Zoolina's check in, starting week 2

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Zoolina's check in, starting week 2

Post by zoolina » Tue Nov 07, 2006 11:00 am

Monday: a success, techinically.

Glass of wine at dinner

I have a habit now of having a glass of milk between lunch and dinner to tide me over. I'd like to cut that out.

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Post by zoolina » Wed Nov 08, 2006 9:27 am

Tuesday-- Day 5

A success! Feels easy today.

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Post by zoolina » Thu Nov 09, 2006 12:13 pm

Wed. Day 6 Success

Still having a drink yogurt or glass of milk between lunch and dinner. I'm going to cut this out after 21 days: next point of attack!

Sweets is, amazingly, no problem. Snacking is a constant urge. Especially at night. The good thing about the NoS plan is that it forces me not to eat emotionally, at least 5 out of 7 days. :roll:

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Post by zoolina » Fri Nov 10, 2006 10:39 am

Thursday: Day 7 SUCCESS

a bigger dinner than normal, but I'm down from 144.8 to 143.2

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Post by zoolina » Sun Nov 12, 2006 3:36 pm

S days were a BIT better this week. the first S day felt pretty good. My body wanted it to be an N day, but I ate treats, snacks anyway, just because I could. The second S day was much more out of control. I ate every 2 hours, compulsively, had lots of St. Maartens chocolate.

Today, the first N day of the week (Day 10) feels HARD. I want to nibble and snack. Doesn't help that I weighed myself and seemed to have GAINED the two pounds plus one over the weekend. Let's hope that's random fluctuations. I don't mind slow weight loss, but I do mind no weight loss.

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Hi Zoolina!

Post by Rollo » Sun Nov 12, 2006 9:26 pm

I'm new here too. I would say, don't worry too much about what you're seeing on the scale. The short term numbers don't mean much, it's the long term numbers you need to focus on. Do you weigh every day? One thing I plan on NOT doing is weighing in at the end of two S days...although next Monday will be my monthly weigh in at my fitness place.

This was my first S weekend and I know I ate more than I would have on a normal weekend, because we had houseguests for 2 days. I don't think it will be as tough to keep from going overboard on "normal" weekends.

Stick with it, you can do it!

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Post by zoolina » Mon Nov 13, 2006 7:32 am

Thanks for the support, Rollo. Maybe we should start a newbie support group of people who started NoSing this fall. It really helps me to post and hear from people like you!

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Hey Zoo! Thread for Newbies

Post by Rollo » Tue Nov 14, 2006 4:27 am

I like your idea of starting a thread for us newbies. I've been thinking the same thing. Maybe a newbie thread each month? I think it would be good support for all of us, and you are so right, it helps to post and know that there will be others in the same boat replying back to your posts.

I think I will go ahead and start such a thread when I get on the board tomorrow, I'm cashing it in for tonight.


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Post by zoolina » Tue Nov 14, 2006 10:44 am

Day 11: No-S: Success (no mid day milk!)

Exercise A: Sucess

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Post by zoolina » Wed Nov 15, 2006 8:03 am


no excuses, no regrets. Ok, a little regret.

Today's day one, again.

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Post by zoolina » Wed Nov 15, 2006 11:19 am

Just to be absolutely sure about my no-s rules (a bit different from Reinhard's) so that I can fence around them.

1[b]) No snack foods on N days[/b].
This includes anything that would, eaten alone, make my blood sugar wacky: Sugar, salty snacks (except for nuts, which I put in the "food" catagory), etc. but not including fruit)

2) 4 meals.
Blood sugar again, and I'd rather 4 small meals rather than 3 big ones.

3) No alcohol on N days

4) Let my stomach and appitite be my guide, no need for virtual plating but no idiocy :wink:[/b]

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Post by zoolina » Thu Nov 16, 2006 8:54 am

Day 1: success

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Hey Zoo!

Post by Rollo » Thu Nov 16, 2006 8:24 pm

Good job on the success! Are you still weighing yourself every day? I'm waiting to weigh until Monday, that will be after 2 weeks of No S.

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Post by zoolina » Fri Nov 17, 2006 1:15 pm



I wish I didn't weigh myself so often. It's like a nervous tic, that I want to SEE that I'm making progress. Hopefully after a while I'll just be content with my successes. Hopefully after a while the clothes will feel looser and that will be my success.

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Post by zoolina » Sun Nov 19, 2006 3:17 pm

Day 2+3. Success, Success
Day 4 Failure (Ate some sausage (2 bites) between meals. I know this isn't a biggie, but I still want to "fence around the law" so I acknowledge that this is against the rules I set myself. Tomorrow is another day. and this time I'm going to make it to twenty one!

But I have to say, choosing Sunday as an N day is hard. I wanted it to be because I need to learn to be normal around food even when I have free time, but it is hard.

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Post by This path is my life » Thu Nov 23, 2006 11:49 am

I think the fence around the law aspect of no-s is really important in the beginning both in making the habit a helpful one (no sneaking anything) and making that helpful habit stick. so good for you for being strict about it, it is difficult. Good luck!! especially with Sundays. (Sorry you don't get to celebrate Thanksgiving today, do you ever miss that?) I was talking to my boyfriend today and trying to explain the significance of Thanksgiving to him and that it can be a delicious but difficult day b/c this day more than any other is all about eating. He said Americans were the only ones that would make a holiday like that :) I tried to explain that family was also important, and he said he didn't believe me :) Oh well. I can't deny we're a ridiculously gluttinous country. Anyway, have a good day today.
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Post by zoolina » Thu Nov 23, 2006 2:02 pm

This Path,

Oh, I imagine every culture has their eating holidays. God knows my husband's family are sooooo gluttonous. (But then only on every possible S day). It's when gluttony becomes a way of life...

You should see my Japanese students when we have a party in class. Six kids can put away 4 boxes of cookies, 3 bags of chips, and 3 liters of soda. Literally. But if you look in their lunch boxes all you'll see is two balls of rice and maybe some meat or vegetable on the side. These kids take S days Seriously.

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Post by zoolina » Fri Nov 24, 2006 12:45 pm

Day 4 Success, but you should have seen how high my plate was piled at dinner.

Days 5+6 are/will be S days.
Last weekend I was inclined to be fairly moderate but then lost the plot, ate too much, but not so bad. THIS weekend I just woke up wanting to snack, snack, snack. Don't know if I've quite reached "idiot" status yet, but I'm close!

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Post by zoolina » Sun Nov 26, 2006 12:36 pm

Day 7? Day 1? Success?? Failure??
We got home from a walk and I was cold and tired and thought: "I'll make a cup of hot cocao-- that's a drink, and I'll only put about a teaspoon of sugar in, so that's not an S. But then I started drinking and I realized that I was kidding myself. A glass of milk may not be an S but a cup of chocolatey goodness certainly is.

So even though I didn't mean to lose the plot, I have. Grrrr.

I'm finding it harder and harder to do No-S as time goes on. This past two S days I woke up thinking: hurahh, now I can indulge. And I did. I guess this is the point in diets where it always breaks down too. I MUST PERSEVERE. Discipline, strength, will, desire and a heck of a lot less chocolatey goodness is in order.

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Post by zoolina » Sat Dec 02, 2006 1:19 pm

Somehow my last few check ins didn't stick. Here's the scoop:




Next week I WILL be strong, disciplined, on habit. Extra S day for Sinterklaas on Tuesday, but N days WILL be No S.

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Post by zoolina » Sun Dec 03, 2006 8:22 pm

Day 3: Success, barely

I'm finding it sooooo hard to stick to the agreements I've made with myself about this diet/lifestyle. Every day is a struggle to do what I want to do. It feels like there's an imp in my head that's controlling what I do, and though I know that imp is myself and that I do have power to make choices and to abide by decisions I make, it just feels so impossible sometimes.

I don't know where I got this compulsive eating thing. Food doesn't make me feel good but somehow the pleasure of eating while I'm eating is "worth it" Otherwise why would I do it??

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Post by zoolina » Tue Dec 05, 2006 10:29 am

Day 4--SUCESS! yay!

Day 5-- Extra S day for Sinterklaas (but I'm going to eat normally till the party starts!)

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Post by zoolina » Wed Dec 06, 2006 3:13 pm


Came home frustrated and angry and just binged and binged. Feel awful.

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Post by zoolina » Wed Dec 06, 2006 3:25 pm

Ok, rereading Reinhard's podcast about strictness and it's time to get real. I know that's easy to say after a binge, but this is it: I'm going to be super strict for the next 21 days. Not all of the weekdays are N days, which makes it harder. But I really want to be comitted to this. So: From now to new year's: four meals/ no snack foods or alcohol except (sometimes) on S days.

Tomorrow is day 1.

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Post by hexagon » Thu Dec 07, 2006 2:06 am

Hi Zoolina,

Sorry to hear that you were stressed and had a binge. I know how easy it can be (almost automatic?) to do. One thing that I read once suggested that if you feel a binge is somehow inevitable (say you're going to eat 2 huge pieces of cake) that you can initially try to say "I CHOOSE to eat these pieces of cake." Supposedly it should take away the feeling of helplessness and help one to have a sense of control, rather than being hopelessly swept away. I guess once you make yourself conscious of having that control, you supposedly should feel empowered enough (eventually) to say no. I've never tried it but assuming that at some point I'll slip and do some emotional eating, I'm going to try it and see what happens.

I feel like we've got a lot of common. We're physically active, know what we need to do to take care of ourselves, sometimes have blood sugar issues...and sometimes eat emotionally. I too don't entirely know why I started doing it; I only know that it correlated with a time of extreme stress (but I'd been stressed out before and hadn't done that....).

I support your plan and I am doing something quite similar. The one year I very clearly did not gain weight around Christmas, I limited myself to celebratory eating solely for 3 meals (NOT days): Christmas Eve dinner, Christmas Day dinner, and New Year's Eve. (I've got a pitiful tolerance so I MUST eat if I drink alcohol.) I plan to do this again. As for any Saturdays or Sundays...well, if I do eat sweets or whatever on those days in addition to the special meals, I think I'm going to have to plan what they are carefully. After all, I'm a short woman who is ~20 pounds overweight (and I'd really like to lose more like 25 or 30 just so that I'm not at the top end of the healthy BMI range) and thus don't have a lot of wiggle room.

I don't know how the weather is right now in Amsterdam, but as I recall when I was in Holland around Christmas and New Year's, the weather was awfully wet and cold. It rained and all that moisture made for a real bone-chilling cold. It was the type of weather that would make one want to crawl under the covers or run for comfort food. I don't know what you like to binge on, but have you thought of having something more like a soup or stew or sweet (but not over-sweetened!) porridge on hand when you need emotional comfort (or shelter from the yucky weather)? Where I am it has gotten cold, and normally I would be tempted to binge on nice warm toast, so I brought my bread to work (I can have it there so I'm not deprived, but can't binge on it) and have been making soups and oatmeal. I find these comforting, they warm me up, and, well, it's hard to pack down a LOT of that stuff. Hmm, I don't remember eating oatmeal in Holland...Is it common there?

Good luck with everything. I'm with you on this holiday strategy...Let's see if we can do it together (well, y'know, in spirit and electronically)! I'm thinking of starting a new subject on this, because I'm sure other people are working on this too.


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Post by reinhard » Thu Dec 07, 2006 2:52 am


Relax! Remember the "no self revenge" part of that podcast.

Rebounding from a significant failure is a very vulnerable time. You get the mad fit of perfectionist energy, but then if you run into trouble again, and don't do so well, it can be deeply disappointing and knock you completely off course. It's hard to make grand resolutions AGAIN, and the temptation then is to just quietly get off stage and slink away... So I know it's hard, but try to deescalate emotionally. Laugh at yourself. That does wonders for me.

Habit is like an animal, and animals are best taught by calm, even tempered trainers. Don't feel calm and even tempered? I'm sure lion tamers don't feel calm and even tempered when a new lion is threatening to bite their heads off. But they know they have to seem that way. And by seeming, by focusing on external, visible behaviors, they'll also start to feel that way (especially as their behavior has its effect and the lion settles down).

By all means, do abide by the rules. But brush off that anger and disappointment. If you catch yourself slipping again, try to nip it in the bud, right away. Laugh out loud, and stop. There's nothing tragic about it. It's sort of comic. This isn't just a mental trick, it's objectively true. Then you might still have to report it in red (nice traffic lighting, by the way), but at least not in ALL CAPS. You'll get this, even if it take a few more slip ups. Be confident.


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Post by zoolina » Fri Dec 08, 2006 9:54 am

Day 1 of 21 SUCCESS

Tomorrow and Saturday are S days, and I will only have 2 Ss. That's the plan and I'm sticking to it.


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Post by zoolina » Sun Dec 10, 2006 12:16 pm

day 2 +3 Successful S days. Wasn't too much of an idiot. Kept the Ss down to two a day.

Day 4, today, is proving hard. I'm hungry but even worse, I want to eat for the heck of it. Emotional eating sucks.

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Post by mrs.cummings » Sun Dec 10, 2006 4:49 pm

Emotional eating does suck. Stay strong! :)

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Post by zoolina » Mon Dec 11, 2006 1:21 pm

Thanks for the support Mrs. Cummings!

Day 4: Success, though the plates were piled a bit high!

I've decided to give up drinking (so much) coffee after reading Hexagon's post on hunger. My blood sugar is wacky enough and it really doesn't help. Though I love, love, love coffee.

What kind of every day system could work for this? Tea during the week and coffee on S days, sometimes? (I know that tea is also caffinated, but I don't really like it, so this would keep me from going crazy). I'm going to do it!!


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Post by zoolina » Tue Dec 12, 2006 7:35 am

Day 5-- Successhad the nibbles at night, but resisted.

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Post by Iregirl » Tue Dec 12, 2006 8:13 pm

You have a nice string of successes going! The nighttime cravings are the worst, I think. That stretch between supper and bedtime when I know I have to wait for morning are the hardest hours for me. Drinking water does help, and a chamomile tea would probably work even better (plus helping to relax you).

Congrats on resisting the nighttime nibbles. :D

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Post by zoolina » Wed Dec 13, 2006 8:36 am

Day 6 Success

Day 7 (today) had my lunch waaaay early "so I can grade those papers without losing concentration" we'll see if I can make it to dinner without snacking.

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Post by pangelsue » Thu Dec 14, 2006 5:31 am

Congratulations and hang in there. I agree with Reinhard. Being too hard on yourself leads to more failures. Then we make more promises and when we don't keep those it becomes hard to post. Admit each failure and move on. I am going to have to practice laughing at failures though. It will be laughing through clenched teeth for a while. Haha.
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Post by zoolina » Thu Dec 14, 2006 5:34 am

Day 7 sucess...

with the help of some virtual plating. I crashed, almost literally, on my bike ride home and stopped for a sandwich. what makes it a sucess is that I thought about what would be on my plate an hour later in addition to the sandwich and stuck to it, even though the seconds beckoned.

One more day to an S day. Can't quite just relax into habit--getting through a week takes pure willpower right now.

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Post by zoolina » Thu Dec 14, 2006 5:49 am

Panglesue and Reinhard, and me,

I don't know why it's hard to hear that I'm being "hard on myself" I've been thinking about it for a couple of days, as stress has taken over my life and I can hardly sleep and things just feel crazy. I AM being hard on myself, but somehow it seems like I should be.

It's hard to make myself look at that. Some soupy neo-psychoanalysis seems right: my parents didn't listen to me, didn't allow me to show emotions so: every time I get angry, especially when I'm dissapointed with myself I feel like I have to hide it. Then the self punishments seem "right" when I can't. Oh, I don't know. I need to think about this more.


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Post by zoolina » Thu Dec 14, 2006 2:07 pm

Day 7 Failure

Came home staaarving and ended up overeating, had seconds. Then had some chocolate. But I am determined to stop now, eat normally the rest of the day.

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Post by hexagon » Thu Dec 14, 2006 4:18 pm

Hi Zoolina,

Sounds like you're staying on the right track, even if you did overeat once, so good for you! If I come home starving I can have trouble with overeating too; I'll eat the first thing available. I really find that pre-cooking or chopping vegetables really helps--when I come home ravenous they're immediately available, so I'll just heap them up on a plate or in a bowl and inhale them. I don't know how single-plating applies to fluffy things like salad, but I figure that as long as I don't dump on tons of dressing, calorically it isn't a big deal. Yogurt really seems to help too. If I'm desperate, I'll chug a LOT of water (just to take the initial edge off of the hunger) but this can suck because I'll need 2 L if I'm really, really hungry, and then I have to pee a lot for hours afterwards.

Sorry about your stress. I'd imagine that getting close to the holidays that your work as a teacher must be crazy right now (exams, etc.?). When I used to teach it could be dreadful right before the holidays.

I understand about how you feel that you *should* be hard on yourself, or that you *deserve* criticism or punishment if you don't feel that you are performing well in your life (or in your eating habits). I've often felt it too. I've realized that some self-criticism can be good but too much can be detrimental. Over the years I've managed to remove a lot of my unreasonable perfectionism about my life (well, excepting food, and I think I'm doing better on that front too, overall) by thinking about how I would motivate a child to correct a mistake. If I screamed "you idiot, you moron, you'll never do well, you're a failure, you screwed up and you're horrible" at the child, she would probably feel unhappy, and even discouraged and less likely to try. If I said to the child "yep, you made a mistake, but you can change things" and gave them strategic advice in a positive way, they'd probably do a better job.

I guess my point is that I try to stand back and look at the situation in a clinical fashion--which motivational strategy is more likely in the long run to get me what I want? If I'm unhappy, maybe I'll temporarily perform better due to being discontent with myself, but ultimately this unhappiness will boil over into unwanted behaviors (i.e. sleep problems, overeating, a short temper). A more balanced approach, while initially seeming to be slower, may work better for the long term.


P.S. If you can, try to keep goodies (e.g. chocolate) out of the house during times of stress. I have had to temporarily keep bread out of the house, even though I'm normally fine with it, since in the past months adjusting to my new job and environment hasn't always been easy. Ever since I've kept out the bread, things have gone a whole lot better.

Then again, I know that Dutch chocolate is fantastic... :wink:

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Post by Iregirl » Thu Dec 14, 2006 5:07 pm

Please don't despair, Zoolina. It sounds like you're going through a really rough time. I agree with Hex; being too hard on yourself can have a detrimental effect.

Have you considered doing this one S at a time? I know it can seem like it would stretch out getting into the 'meat' of No S, but right now when things are so stressful maybe it would be easier to focus on your least difficult S first, and gradually work your way through them. It's just a thought, and I don't know if that would feel like a giant step back to you or not, but you can do this! You just have to find the best path for yourself.

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Post by zoolina » Sat Dec 16, 2006 3:19 pm

Day 1- S day

Day 2 S- Day

I find that eating sugar and alcohol really wacks out my blood sugar-- um--DUH!

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Post by zoolina » Mon Dec 18, 2006 3:07 pm

Day 3 Success

Up 5 lbs from when I began? Is it possible? All that Channukah oil and a few slip ups enough to take me back to the very beginning?

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Post by Kwag Myers » Mon Dec 18, 2006 3:26 pm

See, this is why I think people should banish the scales--there are a myriad of reasons why that reading on the scale could be up--water retention, a gain in your muscle mass due to riding your bike, the alignment of the planets.

If you THINK you weigh five pounds more than when you began and that affects you negatively and makes you feel bad about yourself or this sane and sensible way of eating/exercising, then the scales are not your friend! How would you feel about yourself and life in general if you just held onto the belief that this is working, and it's taking exactly the right amount of time?
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Post by zoolina » Tue Dec 19, 2006 9:04 am

Kwang, I KNOW! But you know what's funny, and one of the things I like about no-sing? Even though the scale was up I had a "sucessful" day. Sucess is not how my pants fit, but about how disciplined I was able to be in honoring my committments!

Day 4 Sucess

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Post by zoolina » Wed Dec 20, 2006 7:55 am

Day 5 Sucess, but with some funny stuff: a cup of broth at night.

Not losing weight anymore. Maybe it's time to attack the portions on the plate. :)

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Post by pangelsue » Wed Dec 20, 2006 1:03 pm

You have lots of company on the being strict thing. If you read my threads lately, I have really been struggling too. The tighter I made the grip the more I binged. I did the original 21 just zip, zip, done. I couldn't believe how easy it was. Then I started slipping and it has been a major struggle ever since. I think it was sort of like when you lose a lot of weight on any diet and then suddenly something in your head says, "hey, we did it. When are we done and when can we go back to what we know?" Rebellion sets in and depending on how tough the adult in us is, we either win or lose. My adult hasn't won many struggles with the spoiled brat in me and establishing dominance has not been easy. I talked the kid into 21 days but now that kid is definitely throwing a fit and saying "it's not fair". So I am back to taking it one S at a time and fighting for adult alpha dominance one step at a time. No seconds is the first major goal. That one has been easiest all along. I want to make it through the holidays without gaining so I am also watching the content of the snacks I eat. That is a second goal. I am doing those 2 things until I am sure I have control over those. By control I mean I want to have it be a "not open for discussion" decision in my head. Then I will move on to sugar and snacks. There is a show on TV called Nanny 911. People who have children who are out of control, call her in to work with their children. The children are usually horrid. They scream, fight, destroy things and run the house. The parents are tired, crying, giving up and generally miserable when the nanny gets there. They think the nanny will discipline the children and it is really the parents she works on changing. When the parents take control, the children rebel like crazy at first, but then they fall into step with the plan and accept the rules established by the parents. The point of the show is, screaming and fighting with the children doesn't work. They scream and fight back. It takes establishing rules and sticking by them. The adult needs to remain calm and firm. I am establishing my adult. I feel I can't do it with all the steps at once so I am working at each step until I am sure it is internalized. Until that happens, I won't be doing strict No S but heck, I wasn't doing it before either and I was extremely frustrated. Everyone here says it is a process so I am relaxing and making it a process. Baby steps but I hope when control is finally established, the parent will be in control. The nanny in this situation is Reinhard (sorry, Reinhard), our appetites are the kids and the one who needs the rules and discipline is the adult in us. I am working on the adult.
Sorry for going on forever on your check in but I felt you, like me are trying so hard and are feeling a little helpless. Don't call yourself names and feel helpless. That only reinforces our opinion we can't do it. Set goals you know you can accomplish and take firm baby steps to attack the rest.
Just ramblings that I hope might help. Ignore if I missed the mark.
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Post by hexagon » Fri Dec 22, 2006 2:31 am

Weight loss doesn't always seem to proceed smoothly. I pretty much never trust a single daily value on the scale--I just try to see if the general trend is downwards over time, or at least steady. I think for females especially water weight can really fluctuate.

You might be building muscle, too, depending on what exercise you're doing.

Stick with it. I'm behind you all the way.

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Post by deryck » Fri Dec 22, 2006 4:49 am

I'm a daily weigher as I like to monitor my weight daly in a spreadsheet.

My daily variation is + or -2 pounds over 6 weeks and there does not seem to much reason the variations. The gains and loses do not seem to bear much relation to the food consumption the previous day or the amount of exercise.

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Post by zoolina » Sat Dec 23, 2006 8:06 am

Panglesue, Hexagon, Deryk,

Thanks for the words of encouragement. I'm at the in-laws now and will write more when I have time for more than an update:

Day 6: Success
Day 7 S Day
Day 8 (Today) S day

It's still super tough to be moderate on s days. I tend to look forward to them (too much, I think) and then just relax completely. One positive note: my urge to nibble at night has almost disapeared, even on S days. Hurrah for habit: now for the other 8 hours of the day.....

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Sat Dec 23, 2006 11:49 am

Just keep at it. Nothing in life ever goes on a straight line, everything has its ups and downs. The important thing is to keep going forward, even if the line you are moving in is a bit of a zig-zag. :D

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Post by pangelsue » Sat Dec 23, 2006 3:47 pm

Damn those scales. Is yours old? I was having wildly different readings until we bought a new scale. Now it is much more accurate. Also I agree with the gang here. Either throw the scale out or if you are going to weigh yourself, do a composite weight over a number of days. I used to weigh every day and on Friday add up the week and divide by 7. It gives you an average for the week and not some possibly inflated total for one day. Just a thought.
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Post by zoolina » Mon Dec 25, 2006 6:56 am

Day 9 Failure

Had a tiff with hubby over dinner and didn't eat more than a few spoonfuls of soup. Then later, I got hungry and had far more than I would have had for dinner. Grrrr.

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Post by FarmerHal » Wed Dec 27, 2006 1:32 pm

Sorry to hear about the argument with your dh :( That's no fun.

Here's to more successful N days (((hugs)))

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Post by pangelsue » Thu Dec 28, 2006 4:09 am

Time of year for tiffs, I think. Why do make ourselves so nuts at Christmas. Every year I swear Christmas will be sane and then it's off to the races. Breathe and relax. Quieter and more peaceful days ahead.
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Post by zoolina » Thu Dec 28, 2006 12:00 pm

Day 1 S-pecial day
Day 2 S-pecial dayDay 3 -Failure

Ah, no wonder jan. 1 is resolution day. I feel like a stuffed goose. Back on trak feels great.

No Snack foods!
No alcohol!
4 small meals
Except on S days, sometimes!

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Post by zoolina » Thu Dec 28, 2006 12:03 pm

PS-- It's Olympics Time!

Bronze: 17 successful days (My best, so far!)
Silver: 19 sucessful days
Gold: 21 Sucessful days

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Post by zoolina » Fri Dec 29, 2006 7:45 am

Day 1: Success

Felt great and in -control. (got my period, too, which makes it so much easier to eat lightly) I wonder if guys have an easier time developing habits in week-chunks, and if women need to have a more monthly cycle? That's a long time to pay attention to, though. Weeks are overviewable. Still pms seems to be pmS around here.

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Post by zoolina » Fri Dec 29, 2006 7:45 am

Day 1: Success

Felt great and in -control. (got my period, too, which makes it so much easier to eat lightly) I wonder if guys have an easier time developing habits in week-chunks, and if women need to have a more monthly cycle? That's a long time to pay attention to, though. Weeks are overviewable. Still pms seems to be pmS around here.

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Post by FarmerHal » Fri Dec 29, 2006 2:44 pm

Good Job Zoolina, you're doing great :)

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Post by zoolina » Sat Dec 30, 2006 9:21 am

Day 2 Success

My plan for vacation is to take Saturdays and Sundays as S days (These are travel days when everything gets goofy), to be a little less strict about alcohol and allow myself an extra snack while skiing, if needed.

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Post by zoolina » Mon Jan 08, 2007 11:14 am

Just back from vacation. After 2 weeks of holiday I got the bronze medal--didn't lose, didn't gain.

All my vacation days were S days, as far as snacking went, but I ate sugar and had alcohol only on real S days.

So In my quest to finally make it into the 21 day club, I'm going to skip the vacation and start up again on day 4-- Success.

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Post by JustAnnie » Mon Jan 08, 2007 7:12 pm

Zoolina - Reading your back posts, I think you and I have something in common. I tend to be an emotional eater too and really have to guard against binging when something makes me feel low. I'm trying to find some other ways to deal with those feelings. Sometimes a nice bubble bath will soothe me and sometimes relaxing with a good movie will do it too. I have even tried playing a computer game to take my mind off my troubles and that works at times as well. Recognizing that emotional eating is a problem is a big part of solving the problem. Now all you have to do is fill the void with something besides food. (hugs)
Just Annie

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Post by zoolina » Tue Jan 09, 2007 8:22 am

Day 5 Success
Coffee: Day 8 Success

Annie, Yes, emotional eating is my downfall. I am wholly conscious of what I'm doing the whole time, and yet it's sooooooo hard not to cave.

Future possible monthly resolutions:
  • coffee only on s days
    weights twice a week
    think positively
    be strict about knee and foot exercises
    watch tv only after 8:30 in the evenings
    take work less seriously
    meditate before bed
    stretch on N days

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Post by gettnbusy » Tue Jan 09, 2007 9:15 pm

Still going strong Zoolina! YAY!
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Post by zoolina » Wed Jan 10, 2007 5:07 am

Thanks for the encouragement, Gettinbusy!

Day 5 Sucess
Coffee day 9: sucess

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Post by zoolina » Thu Jan 11, 2007 7:27 am

Day 6 Success
Coffee day 10 Sucess

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Post by zoolina » Fri Jan 12, 2007 8:34 am

Day 7 Sucess
Coffee day 11 Sucess

Though yesterday was a big plate day--and I was still hungry at night (go figure!)

Today is an S day and though I couldn't wait for it yesterday, today I don't really feel like any crap, though the urge for daaaark chocolate is strong, as is my coffee urge.


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Post by zoolina » Sat Jan 13, 2007 8:36 pm

Days 7+8 S-Days

Gorged on chips in front of the tube. Bleh.

Coffee days 12+13 S days

Had two coffees/day. Not too bad.

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Post by zoolina » Sun Jan 14, 2007 1:00 pm

I jsut feel like posting-- right in the middle of the first N day of the week. I'm really having a hard time. My meals have been huuuge and too close together. Now I'll be hungry/crashing at dinner time.

Sigh. With my S day excesses, the scale hasn't budged in weeks. Not that that's not satisfying, in a way. I mean, usually I go crazy for a couple of months, gain, and then spend a few months dieting to lose it all back, so this way it feels like there are mini-cycles. Diet in the week, gain back over the weekends.

But then again, I've made this easy on myself, doing 4 meals instead of three, and not really worrying about how high the plate is stacked, so at the most I'm skimming say 100-300 calories per day off of what I used to eat. That's easy to put back on/in during S days.

So I guess if I want to lose weight I need to make an adjustment. Smaller plates, less S on S days. Sigh.

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Post by pangelsue » Sun Jan 14, 2007 3:18 pm

I really like your post even though I feel bad for the results of all your efforts. You aren't ranting and whining and crying even though you might be feeling like it (believe me, I know because I've been there so many times). You are accepting (with a sigh) the truth of the matter. The plan must once again be adjusted to be successful. For emotional eaters like some of us are, it is not straight on to dawn. We have to work through our stuff first to get to the weight loss. Because you are not giving up, I think you are on the way. Please hang in there, continue to be kind to yourself and place no blame. You will come up with a plan that will work for you (maybe just for you). Not giving up and not hating yourself for every slip up is the beginning. Keeping track of successes and how they worked is the next step. Catch yourself doing something right as often as possible and work on that. Let the rest go. Praise works better than criticism. We know you can do it. Just find "Zoolina's way" there.
A lot of growing up happens between "it fell" and "I dropped it."

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Post by zoolina » Mon Jan 15, 2007 8:47 am

Day 9 Failure
Day 14 Coffee Sucess

Oh, Panglesue, thanks for the vote of encouragement. I just hate this constant level of control and/or dissapointment about what I put in my mouth. And, not just that, but the emotional element, having food connected to feelings, is just so weird.

Querry: is the S in PMS an S? It seems like two or three days a month I just feel so foul and hopeless, and hungry (the body temperature goes up a degree and it does make a difference). But also "hungry" in the emotional way that happens when I feel foul and hopeless. Double whammy, and doubly hard to be strict.

As far as adjustments go, I think I'll just have to attack portions during N days. I agree with what Reinhard says about working on the N days and making sure they're in control before trying to tweek the S days. I'm going to go back to calorie-counting for a bit, until I can get the portions right. Each meal about 400 calories, 500-600 at dinner (which is not really all that much effort as I can count calroies in my sleep!).

And, because I'm feeling all "i have to get back on tracky," here are the things that, at some future date when my N days are beautifully under control I could work on for S day monthly resolutions:

No eating after dinner.
Eat only truly delicious things.
If I don't want it, don't eat it.
500 calories of S, max.

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Post by zoolina » Tue Jan 16, 2007 7:38 am

Day 1 sucess
Day 15 Coffee Sucess

As for my last post, no, I don't want to count calories again. Did it for a day and it drove me crazy. Smaller portions, please.

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Post by hexagon » Tue Jan 16, 2007 12:22 pm


I don't have much time to post here but it sounds like you're doing a good job and I know how you feel with the S-Days. Portion control is unfortunately really important for a lot of us; at least you're aware of this.


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Post by zoolina » Wed Jan 17, 2007 8:43 am

Day 2 Sucess
Day 16 Coffee Sucess

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Post by zoolina » Thu Jan 18, 2007 7:57 am

Day 3 Sucess
Day 17 Coffee Sucess

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Post by zoolina » Fri Jan 19, 2007 7:56 am

Day 4 Sucess
Day 18 coffee Failure

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Post by zoolina » Sun Jan 21, 2007 9:04 am

Day 5 S day
Day 6 S day

Day 1 Coffee S Day

One of my less idiotic set of s days, but coming back after a weekend of freedom feels hard. I'm not hungry, but I just want to nibble. Am drinking tea and dreaming about lunch: Sweet potato, some Tibetan barley bread, and, um... something tasty on top.

Did shovelglove for the first time. I went into the hardware store and the shopkeeper gave me a look and asked me what [a little girl like me] wanted with a sledge hammer. I told him it was to curl my eyelashes but he didn't get the humor...

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Post by This path is my life » Sun Jan 21, 2007 3:00 pm

Tibetan barley bread, that sounds very interesting. Glad that your last s-days were less idiotic, it took a lot longer for me to get to that point originally and you're already there, so nice job. Yes I'm back to the board, though I never left no-s I did leave posting for awhile. So I wanted to ask you (totally unrelated to no-s) how your dutch is and how long it took you to learn. I was amazed at how inept I am at Dutch, although I can understand a fair amount, I can't speak it at all, in fact I can't even pronounce some of the sounds needed to make the words. How as an American did you fare with that? Enjoy your day.
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Post by gettnbusy » Mon Jan 22, 2007 6:55 am

So how was the shovelglove? Havent done it myself. I've been just walking and doing pilates in my living room. Scared of big muscles :) What do you think of it?

Any bored eating for you this week?
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Post by zoolina » Mon Jan 22, 2007 9:46 am

Day 7 Sucess
Day 3 Coffee Sucess

This Path: I found Dutch rather easy to learn because of the easy verbs and closeness to English, but I have to say I live in a litte English speaking bubble, so my Dutch could be a lot more polished than it actually is. I don't know if it's really possible to learn a language if you don't speak it regularly, so don't give up. Find a conversation partner? Read a newspaper on line (Het Parool is fairly easy, NRC Handelsblad is hard)... success ermee!

Panglesue: I really liked shovelgloving. The only think I'm worried about is how my knee will take it, but it seems ok so far. As far as muscles go, I think I could get quite buff even from my 6kg hammer. But then again, I'd look a lot less buff if I could lose the fatty layers on top of my muscles. :roll:

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Post by zoolina » Mon Jan 22, 2007 9:48 am

Oops, Panglesue: that's a 6 POUND hammer. Whew!

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Post by zoolina » Tue Jan 23, 2007 8:27 am

Day 8 Sucess
(minor violation with some green beans)

Day 4 Coffee Sucess

Shovelgloved: love it.

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Post by gettnbusy » Tue Jan 23, 2007 8:40 pm

PS: It was me that asked about the Shovelglove, not Sue :) BUt thanks for sharing. I suppose I could pick one up this weekend. So, you think a 6# is a good weight for a girl then?
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Post by zoolina » Wed Jan 24, 2007 8:00 am


So sorry, I don't know why I wrote the wrong name there! Jeeze!

Anyway, I think 6# is great. At first I thought it was too light but on the third day it was suddenly a lot harder (I guess I'm tired!) I like it so much because it works all the upper body muscles at once. I think that, in terms of getting too buff, that may be better for us gals. Anyway, give it a try (sez the newly converted)!

Day 9 Sucess
Day 5 Coffee sucess

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Post by zoolina » Thu Jan 25, 2007 9:47 am

Day 9 Blood sugar issues, technically a failure, but I'm going to call it a forced pause.

Coffee Day 6 Success


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Post by zoolina » Fri Jan 26, 2007 8:11 am

Day 10 Sucess (biiiig plates)
Day 7+8 Coffee failure


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Post by zoolina » Sun Jan 28, 2007 1:54 pm

Days 11+12 S-Days

Again, not as idiodic as they could be.

I'm giving up on drinking tea instead of coffee-- it's not reducing my caffiene intake any, and I'm putting something I just don't like three times a day.

Possible monthly resolutions for February:
stop worrying so much
shovelglove on workdays
do my knee and foot exercises on work days
reduce portions
don't take work so seriously, but be more focused about it
stop complaining, say positive things
no tv till 8:30 pm

Color coding: yellow is what I want to do, red is what I think would be really good for me, dark red is what would be good for me but which I don't want to do, and non colors are things I want to do but can't think of any way to hold myself accountable for.

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Post by zoolina » Mon Jan 29, 2007 7:46 am

Day 13 [colSucess

Trying to drink tea instead of coffee: abolished. Gave it a month, didn't like it and it didn't help.

Shovelgloved, knee and foot
Basis condition: 15 push-ups.

(Monthly resolution: knee and foot exercises on week days.)

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Post by zoolina » Tue Jan 30, 2007 10:16 am

Day 14 Success

shovelgloved, knee and foot exercises

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Post by gettnbusy » Tue Jan 30, 2007 6:48 pm

Forced pause? LMAO
Thats a good one! Tee hee hee
OK I will go buy a sledgehammer this weekend and try it out. The pilates is kicking my arse so far. Man, I never realized how little rythm I have. I can not get the steps to save my life.... Oh well! at least its fun and excercise. I just look like a loon; thankfully the blinds are closed while I do it.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by zoolina » Wed Jan 31, 2007 9:29 am


I can't believe how strong I'm getting on a dinky 6 lb weight. Shovelgloving is the best! Just wish it were more leg oriented, though I feel the shoveling most in my hamstrings and butt...

Day 15 Sucess
Shovelgloved-- tweek in the shoulder, will take tomorrow off.

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Post by zoolina » Fri Feb 02, 2007 3:14 pm

Day 18 Success
Day 19 Failure (damn!) Aaaalmost made it to the 21 day club.

Day 1 S day, not too idiotic.


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Post by david » Fri Feb 02, 2007 3:26 pm

You can make it to 21!


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Post by This path is my life » Sat Feb 03, 2007 12:58 pm


Keep it at, you'll get there. I like your monthly resolutions too. Which one did you decide on for Feb?
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Post by zoolina » Sun Feb 04, 2007 11:39 am

Thanks for the votes of confidence David and Jenn!

As far as monthly resolutions go, I opted to do the physical therapy exercises without fail, and to shovelglove on most weekdays without makeing it a resolution, exactly.

Day 2 S day
Day 3 Mini-S day (I"m going to have a peice of cake at my best friends birthday)

shovelgloved, kneed and footed.

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Post by zoolina » Mon Feb 05, 2007 5:51 pm

What's gotten easier about no-S:
1) No sweets (no problem!)
2) Not craving food after dinner

But I still have this tendency to want to snack. Lately I've been fragmenting my meals: half a sandwich and an apple at lunch, half before I get on my bike to ride (40 minutes) home. In the end it's the same amount of food, or even less because I avoid the blood sugar crash (and frantic calorie fest) that happens when I go too long without eating.

But I don't really like this kind of virtual plating (actual snacking).

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Post by zoolina » Tue Feb 06, 2007 11:14 am

Day 4 Success

Shovelgloved, kneed and footed.

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Post by Jaxhil » Tue Feb 06, 2007 12:48 pm

I'm glad to hear the after dinner snacking desire has become less of a problem! That's when I want to snack too. I find the sweets aren't that hard to give up either, but I do feel very hungry in the mid to late afternoon.

I have enjoyed reading your progress-sounds like you're doing very well! Maybe I should try the shovelglove too...it can't be more boring than jogging :lol: and maybe I could actually stick to it at 14 minutes a day. Maybe!

This is my first post-I have so far not succeeded in making it to 21 days. I am starting again today. I need to start a daily check-in too. Does it seem to help keep you on track do you think?


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Post by zoolina » Wed Feb 07, 2007 12:59 pm

Day 5 Failure
Day 6 Failure

Shovelgloved, did PT exercises

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Post by zoolina » Sat Feb 10, 2007 12:06 pm

Day 1 Failure
Day 2 S day

Whoops. A handful of stress-producing seems-like-extenuating circumstances (hubby away, kids are sick, work is a mad house, damaged leg acting up) but really what's going on here is a crisis of will.

This is what I'm going to do: enjoy my s days and then get back on track, get back to being strict. No monthly resolutions, just plain No sweets, no snacks, no seconds.

6 more weeks till vacation. I will be strict until then and I hope to lose 2 lbs. If I can manage that, I'll treat myself to a special day: massage, movie and an Sful dinner with friends.

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Post by gettnbusy » Sun Feb 11, 2007 7:05 pm

I actually think you are doing GREAT.
Perfection and total compliance is not the goal.
Better health is the goal.
~I'm still not perfect~

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