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Weight Losses ...

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 6:39 pm
by Mustloseweight
Just wondering if there are any people out there with some good weightlosses to share. I like to give a virtual pat on the back to peeps who are putting the graft in and reaping the rewards.

I can only report a huge gain.

I am now 272lbs and the most miserable I have ever been in my life over my weight and relationship with food.

It would be great to hear and celebrate other people's successes to hopefully spur me and others on.

Anne xx

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 2:38 am
by ironchef
The testimonials page is always a good place to read other peoples' successes. Particularly those who have racked up big losses over multiple years of annual check ins I find very inspiring (oolala, vmsurbat to name some off the top of my head).

Thanks Ironchef

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 7:08 am
by Mustloseweight
The one place I go to usually when I feel really demotivated, like there is no hope, is the amazon site where people have reviewed the book. I don't know why, but my preoccupation with wallowing in my own self-pity, has stopped my brain from working [properly] and your post has made me remember that after my stop at the testimonials page I shall head to Amazon's site for inspiration.

I hate feeling like this - so negative - feels like my weight issue is sucking the life out of me and I have got to the point where I feel there is no hope and I am doomed to stay like this forever and die early from weight related health issues. This is my primitive brain talking.

None of this thinking, may I add, do I agree with, with the logical, intelligent side of my brain, that is in conflict with feeling like this and fully sees the futility of this thinking. It is like you can't turn the negative talk off and in the end the constant bombardment of negativity wins through sheer possession of stamina to keep going on and on and on and on and on and ...........

My logical brain says - if I want to lose weight eat less and move more. Eat ice cream, chocolate, biscuits and cake leads to weight gain so if I am eating them I should stop wallowing in my own self-pity. The demon in my head genuinely doesn't care about anything else eating the cake, biscuits and ice cream because it 'makes me feel better'.

Cereal has been my problem of late. Cornflakes, Rice Krispies with tons of sweetener, bowl after bowl in one sitting. Why? Who knows - self destructive behaviour that leaves me bloated, guilty, angry with myself and just ggggrrrrrrrr.............

Anyhow, enough from me - I will shut up. No point bringing everyone else down.

Anne x

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 7:29 am
by ironchef
I'm someone who has a brain that sometimes goes on stupid, non-constructive downward spirals. I call it "stewing". This is as distinct from pondering a negative issue in my life, planning a way forward and then proceeding. The later is productive, the former, well, it's just stewing.

The problem is the longer I stew, especially on a topic that comes up over and over, the deeper I wear those "ruts" in my brain, so next time I'm due for some stewing, my brain jumps right in "Hey, need some negativity? Great, I have some I prepared earlier, let's do this!" and doooown I go.

I will now gently suggest the things that work for me:
1. Do anything (almost anything!) to stop the spirals. Walk, jump, sing, watch stand up comedy clips on youtube, weed my garden. Anything!
2. Replace "stewing" thoughts and speech with neutral or positive thoughts and speech - even if I don't believe them and feel like a bit of a dork.
3. Rinse, repeat.

You need to wear new pathways in your brain - yes, your primitive brain! Ones labelled "hopeful" or "three square meals" or whatever.

I'd also recommend starting a check in thread here, as I find having that (mostly) daily accountability very motivating. Post when you're down, but to my mind MORE IMPORTANT post when you're UP! Post when you have positive thoughts, experiences, small wins, get people cheering you on.

I'm a firm believer that humans need positive motivations to make their best efforts. Just like we'd encourage a child to learn to read by praising their efforts, we need to encourage ourselves. You'd never consider telling a child, even one who was struggling "ugh, your reading sucks, you're hopeless and you'll probably end up illiterate", partly because it would be so cruel, but also because we know that is no way to motivate someone to try harder. We'd be kind, firm, encouraging, hopeful. And we need to be that to ourselves as well.

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 11:49 am
by Whosonfirst
ironchef wrote:I'm someone who has a brain that sometimes goes on stupid, non-constructive downward spirals. I call it "stewing". This is as distinct from pondering a negative issue in my life, planning a way forward and then proceeding. The later is productive, the former, well, it's just stewing.

The problem is the longer I stew, especially on a topic that comes up over and over, the deeper I wear those "ruts" in my brain, so next time I'm due for some stewing, my brain jumps right in "Hey, need some negativity? Great, I have some I prepared earlier, let's do this!" and doooown I go.

I will now gently suggest the things that work for me:
1. Do anything (almost anything!) to stop the spirals. Walk, jump, sing, watch stand up comedy clips on youtube, weed my garden. Anything!
2. Replace "stewing" thoughts and speech with neutral or positive thoughts and speech - even if I don't believe them and feel like a bit of a dork.
3. Rinse, repeat.

You need to wear new pathways in your brain - yes, your primitive brain! Ones labelled "hopeful" or "three square meals" or whatever.

I'd also recommend starting a check in thread here, as I find having that (mostly) daily accountability very motivating. Post when you're down, but to my mind MORE IMPORTANT post when you're UP! Post when you have positive thoughts, experiences, small wins, get people cheering you on.

I'm a firm believer that humans need positive motivations to make their best efforts. Just like we'd encourage a child to learn to read by praising their efforts, we need to encourage ourselves. You'd never consider telling a child, even one who was struggling "ugh, your reading sucks, you're hopeless and you'll probably end up illiterate", partly because it would be so cruel, but also because we know that is no way to motivate someone to try harder. We'd be kind, firm, encouraging, hopeful. And we need to be that to ourselves as well.
Great advice ironchef! Find activities that get you moving, and the simplest one imo is walking. I think walking is also great mental activity close to meditation. Of course, meditation is almost a total lack of mental activity, but in my experience, it's difficult to chastise yourself while walking, it usually leads to clearer thinking. To get your mind off negative thoughts take up a new hobby or learn a new skill or language, anything to get off the "beating yourself up" over your situation. When you slip up and have several bowls of cereal, don't wallow in your screw-up, laugh it off and move on. We all screw up. I'm wishing you well and look forward to your journey.

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 12:14 pm
by Larkspur
Nice, ironchef and Whosonfirst. I know this wasn't directed at me but I could use the picking up this morning!

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 1:17 pm
by Mustloseweight
Thank you for your positive guidance. It is most appreciated. I had a 'normal' serving of cornflakes for breakfast. A ham and cucumber sandwich, small bunch of grapes and pot of yoghurt for lunch and I have been out to get the wherewithal to make lasagne and salad for dinner. We love home made lasagne so I am looking forward to that. I sense that I should drink more throughout the day.

I went and did the breakfast dishes and told myself to just do those and see where it went from there. Then I cleaned out a small but very murky pond we have in the garden and turn it from pea soup to crystal clear water. I ended up in my back garden weeding for about an hour so which worked up a good sweat and the garden looks better (well in one part of it - a part a day will soon see it all nice and tidy).

I have always maintained, but only remember now I consciously think about it, the two forms of exercise that can be done and as healthy activities be kept up for life are, housework and gardening because they will always be there to be done and will never be finished as there is always something else to do when we think we have conquered it all.

I am going to get my kettlebells out for 14 mins tonight before I jump in the shower. I feel I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, thank God.

Anne xxx

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 1:20 pm
by Buttercup
MustLoseWeight - I am another person who has often been at the mercy of negative thought-spirals and bad-mouthing myself to myself etc etc

One thing that has helped me is to be able to acknowledge the thought (ooh there's that thought that I am useless, again) but not argue the truth about it with myself. I don't try to agree or resist the thought. I try not to fear the thought.

I confront it and I tell myself: it's just a thought, and I can't totally control the thoughts that pop into my head, but I don't have to believe them.

And that part of my brain can be very insistent, and can pop all sorts of stuff into my head - it can be my worst saboteur. It feels great to say 'ha yes, nice try, but not today thanks - I am busy being awesome!'

I don't know if my saboteur will ever go completely, but it's a pretty small and withered voice these days :)

Love to you and be kind to yourself

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 1:19 am
by ironchef
Wow, what a great day! I love that you just told yourself "do these few dishes, and see what happens". From little things, big things grow :)

Well done you, here's to many more!