Hello...it's me, back again.

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Jammin' Jan
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Hello...it's me, back again.

Post by Jammin' Jan » Fri Sep 01, 2006 11:10 am

Hi everyone,

I haven't been here for quite a while, but I am back again.

We got ourselves moved and are mostly settled in. Living in the big city is a change for me, and not an entirely pleasant one, but I am slowly adjusting. I found the job of my dreams at a Catholic bookstore and am having a wonderful time there. They actually give us a real live lunch/dinner break there, rather than the little break I had a the supermarket. I can see No-S becoming do-able again.

I need to start over with No-S as I have not been anywhere close to sticking with it over the past month, and it was a real struggle before that, because of the grocery store job. My weight has held steady, though, because of the tremendous amount of Urban Rangering I've been doing since we got here. I have been walking to work and then walking home, and it seems to be uphill both ways! Also, our apartment is on the 4th floor, no elevator. My leg muscles are getting very tight!

I have missed you wonderful people a lot, but have waited until now to return to the board (and the diet) because I needed to deal with all the emotion of leaving our kids, the hassle of the move, and the adjustment of getting settled. But, after a month here, all is going pretty well, and I think I am ready to begin my 21-day re-re-habituation time again. I will start this on Monday.

Hope everyone is well here. See you around the Board! :D

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Post by david » Fri Sep 01, 2006 1:08 pm


And Monday is an S-day! What a perfect day to start over!

I know you'll nail the 21 days.


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Post by reinhard » Fri Sep 01, 2006 1:46 pm

Welcome back, Jan! I'm so happy to see you here again. I'm even happier to hear about your new job.

You were able to stick with no-s under far less ideal conditions for quite some time, I'm very optimistic about this round.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Sep 04, 2006 7:13 am

Hey Jammin!!!! :D
How's DC treating you and your hubby?
Hope well!

8) Deb
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Jammin' Jan
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Post by Jammin' Jan » Mon Sep 04, 2006 1:45 pm

Hubby is enjoying school. I love my job. We miss our kids back in MN. Other than that, we're okay. I'm really not a big city girl.

Hope all is going well with you.

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nice to hear from you!

Post by Kevin » Thu Sep 21, 2006 12:35 am

It's nice to hear from you!
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Hi Jan

Post by mommashell » Fri Sep 22, 2006 12:44 pm

Jammin' Jan wrote:Hubby is enjoying school. I love my job. We miss our kids back in MN. Other than that, we're okay. I'm really not a big city girl.

Hope all is going well with you.
Hi there Jan. I too had issues with no s for a while, mainly being that I just didn't want to do it after I lost my grandfather, and I was a while getting back, and when the scale crept up to my previously atrocious weight of 230 I said, Ok, that's enough wallowing. Let's get back on track. So I guess labor day was when I decided to get back into it. I'm down officially six pounds, but unofficially I did gain one because I've been sick this week. But am feeling much better today. And Tomorrow is an S day!!! What I like best about the no s plan is that it's not a big head ach wondering what to eat, and you don't have to spend your life obsessing about points or worrying about what you ate or thinking and planning your next meal. Right now I'm trying to decide what to have for breakfast because we're out of butte and peanut butter. I like those on my toast. We actually do have stick butter but yuck!! It doesn't spread well, besides I'm thinking of baking shortbread on my S day. Should I do that to my oppr husband? He's on a ocd diet. Obsessive compulsive disorder diet. Ok that wasn't nice. I say that because he can only eat their food. In fact one of the catch phrases of this diet is stay inside the box. I would be climbing the walls, but you know everyone has to do what they think is going to work best. But Wally's already said that he can't see living this way the rest of his life, which means, to me that soon as his maintinance is up, his brain is going to want food and he's going to gain whatever he's lost. But then, I've heard a lot of people talk about the baptist diet and I have heard a lot of good things. But I'd never do it. Baptist refers to baptist hospital not the religion. Speaking of religion, neat there's a fellow Catholic in the bunch. I would love to work at a Catholic place myself. But my real dream job is working in a music store. Nothing gets your blood going if you're a musician like the smell of new instruments. It's way better than new car smell.

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Post by cvmom » Fri Sep 22, 2006 4:11 pm

Wow Jan.

I had no idea that you moved to DC. Yes, transition is an odd thing and it can put a little spanner into the routine.

I too, have not been to No S-ish. I have fallen off the wagon several times lately, but like you, I exercise a lot so I haven't gained.

Still, as a warning to everyone, let me just say that Sugar is addictive. So, when you eat a little bit each day (as I have been doing) then your mind (or at least, my brain) expects it. So, I thought I'd better check on the boards and get some inspiration so that things don't go too far South.

It's nice to read the testimonials of all the new people and it reminds me just what an amazing thing this No S Philosophy is. I'm gonna go check out Reinhard's podcast now and see if it is still up on ITunes.

Take Care,


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