New year here we come! :-)

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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New year here we come! :-)

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jan 01, 2009 10:01 pm

I'm looking forward to a very successful year this year.
I like Becky, haven't really made any officially *new* resolutions, but will be ultra strict about getting the habits I've been fighting to change to finally change..
These are, for me:

1. No night time eating.. with new rule that I am stopping all eating between 9 and 10 pm on all days of the week including S days.

2. Daily exercise of *any* kind which is a minimum of 14 mins per day.

Those two are the ones which always make or break weight loss for me.
I've failed on them more than 50% of the time these last few months and I am sad to say I've now gained back pretty much all my original lost weight from the first two years I was doing NoS with say %75 success on N days.

I definitely had and still have my reasons for getting into a slump and depression in the last two years, but at this point, I'm feeling emotionally ready to get tough on myself, for my own sake, and I really want to lose that weight back..
I never took an accurate reading of my weight when I started, but it was somewhere in the 230+ range.. I got down to 199 by Fall of 2006 and then had eight months of depression from being unemployed and very lonely.. Then my Dad died in May of 2007 and I really just couldn't pick myself up for over a year emotionally. Slowly over the course of that year till now, I slid and slid and I am now up to 239 pounds.
I'm quite upset about it, but not going to beat myself up.
It's very scary to me, how easily the weight creeped up. I thought I'd *never* be seeing myself get this fat again, but here I am.
Thankfully, I know the solution, and I am 100% committing myself to this.

Here's to loads of green days in 2009 for us all!!!
By the way, Reinhard, I will also be taking your advice that I've read which you have given to many here, and not weighing myself at all for the first month. I think that in itself, has been a bad way to get distracted from sticking to my goal..
Paradoxically, whenever I knew I had lost a few pounds during the week, it made me more lax about sticking to the rules.. I found myself lulled into complacency. Then a few days later, I'd gain it back..
Guess what.. I have lost and gained the same 4 lbs for the past 2 months.
If I don't step on the scale till the end of the month, I will be less likely to let my guard down, and stay very strict and focused with tunnel vision, on sticking to my personal habit goals.

Sorry for posting this here. I wanted to make it a bit more conspicuous and "official".
I hope to lose between 30 and 40 lbs this year. I think that is reasonable.
I'm feeling incredibly unhealthy and uncomfortable these days. It will be wonderful when I am feeling fit and healthy again!

Wishing all here the very best for 2009!
I'm happy I have such a nice support group and want to thank you all for being such lovely friends.
Special thanks, as always, to Reinhard.
You are always an inspiration to me and have been a great friend!
Much love and respect,
8) Debs
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Post by CrazyCatLady » Fri Jan 02, 2009 5:45 am

You can do it, Deb! Of course you know that, because you have done it before....but I believe in you! And I'm so sorry about the loss of your Dad. (((Deb)))

When I make it through tomorrow (Friday), I will have 21 days on habit for the first time in a long time. Even when I was trying to stick to No S, it seemed like I struggled to keep going after the 21 days.

I'm making no resolutions, but will start on Monday to try for a second 21 days of success on habit. 21 days without the Christmas and New Years holidays! :o At one point, No S was simple, and even the S days were getting reasonable. For now, the S days are a little crazy. So January will be getting the N days down, and then I'll start looking at the S days.

I'm doing this for weight loss, for a feeling of control about food, for an increase in the enjoyment of food that comes with successful habits, and for my health.

Yes, we can!

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Post by reinhard » Fri Jan 02, 2009 9:26 pm

Deb, these look like very sensible "resolutions:" discreet, unambiguous, not overambitious, but enough to make a huge difference if consistently applied.

You've had some very understandable ups and downs this year and a half, but you've also clearly come to know yourself very well in the process.

Just to clarify, is it 14 minutes EVERY day or 14 minutes every N-day? (I'm a big fan of using the N-day/S-day distinction for exercise, too).

Please don't apologize for posting them here! "Officializing" new personal habits is one of the main purposes of this board.

Best wishes to you and Richie in 2009 and beyond,


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jan 02, 2009 10:19 pm

Thanks Crazy Cat Lady (hahah that name kills me!) and Reinhard! :)
Yes, Reinhard, only exercise on N days.. If I do it on the weekend I'll still mark it a success, but weekends are just optional.

I believe that these goals are doable and yes, you are right, I have learned a lot about myself this year.

I put the scale away after officially weighing this morning.
I'm now 237 down two pounds from a few days ago..
See! As soon as I *don't* eat at night, the weight starts to drop.
I had to fight with myself last night, but I made it!
Next weigh in will be in February.

I've been a bit sick yesterday and today, so gonna give myself two exempt days on that HabitCal.. But NoS has been great!
I'm enjoying the strictness again and enjoying preparing food I enjoy.
Thank God for this diet! It's the only one which is actually pleasant and enjoyable!

Thanks again for the help and support!

8) Debs x
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Jan 12, 2009 4:17 pm

Well New Year came and went and I've backslid quite a lot into my bad habits.. See!! Those stupid New Years Resolutions really don't work!!!!!!!! :twisted:

Anyway,,, I'm picking myself up after, basically a whole week of failures and one day of exercise and am starting another 21 days on Habit personal challenge!
Richie will be joining me!
We gave each other a big pep talk this morning and are gonna be racking up the green days! :wink:
Have a nice week friends!
8) Debs
There is no Wisdom greater than Kindness

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