No S Diet book available NOW on

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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No S Diet book available NOW on

Post by reinhard » Mon Mar 03, 2008 9:54 pm

And elsewhere, presumably. ... aysyste-20

Some people who pre-ordered (thank you!) have already gotten the book and posted their impressions here:

Looking forward to hearing more!


P.S. I make about as much/little from my cut as an "amazon associate" as I do from royalties as the author -- so if possible, please buy through the link above or elsewhere on this site (don't stress if you can't, of course -- any purchase from any vendor is much appreciated).

P.P.S. Much as I love to read your responses here and in private email, reviews probably have the most weight on amazon. So if you could post there also, that would be wonderful.
Last edited by reinhard on Thu Sep 04, 2008 5:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by J Ellis » Tue Mar 04, 2008 12:06 am

Congratulations, Reinhard.

I can only imagine how excited and satisfying this day must be for you.


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Post by kccc » Tue Mar 04, 2008 2:57 am


I've clicked through to order. :)

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Post by reinhard » Tue Mar 04, 2008 2:18 pm

Thank you, Joel and KCCC!

I know it should theoretically be available in brick and mortar bookstores as well, but I'd love to hear of any actual sightings. I'll be hitting some of the local bookstores at lunch today.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Mar 04, 2008 8:17 pm

Wooooo Hooooo!!!!!!!!!! :mrgreen:
Congratulations Reinhard!!!!
I wish you great success!!!!
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Elizabeth 7
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Post by Elizabeth 7 » Wed Mar 05, 2008 8:18 pm

Sighting in Atlanta at a Barnes and Noble! I think there were five or six copies. :)

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Post by cvmom » Thu Mar 06, 2008 12:53 am

Hi Reinhard.

I have my book. It's great. I love the fact that it's small and can fit into my handbag. I'm gonna order a few copies for my weight-obsessed cousins!

Way to go! Get ready - you are gonna be really busy after that Women's World Article hits....

Thanks for helping me change my life for the better.


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Post by reinhard » Sun Mar 09, 2008 2:23 am

Thanks for your kind wishes, Deb!

Thanks for reporting Atlanta, Elizabeth 7. So far that makes four confirmed cities: Atlanta, Philadelphia, Boston, NYC. I think I'm going to get a map and stick pins in it :-)

I hadn't considered the issue of handbag portability, Dru. I'm happy it meets that criterion! Thanks for the extra orders.

And thanks to the three amazon reviewers so far (not bad for 5 days). Please don't be shy about adding more -- I'll settle for 4 stars you know if you can't in good conscience give me five :-)


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Post by jordonk27 » Sun Mar 09, 2008 11:21 pm

Saw one copy at Barnes and Noble in The Villages, Florida, yesterday. The Villages is a massive retiree community -- maybe a lot of older folks who want to keep their weight gain under control will find the book useful.

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Post by reinhard » Mon Mar 10, 2008 2:00 pm

Thanks, Jordonk! Looks like we've got the east coast pretty well covered. Hopefully with the LA Times article we'll make some west coast headway as well.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Mar 10, 2008 9:15 pm

reinhard wrote:Thanks for your kind wishes, Deb!

Thanks for reporting Atlanta, Elizabeth 7. So far that makes four confirmed cities: Atlanta, Philadelphia, Boston, NYC. I think I'm going to get a map and stick pins in it :-)

I hadn't considered the issue of handbag portability, Dru. I'm happy it meets that criterion! Thanks for the extra orders.

And thanks to the three amazon reviewers so far (not bad for 5 days). Please don't be shy about adding more -- I'll settle for 4 stars you know if you can't in good conscience give me five :-)

Well, you deserve 10 stars!!! :D
Well I suggest you start a sticky thread with "NoS book sightings" here!!!
I brought my copy with me to my new job today and shared with the woman who has been training me as we were chatting about diet and exercise last time and I thought she would appreciate NoS :)
So she said she will be glad to get a copy soon and support your book and thinks it sounds like a very good plan!
Peace and Love,
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Post by swimfit » Wed Mar 12, 2008 3:09 pm

Book also in St. Louis MO

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Post by stevecooper » Thu Mar 27, 2008 12:39 am

I've got my copy here in the UK, via

I'm a third of the way through. I'd fallen so far off the wagon it'd disappeared over the horizon, but I'm inspired to start again from tomorrow morning. I shall partake of my first no-s meal at breakfast tomorrow. I'm aiming for 08:28, 28th march, 2008. Seems like a pleasing number to start something significant.

Anyway, I have a whip in one hand to keep mungo under control, an single dinner plate in the other. Let the great suet-shedding begin!

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Post by reinhard » Thu Mar 27, 2008 3:07 pm

Wow, I didn't think it would be out in the UK till late april. And I just got another email from a British No-esser, so it's not just a fluke.

Great to see you again here, Steve. Sorry Mungo got the better of you for a bit (though amusing to see him here again, too).

Thanks, swimfit, for St. Louis. I've heard it's in Colorado, too. Penetrating the heartland... (I feel like a military commander).

I think I'll hold off on making this thread sticky, Deb. Not because I don't find the subject utterly fascinating, but because if I don't restrain myself the whole board is going to turn into a marketing and publicity discussion rather than a discussion about the diet itself. But I'm very touched by your enthusiasm and interest -- thank you!


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Post by stevecooper » Sat Mar 29, 2008 5:46 pm

I think I actually ordered the book from can't remember, though.
reinhard wrote:Great to see you again here, Steve. Sorry Mungo got the better of you for a bit (though amusing to see him here again, too).
I noticed a quote from my Mungo post in the book, on page 72. The "don't think like a nutritionist, think like a dog-trainer" line. I feel famous.

Anyway, two days in, and by God, I'd forgotten how easy it is. And now there's a proper book, which means it's not just some quackery off the internet. ;)

My friends all still laugh at the sledgehammer I keep in the kitchen, though.

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Post by olive » Sun Apr 06, 2008 3:02 am

I've just come from ordering the no s book through the provided link.
I try to eat sensibly 75% of the time anyhoo and would love to have the excuse to have a few guilt free chips on the weekend as part of my new diet program. A five day a week diet sounds do-able to me.Even if I don't choose to do it I enjoy the authors wit and attitude on the website and figure it will be a fun read either way.
Wishing everyone success in whatever they strive for,

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Post by reinhard » Sun Apr 06, 2008 1:23 pm

Thank you, Olive!

I hope you do find the system works for you, and in any case, I'm glad you enjoyed reading the book.


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I'm so excited!!

Post by lostnfound » Sun Apr 06, 2008 2:08 pm

Just ordered your book....can't wait to read it!! :D
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Post by roseha » Mon Apr 07, 2008 4:25 am

Reinhard, I just ordered the book and read it last night. It really did help me focus in on all the details of NoS, for instance, why it's best to avoid fast food, which is a no brainer, but which I have been slacking off on, partly due to my work schedule (2 pm to 10 pm).

The book has really helped me with the diet. Thanks!

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Post by FC » Tue Apr 08, 2008 8:23 pm

:lol: I ordered my book yesterday off of Amazon. I wouldn't have known about this weigh of eating if I didn't buy Woman's World Sunday night. I can't wait until I get my book but I started today. :mrgreen:

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Post by reinhard » Tue Apr 08, 2008 8:53 pm

Thank you for your orders!

The book certainly isn't NECESSARY for No-s (you can find pretty much everything in it somewhere or other on this website for free) but I do think it's helpful. If you're going to spend a few hours learning about no-s (all it should take to plow through the book), the book is probably the most time efficient and comprehensive way to do it.


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Post by pattys53 » Thu Apr 10, 2008 6:34 pm

I saw the Women's World Magazine in the check out lane at the grocery store yesterday. I tgought oh no another diet, was not going to buy, but at the last second grab the magazine and thought what the heck, I will read it and see what this diet is all about.
I read the article was impressed, but wanted to know more. I googled NoS diet, and started reading more. Found this site, read more about it, so I just ordered the book from Amazon. I can't wait to get it. It seems to me a good common sence approach to lose the weight.
I can't wait to start tomorrow on this.....this is going to be the last time a try a diet, and I think this will work.

I work most weekends, so do you think i could use my days off my diet on the days I have off from work. I think this would be O.K., but my days off are usually not off together, like I am off on Mondays and Thursdays.

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Post by blueskighs » Fri Apr 11, 2008 2:12 am


I was pretty much right there with you, I think a lot of us are... no more diets ... but then it sounds so common sensical ...
hard to turn down.

It works,
Ok I am basically a newbie, just a little bit over two weeks, but let me tell you ... it works,

so WELCOME ...

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Post by pattys53 » Fri Apr 11, 2008 7:56 pm

thanks for the welcome. It is day 1 for me, and so far it has been easy.

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Post by blueskighs » Sat Apr 12, 2008 1:53 am


that is wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Got Book. Read it. Loved it.

Post by BrightAngel » Tue Apr 15, 2008 1:09 pm

I ordered the "No S Diet" book from Amazon, and got it within a few days.
Yesterday I read it.
I loved it, Image
Image I agree with it,
and today I'm beginning the No S Plan. Image

However, I am like a tightrope walker requiring a net,
so I'll still be recording all my food in Diet Power,
and will be watching my food intake
to make sure my weekly calories average out to the same or less than my weekly calorie burn.
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Post by Josie » Tue Apr 15, 2008 6:16 pm

Good Morning Reinhard!

The BOOK is wonderful. I am back on No-S and am looking forward to all the good things that come with increased energy and weight loss. I am still running and am much more active at this start-up than the last when I could barely walk a few blocks. I was hiking a couple years ago and found I couldn't jump over a 4' stream. Somewhere along the way I "Lost My LEAPER". The other day I was needing to jump some large 4' puddles and I was able to do so! I've got my "LEAPER" back and can only Thank-You again for presenting such a wonderful Diet that has become a way of life for me. I have 6 grandkids and can now roll around with them, pick them up , run and jump and enjoy them so much more.

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Post by Noturningback » Tue Apr 15, 2008 6:50 pm

I didn't buy the book from Amazon because I was too late adding it to my order. I was impatient and purchased it at Barnes and Noble. However, I'll leave a review at Amazon.

Hope that helps,

Ps. I raved about it on my blog. Not major publicity but, every little bit may help.

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The book is terrific!

Post by lola628 » Fri Apr 18, 2008 9:07 am

The book is indeed wonderful. I like all of the statistics on the history of snacking in America. Plus the info on our sugar consumption (mind boggling!) and how snacking has become so ingrained in our culture since the 1980's.

I'm also enjoying the cultural comparisons. I used to think white rice = :evil: but China and India do not have an obesity problem.

The book contains fascinating info that destroys quite a few idiotic dieting myths that I had been programmed into believing. Thanks Reinhard!

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Post by JillyBean » Fri Apr 18, 2008 8:34 pm

My son has the book in his car because he picked up the mail for me today and he said that I have a package. I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve! Is that silly or what? I mean, I've been doing this for almost a week now (though I count Monday as my "official" starting day), and you'd think I would be more, I don't know, settled about it all or something! I am more anxious to get the book and read it than I am about the fact that the next two days are S days!

The food I eat today is my choice! What price am I willing to pay?

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Post by blueskighs » Sat Apr 19, 2008 4:07 am


I loved the book, I found it a good read and very helpful. I can understand why you are excited,

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Post by Informatix » Sun Apr 20, 2008 5:55 am

My copy is hopefully on its way from Amazon very soon! I am looking forward to reading it to supplement what I have read on this very useful site.

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Post by JillyBean » Sun Apr 20, 2008 12:33 pm

Sorry, I'm too busy reading to spend time on here...

Just kidding! I got the book and I am reading and enjoying it. There are lots of sections that are just like the website, but with more stuff thrown in. And it's great that I can take the book anywhere and read. My PC is a little cumbersome to haul around the house, what with all the wires needing to be connected to the wall and all... :lol: :lol: :wink: :roll: :P

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I'm an Idiot...

Post by fkwan » Sun Apr 20, 2008 5:59 pm

...But I can't seem to find the damn submit button for the review. I first thought it was Firefox screwing with Java or something so I tried it with IE 7 and couldn't find it either. I'm not sure if my copy got somewhere or if it got somewhere and there will be 3 instances of it at Amazon tomorrow. :oops:

Here's what I wrote, anyway. Reinhard, you are SO the best!
This is not a diet, but a psychological system which will result in weight loss. People have gotten into the habit of eating when bored, sad or stressed out, and they don't exercise. Worse, they binge on sugary foods which cause a chemical addiction cycle. When they diet, they try to stop these foods cold turkey, which only makes the cravings worse. Reinhard Engels' system stops these habits in their tracks: no sugary foods, no snacks and no seconds on weekdays; the weekends and "special days" are left over as a safety valve. For exercise, do something functional, like walking. Technically, according to him, no calories or points have to be counted, no foods other than sweets have to be shunned during "N" (usually week) days.

The system works, and it's pretty painless. I've been on the diet three weeks and have lost 3 pounds, which is a normal, safe weight loss. My sugar cravings have disappeared, and my association of eating with boredom and stress has also disappeared, which never occurred in 40 years of an eating disorder. However, I still have to be aware of calories and amounts of food, especially on weekends, lest I eat too much and undo all the excellent work of abstention on the weekdays. Still, I'm eating much less than before, and experiencing some relief from my back pain and arthritis, signaling that my weight is going down and with it the stress on my body. Because it's not a diet but a system, it can work with any weight loss plan or way of eating on the planet; I'm an almost vegan partial to the principles of McDougall, Fuhrmann, Ornish et al.

My only criticism of the book is that it is less comprehensive than the website, which goes into detail about Engels' "shovelglove" sledgehammer weight workout, his "urban ranger" walking program and adapting the system to everyday problems such as task prioritization. But you can't leave a website on somebody's desk or in the "read while you elliptical" basket at the gym. Buying the book is also a way of rewarding him for dreaming up this excellent system and encouraging him to go on the road with it, as that other psychological innovator, Buddha Shakyamuni, did with his. Like that of the Buddha, Engels' system helps all beings to end suffering: the suffering being overweight. It also tears down the veils of delusion by recognizing addiction as habit and substituting abstention and moderation.

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Post by Jaymiz » Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:58 pm

I found out about the diet through the WW article, and wasn't originally going to buy the book... thought I didn't need another "diet" book.

But, after reading everything I could find online, and reading a ton of posts here on the message boards, ya'll convinced me, and I ordered a copy of the book today. ;)

Can't wait 'til it comes in the mail! :D (The 'No S' Life)
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Post by JustAnnie » Mon Apr 28, 2008 10:53 pm

I've been away from the board for a while but I'm back again and have just ordered your book! Congratulations and I can't wait to read it!
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Post by want2bhealthy » Tue Apr 29, 2008 12:44 am

congratulations! i just ordered the book too!! cant wait to get it. thanks so much, after lots of starts and failures and quitting, i have decided this is my plan for life. no more quitting. i cant wait till the day i can tell you i have reached my goal and have beat this war i have with food.
man, i have tried EVERYTHING else, this has to be my last stop.
starting fresh july 1-09
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Post by Jaymiz » Sun May 04, 2008 9:20 pm

My book finally showed up on Wednesday or Thursday of last week, and I had it finished only a day or two later. ;)

And, i'm sooooo glad I bought a copy! Much as a lot of it is what is already on the website, there's so much more, too! And, the best thing I got out of the book was this:
"Because you are allowed to eat sweets on weekends and holidays (the S days), this rule is not so much a prohibition as a recasting of sweets from the routine staple they have become to their traditional role as "desserts", something deserved, a treat, an incentive, a reward. It's really more about behavior than substance, turning the weakness of a sweet tooth into a motivating strength. Viewed this way, the No S Diet is really profoundly pro-sweet: Deserved desserts really do taste much better... Temptation becomes incentive." ~ from page 7
Sweets are my biggest problem. Well, okay, snacking *on* sweets. :oops: So, to see them this way -- not as forbidden, but as a reward for being "obedient" throughout the week -- really helps me. I like the idea of taking something that was previously a bother to me (the *temptation* to snack on sweets), and turning that around and USING it for my good... instead of it turning ON me and being used AGAINST me... ;)

Thank you for making all of your program available for free on your website, Reinhard ((that's big to people who normally can't afford to purchase books just because they sound good)) ... but, thank you, too, for writing the book, and including just that little bit *extra* that isn't on the website. I love that I now have the ability to tell people to go check out the website without saying they'll have to pay to get the info, but that I also have that info at my fingertips and don't *have* to log on to see it. It's cool to have both options. :) (The 'No S' Life)
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Post by blueskighs » Wed May 07, 2008 10:14 pm


I think the book is great too. I really feel like it has been invaluable!

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Post by BrightAngel » Thu May 08, 2008 1:16 am

I'm adding this like a footnote to my post above.
Since I bought and read the book through Amazon,
I've read it through two more times, and then
I bought 3 more copies for friends and relatives and had Amazon mail them direct for me.
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Post by reinhard » Fri May 09, 2008 1:24 pm

Thank you all for your kinds words about the book! I can't tell you how happy it makes me to see it resonating like this. For an English major/Librarian who'd basically of given up on the idea of writing English because writing code seemed a more reliable way of paying the bills, this is a dream come true.

The only downside is the site now gets so much traffic that I can barely keep up with all the new posts!


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Book was available at my local Barnes & Nobles

Post by scvtfr747 » Fri May 16, 2008 3:25 pm

Even though I'm hoping that the book will be published for Amazon's Kindle device, I broke down and decided to get the hardcopy (I lasted one day).

I went to, put in my zipcode, and sure enough the book was available locally (they're holding it for me now).

The BN rep wanted to know why I was buying the book if the entire diet is on the cover (I told her that).

I didn't really have a good answer for that (I said "for fun, I guess"). But I thought everyone would enjoy this given that the diet is truly so simple that it's all on the cover.


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No S Diet Book in all corners of the world

Post by DXB1605 » Thu May 22, 2008 4:58 pm

Just thought I'd let you know that your book is everywhere. I purchased a copy from my local bookstore - in South Africa. I have found it to be an inspiration and your simple approach to weight management is refreshing and I think very do-able.



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Post by Mavilu » Fri May 23, 2008 8:00 am

Well, Reinhard, I've done it: I wrote a review for the book at
I promised it a long time ago, but I just needed to be inspired and tonight, after enjoying delicious indian fare without an ounce of remorse, inspiration hit.
It's going to take a couple of days to be published but you can check it out, if you want when it becomes available; it's written under "Mariana V. Miller".

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Post by reinhard » Fri May 23, 2008 9:44 am

Malivu -- thank you! I see it now. That was some inspiring fare!

Delene, wow, that's impressive! I knew that it was available online in South Africa but local bookstores -- that's nuts. Thanks for letting me know!

Scott, I just pestered my publisher about the kindle. I don't think there should be any technical issue, but there might possibly be legal ones. Fingers crossed... Thanks for the nudge (and thanks for buying the paper version in the meantime).


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Post by reinhard » Fri May 30, 2008 3:12 am

I've just been informed that the Kindle version of the No S Diet (and other ebook formats) will be available June 5. Thanks again, Scott, for the nudge. This might not have happened but for that nudge (and certainly not so soon).

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Post by oklarose » Wed Jun 04, 2008 2:11 pm

Just read this discussion before posting the one I just did about Kindle. Please disregard my Kindle post I just posted. I'll get in on June 5th. Looking forward to getting it on my Kindle. Thank you!!

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the book

Post by harper » Mon Sep 22, 2008 1:56 pm

hi I am a newbie....LOVER OF NO S..approx..2mos...minus13 lbs...feel wonderful

when I went to BORDERS to buy the BOOK ..none to be had (app 6 weeks ago) so i purchased 2 from AMAZON in GRATITUDE for deliverence from sweets and cravings....thank you Reinhard and your PODCASTS have been VERY helpful

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Post by reinhard » Tue Sep 23, 2008 2:20 am


Thanks so much for your kind words (and two purchases!). I'm thrilled to hear no-s is working so well for you.

Speaking of podcasts, it's getting to be time for another episode...


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