Podcast #48: The No S Diet Audiobook, Chapter 1 (Rough!)

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Podcast #48: The No S Diet Audiobook, Chapter 1 (Rough!)

Post by reinhard » Fri Jan 29, 2016 8:55 pm

Are my low podcast production values good enough to produce an audiobook? You be the judge! For this episode, an experimental reading of Chapter 1 of the No S Diet book. Let me know if a few tweaks here and there might do the trick, or if I had better rethink this whole project.


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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Fri Jan 29, 2016 9:57 pm

I think the quality is definitely good enough - your style of reading is good and enjoyable to listen to. Small errors, when you correct yourself over a wrong word, makes it more 'real' and immediate - so I wouldn't edit that out.

I noticed a fluctuation in volume around 9 mins, which sounded like you might have moved farther from the microphone - that might be something to pay attention to.

An hour seems a long time to listen without any breaks. I'd suggest some sort of pause, or little 'jingle' between the sub-sections of the Chapter. I think that might make it better listening, and give the listener time to realise you are moving onto the next section.

Reading out 'see page 76' etc are not really helpful for audio listening - you might want to think about leaving out those sort of references. Chapter refs are OK as people will presumably be able to select a track/Chapter.
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Post by reinhard » Fri Jan 29, 2016 11:29 pm

Thanks, RAWCOOKIE! Good to hear you think it's basically OK. In my procrastination at doing this, it seems consumer technology has come a long way...

With my typical lack of preparation, I was surprised by the "see page..."s and just went ahead and read them. I think I could skip reading the section headers in the beginning as well. I'm not so crazy about the "box: ..." parts either, but not sure how best to deal with them, since some of them at least contain useful new content.

I think the volume change was the result of going from a (cheap) headset to no headset. The headset seemed to be more poppy and so I thought it might be better without. I think on balance without worked better so if I stick with that throughout there won't be that jarring change.

I'll think about the berak indicators... I haven't noticed them in audiobooks. Maybe just an issue here in podcast format.


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Post by bjalda » Sat Jan 30, 2016 3:32 am

It's good enough I'd say!
Also noticed the change in volume, and I would try to edit that out since it's a pain to adjust the volume while you're listening . And personally I'd prefer a chapter that is read without corrections. Maybe you could just read smaller sections and put them together in the end? What I wouldn't mind is a noticeable 'cut' after a chapter/sub-chapter, if that would be an inevitable result.

And I must say, you have a very pleasant (podcast-)voice! It also proved to be a great sleeping aid back when I was having some insomnia-issues. Not because the podcasts were boring, but because meanwhile I seem to know some of them by heart
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Post by Queenie » Sat Jan 30, 2016 4:25 am

I only listened to about ten minutes.

Sound quality was definitely good enough.

Very pleasant and clear reading style.

+1 on preferring not to hear the corrections.

You may want to consider just leaving the "typos" (not correcting at all) if it's too tedious to go back and edit out the errors.

The "box" part is confusing. I have a suggestion but it would add work: You could come up with headings or titles for the boxes, and record them as if they were sections.

Personally I think it's smart to wear a headset to record do you can maintain the same distance from the mic and still be able to get up, move around, swing or raise your arms, etc., to keep your energy high through a long recording session.

Oh, wait -- you're reading the material. Guess you can't necessarily move around like that if you're holding a book.

I have a short report on audio post-production that I think you might find interesting. I'll email it to you. The meat of the report is only 9 pages and has graphics (which is to say, it won't take you long to skim through it). I'm thinking the information on leveling sound could be useful -- unless the learning curve is more bother than you want to deal with.


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Post by NoelFigart » Sun Jan 31, 2016 6:52 pm

Well, I've mentioned before that I would love for you to be the narrator for the No-S Diet audiobook.

I'm going to be a customer no matter what, so... with that in mind, my feedback:

The quality is okay, but if you can spring for a mike and record it using Audacity or something (Audacity is free and I know of a lot of people in the business who swear by it), you'll likely get better quality, the editing is fairly intuitive, and you'll be able to record something closer to what Audible listeners are used to hearing when it comes to audiobooks.

I agree with a lot of the other feedback. Keep in mind this is less putting a book into a aural format and more of a performance. Think of how you read to your kids.
My blog https://noelfigart.com/wordpress/ I talk about being a freelance writer, working out and cooking mostly. The language is not always drawing room fashion. Just sayin'.

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Post by reinhard » Mon Feb 01, 2016 2:15 pm

Thanks all! I think I'm feeling like this won't be too too hard to take to the next level.

I'll go ahead and get my hands on a semi-decent mic...

I stuck these recordings together using garageband, which wasn't quite as intuitive as I'd hoped. I'll give audacity a spin as well.

I'll mark up the book before my next attempt to indicate (small) sections and stuff I shouldn't simply read as is ("see page 67"s, boxes, etc.).

Thanks for the report, Queenie! I haven't fully processed it yet but will shortly.


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Post by MaggieMae » Thu Mar 31, 2016 12:24 am

I LOVE this! Makes me eager for the complete audio book to be available. I didn't feel like there was a lack of breaks,but I've never used audio books before. I agree with what others said about editing the mistakes. Confession time: I have been listening to this at night as I fall asleep... Hoping that the words will enter my subconscious and the habits will form faster. :lol:
Plus, your voice is very soothing.

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Post by reinhard » Thu Mar 31, 2016 3:10 pm

I'm so happy to hear this, MaggieMae, and sorry it's taken me so long to make further obvious progress on this. I got my hands on a decent mic, figured out "audacity" to a degree, have marked up some sections in Chapter 1 so I'll be less surprised when I come across them, and have come up with a new schedule of "project time" in which to actually do the recordings (and other creative/everyday systems projects). It'll likely be a few more weeks till I have much of anything to show, but I really appreciate your encouragement and promise to keep at it!

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Post by reinhard » Tue Apr 05, 2016 1:26 pm

Quick update on the audiobook.

I've been going through the videos here:

http://www.acx.com/help/video-lessons-r ... /200672590

And started listening to this helpful (and mercifully short!) audiobook on recording audiobooks:

http://www.audible.com/pd/Self-Developm ... 691&sr=1-1

And I'm hopeful I can patch together something ACX worthy by June 1.

Worst case scenario I'll have learned a lot about how to make my podcasts at least sound less awful!

Thanks all for the feedback and encouragement!


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Post by noni » Tue Apr 19, 2016 2:17 pm

I just listened and enjoyed your soothing voice! IMO, for what's it's worth, instead of saying, "Box", perhaps say something like, "Statistics say", (if appropriate), or "As a side note..."

One more thing, I promise: instead of saying, "Question mark or Exclamation point," just make your voice go that way. You are very expressive, so it shouldn't be a problem. Also a little chuckle when it's appropriate like a sarcastic remark.

I love the book, but the audio is so personalized. Better than an autograph!

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Post by reinhard » Thu Apr 21, 2016 4:46 pm

Glad you liked it, Noni, and thanks for the tips.

I have all the gear now, and I have some idea how to use it, now the challenge is finding sufficient silent blocks of solo time to record it -- a very rare commodity for me these days!

But I will persevere.

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Post by cowfishpro » Thu Dec 22, 2016 1:36 am

Any updates on the audiobook? I'm anxiously awaiting. :lol:

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Post by TunaFishKid » Thu Jan 05, 2017 4:49 pm

Just discovered this and it's great! I've listened to it every day this week and want more! I will definitely buy the audio book when it comes out.
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Post by reinhard » Tue Jan 10, 2017 1:06 am

Thanks for the encouragement! I'm afraid I haven't been able to make any progress on this yet. I'll refrain from making any promises, but I do appreciate the nudges.


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Post by TunaFishKid » Tue Jan 10, 2017 6:03 pm

Personally, I think the first chapter is great as is, and would absolutely buy the audio book if the rest of the chapters were of the same quality as the first.
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Post by cowfishpro » Sat Jan 14, 2017 3:44 am

I agree Tunafishkid.

Reinhard, have you heard some of the recent "homemade" releases on Audible? It makes your "rough" attempt sound polished. I really enjoy listening to you as a reader, as well.

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Post by beginagain » Sat Jan 14, 2017 4:19 am

I am enjoying listening to your audio book, and would definitely purchase if you (hopefully) do it. I love it just as it is. I am also a huge fan of your podcasts. Thank you for everything. I think you are brilliant.

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Post by xara » Tue Mar 21, 2017 3:52 pm

Reinhard, I'm nudging you about the audio book project! I sent you a Facebook private message a couple of weeks ago offering to make a recording myself (maybe you didn't see it because we're not FB friends). Then today I thought to Google the topic, and found this thread. I would MUCH rather have a recording with you as the reader! Have you been able to carve out some quiet time to continue this project?

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