apple pie. Don't know if I could have made it two days, its been a long time since I have had apple pie. :)

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Post by pinkhippie » Wed Jun 01, 2016 1:10 am

Today was a success. I actually didn't have breakfast because I was so full from my memorial day feasting. I had a fairly small lunch and then when I got home from work 6 plus hours later I was starving! I had one plate of food plus my small bowl of cereal that I have been having along with dinner and calling dessert in my head. It all fits on one plate, the bowl is really small. So Im considering that a success.

I like waiting until I am very hungry to eat but the problem is when Im that hungry all my good intentions fly out the window. I feel like I could eat forever and have seconds and dessert etc... But, by the time I finish my plate, that feeling has passed and I feel comfortably full.

Now Im off to go freeze the most delicious dark chocolate cake ever for Saturday! Yay something to look forward to! ;)

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Post by pinkhippie » Sat Jun 04, 2016 1:22 am

Thursday I didn't plan my dinner well and ate hardly anything so by 8 pm my stomach was growling up a storm and I felt extremely hungry. So, I had more dinner and then I felt satisfied. I didn't have any sweets or snacks, more like a second.

Today was a success. I am really proud of myself, I have managed to not have a sweet at all this week. I think it really is a habit, and I am starting to break the sweets after dinner habit.

My husband was eating chocolate cake after dinner and trying to get me to eat some but I was happy saying no because I know I have a piece of chocolate cake in the freezer, waiting for my S day tomorrow. yay!

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Post by Merry » Sat Jun 04, 2016 6:22 am

Yay for a green day! Enjoy your cake tomorrow!
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Post by pinkhippie » Sun Jun 05, 2016 12:53 am

Thank you Merry!

It's funny but today I found myself naturally eating only breakfast, lunch and dinner. I feel like eating only 3 times a day has put me in touch with my hunger signals a lot more. I had a piece of chocolate after dinner and it felt weird. I think I have started to get out of the habit of having sweets after dinner finally. My cake is thawing right now. hah hah. Im going to have it and enjoy it and that will probably be it for me. We will see. Since it's an S day Im not going to try super hard. If I get hungry later I will eat. But I haven't been hungry at night for a while lately.

Anyway, doing great so far!

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Post by pinkhippie » Tue Jun 07, 2016 12:56 am

SUnday, I decided to not have any sweets. I did allow myself a snack and seconds, but no sweets. I noticed it was VERY hard mentally to not have a sweet after dinner. I think its such a habit for me that even one day of going back to dessert after dinner made me want it again the next day. Today has been a great N day. I did breakfast, lunch and dinner. Dinner ended up being way too spicy so I had a tiny helping and a bowl of cereal to go with it. My cereal is just plain cheerios with a banana, no honey or anything. For now, that seems to help me feel good about my meal but without the sugar of dessert. Eventually I would like to work my way to just a piece of fruit with dinner to finish off my meal.

I have been trying to get more veggies in my daily diet. I tend to be bad about that. Today I had broccoli quiche for lunch and spicy spinach cajun stew with baby carrots. I definitely have room for improvement. I hate cooking vegetables and I tend to stick to broccoli, green beans, and carrots. This week I got lettuce and tomatoes to make salads and spinach to throw on the side or in smoothies.

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Post by MaggieMae » Tue Jun 07, 2016 1:20 am

Hi, pinkhippie! I'm like you when it comes to feeling the need for a dessert after dinner. That is probably the hardest part of no s for me. I've been doing good though, and I finally broke the habit of night time snacking. When it comes to cooking vegetables, I buy those frozen bags that are called "steamers". I just microwave it about 5 minutes before the rest of the food is done and pour into a fancy bowl. Haha. They have all kinds of veggies available, including some with different seasonings. No fuss. When I first got married, I made green beans almost every night because Idon't really like vegetables. Haha. I've expanded my palate quite a bit over the last few years. Anyway, sounds like you're doing great. Glad you came back to no s!

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Post by pinkhippie » Thu Jun 09, 2016 2:20 pm

Hi Maggie!


I am totally going to have to try out the steamers. I think I always just look over them because they cost more, but the price is probably negligible and if I actually eat more vegetables than I would say its worth it. Thanks for the idea!

Last night/yesterday was VERY VERY difficult to keep it an N day. My kids were constantly snacking, I was having to fix "peanut butter roll ups" After dinner. I got peanut butter on my hands and it smelled so good, and the tortilla I was spreading it on felt so soft and deliciously fluffy...

But, I did NOT eat. I stuck to breakfast, lunch and dinner and drank tons of water. It was difficult but I have done such a good job establishing my habit, I didn't want to break it. I am proud of myself this morning. I also didn't need to eat my bowl of cereal with dinner yesterday either, I was happy with just my dinner which was bean burritos and salad. So yay! improvements.

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Post by kaalii » Thu Jun 09, 2016 6:09 pm

excellent, pinkhippie!
the days/moments like that are challenging but overcome are the biggest succeses, imho!
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Post by Merry » Fri Jun 10, 2016 4:56 am

pinkhippie wrote:Hi Maggie!


I am totally going to have to try out the steamers. I think I always just look over them because they cost more, but the price is probably negligible and if I actually eat more vegetables than I would say its worth it. Thanks for the idea!

Last night/yesterday was VERY VERY difficult to keep it an N day. My kids were constantly snacking, I was having to fix "peanut butter roll ups" After dinner. I got peanut butter on my hands and it smelled so good, and the tortilla I was spreading it on felt so soft and deliciously fluffy...

But, I did NOT eat. I stuck to breakfast, lunch and dinner and drank tons of water. It was difficult but I have done such a good job establishing my habit, I didn't want to break it. I am proud of myself this morning. I also didn't need to eat my bowl of cereal with dinner yesterday either, I was happy with just my dinner which was bean burritos and salad. So yay! improvements.
Good for you! I always feel so empowered after a success like that--realizing I CAN say no to a temptation that's not worth breaking my habits over.
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Post by pinkhippie » Sun Jun 12, 2016 12:43 am

Thank you Kaali and Merry! I did feel very proud of myself and I managed to keep the rest of my N days green with no problem.

Lately what I have been doing is not having breakfast because I don't get hungry in the morning, but I have to eat lunch very early because of my job around 10 :30. THen I eat dinner at 5, and around 7 pm I have a bowl of cereal and call that breakfast. It seems to be working.

Today was my S day and I looked forward to it so much! My husband and I had a waffle for breakfast, we went on a bike ride and after lunch I had a few squares of reeses chocolate. It was SOOOOOO good. I noticed I didn't really want my pizza for dinner and instead ate some grapes and just 1 piece of pizza instead of my usual 2 or 3. Then I had some ice cream and chocolate cake and I didn't even finish it. It felt like too much, it made my head woozy and it didn't even taste that amazing. Its crazy because I used to eat way more sugar and sweet stuff than this on a daily basis and now I can't imagine how I used to do that. I have been drinking a big glass of ice water every evening instead of snacking and after I ate some cake and ice cream, all I wanted was my big glass of ice water. I think sometimes at night when I think Im hungry Im actually thirsty. Anyway, its been a great S day! I have definitely enjoyed it but Im happy to be drinking my water now.

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Post by pinkhippie » Wed Jun 15, 2016 2:13 pm

I went a little nuts on my second S day and went to bed with a hurting tummy. I just felt like I couldn't stop eating even though I wasn't hungry. The next day, Monday, I didn't eat anything til noon because i was still so full. I also realized I was very depressed and sad all Monday. At first I thought maybe it was the sugar from all the eating on the S day but then I thought about it and realized that actually the reason I ate so much on Sunday was because I was upset and depressed. I had to feel it on Monday because I can't really bury my emotions in food on N days.

Then I remembered that something had upset me on Sunday afternoon and I just kind of brushed it off and ate and ate and ate without any conscious realization that the two were connected.

I felt/feel very grateful for the structure of the S and N days because it makes it so much easier to recognize emotional eating, and consequently, actually feel and deal with my emotions, rather than burying them under "hunger".

I am pretty happy with that. Today is Wednesday. Monday and Tuesday were N day successes. I have continued to not eat until lunch and then eat "breakfast" after I get back from my evening walk. It has been working great so far.

I have seen examples where people list their meals. For fun, I decided to do that.

Yesterday was a homemade taco salad for lunch. Dinner was TONS of green beans ( like half my plate) crockpot bbq chicken, and half a sweet potato. Breakfast was a cup of coffee with a little sugar and milk and a bowl of cheerios with blueberry's and a sprinkling of chopped pecans.

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Post by bunsofaluminum » Wed Jun 15, 2016 5:42 pm

pinkhippie wrote: I had to feel it on Monday because I can't really bury my emotions in food on N days.

Then I remembered that something had upset me on Sunday afternoon and I just kind of brushed it off and ate and ate and ate without any conscious realization that the two were connected.

I felt/feel very grateful for the structure of the S and N days because it makes it so much easier to recognize emotional eating, and consequently, actually feel and deal with my emotions, rather than burying them under "hunger".

I am pretty happy with that.
THIS. How perfectly on point this is! I love that you are learning so much about yourself with this. Just profound!

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Post by pinkhippie » Sat Jun 18, 2016 10:32 pm

bunsofaluminum wrote:
pinkhippie wrote: I had to feel it on Monday because I can't really bury my emotions in food on N days.

Then I remembered that something had upset me on Sunday afternoon and I just kind of brushed it off and ate and ate and ate without any conscious realization that the two were connected.

I felt/feel very grateful for the structure of the S and N days because it makes it so much easier to recognize emotional eating, and consequently, actually feel and deal with my emotions, rather than burying them under "hunger".

I am pretty happy with that.
THIS. How perfectly on point this is! I love that you are learning so much about yourself with this. Just profound!
Thanks! I definitely feel like this is a journey of self discovery.

I haven't checked in because it would be boring. I have had N days successfully all week. Yesterday was a little hard because its Friday and we had Pizza which we usually have on Saturday and so I associate pizza with desert after dinner. But, I had my "breakfast" meal after dinner of some plain yogurt with blueberries and I was happy. Sometimes I have a bowl of cereal for "breakfast" after dinner and sometimes I don't. Sometimes I am suprised to realize I am not hungry at all after dinner.

I have been eating more veggies. More salads for lunch with eggs and protein, and I usually have half my plate with veggies at dinner. I like veggies and combined with the rest of my dinner, it really helps to fill me up.

Today is an S day. I had a waffle for breakfast, we went out to eat and I got a skillet cookie, and probably leftover lunch for dinner. Im pretty happy with that.

I had a HUGE emotional thing happen today shortly after breakfast. My first instinct was honestly hunger. Then, I shifted away from that and realized I was busy telling myself all the reasons I shouldn't be upset and this thing didn't really bother me. So, I let myself feel the emotions. I cried for a little, I talked with my husband, I talked with my brother. ( It's family related) And I felt much better. I also didn't feel hungry anymore. It was a good lesson in feeling my feelings, even though at the time it felt bad. I guess I really don't like to feel feelings i deem as "bad".

It's just amazing how much No S helps me with emotional eating.

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Post by kaalii » Sun Jun 19, 2016 4:58 pm

wow! so great to read that pinkhippie!!
you are doing it really well!! :)
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Post by pinkhippie » Sun Jun 19, 2016 11:32 pm

kaalii wrote:wow! so great to read that pinkhippie!!
you are doing it really well!! :)
Thanks Kaali!

It is weird how easy and almost effortless it has been this time around. I could never stick to no snacks and desserts when I did this before. All i can imagine is that I have done so much work with the intuitive eating about getting in touch with hunger and emotional eating, that those tools really help now.

Either that or its the honeymoon stage and I am headed for a crash and burn. Hopefully not... :evil:

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Post by kaalii » Mon Jun 20, 2016 5:16 am

oh, i hope not, too... but even to have a setback is not the end of the world...
i mean, this work on emotional eating done right now will always stay with you as experience to draw back on, come back to and develop it further... :)
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Post by pinkhippie » Thu Jun 23, 2016 12:51 am

kaalii wrote:oh, i hope not, too... but even to have a setback is not the end of the world...
i mean, this work on emotional eating done right now will always stay with you as experience to draw back on, come back to and develop it further... :)
That is very true. What a good way to look at it. I will have to try to keep this in mind. :)

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Post by pinkhippie » Thu Jun 23, 2016 12:59 am

I just realized that somehow, its been about 5 weeks since I started NO S. I don't even know how that is possible. It doesn't feel like that long. I also had all green days so far. It really hasn't felt that hard, except for a few days. Today was one of them. I had a midterm this morning so I ate breakfast even though I usually skip it. Then, I really wanted to be able to have a bowl of cereal or oatmeal after dinner so I decided to skip lunch, have dinner and then have my third meal after dinner. Bad idea. Although I was able to skip lunch and go about 8.5 hours with out eating, it was too much for me. I started feeling really bad and ravenously deprived. I wanted to just eat and eat and eat but obviously with the strictures of No s I didn't.

Next time I will eat breakfast and lunch and just forgo the after dinner 3rd meal.

I made my husband brownies for fathers day. Dark chocolate brownies. I had one on Sunday and they have gone in the freezer. I can't wait to have some on Saturday!

At the same time I started no sing I also started lifting weights a few times a week and walking 2 miles 5 times a week. I can definitely see the difference in how my clothes fit, I just hope I can maintain my healthy exercise habits.

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Post by osoniye » Thu Jun 23, 2016 12:09 pm

pinkhippie wrote:I made my husband brownies for fathers day. Dark chocolate brownies. I had one on Sunday and they have gone in the freezer. I can't wait to have some on Saturday!
Sounds like you're doing great! Making good decisions and learning from mistakes!
No Sweets, No Snacks and No Seconds, Except (Sometimes) on days that start with "S".

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Post by pinkhippie » Wed Oct 26, 2016 6:09 pm

So, I can't remember why at all but I guess I stopped doing no s. I really can't remember why. When I stopped I had gone from 173 to 167 in 5 weeks. So, I just can't imagine why I would stop. Maybe I hit a plateau and got discouraged. Historically I tend to hit those around 167/168 and 160/161 pounds.

Anyway, I stopped and regained my weight plus some. ( Imagine that) going back to 175 lbs. Then I decided to try to lose weight again and got into intermittent fasting. That got me down into the 168's and then after being stuck there for a few weeks I started calorie counting. Blargh. After about a month of that, I am ready to stop.

That got me down to 162 and here I have stayed for the past few weeks again. Although I am now in a healthy BMI I really don't feel completely comfortable at this weight. I do fit into a lot of old clothes now though and that is awesome! Probably if I lost about 10 more pounds and all my old clothes would fit comfortably. It's such a small number of pounds but it seems so far away.

I have decided to come back to No S. I feel like my portion sizes reduced with calorie counting and I am used to eating a smaller amount now. I also feel I have gotten way back into the snacking habit and I would like to stop that as I really enjoy my food more without snacking. Also these past few months I got into the habit of eating way more vegetables on a regular basis and I am really happy with that. I have noticed I feel physically better when I eat veggies daily.

And, I have started lifting weights and exercising moderately again. More for health then for weight. I have a physical job and when I'm weak and sedentary I seem to injure myself much more easily.

Also, I really hate to set "rules" for myself because then I want to break them, yet I find that if I have a framework it helps immensely with emotional eating and habit. So I'm still working on that. Glad to be back!

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Post by kaalii » Wed Oct 26, 2016 6:29 pm

glad to see you back, pinkhippie!!!

(that was my fear, to somehow forget about noS during summer)
the fact you are back reassures me somehow... :D
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Post by pinkhippie » Thu Oct 27, 2016 12:46 am

kaalii wrote:yeeee!!
glad to see you back, pinkhippie!!!

(that was my fear, to somehow forget about noS during summer)
the fact you are back reassures me somehow... :D
Thank you for the welcome back! :) Summer was definitely a bit of a challenge and we had a lot of vacation eating.

I realized though that I stopped the no s way because I was worried the S day's would impede my weight loss. Pretty funny when I think about it because when I stopped no sing I gained all my weight back plus more.

Today has been a green day!

It was very hard because I had had a small lunch so was very very hungry for dinner. However, I did manage to do it and over the past few months I have gotten out of the habit of snacking after dinner so I didn't lose all my habits. It was no problem to not eat after dinner and I also stopped having seconds a few months ago as well so it wasn't difficult. Just the snacking in the daytime thing between lunch and dinner has always been my biggest challenge I think.

Yay! Day 1. :)

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Post by pinkhippie » Sat Oct 29, 2016 12:16 am

Yesterday even though it was day 2, I declared it an S day because my little brother was in town and we went out for a drink after dinner. I havent seen him in about a year and it will be another year before I see him, so I consider it special. I did stick to 3 meals, no snacks and no seconds, just had one cider beer after dinner. So Im calling it a success.

Today was no problem eating only 3 meals and no seconds. My issue right now is, Im all alone at home which pretty much never happens. My husband took the kids to a halloween event because he is the best husband ever so Im here by myself and just wanting to eat because its special and I have the whole house to myself. Such a silly reason to eat when Im not hungry, but its a pattern.

Anyway, Im not going to eat. I think I will make myself some herbal tea as my special treat.

So, im calling today a green day as well.

Day 2 and 3, success. :)

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Post by pinkhippie » Mon Oct 31, 2016 1:53 pm

The weekend was an S weekend. Handy because of all the Halloween events we had. I really didn't go too nuts, but my digestive system didn't like the fact that I didn't have as many veggies as normal or the fact that I had some candy bars I guess.

I was really glad to get back to my N days today. I fell into weird eating patterns on the weekend and ate lots of mini meals. I don't think I overate at all, which is awesome, just ate less healthy and more often at weird times.

Anyway, I am doing good so far. On day 6 I think and I am determined to make it green. :)

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Post by pinkhippie » Tue Nov 01, 2016 12:46 am

hah! famous last words. I actually FORGOT it was Halloween today. I probably should have made it an S day. I did great with 3 meals no seconds but then after dinner I made a cake with my girls, had a piece and and a handful of Halloween candy, plus a slice of my husbands pizza since all that sugar made me hungry.

BIG SIGH and my first recorded red day.

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Post by pinkhippie » Tue Nov 01, 2016 3:44 pm

Surrounded by Halloween candy today. My plan is that for every piece I want to eat I will put it in a bag and not bring that bag out until Saturday, my S day. I really do worry about the S days. I worry that they foster that desperate diet feeling like I have to eat it all now because I can't have it until the weekend. I remember now that this is why I stopped No S. But I will continue with the process and see how it shakes out for me. I also ate a bit bigger of a breakfast today because I think I have been trying to combine smaller meals and no S which leads to being quite hungry and being more open to the temptation of overeating or eating treats on non S days.

We will see how today goes.

I also know that yesterday I was upset and used the excuse of Halloween candy to indulge in some emotional eating. I was totally aware that I was upset and eating because of it. I ate while I was walking around and doing stuff, not sitting with it like I normally do. But I chose not to care. It was silly too, not anything that I am not used to dealing with without food. Just a cranky husband. I still have a cranky husband today but I am not going to use food to deal with it.

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Post by kaalii » Tue Nov 01, 2016 6:03 pm

hang in there!
and great to resolve to not give in to emotional eating!!

also, i like the idea of a bag for Sweekend when surrounded by candy/treats...
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Post by pinkhippie » Wed Nov 02, 2016 12:33 am

Thanks Kaali!

My husband is still grumpy but is eating going to make him happy? No. I have made it to the end of an N day and it is green! Woohoo! Sipping my tea a few hours after dinner and I have made it past the danger zone. The day after an S day is always the hardest to get back on track with habit for me, and after 3 days it is even more hard plus Halloween candy and cake. I did put a few pieces of candy in my bag today, looking forward to Saturday. :)

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Post by pinkhippie » Wed Nov 02, 2016 3:29 pm

So yesterday did end up being a green day. My toughest time is the hours between lunch and dinner. Its pretty easy to get used to not eating after dinner but between lunch and dinner is hard. I think its because I work part time and so have a different schedule 3 days of the week. Today I decided to try to stick to a loose version of my work schedule at home. It will be tough because on work days I eat lunch at 10 30 and dinner at 5. But, if I can get my stomach used to going that long in that time period without food on a regular basis, maybe it will be easier every day.

I can't eat lunch at 10 30 today because I ate breakfast later than a work day, but I'm going to aim for a similar number of hours between breakfast and lunch and lunch and dinner. Hopefully the hardness in the beginning will make it easier down the road.

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Post by pinkhippie » Fri Nov 04, 2016 2:16 pm

Yesterday was also a green day! Tomorrow is an S day and boy am I looking forward to it! I notice as the days go by it becomes easier to stay on habit and so although I look forward to my S days, Im also nervous about them. It has become easier now and I don't want to de rail myself.

I have pondered keeping to the 3 meal structure on S days as that is my toughest habit to keep on N days. I feel like when I feed myself at a certain time, my body gets used to and expects food around the same time every day. I hate to mess that up on the weekends. On the other hand, I don't want to put constraints on my S days starting off either. I don't know, we will see. I noticed last S weekend that I actually prefer eating 3 meals a day because I feel like I am nicely hungry for my meal and I am not mindlessly eating with no framework or structure. So maybe it wouldn't be a big deal to aim for that on S days but if something comes up, its ok because its an S day.

Anyway, I plan to have a green day today! Fingers crossed that I can keep it going. It's a work day and those are sometimes harder.

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Post by pinkhippie » Mon Nov 07, 2016 3:27 pm

So the pattern I notice for my S weekends seems to be so far, the first S day I actually dont really want sugar and sweet stuff that much but I have it because I can. I don't really have that much. The second day I really really want sugary stuff and start to crave it. I want it and eat way more of it than I did on my first S day.

This really points to sugar being addictive for me I think. Back when I did IE, I worked on legalizing foods. One thing I legalized was oreos. I went nuts on oreos for about 3 or 4 weeks. I finally did come to the point where I didn't finish a bag and had to throw it away weeks later. I also haven't had an oreo desire since that time when they used to be my nemesis/weakness. That was almost 2 years ago.

So, Im torn on the S days vs legalizing everything. For now, I stick to S days and see what happens.

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Post by pinkhippie » Mon Jun 19, 2017 1:12 am

wow! I can't believe how long it has been since I have been here. I am not really sure of the order of events but after I stayed at 162/164 for a while with no S I decided to go back to calorie counting.

I have gotten all the way down to 157 and I feel like I look a lot better. The problem is, is I started getting really lightheaded and fuzzy headed just randomly. I don't know if I am terrible at calculating my own calorie intake and I am not eating enough, or if restricting my intake causes me to be nutrient deficient. All I know is it feels terrible. I have been counting calories for about 2 months now which is a new record for me but around the 6 week mark I started feeling bad. I did up my limit, but I still feel bad.

Anyway, I had the thought of maybe going back to No s because I didn't feel dizzy and light headed like this while eating that way. I am not sure if its food related or not, it could be allergies as well. I dont know.

Anyway, I bought the book and I am ready to commit. One thing that ended up happening naturally with calorie counting was no seconds and no sweets on N days. That habit is actually very easy for me now. It's the snacks and eating enough at meals to get me to the next meal that I need to work on now I think.

So, I am back... again. :)

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Post by Merry » Mon Jun 19, 2017 4:23 am

Welcome back! I hope you start feeling better soon.
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Post by pinkhippie » Mon Jun 19, 2017 6:06 pm

Thank you Merry!

I just remembered why I had stopped no S yet again. My work schedule got very tricky. 2 evenings a week and the rest daytime. It got so hard to keep to the 3 meal a day schedule when I had to leave for work at 3 and not get home until after 10. ( And I can't eat at work)

The good news is that I am about to take 6 weeks off, and then go back to working days so only 2 more weeks of figuring out the evening shift eating.

Today is my first official N day. Let's see how I do.

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Post by kaalii » Mon Jun 19, 2017 11:38 pm

heey, welcome back! :)
nice to see you here again!
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Post by pinkhippie » Tue Jun 20, 2017 7:57 pm

Thank you Kaalii! I am glad to see you are still here as well!

I had a beautiful green day yesterday. Now, to figure out what to do for today. I work from 5 to 10ish, won't be home until around 10 30, have to eat before I leave, which because of the commute means eating around 4ish. I really don't want to have my dinner at 4 and then go through a possibly very busy night at work surrounded by food ( I work in a restaurant) and then come home and eat nothing. I also don't want to go to work with my last meal having been lunch around 1 30 pm.

So I have some possible ideas: Split my early dinner in half, eat half a plate at 4 pm, and eat half a plate at 10 30. It's still a one plate meal, but its divided.

Or, eat dinner at 4 and then have a glass of milk when I get home instead.

The only thing about eating so late makes me worried that I will start being hungry that late at night, even nights when I don't work.

I am still not sure what I will do but either one of those solutions that I choose to use, I will count as a green success day.

I ate lunch kind of late because I was trying to make it until 4 pm for lunch so I could then have dinner at 1030 but that ended up being terrible. I felt very hungry and light headed and even a bit sick to my stomach so I decided to have lunch after all.

I guess I will see how hungry I am at 4 pm. The way I feel right now, I could easily just eat half my meal that I have planned out. But I also really like the idea of only eating 3 times. Decisions decisions...

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Post by pinkhippie » Wed Jun 21, 2017 6:27 pm

I ended up going with the option to split my dinner meal in half. I was glad I chose that as work was completely insane and very active last night and coming home to a small meal felt very good.

I am still having the dizzy problem and I am really annoyed by it. I guess I need to wean myself off caffeine as I have read it can exacerbate it, but it seems like it happens all day long and I only have one small cup in the morning with breakfast.

Today after a BIG breakfast I did my usual 3 times a week/twice a week work out of running for 30 minutes and then 20 minutes of weights. I felt fine during it but shortly after I started feeling lightheaded and eventually felt so lightheaded and faint that I felt sick to my stomach. It has only been about 3 hours since breakfast, so I drank a glass of milk to see if that would help. It did seem to make me feel better. Not completely better but a big improvement. Looking up feeling lightheaded between meals the internet is telling me I need to eat 5 to 6 small meals a day.

Very un no S.:( But, It really is awful to feel this way too. I can't think, i feel snappy and irritable and it takes a lot of self control just to do my normal routine with the house and kids.

I am definitely feeling discouraged. And this happens even on the days I don't work out. And, I have tons of protein for breakfast, usually at least 30 grams and it doesn't seem to make a difference.

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Post by pinkhippie » Thu Jun 22, 2017 1:54 am

Another green day. I have been researching blood sugar all day and trying to tweak my plate content as a result.

Eventually that milk did make me feel completely better and I was able to wait until 4 hours after breakfast to eat, and I was genuinely hungry. That felt really good because lately my stomach feels full but my head feels light and sick and that is why I have been eating.

So about 2 hours after I ate lunch I again felt light headed and yucky, I drank a glass of milk and felt better. Was able to wait until dinner time for dinner. And, 2 hours after dinner again felt lightheaded and this time wanted to experiment to see if it truly is low blood sugar. One of the listed things was a tablespoon of honey to raise the blood sugar back up. I made a mug of herbal tea and sweetened it with a tbsp of honey. ( I normally drink it plain) I was amazed to start feeling better within minutes. My stomach feels a little hungry, but my head feels fine.

So, I guess its definitely low blood sugar, but I am not sure what I want to do or what I should do. I am not sure if I should continue with glasses of milk or juice or sweetened tea, or I should break my meals into two and eat them about every two hours. I am really not a fan of milk. I drank more milk today than I have in years.

Since tomorrow is another work night, I may try breaking breakfast in half. lunch in half, and dinner in half. So very un No S.

I have a saucer that I can eat off of, so maybe it will work. I want to see which one feels better for me. I am just glad I figured out a way to help my poor dizzy head. I am not sure why its only started happening recently though. I have always had a tendency towards light headedness, but I used to be able to go for hours and hours without food and feel fine.

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Post by Merry » Thu Jun 22, 2017 3:04 am

pinkhippie wrote:Another green day. I have been researching blood sugar all day and trying to tweak my plate content as a result.

Eventually that milk did make me feel completely better and I was able to wait until 4 hours after breakfast to eat, and I was genuinely hungry. That felt really good because lately my stomach feels full but my head feels light and sick and that is why I have been eating.

So about 2 hours after I ate lunch I again felt light headed and yucky, I drank a glass of milk and felt better. Was able to wait until dinner time for dinner. And, 2 hours after dinner again felt lightheaded and this time wanted to experiment to see if it truly is low blood sugar. One of the listed things was a tablespoon of honey to raise the blood sugar back up. I made a mug of herbal tea and sweetened it with a tbsp of honey. ( I normally drink it plain) I was amazed to start feeling better within minutes. My stomach feels a little hungry, but my head feels fine.

So, I guess its definitely low blood sugar, but I am not sure what I want to do or what I should do. I am not sure if I should continue with glasses of milk or juice or sweetened tea, or I should break my meals into two and eat them about every two hours. I am really not a fan of milk. I drank more milk today than I have in years.

Since tomorrow is another work night, I may try breaking breakfast in half. lunch in half, and dinner in half. So very un No S.

I have a saucer that I can eat off of, so maybe it will work. I want to see which one feels better for me. I am just glad I figured out a way to help my poor dizzy head. I am not sure why its only started happening recently though. I have always had a tendency towards light headedness, but I used to be able to go for hours and hours without food and feel fine.
My grandpa had hypoglycemia, and this sounds a lot like what he went through with the dizziness etc... before they figured it out. He ate 6 small meals for years after that. I think it's important to do what you need to do for your health. No-S doesn't technically say how many plates to have, so 4-6 smaller plates can actually be No-S. You may want to check with a doctor though about the issues you've seen. I'm glad today went better.
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Post by pinkhippie » Thu Jun 22, 2017 5:09 am

Thank you for the input Merry! Yes it seems to match the symptoms for what I have. I think I will try the 6 very small meals. Maybe if its intentional eating and not random snacking it will still follow the no s spirit?

I will definitely find a Dr if this continues. I keep losing my pcp as they keep moving away and having to locate another one is a huge hassle. These symptoms are very recent and I am hoping I just got myself out of whack somehow and I can re calibrate myself once again.

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Post by pinkhippie » Fri Jun 23, 2017 11:21 pm

Been breaking my meals into two ( so six small meals) and eating about every two hours the past few days. It seems to be working pretty well. I have definitely felt better in the past couple of days. I also am slowly weaning myself off my morning caffeine as I have read that it can exacerbate things.

Today after dinner part 1 I wanted some chocolate and went to the cupboard to get it, then remembered no s. I really wanted it, but I really didn't want a red day, so close to an S day. So I held off even though it felt hard. Tomorrow I will have chocolate. :)

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Post by pinkhippie » Sun Jun 25, 2017 12:11 am

So, today was a glorious S day! Went out for brunch so didn't eat until 11 30. I was hungry by then but felt totally fine. No lightheadedness at all. I also only had decaf coffee but I was surprised. I didn't get hungry or lightheaded until about 4 30. And I wasn't that light headed.

I am wondering if maybe my meals have not been big enough?

I am going to continue to experiment but it was nice to feel good all day and not have to eat constantly. My brunch meal was a restaruant meal so it obviously had a lot of fat. I got decaf coffee with cream, nut pancakes, sausage links, scrambled eggs and fruit. I did not finish any of it, but it was a lot of food. Not sure how to replicate that at home.

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Post by Skycat » Sun Jun 25, 2017 7:20 am

What a great couple of days. Well doe on the chocolate resistance, I always feel that one of the key points of this plan is that chocolate isn't totally forbidden, there is always an end in sight to the denial.

Great news on the S day brunch as well. I'm in awe, I'm not a fan of brunch because I am so programmed for 3 meals a day that I feel a bit cheated by brunch, and end up eating way more to compensate.

Go you!
I CAN do this.

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Post by pinkhippie » Tue Jun 27, 2017 6:36 pm

Thank you Skycat! I was happy about that too. Back in the day before I had kids and a weight issue, I often ate only about twice a day and was happy with it. It would be nice to maybe get back to that on a more regular basis.

So, I got struck down with stomach flu on Sunday night. ugghhhh. Yesterday ate only a few crackers and a jello, and today have had some toast and banana. So, these 2 days are my S days for "sick". sigh... I am feeling better today, just ridiculously weak and easily tired.

I am about to take 6 weeks off from work and I am very excited about that. This is my last week and then no more weird food/eating schedules so maybe I can figure out the habits of No S with a little more consistent structure.

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Post by pinkhippie » Thu Jun 29, 2017 12:22 am

Yesterday I ate only saltines and some rice. I went to work and snapped at my manager because my head was so fuzzy and she was being very in my face about training some new staff. ( I am a trainer. ) I did smooth things over with her later and let her know I was recovering from stomach flu but that was a little crazy! I have never snapped at ANY manager or any co worker either. I am known for being reserved, patient, calm, kind and understanding. Yikes! I mean this manager does annoy me greatly on a regular basis and I have to use all my social skills and self control to deal with her so I guess it would make sense that I could lose it a bit. The sad thing is, she is so used to people snapping at her, I don't think she even noticed.

Anyway, today I had 3 meals sort of. I am still counting this as a "sick" day but I am finally getting back to normal. I made a bowl of rice pudding for breakfast, was only able to eat about half of it, went and did my work out, and then ate the rest. Around 3 30 I had a small bowl of veggie soup and then at 530 I had a medium size dinner with the kids. ( cornbread muffins) I feel pretty good with that.

after this bout of stomach bug, I am now the weight I have been aiming for for about 8 years now. I lost about 3 pounds. Obviously I expect some of that to return but either way the scale is finally telling me my dream, yet I feel exactly the same. I am happier with how I look, but i was feeling that way before I lost those magic 3 pounds.

I have put so much worth on that number on the scale, and part of me recognizes its ridiculous, and part of me wants to go even lower.

I feel happy to be back to my pre baby weight. I want to return to pre baby weight and pre baby attitude towards food. Where I was conscious of my eating but not to a great extent. Where I didn't really feel like I had to control my eating, I just ate when I was hungry and stopped when I was full. Why is it so hard to get back there? Sigh... I used to consider myself a naturally intuitive eater AND I was happy with my body and how I looked. I pretty much look like that now, ( except almost 10 years older) and I am not happy like I was. It's like I got sucked into body unhappiness when I gained weight and now I can't get out even though my weight is back to where it was when I was happy.

Anyway, rambling thoughts, I guess I need to figure some stuff out, just not sure how to go about it.

In the meantime I am just going to stick to No S.

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Post by pinkhippie » Sat Jul 01, 2017 1:30 am

Today was my last day at work for a while. Six weeks!!

It was a weird day meal wise because I had a gap of about 7.5 hours between meals, so I ate breakfast, and then took a snack to work. I ate that around 230ish and then came home to a very small dinner around 5ish. But about 3 hours after I ate dinner I realized I was really really hungry and then realized I had technically not eaten lunch and I was famished. So I had another small meal and felt much better. So, today was not really a no s day success but I don't really consider it a fail because I needed to eat something before 7 hours was up.

I may just call it a special day because it's my last day of work! yay! Anyway, I don't think I overate today so regardless, I feel its a win.

The scale is still holding at 155 pounds, and if I can keep it there, I will be a happy camper. I realized I definitely do feel better at a little bit lower weight.

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Post by pinkhippie » Thu Jul 06, 2017 1:49 am

Well got through all the holidays. I have kind of been no sing in a more loose way, or maybe with a mod, I am not sure.

On S days I have been only eating 3 meals a day and no seconds. The only difference is that maybe we go out to eat, or maybe I get a dessert with my meal once or twice a day. I like that. I have discovered over the years of doing no s that I actually really like not snacking and not having seconds. Whenever I snack, I find that I really don't enjoy my next meal as much and the food almost feels "wasted" because I am not truly hungry for it. Food just doesn't taste anywhere near as good when I am not hungry. I discovered that with intuitive eating also. I figured just because its an S day doesn't mean I have to force myself to snack. If something crazy came up, like I visited a friend or a random special snack popped up in my life, maybe I would eat it, but no need to eat them just because.

Same thing with seconds. Seconds make my stomach too full and feel bad, and the food feels wasted once again. It doesn't taste as good. So, why force myself to eat them? A plate of food is really all I need for a meal.

As for sweets, well I do love sweets. But once again why go nuts just because its an S day? I have been enjoying just eating a small portion of a dessert with my meal. And I am not sure if I am going to limit them just to S days. I am experimenting right now and seeing if a small desert with dinner works for me, or if it throws me off the rails. Yesterday I had planned to have dessert with dinner, but was too full (hot dog, potato salad, chips type of meal for the fourth) and so I never had it. I think if I just know I can have a desert after dinner if I want it, then I will not feel I HAVE to have them on an S day, just because. I really don't like eating "just because".

Anyway, that is what I am doing, we will see how it works.

I have been having a bowl of fiber cereal with raisins, walnuts and milk in the morning, and then mid day I make myself a decaf coffee with about a cup of milk and small amount of cream and a little sugar and I sip about half of it in between breakfast and lunch, and I sip the other half between lunch and dinner. This has worked really well for me and eliminates the lightheaded feeling I used to get between meals.

Also, I have stopped counting calories and that feels good. I definitely feel far more sane with food than I have in a long time. I feel more like I did before I had kids and just ate what I wanted without worry. I feel like I am more in touch with my hunger and fullness now and I stop eating when I am full, even when that leaves food on my plate. That is a good feeling too, knowing I am taking care of my body like that.

I will keep on keeping on and see how this works for me. As far as scale weight, even after the weekend and fourth of July specialness I still weigh 154 (bmi of 22.7)which for me is just about "ideal". I am completely and totally happy with that. If my weight goes lower due to better eating habits, awesome but I am really just looking to maintain at this point.

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Post by Merry » Thu Jul 06, 2017 6:43 am

I love reading all of the positives you are experiencing. I agree, I almost always feel better when I don't snack and need to remember that on S days! I love the freedom you are enjoying--carry on!
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Post by pinkhippie » Fri Jul 07, 2017 6:40 pm

Thank you so much for your support Merry! I hope I continue on this path. I think my years of practicing intuitive eating and working on my emotional eating plus self care has really made a difference for me this time around. I really like the concept of listening to your body within the supportive framework of 3 meals a day. It seems like a good balance. I will carry on with my experiment! :)

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Post by kaalii » Sun Jul 09, 2017 4:22 pm

sounds excellent to read you are in such a good place and all the efforts are paying off!!
hugs! :)
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Post by lpearlmom » Sun Jul 09, 2017 9:01 pm

Wow seems like everything is kind of coming together for you. It does take a bit of experimenting & tweaking before getting it just right. I'm still working on it!
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Post by pinkhippie » Sun Jul 09, 2017 9:41 pm

Thank you Kaalii!

Thanks you lpearlmom! This has been such a long journey for me, it feels good that all my work over the years seems to be coming together. I really hope it stays. I know how this goes so often, two steps forward and one step back.

I still feel pretty good. I was thinking yesterday about how strong habit really is.

I have gotten in the habit of after dinner, or after dinner and desert, declaring myself done with food for the day, and then sticking to that.

Last night after a delicious dinner of pizza and a desert of mini reeses cups, I made my usual declaration as I was feeling completely satisfied. Later that night, my husband and I were watching a movie where the main character seemed to be constantly eating. Big bowls of sugary cereal, desserts, sandwiches, etc.. So, I really started thinking about eating. I kept telling myself that it was OK because it was an S day.

The thing is, I wasn't really very physically hungry at all. I thought about it during the movie, but I never got up and got it. I thought about it after the movie and it was 11 30 at night. I never eat that late and so the thought passed me by, I made my night time tea and forgot all about it.

This morning I was thinking about it and I realized the main thing that kept me from overeating last night was habit. I have such a strong habit of not eating after dinner now, that it felt more unnatural to eat than to not eat. A year ago, or even 6 months ago, it was a different story. It felt more natural to eat, rather than not eat. I had a STRONG after dinner eating habit that I thought I could never break.

I wasn't able to white knuckle through and break it that way, I had to delve into all the emotional reasons I wanted to eat after dinner and deal with those. Even once I realized that food wouldn't fix my problems it was still SO HARD to not eat after dinner. Many many times I would just eat anyway.

But, once I introduced the structure of No S although it was difficult I had a more compelling reason to not eat after dinner. 1st, I wanted a green day, 2nd, I wanted to create a habit of not eating after dinner because it always made me feel physically bad. Laying in bed digesting is not the way I like to go to sleep. It took me a long time to realize that. It was also important for me to frame it like "I want to create a good habit and feel good when I go to bed", NOT "I have to lose weight!" Very different mental motivations, and it seems to really make a difference for me.

Anyway, last night I realized that the habit is stronger than the desire now, and that is pretty amazing. I am sure that something may pop up down the road where I eat after dinner for whatever reason, but it won't be my usual habit.

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Post by Merry » Tue Jul 11, 2017 6:33 am

pinkhippie wrote:
But, once I introduced the structure of No S although it was difficult I had a more compelling reason to not eat after dinner. 1st, I wanted a green day, 2nd, I wanted to create a habit of not eating after dinner because it always made me feel physically bad. Laying in bed digesting is not the way I like to go to sleep. It took me a long time to realize that. It was also important for me to frame it like "I want to create a good habit and feel good when I go to bed", NOT "I have to lose weight!" Very different mental motivations, and it seems to really make a difference for me.

Anyway, last night I realized that the habit is stronger than the desire now, and that is pretty amazing. I am sure that something may pop up down the road where I eat after dinner for whatever reason, but it won't be my usual habit.
This IS amazing, I love it! Positive motivation is a strong thing--I love the strength that habit can bring. That nighttime eating habit, triggered by TV is challenging to break--well done!
Homeschool Mom and No S returnee as of 11-30-15.
2 years and counting on No-S.
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Post by pinkhippie » Thu Jul 13, 2017 4:39 am

Thank you Merry! I really appreciate the words of support. Nighttime eating has always been my hardest obstacle. I struggled with it again tonight. Last night after dinner my husband asked me to make blueberry muffins as he had been craving them. I found a new recipe and decided to make it a red day. I had TWO of them fresh off the muffin pan and they were DELICIOUS. I didn't really regret eating them but then today after dinner I felt like I wanted something only a few hours after dinner. I think because I was actually a little bit really hungry, as it was a work out day but partly because yesterday I broke my habit and ate in the evening.

But, just as I was really seriously thinking about eating something, I remembered that I used to always make a cup of tea at night when I was breaking the habit so I made a cup of tea instead and then I felt fine. And very glad that I continued to establish the habit. That was seriously the main thing that kept me from running to the kitchen to eat. I knew that my hard earned habit was at risk of being eroded if I ate after dinner 2 nights in a row.

I feel glad I didn't succumb and I am looking forward to breakfast tomorrow.

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Post by pinkhippie » Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:54 am

All the talk of emotional eating in the thread in general discussion has clued me in a bit. Every night this week has been so hard not to eat! Previously it was easy, almost effortless.

Well, as I once again grapple with the eating urges that shoot across me like little electric shocks, I realize that once again, emotions are masquerading as hunger. So here we go:

My husbands father died 10 summers ago. It was horrible and traumatic for him, and he isn't so great at expressing his emotions either. Every single summer for the past 10 years, he starts having trouble. He gets sharp and sarcastic with the kids, with me, he lashes out, he becomes despairing and very hard to live with....

This year has been one of the worst years in a long time and its frankly exhausting. I want to be here for him, but its emotionally tiring. I also probably get my feelings hurt at least once a day as he figures it out. we do communicate and I know he will get through this but its tough. His anger and sadness surrounds our family like a poisonous cloud. I am tired. Part of me is angry. I know he is grieving but I wish he could do a better job processing his feelings and not taking them out on us. I feel bad saying that, I don't want to sound heartless.

Anyway, yep that is an old pattern for me to eat when I start to feel the fatigue of caregiving, suppressing my real feelings to deal with a "crisis" and dealing with someone who is constantly angry or sad or sarcastic. Life right now is difficult. At least now I recognize it, and hopefully that will help with the eating urges. I need to make sure I give myself some good self care while he continues to deal with this. More time alone, (being introverted this is paramount to me) time to read, writing in my journal about my feelings, and maybe more hot cups of tea. :)

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Post by Merry » Fri Jul 14, 2017 4:50 am

Wow, that must be really hard on all of you. Does your husband recognize at all that that's what he's doing? I'm sorry for the pain you all are going through.
Homeschool Mom and No S returnee as of 11-30-15.
2 years and counting on No-S.
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Post by pinkhippie » Fri Jul 14, 2017 5:56 am

Thank you for your kind words Merry. Yes, he is aware, it was something I realized was happening probably about 9 years ago, and we talked about it, and he has been working on it, but it seems sometimes like if there is any stress going on at all, he can't control it. He does try really hard and he does apologize and try to do better but during this time of year, its just hard. I feel bad for him and want to get away from him all at the same time.

We did have a better evening though, I am hoping he is working through it. One of the biggest things for him is we didn't have our children until after his father died so I know it hurts him badly that his dad never saw our kids.

I did feel better after I wrote about it though and stopped having food urges, so I think that is great. without no s I would have just thought I was hungry and I might not have tuned into the fact that something else was going on. How many times and in how many ways can I sing the praises of no s I wonder? :D

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Post by pinkhippie » Wed Jul 26, 2017 4:36 pm

So, been struggling a bit for 2 reasons.

First is I have started running outside a few times a week in the morning but I wasn't eating a bigger breakfast to accommodate it and was spending all day feeling very hungry and unhappy. By the time I reached dinner it was hard not to just want to keep eating.

Today I tried to eat a bigger breakfast after my run, and even on days I don't run, I think I need a bigger breakfast.

The second difficulty is as usual my husband. I think its because I am an introvert and I get overwhelmed, overstimulated easily and he is an extrovert who throws everything out there, the good and the bad all the time.

He is super stressed about this chapter in our lives right now. He is finishing up school, starting an internship in the fall, and feeling the crunch. When he is stressed he really becomes difficult to deal with and I find myself using a lot of internal energy just to NOT EAT. That is all I want to do in those times.

Yesterday I told him I needed a break and ended up falling asleep for about an hour as I felt so exhausted. I think I just needed a recharge, which I cannot do when he is emotional and expressing himself. And he doesn't let me just sit and listen either, he is constantly asking me pin the butterfly to the board questions. No squirming out of them. Anyway, it's good to be aware of this stuff, and I think my husband is a wonderful man, he just has issues with stress that he is working on.

On the brighter side I am loving how great I feel with regular exercise and I am loving how I feel stronger and more capable in all areas of my life because of it. I am still lifting weights 3 times a week as well. I went to a party where I saw friends I hadn't seen in a couple of years and I got many compliments on how wonderful I looked. I think that yes, I look a bit thinner and more toned but I also just feel so much better physically, I think that it shows.

Anyway, I haven't done my weight work out for today yet so I am going to go do it.

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Post by pinkhippie » Sat May 26, 2018 1:29 am

Ooooh, its been a while!

I love how when you go for a long time without posting, things are completely different.

so, to quickly recap. My husband graduated school and found a job in about 2 months. In the meantime, during his last semester of school, I started a job teaching physical fitness to preschoolers. It's only a few hours in the morning but it had 2 effects.

The first one is obvious, I became, have become much more fit. I am in probably the best physical shape of my life so far, as far as strength and cardiovascular . The classes are 30 minutes but they are back to back to back with no break so its like 2 to 3 hours of working out straight. I have been doing this job for about 6 months.

The second one is that I gained about 10 pounds.

The way I did this is that I got down to my happy weight and maintained it and then slid off of No S and went back to mostly intuitive eating. This was fine until I got a job that was physically active and required me to eat breakfast every morning even though I wasn't hungry and then I would come home ravenous and eat all day long. Nope nope. When I am required to eat at certain meal times, I have to do no S or I lose touch with my hunger and fullness and just eat all the time. Also, its honestly sometimes MORE work to try to always be aware of hunger and fullness and its just too easy to backslide back to all day eating.

So, here I am yet again back at No S.

I have been reading Lifeisablessing posts and mods and I am going to try that way this time. I think especially with the extra physical activity that it will work well for me. We will see. I am also not going to do red and green days, I feel like that triggers my disordered eating head with success and failure. I feel like I had pretty much realized I preferred S days with a structure of 3 meals no snacks and one or two small deserts so I think it will work very well for me.

So I have been having only 3 moderate meals, and a small dessert after dinner. This week has been half a scoop of no sugar added ice cream with a dollop of whipped cream. Knowing that I have that in store for me after dinner really helps me not overeat and stuff myself at dinner. I automatically am much more mindful at dinner and eat less than I normally would.

Anyway, that is me, good to be back! again. :)

I hope everyone is doing well!

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Post by LifeisaBlessing » Sat May 26, 2018 12:46 pm

Welcome back, pinkhippie, and thanks for the shout-out! :)

I hope you find my NoS approach works for you. I can still, after over two years, vouch for its effectiveness, simplicity, and ease of fitting into modern life. Just a heads up: depending on what past posts of mine you were reading, I no longer supplement my diet with protein bars, or try to shoot for a specific number of protein grams per day. I found that the protein bars were NOT agreeing with my digestive system, and the focus on "getting in that protein" was extremely counterproductive to my goals. Just keep it doable, simple, and natural in the least interruptive-to-your-life way. I have every confidence that you'll succeed! :)
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
~Jimmy Dean

The second you overcomplicate it is the second it becomes the thing for which it is a corrective.
~El Fug, on the NoS Diet

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Post by pinkhippie » Sat May 26, 2018 10:40 pm

LifeisaBlessing wrote:Welcome back, pinkhippie, and thanks for the shout-out! :)

I hope you find my NoS approach works for you. I can still, after over two years, vouch for its effectiveness, simplicity, and ease of fitting into modern life. Just a heads up: depending on what past posts of mine you were reading, I no longer supplement my diet with protein bars, or try to shoot for a specific number of protein grams per day. I found that the protein bars were NOT agreeing with my digestive system, and the focus on "getting in that protein" was extremely counterproductive to my goals. Just keep it doable, simple, and natural in the least interruptive-to-your-life way. I have every confidence that you'll succeed! :)
Hi Lifeisablessing! Thanks for stopping by! Also, thanks for the heads up regarding the protein bars. I can see how focusing on getting enough protein in could be counterproductive. That is great to hear that 2 years later, it is still working for you. Hopefully it will work as well for me as it did for you! :)

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Post by pinkhippie » Fri Jun 29, 2018 1:08 am

Just a quick check in!

I have been faithfully adhering to no snacks, mostly no seconds, and eating only 3 times a day with a small desert after dinner.

I was feeling discouraged a bit about my progress until I realized that I have lost about fourish pounds and that was only about a month ago that I started this. So, a pound a week is great.

Even more than that though, I have gotten my habits pretty rock solid. Being able to mentally have that desert after dinner really puts me in a better place. There have been a few nights that I haven't had it, but the freedom of being able to have it is really helpful for me.

Tonight for some reason I got really hungry after dinner and I was about to go and eat, but I asked myself would I feel any better if I ate? The answer is no. I hate that feeling of being full at bedtime. I have gotten so used to going to bed with an empty stomach at bedtime, that I have a really hard time sleeping and I generally feel bad if I eat before bedtime. Also, if I eat after dinner I am not hungry in the morning for breakfast and I miss out on my delicious breakfast. I love being hungry for breakfast.

And, what did I want right now that I couldn't have tomorrow? And the answer was nothing. I was kind of craving a bowl of cereal, but I know I will have it in the morning and it will taste so much better to me if I wait until tomorrow. So, I waited. I drank water and the urge to eat passed in about 10 minutes. Now I am not feeling that hunger urge anymore and I am really glad I waited.

So, I'm keeping on keeping on. I can't believe its only been a month. It feels like I have been doing this for a lot longer than that.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Sun Mar 24, 2019 9:37 pm

It's been a long time since I have been here. I gave up on any kind of eating pattern that had hours between eating because of my dizziness. However, last fall I discovered the weirdest thing!

I was getting dizzy not due to lack of food but because of my EYES! I have worn glasses to drive for years. My left eye is very nearsighted but my right eye is almost perfect. I can't remember how I figured it out but I realized that when I felt dizzy and put my glasses on that the dizzy feeling went away. I went to my optometrist and he said that I was using one eye for close up, and one eye for far away and it was making me dizzy. So, now I wear glasses all the time. If I go more than about an hour without wearing my glasses I get dizzy. But, I no longer feel like I have to keep eating because I feel dizzy.

How amazing is that? So, I have maintained at about 167 with intuitive, eat when I feel dizzy eating but I am happier when I am about 10 pounds less. Also, I feel like with intuitive eating I am not hungry as often as I would like to be. I know I am eating more food than my body needs, and I have really been feeling the need for structure. So, I am back working on Nos. One thing I noticed with intuitive eating was that having dessert becomes such a habit that if I eat desert for more than 2 days in a row, I start to have a REALLY hard time not eating dessert every day. So I have naturally gone to only desserts on weekends. But, snacking and seconds have ramped way up. It's a constant journey for sure.

Tommorow is Monday and I am going to try to not snack or have seconds for the first time in a very long time.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Soprano » Mon Mar 25, 2019 5:37 am

Welcome back and good luck

Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Tue Mar 26, 2019 8:38 pm

Thanks Soprano!

Doing good so far... It's only Tuesday but I have to take the little victories right? :)

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Soprano » Wed Mar 27, 2019 5:19 am

Celebrate all your successes :D

Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Thu Mar 28, 2019 11:06 pm

Welcome back! Now it's Thursday! :-)
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Wed Aug 21, 2019 7:00 pm

Soprano wrote:
Wed Mar 27, 2019 5:19 am
Celebrate all your successes :D

Thanks Soprano! It is important to do that I think.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Wed Aug 21, 2019 7:10 pm

automatedeating wrote:
Thu Mar 28, 2019 11:06 pm
Welcome back! Now it's Thursday! :-)
Thank you!

Now it is Wednesday 5 months later!

School got pretty busy for me, and I am about to go back starting Monday, but the good news is my schedule this semester is going to be much easier to only eat 3 meals a day. Last semester I had classes back to back from 9 am to 2:30. This semester I will get a break at 12:30. Wooohoo! :)

I leaped off the No S train headfirst unfortunately. Something I really struggle with is deprivation mindset. If I feel like I am depriving myself then I rebel against any changes I am trying to make. Obviously, the solution is to not feel deprived. I need to look at changing my way of eating as a gift that I am giving myself. A way to be healthy and still eat the foods that I enjoy. More like a self care thing. When I started No S for the first time, I was 33 I think... now I am 43. I feel completely different about my health and my body than I did back then. Health has become much more of a driving force for me than it ever has been.

Because of health concerns, I have gotten excellent about exercise in the past couple of months, and have actually established the longest most consistent exercise habit I have ever maintained, so I am hoping once I get the meal puzzle pieces in place, I will start seeing the results.

My biggest challenge with No S is not eating in between lunch and dinner. For some reason I always get really hungry in the afternoon. I try to eat a large lunch but it doesn't seem to work. I have been really careful about protein as well. I need to continue to tweak all that.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Wed Aug 21, 2019 8:29 pm

Hey there! Welcome back 43-year old! :-) I turn 43 in October and boy do I hear you about the "self-care" of good eating being my driving force.

One thing I have been thinking more about lately - some people might be perfectly happy to have a planned mid-afternoon snack. It could just be part of the daily menu, always at the same time, etc. (so not to be grazing), and it could help establish routine and habit of eating at the same times every day, yet not be so overwhelming as 3 meals only.

Anyway, glad to see you here.
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Candace » Wed Aug 21, 2019 9:08 pm

Hi Pinkhippies!

+1 to Auto's tip about having something between lunch and dinner. I started having a glass of whole milk, with or without protein powder, at around 4 or so. It helps soooo much and even follows the No-S rules. It has protein and fat, so it's a great way for me to get to dinner without "eating". It seems kind of silly that milk is okay but carrots aren't, but I guess the idea is that once we eat *anything* it's a slippery slope to endorsing anything else.
53 year old female. Height 5' 5.5". Goal: 145 lb. Stretch goal: 140 lb.
Weight 6/14/2019: 155 lb.
8/3/2019: 151 lb.
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Thu Aug 22, 2019 1:54 pm

automatedeating wrote:
Wed Aug 21, 2019 8:29 pm
Hey there! Welcome back 43-year old! :-) I turn 43 in October and boy do I hear you about the "self-care" of good eating being my driving force.

One thing I have been thinking more about lately - some people might be perfectly happy to have a planned mid-afternoon snack. It could just be part of the daily menu, always at the same time, etc. (so not to be grazing), and it could help establish routine and habit of eating at the same times every day, yet not be so overwhelming as 3 meals only.

Anyway, glad to see you here.
Hi almost 43 year old! :) Thank you for the welcome back! Yep it's funny how health becomes much more of a concern in our forties. All my husbands and I's friends who are around the same age have suddenly become runners, bikers, mountain bikers, or all three. The few who haven't are suddenly having health problems so its very motivating!

Good idea about the planned mid afternoon snack. I really struggled yesterday but I made it to dinnertime without eating. By really struggling I mean I was dizzy and felt terrible for about an hour... a snack might be a good idea. I was reading that post in the discussion forum about that guy who killed someone accidentally with his car because he was so dizzy from not eating and I was like eeeep!!! I do a lot of driving around 3 pm.

Thanks for the thought! I think I will try that. Maybe milk with protein powder to start with and see how it goes.
Last edited by pinkhippie on Thu Aug 22, 2019 1:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Thu Aug 22, 2019 1:56 pm

Candace wrote:
Wed Aug 21, 2019 9:08 pm
Hi Pinkhippies!

+1 to Auto's tip about having something between lunch and dinner. I started having a glass of whole milk, with or without protein powder, at around 4 or so. It helps soooo much and even follows the No-S rules. It has protein and fat, so it's a great way for me to get to dinner without "eating". It seems kind of silly that milk is okay but carrots aren't, but I guess the idea is that once we eat *anything* it's a slippery slope to endorsing anything else.
Hi Candace! Thanks for the idea! I think I will try the glass of milk with the protein powder this afternoon. I think it will help with not having such a big dinner too, because I do my walk/run about an hour after dinner and a big dinner makes that feel not so great midway through.

I appreciate your tip! :)

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Thu Aug 22, 2019 2:02 pm

Oooh, another "walk/run" kind of gal! :-) Last fall I started walk/jogging - it was originally a way to rehabilitate my dog (long story) but my plan was to just go whatever pace he set so that I didn't over or under exercise him. Well, dogs trot, and then sniff, and then trot, and then sniff. So actually what I think I do is more of a trot/stop. :-) It gives me lots of time to stop and smell the roses. Once in a while I do a run without stopping and I'm amazed that somehow my very relaxed approach to exercise has gotten me in pretty damn good shape, lol.

Hope you have a great day. Maybe the milk will be a nice fit for you. I still often have a mid-afternoon glass of milk - more often a cup of coffee (regular or decaf, time-and schedule depending) with milk. Anyway, good luck with finding the mid-afternoon fueling that works for you at this point in the game.
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Thu Aug 22, 2019 4:30 pm

automatedeating wrote:
Thu Aug 22, 2019 2:02 pm
Oooh, another "walk/run" kind of gal! :-) Last fall I started walk/jogging - it was originally a way to rehabilitate my dog (long story) but my plan was to just go whatever pace he set so that I didn't over or under exercise him. Well, dogs trot, and then sniff, and then trot, and then sniff. So actually what I think I do is more of a trot/stop. :-) It gives me lots of time to stop and smell the roses. Once in a while I do a run without stopping and I'm amazed that somehow my very relaxed approach to exercise has gotten me in pretty damn good shape, lol.

Hope you have a great day. Maybe the milk will be a nice fit for you. I still often have a mid-afternoon glass of milk - more often a cup of coffee (regular or decaf, time-and schedule depending) with milk. Anyway, good luck with finding the mid-afternoon fueling that works for you at this point in the game.
I realized that walk/RUN might be a little too optimistic! Lets go with walk/jog/shuffle. :D I just started a couple of months ago and I really love it. I have been trying to get a consistent exercise program going for years and this is the first time I have stuck with it. It helps that they built a park with a walking trail only a mile from my house. I used to walk our neighborhood but I realized I felt way too self conscious and I hated having to say hello to the neighbors and random people I didn't know. I know that makes me sound like a misanthrope, but I am not, just a self conscious introvert. :)

So the trail has been great! And on weekends I go find other local trails. I would love to take my dog but he is a basset hound so it would probably just be trot sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff and then drag. (that would be me dragging him :) )

Sounds like you have a great routine in place.

I have tried coffee or anything caffeinated in the afternoon and it really makes me dizzy, especially without food. I get serious caffeine head. I think I have a low tolerance. I wish I could though, I love coffee. I have a mug every morning.

Thank you for the good wishes for my day!

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Soprano » Thu Aug 22, 2019 4:50 pm

If it helps I added a no s of no starving. So if I'm ravenous I will have a small snack. Usually I need it if a meal gets delayed. It helps stop me over eating when I finally do sit down and stops any picking whilst cooking.

Not needed often but it has helped

Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Candace » Thu Aug 22, 2019 4:53 pm

pinkhippie wrote:
Thu Aug 22, 2019 4:30 pm
automatedeating wrote:
Thu Aug 22, 2019 2:02 pm
Oooh, another "walk/run" kind of gal! :-) Last fall I started walk/jogging - it was originally a way to rehabilitate my dog (long story) but my plan was to just go whatever pace he set so that I didn't over or under exercise him. Well, dogs trot, and then sniff, and then trot, and then sniff. So actually what I think I do is more of a trot/stop. :-) It gives me lots of time to stop and smell the roses. Once in a while I do a run without stopping and I'm amazed that somehow my very relaxed approach to exercise has gotten me in pretty damn good shape, lol.

Hope you have a great day. Maybe the milk will be a nice fit for you. I still often have a mid-afternoon glass of milk - more often a cup of coffee (regular or decaf, time-and schedule depending) with milk. Anyway, good luck with finding the mid-afternoon fueling that works for you at this point in the game.
I realized that walk/RUN might be a little too optimistic! Lets go with walk/jog/shuffle. :D I just started a couple of months ago and I really love it. I have been trying to get a consistent exercise program going for years and this is the first time I have stuck with it. It helps that they built a park with a walking trail only a mile from my house. I used to walk our neighborhood but I realized I felt way too self conscious and I hated having to say hello to the neighbors and random people I didn't know. I know that makes me sound like a misanthrope, but I am not, just a self conscious introvert. :)

So the trail has been great! And on weekends I go find other local trails. I would love to take my dog but he is a basset hound so it would probably just be trot sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff and then drag. (that would be me dragging him :) )

Sounds like you have a great routine in place.

I have tried coffee or anything caffeinated in the afternoon and it really makes me dizzy, especially without food. I get serious caffeine head. I think I have a low tolerance. I wish I could though, I love coffee. I have a mug every morning.

Thank you for the good wishes for my day!
That is so funny about your dog. Wonderful about the trail close to your house. My husband and I go to a place that's also about a mile from our house, and walk on a trail to a river and back. We walk about three miles, five days a week. We're contemplating adopting a dog as well. I love dogs but have been too lazy to get one of my own. They're so much higher maintenance than cats, especially if you want to go away for just a weekend. But more and more, I want one.

It's great that you incorporate some jogging. I used to jog sometimes, but since we walk together and hubby has no interest in jogging, I've not jogged in a couple of years. Sometimes we walk in our neighborhood instead of driving to the path, especially if it's dark. There's a great local "boardwalk" adjacent to a beach as well, but it takes half an hour to drive there so we only go there on the weekends. It's beautiful though -- also contains a temptation -- a great microbrewery :).

I wish you well on your avoidance of excessive hunger this afternoon.
53 year old female. Height 5' 5.5". Goal: 145 lb. Stretch goal: 140 lb.
Weight 6/14/2019: 155 lb.
8/3/2019: 151 lb.
8/24/2019: 149 lb.

Posts: 1296
Joined: Wed Mar 17, 2010 8:00 pm

Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Aug 23, 2019 12:47 am

Soprano wrote:
Thu Aug 22, 2019 4:50 pm
If it helps I added a no s of no starving. So if I'm ravenous I will have a small snack. Usually I need it if a meal gets delayed. It helps stop me over eating when I finally do sit down and stops any picking whilst cooking.

Not needed often but it has helped

That is a good idea. I guess I can tend to get a little too hardcore overdo things sometimes. Like "well I didn't eat enough for lunch and I feel sick and dizzy, oh well suck it up and wait for dinner". Obviously that backfires later when I hate doing No s and feel like its too hard. Of course I feel that way! I am making myself suffer for really no reason.

Thank you for that perspective Soprano.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Aug 23, 2019 12:58 am

Candace wrote:
Thu Aug 22, 2019 4:53 pm

That is so funny about your dog. Wonderful about the trail close to your house. My husband and I go to a place that's also about a mile from our house, and walk on a trail to a river and back. We walk about three miles, five days a week. We're contemplating adopting a dog as well. I love dogs but have been too lazy to get one of my own. They're so much higher maintenance than cats, especially if you want to go away for just a weekend. But more and more, I want one.

It's great that you incorporate some jogging. I used to jog sometimes, but since we walk together and hubby has no interest in jogging, I've not jogged in a couple of years. Sometimes we walk in our neighborhood instead of driving to the path, especially if it's dark. There's a great local "boardwalk" adjacent to a beach as well, but it takes half an hour to drive there so we only go there on the weekends. It's beautiful though -- also contains a temptation -- a great microbrewery :).

I wish you well on your avoidance of excessive hunger this afternoon.
I don't know how to do multiquotes! :)

Yeah my dog is a character. That is so great that you walk 3 miles 5 times a week with your husband. That is awesome. My husband is anti walking. He has tried to start a running program but he never goes slow enough and ends up with terrible shin splints so he gave up. He is a biker. Like a mountain biker, road biker.

I love cats!!!! but my husband is allergic to them so I have learned to love dogs. They are great in many ways but yeah I miss being able to go away without worrying about having to board them. My dogs do terribly being boarded too. Poor babies. ( I have a shih tzu as well but she gets too tired out on a long walk).

Thank you for the well wishes on the avoidance of hunger! Ironically I didn't get hungry this afternoon and waited until dinner no problem. Hah! I had all these plans in place and everything. I think its because I had a tuna sandwich with mayo and a giant peach for lunch. Yesterday I had a veggie burger with ketchup and mustard with 2 carrots and that was it. Probably not enough fat and maybe just not enough calories? I have decided to start tracking my food and how I feel so that I can get better at tweaking my meals. I figure I might as well do it here in my daily check in. I will do a separate post.

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Joined: Wed Mar 17, 2010 8:00 pm

Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Aug 23, 2019 1:00 am

So: Food journal for Aug 22 Thursday

weight 173.2

Breakfast 1 mug of coffee with cream and 1 tsp sugar
1 serving of raisin bran with crushed walnuts, sliced strawberries, 2% milk and full fat flavored greek yogurt. ( felt a little dizzy about 30 minutes after this meal, didn't feel hungry though, so it had plenty of protein but I think its too high in sugar, going to try something different tomorrow).

Lunch- Tuna fish sandwich(all 5oz of tuna) 1 large peach ( felt great after this meal and wasn't hungry or dizzy for the rest of the day)

Dinner- 1 ham steak with apricot glaze, a huge helping of sauteed green beans with garlic and frozen fruit for "dessert".
(felt good not hungry after dinner but not stuffed)

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Candace » Fri Aug 23, 2019 1:36 pm

Hi Pinkhippie,

It sounds like you and I have similar needs for protein and fat at our meals. Unless I have enough of both, I end up hangry soon after. It sucks, because sometimes I'd like to have some pizza or pasta, or even just a bunch of veggies or even some lean meat, and it just doesn't do the job. For instance, rice and beans at dinner or lunch ought to be fine, but if I don't add an egg, I get hungry soon afterward. If I eat what you ate yesterday for lunch -- tuna with mayo and a piece of fruit -- I would also feel fine. It's amazing how that works. Best of luck tracking and figuring out what works for you and what doesn't. We're all different. I wish I could just eat chips and a veggie burger for lunch and be happy, but nooooo...

About your dogs, have you tried pet sitters when you go away? My husband and I use both as homeowners and as pet sitters. There's a membership fee, but compared to boarding a couple of dogs, the site will pay for itself pretty quickly. Plus, your dogs get to stay home, and have loving people keeping them company and taking them for walks, etc. You list your dates, post information about your home, the pets' needs etc., and then choose from people who apply for the sit, after interviewing them and even getting background checks if you want them. We love doing this and have used it to defray travel costs in the US and internationally. The pet sitters pay their way to you, and you don't pay them at all for taking care of your pets. They stay in your house for free, and get to explore the area. It works great for us. Our kitties have always had loving, attentive sitters, and it's been great knowing the house is occupied when we're gone. PM me if you'd like to chat more. I'm a bit of an evangelist for pet sitting :) . We'll be on a five day pet sit in Denver next week, where we'll get to take care of a border collie and a cat. I can't wait.
53 year old female. Height 5' 5.5". Goal: 145 lb. Stretch goal: 140 lb.
Weight 6/14/2019: 155 lb.
8/3/2019: 151 lb.
8/24/2019: 149 lb.

Posts: 5305
Joined: Sat Aug 31, 2013 2:16 pm

Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Fri Aug 23, 2019 2:07 pm

Candace - what a great service! I am going to look into this!!!! A border collie? My heart! :-) Have fun in Denver!

And to both of you - I think most of us on this forum need a good deal of fat and protein at meals. My ectomorph friends & coworkers that are highly insulin sensitive and super skinny even at age 50 - they do subsist primarily on carbs (most of them are vegans or vegetarians, actually) - but in order to do that, they must snack. The lower calories in carb meals probably makes this necessary in order to get enough calories by the end of the day. And somehow these lucky ducks have beautiful blood glucoses despite their carbolicious diet. :-) Uh-oh, here again rears my icky envy! :lol:
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
3/19-22.1; 10/19-21.8
6/20-22.5; 7/20-23.0; 9/20-23.6
4/21 - 25.2

Posts: 1296
Joined: Wed Mar 17, 2010 8:00 pm

Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Aug 23, 2019 2:22 pm

Candace wrote:
Fri Aug 23, 2019 1:36 pm
Hi Pinkhippie,

It sounds like you and I have similar needs for protein and fat at our meals. Unless I have enough of both, I end up hangry soon after. It sucks, because sometimes I'd like to have some pizza or pasta, or even just a bunch of veggies or even some lean meat, and it just doesn't do the job. For instance, rice and beans at dinner or lunch ought to be fine, but if I don't add an egg, I get hungry soon afterward. If I eat what you ate yesterday for lunch -- tuna with mayo and a piece of fruit -- I would also feel fine. It's amazing how that works. Best of luck tracking and figuring out what works for you and what doesn't. We're all different. I wish I could just eat chips and a veggie burger for lunch and be happy, but nooooo...

About your dogs, have you tried pet sitters when you go away? My husband and I use both as homeowners and as pet sitters. There's a membership fee, but compared to boarding a couple of dogs, the site will pay for itself pretty quickly. Plus, your dogs get to stay home, and have loving people keeping them company and taking them for walks, etc. You list your dates, post information about your home, the pets' needs etc., and then choose from people who apply for the sit, after interviewing them and even getting background checks if you want them. We love doing this and have used it to defray travel costs in the US and internationally. The pet sitters pay their way to you, and you don't pay them at all for taking care of your pets. They stay in your house for free, and get to explore the area. It works great for us. Our kitties have always had loving, attentive sitters, and it's been great knowing the house is occupied when we're gone. PM me if you'd like to chat more. I'm a bit of an evangelist for pet sitting :) . We'll be on a five day pet sit in Denver next week, where we'll get to take care of a border collie and a cat. I can't wait.
Candace, I was looking at your check in and I noticed you seem to eat eggs almost every morning. That is a good idea, maybe I should work in eggs. I just love carbs in the morning! lol Yeah I think I need to get better at figuring out my meal composition. Great idea to add an egg to beans and rice! I may try that late this week.

I had no idea about the petsitter service. That sounds really cool to go take care of other peoples pets when you travel too. I will look more into it. My husband and I don't go away very often( we have 3 kids under 18) but we have a big trip planned in the spring so I am going to be more proactive and see what I can do. Thanks for the info.

Posts: 1296
Joined: Wed Mar 17, 2010 8:00 pm

Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Aug 23, 2019 2:24 pm

automatedeating wrote:
Fri Aug 23, 2019 2:07 pm
Candace - what a great service! I am going to look into this!!!! A border collie? My heart! :-) Have fun in Denver!

And to both of you - I think most of us on this forum need a good deal of fat and protein at meals. My ectomorph friends & coworkers that are highly insulin sensitive and super skinny even at age 50 - they do subsist primarily on carbs (most of them are vegans or vegetarians, actually) - but in order to do that, they must snack. The lower calories in carb meals probably makes this necessary in order to get enough calories by the end of the day. And somehow these lucky ducks have beautiful blood glucoses despite their carbolicious diet. :-) Uh-oh, here again rears my icky envy! :lol:
I think you are right! My best friend is vegan (and an ectomorph) and she can eat things like a plain bagel and veggies and noodles and be fine. That does make a lot of sense. I feel like my blood sugar has gotten worse since I had kids. I don't know, I do know I didn't used to be this sensitive. Maybe just a worse diet contributed as well. I hear you on the envy!

Posts: 207
Joined: Tue Jun 04, 2019 10:27 pm

Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Candace » Fri Aug 23, 2019 5:20 pm

Auto and Pink -- if either of you decide to sign up for TrustedHousesitters, we can both get free membership months if I refer you. I would probably pay twice what they're asking per year, so if you decide to sign up without a referral that's great too -- just letting you know about it in case you would want to coordinate :D . It's a win for the pets, who get to stay home and have people looking after them, and for the homeowners, who have peace of mind and save money, and for the pet sitter too, who get to stay in a home instead of a hotel room, with cuddly pets, for free. The key is to choose someone you can trust. Phone calls, Skype, references and background checks all help with this aspect of it.

I can't wait to take care of the border collie. We plan to hike once we're acclimated to altitude, and it will be sooooo much fun to finally bring a dog with us. We love hiking and have never had (or borrowed) a good hiking companion. We've pet sat for many a sweet doggo, but it's just never worked out to have one with us hiking. The owner says she's good off the leash (as well as on the leash), but we won't be taking that risk -- she's not our dog and we don't want to take the chance on something happening, no matter how unlikely. My husband even made sure the rental car we're getting will be good for having her in the back seat :). Can't wait can't wait can't wait.
53 year old female. Height 5' 5.5". Goal: 145 lb. Stretch goal: 140 lb.
Weight 6/14/2019: 155 lb.
8/3/2019: 151 lb.
8/24/2019: 149 lb.

Posts: 207
Joined: Tue Jun 04, 2019 10:27 pm

Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Candace » Fri Aug 23, 2019 5:28 pm

pinkhippie wrote:
Fri Aug 23, 2019 2:24 pm
automatedeating wrote:
Fri Aug 23, 2019 2:07 pm
Candace - what a great service! I am going to look into this!!!! A border collie? My heart! :-) Have fun in Denver!

And to both of you - I think most of us on this forum need a good deal of fat and protein at meals. My ectomorph friends & coworkers that are highly insulin sensitive and super skinny even at age 50 - they do subsist primarily on carbs (most of them are vegans or vegetarians, actually) - but in order to do that, they must snack. The lower calories in carb meals probably makes this necessary in order to get enough calories by the end of the day. And somehow these lucky ducks have beautiful blood glucoses despite their carbolicious diet. :-) Uh-oh, here again rears my icky envy! :lol:
I think you are right! My best friend is vegan (and an ectomorph) and she can eat things like a plain bagel and veggies and noodles and be fine. That does make a lot of sense. I feel like my blood sugar has gotten worse since I had kids. I don't know, I do know I didn't used to be this sensitive. Maybe just a worse diet contributed as well. I hear you on the envy!
I am totally envious of people who can eat a bagel as the main component of a meal and feel fine. I love me some bagels and bread. But if you look at my food log, those things are almost entirely absent, because they don't contribute to a feeling of satiety for me for more than an hour or so. Phooey. It's not fair. But life just isn't. Phooey again. Sometimes on special occasions I'll have a bagel with cream cheese and lox (smoked salmon), which definitely checks all my boxes, but has a lot more calories than I normally eat at breakfast. My favorite thing to do is have that for lunch or dinner, which typically pack more calories. I just can't keep bagels or bread in the house, because then I'd be as big as one! I'd eat a bunch of it, then a few hours later I'd crash and eat some more, and on and on.
53 year old female. Height 5' 5.5". Goal: 145 lb. Stretch goal: 140 lb.
Weight 6/14/2019: 155 lb.
8/3/2019: 151 lb.
8/24/2019: 149 lb.

Posts: 1296
Joined: Wed Mar 17, 2010 8:00 pm

Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Sat Aug 24, 2019 12:50 am

Candace wrote:
Fri Aug 23, 2019 5:28 pm
pinkhippie wrote:
Fri Aug 23, 2019 2:24 pm
automatedeating wrote:
Fri Aug 23, 2019 2:07 pm
Candace - what a great service! I am going to look into this!!!! A border collie? My heart! :-) Have fun in Denver!

And to both of you - I think most of us on this forum need a good deal of fat and protein at meals. My ectomorph friends & coworkers that are highly insulin sensitive and super skinny even at age 50 - they do subsist primarily on carbs (most of them are vegans or vegetarians, actually) - but in order to do that, they must snack. The lower calories in carb meals probably makes this necessary in order to get enough calories by the end of the day. And somehow these lucky ducks have beautiful blood glucoses despite their carbolicious diet. :-) Uh-oh, here again rears my icky envy! :lol:
I think you are right! My best friend is vegan (and an ectomorph) and she can eat things like a plain bagel and veggies and noodles and be fine. That does make a lot of sense. I feel like my blood sugar has gotten worse since I had kids. I don't know, I do know I didn't used to be this sensitive. Maybe just a worse diet contributed as well. I hear you on the envy!
I am totally envious of people who can eat a bagel as the main component of a meal and feel fine. I love me some bagels and bread. But if you look at my food log, those things are almost entirely absent, because they don't contribute to a feeling of satiety for me for more than an hour or so. Phooey. It's not fair. But life just isn't. Phooey again. Sometimes on special occasions I'll have a bagel with cream cheese and lox (smoked salmon), which definitely checks all my boxes, but has a lot more calories than I normally eat at breakfast. My favorite thing to do is have that for lunch or dinner, which typically pack more calories. I just can't keep bagels or bread in the house, because then I'd be as big as one! I'd eat a bunch of it, then a few hours later I'd crash and eat some more, and on and on.
If we decide to sign up with trusted pet sitters, I will definitely coordinate with you for a referral! Thanks so much for the info. Not sure if we will or not, I am only 1/2 the decision making team around here. :)

I seem to do well with whole grain bread and protein. Whole grain bread and eggs, whole grain bread and peanut butter, not so much a bagel though! That reminds me I have whole grain english muffins in the freezer, might have to make an egg and cheese sandwich with one of those bad boys tomorrow. :)

Posts: 1296
Joined: Wed Mar 17, 2010 8:00 pm

Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Sat Aug 24, 2019 12:58 am

Friday Aug 23 (S day)
I do kind of a weird thing with S days. My family has a tradition of chicken nuggets for dinner and ice cream for dessert every Friday. I don’t know how it happened. We also do waffles on almost every Sunday. So, how I run S days is I use Fri day as an N and the Fri night as an S, so I have dessert. And then Sunday morning as an S with waffles but for the rest of the day eat like an N day. And of course Saturday is an S day.

Weight: 174*
Coffee with cream 1 tsp sugar

Breakfast- steel cut oats with 2 egg whites PB powder, and ½ glass of milk. (felt better but still not quite as solid)
Coffee with my dad( a Friday tradition) Decaf coffee with milk and no sweetener

Lunch – veggie burger with ketchup, tomato pickle and mayo, a cup of nonfat plain Greek yogurt and a large peach. ( felt pretty good after this, I was a little hungry before dinner but didn't feel lightheaded or dizzy so that is a win in my book)

Dinner- (Its nugget day! Every Friday is chicken nuggets because my husband “cooks”)
7 chicken nuggets, honey mustard dressing and sautéed broccoli with garlic.

Dessert (It’s an S day for me, near the end)
1 cup of vanilla and cookie dough ice cream. (felt good after this as well)

Vigorous walk/jog after dinner 2.4 miles.

Posts: 207
Joined: Tue Jun 04, 2019 10:27 pm

Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Candace » Sat Aug 24, 2019 3:37 pm

I think it's smart to bend your routine to fit in with your family. Putting yourself at odds with the rest of the family would be difficult.
53 year old female. Height 5' 5.5". Goal: 145 lb. Stretch goal: 140 lb.
Weight 6/14/2019: 155 lb.
8/3/2019: 151 lb.
8/24/2019: 149 lb.

Posts: 1296
Joined: Wed Mar 17, 2010 8:00 pm

Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Sun Aug 25, 2019 4:02 pm

Candace wrote:
Sat Aug 24, 2019 3:37 pm
I think it's smart to bend your routine to fit in with your family. Putting yourself at odds with the rest of the family would be difficult.
Thanks Candace! I have done it before but ultimately, its just not sustainable. I know it won't last forever, the kids will eventually grow up and move out right? :D)

My kids are 7, 10, and 16. They are all girls. :)

It's been a great weekend so far! My 7 year old had soccer practice on Saturday morning and I had to run across several soccer fields to catch up to my husband and the coach. It was awesome to feel strong and capable and like I COULD actually run across several soccer fields. Regular exercise definitely has its perks. Then the kids spent the night at grandmoms and my husband and I had the day and the evening to ourselves. He went for a bike ride and I went out on a beautiful trail and did a very hilly 3 mile walk. It was awesome. After a bit of relaxation, we went out to eat and then came home to watch a movie. Which of course because it was my husbands pick this weekend was a sci fi movie... it was good though.

Today has been peaceful and I am getting time to myself while my husband is on a mountain bike ride with a work buddy. I am soaking up the alone time before work and school start tomorrow morning. And of course before the kids come home this afternoon.

Food log for Saturday:

Aug 24 2019 Saturday S day

Breakfast- Protein shake ½ cup 2% milk, 2 tbsp pb powder (30 grams protein total)
*this was a failure. I was hungry and non full almost as soon as I was done drinking it. And despite the protein, started feeling lightheaded an hour later.

Breakfast part 2- Toast with butter and half a bowl of oatmeal with nothing in it.
*felt like I needed some carbs and fat and this made me feel better immediately.

Snack – handful of almonds
*miscalculated and ended up about to do my vigorous 3 mile walk right before lunchtime. Had a small bag of almonds in the car

Lunch- 1 peach and 1 chick patty sandwich with tomato, mayo and pickle

Dinner- Red Robin fish and chips with tartar sauce ( ate most of this meal)

Dessert- half a fudgy brownie with ice cream
(felt great after this day of meals and not hungry until the next morning)

Posts: 5305
Joined: Sat Aug 31, 2013 2:16 pm

Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Sun Aug 25, 2019 4:22 pm

What a nice S Day! I like how you really thought about what your body needed and took care of yourself.

I know you had said earlier that your dizzy/lightheadness was related to needing glasses, but did you ever double-check about hypoglycemia? It would be nice if you could get to the bottom of that and then plan your meal composition and frequency accordingly. I occasionally get light-headed and when that happens I take my blood sugar and blood pressure. My blood sugar is never low (yeah, not me, no way), but occasionally my blood pressure is low. In those cases I have some bone broth to up my electrolytes. But you could just have nice low blood pressure, which is annoying when you get light-headed, but overall wonderful for longevity. So in summary - blood glucose is easy to check (you can buy a kit for less than $80 and just run a few experiments); blood pressure (also easy to buy an electronic blood pressure cuff off amazon); or electrolytes (which can't be quantified by us easily at home, so that one is just trial and error).
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
3/19-22.1; 10/19-21.8
6/20-22.5; 7/20-23.0; 9/20-23.6
4/21 - 25.2

Posts: 1296
Joined: Wed Mar 17, 2010 8:00 pm

Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Tue Aug 27, 2019 2:42 pm

automatedeating wrote:
Sun Aug 25, 2019 4:22 pm
What a nice S Day! I like how you really thought about what your body needed and took care of yourself.

I know you had said earlier that your dizzy/lightheadness was related to needing glasses, but did you ever double-check about hypoglycemia? It would be nice if you could get to the bottom of that and then plan your meal composition and frequency accordingly. I occasionally get light-headed and when that happens I take my blood sugar and blood pressure. My blood sugar is never low (yeah, not me, no way), but occasionally my blood pressure is low. In those cases I have some bone broth to up my electrolytes. But you could just have nice low blood pressure, which is annoying when you get light-headed, but overall wonderful for longevity. So in summary - blood glucose is easy to check (you can buy a kit for less than $80 and just run a few experiments); blood pressure (also easy to buy an electronic blood pressure cuff off amazon); or electrolytes (which can't be quantified by us easily at home, so that one is just trial and error).
Hi Auto! Yeah its frustrating, my glasses were contributing and if I leave them off for about an hour then I feel dizzy but yes food also plays a role. I really should take my blood sugar to check. It could be blood pressure, I have always had low blood pressure when I get checked at the Dr. Not unhealthy, just something they comment on. I feel like its more blood sugar related just based on how I feel after a sugary meal but I guess I don't know. I will look into that. I was successful yesterday with not feeling dizzy and its because I ate a LOT of food(calories) at every meal. It would be nice to not have to do that though.

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