Pinkhippies daily check in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Tue Jan 05, 2021 5:08 am

That 3 lbs will be gone in no time im sure. Sounds like youve got some great goals. I always feel better when we’re eating more homemade meals. Physically and emotionally. My love language must be food if thats a thing. ☺️
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Tue Jan 05, 2021 4:54 pm

Aww thanks auto! I missed you guys too! Im excited to get back into the weights as well.

Jen yes! Its kind of nice to be WANTING lighter and healthier foods.

Linda, thanks! I feel better with homemade meals too. Besides the fact that they usually taste better, I definitely know what you mean about feeling better emotionally as well.

Yesterday went pretty well. I did have seconds at dinner, but that's ok. My sleep schedule got all out of whack during the holidays so I was eating breakfast at 10 30 or 11 sometimes and then not eating dinner til late and I think it kind of made it harder to stick to 3 meals. This morning I had breakfast around 8:45, so Im getting back on track.

My 11 year old is doing Health this semester and learning all about calories, carbs, fats, metabolic syndrome etc. I hope they present the information in a way that doesn't make her weird about food. She really takes this stuff to heart sometimes.

I got all my final grades in and I graduated every single class in my degree with A's. I feel very proud of that, but also like in the long run it doesn't matter, and not sure it was worth practically killing myself(with stress) for. However, it's only easier to see in hindsight.

We also got a new mattress for Christmas and I can't believe how much better I feel! Our old one was about 14 years old. My back pain pretty much went away overnight. Literally and my fitbit tells me I am getting much more deep sleep as well.

B: peanut butter, Nutella banana oatmeal with coffee with cream

L: Artichoke chicken pasta leftovers

D: scrambled egg sandwich on a bagel with provolone and avocado
This was pretty tasty and very filling. I decided to just have some tea to help wean off dessert

Decaf earl gray tea with milk and sugar


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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Wed Jan 06, 2021 5:05 am

Omygosh congratulations! You should feel proud. Thats quite an accomplishment especially with everything else you had going on. 💜💜💜

I know whatcha mean about the nutrition stuff. I think my youngest did get kinda weird about sugar for about a week when they were studying nutrition. She wanted to throw all our sweets out but i was like how bout we just eat them in reasonable amounts and that was pretty much that. She forgot about it all once the class was over. Still it does irk me the way it’s presented sometimes and don’t even get me started about weighing kids at school. 😏

Anyway yay about your mattress! It really does make such a difference!
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Tue Jan 12, 2021 6:03 pm

Thanks Linda!

Yeah she seems to already be moving on, thank goodness!

I have had a heck of a time with emotional eating this week. I have gotten way too stressed and upset over the national events of last week and the fall out. I am going to try to get a handle on it, as I haven't done emotional eating in that way in a very long time. I forgot how unenjoyable it truly is. It doesn't taste good and it almost feels like being in prison. " I have to eat it no matter what". Food prison I guess. Its weird and I haven't reengaged that part of my brain for a very long time. Im going to work hard on being aware today and only eating meals, not after dinner or between meals eating fests. The past 2 nights I have had donuts and m and ms with peanuts. A LOT of them. Way beyond pleasure or hunger and it has been sooooo long since I have done that!

I am going to try very hard to resist the siren call of food to soothe myself and instead do some of my teas or coffee or something... anything other than junky food.

B: banana almond flax oatmeal

L: chicken tortilla soup with avocado, cheese and sour cream

D: 2 fish stick tacos, 1 apple

Chocolate orange tea with milk.

Managed to get through a day without emotional snacking! I feel really good about it.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Wed Jan 13, 2021 5:41 am

Oh gosh, it’s so upsetting whats going on in our nation. Totally understandable that you would try to comfort yourself. Im glad you felt better about your eating today though. Emotionally eating doesn’t usually feel too great in the end.

Anyway, hang in there. 💜
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Wed Jan 13, 2021 5:37 pm

Thank you Linda! I appreciate that! I hope you are doing OK too. <3

Yesterday I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't too difficult to choose not to eat between or after meals. One thing I did that was different than in the past was I made sure I ate plenty at each of my 3 meals so I didn't feel physically hungry. And I decided to soothe myself in another way with tea. However, when I was eating that chocolate and stuff earlier in the week it actually felt good. I would say only in the past 2 days did it start feeling really bad. Maybe because I was ready to self soothe in some other way?

Anyway, so many nightmares last night! Argh. Always about being chased and not being able to run the way I need to.

It amazes me that even without schoolwork I still find the days going by quickly and I feel pretty busy. Having all 3 kids to watch over with school is definitely not lounging around. Add in making dinner, supervising lunch and breakfast, and the days are zipping by! I am still not doing exercise... I need to sit down and plan it out or I will never actually do it.

B: Peanut butter nutella oatmeal, coffee with cream

L: Chicken Tortilla soup with avocado, cheese and sour cream

D: Not sure yet

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Jen1974 » Wed Jan 13, 2021 8:01 pm

Pink: I loved your post about the emotional eating!! That was so me over Christmas, eating in a way I hadn’t in a while!! I’ve really come to accept that there are times when I just don’t have it in me to use better coping mechanisms. When my tank is just drained & I need time to let it recover. Sounds like you did a great job of getting through it!!

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Jan 15, 2021 5:17 pm

Thanks Jen! That was me over Christmas as well. It is nice to realize that it's ok to let my inner guard down a little and allow myself to emotionally eat when I REALLY need it and be able to come back from that and go back to eating in a way that actually feels good and is sustainable. I'm pretty sure this is a historic moment for me. Typically that sort of thing would be the beginning of giving up, going back to IE, or a terrible cycle of restrict and binge.

The past couple of days have been good. I have really been doing basically nothing, but I am giving myself the time to replenish myself. Dealing with all 3 kids and being the only adult home all day is strangely exhausting. I imagine with my school stuff plus internship it wore me down to a tiny nub. so, I'm not putting pressure on myself yet to get things done. I think that when I feel good I will want to do stuff. That is what usually happens. Between Spring and fall semester of 2020 it took me about 2 months before I started getting into projects around the house and really focusing on exercise. So anyway, I'm being easy on myself and trying not to feel guilty. I am just grateful that my life situation allows for me to take this time to recover my energy.

I haven't had dessert the past few days, and no substitute dessert either. I am really looking forward to my dish of Friday Ice cream tonight. It's nice to take a break from all the sugary stuff so that I can enjoy my occasional treats on the weekend.

B: oatmeal, coffee, cream

L: Egg salad sandwich, a few crackers

D: plan chicken nuggets, broccoli ramekin of ice cream

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Sat Jan 16, 2021 4:33 am

It sounds like you’re getting good at looking at the bigger picture and going along with the natural ebb and flow of things realizing that it all balances out in the end. I love taking days completely off and it’s usually followed by very productive days. So much better than when I try to force myself to push through which usually ends in burn out.

Enjoy that ice cream!
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Mon Jan 18, 2021 11:41 pm

I so have learned over the years that it takes longer to get "productive" or "find our groove" than we want it to! I have come to trust the process; I know I am a hard worker and like to be productive; when my body/mind resist I should probably listen and take my time. :-) So.... you'll find your groove!
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Tue Jan 19, 2021 4:42 pm

Thanks Linda and Auto,

I think I might truly just be a bit naturally lazy. I don't think anything is necessarily wrong with that as long as you fulfill your responsibilities. Im a great employee and I work hard at everything I do, but my favorite thing to do is just lounge around. You know there are some people that always have to be "doing" something? Like my husband is that way. Nope not me. Give me a book and a comfy chair and that can be my whole day. :)

I have been making inroads on eating "too much" at dinner or having extra with dinner. I have noticed this week that although I feel kind of empty after dinner and like I need more, if I don't eat anything more or extra, a few hours later my stomach will feel full and I will be fine. I think the emptiness must be psychological, like a fear of not having enough. I have been making sure to serve myself a big portion at dinner so I can tell myself that logically I got enough food and I am not still hungry. I am hoping if I continue to do this eventually the emptiness and fear of not enough will go away. I have been drinking tea after dinner and that really helps too.

My new "health" goal is to try to eat more fruits and veggies every day. I would like to work up to 5 servings of fruit and 5 of veggies but we will see. I am going to start small and do 3 and 3. I typically have 2 and 2 or 1 and 1.

Monday 1/18/2020

B: oatmeal with blueberries, coffee with cream

L: ham and cheese sandwich with a small bag of chips

D: Big bowl of Minestrone Mac

2 cups of Sugar Plum Spice Celestial seasonings tea. YUM! I love this tea! It's my new favorite. It's too bad it's only temporary and seasonal.

Tuesday, Jan 19, 2021

B: oatmeal with blueberries, coffee with chocolate milk

L: Minestrone mac (at least 2 servings of veggies are in here) 2 tangerines

D: not sure yet

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Thu Jan 21, 2021 5:31 am

Omg, 100 % with you on the staying staying home curled up with a good book. I don’t think it’s laziness though. Just a preference for quieter activities. I think our societies need to constantly be doing something active and/or “productive “ is highly overvalued. It’s funny I recently just realized that I don’t like skiing despite being an avid skier growing up. I just went along with my family but the only part I really looked forward to was sitting in the lodge afterwards sipping hot chocolate by the fire. Well, im embracing that inner child now. If I want to stay home and read a book, im going to stay home and read a book. ☺️
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by April » Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:51 pm

Pink, I have read many of your earlier posts and some of the recent ones. I am now inspired to come back from my Nov 26th (thru today) "diet sabbatical" of sorts - I really think so much of what you have shared is something I can learn from and apply moving forward. Thanks so much for putting your story out there :)

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Jan 22, 2021 4:26 pm

Linda thanks, that is a good point. Kind of how our society is geared more for extroverts and recognizing extroverted accomplishments more often. I have never gone skiing before but my favorite part of any outdoor cold activity is coming back to a warm environment and curling up with something hot! Good for you for doing what you want to do!

April, thank you! That makes me really happy to hear. Thank you for telling me. I am so glad that you feel that there are things you can learn from my journey. I have felt that way about others in this forum and so I am glad I can help make a difference for others as well. Sometimes I feel hesitant to put all my thoughts out there and I am so glad to hear that it is helpful. I hope your journey is going well!

I am proud of myself, all week I have not had dessert nor have I wanted it. For me, I think sugar is kind of addictive. Now that I have gone a week without it, I don't have that craving like I did. I have actually been eating a grapefruit as part of my dinner because I bought a bunch of tangerines and grapefruit at the store. My fruit challenge is going really well, the vegetable challenge is still a challenge.

I have started to notice that when I feel hungry between meals if I drink a glass of water that feeling goes away. So maybe I have just been thirsty. That works especially well around 3 pm when I start thinking of food before dinner.

Eating 3 vegetables a day is hard! I often just end up eating 3 servings of one vegetable. Last night I had 2 servings of green beans and a tomato with lunch... definitely room for improvement!

B: peanut butter oatmeal with banana, coffee with cream

L: A big bowl of vegetable soup, with a piece of cheese toast topped with sliced tomatoes and basil... YUM, 1 tangerine
This worked really well for lunch. I'm thinking since salads are a lot of work and the ingredients are hard to keep fresh especially shopping every two weeks, that maybe a vegetable soup at lunch could be the way to go to get those veggie servings in

D: chicken nuggets, broccoli, honey mustard, and ramekin of vanilla ice cream with shell topping

Looking back over my check-in it's only been about 5 weeks of no exercise. It feels like so much more than that! but that isn't as bad as I thought, and I think the time off really did help my body)
20 min of weights. ( lowest weights I own, nice and easy) But it sure felt great to be moving in an intentional way again. Im going to be easy about getting back into physical activity, I don't want to injure myself pushing too fast or too far)
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Jen1974 » Fri Jan 22, 2021 5:34 pm

I sometimes wonder about sugar being addictive too!!! I think for me it’s habit forming, where I can quickly develop a habit of including it!!

I think it’s healthy how you are, allowing yourself to rest! I really think this world has gotten to a an unhealthy level of putting productivity above all else & none of us are healthier or happier for it!!

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Sat Jan 23, 2021 4:08 pm

Soup sounds like a great meal for lunch! You can put anything it, plus you could use a bone broth base for some nice minerals and collagen protein.
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Sun Jan 24, 2021 6:30 pm

Jen yes it absolutely is a habit for me! That is why No S works so well for me as far as only having sugary stuff on the weekend. It is limited enough for it to not become a habit. Over the holidays it became a habit. It's amazing how quickly it CAN become a habit though!

Auto, oh yeah bone broth, that is a good idea. I have seen that at the store. I don't think I have ever had bone broth. I am putting it on my list.

It was a good weekend. Relaxed. Yesterday I was SO hungry that I ate a bowl of cereal plus all my husband's pizza crusts at around 10 pm. I think it was cycle/hormone related. I have also been getting REALLY bad headaches lately right around the first through the third days of my cycle. I read that this is a totally normal part of perimenopause because estrogen is going down? It's a bummer though, Tylenol doesn't touch it. I had a headache for most of yesterday and the two days before that.

Today I didn't even eat breakfast because of my 10 pm meal the night before. I got hungry around noon.

B: coffee with cream

L: a few bites of leftover sub sandwich, a few fries, 2 bites of donut, scrambled eggs with cheddar and chives, half a grapefruit
So I had a few bites of last nights dinner and after that was gone I realized that I needed more food for lunch. I got a sudden CRAVING for eggs with cheese and so I made them and they were sooo delicious. The grapefruit was the perfect tart way to cut the richness of the eggs. I love it when I am craving something and I can give it to myself. I had a couple bites of donut and realized quickly it wasn't what I wanted.

D: Not sure yet
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by alene1 » Mon Jan 25, 2021 2:13 pm

Hi PH! I love the way that you are so in tune with your body and can tell what it wants and needs and what will satisfy you. Your relationship with it seems to be quite peaceful these days. Hooray for that!

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Tue Jan 26, 2021 1:05 am

Thanks Alene! I have definitely reached a level of peace that seemed completely out of reach only a few years ago. I was re-reading my journal from when I was 17- 19 years old. ( Always fun times. :D) And that was when my eating disorder really started. It made me sad to read how much I hated my body and the sad ironic thing is that I weigh pretty much the same now as I did then, maybe I was slightly less and today I am thrilled and happy and comfortable with this bodyweight, back then I wanted nothing more than to be bony thin and I hated myself. And now, you know things are WAY less perky and firm than they were and I am STILL happier with my body now 20 plus years later after 3 kids. It really is a mental thing for me.

Today I actually feel really happy. Not sure why. I had a productive day in that I got lots of nagging errands done. You know, finally going to the bank to sort out an account, getting my 11-year-olds French horn turned in for repairs because it stopped working... stuff like that. OH and I was more physically active than I have been in a long time... hmmmm probably a tie in there. I have decided to set step goals for myself and I am ordering new shoes because my old sneakers are 2 plus years old and they are starting to hurt my feet. I really delay ordering new shoes because the best most comfortable shoes for my poor feet are Hoka one one's. Super pricey but wow so worth it. I also had my DH show me how to set up my bike and my trainer and I am going to try to set it up on my own tomorrow. We had been leaving it in the living room but it just got too crowded so we put the trainer under the bed and my bike in the garage and I need to get back on it.

B: banana peanut butter raisin oatmeal, coffee

L: sweet potato with black beans and lime pepper sour cream

TEA Celestial seasonings Nutcracker Sweet (YUM)

D: tomato basil chicken pasta salad( sooooo good!)

Exercise Step goal for today 6K steps

Steps 6,500

weights 20 minutes

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Tue Jan 26, 2021 3:26 pm

I just had this thought while reading your entry today, Pinkie. Have you ever had blood tests run that might indicate if you have some autoimmunity that flares up your joints? Or maybe some food sensitivity testing? I'm just curious because of the (nearly) constant joint pain you seem to experience in one joint or another. You are such a trooper. You always just keep going......
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Tue Jan 26, 2021 10:13 pm

Hi auto, no I never have. It never occurred to me that anything could be wrong with me, I just always assume it stems from my weak/ badly treated ankles and knees. Next time I get my full physical with bloodwork, I will ask about that, thanks for the idea! I just keep going because I don't want to be an unhealthy stove up unable to move old person. And my husband is so physically active, I want to be able to do things with him and our kids.

I tried to get the kids moving today with a dance video on you tube. It was only 10 minutes but my heart was beating pretty good by the end of it! We are going to try to do one of those every day. I had no time to get the bike out though, as it was a crazy day with the kids school and them needing lots of assistance. Maybe tommorow.

B: crackers and cheese, a yogurt-covered granola bar, coffee,

L: egg salad sandwich, 1 celery stalk, tangerine

D: Ham, green beans, and baked potato

Exercise goal 6, 500 steps

Actual: 7,000 +

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Thu Jan 28, 2021 2:22 am

The dancing sounds fun! You seem like such a great momma! 💜💜💜
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Thu Jan 28, 2021 7:44 pm

Aww thank you Linda! I try, just like we all do especially in these crazy times.

Yesterday we did a 15 minute cardio video for kids and we were all panting on the floor by the end of it. Today we did Kid yoga and I could barely do it. I can't remember if I was posting on here regularly when I was a PE coach for preschoolers but it was about 3 hours of almost continuous cardio for kids about 3 - 4 days per week. I do NOT know how I used to do it. I was in so much better shape back then! I did that for about a year.

Yesterday was STRESS CITY. I actually got on here to post about it but didn't even have a chance. Kids and their demands and their moods and their meltdowns. Today has been better.

I haven't been hungry for breakfast lately so I haven't been eating it the past couple of days. I have just been having an early lunch with maybe a glass of milk in between lunch and dinner when I felt like I really needed it.

Yesterday 1/27/2021

B: coffee with whole milk

L: ham slices, baked potato, sauteed carrots, 1 tangerine

half a glass of whole milk

D: 3 blintz pancakes with berries and syrup, 3 sausage links

Step goal 7k
Actual: 6,988

Exercise: 15 min cardio for kids, 8 minutes Bob and Brad's exercise before bed.

Today 1 /28/ 2021

I am SORE from all that kid's cardio! LOL

B: Coffee with whole milk

L: ham and cheese toasted sandwich, baked chips, 1 tangerine

D: red beans and rice, 1.5 pieces of cornbread


15 minutes of kids yoga

Step Goal 7K
Actual: 7 K +

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Fri Jan 29, 2021 2:33 pm

Sorry about the stressful day, but glad yesterday was better.

The exercising with the kids sounds really fun. :-)
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Jan 29, 2021 8:16 pm

Thanks auto! It was! I was half wondering if I should break out the old routines I used to do with my preschoolers and do those. I have all the music, but none of the equipment. However, there are plenty of little songs and activities to do without it.

I have read a few articles now talking about how people that do the recommended 150 minutes of exercise a week typically get 7, 500 steps a day and healthwise, your benefits don't go up beyond 7,500. I don't know if that is true or not, but it makes me feel better about my step goals. I still think it would be cool to manage 10,000 steps a day.

The thing I decided to start working on is slowing down when I eat and not eating distractedly. Yes, I have tried this before and not stuck with it, but I think that is because it's a thing I was "supposed" to do. Just lately I have noticed I have gotten really bad about eating quickly and while reading where I dont' even realize I ate my meal and I am missing out on meal satisfaction. I don't want to do that, and I know it's just a habit, so the habit I am working on is putting my utensil down between bites and not reading while eating. If I could make a habit of reading while eating, surely I can make a habit of not reading while eating?

Friday 1/29/2021

B: oatmeal with banana, almond butter, and flaxseed, coffee with milk
was hungry around 10:30 so I just had half a serving of oatmeal in order to be hungry by lunchtime, this worked great

L: red beans and rice, 1 piece of cornbread, 1 tangerine

D: Chicken nuggets, broccoli, ice cream

Exercise Took the day off of organized exercise with the kids and just ran around outside for about 30 minutes since it was 50 degrees.

Step Goal 7,000

Actual: 8,000 +

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by ladybird30 » Sat Jan 30, 2021 1:12 am

Good luck with the not reading while eating. I do that too, & sometimes find I have eaten too fast.
Three meals a day - not too little not too much, but just right

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Wed Feb 03, 2021 9:23 pm

Thanks Ladybird! It has been really difficult. Some days I do better than others.

Well the scale has stayed at 156, even bouncing up to 157 at times so I need to look at how much I am eating for meals. I have gotten so in the habit of large meals, I think I need to get back to slightly smaller meals especially for lunch and dinner. I have really increased my activity in the past couple of week. I have gotten about 8k steps every single day, even on weekends and I am doing something active with the kids every day too. I have cut down on my lunch just a little and my breakfast too. I think I maybe eat a little more than I need because I am worried about being hungry between meals. I need to recognize that its ok to be a little hungry between and before meals. Anyway, just playing around with eating enough to feel satisfied but not so much that I don't get hungry between meals.

Feb 3 2021 Wednesday

B: oatmeal with peanut butter, coffee with cream

L: 1 cup of chicken tortilla soup, a few pretzels and a tangerine

D: plan for chicken enchiladas, 1 grapefruit

Exercise lots of running around with the kids today. Set up the croquet set in the backyard.

Plan to get 7500 - 8000 steps.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Thu Feb 04, 2021 3:41 pm

Croquet in the backyard!!!!!!! I LOVE that!
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Feb 05, 2021 10:25 pm

Auto yep they have a kids croquet set! That is definitely a grandparent present! I would not have thought to get them that but they have a lot of fun with it.

I have been getting them outside to the big soccer park down the street this week too. No one is there in the middle of the day and they/we run around the field with soccer balls.

As I mentioned on other threads, I have been having emotional/mental? issues lately. Life is just so much harder than it used to be for some reason. It feels like it takes extra effort psychologically to do everything and then by the time my husband comes home, I can barely handle talking to him. It feels like I have scraped off my skin and he is rubbing the raw spot with every word. I think I have mentioned that he is intense. I feel like I get overwhelmed so easily and I have to kind of withdraw to protect myself, which upsets him. Also, I have a low-level headache so much more often now. I have increased my magnesium and I think dark chocolate might help. I had some last night, like 88% dark and it seemed to help.

Luckily for me we have talked about it and he has been very understanding. But it took me freaking out on him a few nights ago and telling him that he just couldn't talk to me and I couldn't listen to him anymore. SIgh... I am normally such a positive upbeat person, it is hard for me and probably my family to handle. I just don't know why every day feels like such a struggle. I have read perimenopause can cause hormonal headaches and mood swings.

B: peanut butter oatmeal

L: 1 chicken enchilada

D: broccoli, nuggets, ice cream with whipped cream.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Fri Feb 05, 2021 11:26 pm

So sorry about the headaches, and the difficulty of getting through life right now. I know you know I'm in a similar spot; all I can say is I know there are brighter days coming..... I do want to say that your kids are so lucky to have you. I can feel in your words how hard you are fighting to keep things normal and upbeat for them. Hey - maybe that's part of why we moms are extra-struggling during COVID..... hmmm something to ponder. Also, your intense hubby will survive. :-) I speak as the intense one of my pair, LOL. There is a balance. And let's not forget that he gets to LEAVE THE HOUSE for stimulation, haha, so it's not like he never gets to share all his intense ideas with anyone.

Re: the headaches and overall not feeling good - I do have one idea. I buy large bags of Epsom salts from Amazon and then use them in the bath. There is some magnesium that you probably can absorb through your skin that way, and just overall it seems to be a nice self-care thing.

Interesting about the chocolate, because I had the OPPOSITE reaction! I was having dark chocolate in the evenings and it was GIVING me headaches?! I think in my case it's some of the chemicals in the chocolate - perhaps oxalates but overall I'm not sure. Anyway, the reaction was clear enough that I don't miss the chocolate...... thankfully! :-)
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Soprano » Sat Feb 06, 2021 7:19 am

So sorry you are having a bad time Pink. Life is really difficult for so many right now.

Auto is right you are a great mum to your kids. Try and take some time out just for you.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Sat Feb 06, 2021 6:40 pm

Thanks auto, I really appreciate your words. I do try really hard, especially as I can see how much this is affecting my kids. Just yesterday my 11-year-old sat at the table and cried about how the pandemic had messed up her life. She is also 11 and pretty hormonal right now but still... It could be that I am extra exhausted from the heavy lift of trying to keep them going and myself going as well. Thanks for the insight, I hadn't thought of that but it makes sense. That could be a little bit of what is going on with all us moms. And yeah my husband gets to go to work and be all EXTRA up there. Every single day. Good point! :) Good idea about Epsom salts! Will try that. ☺️

Thank you Soprano, I am having a day mostly to myself today as the kids are at their grandparents (Thank goodness!) and I am really enjoying the break.

One half of the grandparent pair has received his vaccine already because he is over 70 and a vet. He has health issues plus diabetes so I feel much better about that. The other half has a suppressed immune system and may not get the vaccine for a while, and when she gets it, it may not "take" as they say. But still, it feels like a small ray of light at the end of the very very very long tunnel.

Dh and I are celebrating Valentine's day today because next weekend all the kiddos will be here. I even got some wine to drink! I haven't had wine in like 2 years so I am excited just to do something different. Going into the liquor store this morning all masked up with no one in there was the most fun I have had in ages. Browsing in a store with dh is so pre-pandemic.

B: 1 donut and 1 hardboiled egg, coffee with cream
Sounds gross but was excellent for protein and fat to go with the donut

L: roasted broccoli with cheesy chicken pasta

D: Teryaki chicken sandwich, fries, ice cream

Two glasses of wine

Goal to get at least 7.5k steps.

Actual 8.4k Yesterday I got 9k!

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Sun Feb 07, 2021 7:42 pm

Today is a lazy day. I drank wine last night and I feel a little muzzy this morning. I just really don't like how alcohol makes me feel. I am a lightweight I guess. But every so often I like to drink just for fun.

Yesterday was kind of a bummer, it was supposed to be a good day, but DH is having some weird issues this weekend. Easily upset, kind of jumps on things I say and starting conflict out of the blue. I am not sure what is going on with him, maybe work related. but I am sure it will eventually come to light and get worked out. In the meantime, its not as enjoyable as it could be.

B: 3 eggs, 2 pieces of toast, coffee
After drinking alcohol I find I always need a bigger breakfast than usual.

L: 2 glazed donuts and 1 bowl of lentil soup
The donuts were calling my name but I tried to eat some vegetables and protein to balance it out along with my blood sugar

D: plan for black bean nachos

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Sun Feb 07, 2021 10:10 pm

Sorry that dh is acting cranky. I do hope it gets worked out soon. Perhaps the opportunity for the two of you to have some alone time allowed him to "let it all hang out". Like the rest of us, he might be losing it a little bit too and barely hanging on - but you are his safe person and so you end up having to take the brunt of that!

Oh, and the lentil soup with donuts? I think that was kind of brilliant of you - I saw you do that on another day. I can vouch that when I pair something super sugary/refined like that with a normal food, my blood sugar response is SOOO much better over the next few hours. And in my case, I will FEEL much better too. Perhaps you have noticed that without even needing to test your blood sugar.
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Sun Feb 07, 2021 11:55 pm

Usually when doc is acting touchy for no apparent reason it’s work related. I think he doesn’t want to burden me but really i rather he just tell me whats wrong. Men. 🙄
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Mon Feb 08, 2021 7:59 pm

It could be auto. Your theory makes sense. I know I do that sometimes with him when I am feeling stressed and finally we get to be just us. Thanks for the comment on blood sugar. I feel like I have gotten more sensitive to my blood sugar over the years and I try to keep it balanced when I eat treats. It is nice to hear that you have scientific evidence that my idea works. I do notice I feel WAY better.

Linda yeah I know he is stressed about some stuff at work. A while back he was having a lot of trouble at home and I finally noticed that he kept talking about this one guy he worked with and all their conflicts. When we finally talked about it, he realized that it had really been bothering him because they are friends outside of work. After he became aware, things got better.

Dh does seem better today, you know from a distance as he texts me from work. :D And we did have a good quick conversation on the phone, so fingers crossed he has moved through whatever it was.

Last night, I think the emotional stress of dealing with DH all weekend plus DH's reaction to the game got to me.( He was so mad about all the penalties) I ate so much that my stomach actually hurt. I can' remember the last time I have done that. I ended up having more donuts and chips and cheese dip and chicken tenders and fries and then a bunch of Christmas chocolate that I still haven't finished. ugh... Today is a new day and I am trying to be more aware.

B: oatmeal with peanut butter, raisins, and coffee with cream

L: a big bowl of southwest veggie soup, a small serving of chips, and a small serving of cheese dip.

D: Awesome pasta casserole, garlic bread, 1 small square dark chocolate

Steps goal 7.5 K
Actual: 4 k...
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Tue Feb 09, 2021 7:58 pm

Yesterday ended up not being too bad. Today is pretty good, I find it kind of unpleasant and stressful in the morning dealing with the kids schoolwork and helping them but usually, by about 1 pm everything is calmed down and I can enjoy my afternoon. I kind of liken it to going to a job I hate but only for a short shift. And it's just not as bad as hostessing in a popular restaurant before valentines day or Christmas, and I keep reminding myself of that.

Dh was totally normal yesterday and we had a good day when he got home from work. I wasn't as active as I would have liked because my foot started hurting. My shoes are really old and they are stability shoes and I think they just got too bad for my feet. Luckily my new ones arrived today! They are a little stiff but I am going to do some indoor physical activity stuff with the kids and break them in.

I am figuring out that smaller portions make me need less food because I think with smaller portions I am actually HUNGRY for all my meals and then I am more aware of when I am satisfied. Eating when I am not hungry gives me no cues of when to stop. Last night I waited to have dinner until I was hungry which was about 6ish. Everyone else ate around 5 15 so it was hard. Today I had breakfast earlier, with lunch earlier so hopefully, I can be hungry at dinnertime because my experiment of eating later than everyone really didn't work so well. I DID start setting boundaries of once I'm sitting down to eat I'm not getting up again and you can get your own ketchup or seconds or whatever. :D

Im also trying to have at least 4 hours between meals and eat my meal size accordingly.

B: 8:45 AM 1 bowl of oatmeal with peanut butter, raisins coffee with cream
Just a note on the peanut butter. I have been using powdered peanut butter because it blends in so much better to my oatmeal. Conveniently it is lower in fat and calories but I love not having to scrape it off my spoon.

L 12:45 P.M 1 serving of leftover awesome pasta casserole, 1 serving garlic bread
So, pasta casserole is really a misleading name for this. It was like a gourmet dish with goat cheese and pureed roasted red peppers and Italian sausage and veggies. It was amazing. I got the recipe out of our local magazine that comes to the house.

D: 5:15 PM Pork Tenderloin with sweet potato and apples, green beans and 1 square of dark chocolate

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Wed Feb 10, 2021 1:53 pm

I’m glad DHs mood has improved. I can remember how tough mornings used to be when the girls were younger. You seem to have a good attitude about it though. Also, I definitely do better at stopping when I’m satisfied if I’m a good amount of hungry before I start eating. Actually I never really understood ppl saying not to let yourself get too hungry or you’ll overeat. I’ve always found the opposite to be true even when I’m “starving “.

Anyway, hope you’re foot feels better soon. So frustrating!
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Wed Feb 10, 2021 7:33 pm

Thanks Linda! Yes same here with the extra hunger. It definitely makes me more sensitive to my fullness sensations.

We have freezing rain and ice today which would normally mean a snow day but means business as usual and all the in person kids just do remote schooling. My 17 year old finished all her coursework for senior year today! She is done with high school. Its hard to believe. Now that is one less kid I have to worry about or supervise. She passed her 2 remaining math classes with a 70% but she passed and she is good to graduate. Yay!

My shoes I ordered are too small! So I have to send them back and get bigger ones. Such a bummer. I am running around in my fuzzy boots today so maybe lack of sneakers aren't too bad. My foot feels totally fine after a night of sleeping on it. I have no idea what my old shoes did to it, but I am glad it was easily healed.

February 10 2021

B: 8:45 Oatmeal with peanutbutter, and chopped apple. Coffee with cream
After a lot of unsweetened oatmeal, I am finally getting used to less sweet oatmeal and able to enjoy it more. The peanut butter and the fruit add a little sweetness but I don't need to add honey anymore

L: 1 pm: 1 big bowl of southern vegetable soup, 10 Fritos scoops, 1 tangerine

D: plan beef tacos

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Wed Feb 10, 2021 11:53 pm

So glad to hear your foot is feeling better! And uber-congrats to YOU for getting your high schooler through! Haha! She probably wouldn't want to know I said that. :-)
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Thu Feb 11, 2021 9:10 pm

LOL thanks auto! Its kinda true! :)

I realized I was feeling a bit emotional last night. She is my first baby and now she has graduated high school?!! She is already talking about college and moving out which makes it feel more real even though the chance of her moving out at this point is pretty low.

So, I definitely ate too much last night even though I didn't realize it at the time. So annoying! Emotional eating is so sneaky. At least I was finally able to realize that I felt sad.

B: oatmeal with peanut butter and mixed berries, coffee with cream

L: 3 beef tacos

D: bbq kielbasa with rice and green beans and cornbread

2 hersheys nuggets with a spoonful of peanut butter. This is just so delicious and I really enjoyed it. I ate the last of the nuggets today though, so we will see what happens with that for the future.
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by April » Thu Feb 11, 2021 10:59 pm

I can so remember (3 years ago) when my ONLY "baby" was on the cusp of planning on out of state college and living the dorms. A fellow mom of a college student told me the best advice I've ever heard which at the time was exactly what I needed to here "the anticipation is much worse than the reality". SO TRUE. It was scary and exciting at the same time to see your baby(s) grow up and begin there adult lives. I *accepted* that it would be a tough transition but in all honesty the weeks before were much tougher emotionally than the weeks after. He is a 6 hour drive from us when on campus which is better than a plane ride!

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Jen1974 » Fri Feb 12, 2021 4:30 pm

Pink: Senior year/graduation was hard for me too!! And me too on the emotional eating sneaking up without being totally aware that there is something bothering me!!

April that is so true!! I used to get sad EVERY YEAR around graduation time when my kids were small, imagining them leaving LOL. My son’s senior year was really hard with all the “lasts” but this year when he’s actually gone its been so much better than I pictured. He comes home often, we go visit, & he calls ALL THE TIME (I think I talked to him 5 times yesterday). He seems to like us more now that he has some space :lol:

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Feb 12, 2021 8:58 pm

Thanks for your encouraging words April! I am sure that anticipation is harder than the reality, that seems to be the case in almost everything.

Jen, yeah that emotional eating is so sneaky! I genuinely think I am just extra hungry when I am emotionally eating and don't realize until later, and it makes it really hard to discern. That is hilarious that you talked to your son five times! I know that is more than I talk to my soon to be 18 year old and she lives at home! So, maybe something to look forward to. :)

We are supposedly going to be hit with the snowstorm of a century here... we will see. The Ozark mountains mess everything up. We have seen our snow chances fizzle out more than I can count. Today its been light flurries all day, but the real snow is supposed to start on Sunday. IT would be so amazing to get real snow! It's hard not to hope.

Of course being the south, everyone is panic buying everything in advance of the possible snow. I had to go pick up my daughter's prescription today and the grocery store had pretty much every parking spot filled, which it NEVER does. Dh ordered me special chocolate for valentines day and it won't be here til Monday! :( I might just have to have some chocolate on a weekday.

B: Peanut butter and Nutella oatmeal, coffee with cream

L: leftover rice, kielbasa, 1 piece of cornbread

herbal tea

D: plan for chicken nuggets, cauliflower and leek soup, ice cream and maybe some chocolate too. :D
Last edited by pinkhippie on Sat Feb 13, 2021 12:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Fri Feb 12, 2021 11:39 pm

Fingers crossed you get some snow!!! Over here in Seattle, we are in the same boat - hoping for snow tomorrow! My parents live near Portland Oregon and they already have 4 or 5 inches and much more expected throughout the weekend. The one bummer is that my sister, who is a nurse, worked today and had to have her husband drive her to work in his big truck - and even that he had to do something to make it extra heavy. And she works tomorrow and Sunday, so a) she doesn't get to enjoy the snow; and b) it is a treacherous commute for her in these conditions. Nurses are so dedicated that way (or at least my sister is) - she NEVER has missed a day of work because of weather. My mom was like that too (also a nurse) - I remember how obsessively she would make sure to get her studded tires put on every fall so she could get up a particular road that was often icy.

But anyway - for us LET IT SNOW! :-)
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Sat Feb 13, 2021 3:36 am

Oh dear, you guys are really pulling my heart strings. My oldest is hopefully going off to college next year. Im going to miss her and will worry about her so much. I worry she’s not even close to being ready for this but on the other hand i know she will grow so much from this experience. So hard either way. Luckily she will only be a couple hours away. That is if she actually graduates. Ive been too big of a chicken to check her grades lately. I figure at this point, she needs to handle it in her own cuz i wont be there when she’s in college.

Good luck with the snow. Supposed to be in the 80s here next week. Stupid climate change. :/
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Jen1974 » Sat Feb 13, 2021 7:30 pm

I hope you guys got snow. We’re in Colorado & our grocery stores still go nuts before a storm :lol: I’m like we all have 4WD cars & they plow pretty quickly, most of us can still make it to the grocery store :lol: One year when my kids were little though, we got a minivan that me & my husband hated but seemed like the best family car. We got stuck in our driveway in a snowstorm & sold the car the following week :lol:

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Sat Feb 13, 2021 9:28 pm

Thank you for the snow wishes Auto! Yes let it snow! Wow, your sister is dedicated! I hope her commute goes ok with the snow! I saw that you got 5 inches in your check-in. yay! We have been having flurries but the big event isn't supposed to happen till Monday so fingers crossed!

Linda, yeah I am not sure what my daughter's college options are. She squeaked through with 70's on her last two classes.(Algebra 2 and Quantitative literacy) She had such a good GPA until 11 th grade when all her troubles seemed to happen at once and her dad got divorced and her diagnoses and all that. But yeah it just feels weird to have a kid who is a legal adult in 2 months. I keep having dreams about having a baby, like not the birth but the taking care of, and I think that is probably my brain trying to work out that my baby is almost a grown-up now.

Jen really? That is funny! I understand the south going nuts, We are totally unprepared. No salt for the roads, no chains on tires, etc...I feel like when I lived in NY this crazy shopping panic didn't happen because we had salt and plows and snow was just business as usual.

Today I made red velvet cupcakes out of a mix with homemade cream cheese frosting and sprinkles with the 2 younger girls for Valentine's day. The best of both worlds! I wasn't up to making them from scratch. They turned out pretty yummy though!

B: Oatmeal with berries and pecans, coffee with cream

L: random licks of frosting and pieces of cupcake that didn't work out

D: half of a turkey sub, some fries, 2 small pieces of thin crust pizza 2 cupcakes
Sooo hungry! We were supposed to have early dinner and I didn't want to spoil my appetite. I had late breakfast but those licks of icing and random cupcake nibbles ( to make sure it was all good) got my blood sugar. And then, dinner ended up being late. Still, it was DELICIOUS. Eating when hungry really is the most pleasurable.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Mon Feb 15, 2021 4:37 am

Oh gosh, that’s funny about your dream. I actually dreamt last night that i was pregnant but didn’t really put the clues together. It probably does relate to my baby growing up. Same with sweetpea and her gpa. She actually had a 3.7 going into this year. Sigh, but as long as she graduates i think going to community college will be a fine option for her.

The cupcakes sound delicious but yes that would make me crazy hungry by dinnertime too!
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Mon Feb 15, 2021 7:14 pm

Snow Snow snow snow snow! That is my little snow song. :) We got snow! We have about 6 inches in the backyard and more is falling. Too bad it's 0 degrees with a -25 windchill! Can't really get out to enjoy it but it's fun to look at. I have taken lots of pictures and video as I suspect this is a once in a decade event. The last time we got significant snow here was 2011.

Linda, yes I have had some pregnancy dreams too! It is funny how our minds work. Sounds like Sweetpea had a great GPA! Have I ranted about my daughter and community college on here yet? Her dad wants her to go to our local 4-year university and she won't even entertain applying for community college. I know her grades aren't good enough, and her dad probably doesn't know that. She has dreams of living in a dorm, but I am afraid her dreams might be shattered a bit when the reality hits. However, she will NOT listen to me so all I can do is support her and be here for her when she needs me.

Yesterday was fun! The kids got out in the snow for about 5 minutes because the windchill was -15 and then we came in and made hot chocolate with whipped cream! from scratch dutch processed cocoa hot chocolate. Soooo good! Then we had leftover Valentine cupcakes after dinner.

And today I woke up to more snow and DH came home from work early. Funny how all that happiness makes me want to eat even though I am NOT hungry.

B: Oatmeal with peanut butter and berries, coffee with extra hot chocolate leftover from yesterday...

L: Fried egg sandwich, cauliflower soup with roasted red pepper, a mandarin orange

D: I think baked ravioli... Not sure yet

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Wed Feb 17, 2021 4:52 am

Oh boy that sounds frustrating. So hard stepping back and letting them make their own mistakes. Sweetpea was taking forever to fill out her application for the cc and found myself thinking about doing myself. Then i was like omg, no that’s crazy. She did eventually do it on her own thank goodness but this parenting stuff is no joke! 🤦🏼‍♀️

Wow that is cold! Stay warm! ☕️ 🍲
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Wed Feb 17, 2021 5:07 pm

A little shattering of dreams might be just what she needs, Pinkie! :-) I know it's easy for me to say, since I don't have to watch her suffer, but it's good for her. I look forward to the growth that will begin in her life when she receives her rejection letter from the 4 year college. The nice thing about community college is that you can literally enroll right up through the first week of classes! :-) I have EVEN had students start in the second week!!!! It'll all work out - I promise this will be good for her!
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Wed Feb 17, 2021 6:47 pm

Linda, yes it IS hard to step back and let them make their own mistakes and I know that temptation of wanting to step in and do it for them! Parenting is hard! I have a friend who used to work at the law school for our four-year university, so Graduate level. And she constantly had moms of these kids calling in and dropping off applications, and doing everything these graduate students should have done for themselves. I think of that whenever I am tempted because I definitely don't want my kid to grow up to be that way.

Auto, I know you are right. Dream shattering is how we grow. It's hard as a parent to witness. And you are right about community colleges being able to enroll later, that is a good point. And to be honest I don't even care if she goes to college, and especially not this year. I just know she wants to go.

I have realized that I am having yucky feelings this week and that is why I have been eating non stop. I haven't written it down here but the past couple days has been snacking, desert after dinner, chocolate chips with spoonfuls of peanut butter after dinner... As I do it I tell myself things like " I am sick of watching what I eat" and " I am so hungry" and "Its a snow day, so weeeeeeee".

But this morning, I was writing( my new habit in the morning) and I realized that I have been feeling that crushing sense of failure, and guilt that I have gotten a degree and I have done nothing with it. I know I said I wanted to focus on the girls and their schoolwork and not worry about getting a job, but I have my email set up to get job alerts and I realize as they come in that I don't WANT these jobs. And now I feel guilty because I put myself and the family through me getting through school and now I don't even want a job in my degree and feel like I never can stick to ANYTHING. My old desire to write has surfaced again, which went dormant while I was in school. I thought that getting a degree would make things more clear and make me feel successful, but it has made things murkier and made me feel more of a failure. It's almost like I feel like I have to achieve and accomplish and do in order to justify my existence. And so that is how I have been feeling deep down since I got out of school and that is why I have been eating the way that I have and probably why my weight has remained at 156 and even gotten up to 157. I haven't even gotten on the scale the past two days because I didn't want to know.

I guess it's good to realize these things though.

February 17 2021

B: oatmeal with peanut butter and berries, coffee with cream

L: Tomato soup(homemade and deeeeeelicious!) a piece of buttered toast, 1 mandarin orange

D: chicken sandwich, fries, a ramekin of chocolate chips with 2 spoonfuls of peanut butter.
DH is home for the snow day, and so he wants to celebrate. And I am happy to have a night off of cooking. Also, just putting the chocolate chips in a ramekin and planning how many spoonfuls of peanut butter(rather than just dipping a spoon over and over again into my peanut butter jar) I was going to eat made a huge difference mentally. It didn't feel like a binge, it felt like a planned desert. Its interesting because I might have eaten exactly the same amount but I feel different.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Thu Feb 18, 2021 4:56 am

pinkhippie wrote:
Wed Feb 17, 2021 6:47 pm

But this morning, I was writing( my new habit in the morning) and I realized that I have been feeling that crushing sense of failure, and guilt that I have gotten a degree and I have done nothing with it. I know I said I wanted to focus on the girls and their schoolwork and not worry about getting a job, but I have my email set up to get job alerts and I realize as they come in that I don't WANT these jobs. And now I feel guilty because I put myself and the family through me getting through school and now I don't even want a job in my degree and feel like I never can stick to ANYTHING. My old desire to write has surfaced again, which went dormant while I was in school. I thought that getting a degree would make things more clear and make me feel successful, but it has made things murkier and made me feel more of a failure. It's almost like I feel like I have to achieve and accomplish and do in order to justify my existence. And so that is how I have been feeling deep down since I got out of school and that is why I have been eating the way that I have and probably why my weight has remained at 156 and even gotten up to 157. I haven't even gotten on the scale the past two days because I didn't want to know.

Oh boy did this hit home hard. I have a BA in english, a culinary degree that I haven’t used for careers and feel like i never finish things either. The truth is I really enjoy staying home but i have a lot of guilt about it too. I feel like i should be doing more and being a better role model for my kids but at the end i have to do what works best for me and my family. There’s other ways to be a good role model to our kids and there's other ways to find fulfillment. And i don’t ever think education is a waste of time. Even if you don’t use it now, it’s certainly has helped you grow as a person i bet and you may use it down the line. Maybe just focus on writing if that’s where your passion is?
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Sammybunny711 » Thu Feb 18, 2021 11:56 am

Man... Y'all are speaking my language. In my case, I feel like I completely ruined myself by getting a degree in early childhood education. I ended up hating teaching and have been on a job Rollercoaster ever since. I am staying home with my infant daughter and doing some freelancing for a grant and for a local college and I enjoy those things, but I also wish I could be pursuing my passions a bit more. I self published four books back in 2012-2014 and the entire self pub experience was a disaster. I felt like a Failure to the Max. And it was hard when in 2020 I finally took down all my books and author website. Now, I'm just trying to enjoy being with my daughter and enjoying domestic engineer life, haha. I'm also trying to learn to write for the fun of it again (with no strings attached). It's a bit hard since everyone in my beta group is traditional-publishing focused (and I'm not sure I have any interest in ANY form of publishing anymore... But we'll see.) What I'm trying to say is, I feel you. But we really do make a difference in people's lives and I'm with others here: education is never wasted. Even if it only expands our minds.
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Thu Feb 18, 2021 5:01 pm

Linda and Sammybunny, thank you. You have no idea how much better sharing your experiences made me feel.

Linda, I like being at home too! But I feel so guilty about it. I feel bad that my husband has to be the sole provider even though he says he doesn't mind. He used to make jokes about me getting a great job so that he could stay home. And we are a team in everything and I feel bad that I don't provide that for him. Also, I like staying home but my home isn't Better Homes and Gardens by any means! Things are reasonable in that I wouldn't be embarrassed if someone dropped by, but there is huge room for improvement! I do like cooking when I don't have the demands of school or work and I have been making a lot more involved dinners and things. I thought about getting a BA in English myself! I love reading and words and writing. Good point about education helping me grow as a person, that is definitely true!

SammyBunny, a degree in early childhood education was definitely something I considered. I worked with young children preschool age and below most of my working life. I got burned out, but sometimes I worry that it's the only thing I was really good at. That is amazing you self-published! I know you feel like a failure but just the fact that you did it and got yourself out there is incredible to me. I love writing but so far I don't seem to finish anything I write( trying to put that a bit more positively). I don't feel like I have any interest in publishing either, I would just like to finish something.

Thanks again for sharing your experiences ladies, it really helps me to not feel so alone. I think I am pretty hard on myself without realizing it. I have been working on it for ages but it is very difficult.

Today I felt a bit better as I realized last night that this pandemic is affecting me in ways I don't even understand right now. It's hard to be thinking of dreams and goals when everything is so messed up and different, and staying home with all 3 kids all the time is so exhausting. I realized yesterday when my husband stayed home and right around 2 pm I got SOOOO tired and I went and laid down because I could, that this is tiring stuff. Normally I am busy with the kids at 2 pm so a lie down is out of the question. It's hard because it feels like it SHOULDN'T be that much work or that tiring. So, I am home with the kids, so what? What kind of wimp am I? But somewhere, somehow it is taking a lot out of me.

I am trying a new thing where I eat every 3 hours. Yes! The total anathema to No S! I read something that resonated with me yesterday about how when we feel unbalanced, or hungry we are more likely to turn to food in times of stress or high emotion and I think that is true for me. I have been trying to eat smaller portions and watching what I eat more and I think that backfired badly. I want to make myself feel like food is always available and it's ok but still with more structure, so I guess now I am doing 4 meals a day. We will see what happens.

B: Oatmeal with peanut butter, coffee with milk

L: Bowl of lentil soup, 1 piece of buttered toast

S: a few crackers with cheese and ham

D: black bean and corn quesadillas with 3 pieces of Valentine chocolate
The valentines chocolate finally got here! My dh ordered SIX POUNDS :shock: I am sharing with everyone.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Sammybunny711 » Fri Feb 19, 2021 11:51 am

The whole point, I think, of No S is that idea of self-discovery and putting into practice something that works for you! You've got this! Hang in there.
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Zoid » Fri Feb 19, 2021 4:09 pm

Another educated SAHM here!

I have a masters degree in engineering. I did work for 6 years before staying home with my oldest. I never ever planned on being a SAHM. The whole time I was pregnant, I was planning to go back. We had daycare set up and everything. But once she was here, I just couldn’t leave her. Mr. Zoid was very supportive. He grew up with a SAHM and sees the value in having me here for my girls.

I did do food delivery for UberEats on the weekends for a while to help make ends meet, but Mr. Zoid got a raise and I was able to stop. People are constantly asking me if I’ll go back to work when the girls are in school, and I really don’t know. They’ll still be home in the afternoons and I could volunteer at the school and such. Also after school sports and things that they’ll need me to drive them to. I know that other parents make all that stuff work, but I’d rather be there for them. Maybe I’ll get something part time, idk.

Anyway, my oldest is almost 4, so I was a SAHM for almost three years before the pandemic. This is a whole other level of exhaustion. First, I was pregnant and then we have a newborn, so we’ve been very isolated to keep us all safe. Now that the baby is 6 months, we’ve finally had my MIL babysit a few times so I could take my older daughter skiing. I spend most of my time at home completely alone with my girls.

You would think that my house would be sparkling. But it’s so hard to find the motivation when you have infinite time and are the only entertainment your kids have. I used to get so much more done pre-pandemic. We would try to get out of the house most days with story hour, mommy & me classes, swimming lessons, trips to the playground, so I would be like “I have to get x, y, and a done before we leave so that we can go out this afternoon”. Now it’s like we’re in this time void that sucks all motivation out of you.

Anyway, all that is to say that you are not alone. Parenting right now is more exhausting than it has ever been. There’s a light at the end of this tunnel that is slowly getting brighter. Hoping that this spring/summer will be more normal since we can be outside more.
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Feb 19, 2021 6:22 pm

Thanks, Sammybunny, I think you are right. I am definitely in the process of figuring out what works for me.

Hi Zoid! Thank you for popping in. I really appreciate your sharing your experiences, it is so comforting to know I am not alone. It really does help to hear about. Wow, a master's in Engineering! That's quite an accomplishment, and so is staying home with your girls and being the only parent home every day. I know what you mean about wanting to be there for your kids even after they go to school. It is so nice and way less stressful to have one parent at home to deal with all the random kid stuff, the school stuff, if someone gets sick, supervising the homework, making the meals, etc... I found it really stressful when my kids were in school to even work part-time and go to school. I feel very grateful to be able to stay home with my kids.

However, Being stuck at home with the kids all by yourself IS rough. Your baby is only 6 months old? That is challenging too! I remember those days when my kids were babies. I do feel like we are stuck in a time void that sucks all motivation. It was hard being at home with a baby and a preschooler all day before the pandemic, I can't imagine how tough it is now that there are no activities to go out and do!

Wow, I ate too much yesterday! I had a terrible stomachache all night long. I think it's because I had the size of dinner I would normally have with only 3 meals plus the chocolate. This seriously shouldn't be this hard. :roll:
Today I didn't eat anything until about 11:30 this morning because I was so stuffed from yesterday. I plan to have a very small breakfast snack between lunch and dinner. Anyway, I will keep on experimenting.

B: half a bean and corn quesadilla, a mandarin orange, coffee with cream

L: Raisin Bran with milk

D: CHicken nuggets, broccoli and ice cream maaaaybe a piece of valentine chocolate

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Sat Feb 20, 2021 4:03 pm

Well, I haven't ever stayed home with my kiddos so I can't add to those lovely comments from others. I CAN tell you that I felt like a chicken with my head cut-off, running around insane-style for many years while working full-time. :lol: :shock: I even got Shingles - which my doc declared meant that I HAD to slow down.
So. I don't think it's natural for how hard we push ourselves. I couldn't stay home when they were little because my husband went back to school. On the other hand, I loved my job in those years! Ironically, now that they are bigger and working full-time isn't as tricky, I don't like my job as much and would rather stay home! :-) Ha! Anyway, in this discussion there is NO question that each and every path is excruciatingly challenging. Raising kids is tough. Period.
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Jen1974 » Sat Feb 20, 2021 6:51 pm

Pink: Regardless of what I do I have days that are just harder and always think it shouldn’t be so hard :lol: Sometimes I can’t even put my finger on why. I think my whole goal in life has been to eliminate those days were I eat in a way that doesn’t feel good yet no matter when I’ve tried they happen anyway :lol:

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Post by pinkhippie » Sun Feb 21, 2021 8:45 pm

Auto, yes raising kids IS tough! I have almost always worked at least part-time while raising my kids, and if I wasn't working I was in school so this does feel really weird I think. Even why my oldest was a baby I had a job as a nanny and would take her with me to my jobs. I applaud moms that can work full time and take care of kids and house. I also would be a chicken running headless. And shingles? Man! We do seem to push ourselves hard no matter what though, and that is some good food for thought. Thank you. :)

Jen, so true. It does seem like it's impossible right now to eliminate days of eating and not feeling good. I think can at least aim for more days feeling good vs bad.

It's been a pretty laid-back weekend. I have been waiting until 11 30, having lunch, and then a bowl of cereal as a snack and then dinner. I like this pattern because cereal really IS more of a snack, and eating it first thing in the morning just makes me more hungry. I am going to keep it up and see how it goes. I also don't like really long periods of time in between my meals. It's easier to have it just be longer since I last ate the night before, especially since I drink coffee and am not usually hungry in the morning anyway. I would rather eat my meals in a shorter eating window but be able to eat every few hours. So, that is my new experiment. Eating every 3 hours but in a shorter window. Which then helps me not eat so much that my stomach hurts. So far so good!

Saturday 2/20/2021

B: coffee with cream

L: Half a quesadilla, 1 donut
The in-laws HAVE to stop bringing us donuts! But at least I am getting tired of them so eating less of them

S: 1 bowl of raisin bran with milk

D: A burger, tater tots, and 4 pieces of valentines chocolate

Sunday 2/21/2021

B: coffee with cream

L: half a cheese quesadilla a big bowl of southern veggie soup, 1 donut

S: a bowl of raisin bran with milk

D: Not sure yet

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by alene1 » Mon Feb 22, 2021 3:13 pm

PH, I'm with you on the cereal in the morning. If I have it I have to pair it with a good amount of protein or I will get too hungry too soon. I'm glad you're finding your groove! When I have more time I have a lot to say about the career thing and going to school for things that I don't end up using. Have a great Monday!

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Mon Feb 22, 2021 5:02 pm

I always have joked that oatmeal was the best appetite stimulant I could ever find. :lol: And that was BEFORE I started wearing a glucose monitor. Bingo! Mystery solved - I get the same blood sugar spike (and crash) with oatmeal that I do with any sort of so-called "junk" foods. Crazy right?
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Mon Feb 22, 2021 8:42 pm

Hi Alene! I look forward to your thoughts about career and school when you get a chance!

Auto, yeah I never understand all these articles touting oatmeal as the most rib-sticking breakfast because of its fiber. Not for me! That is one reason I load mine with PB2. I have also put in an egg white before.

Not a whole lot going on today. I was pretty productive around the house and this weekend DH and I got lots of things done including hanging my fruit basket FINALLY and getting rid of lots and lots of clutter in the kitchen. It's so nice to have room to work! our counters were getting bad.

Feeling kind of like a bad mom because my 8 year old REALLY wants me to play calico critters with her, but I am just too tired. I lost sleep 4 nights in a row and I just want to go lay down. The problem with calico critters is that she wants ME to create the world and most of the dialogue and my brain just can't right now. I still always feel bad when I say no to my child who wants to play though. Ergh

B: coffee with cream

L: southern veg soup, some Fritos, and a few slices of cheese quesadilla

S: raisin bran with banana and milk
I usually never have cold cereal because if you think oatmeal is bad... cold cereal is like dessert! It's working well as a snack though with the whole milk

D: plan homemade mac n cheese with roasted broccoli and homemade biscuits 2 pieces of valentines chocolate.
This turned out mostly ok, I kind of accidentally carmelized the butter for the cheese sauce. ACK but it still tasted good... I was happy that I had the time and energy to make homemade biscuits though

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Zoid » Tue Feb 23, 2021 2:50 pm

I definitely agree with everyone about cereal. It’s just not filling.

I almost always have an omelet with frozen veggies and some cheese for breakfast. I like a good amount of protein with my meals.
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Tue Feb 23, 2021 2:51 pm

Don’t feel badly! I can remember the days of playing with my kids. It takes a lot out of you & it’s definitely okay to say no. When they see you taking care of your needs, they’ll learn that it’s okay for them to say no to things as well. Plus, they get plenty of mommy time just having you around. Funnily enough we used to have this stuffed build a bear bunny we named hippy and the girls would beg me to have her come out. I got really into her character and they thought it was the best. She was a very naughty bunny and they loved to scold her. Sometimes it was the only way I could get rosebud out of bed in the morning but there were many times when I just couldn’t bring myself to get into it and hippy would go on vacation for awhile. 😆

Anyway that was quite a tangent but you are a wonderful mom. That’s very clear so no more guilt! 💜
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Tue Feb 23, 2021 5:31 pm

Oh my Gosh, Linda that was the BEST story about the bear. Thank you for sharing!

And Pinkie - we CANNOT completely empty ourselves into other people. Part of being responsible is attending to our own needs, as well. It's like every single morning we need to breathe deeply, consider our priorities for that day, and not go beyond that day. Everything else is just too much, and can crush us from the day at hand. As Linda said, your girls get you around all the time, and you love them to pieces!!! You are a GREAT mom.
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Jen1974 » Tue Feb 23, 2021 7:02 pm

I too struggled with mom guilt & worried I’d look back & regret not playing more, but that hasn’t happened. I actually see that times they had to learn to play on their own were really good for them!! Other kids who had moms who played constantly seemed to really struggle with boredom when they got older & needed to be constantly entertained. I think the fact that we try to play when we can means we’re pretty good moms in itself. I read somewhere that our generation has taken the enjoyment out of parenting by putting too much pressure on ourselves & I can totally see that!!

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Wed Feb 24, 2021 12:03 am

Zoid,that sounds like a great good for you breakfast! For some reason, I just can't eat eggs in the morning. It's too bad because eggs are so filling and blood sugar friendly.

Linda, thank you for the story about the bunny. I loved it! I know just what you mean about getting into character with your kid's stuffed animals. It is so fun but yet can be so draining. Thanks for the reassurance of being a wonderful mom as well!

Auto, thank you. You are right. Oxygen mask for mom before the kids and all that. It is true they get to see so much more of me than they ever used to. I like how you said we cannot completely empty ourselves into other people. I will try to keep that in mind. Thank you for the kind comments about being a great mom.

Jen, thank you. It's true, we definitely do put a lot of pressure on ourselves. I don't think MY parents ever agonized because they wouldn't play dolls with me. I was also excellent at entertaining myself... hmmm that is a good point! Thank you for sharing your experience and your thoughts.

Thanks, fellow moms for taking the time to give me the reassurance and the stories. It's easy to feel like you have to do everything right for your kids all the time or you are not a good mom. Well, it's easy for me at least, so I appreciate all of your voices reminding me that is not really the way things need to be or even that it is not healthy for me or the kids.

I have been really exhausted this week. Low energy, I just want to lay around and everything seems like a lot of work. Of course, it's my busy week. The first busy week since the pandemic really. A whole lot of appointments magically piled on for this week, especially because a lot of things got rescheduled because of the snow.

February 23 2021 Tuesday

B: Coffee with cream

L: leftover mac n cheese with broccoli and a biscuit, half a banana

S: Raisin Bran with milk and banana

D: pork tacos on corn tortillas, 2 pieces of Valentines chocolate

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Wed Feb 24, 2021 9:14 pm

Been struggling lately. It's so hard to put into words. I feel tired, and I just want to retreat inside myself. I get annoyed easily at my husband who is boisterous, loud and always wants to connect and talk and hang out. I think I need some alone time, and it is so hard to get it right now. I do get about an hour and a half every evening to myself and I feel better until I open my door and have to deal with my husband and kids again. It's like it does nothing! I am not sure what the best course of action is. I feel bad for my husband though because its not his fault that he is draining and he doesn't see me all day because he is at work and then wants to hang out.

I wonder if it's a little bit hormonal. For the first time since I became "a woman" barring pregnancy and breastfeeding, I seem to have skipped AF. Either that or it's over 10 days late! I have always thought it would be so great, but I feel like SUPER PMS and I felt crampy for a few days too. I did paranoidly take a test today just to make sure and it's not pregnancy. Its not. That would be pretty unlikely with DH's vasectomy and me being almost 45. But phew. I guess this is just more of the fun perimenopause stuff I can look forward to.

B: coffee with cream

L: mac n cheese with shredded pork, broccoli

S: raisin bran 1/2 serving with 1 banana and milk

D: 2 breakfast burritos, a shared orange with the kids and 2 pieces of valentines chocolate.
Today only having 2 pieces of chocolate was REALLY hard in the moment but it was quicker. Once I made the decision for only 2 pieces and put the chocolate away, I didn't think any more about it. Just have to actually put the chocolate away. Like I said on Jen's thread. I am trying to achieve the habit of sweets in moderation on the weekdays.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by April » Thu Feb 25, 2021 1:16 pm

Hi Pink! Sorry to hear you are out of sorts lately, it so interesting to hear about your needing quiet time when your hubby wants to be chatty, we have sort of a same issue here but it is more of a timing thing, I LOVE and guard with fervency my morning "me time" (in complete silence) which is when hubby wants to be chatty - and he needs HIS after supper quite time when I am wanting to be chatty...

And if it's of any help EVERY PMS week I question everything about what's happening with me, sometimes I just want to be left alone with my heating pad and Hershey bars...
Then aunt flow arrives and all is better in a day or two.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Jen1974 » Thu Feb 25, 2021 4:41 pm

I’m 46 & have noticed in the last couple of years occasionally I’ll have a month where I’m late & when it happens PMS is just worse. I struggle with patience, lose motivation, and just feel down. My SIL is just a little younger than me & my brother just sent her an article about perimenopause rage which was like throwing gasoline on that fire :lol: PMS does seem to get a bit worse though :lol: I hope you’re feeling better, I hate periods when I’m nit myself!!

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Thu Feb 25, 2021 6:01 pm

Ah Pinkie - you need a solitary vacation to a hotel for a couple nights!! I used to do that when my kiddos were little and I thought I might have a complete breakdown! You of course have it all much more together than I did, but you still need a vacation!

April - funny about the timing thing!!! I have that with my 15 year old son - as you can probably guess, he only wants to be chatty about 9pm, right when I want to go to bed!
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Thu Feb 25, 2021 7:37 pm

Thanks April! That is funny about your and your husbands opposite quiet times. That would be challenging! I have noticed my husband gets all energized at night right when I want to be winding down too and it increases my irritation by 100 so I said something to him about it last night and I think he heard me and might try to tone it down a little. Hersheys and Heating pad, yep that is how I feel too with PMS. And my bed. I just want to live in my bed.

Thanks Jen! Yeah it seems like PMS was definitely worse. Your description is exactly me. losing patience, no motivation, and really feeling down. hahah about your brother! I think us women need to discover those articles for ourselves, not have a significant other try to clue us in. Yikes! :lol:

Auto that does sound blissful! Weirdly enough I think I would miss everyone. That is my problem I think. I crave alone time but its hard to force myself to take it. My 17 yo always has some kind of crisis or wants to talk right at bedtime. It drives my husband nuts!

I think I am actually feeling better today. My phantom period has passed. I don't feel the symptoms anymore like I had been all weekend and this week. It's pretty weird. Plus I talked with my husband last night about my feelings and he did SUCH a good job of just listening! He didn't try to come up with a solution or lecture me about not taking care of myself, or tell me that I should be doing something different... he just listened. That really helped! Oh yeah and also I had myself a good emotional cry in the bathroom last evening too. I felt so sad and it just came bursting out. I think all those things helped. The bathroom is totally my refuge. It's where I go to get away from kids, get away from my husband, and just be alone. Me and the fluffy bath mats are intimately acquainted as I always end up sitting on them against the tub. I have candles in there too, and it's just a nice peaceful place.

So, today had lots of annoying (but typical kid school)chaos yet it has been a good day.

Oh, I also weighed myself for the first time in 2 weeks and I am still right at 156. Even with all the Valentine chocolate. My body seems to really get attached to certain weights.

Feb 25, 2021

B: coffee with cream

L: 2 breakfast burritos with salsa and sour cream

S: 1/2 serving of raisin bran, one banana

D: breaded fish and roasted potatoes with broccoli, 1 orange, and 2 pieces of dark Valentine's chocolate
I try so hard to like fish, but it tastes like an aquarium to me. I have not ever been able to like fish. My 11-year-old loves it though. I noticed that dark chocolate was MUCH easier to stop eating at 2 pieces. It's so much richer, and I didn't have that addictive drive to keep eating it.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Feb 26, 2021 4:24 pm

Wow, yesterday I felt so blissfully normal! It was wonderful. Today I feel the same. I guess I just need to be aware that these weird mood changes can be hormonal and try not to stress over them too much.

Today my 17 yo is going to spend the weekend with her stepmom. Stepmom has been fully vaccinated since she is a social worker, but she is also sort of in our pod already because my 17 yo spends every other weekend at her dad's with her sister who is step mom's daughter. Blended family pods. I'm excited to have a little break. We will have the younger girls here, but they require a different kind of parenting energy.

Today I weighed in at 155. So, my eating method right now seems to be moving me towards my goals. I guess I will keep doing it and see what happens.

February 26 2021

B: coffee with cream

L: small bowl of Fritos with a bowl of green chile chickpea soup. Surprisingly good.

S: raisin bran with milk and a banana

D: chicken nuggets, roasted Brussel sprouts, a ramekin of frozen yogurt with m&m's and whipped cream.
That combination sounds gross I know. :) It was really good though. I noticed I felt less of an urgent desire to have a bunch of ice cream or to have seconds on ice cream like I often do. I had even contemplated having a valentines chocolate along with my ice cream and discovered that I really didn't feel the desire for a chocolate plus ice cream. Chocolate every day is working so far for me. I will be interested to see how I feel tomorrow. An official "S" day.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Sat Feb 27, 2021 9:28 pm

Its Saturday!

I have come to the realization that my slothful ways are starting to cause me a bit of pain. My knees and my ankles are starting to hurt because of tight muscles and really I am not taking care of myself the way that I should. It was nice to have a break, mentally but I do feel better when I take care of myself physically. So, Im getting my bike back on my trainer, and Im going to start getting on the elliptical again.

Today we took the kids for a very muddy, cloudy drizzly hike and we kept it short because of my knee, but it was great to get out there and MOVE again. We hadn't gone the past month because it was too cold, or too icy.

Feeling grateful to live in a place where spring comes early and we can really enjoy outside for a while before it gets yucky hot.

I have noticed when I have less space between my meals I eat less overall. I mean... duh? but I also don't feel as hungry either. Lunches, breakfast, and dinner have gotten smaller and I dont' feel as frantic or worried about cramming dinner in. Lunch is smaller because I want to be hungry for my "snack" which is really breakfast, and I dont' have a huge snack because I want to be hungry for dinner. I think I'm not super hungry at dinner because my last meal was only a few hours ago, but I am "hungry" because I haven't eaten huge meals all day long. And then I feel satisfied after dinner and don't get hungry again until late the next morning. I don't know, it's weird but it continues to work for me. I guess it's almost like the IF I was doing before but now I have cream in my coffee! :D And boy does it make a difference. It's much more enjoyable and I only feel hungry for about an hour before my first meal rather than a few hours or half the morning.

B: coffee with cream

L: Green chile soup, 1 pc of buttered toast
No snack today because we are getting pizza for early dinner

D: 3 slices cheese and tomato pizza, roasted Brussel sprouts (SO GOOD!) 1 cinnamon stick.
thought about the valentine's chocolate but realized I can have it any day I want and I wasn't t in the mood for it so didn't have any. Also didn't feel the urge to have more than one cinnamon stick, 1 was plenty.

Exercise: family hike

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Sun Feb 28, 2021 2:34 pm

Gosh, don’t how I missed so much! I think I’m usually so tired when I come on here that after I post on my thread I’m too sleepy to check anyone else’s! 😊

Anyway, so glad you’re feeling better and that you’re finding an eating pattern that works for you. Forget black coffee bleh. I’m still annoyed that Gin from DDD pushed that so hard. I read some reviews from her new book and a lot of ppl complaining about how repetitive she is with the whole “clean” fasting thing. 🙄 The book I read about ADF is written by a scientist whose been studying this stuff for over a decade and is sure that the reason fasting works is that it’s simply an easy way to get us to eat less calories. I do think she’s probably right and so a little cream in one’s coffee is not going to mess anything up. Anyway I know you’re not doing IF anymore so excuse the rant but my point is, you should enjoy that cream in your coffee! 😁

I’m glad that you have a place you can escape to for a little bit. I was reading how daily showering is good for our mental health partly because it gives us that little moment of alone time and self-care that can really lift our spirits. My problem is that even though my kids leave me alone, my dogs follow me everywhere even into the bathroom. 😌

Your hike sounds wonderful. I wish I could get myself motivated enough to get off my butt and do that. I know it’d be so good for the girls too but on the weekends I just want to be lazy. Maybe next weekend!!
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Sun Feb 28, 2021 5:03 pm

Oh ladies welcome to the LOVELY world of coffee w luxurious cream every morning. :lol: I've been doing it for years, and I highly recommend it (oh now I'm sounding like I'm writing a letter of recommendation for a student, which I just did.... I can turn that tone on as needed, hahahahaha)

And Pinkie - a nice muddy walk is sometimes just the balm our souls need! A little bit of forest bathing.... sort of literally. :lol:
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Sun Feb 28, 2021 9:20 pm

Hi Linda! It's ok, I know we are all busy and have a lot going on, no need to keep up with everything. :)
Yeah, the clean fasting thing from Gin IS annoying. I sort of am doing a form of IF, but it doesn't feel like it because I am drinking my coffee with cream, and it's so much more easy and enjoyable. So, in my opinion, she ought to lay off the clean fast, but you know... Hah about your dogs following you. Mine follow me but they lay on the bed and wait for me. My basset hound gets freaked out in the bathroom for some reason. My kids are terrible though! They will knock on the door almost the minute after I have closed it and need something from me. Even my 17 yo! It sounds like you get LOTS of physical activity. This hike was like my only physical activity for the week! LOL

Auto, can you believe I used to drink my coffee black OR just with milk? I was so missing out! I had read something a long time ago about calcium getting sucked out of our body if we had our coffee with milk so I drank it black for years. (with cold water added to cool it down :shock: )

Productive day today. Family clean up day, got headboards on the girls' beds, and we all had a late breakfast together.

February 28, 2021


B: Coffee with cream, orange juice, 1.5 waffle with butter and syrup, 3 pieces of bacon

L: 3 pieces of cheese tomato pizza, roasted Brussell sprouts, and 2 pieces Valentines Chocolate

D: chickpea green chile soup and half a cheese quesadilla with salsa. 1 pc Valentines chocolate

I definitely ate more today than usual, I could feel it. The only difference was just not having my first meal as late as I normally do, so my meals were bigger. It's amazing what a difference it makes.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Mon Mar 01, 2021 2:00 am

That's great about the headboards! I bet they really make the room pop!
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by ladybird30 » Mon Mar 01, 2021 5:52 am

Any food that is not picked up off the floor is clean, & I can't even begin to imagine what a dirty fast is.

The last thing most of us need is applying terms like clean to our food & eating. Hair shirt anyone?
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Mon Mar 01, 2021 5:03 pm

Auto thanks! They do! And they give the girls something to lean on since their room is small and they are against a window. It's so much better now. It was really funny because my DH was in a bad mood while he was putting their headboards together and looking at the directions and he would say things like "they want me to do it this way, but I'm not going to, I'm going to do it this way instead". LOL Amazingly it still worked out, but I was wondering for a while there. And his mood got better after he got that done. :D

Ladybird absolutely! Applying the words clean or dirty to food and eating is just wrong and harmful in my opinion.

Today, I got on my bike for 15 minutes! I was really tired because my legs are wimpy noodles now, but it felt good. Im going to attempt another 15 minutes on Wednesday. Dh and I might go for a bike ride this weekend.

My 13-year-old dog(the Shih Tzu) has a vet appointment today and I'm nervous about it. First, I can't come in with her, second she is an elderly lady and she has gotten skinny lately, and Im worried about that. I think she might need dental care, and her food is too hard for her. Third, she needs her rabies booster and her heartworm test and who knows what else and I worry about how expensive it will be. But fingers crossed her appointment goes well. She is my baby.

ETA: yep I was right to worry. The vet thinks she has kidney disease. I am devastated. I got her bloodwork done and will hopefully have the results in the morning. Also has dental disease and I made an appointment for her to get her cleaning on my birthday. It was the soonest they had available.

B: Coffee with Cream

L: half a turkey sandwich, green chile chickpea soup

S:half a cup of raisin bran with milk

D: a chicken sandwich, fries, some icecream and a chocolate.
My vet appointment ran late and DH picked up Mcdonalds for everyone. He also took everyone in the house with him so I could come home with my dog and have a good cry alone and not scare the kids. And then I indulged in a lot of comfort food.

Exercise: 15 minutes on the stationary bike

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by alene1 » Tue Mar 02, 2021 3:17 pm

That's so funny that your DH was saying those things while putting the bed together. I can just imagine it. I'm glad that it works okay! :)

I'm so sorry to hear about your pup. I hope that things turn out more positively. Sending you big hugs. Our pets are our babies.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Tue Mar 02, 2021 4:35 pm

I know Alene, it was pretty funny.

Well, good news and not good news on my dog. Her bloodwork was perfect! So now the vet wants to x-ray her. He says that it's highly unlikely she would lose that much weight just from her teeth being bad alone. So, no kidney disease yay! But I guess he is wanting to double-check for cancer now. At least I know that she is healthy as far as kidney disease goes, and it is a huge relief!

Today I have to take my 17 yo in for a wisdom tooth removal consultation. Good times.

B: coffee with cream

L: Turkey sandwich with a handful of Fritos

S: a few handfuls of honey roasted peanuts
I was out at an appointment and this was my grab and go snack

D: will be rigatoni with Italian sausage
Last edited by pinkhippie on Wed Mar 03, 2021 6:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Wed Mar 03, 2021 6:00 pm

I just want to talk about my dog some more. :)

I took her to get her x rays today, but we won't know anything for a week or two, since they are sending the results to the radiologist. Besides her weight loss, she acts totally normal. She is energetic and sniffs around the floor for scraps and always wants treats. But, that makes it even more concerning that she has lost weight I guess. I made her some bone broth and it was finally ready today. She LOVED it, so I will probably use that to moisten her dry food since her teeth are bad.

Other than that, life is pretty good. I got a lot done this week. I even finally got my letter of recommendation from my internship! It only took them almost 3 months... but they did it and since they were so flaky and bad at follow-through, I am really grateful.

I also got about 17 minutes on my bike today ( yes I counted every minute!)

The scale was at 155 exactly this morning. Not surprising with all the take-out and emotional eating.

B: coffee with cream

L: sausage pasta rigatoni

S: raisin bran

D: will be brown rice bowl with bacon and spinach (new recipe we will see how it is)

Exercise: 17 minutes stationary bike

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Jen1974 » Wed Mar 03, 2021 9:27 pm

I hope everything turns out okay with your dog!! It’s hard to watch them get older & have to worry about them!!! I don’t blame you at all for needing a little comfort eating!!

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Wed Mar 03, 2021 11:24 pm

So sorry bout your doggie. Our dogs are a huge part of our family so I definitely get being stressed. I hope everything turns out fine and congrats on finally getting that recommendation!
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Thu Mar 04, 2021 7:38 pm

Jen, it is hard to watch them get older. Dogs really do become members of the family. It's nice to have a little break from worrying about her health and talking with the vet while we wait for the results.

Thanks Linda! I hope it all turns out ok for my little dog too.

Today has been much more low key than every day this week. Ahhhhhh Just same old same old of helping girls with schoolwork and doing family chores.

B: coffee with cream

L: half a turkey sandwich, a bowl of vegetable soup, a handful of Fritos


D: plan for homemade pizza pockets, we will see how they go.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Fri Mar 05, 2021 1:19 am

Ah Pinkie, sorry about your pup. Maybe it really is just her teeth making her get skinny? I have started feeding my dogs canned cat food and they are loving it. :lol: Maybe in her twilight years you can just give her all the fun food she loves!
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Soprano » Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:41 am

Pinkie, so hope your dog is ok. It's horrible watching them get old. Fingers crossed it's nothing more serious than her teeth.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Mar 05, 2021 7:19 pm

Thanks, Auto, I hope it could be her teeth. I have been pouring bone broth on her dry food to soften it and giving her cooked steak chunks with her food and she has been eating a lot more and seems to have more energy. She is still a little bony, but also seems to be enjoying her life more. Google tells me that a gastrointestinal tumor can cause your dog to lose weight while maintaining a normal appetite so... I will be interested (also dreading) to hear the results of the x rays.

Thanks, Soprano, it is so hard. I know it's inevitable in every dog's life eventually but wow it still is hard. I am definitely hoping it's her teeth.

Today I discovered that the batteries on the scale were going out. When I put fresh batteries in... dun dun dun my weight was higher. Boo. But at least it's accurate now.

My 11-year-old has discovered how to make google forms and now we are all getting several forms from her about pets, and seasons and weather. LOL, at least she is enjoying herself.

Very glad it's Friday! May go for a bike ride with DH tomorrow for the first time since last year so that's exciting. Nothing major though, like 5 miles.


Weight. 155.6

B: Coffee with cream

L: two homemade pizza pockets, a small amount of broccoli potato soup

S:(might be nothing, lunch was FILLING)

D: will be chicken nuggets, broccoli potato soup, ice cream, tea.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Jen1974 » Sat Mar 06, 2021 12:02 am

I hope you find out soon about your dog!! I always catastrophize things like that & it almost is never as bad as I imagine it will be!! That’s fun that you’re biking with your husband again!! I hope you guys have a nice ride :D

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Sun Mar 07, 2021 6:34 pm

Thanks Jen!

We had a great ride! It felt so good to get out there again! I was worried I had lost a lot of muscle and stamina, and although I could tell I wasn' t where I was when I left off, I also could still make it up a hard hill way easier than I expected, and I am not sore the next day after our five-mile ride. I am ready to go further next time!

Yesterday was really an S day for me. donuts, chocolate, wine, fast food...

It was fun though.



B: coffee with cream, eggs and toast

L: broccoli soup, 1 piece of breaded fish

D: chicken, coleslaw, a few fries, 2 donuts,
bleh too much junky food

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Mon Mar 08, 2021 10:01 pm

Ate too much processed sugary food yesterday, and I felt it. Got heartburn and everything. My nutrition goal, for now, is to just eat less processed foods. Also, that missing period finally came! (which could explain the chocolate junk food cravings I seemed to have all weekend)

Not a lot going on today did curbside pick up for my groceries which is way better than having to go in the store and dodge all the employees who are filling other people's orders. Discovered a new British fluffy book author and I am devouring all her books. Kind of reminds me of Jill Mansell but maybe a bit less maddening?

B: Coffee with cream

L: 2 eggs, 2 pieces of toast, 1 cutie

S: a handful of pretzels, a ramekin of greek yogurt, half a banana

D: caramelized onion yogurt pasta chicken, a small bowl of broccoli potato soup and FOUR pieces valentines chocolate. :shock:
Not sure what came over me with four pieces of chocolate. I think I felt a little restricted trying to eat less processed food. LOL My brain is my worst enemy sometimes.

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Tue Mar 09, 2021 12:36 pm

So awesome about your bike ride. I always feel great after a good ride. Sorry about feeling yucky after eating too much junk. That was me yesterday and i was like, why do i have to keep re-learning this lesson? Ah well, hope you feel better after a reasonable day of eating.

Btw, can you share the author? I could use some light reading. ☺️
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by pinkhippie » Tue Mar 09, 2021 6:40 pm

Thanks, Linda! Sure, the author is Milly Johnson. So far I have read The Yorkshire Pudding Club and The Birds and The Bees. I really liked both of them. I am about to start on her four seasons collection.

I can't remember if I mentioned it, but my 17 yo's great-grandad on her dads' side died of Covid complications. They are doing a funeral for him several hours away with a lot of family and people we don't know and I had to tell her I wasn't comfortable with her going. I won't be there to keep an eye and it's just too risky right now. Her dad isn't going either. But she is mad at me about it. :( And I feel bad about it too. Parenting is hard, especially during a pandemic.

However, despite that sadness bump, I have actually felt really happy and content since my missing period returned. It's a little scary how much hormones seem to truly affect my mood. I didn't think I was in a bad mood, but compared to how I feel today and yesterday I guess I was. Crazy!

B: coffee with cream

L: 2 pieces of toast, 2 fried eggs, 1 clementine

S: will be yogurt with banana

D: will be corndog muffin with green beans

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by lpearlmom » Wed Mar 10, 2021 6:20 am

Oh im so sorry about your daughter being upset with you. Ive had to make so many hard calls this last year including not letting sweetpea see her bf for several months. That was a hard one to keep saying no to. I can imagine having to say no to a funeral being really tough too but ultimately we are just trying to keep them safe.

Glad you’re feeling a little better all around though. Hormones have always effected me greatly too. Less i get older though thank goodness. Thanks for the book recommendations. I just cant read anything to heavy. Life is heavy enough!
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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by Jen1974 » Thu Mar 11, 2021 1:40 am

Hormones are crazy!! My late months seem worse overall too, like my body doesn’t know how to correct for tardy AF :lol:

Disappointing teenagers is really hard!! I have to remind myself not to give in to them because mine can make me feel pretty guilty when they don’t get their way :lol: Being a good parent sometimes means not being liked though :cry:

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Re: Pinkhippies daily check in

Post by automatedeating » Fri Mar 12, 2021 3:26 pm

Being a good parent sometimes means not being liked though
Too True!!!!
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