What Gets You To Walking?

Urban ranger is an inspirational metaphor to get you walking. Warning: there is poetry involved. Discuss it here.
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What Gets You To Walking?

Post by friscobob » Fri Apr 15, 2011 6:09 pm

I wake up and put on "I'm Walking" by Fats Domino, do a few stretches and I am out the door for a 3-4 mile walk. Once I hear the song, and the words "I'm walking", I know that I'll soon be out the door.
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Post by wosnes » Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:58 am

My dog. Walking has always been my favorite form of exercise, but I'm lazy. The dog gets me moving.
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Post by Kevin » Sat Apr 16, 2011 1:30 pm

A dog you care about is the best exercise machine.
wosnes wrote:My dog. Walking has always been my favorite form of exercise, but I'm lazy. The dog gets me moving.
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Post by mrsj » Tue Apr 19, 2011 6:49 am

Let's hear it for doggies! That's what gets me out the door! An empty refridgerator helps too. I don't own a car.
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Post by koopa » Tue Apr 19, 2011 11:08 am

I walk to avoid using the subway. I hate how dingy and so close quarters it is! Not to mention, I get to save a decent chunk of change when I avoid using it! The cost of a subway ride is too much in NYC these days....

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Post by Swarah » Wed May 04, 2011 12:28 pm

We pick up our new rescue dog in 10 days. Then there'll be NO excuse not to get moving!

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Post by oliviamanda » Fri May 06, 2011 12:47 pm

My pedometer. My minimum goal for my pedometer, which right now is 7,000 steps a day vs. the 5,000 I started with. I usually go a few thousand over the minimum, but there is nothing like getting started and seeing the numbers go up. Plus, it is definitely paying off. I am losing weight since I've been using the pedometer (the one I have in my ipod nano).
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Post by sheepish » Mon May 09, 2011 10:02 am

Saving money. If I walk to work (4.5 miles), I save £2.50 that I would have spent on public transport.

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Post by hecarte » Tue May 17, 2011 5:38 pm

wosnes wrote:My dog. Walking has always been my favorite form of exercise, but I'm lazy. The dog gets me moving.
Yep, definately my dogs get me walking. At least once a day for an hour and sometimes twice a day (depending on my work schedule). I love to get out really really early before anyone else is up and I feel like I have the whole world to myself :D

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Post by Too solid flesh » Sun Jun 05, 2011 10:36 am

Errands. Newspaper to buy, library books to return etc.
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Post by veggirl1964 » Fri Jun 10, 2011 2:17 am

I love audio books. My walking time is when I get to "read."

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Post by sophiasapientia » Sat Jun 11, 2011 12:51 pm

Lots of the above! :D The dog, my pedometer (and personal goal to get in over 10,000 steps everyday) and audiobooks too. :D

Also, just the reality that my overall well-being -- mentally and physically -- is significantly better when I'm an active person and, for me, that means walking. :)
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Post by Blithe Morning » Wed Jun 22, 2011 12:28 am

Too solid flesh wrote:Errands. Newspaper to buy, library books to return etc.
This. Plus going to work when I don't need the car to go do a program or run to a meeting. I cheat, though. I catch a ride home with DH.

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Post by jorjastandish » Mon Aug 15, 2011 11:51 pm

My dog beau!
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Post by mattman » Sun Sep 25, 2011 7:14 pm

Kevin wrote:A dog you care about is the best exercise machine.
wosnes wrote:My dog. Walking has always been my favorite form of exercise, but I'm lazy. The dog gets me moving.
That's awesome. Also, that happens to be the same reason that I walk so much. Nothing worse than having a fat dog. Can't have that.
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Post by TUK » Thu Jul 05, 2012 2:12 pm

Many things, actually. I do "Industrial Complex Ranger" during my lunch break.
* The pleasure of being asked "Why don't you run?" by the runners,
* The pleasure of answering "Why don't you simply walk?",
* The fact that it is almost effortless, cheap, and I feel good afterwards.
* It gives me a good reason to be relaxed in the afternoon, whatever the pressure at work.

Sometimes, when I work closer to the city (like I will tomorrow, for instance), I just walk to the supermarket to buy my lunch. I willingly don't choose the closest vendor.

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Post by ahen23 » Fri Aug 16, 2013 4:50 am

Walking is the best form exercise for people who don’t like to work out. I hated working out but had to do some form of exercise, so I started with walking and dancing. Doing both proved very useful. Now I walk 2 miles every couple of days, and dance when I am free. Walking and dancing have motivated me to do cardio as well.
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Post by jbgnos » Sat Apr 11, 2015 1:02 pm

I walk A LOT - one of the reasons I knew the No-S diet was for me :)
What gets me out there?


An iced coffee after a nap (heaven)

Low bank account (I walk to deposit our paychecks before outstanding checks get in there)

A rottweiler named Thunder :)

My fit bit

Antsy, excess energy

Good podcasts

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