New Routine

Which movements do you do? How many reps? In what order? When? Do you mix in other non-shovelglove moves? Post here or browse to get ideas.
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Ray E.
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New Routine

Post by Ray E. » Wed Dec 31, 2008 7:10 pm

I have been interested in picking up a shovel glove and using this as an exercise, but always seem to do something else. Four weeks ago I started a M, W, F shovel glove and Tu, Thu Burpee routine. My shovel glove routine is:

25 reps drive fence posts
25 reps churn butter
25 reps shovel
21 reps flip switch
25 reps chop wood
25 reps hoist sack
25 reps tuck bales
25 reps fireman
14 reps chop tree
25 reps shovel

I started with a 16 lbs. hammer and this routine takes just under 15 min. I figure I'll stick with it until I break 14 min. then add reps.

For Burpees, I started at 10 reps then reduce reps down to 1 (55 total), but this week am at 16 reps (136 total). This takes ~16 minutes, but I plan on adding reps until I hit the 20 min. mark then stay at that number until I get below 20 min. then add. I'd like to get 20...1 (210 total) in under 20 minutes. Don't know if it's possible for me, but something to shoot for.

Happy New Year everyone!

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Post by phayze » Sun Jan 04, 2009 5:50 am

Nice routine - you're an animal! 8)
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Post by reinhard » Tue Jan 06, 2009 4:55 pm

Thanks for sharing your routine.

It's interesting how many "mixed" routines have been posted here (shovelglove + some other kind of exercise). It's almost more the rule than the exception. My own routine, at this point, is also (a little) mixed: with squats and pushups, mostly. I'm thinking maybe I should advertise the mixability of shovelglove a little more on the home page... It could be that some people feel a pressure for "purity" which turns them off.

I also like your "progress plan" of keeping the fixed time and upping the reps if they can be squeeze in.

Too many programs of exercise and even mental work like learning a language assume that you're going to somehow find more time when you get better at it. Much better to assume that you're never going to have significantly more than 14 minutes an N-day available and plan on making them progressively more intense rather than longer.


Ray E.
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Post by Ray E. » Thu Jan 08, 2009 2:44 pm

I agree. I like to keep my workouts to 20 min., or less. The way I see it is if I can increase the amount of work I do in this time period, I must be stronger and better conditioned. I've worked out consistently since high school, rowed crew in college and have tried to stay in shape, but exercise is probably 10% of the solution, diet is 90%, IMO.


Ray E.
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Post by Ray E. » Tue Jun 02, 2009 7:33 pm

It has been a while, but I wanted to update my routine:

Three days per week, some rep variation of the below exercises, with the reps I used this morning. This took me 14:35 to complete. If I can get this time down to 14 minutes, I'll go through again with 7 reps. If I can do 21-14-7 with both arms in under 15 minutes with the 16 lbs. hammer, I will move up to the 20 lbser. Two other days/week I do a 15 minute kettlebell routine that I change every couple of months. Really, if I watch what I eat via No-S, this routine is more than adequate for outstanding fitness.

21-14 reps drive fence posts
21-14 reps churn butter
21-14 reps flip switch
21-14 reps chop wood
21-14 reps hoist sack
21-14 reps tuck bales
21-14 reps fireman
21-14 reps chop tree
21-14 reps stoke furnace
21-14 reps shovel


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