Search found 17 matches

by nonoodles
Fri Aug 30, 2019 10:46 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: This is not a bad idea, Tracker!
Replies: 117
Views: 121411

Re: This is not a bad idea, Tracker!

I hope you both keep posting, even as your feelings about a “weight loss regimen” may shift. I feel like this board has morphed from a typical weight loss board to a full examination of all kinds of personal feelings, goals and reflections on anything and everything. And I really really like that!! ...
by nonoodles
Thu May 23, 2019 12:11 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: automated eating tracker
Replies: 3687
Views: 4800644

Re: automated eating tracker

Except it’s summer!! Can you tell I’m retired 😹😹😹😹
by nonoodles
Thu May 23, 2019 10:41 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: automated eating tracker
Replies: 3687
Views: 4800644

Re: automated eating tracker

First of all, I’m so impressed with how you are attacking your alcohol issue. Just dealing with that is probably taking so much out of you. So I agree that now is not the best time to make any big decisions. Sometimes life is especially challenging, and during those times I find it helpful to just p...
by nonoodles
Thu May 02, 2019 7:48 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: automated eating tracker
Replies: 3687
Views: 4800644

Re: automated eating tracker

I’m no expert, but if a coach or counselor or anybody for that matter makes you cry, and not in a good cathartic release kind of way, then where’s the help in that? Even if this person is advertising themselves as “just a coach” you should still be made to feel safe and comfortable when exploring yo...
by nonoodles
Wed May 01, 2019 10:44 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: automated eating tracker
Replies: 3687
Views: 4800644

Re: automated eating tracker

Oh boy do I get it. It’s like me and sweets. (You’ve heard that country song “if I have one I have 15..”) I’ll go cold turkey for a (sadly short) while and actually decrease my cravings. Then I’ll think, “I can be a regular person and have just one piece of cake” Hah! Never happens and I never learn...
by nonoodles
Tue Apr 30, 2019 2:28 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Linda's daily check-in
Replies: 4617
Views: 4625703

Re: Linda's daily check-in

So glad to see you back. And weight REALLY is totally secondary to eating in a way which makes you feel good and happy and not obsessed. And that can continually change as do all things. Honestly, nobody really cares what someone else weighs. People may momentarily notice if someone gains a huge amo...
by nonoodles
Tue Apr 30, 2019 11:36 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: automated eating tracker
Replies: 3687
Views: 4800644

Re: automated eating tracker

I’m older than you guys - about to turn 66. We were recently talking with some good friends about what changed that made us all suddenly become daily drinkers. When our kids were growing up, it was strictly a wedding and bar mitzvah type thing. I think it was when our world went from cocktails to wi...
by nonoodles
Tue Apr 30, 2019 11:15 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Linda's daily check-in
Replies: 4617
Views: 4625703

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Welcome back!
by nonoodles
Mon Apr 15, 2019 10:48 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Linda's daily check-in
Replies: 4617
Views: 4625703

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Hi Linda. It’s me, the Lurker :) I miss your posts! And I miss your girls and your food and your thoughts about anything and everything. Come back!!
by nonoodles
Wed Mar 27, 2019 12:01 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Linda's daily check-in
Replies: 4617
Views: 4625703

Re: Linda's daily check-in

I pretty much never comment but love the vibe and philosophy of this board, and find a lot of the people and their journeys interesting and inspirational. And you are one of them! As to fasting, from what I can see from your posts, it just doesn’t appear to be working for you anymore, and does seem ...
by nonoodles
Wed Aug 14, 2013 11:01 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: The Blessings of Simplicity
Replies: 1886
Views: 2427443

Yes! I miss your journal!
by nonoodles
Thu May 02, 2013 2:21 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: The Blessings of Simplicity
Replies: 1886
Views: 2427443

You're making progress!!! Don't get in your own way! Follow your rules always, not now and then. How else can you build new habits if you don't? Trust me, losing too fast will not be a problem over the long haul. If only it were. :)
by nonoodles
Thu Apr 04, 2013 1:06 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: The Blessings of Simplicity
Replies: 1886
Views: 2427443

Good luck Kathleen! Really. As you can see, you have so many people following your struggle and hoping to see some action already! (By the way, your husband probably doesn't need that junky food either. Who does?
by nonoodles
Thu Apr 04, 2013 12:38 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: The Blessings of Simplicity
Replies: 1886
Views: 2427443

"After I got home, I ended up eating -- chips and cheese and other stuff, just into my mouth as I readied the kids for bed. There certainly was no hunger there." Why do you have those foods in your house? You are not having any success controlling your binge eating, so at least make your environment...
by nonoodles
Wed Mar 20, 2013 12:34 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: when do s days feel better?
Replies: 41
Views: 38137

I think, from following this board for ages, that the whole S Day concept (which was originally stated as "sometimes") has been twisted to allow people to think that the weekend is just a long binge-fest. Come on now, if you believe you are building moderate life long habits during the week, do you ...
by nonoodles
Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:31 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: *~*~FarmerHal~*~*
Replies: 78
Views: 92997

my 2 cents

Hi - Just chiming in here. I was always a healthy "moderate" eater, regular exerciser, and still was always fighting my hunger and an extra 10 pounds. I was never able to control my cravings or my weight until I eliminated the carbs - not just sugar. I'm not one to proseletyze, but everything about ...
by nonoodles
Sun Apr 01, 2012 2:18 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: The Blessings of Simplicity
Replies: 1886
Views: 2427443

I follow your blog hoping one day something will stick for you! Did you every try low carb? It just seems to me that you will never be able to control the amount you eat unless you get off the sweet/starch roller coaster. At least that is the way it was for me and lots of other people I know. For ye...