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by Jonas Jonasson
Wed Mar 05, 2014 1:14 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Ever tried to put a banana on your plate in an upright position in oder to fit in as much food as possible?
Sad but true.
At the moment I am having a very hard time complying with the rules so I try to bend them as much as possible just to feel a bit less out of control.
Trousers are getting tighter.
by Jonas Jonasson
Tue Feb 25, 2014 3:52 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

you really put windshield fluid in your dishwasher? Ahem, I must have done so the last couple of times. Yesterday, I just stopped in time and thought that I must have got the wrong bottle but when I looked on the shelf where I keep both, blue liquids in clear bottles of the same size there was no r...
by Jonas Jonasson
Tue Feb 25, 2014 11:37 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Friday Red The others had hey-it's-the-weekend-biscuits in the afternoon, so did I. But I think that was all. Weekend Yellow Grazing & not running Monday Green Tuesday Dontknowyet & running, yeah These are the days when you (I) accidentially put windshield washer fluid in the rinse aid dispenser of ...
by Jonas Jonasson
Fri Feb 21, 2014 10:02 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Time starved. I try to remember anyway Last week Monday Green Tuesday Green Wednesday Green Thursday S-day (don't feel too proud, had more than necessary) Friday Red (because of yesterday I think) Weekend S-days (can't remember too much) Monday Green Tuesday Green Wednesday Green Thursday Green No s...
by Jonas Jonasson
Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:25 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Wednesday Green Thursday Green + Gentle work out Friday Green + running Ha, I am at the wonderful stage where I am beginning to eat less without too much of an effort. Wednesday I was really full after lunch so I only had some fruit for supper; I wasn't even hungry for the fruit, I just felt that I ...
by Jonas Jonasson
Wed Feb 05, 2014 9:30 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Okay so much for a daily check in Friday Green + Workout Saturday Yellow Sunday Yellow + Running Monday Green Tuesday Green + Running My weekend was more or less okay, I think. But I will have to write Sometimes does not mean grazing, sometimes does not mean grazing, sometimes does not mean grazing ...
by Jonas Jonasson
Fri Jan 31, 2014 7:25 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Ha, yesterday's honey pomelo will be part of tonight's dinner. I managed to resist. I am afraid that many of my green victories may just be technical knockouts… because I am wondering about the following: Let's say, I prepare my dinner and I put a bread roll, a hard boiled egg, two tomatoes, a pea...
by Jonas Jonasson
Thu Jan 30, 2014 7:43 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Tuesday Green + Running
Wednesday S-day
Thursday Green + work out

This is meant as a preservation spell. A mean honey pomelo is lingering in the kitchen threatening to be eaten by me…

ZippaDee, I love your signature
by Jonas Jonasson
Tue Jan 28, 2014 9:37 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Thank you, jw . I think it really helped that I had something very nice at home. I had less than half the packet and brought the rest to the office on Monday. Friday: Green + Running Weekend: Not too bad, had more S's than my chocolates but did not go beserk like last weekend. Sunday: Running (-14 d...
by Jonas Jonasson
Fri Jan 24, 2014 3:25 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Yesterday: Green Very silly schedule: Breakfast 7am, lunch 4pm, dinner 9pm When I did today's grocery shopping for the week I finally bought the big (400g) box of Belgian chocolates I had been orbitting last Friday… And since I easily consumed 400g worth of not-so-very-excellent sweets last weeken...
by Jonas Jonasson
Thu Jan 23, 2014 4:15 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Hi eschano, soviel zum Beschreien :D :

Yesterday: Red + Running

Had some of the kids' popcorn in the afternoon. Homemade & salty, I saw it coming… Well, I didn't have anything else inappropriate.
by Jonas Jonasson
Wed Jan 22, 2014 9:54 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Tuesday: Green + work out

Still too much/too dense food on my plate. It will get better.
by Jonas Jonasson
Tue Jan 21, 2014 3:51 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Friday: Green + Running
Weekend: Very reddish yellow, ate too much low-quality stuff just because it was there. I am at the 'glad it's Monday soon' stage. Running on Sunday.
Monday: Green
by Jonas Jonasson
Fri Jan 17, 2014 8:16 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: jw's check in
Replies: 386
Views: 361425

Hi there, jw, thank you for the welcome on my thread.

I am still catching up but I have already discovered your brilliant soup thread. Thank you. Very inspiring (and exotic).
by Jonas Jonasson
Fri Jan 17, 2014 8:08 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Yesterday: Red + gentle work out Virtual plating. I had too much bread with my soup yesterday night. At least I think I did. I would have felt a bit silly to store all the slices of bread I wanted to eat on the rim of my soup plate with the company I was with. I guess I will have to learn to be abov...
by Jonas Jonasson
Thu Jan 16, 2014 3:57 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Yes, and it is too easy to convince oneself that this or that would have easily fit on that plate… And why is it so much easier to stick to the rules after having returned here? The ritual? The accountability? The constant reminder? Strangely, habitcal does not do the trick for me. Yesterday: Gree...
by Jonas Jonasson
Wed Jan 15, 2014 11:08 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Thank you, automated!
And good to hear from you, oolala.

Glad that I'm back again, I already feel so much better.
No Sweets and No Snacks wasn't too hard during the last couple of months but No Seconds (virtual plating in my case) broke my neck.

Yesterday: Green + Running
by Jonas Jonasson
Tue Jan 14, 2014 8:07 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Oh well, yesterday I found myself rummaging for sth. edible in my kitchen cupboard and could feel my pulse quickening and my face turning red & hot when I discovered some stale leftover crisps.
I had better return here, the old bad habits are returning.
by Jonas Jonasson
Tue Sep 24, 2013 11:59 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Fail today. I was seriously considering to include a mod saying that watermelon is something to drink and not food. Fortunately, the season for it is almost over. I find it much harder to resist than sweets. Later Very tempted to do some WTH-ing but stole some weird tasting sugar-free chewing-gum an...
by Jonas Jonasson
Fri Sep 20, 2013 8:02 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Hi oolala , both types of plates are of about the same diameter but one has a rim of about 3-4 cm on which even someone as greedy as me wouldn't put any food because it would definitely look weird as if the food was hanging off (?) the rim, a psychological rim so to say. Cool idea to have something ...
by Jonas Jonasson
Wed Sep 18, 2013 8:16 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

My plates are still too full. No sweets and no snacks are no problem, which is brilliant because I used to snack endlessly on sweets before starting this but I still put much too much & too dense stuff on my plates and find it hard to stop sometimes. Yesterday I used a dinner plate with a wider rim,...
by Jonas Jonasson
Sun Sep 15, 2013 9:41 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

You are so right, oolala , all of this is definitely and only about overeating. And not about losing weight or even maintaining. But, of course, I mostly only look at the symptoms/effects, probably because we have been trained - or rather brain-washed - to do so. I think I haven't been at BMI 22.5 s...
by Jonas Jonasson
Mon Sep 09, 2013 5:08 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Hi there, oolala , I always feel kind of "whoa, one of the grown-ups" when you have visited my thread... Yes, I AM allowing myself more than one NWS-days a month. Six was a bit exaggerated but four of them were very those very special occasions which happen only very rarely and which just happened t...
by Jonas Jonasson
Thu Sep 05, 2013 12:01 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

I seem to need really big plates at the moment. I could eat the whole day long. I had promised myself that I would get a LOT of food for lunch if I didn't have a snack. It was really ridiculous to look at my skyscraper plate. I told myself it would be okay if nothing fell down when carrying the plat...
by Jonas Jonasson
Thu Sep 05, 2013 11:55 am
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: getting cold feet... will this work for me?
Replies: 38
Views: 48828

Hi there, The others are definitely right and my answer is probably not half as pedagogic but here it is: Yes. When I started NoS in January my BMI was slowly creeping up and about to leave my "healthy" (?) range. I wasn't too pleased, of course, but my main motivation for starting NoS was my eating...
by Jonas Jonasson
Tue Sep 03, 2013 6:53 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Ha, it's beginning to dawn on me.
Mocha ≠ Mokka
And I kept wondering how a mokka helps people to survive between two meals until someone in another thread just explained what a mocha consists of.
by Jonas Jonasson
Mon Sep 02, 2013 2:16 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

I haven't been exercising. I've had about six NWS-days this month. My weekends were without much dignity.
Nevertheless, I seem to have lost some weight. I hope that doesn't give me any funny ideas so I had better join the September challenge and be a good girl. Silly me.
by Jonas Jonasson
Mon Sep 02, 2013 2:07 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: September Challenge!
Replies: 29
Views: 38175

Count me in, I haven't been exercising, stupid me. I want to change that. I will also track my NoS compliance while I am at it. 1 O O 2 + + 3 + + (R) 4 - + (had some nibbles and bites while cleaning up the kitchen after dinner) 5 + + 6 + - (cycled quite a lot but not 14 min continuously) 7 O O 8 O O...
by Jonas Jonasson
Tue Aug 20, 2013 7:13 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Hi Linda , thanks for your kind words. Yes, having regular meals is the key, isn't it? The next NWS day is coming up, a friend's birthday and she has this pastry cook friend who is coming over with some of his extravagant pastries. I think it will be worth another non-green day - but we'll see. Went...
by Jonas Jonasson
Tue Aug 20, 2013 7:06 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Linda's daily check-in
Replies: 4617
Views: 4644925

Hi there, Linda . Thanks for stopping by my thread. A technical success is a success, don't worry too much about it. I can very much relate to your piling up your plate just in case etc. When I did (well:do) this and feel disappointed about myself I tell myself to relax and think about all those wis...
by Jonas Jonasson
Fri Aug 16, 2013 8:17 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Three NWS-days in a row followed by two S-days last week was a bit too much. Especially because I grazed on sweets almost the whole weekend. This week was quite normal again :D I do some sort of 14 minutes of exercises almost every day but I'd love to get into the habit of running >3 times/week agai...
by Jonas Jonasson
Fri Aug 09, 2013 10:42 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

I have had three NWS-days so far this month (this week, to be more accurate). I'm thinking about not having the two S-days this weekend but only one. Then again my NWS-days weren't that much over the top, ususally three meals with one of them including a dessert. Almost no regular exercises but a lo...
by Jonas Jonasson
Fri Aug 02, 2013 4:43 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

I had my three weighing days in a row (at the beginning/end of each month) just for the statistics, I did not really expect much after three weeks of holidays (in maintenance mode, hooray) and an office party. Well, I seemed to have lost more than a pound since the beginning of July, which is more t...
by Jonas Jonasson
Wed Jul 31, 2013 6:37 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: jw's check in
Replies: 386
Views: 361425

Hi there, jw.
Thanks for stopping by my thread! You are really doing great!
by Jonas Jonasson
Wed Jul 31, 2013 6:34 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Thanks, jw ! I was wondering before my holidays as well Well, the thing is, most of the time it makes more sense to follow NoS than not to follow it. But this is more or less subconscious. Of course, there are days when I think "But I want to have sth/a snack/some sweets now" but then I either tell ...
by Jonas Jonasson
Sat Jul 27, 2013 2:27 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Back after three weeks' camping. I tried to stick to NoS at least a bit so usually I neither had snacks nor sweets on N-days but I wasn't too strict about seconds - after all I was on holidays. Weekends were S-days and, of course, I had some S-events and I did not manage too exercise too often, I ra...
by Jonas Jonasson
Sun Jun 30, 2013 9:30 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Well, there was so much to do because of too many unforeseen situations this month but I am quite happy with the results of my June challenge: Lost about 1.2 kg (average of three weighing days compared to last month, this means that I have almost lost 7kg since I started at the beginning of January ...
by Jonas Jonasson
Fri Jun 21, 2013 7:33 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Yesterday: breakfast: fruit, 3 slices of crisp bread with cream cheese lunch: small bowl of french fries, bigger bowl of salad (didn't finish it) dinner: Turkish takeaway Today: breakfast: two bread rolls with butter, strawberries lunch: currywurst, strawberries & melon dinner: leftover borek, straw...
by Jonas Jonasson
Wed Jun 19, 2013 12:06 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Well, let me see, it's been a couple of days. Saturday was cool, on Sunday I was grazing on sweets. Usually, that is okay with me, but that day it was too much and I did not feel well at night. Monday breakfast: joghurt with muesli, grapes, bread with cheese lunch: banana, bread roll, 2.5 wieners af...
by Jonas Jonasson
Tue Jun 18, 2013 12:19 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: * * * June challenge * * *
Replies: 31
Views: 39147

Jammin' Jan wrote:No-S Math: Failing - Not quitting = Success
I like that
by Jonas Jonasson
Sat Jun 15, 2013 12:34 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: * * * June challenge * * *
Replies: 31
Views: 39147

Half-way party!
by Jonas Jonasson
Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:40 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Yesterday: breakfast: bread roll with cheese, slice of bread with cold cuts, 2 peaches, some cherries lunch: two spring rolls with sweet and sour sauce, rice, and peas fresh from the jar (office cafeteria. My lunch was gross just as the other dishes my colleagues had chosen. None of us finished it a...
by Jonas Jonasson
Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:23 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Childoftheking daily check-in
Replies: 108
Views: 108306

oh dear
by Jonas Jonasson
Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:56 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: MJ7910 - daily check in
Replies: 215
Views: 280516

Congratulations on the 10k!
by Jonas Jonasson
Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:23 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Hi MJ, I did, 5.5 km - not too much but better than nothing. Yesterday I had breakfast at about seven and was already really hungry by twelve but lunchtime was at 2pm. I had for Lunch: a very thick slice of wholemeal bread (the bakery's bread cutter does not seem to be state of the art anymore) with...
by Jonas Jonasson
Tue Jun 11, 2013 7:34 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

My weekend was okay, I had normal meals, some sweets, some homemade wafers etc but no real idiocy Monday Breakfast: banana, joghurt with muesli, slice of bread Lunch: 2 wieners, wholemeal bun with butter, melon Dinner: meat sauce (family recipe) with potatoes. I licked my plate :oops: but I think th...
by Jonas Jonasson
Sat Jun 08, 2013 5:36 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

S-day at last. The first week of my June challenge has been successful, hooray. Maybe I should do a 2014 challenge. My plates are still quite big but not loaded anymore, I have watered down fruit juice when I want to give in and I am doing some sort of exercise although I cannot run for the time bei...
by Jonas Jonasson
Fri Jun 07, 2013 11:07 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Breakfast: two bread rolls with cheese, 1 hardboiled egg, oj Lunch: bread roll with cheese, bowl of fruit (strawberries, apricot, kiwi, pineapple), tiny bit of yesterday night's leftovers (borek) Dinner: salad with ham and an egg, garlic bread Went running yesterday, I was already running very slowl...
by Jonas Jonasson
Thu Jun 06, 2013 2:35 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

I have answered your question on your thread, sleepy . Thank you for your friendly comments. Breakfast: two wholemeal rolls with cold cuts/cheese, strawberries, cucumber, radishes (office breakfast, I think I did okay) Lunch: red pepper, kohlrabi (??? do people eat this outside Germany?), cucumber &...
by Jonas Jonasson
Thu Jun 06, 2013 2:14 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Sleepygirlzzzz - Daily check-in
Replies: 103
Views: 108219

Thank you, too for visiting my thread, sleepy . We are probably both doing great :wink: :wink: But you are right we both seem to go through the same difficulties. I also hear you on taking a few days off - but so far I have been able to fend off this fantastic idea by postponing taking off a couple ...
by Jonas Jonasson
Wed Jun 05, 2013 7:49 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Sleepygirlzzzz - Daily check-in
Replies: 103
Views: 108219

I really admire your honesty. I am not a very experienced NoSer but I have acquired a lot of wisdom by browsing the threads :lol: and I also think that you are doing great. I also have very big plates (telling myself that this is mainly because there are so many hours between my meals) and one of my...
by Jonas Jonasson
Wed Jun 05, 2013 7:41 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Breakfast: big slice of cornbread with butter (I hate throwing out food but in this case...), slice of fresh pineapple, joghurt with muesli Lunch: homemade chicken curry with fresh pineapple, rice My plates seem to be slightly smaller and I do not starve, weird. Yesterday, I had yummy tea made from ...
by Jonas Jonasson
Tue Jun 04, 2013 12:02 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Breakfast: small roll, two small slices of black bread with jam, a big slice of pineapple Lunch: stuffed zucchini (with tomatoes, onions, red pepper and some grated cheese) with, guess what, two small buttered slices of cornbread Dinner: white aspargus fried in a pan with sesame seeds, potatoes with...
by Jonas Jonasson
Mon Jun 03, 2013 1:44 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

While doing the June challenge I will list all my meals in order to see how/if things will change while doing strict vanilla NoS. I usually eat very big plates because of my weird schedule with up to 9 hours between my meals and I thought that this was very unfair (whine, whine) because obviously it...
by Jonas Jonasson
Sat Jun 01, 2013 4:37 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Monthly weigh in: About the same as last month, thank you NoS :-) It has been a rough, extravagant month but the damage is not worth mentioning. At least with regard to my weight; I'm not too sure about the habit. I've mainly been wearing trousers which were a bit too loose because of the +/- 5kg le...
by Jonas Jonasson
Fri May 31, 2013 6:21 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Increasing stress level since Monday. Until today I have been able to fight off my poor coping strategies (=grab sth. edible), I had seconds at lunch and some sweets in the afternoon. Of course, it didn't actually help. This is my fourth red day this month in addition to two NWS-days. I can't wait t...
by Jonas Jonasson
Fri May 31, 2013 6:08 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: * * * June challenge * * *
Replies: 31
Views: 39147

Goals : Vanilla NoS, exercise 4-5 days per week + less mindless eating (while reading etc.), intelligent lunch defaults for crazy schedule days 1 :D :mrgreen: exercise: work out including squat challenge day 5 2 :lol: :( no exercise: really bad cold 3 :mrgreen: :mrgreen: exercise: gentle work out (...
by Jonas Jonasson
Wed May 29, 2013 2:04 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

I feel it's time to do something about my NoS complaince.

Currently, I am straining the rules like I will be straining the seams of my jeans before long ... :oops:

I will join Renee in her new challenge and think about things.
by Jonas Jonasson
Tue May 28, 2013 4:28 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: ~ Reviving Renee ~
Replies: 1459
Views: 1557901

Hi there, Renee, count me in :)
by Jonas Jonasson
Mon May 27, 2013 7:13 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Pretty wild S-weekend. My excuse of the month for mindless grazing on sweets: The constant rain. It has been continuously raining since at least ten days (okay, it sometimes stops for about half an hour). It also was pouring down when I did my 5k run. It wasn't my fastest run ever but it was okay, I...
by Jonas Jonasson
Wed May 22, 2013 5:21 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Thank you for your feedback, oolala. Don't worry, I won't, I'll stick to weighing once a month for a couple of days, it was meant to be self-ironic - but the language barrier :( I think I rather have a nice new fence put in, including some chicken wire. But all in all I am still very happy with NoS....
by Jonas Jonasson
Wed May 22, 2013 12:21 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

May is not a good NoS month for me. I have just had a fail . Seconds. Thirds & fourths. And a serious WTH attack, if I have some sweets now I will have scored a clean hattrick. I somehow knew that this would happen. I preponed lunch to fit it in my schedule and because I was uncertain (insecure?) ab...
by Jonas Jonasson
Wed May 22, 2013 7:33 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

I had three extravagant S-days but they were probably far better than my normal pre No-S days. I sometimes feel awfully full after my big (dinner) plates, maybe it's about time to change something. I take it as a good sign (still secretely hoping that one of womankind's biggest wishes - eating less ...
by Jonas Jonasson
Fri May 17, 2013 5:59 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Aargh, another fail yesterday. In the afternoon I had some biscuits (gorgeous - brought from the baker where I grew up). They were a real treat but the fun sized chocolates which followed clearly weren't. This always always always happens on Mondays and Thursdays when my schedule is always absolutel...
by Jonas Jonasson
Tue May 14, 2013 11:31 am
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: What does 150 pounds mean to you?
Replies: 2
Views: 5435

Hi there, Bright Angel, I think if I used pounds as a system of measurement 150 pounds (or rather 149 in order to stay below the magic number :lol:) would be special to me. Since my scales only speak Kiloian in my case the number is 69 or even 69.9, ie anything below 70kg. I do not look for this num...
by Jonas Jonasson
Mon May 13, 2013 2:38 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Negative tracking is not very fruitful sometimes, it's been a couple of days since my last check-in. But at last a fail , today, just yet. Less than one hour after a big lunch I just had to have a tiny bit of cheese which had been left on the breakfast table and some grapes. And since a red day beca...
by Jonas Jonasson
Tue Apr 30, 2013 7:14 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

My weekend was quite active, Saturday was village cleaning day (tidy town day?) so I was basically doing squats for two hours and on Sunday I worked in the garden and went for a run. Had to prepone (?) my monthly weigh-in because I don't know whether I will find scales where I will be tomorrow. Base...
by Jonas Jonasson
Fri Apr 26, 2013 10:08 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SpiritSong is back for 2013!
Replies: 137
Views: 112962

I figured having one this morning was not going to interfere with my No S habits. I haven't had a chocolate milk in months. So I bought it and enjoyed it, guilt free.
Right you are :D
by Jonas Jonasson
Fri Apr 26, 2013 10:05 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Amy 2013 Check In
Replies: 184
Views: 154920

Maybe I should be happy it wasn't a worse binge?
Sounds like a good approach to me.
But - bygones, right?


Did you make sure to eat enough after such a demanding exercise programme?
by Jonas Jonasson
Fri Apr 26, 2013 9:59 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Hi Amy , or very late... A couple of years ago we couldn't agree on a date for our Christmas party because we all were very busy and agreed to have the party in spring when the weather is (supposed to be) better and the restaurants are not overcrowded etc. This has worked out fine except for the oth...
by Jonas Jonasson
Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:20 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

No BS , rest assured that everything I write is dead serious. I am an expert in liquoricy. There are two kinds of violet liquorice, very small hat-shaped black ones and violas , purple sugar coated ones. Most people say they taste like soap. I say that this is just the point. Phew, three S-days in ...
by Jonas Jonasson
Wed Apr 17, 2013 8:51 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: MJ7910 - daily check in
Replies: 215
Views: 280516

forget about "getting a good time" which was the nonsense i was focused on at first
This sounds so familiar. But you seem to have grown-up quite a bit, haven't you? :wink:
by Jonas Jonasson
Wed Apr 17, 2013 8:48 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Spiritsong wrote: Now stop eating chocolates and save room so you can enjoy the cake. Yes'm. :shock: and thank you for your consoling words, MJ . Actually I completed ignored the cake and concentrated on emptying a container of assorted liquorice (violet flavour liquorice, for example). Maybe not t...
by Jonas Jonasson
Wed Apr 17, 2013 8:28 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Sleepygirlzzzz - Daily check-in
Replies: 103
Views: 108219

Cool, you've superbly mastered a tricky situation.
by Jonas Jonasson
Tue Apr 16, 2013 8:56 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

D'oh. I hope that I don't go astray. Yesterday I did not have the time to sit down properly for lunch and I had bought something nice to have it in the car on the way from one appointment to the next. Just when I wanted to bite into this thingy I saw/smelled that somehow some kind shampoo/liquid det...
by Jonas Jonasson
Sat Apr 13, 2013 3:00 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: No BS Here!
Replies: 419
Views: 422353

(devout silence)
by Jonas Jonasson
Sat Apr 13, 2013 1:40 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Jonas Jonasson wrote:
Yesterday I was kind of subliminally nervous the whole day
No BS wrote:
What an intriguing statement.
Probably owing to the language barrier :lol:
by Jonas Jonasson
Sat Apr 13, 2013 1:00 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: finallyfulldailycheckin
Replies: 195
Views: 212998

Now I feel totally confident
by Jonas Jonasson
Sat Apr 13, 2013 12:54 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Hi KL , I was actually thinking of you and Strawberry Roan the other day when I decided to make this huge delicious salad. Thanks for the inspiration. Hi Sleepy ... You are probably right, but in spite of my plans I usually only run two times a week instead of three but otherwise my heel spur would ...
by Jonas Jonasson
Sat Apr 13, 2013 12:33 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Strawberry Roan's Check In
Replies: 191
Views: 194957

God to hear that you are both doing better!
by Jonas Jonasson
Sat Apr 13, 2013 12:32 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: KL's Veggie * Tales Check In
Replies: 190
Views: 162046

You are definitely doing great!!!
by Jonas Jonasson
Sat Apr 13, 2013 12:29 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Sleepygirlzzzz - Daily check-in
Replies: 103
Views: 108219

Congratulations, sleepy. Good girl!
by Jonas Jonasson
Fri Apr 12, 2013 7:27 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Hi, No BS thank you for your enthusiastic comment. Making things from scratch is cool (I'm thinking of roasting fresh coffee beans, I already bought some but I heard that the smell while roasting them is quite unpleasant) but probably mostly only if you don't really have to. From what I have gathere...
by Jonas Jonasson
Thu Apr 11, 2013 2:34 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Strawberry Roan's Check In
Replies: 191
Views: 194957

Yes, alles Gute from me as well
by Jonas Jonasson
Wed Apr 10, 2013 8:57 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Yesterday I had three big meals, for lunch I had leftover hummus with pita and with tortilla crisps and chili sauce and some alibi grapes. Very bad & very satisfying. For dinner we had leftover turkey breast with roasted rosemary potatoes and a salad. Nice meals, very little cooking, very satisfying...
by Jonas Jonasson
Tue Apr 09, 2013 7:29 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Amy 2013 Check In
Replies: 184
Views: 154920

Welcome back, Amy.
I missed you.
by Jonas Jonasson
Tue Apr 09, 2013 7:24 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Hi KL, you're right. I also had a slice of whole meal bread for breakfast and a handful of nuts and a small yoghurt for lunch but that wasn't enough to get me through the seven hours until the next meal. Thanks, No BS . When I was running through a forest on Sunday and was irritated about the ground...
by Jonas Jonasson
Tue Apr 09, 2013 7:03 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Sleepygirlzzzz - Daily check-in
Replies: 103
Views: 108219

My next steps: 1. Start running at least 3x week to begin with. 2. Continue working towards 100% compliance on N days. 3. Continue to keep all temptations out of the house (so also no baking). 4. Work towards more moderate portions. This is a very sound plan. I think if you stick to 1-3 you will so...
by Jonas Jonasson
Tue Apr 09, 2013 6:57 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: No BS Here!
Replies: 419
Views: 422353

Although days-on-habit doesn't sound as sexy, does it.
It actually does when you pronounce it with a heavy German accent, just try it :wink:
by Jonas Jonasson
Tue Apr 09, 2013 6:54 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: MJ7910 - daily check in
Replies: 215
Views: 280516

the good habits are finally spilling over
This is what you have been diligently working towards. Well done!
by Jonas Jonasson
Tue Apr 09, 2013 6:49 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SpiritSong is back for 2013!
Replies: 137
Views: 112962

if I really, really want one, I allow myself to take the red
This is so positively down-to-earth, I like that!
by Jonas Jonasson
Mon Apr 08, 2013 4:42 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

I had too little for breakfast and lunch which both were very fruit heavy and felt verrrrry hungry at 6pm. Knowing that lunch would first be at around 9pm I had an extra mini meal. Strangely enough I completely forgot that I could have had some fruit juice (I hate milk). Well I'd better take care to...
by Jonas Jonasson
Sun Apr 07, 2013 8:17 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Hi KL, unfortunately no running on Friday, sick child, but thanks to No S I did not think tough luck but did 14 minutes of something else. Hi Anoulie, near Hamburg. And Käsekuchen :lol: Due to sick child (trying to get a doctor's appointment on a Friday with a whole country full of sick people beca...
by Jonas Jonasson
Fri Apr 05, 2013 7:45 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: MJ7910 - daily check in
Replies: 215
Views: 280516

Hi brave girl,

I support Patty. And you have come so far already, the habit seems to stick, you're doing great and you have learned a lot. The weight will come off again.
by Jonas Jonasson
Fri Apr 05, 2013 7:41 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: No BS Here!
Replies: 419
Views: 422353

I expect the excess weight I am carrying will come off much like it went on - in dribs and drabs, slowly, over the course of time..... Exactly, we are still human beings - even if we accomplish super-human tasks like doing No S - and a consistent calculable weight-loss would probably not be natural...
by Jonas Jonasson
Fri Apr 05, 2013 7:34 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Second go
Replies: 259
Views: 274348

Hi KL, ahem, the bigger breakfast lead to an even bigger lunch and a huge dinner. Yesterday I had a really late & big breakfast (coincidence, office breakfast) at around 10am, lunch at about 4pm consisting of a big bowl of fruit salad and some small slices of bread which had to be eaten before they ...
by Jonas Jonasson
Wed Apr 03, 2013 4:21 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Butterfly's 2013 occasional check-in
Replies: 19
Views: 25044


it will get better

it probably is already better because you're conscious of what you're eating.
by Jonas Jonasson
Wed Apr 03, 2013 4:15 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: milczar's check in
Replies: 1099
Views: 1468184

Crack away at it a little everyday is all I can do.
That's probably the secret.
We all know that it's incredibly simple but a the same time unbelievably hard (sometimes). You've been very successful so far and you will be even more so!
by Jonas Jonasson
Wed Apr 03, 2013 7:38 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SpiritSong is back for 2013!
Replies: 137
Views: 112962

SpiritSong wrote: I lost only 0.25 pound... No BS wrote: Congratulations on losing weight this week, SpiritSong . SpiritSong wrote: No BS, thanks, but that weight loss was for the month! No BS wrote: OMG, SpiritSong , I'm sorry, but I cannot stop laughing. Considering I managed to gain three pounds...
by Jonas Jonasson
Wed Apr 03, 2013 7:25 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: No BS Here!
Replies: 419
Views: 422353

Your fan base is really impressive :D