New: This makes sense

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New: This makes sense

Post by Elinor » Sat May 14, 2005 9:03 pm

I came across a link to your website in another forum and I clicked it thinking what does the name meen.
I must say this makes complete sense to me, since leaving home to go to Uni my food eating has become irregular and really very snack based :( and not even very good snacks either. This needs to change as I have put on a some weight and my fitness was never very good.
Recently I have been trying to eat more friut and veg but I confess I overeat hugely to the point of feeling very full after meals. Also I do get craving for either sweet or savory depending on what I have been eating. Overall im not happy with this and have been looking for some thing i can adhere to just to test my willpower if nothing else.
I've been doing more physical stuff lately but I need to stop eating so much to see any benefit from it.
Anyway I'm going to try the No's plan starting monday woo and hopefully I will stick to it for the week (that in itself will be a huge achievment for me)
Sorry this is so long but I just felt like if I tell someone my plan I will have to do it to show them i can :D
One problem will be fitting in 3 meals a day as im a lazy student and some days, days dont start until 12 noon :? but since this week will be filled with set building and rehearsing for a play i'll be getting up early.
The shovel glove sounds great too :D maybe i'll build up to that.
Any words of wisdom greatfully recieved :)
Thank for reading if anyones interested I'll let you know how its going :D
El x
ps: sorry for the spelling and punctuation im not to hot in that department :(

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Jammin' Jan
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Post by Jammin' Jan » Sat May 14, 2005 11:08 pm

Welcome Elinor! I hope you enjoy this program as much as I am. If you want accountability, try posting something every day. I am looking forward to reading your posts!

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Post by Elinor » Sun May 15, 2005 12:37 pm

Thanks Jan :D
im really looking forward to giving this a go at least and hopefully enjoying it.
luckily its coming up to time to get some shopping in so i can buy some good stuff. my problem is I live with 3 other students 2 are skinny with no effort grr and all they seem to eat is crisps and chocolate and cheese all day sigh :( my boyfriend is also a huge snacker but at least he wants to stop eating the silly amount of crisps that he does.
Its weird that I eat less often than them but i one go i can eat alot. it sucks being the biggest in a house :(
I'll definatly try to post everyday :D

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Jammin' Jan
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Post by Jammin' Jan » Sun May 15, 2005 2:36 pm

It may be that they can be skinny and eat junk all day, but if you stick with the program, and they stick with the junk, there may be a reversal in ten years or so. They will be fat and sick and you will be slim and healthy. It may be hard to see this now, but later on you will see that this is true. At middle age, I am speaking from experience here. Form good habits now, and you won't regret it later. :D


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Post by Elinor » Sun May 15, 2005 11:00 pm

hehe that would be justice i guess. But to be fair i have eaten my fair share but im gonna do something about it tomorrow yayy im quite excited.
in addition im gonna get up early to fit in breakfast and if i remember instead of eating a snack when i get peckish i will write down the time i wanted it to see where my craving kick in to help balace the timing of my meals.
Also i printed off the buissness card and put it in my wallet so everytime i go for my change to get some chocolate or whatever it will be looking at me.

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Jammin' Jan
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Post by Jammin' Jan » Sun May 15, 2005 11:10 pm

One thing that I am finding a help in avoiding the snack attack is to balance my meals with a little protein, a little starch, and lots of fruit/vegetables/salad. The protein is digested slowly, the starch is very filling, and the produce will keep you healthy with vitamins and minerals.

When I first started this, my three meals were pretty big; I really loaded my plate! What if I got hungry before the next meal? Better eat now!

Now I am beginning to relax a little and not pile so much on the plate. If I get hungry, then I will enjoy my next meal even more. And I am discovering that it really doesn't take quite so much food to keep me going for three or four hours. This is really a learning experience for me!

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Post by reinhard » Tue May 17, 2005 12:03 pm

Welcome, Elinor. Don't worry about the spelling, back in the more civilized 18th century, spelling was a matter of personal style. As Jan mentions, daily posting is a good way to keep yourself honest. Even if it's just a short "today went well." I'm thinking a good thing for people to do who are just starting out might be to start a discussion that they post an entry to every day, until they get the habit down (about 3 weeks good behavior). That way if you want to write something more substantive, you can, but there's no pressure. You can just treat it as a checking off. If this appeals to people, let me know. Maybe I should start up a separate nosdiet forum for such "dailys."

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Jammin' Jan
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Post by Jammin' Jan » Tue May 17, 2005 3:42 pm

For several years, I posted daily "What's Cookin'?" and "Who's Movin'?" threads on another forum that I was on. It was meant to be daily support and accountability. People really participated and it seemed to do some good. I am an early riser, so it was easy for me to get this up on the board early in the morning. If you do some daily thread here, I would be happy to be part of that.

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Post by Elinor » Tue May 17, 2005 6:39 pm

18th century i'll use that next time one of my lecturers says anything :D
thanks for the welcome ill post updates in the shiny new daily update bit so people dont get bored of me and my this morning i had.......:D

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