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by SavvyV
Thu Jan 05, 2012 10:21 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Everyday Freedom
Replies: 10
Views: 19190


I enjoy reading your blog. . .so true the things we give up in pursuit of the "perfect diet. May you find the Peace that passes understanding.
by SavvyV
Thu Jan 05, 2012 10:07 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

My New S Diet

OK- - -I know I'm a wholehearted outlaw when it comes to devising a plan of attack on my excess weight. My body is not a prison AND I REFUSE TO LIVE LIKE A PRISONER IN IT. My body is the temple of GOD. How I treat it and dwell in it must reflect this fact. Any habits worthy of acquiring will magnify...
by SavvyV
Thu Jan 05, 2012 9:51 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: I Say Yes to my New S Diet
Replies: 3
Views: 9270

I Say Yes to my New S Diet

OK- - -I know I'm a wholehearted outlaw when it comes to devising a plan of attack on my excess weight. My body is not a prison AND I REFUSE TO LIVE LIKE A PRISONER IN IT. My body is the temple of GOD. How I treat it and dwell in it must reflect this fact. Any habits worthy of acquiring will magnify...
by SavvyV
Wed Dec 28, 2011 11:20 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: How much do you exercise?
Replies: 13
Views: 21829

Hi Jocelyn

First of all congrats for reaching your goal weight!!! Apparently what you did to lose the weight worked, even without much exercise. So keep it up, whatever you did! So my question to you, is did you log any of your workouts/ or walking, or anything that you may have done extra in terms of activity...
by SavvyV
Wed Dec 28, 2011 8:44 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

Finding my way back. . . .

DAILY Hunger Scale- Before eating anything, I'm going to track and rate my hunger on a scale from 1-10. 10 - STUFFED TURKEY - Where I don't want even one more bite, don't want to be around food. . .the sight, smell of food begins to turn my stomach 9 - DEFINATELY NOT HUNGRY . . .yet eating mindlessl...
by SavvyV
Wed Dec 28, 2011 7:49 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Tips you didn't know you knew
Replies: 2
Views: 7957

Tips you didn't know you knew

“First we form habits; then they form us. Conquer your bad habits or they will conquer you.â€â€œThe chief cause of failure and unhappiness is trading what we want most for what we want at the moment†“A moment on the lips, forever on the hips!â€Never discourage anyone who continually makes prog...
by SavvyV
Sat Oct 17, 2009 11:20 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

Just checking in. . .

Although this past week I've exempted myself from NOSing to go thru a detox plan, I must say this. . . during this dietary detox,my desire for sugary or salty snacks has dimished tremendously! The important thing to remember while detoxing is to not allow your self to go so long between meals that y...
by SavvyV
Thu Oct 15, 2009 5:29 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

I'm So Excited

I'm beginning to love love love my veggies and fruits now! Just finished day 2 of my detox plan and my energy level is thru the roof! Naturally!
by SavvyV
Mon Oct 12, 2009 4:45 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

Going to try something different this week. A seven day soup veggie and fruit detox diet that is to be eaten throughout the day. Lots of water. Also fiber cereal and skimmed milk.
Oct-12-19 NO S Exempt
by SavvyV
Sat Oct 10, 2009 11:45 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: I said "No" to:
Replies: 44
Views: 45409

This is a good thread! Wish I had been following this past week when I said yes to everything chocolate!
by SavvyV
Sat Oct 10, 2009 3:03 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

Sustainable habits

I just finished reading the latest podcast transcript from Reinhard. . .
and I have to say that after reading it, things began to click for me.
by SavvyV
Sat Oct 10, 2009 2:41 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: No S "mods" (add yours!)
Replies: 167
Views: 336430

I like this idea and was trying to figure out how to succeed with a chocolate mod on N days. This idea would work for me because I don't really have to have it sweet. . .just chocolatlelly
by SavvyV
Wed Oct 07, 2009 4:53 am
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: October Challenge! Yes... it's here.
Replies: 31
Views: 36116

Oct Challenge

A few days late, but count me in! This is harder than I thought it was going to be. Yesterday I went to Sam's club where little old ladies are offering food samples galore. . .and I did not resist the temptation to sample. Today I am on a layover in a hotel that is offering a FREE FULL SERVICE BUFFE...
by SavvyV
Wed Oct 07, 2009 4:33 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

My Fattening Habits on N-Days

This is harder than I thought it was going to be. Yesterday I went to Sam's club where little old ladies are offering food samples galore. . .and I did not resist the temptation to sample. Today I am on a layover in a hotel that is offering a FREE FULL SERVICE BUFFET (casino is attached so of course...
by SavvyV
Sun Oct 04, 2009 9:27 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

Not giving up!

How soon I forget. What makes a good life-time habit worthy of striving for? Truth is, I really just stopped trying to do NO-S because I was too impatient with myself. Now, I am so off track and the scale is moving in the wrong direction! I realize, I MUST do something to stop this gain! Well, I rea...
by SavvyV
Wed Jul 15, 2009 12:10 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

Gearing up to start tomorrow.

Yes. . .progression is the key. 21 days is a good place to start, but I know from my own experience that my new habits will not be ingrained after 21 days. They just won't. (Just speaking for myself) Maybe you guys are more focused and disciplined and thus more likely to exceed your own expectations...
by SavvyV
Tue Jul 14, 2009 12:05 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

3 month challenge!

3 month challenge- - it takes 3 months to permanently begin to change habits. . .
I've slipped for just as long. . .time to get a grip!
by SavvyV
Tue Apr 28, 2009 12:05 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

lost track here. . but still keeping tabs

A glimpse in my personal Journal for writing down what I eat and why. I have not necessarily been sticking to NO-S.. . which translates to FAILURE , but since I'm on this board, I should try a least to stick to the basics, and learn to be consistant.. . Anyway, here goes. . . . My Journal for writin...
by SavvyV
Wed Apr 08, 2009 4:07 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

Update: Remember to count blessings

Ok. . .weekends are as weak. .ends are (I wonder why they don't call them "Strongends". . .that would do wonders for my morale- --maybe I will just call my "weekends" "strongends"!) Anyway, here's a brief update on my progress. Bad attitudes from work kinda spilled over into my dietary habits. After...
by SavvyV
Sat Apr 04, 2009 3:07 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

N-Day 28

Junior-manned today at work due to flight cancellations. My 3 day trip is now officially a 4 day trip. . . BUMMER ! ! Allow me to vent. . . :twisted: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :twisted: . . .so I'm stuck in this hotel. The only good thing is that the hotel is pretty nice. They gave us a dinner vou...
by SavvyV
Fri Apr 03, 2009 3:15 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

Guess I should still count days on habit. . .

Ok. . .even though I've made it thru 21 days on habit. . .I guess I should still count my days on habit. So this is N day 27- Success B- kashi/instant peach oatmeal/ L- curry chicken/cornbread D-spaghetti/green peas/high fiber granola bar Beverages- In order of occurance :lol: Water juice water/ cof...
by SavvyV
Fri Apr 03, 2009 2:42 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Nubie's No-S Lifestyle Log
Replies: 26
Views: 37597

Hi Nubie

Your life sounds as hectic as mine- -in an opposite kind of way. I'm a flight attendant. . .away from home about 3-4 days a week. When I'm away the NO S habit kicks in like clockwork, for the most part, because I have all my meals already planned out. But when I'm home around food and cooking. . .I ...
by SavvyV
Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:46 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Robins Daily Check-in
Replies: 28
Views: 35791

Hi Robin!

Welcome! :) I just wanted to say Hang In There! It is so worth it to form new and better habits when it comes to our diet. I'm like you, I kinda stumbled upon this website by googling something like " diet moderation". To be honest, I'm not very good at counting calories- -that just does not come na...
by SavvyV
Thu Apr 02, 2009 4:10 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347


Success (April 1)
Being the geek that I am. . .why am I still up? Knowing that I have to report at work at 5:40 am?
by SavvyV
Thu Apr 02, 2009 3:56 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Lori's checking in
Replies: 61
Views: 46944

Hi Lori!

So what are you challenging yourself to do for April? I had to chuckle when I read your post about not wanting to be perfectionistic. Sometimes when it comes to exercise and dieting, a lot of my energy has gone toward staying on the right track. It almost feels like I'm in still in high school tryin...
by SavvyV
Tue Mar 31, 2009 4:09 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347


This is pretty close to what I ate today:
Breakfast: Kashi cereal/skim milk/apple/blueberries
Lunch: Turkey and Pruscuitto on buttered whole wheat English muffin
Dinner: Steakum prepared with assorted bell peppers and onion on toasted bun/ broccoli/ oven fries/ strawberries

by SavvyV
Mon Mar 30, 2009 6:59 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Jane's Daily Check In
Replies: 32
Views: 39424

Yes You can do it!

Just keep at it, one day at a time. You can do this! Like you said, it's never too late to retrain your brain. I have found it to be true that once the good habits are ingrained it will feel strange to go back to doing things the old way.
by SavvyV
Mon Mar 30, 2009 5:57 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

Now the real work begins!

Getting those daily priorities in order is very important! There are much more important things in my life than trying to lose weight. . . . such as learning to be content, Contentment is just one of many Godly tastebuds that takes a lifetime of discipline to aquire. I refuse to wait until my weight...
by SavvyV
Sat Mar 28, 2009 4:27 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

S-days. . .

Ok. .I've made it over the 21 days. . .! Now my goal is to get my weight completly out of the 160ish range. . .for me, anything 160 and above is my HORROR weight. At 5"4',My normal weight range (according to charts) is the range between 125-145. . .I probably have a tendency to linger towards the hi...
by SavvyV
Sat Mar 28, 2009 4:15 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: The 21(day) Club
Replies: 839
Views: 1293663

I'm finally here!

After about 11 attempts- thanks to vacation, mountain dew and a slew of other things. Thanks for the challenge! This was a good goal to shoot for! :D So now I'm brimming from ear to ear! Going to update my habit calender now!
by SavvyV
Thu Mar 26, 2009 2:42 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

N-day. . .Attempt I Days 18-21

Tomorrow is Day 21!!! Looks like I'm finally going to get over the 21 day hump. . .Do I feel like no S is an ingrained habit?!? :roll: Not yet. It may take some people 21 days to nail this. . .but I feel like for me, its more like 21 weeks! :P Seriously, though, I truly am getting to the point where...
by SavvyV
Sun Mar 22, 2009 3:31 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

S-days. . .16/17

Good thing today and tomorrow are S days. . .I feel my resolve beginning to weaken again. . . Yesterday N-day 15 Success- for the most part. . . B-kashi/pancake/banana L- pizza/salad/chips D- refrigerator raid. . .stir-fry/meatloaf/baked sweet potato B- water/coffee/tea/juice Ex: none Repost for add...
by SavvyV
Thu Mar 19, 2009 4:00 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

N-day. . . Attempt I. . .Days 11-13 Mon-Wed- Success

Thanks Arjuna! :) I just lost everything I was typing. . . :? that is quite frustrating. . . Anyway, for the past few N days I have not posted my progress. . .coming up off of the leniency of the S days, and being home, due to taking a few sick days from work, I'm just going to say the past 3 days w...
by SavvyV
Sat Mar 14, 2009 5:14 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

N-day. . . Attempt I. . .Day 8

Yesterday: SUCCESS B-oatmeal/handful of peanuts L - minestrone/lasgna roll-ups D- barbque sandwich/greenbeans/coleslaw Bev- water/ green tea/coffee /juice Ex - officially none, but pedometer was over 17,000 steps for the day. Attitude: :) Still battling cold GB: at least ONCE.. .yes Today and Tomor...
by SavvyV
Fri Mar 13, 2009 4:43 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

N-day. . . Attempt I. . .Day 7

SUCCESS B-yogurt/kashi/grapes L - turkey wrap/grapes/apple/chips D- minestrone /pizza/chips/ Bev- water/ green tea/coffee /juice Ex - pedometer reading 17,619/7129 aerobic steps (due to dancing in my hotel room) Attitude: :) GB: at least ONCE.. .no Here is my repost for additional encouragement: Da...
by SavvyV
Thu Mar 12, 2009 4:45 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

N-day. . . Attempt I. . .Day 6

SUCCESS B-yogurt/kashi/grapes L - lasagna rolls/grapes D- chicken noodle soup/turkey sandwich wrap/chips/ apple Bev- water/ green tea/coffee Ex - None but pedometer registered 17, 994 steps Attitude: :) but I am now offically battling a cold. So much for zicam. GB: at least ONCE.. .YES Here is my r...
by SavvyV
Wed Mar 11, 2009 1:50 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

N-day. . . Attempt I. . .Day 5

Spent the day cooking- - not tasting! That's a BIG SUCCESS! ! Back to work in the morning, this time for a 4 day trip. For today. . .it was. . . . . (drum roll please. . .) SUCCESS B- cream of wheat/grapes L - turkey/cheese on toasted English muffin/chips/applesauce D- baked chicken/angel hair pasta...
by SavvyV
Tue Mar 10, 2009 1:27 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

N-day. . . Attempt I. . .Day 4

SUCCESS B- kashi/grapes/mini bagel with honey L - tuna salad/crackers/chips/veggies D- lasagna roll-ups/steamed veggies/salad/yogurt Bev- water/juice/milk/ green tea /coffee Ex - 60 min on bowflex Attitude: :) GB: at least ONCE.. .YES Here is my re-post for additional encouragement: REPOST Day 2: T...
by SavvyV
Mon Mar 09, 2009 2:45 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

S-days. . .

SDays I- 2 and I- 3 Sat and Sun. . .nothing out of ordinary. . .which is good. Gearing up for this week. . .5 (N)ormal days ahead. Travelling down days (I-4 thru I-8) I'm beginning to sound like an interstate! This time around. . .No pit stops! No detours! Here's to arriving at my destination (which...
by SavvyV
Sat Mar 07, 2009 11:37 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

Oh. ..yes, I was pretty amazed with myself for sticking it out for 40 days (so was my better half!) Most of all, it increased my awareness of my attitude (which can times be childish and bratty when it comes to sweets). So, for the most part, giving up sweets really wasn't for my health benefits at ...
by SavvyV
Fri Mar 06, 2009 10:31 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

My anchor. . .how soon I forget. . .

I have to remind myself of former blog entries (from another website)when I did not eat sweets for 40 days. These posts can help me carry over to the NO S (sweets portion). So, for the next 21 days, I'll repost portions of my blog entries to help me along here. REMINDER: Day 1: Sweeter Than Honey Mo...
by SavvyV
Fri Mar 06, 2009 12:55 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

Getting a bit of rest

N-day Thursday H2- Unsuccessfu l, although I did have lots of veggies - but I also ate a donut. I have a few days off, now I can take a breather and actually plan out my meals a little better, and draw up an exercise plan for myself. Vacation derailed me a bit, because I got a little sick when I was...
by SavvyV
Thu Mar 05, 2009 4:37 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

New S's

Day H1- Success

New S's that I'm including in my mods are:

No Self-indulgence behaviors (even on days that begin with S)
No Self-loathing
by SavvyV
Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:56 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

H attempt. H is for hope!

G attempt (Day 1 Tuesday. . . Unsuccessful ) I'm not giving up. Getting back on track is very important to me. I think I read somewhere that we need to get a string of unsuccessful attempts under our belt anyway. . .mind you, I did not intentionally plan these unsuccessful attempts. . .I just didn't...
by SavvyV
Mon Mar 02, 2009 6:46 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

N-Day B19 (Tuesday) UNSUCCESSFUL I guess that means starting over. . .attempt C- -Day 1 (wed) Unsuccessful Attempt D - Day 1 (Thurs - Unsuccessful) Friday - NWS Saturday/Sunday - Sdays - at least now, I'm back from vacation String of unsuccessful days , including today. (Attempt E) I'm skipping let...
by SavvyV
Tue Feb 24, 2009 5:46 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

On Vacation

N-day B15 SUCCESS S-day B16(Vacation officially began) exempt S-day B17 N-day B18 SUCCESS N-day B19 (Today Anticipating SUCCESS)- - As vacations go, so do "regular meal times"- -sometimes we just have breakfast/brunch and dinner- -but I'm not going to worry too much about the timing of meals, just m...
by SavvyV
Sat Feb 21, 2009 12:19 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

I have to admit I am a bit over the edge with working this "diet" out in my head. . .It's the No Sweets. . .part that gets me. The dividing lines are way to fuzzy. And I do realize that my focus is a bit off. . .instead of focusing on what I "can't" have, I should focus on what I can and the one thi...
by SavvyV
Fri Feb 20, 2009 6:25 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

Preparing the mind is part of the battle: Sugar 1/Me 0

Well, I'm getting geared up for vacation. . .down to sunny florida (well last I checked it was in the 50's with lows in the 30's in Destin where we're going. So, it's not going to be too warm, but much warmer than where I am! And no snow to boot! :lol: Much needed - overdue break! I've be reading th...
by SavvyV
Fri Feb 20, 2009 4:59 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Anne's check-in
Replies: 185
Views: 145159

I feel your dilema... but aren't dates a fruit? And fruit is naturally sweet. So. There you have it! Count your successes!
by SavvyV
Fri Feb 20, 2009 4:42 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Anita's Daily Check In
Replies: 129
Views: 99651

Hi Anita! You're doing great! I love this quote from your day 7 :
It just feels very sustainable to me because I feel like my mindset isn't one of deprivation
I know when you come back from vacation you would have done great!
by SavvyV
Thu Feb 19, 2009 2:31 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

Change a habit, change a heart.

Today is Thursday N-Day B14 Anticipating SUCCESS I really want my heart to be in this. I've proved to myself that I can change my habits, but can I change really wanting No snacks, sweets or seconds as a way of living my life? ? ? I really wanted a cookie yesterday and not having one drove me bezerk...
by SavvyV
Thu Feb 19, 2009 1:13 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Eva's check in
Replies: 72
Views: 77820

Hi Eva!
Hang in there, you are doing the right thing. I like your ticker idea. . .I'll be using one for myself.
by SavvyV
Wed Feb 18, 2009 6:09 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

N-day B13 (Wednesday) Anticipating SUCCESS
by SavvyV
Mon Feb 16, 2009 1:11 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347


Today is N-Day B11- Anticipating SUCCESS, because I had my MD fix over the weekend! And chocolates. . .and. . .oh well, that's what weekends are for, right!
by SavvyV
Mon Feb 16, 2009 12:59 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Lori's checking in
Replies: 61
Views: 46944

Hi Lori! Going forward, no more tweaking. Monday through Friday are N days with N rules. And that's that. It's good when you can learn from your mistakes and move on, as opposed to just giving up all together. I'm going on vacation next week. . .so we'll see how it goes. I'll learn from you and try ...
by SavvyV
Sat Feb 14, 2009 1:34 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

Thanks Janie. . yes It's been a very emotional time here, it's just so hard to believe. . .all so hard to take in. . . I haven't had much of an appetite and also, I'm trying to ward off catching a cold with this new product called Zicam. At the first sign of cold symptoms, you're supposed to take it...
by SavvyV
Fri Feb 13, 2009 2:23 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

News Flash. . .

Most of you have already heard by now about the flight that went down in Buffalo. I'm a flight attendant and I was on a different aircraft going into Buffalo that was just behind that flight when it went down. Wow, talk about hitting home! This is a truly a trajic situation which claimed all the liv...
by SavvyV
Thu Feb 12, 2009 11:54 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

N-day B7 SUCCESS What I had: Breakfast : oatmeal Lunch: homemade pasta with parmesan & Bacon (YUM)/apple/hand full of peanuts Dinner: Turkey sandwich with spinach & monterray jack/apple sauce/kashi/crackers Bev: coffe/tea/juice/water I know. . .I find that I pretty much eat the same thing almost all...
by SavvyV
Wed Feb 11, 2009 2:11 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

Just had to mention this. . .

How many times have I passed an advertisment, and allowed it to sink into my mind without thinking about it? ? ? Probably more than I care to know! ! ! :shock: For example, while walking thru the airport, I looked at the advertising sign for Auntie Annie's pretzels which stated : SPOILING DINNER SIN...
by SavvyV
Tue Feb 10, 2009 4:00 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

Days B3/B4- S-days . Uneventful. . .nothing out of the ordinary N-Day B5 (yesterday) SUCCESSFUL It was a challenge to be home on an N day but I made it thru- -even when my hubby was teasing me with the last bite of his of key-lime pie. That's ok, I told him, I had already brushed my teeth and was d...
by SavvyV
Sat Feb 07, 2009 2:19 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

What a week! I'm finally home! Got my book too! I didn't feel like cooking anything special tonight, so I just ate some chicken soup and call it a night.
Breakfast: Oatmeal/ orange
Lunch: McDonalds chicken sandwich/fries
Dinner: chicken soup/cornbread/clementine
by SavvyV
Fri Feb 06, 2009 3:14 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

Day B1 SUCCESS No snacking between meals. . .no funny stuff. . .NO MD (mountain dew) And here I was worried that a little chocolate kiss would do me in. I got blind sided by that MD. On the other hand, I am kinda amazed at myself for not snacking between meals. This NO S program is really a confiden...
by SavvyV
Thu Feb 05, 2009 2:04 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

Day 10 UNSUCCESSFUL I saw someone drinking a mountain dew and that was it. I had to have one. Never mind about the high frutose corn syrup that I really want to try to avoid. Rationalizing in my mind. . .ok this was one of those big old 20 oz drinks. . . one serving is about 8 ounces. . .so I'll jus...
by SavvyV
Wed Feb 04, 2009 6:50 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

Day 9 SUCCESS Breakfast Breakfast Oatmeal/peaches Lunch Parmesan pasta with bacon and green peas/clementine Dinner turkey sandwich with spinach, monterray jack cheese/peanuts/1 tablespoon baked pumpkin pie filling mixed with a little whole grain cinnamon cereal Beverages water coffee tea Exercise Ye...
by SavvyV
Tue Feb 03, 2009 3:38 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

Yes, I'm a chocoholic and I admit it.

Day 8 SUCCESS (This was actually yesterday) Breakfast Vanilla Yogurt with a tablespoon of pumpkin pie filling mixed in/Total whole wheat Cinnamon cereal /clementine Lunch 3 Stuffed shells (parmesan, spinach, ricotta cheese)/clementine/ cranberry applesauce Dinner Turkey Sandwich wrap (spinach, monte...
by SavvyV
Mon Feb 02, 2009 3:25 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

S Days

Day 6 and Day 7 S days. . .not too radical. Took the liberty to have a couple of my dark chocolate snacks, made another pumpkin pie, allowed hubby to cut me a tiny sliver. . .he can have the rest for the week coming. I found that if I take about 1 tablespoon of the the baked pumpkin pie filling and ...
by SavvyV
Sat Jan 31, 2009 4:56 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

Ready for my S day!

Breakfast Kashi cereal/skim milk and a clementine

Lunch chicken soup ,yogurt, 1/2 sandwich, potatoe chips

Dinner: Broccoli, baked potate wedges, meatballs

Beverages: Water Green tea, Grape juice
by SavvyV
Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:22 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Spook's check in
Replies: 41
Views: 45433

Healthy Fear

Hi Spook! This is what has worked for me with the scale. I've determined long ago that the scale is not my friend or enemy. But when I go too long without weighing myself, I set myself up for being total unaccountabe to myself. . .almost to the point where I"M AFRAID to step on the scale. That's not...
by SavvyV
Fri Jan 30, 2009 4:26 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: HowFunIsThat - daily chek-in
Replies: 212
Views: 165558

What a wonderful post!

It's so true that every day is a struggle. . .it's those little victories inside the struggles that keeps us sane!
Today might be a day of struggles...but with every small victory I am more and more convinced that I'll win this war!
You're doing great!
by SavvyV
Fri Jan 30, 2009 4:01 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

Down 4 pounds!

I kid you not! I'm down four pounds and I haven't even implemented my exercise portion of my program yet! Still getting the hang of "no S"ing. . . It's little successes like this that make it worthwhile! Being at home on a N day will prove to be a bit of a challenge. . .I can do it. . .I can do it. ...
by SavvyV
Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:38 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

Empty Pie Plate! ! !

Day 4 SUCCESS I got home this evening to find an empty pie plate in the sink. Hubby had polished off the pie! ! ! :o Oh well, so much for looking forward to a nice little slice on my S day. . . and I decided against buying a coconut donut to have on my S day. . .it would probably be stale by the tim...
by SavvyV
Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:57 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

Day 4 I'm trying to imagine a "virtual plate" that has popcorn and sun chips and dorito munchie mix on it. . .maybe what I'll do is check the "serving size" on the bags and use 1 serving because even the "small" bags may have more than one serving in them. . .and that reminds me of an article that I...
by SavvyV
Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:25 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Lori's checking in
Replies: 61
Views: 46944

Hi! I'm new here and new to the NO S diet. . .(I haven't even gotten my book yet, but from what I could tell this is a pretty straight forward, no-nonsense approach and that is what I like about it!) Anyway, reading through your notes, I had to laugh because I see myself in the same situation with s...
by SavvyV
Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:33 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

Update for Day 3 . . .Wednesday. . .Definately a SUCCESSFUL N day. Winding down now with a bit of camomile tea. I am still getting used to this. . .it's like why didn't I think of this before? ? I'm looking forward to my S days. . .there's a slice of pumpkin pie. . .and a coconut donut that has my n...
by SavvyV
Wed Jan 28, 2009 10:51 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

DAY 3: Is not officially over yet. . .but again, I'm ANTICIPATING SUCCESS . Lots of canceled flights, so I'm here in the hotel hoping that I am done for the evening. . .you never know. Too much free time to think about food. . .any other time, I would have scarfed down a dunkin donut just for the he...
by SavvyV
Wed Jan 28, 2009 3:47 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

Day 2- - SUCCESS !! I really DO like the simplicity of this. . . and the funny thing is that when I am not snacking at all during the day, I begin to look forward to a decent meal. Eureka :idea: :!: (I think that is the whole point of this method!) Also, it's easier for me to remember what I ate whe...
by SavvyV
Mon Jan 26, 2009 4:51 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SavvyV's check-in
Replies: 71
Views: 70347

SavvyV's check-in

Day 1: I am anticipating SUCCESS - but, I'm not sure if I've already failed as I caught a flight this morning and in my rush out the door, grabbed a banana. Then around 10 am I had a bowl of cereal. .Does that count as a snack and then breakfast? Anyway. . .I'm determined not to be too legalistic wi...