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Slightly off-topic: Shangri-La Diet?

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 11:53 pm
by kayvan
Anyone here have any experience with Seth Roberts's Shangri-La Diet?


Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 1:46 pm
by reinhard
We share an (excellent) editor. Besides that, I don't know a whole lot...

My uninformed suspicion is it's mostly placebo effect, but I don't want to knock the guy without having done any homework (nor do I want to do the homework, so I'll just shut up now). Any hey, if convincing placebo effect does the job, fantastic.

There was a post about shangri-la a while ago in the No-s forum. Not sure how whether the poster's enthusiasm lasted, but the systems are quite compatible if you want to hedge your bets.


Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 4:10 pm
by kayvan
Thanks, Reinhard. I read the other thread and private-messaged the original author. I'm looking for a way to kickstart my weight loss for the last ten pounds.

I've been religiously sticking to my shovelglove routine and my 3-5 times of cardio, including some HIIT style sessions on the elliptical. I am visibly muscular now and feel very fit, but I want to lose another ten pounds while continuing with my exercise routine.

The idea of this "hack" to my metabolism appeals to me.

Best regards,