Something strange is happening

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Something strange is happening

Post by ginmarie » Sat Jun 18, 2011 11:06 pm

strange and nice. I'm sitting here in the middle of an S day having eaten my normal breakfast & a late light lunch. That's it. I haven't wanted to snack and my craving for sweets must be on vacation somewhere. This is nice. Is this the new normal? This is my 5th Saturday on the plan and the first one where I honestly don't care if I get a sweet or not. Last night at my SIL's birthday party, I stopped after one helping of pasta and salad and though there was a brief temptation to have seconds, I found myself wanting to end with a no-fail week more than I wanted the extra helping. I did allow myself a small piece of birthday cake. Hope that doesn't count as a fail. It didn't feel like one because I felt so in control. I mean I knew I could pass it up and move on and not feel deprived because I've done that so many times now. So I made a choice to have it if that makes sense.

I'm sure liking this :)
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jun 18, 2011 11:34 pm

that's great ginny!! :) it's amazing how when we allow ourselves the freedom and choice to have these treats on S days, it often creates the exact opposite effect as trying to restrict them. we can take or leave them. i think it's when we try to over restrict, that we then rebel against that and over do things.
i personally wouldn't count that small slice of cake at a birthday party a failure... it was a birthday after all, and i'd say that would be counted as a weekday S day.
you're doing great!
keep it up :)
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Post by NoSRocks » Sun Jun 19, 2011 12:36 am


I am trying to get a handle on my S Days and today was more moderate than I have ever been in a long time (perhaps your willpower is rubbing off onto me too, LOL - wishful thinking!@!)
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Post by ginmarie » Sun Jun 19, 2011 1:37 am

NoSRocks wrote:WELL DONE, GINNIE!!

I am trying to get a handle on my S Days and today was more moderate than I have ever been in a long time (perhaps your willpower is rubbing off onto me too, LOL - wishful thinking!@!)
Well, if it's rubbing off - I'm happy to share LOL. Every day is a new day right? and that includes S days. My motto - onward ever onward!
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Re: Something strange is happening

Post by BrightAngel » Sun Jun 19, 2011 2:44 pm

ginmarie wrote:I'm sure liking this :)
Congratulations, ginmarie.
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Post by oolala53 » Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:36 pm

Nice place to be, huh? Glory be!

I'm also going to be the tough guy and say eating the cake on an N day was a failure, plain and simple. "Success" is following the rules on N days. It may be a personal success that you felt in control and that you had only one portion and that it didn't send you off the deep end, but in terms of habit formation, it was a technical failure. But YOU are not a failure and your efforts with No S are not a failure.

If it is too hard for you to call it a failure, call it one of your two monthly NWS days, but officially, you are not supposed to designate those on the spot. Again, not a moral issue. Random choices outside the dictates of the chosen behavior are the opposite of HABIT. Technically, it is better to say beforehand, I am going to a birthday party and so I am going to designate this is a NWS day, or I'm not going to have cake even though this is a birthday party because this is an N day and I don't eat sweets on N days. I do not get to call this just because I feel like it. It is an issue of habit formation that you put a fence around the law, esp. in the beginning. (See podcast "Strictness.") You will expend way too much mental energy in the future trying to determine if something is or is not a failure because of whether you felt "in control" or not. Being out of control is not the only reason people break rules and thus fail. They break the rules because they are in the HABIT of eating randomly for a jillion different reasons and we are trying to rid ourselves of all those other reasons to eat. Not because we are looking to become inhuman, rigid, impossible automatons, but because those other reasons just cause problems! Instead of looking for ways not to call breaking the rules a failure, consider working on not being completely waylaid by the term failure.

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Post by Strawberry Roan » Sun Jun 19, 2011 8:24 pm

I don't really do the whole S Day N Day as much any more, I try to eat pretty good most of the time, regardless the day of the week. I'm probably too old to be calling myself a failure over a piece of cake or whatever. I think that somewhere I read where there were S events (sorta like one time occasions, not an entire day) for those that are strictly following the plan.

I am glad that your body is adjusting to the new normal, regular satisfying meals with just an occasional indulgence. It is a good place to be.


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Post by ginmarie » Sun Jun 19, 2011 8:44 pm

oolala53 wrote:Nice place to be, huh? Glory be!

I'm also going to be the tough guy and say eating the cake on an N day was a failure, plain and simple. "Success" is following the rules on N days. It may be a personal success that you felt in control and that you had only one portion and that it didn't send you off the deep end, but in terms of habit formation, it was a technical failure. But YOU are not a failure and your efforts with No S are not a failure.

If it is too hard for you to call it a failure, call it one of your two monthly NWS days, but officially, you are not supposed to designate those on the spot. Again, not a moral issue. Random choices outside the dictates of the chosen behavior are the opposite of HABIT. Technically, it is better to say beforehand, I am going to a birthday party and so I am going to designate this is a NWS day, or I'm not going to have cake even though this is a birthday party because this is an N day and I don't eat sweets on N days. I do not get to call this just because I feel like it. It is an issue of habit formation that you put a fence around the law, esp. in the beginning. (See podcast "Strictness.") You will expend way too much mental energy in the future trying to determine if something is or is not a failure because of whether you felt "in control" or not. Being out of control is not the only reason people break rules and thus fail. They break the rules because they are in the HABIT of eating randomly for a jillion different reasons and we are trying to rid ourselves of all those other reasons to eat. Not because we are looking to become inhuman, rigid, impossible automatons, but because those other reasons just cause problems! Instead of looking for ways not to call breaking the rules a failure, consider working on not being completely waylaid
oolala53 wrote:
Thanks for the feedback. Good things to consider. I think where I'm at with all this is not so much focused on whether or not it was a failure, but just being honest on here and of course with myself. I really don't feel like it was a failure for the reason that I see this as a game plan for going forward with the goal of a life style change. For me this can't be a set of rigid rules to follow in such a way that I depend on the rules instead of learning to rule myself. That was my old way of thinking. For me, honestly, I didn't engage in justification, or any kind of "should I, shouldn't I. Did I plan ahead? Hmmm...I suppose not, but I did "decide" in the beginning that I would evaluate single special occasions on a case by case basis. I've found I prefer actually having S events over whole S days anyway. No worries about that becoming a mushy mindset either. In my mind, an S event needs to be just as special as a non weekend S day, that is it needs to be a family or life celebration type event, nothing less.

It's nice to have the weekend for a release valve, but what's happening is I'm not even wanting to break my 3 squares no snacks routine on the weekend, I like how balanced just having my 3 makes me feel. I think I'm getting there with sweets too. Just finding myself thinking, do I want that today (Saturday or Sunday)'s not worth it.

Anyway, as I've said, onward ever onward. I appreciate the opportunity to think this through from another point of view. :)
05/14/11 - 165 lbs
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Post by Nicest of the Damned » Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:38 pm

Remember, it's that you HAVE a failure, not that you ARE a failure. Those are different. I have a cat, and that doesn't mean the same thing as saying I am a cat. A failure is something you have, not something you are.

There are three kinds of No S'ers. Those who have had failures, newbies who haven't had failures yet but are going to, and liars.

Mark down your failure on your HabitCal. Your first failure can be an educational thing. You will see that the sun will still rise tomorrow, you won't be ostracized from this board, and whatever other terrible things you were imagining would happen if you failed won't happen. Really, they don't. I had my first recorded failure last August (the month I started keeping a HabitCal). The earth has kept spinning and stayed in its orbit since then, as far as I can tell (Nicest Husband is an astronomer, I would know if it didn't). They still let me post here. I haven't binged every day since then.

If you can get back up on the horse and have the day after your failure be green or yellow, so much the better. That's a skill you need, and, like many other skills, the only way to learn to do it is to practice.

I could tell things were different after my first failure on No S. I feel like I'm a better No S'er since then, really. I know that, when the inevitable failures come, I will be able to get back into my good habits, because I've done it before.

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