Search found 1031 matches

by gingerpie
Sun Jun 21, 2020 9:58 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Gingerpie's 21 day challenge
Replies: 561
Views: 647723

Re: Gingerpie's 21 day challenge

A year again!! Things are going well No-S style right now. I had a rough patch over the winter and gained back more than I'd like to admit (okay you talked me into it, I gained back everything :roll: ) but I finally kicked my evening wine/snack habit and that success is really paying off in terms of...
by gingerpie
Sun Jun 14, 2020 11:29 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: flyingpig checkin
Replies: 923
Views: 877141

Re: flyingpig checkin

flyingpig wrote:
Sun Jun 14, 2020 5:42 am

It's Sunday, I can't remember what I ate on Friday any more :roll: :lol:
I can't remember what I ate an hour ago. :?

Enjoy your day,
by gingerpie
Thu Jun 11, 2020 6:31 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: Get Easier/Automatic?
Replies: 10
Views: 17790

Re: Get Easier/Automatic?

Easier? Yes. Automatic? Not really. Unconscious? Never. But what about preparing/eating food is automatic or unconscious? You have to plan, buy, organize, prep, cook and clean up every bite that goes into your mouth. Nothing about that is automatic regardless of the eating plan you choose to follow....
by gingerpie
Sat May 16, 2020 12:11 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: oolala53
Replies: 2370
Views: 2901398

Re: oolala53

What would we think about if we didn't think about food and how would we behave if we were secure in ourselves?

Profound questions to ponder🤔

Hope you are well
by gingerpie
Sat May 16, 2020 11:50 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Babybird commit to 30 days
Replies: 7
Views: 12699

Re: Babybird commit to 30 days

Just a reminder: you don't have to list your food to check in. . . You can just check in. I know a lot of folks do the list thing and if it helps great, go for it! But honestly, I'm more interested in the person than the lists.

Hope you're well,
by gingerpie
Sat May 16, 2020 11:41 am
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: Advice for committing
Replies: 13
Views: 21987

Re: Advice for committing

Hi Babybird,. Hope you are still with us. Help with commitment is tough because only you can commit, we can only tell you why we stick with it for. I think of it like this: Eventually it's going to be 2025 or 2035 or 2065. Do I still want to be worrying and fussing about my weight and how I look 5, ...
by gingerpie
Fri May 15, 2020 12:03 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: I am here! Who else is around?
Replies: 18
Views: 31195

Re: I am here! Who else is around?

A lot of us are here - just quiet :wink: Moving Perhaps one of these will help: 1) It doesn't have to be much to help you feel better, honest. The benifits of successfully meeting an easy goal are tremendous and you'll build up naturally at your own pace. Success builds from success. Start at 1 minu...
by gingerpie
Sat Nov 09, 2019 1:16 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: KCCC's 2019 Holiday Check In
Replies: 7
Views: 20957

Re: KCCC's 2019 Holiday Check In

Hi, are you the same KCCC that was here a few years ago? Not that it matters . . . I just remember the handle.

In any case welcome. Personally, I visit sporadically but it's always nice to see a familiar face.
by gingerpie
Mon Oct 21, 2019 12:27 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: oolala53
Replies: 2370
Views: 2901398

Re: oolala53

Author Traci Mann says we should aim at the leanest livable weight and that sounds a lot like Reinhard's idea of ideal habits lead to ideal weights. But Ideal may be asking a lot. Mostly, I'd like to know why I so consistently make choices that are clearly not in my long term best interest. If I ha...
by gingerpie
Wed Oct 09, 2019 12:27 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: oolala53
Replies: 2370
Views: 2901398

Re: oolala53

I really meant to talk about some stuff other than this confoundit obsession, but I've run out of steam. As obsessions go, this is not such a bad one and more beans and greens - bland or otherwise can not possibly hurt anyone. Hope you're doing well and find the new reading material useful. Persona...
by gingerpie
Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:42 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: How long until you saw a loss?
Replies: 3
Views: 12752

Re: How long until you saw a loss?

I want to ask if there anyone out there that did NOT see losses for several weeks (or months) but stayed the course and eventually started losing??? Yes, but I did eventually have to admit that I had to adjust my choices. I would encourage you to make note of whether or not you are seeing benefits ...
by gingerpie
Wed Sep 18, 2019 11:47 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Sinnie's Check In
Replies: 66
Views: 88119

Re: Sinnie's Resurgence - Back to the Check In!

I have to agree with the read, read, read advice. Can the older one read to the twins? They'd all love it ☺ If you really think they need letter/number help, find books that focus on counting and letters - there are a million of them. There are also a kajillion kids songs about numbers/counting and ...
by gingerpie
Sun Sep 15, 2019 12:08 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: flyingpig checkin
Replies: 923
Views: 877141

Re: flyingpig checkin

You could order last so it won't effect them. I don't know the age of the youth but, if there are a lot of them, they are unlikely to notice what you order. A smaller group might notice but most likely will not care. A couple of other possibilities, depending on where you go, are steamed milk and fl...
by gingerpie
Tue Sep 10, 2019 10:14 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Haley's daily check in
Replies: 9
Views: 15408

Re: Haley's daily check in

Hi, welcome and good luck to you on your adventure.
by gingerpie
Tue Sep 10, 2019 10:11 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: Just some thoughts
Replies: 5
Views: 16790

Re: Just some thoughts

Yes, I'm sure of it! I just don't how exactly and you'll have to actually do it to find out. What an exciting adventure it all is 😉

Kind regards,
by gingerpie
Mon Sep 02, 2019 1:54 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Lizzy6 -Check In
Replies: 68
Views: 89323

Re: Lizzy6 -Check In


Best of luck to you. Glad to see you back on the boards. 😊
by gingerpie
Sun Sep 01, 2019 11:04 am
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: 2 meals a day?
Replies: 8
Views: 19486

Re: 2 meals a day?

I think the only way to know is to try it for a few days and then evaluate. I often only eat two meals but that's because I've discovered that as I age I just need to eat less. I don't do it as a way to reduce calories, I'm just not hungry. Honestly, it doesn't sound like your issue is too many meal...
by gingerpie
Thu Aug 08, 2019 8:47 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Jen's checkin thread
Replies: 641
Views: 661851

Re: Jen's checkin thread

Blueberry pie for breakfast . . . My kind of woman 😋
Congratulations on the green - maybe it's the beginning of a streak.
by gingerpie
Sat Jul 13, 2019 12:07 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Lemonie daily check in
Replies: 23
Views: 29981

Re: Lemonie daily check in

Unfortunately, tomorrow ends up being another tomorrow and so on. It’s a game that I play with myself. I will definitely think about this notion of how to handle the slip up in a way that it does not erase all the other good things that I have done for my body that day. Eventually, it occurred to m...
by gingerpie
Sat Jun 29, 2019 11:38 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Ladyfartface daily check in
Replies: 10
Views: 18318

Re: Ladyfartface daily check in

Hi, I don't think I've "met" you before. Welcome to the boards. I'm not sure I understand your method of recording. 🤔 Are days 1, 2, 3 etc referencing days of the week; a 21 day challenge; the month or something else altogether? Try not to focus too much on calories (I know it's hard!!) Once you get...
by gingerpie
Sun Jun 16, 2019 1:16 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Gingerpie's 21 day challenge
Replies: 561
Views: 647723

Re: Gingerpie's 21 day challenge

One year later and I'm bumping up again . . . My how time flies 😏
by gingerpie
Wed Jun 12, 2019 11:36 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Back and hoping to succeed
Replies: 6
Views: 13536

Re: Back and hoping to succeed

Hello - glad you decided to give it another go. Sorry, to hear you're having a tough time and hope your day/week/month/year 😊 goes well.
by gingerpie
Sun Jun 09, 2019 11:05 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: This is not a bad idea, Tracker!
Replies: 117
Views: 129271

Re: This is not a bad idea, Tracker!

Sorry to hear you're going through a rough patch. It happens, especially when feeling stressed, but I'm confident that if you keep at it things will swing around again🙂 Best of luck to you on your journey!
by gingerpie
Wed May 01, 2019 2:41 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: What do you consider a “special” day?
Replies: 9
Views: 27568

Re: What do you consider a “special” day?

Too many special days and they aren't "special" any more. . . they're just days. 1) Birthdays of people I'm actually celebrating with . If they aren't in the room with me, there is no reason for me to celebrate. 2) Holidays that mean something to me personally. That's it. Anything else and I'm just ...
by gingerpie
Sun Apr 14, 2019 11:33 am
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: Its been 7 years.
Replies: 4
Views: 14351

Re: Its been 7 years.

Welcome home 😊
I just used Google and duckduckgo from my phone and they both worked. If you continue to have trouble, I think it's a question to email Reinhardt about.

Best of luck to you and kind regards,
by gingerpie
Wed Mar 20, 2019 2:24 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Linda's daily check-in
Replies: 4620
Views: 4766600

Re: Linda's daily check-in

I got 16 sober days last month but have since lowered my goal to 14 sober days per month. Seems more doable. Ive got 8 so far. Hi Linda, Glad to see you're doing well. I didn't read all the back story but saw this and it reminded me that when I gave up alcohol it totally impacted my ability to stic...
by gingerpie
Wed Mar 20, 2019 1:50 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: Does the obesssion with food go away with Nos?
Replies: 18
Views: 36311

Re: Does the obesssion with food go away with Nos?

I don't really know how to answer this question. It's complicated. I do still think about food quite a bit but my thoughts center almost entirely on it's preparation (I cook entirely from scratch for 5 people. Three of whom are vegetarian and all of whom are quite health conscious and are "picky" in...
by gingerpie
Wed May 16, 2018 1:37 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Hello Allison!
Replies: 230
Views: 222400

Mr. Green Mr. Green Mr. Green I FINALLY GOT A GREEN!!! Mr. Green Mr. Green Mr. Green

Not even a fuzzy green; a full-on perfect green! I woke up knowing I would do it today. yayyyyyy!!! Very Happy
Congratulations!! Feels good doesn't it?
by gingerpie
Fri Apr 27, 2018 2:36 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Gingerpie's 21 day challenge
Replies: 561
Views: 647723

Just bumping up my thread. I don't have much news "no-s" related as I've been busy learning about other aspects of my life. Not sure how involved I'll be in this community as I have a long history of "here-again, gone-again" but I guess I was just feeling the urge to reconnect. Hope you all are well...
by gingerpie
Fri Apr 27, 2018 2:21 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: A problem I’ve had- maybe you have too?
Replies: 2
Views: 8247

Why does it needs to be overcome? We have all sorts of bodily sensations throughout a day and unless you think it's indicative of a medical condition I'd just put it down to "that weird thing that I experience from time to time". It certainly doesn't mean you have to toss out the program every time ...
by gingerpie
Fri Apr 27, 2018 2:15 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: Beginning weight gain
Replies: 4
Views: 11169

I have to agree with the others. That much weight in a week is probably not overeating. I encourage you to stick with the program a minimum of a month to see how things fall into place. This is a program that can teach a lot about living in peace with yourself but it certainly doesn't happen quickly...
by gingerpie
Wed Feb 07, 2018 1:35 am
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: February Challenge
Replies: 39
Views: 51565

Oolala, I access the site on my phone so any of the emojis are available when I type. The only flaw is that it's a pain to type on my phone. Hope your day goes well.
by gingerpie
Tue Feb 06, 2018 10:47 am
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: February Challenge
Replies: 39
Views: 51565

Oolala, my phone. But my question is: how did I repost my calendar? Got to go delete one or I'll get massively confused. 😕 Very interesting. I can't delete either of them but I can delete this one. Is it a function of time? Anyway, I guess I'll just update the original and let the second one go u...
by gingerpie
Sun Feb 04, 2018 11:27 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: February Challenge
Replies: 39
Views: 51565

💚 💚 💚 💚 5. 6. 7 8. 9. 10. 11. 12 13. 14 15. 16. 17. 18. 19 20. 21 22. 23. 24. 25. 26 27. 28 💚= success ðŸ·= Well, that's self explanatory No, planned holidays for me this month. I'm only tracking evening wine/snacking not the whole no-s shebang. January was 67% compliant but I'm confi...
by gingerpie
Fri Feb 02, 2018 11:01 am
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: Enjoy the day!
Replies: 1
Views: 7713

Enjoy the day!

Happy Groundhog's day everyone!!!!
by gingerpie
Thu Feb 01, 2018 11:03 am
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: February Challenge
Replies: 39
Views: 51565

💚 💚 💚 💚 🷠🷠💚 💚 💚 🷠🷠💚 💚 💚 💚 💚 💚 💚 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27. 28 💚= success ðŸ·= Well, that's self explanatory No, planned holidays for me this month. I'm only tracking evening wine/snacking not the whole no-s shebang. January was 67% compliant ...
by gingerpie
Thu Feb 01, 2018 10:58 am
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: February Challenge
Replies: 39
Views: 51565

February Challenge

Are we doing a February challenge? I managed to squeeze out 67% (68 if I round up 😉 ) compliance in January. Not great but better than December's. I'm confident I can log an improvement in February.
by gingerpie
Fri Jan 26, 2018 7:40 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: SPAM hit list
Replies: 447
Views: 1044872

by gingerpie
Fri Jan 26, 2018 7:36 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: "There and Back Again..."
Replies: 6
Views: 15419

Here to hoping your somewhat tumultuous relationship with No-s turns into smooth running, long term relationship.

Welcome and good luck.
by gingerpie
Sun Jan 21, 2018 1:23 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: 3 meals into 4?
Replies: 9
Views: 20090

There is no reason not to plan four meals instead of three. I think the important part is the planning. So, it's fine to say, "I have four meals on days I go to the gym" and plan out those meals in a reasonable manor that suits your needs. It's not ok to say, "I'm extra hungry today so I'm going to ...
by gingerpie
Fri Jan 19, 2018 12:25 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: January Challenge
Replies: 32
Views: 41770

Nice to meet you Dalia. Best of luck to you.
by gingerpie
Thu Jan 18, 2018 10:55 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Mitchelll_2018
Replies: 10
Views: 21784

Hi mitchelll,
I'm glad you found your way back to us. Best of luck to you the rest of the week.
by gingerpie
Wed Jan 17, 2018 12:16 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: 2018 Year Long Challenge
Replies: 129
Views: 161263

Yesterday was the worst day I've had in a long time. Don't even know what happened but I ended up eating multiple small sized candy bars and (unbelievable to me) I had tortilla chips and cheese for dinner, after dinner and before bed!! I felt worse than I can remember in a long time. Not sure if it'...
by gingerpie
Mon Jan 15, 2018 1:56 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: January Challenge
Replies: 32
Views: 41770

by gingerpie
Sat Jan 13, 2018 12:33 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Selcazare
Replies: 22
Views: 37042

Hi and welcome home. I'm glad your 3 meals are working for you. I'm curious, Do you mean you prep. and cook 2 different meals for you and your husband every day? That's an amazing level of dedication! My husband would be just plane out of luck.
by gingerpie
Wed Jan 10, 2018 3:57 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Sonya's checkin
Replies: 619
Views: 826438

I'm considering on normal s days to put sweets on my plate as part of my meal. Not sure yet. It seems like a reasonable solution to me. S for "Sometimes" can be "on your plate" as opposed to at random times during the day. As I'm sure you already know, "S" days don't have to be an eat-day-eat-fest....
by gingerpie
Wed Jan 10, 2018 3:10 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: 2018 Year Long Challenge
Replies: 129
Views: 161263

Hi Chotzinoff, I think you're right on target with using the check-in thread a way to "mark it and move on". In December, I started admitting my transgressions publicly on the monthly Challenge thread. My method was to edit my original post and add notes on the days that I failed. I thought it was v...
by gingerpie
Tue Jan 09, 2018 10:47 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: automated eating tracker
Replies: 3687
Views: 4903174

I've never experienced that!! :shock: Does brushing your teeth help? Acid taste? Maybe a milk drink? Not much help I'm sure but it's the best I've got.
by gingerpie
Tue Jan 09, 2018 12:31 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: 2018 Year Long Challenge
Replies: 129
Views: 161263

Whew!! That was a close one! We bought a new car yesterday (it's a long sad tale) and on the way home I was very close to suggesting we stop for a bottle of wine to "celebrate" the new car. Then I imagined what exactly I was going to write by way of explanation and decided that written out it sounde...
by gingerpie
Mon Jan 08, 2018 1:56 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: 2018 Year Long Challenge
Replies: 129
Views: 161263

I'm very happy with the way my 1st week went. My meals are a bit bigger than I'd like but I've successfully stuck to "nothing after dinner" for 7 days now. That's much better than I was able to do last month. I attribute this in large part to the reality of public embarrassment. I've committed to de...
by gingerpie
Sun Jan 07, 2018 6:37 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: how diets pay off
Replies: 2
Views: 8065

Now you know one of the ways I spend my time now that I don't eat as often.
I've started making guinea pig blankets. . .
by gingerpie
Sat Jan 06, 2018 12:57 pm
Forum: Help I'm confused!
Topic: Cannot access/login to HabitCal
Replies: 2
Views: 18268

Hi, I can't help you but if you click on "Discussion Home" Reinhard has his email listed at the top of the page. Just above the threads and under the menu.

Best of luck to you.
by gingerpie
Sat Jan 06, 2018 12:28 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: 3squaremeals daily check in
Replies: 393
Views: 359108

I was really hungry this afternoon due to not having enough protein at lunch so I had a slice of roast beef, and I thought to myself I may as well binge since I snacked. But instead I remained strong and thought no I will really regret it if I do. At least I have learnt to include enough protein at...
by gingerpie
Sat Jan 06, 2018 12:18 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: FreeandEasy's 2018 Daily Check in
Replies: 52
Views: 62168

Congratulations on your success! Feels good doesn't it?
by gingerpie
Sat Jan 06, 2018 1:35 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Strawberry Roan's 2018 Check In
Replies: 41
Views: 53144

Years ago my Mother's family had a family reunion of about 200 people. It was a covered-dish affair and I'm convinced each and every one of those 200 people brought enough food for 200 people. Do the math. 200 people bringing enough food for 200 people and there is enough food for 40,.000. I was com...
by gingerpie
Fri Jan 05, 2018 12:44 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: January Challenge
Replies: 32
Views: 41770

Hi Damaris, Welcome back and good luck to you.
by gingerpie
Fri Jan 05, 2018 12:37 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: Why did you leave? Why are you back?
Replies: 273
Views: 474711

Hi Navin, welcome back and thanks for your story. Life is certainly full of changes. I often wish that I had held onto many of the good habits that I was raised with . . . but so it is. At least we know what we can get back to. Best of luck to you on your return journey.
by gingerpie
Thu Jan 04, 2018 7:30 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: 2018 Year Long Challenge
Replies: 129
Views: 161263

My official goals for January 2018. 1) Clean up my no-s act. I think I've gotten a bit sloppy on some of the details and as a consequence my "fence" could use some paint and repair. 2) Track evening wine/snacks only. Everything else is more or less compliant. 3) Eliminate alcohol except for true spe...
by gingerpie
Thu Jan 04, 2018 7:13 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: 2018 Year Long Challenge
Replies: 129
Views: 161263

Automatedeating, I think you posted somewhere that you wanted to automate your dietary choices much like your father. Have you been able to develop any default meals to help streamline your efforts? I was thinking of you today because I was looking at some ideas for "grab-n-go" breakfasts. I assume...
by gingerpie
Thu Jan 04, 2018 1:46 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Missy's Meals & Check In
Replies: 36
Views: 46271

Glad you're feeling better. :)
by gingerpie
Wed Jan 03, 2018 11:53 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Octavia is finally checking in!
Replies: 859
Views: 1121235

It's not exactly a craving I get, more a feeling of the futility of resistance. A sort of mini-depression and feeling of defeat. I've often felt sad about the "losses" I've experienced on no-s. It takes quite some adjustment to get use to giving up the freedom of eating whatever and whenever. It wa...
by gingerpie
Wed Jan 03, 2018 4:00 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: from senseless to savoring
Replies: 16
Views: 31791

The Kondo method is to hold each item in your hands and wait to feel a little spark of joy or love for the item. Keep only the items you feel it for. I couldn't get past that, so I probably shouldn't even be commenting. I'm sorry . . . but this is cracking me up!! If I did this I would have nothing...
by gingerpie
Wed Jan 03, 2018 3:50 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: 2018 Year Long Challenge
Replies: 129
Views: 161263

I'm addressing the prevalence of fasting "talk" on the the boards because I'm a little concerned about it. I know it sounds great - Promising talk about how "light" and "healthy" you feel during fasting and how "effortless" it is once you find 'the right window for your body' . . .and I admit I'm te...
by gingerpie
Wed Jan 03, 2018 3:05 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: The Blessings of Simplicity
Replies: 1886
Views: 2489065

As a result of this new health hobby and the recognition that my fasting could benefit from benign neglect, I'm not sure how much I will write going forward, but I will keep tracking my weight and post it with comments going forward. To my surprise, lots of people seem to read these comments. LOL K...
by gingerpie
Wed Jan 03, 2018 10:59 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: 3squaremeals daily check in
Replies: 393
Views: 359108

Hi 3squares,
I went sugar free several years ago. It was a definite "3 steps forward 2 steps back" sort of experience but totally worth the effort. I don't remember having mood swings and that sort of thing but maybe my family has a different memory. Hope "day 1" is going well for you.
by gingerpie
Wed Jan 03, 2018 12:31 am
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: 2018 Year Long Challenge
Replies: 129
Views: 161263

2018 Year Long Challenge

Who's ready to commit? I'll start but I don't want to do this on my own.😉 I'd really like to make this the year I kick the evening snack habit. So far so good. I'm at 100% success on day 2!!!
by gingerpie
Tue Jan 02, 2018 3:44 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Sonya's checkin
Replies: 619
Views: 826438

Hi Sonya,

Glad to hear you're doing well. It's always nice to get away from home and always nice to get back. :wink:
by gingerpie
Tue Jan 02, 2018 3:01 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Strawberry Roan's 2018 Check In
Replies: 41
Views: 53144

When people say they hate to exercise that sounds as foreign to me as when somebody says they hate to read.
Or hate vegetables . . . "I hate this specific vegetable" I understand. . . . but all vegetables? Really? How is that possible?

Glad you're doing well. Best of luck to you in 2018
by gingerpie
Tue Jan 02, 2018 1:49 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: from senseless to savoring
Replies: 16
Views: 31791

Hello and welcome. I'm a bit disconcerted by the vintage forum and the fact that HabitCal isn't an actual app. But I don't think that should impact my results, if I can stick to the plan. If you're looking for simplicity perhaps the "bells and whisles-less forum might be just the ticket. :wink: Best...
by gingerpie
Tue Jan 02, 2018 1:30 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Gingerpie's 21 day challenge
Replies: 561
Views: 647723

My compliance in December wasn't all that great -45%- or so. It helped to participate in the December challenge and, more importantly, to make brief notes regarding the failures. It revealed some hard truths about my efforts. Specifically, that pretty often I don't really try all that hard. I'll kee...
by gingerpie
Tue Jan 02, 2018 11:10 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: 3squaremeals daily check in
Replies: 393
Views: 359108

Good luck!!
by gingerpie
Tue Jan 02, 2018 11:06 am
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: January Challenge
Replies: 32
Views: 41770

January Challenge

What!? No January Challenge yet? Well here it is. âž¡â­â­â­â­â­â­ â­â­â­ðŸ·ðŸ·â­ðŸ· â­â­â­ðŸ·ðŸ·â­ðŸ¸ â­â­â­â­â­ðŸ·ðŸ· ðŸ·ðŸ·â­â­ â„= Success waiting to happen â­= That's what I'm talkin' about!! ðŸ·= Really? What was I thinking! 🎉= Anniversary - spent it at a family dinner. No wine involved. 1/3...
by gingerpie
Mon Jan 01, 2018 7:02 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: automated eating tracker
Replies: 3687
Views: 4903174

maybe we CAN forever eliminate a particular food from our diet? Sure. Why not? Some religions forbid eating certain types of food and I'm pretty sure the adherents don't sit around secretly wishing they could eat it. They just don't eat it. It never even occurs to them that they want it. Vegetarian...
by gingerpie
Mon Jan 01, 2018 2:31 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Octavia is finally checking in!
Replies: 859
Views: 1121235

Hi Octavia, I get very frustrated when I hear people talk about this or that thing that changed their life and suddenly their goals are achievable - usually accompanied by talk about how great they feel and it's always so easy !! Honestly, I think their "thing" probably is leading them to good insig...
by gingerpie
Mon Jan 01, 2018 1:39 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: oolala53
Replies: 2370
Views: 2901398

Hello BrightAngel,
It's good to see you around. You were posting regularly when I joined and remember you well. Nice to know you're still lurking.
by gingerpie
Sun Dec 31, 2017 12:09 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: automated eating tracker
Replies: 3687
Views: 4903174

Hi Auto, Congratulations on your great advances. It sounds like life is really treating you well right now! 😊 I must say I totally agree with your younger son's assessment of basketball games. One un-asked for piece of advice . . . if you don't already . . .start making weekly menus based on your...
by gingerpie
Fri Dec 29, 2017 1:15 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Jen's checkin thread
Replies: 641
Views: 661851

I love the people I work with, but the fundraising aspect of it is often stressful (not enough money).
The reality of all non-profits I think.

Best of luck to you today.
by gingerpie
Fri Dec 29, 2017 1:12 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Larkspur's check-in
Replies: 255
Views: 274734

Totally true oolala,
The scale can be exactly the same but if I'm running and eating on plan; I "feel" great. It is best to avoid photos though. :wink:

Glad your feeling good larkspur!!
by gingerpie
Fri Dec 29, 2017 1:04 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Tobiasmom’s Journey
Replies: 30
Views: 46508

Sorry to highjack your thread: A few years ago I was having trouble waking in the night with anxiety. I learned to tell myself, "You can't solve this at 1:00 am. You can worry about it in the morning at 8:00." It seemed to help to know that I had a specific time to worry. At least it made it possibl...
by gingerpie
Thu Dec 28, 2017 11:57 am
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: December Challenge
Replies: 33
Views: 41016

I don't think I've ever made it this far into public tracking in a monthly challenge before. I always forget about it for a few days then I can't remember what I've done and yadda yadda yadda . . . the month is over. Anyway, I think it was useful to track qualitatively for a month. I feel like it gi...
by gingerpie
Wed Dec 27, 2017 12:25 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Moksha's occasional check-in
Replies: 10
Views: 21239

Hi moksha, how are you doing? Are you still with us?
by gingerpie
Wed Dec 27, 2017 12:22 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Tobiasmom’s Journey
Replies: 30
Views: 46508

Hi Amy, good to see you again and glad you're doing well. Here's to 2018!! 🎉
by gingerpie
Wed Dec 27, 2017 12:12 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: ceo418 check-in
Replies: 288
Views: 325873

I did consciously tell myself at one point during dinner that I should stop eating now, and later on I was able to enjoy some of the desserts because of that.
i agree with oolala. This is great. Congratulations!ðŸ‘
by gingerpie
Wed Dec 27, 2017 12:00 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Bluebell's check in
Replies: 649
Views: 619103

Hi Bluebell, is it possible to put the chocolate out of sight? It might help. - best of luck to you today.
by gingerpie
Wed Dec 27, 2017 11:57 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: oolala53
Replies: 2370
Views: 2901398

Funny how foods have disappeared one by one. Some things are so easy to walk past but others I still have to stop and think about before I continue on my way. As you say, there are still some hold outs that are difficult to shake. What book are you currently reading? If you said I apologize, I don't...
by gingerpie
Tue Dec 26, 2017 12:59 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Octavia is finally checking in!
Replies: 859
Views: 1121235

Urgh I am stuffed!
Luckily, we know how to get un-stuffed. :wink: 3 nice savory meals and no sweets for us today.
by gingerpie
Tue Dec 26, 2017 12:45 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: oolala53
Replies: 2370
Views: 2901398

Yes, there will be much to ponder in 2018. But, we'll have a whole year in which to do it so there's no rush.

Glad you had a nice day.
by gingerpie
Mon Dec 25, 2017 11:39 am
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Merry's Monthly Check-in
Replies: 350
Views: 389751

Merry Christmas to you too. Hope you have a great day.
by gingerpie
Sun Dec 24, 2017 11:44 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: if the shirt fits...
Replies: 3
Views: 10682

OMG!! I'm in :lol: when does it start? Tuesday?
by gingerpie
Sun Dec 24, 2017 2:04 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Octavia is finally checking in!
Replies: 859
Views: 1121235

Hi Octavia, I'm sorry to hear you're having a bit of a stressful time. I don't have any great advice except to say . . . if your not enjoying it, don't do it. I can tell you from experience that there will be a bit of backlash in tbe beginning but I've found a combination of saying - out-loud and of...
by gingerpie
Sun Dec 24, 2017 1:02 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: oolala53
Replies: 2370
Views: 2901398

. I slightly worried about taking it because it's an East Indian dish and there will be Indians there. They will be too polite to tell me it sucks.
Perhaps it will be unrecognizable to them as an Indian dish and they'll just think it's delicious eggplant. 😉

Hope you enjoy your holiday,
by gingerpie
Sun Dec 24, 2017 12:40 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Linda's daily check-in
Replies: 4620
Views: 4766600

Hi Linda,
Glad your doing well. I look forward to reading your updated.
by gingerpie
Wed Dec 20, 2017 1:30 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: In a failure rut. How do I get back?
Replies: 9
Views: 21652

Firstly, Would you talk to your friends the way you are talking to yourself? What if one of them said, "I don't want to go. I feel ugly and desperate to lose weight"? I bet the last thing you would say (or even think) is, "Yes, you're right. You should stay home on your birthday." Talk to yourself t...
by gingerpie
Wed Dec 13, 2017 1:29 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: SpiritSong's check in
Replies: 93
Views: 152845

My plan is to start up again in the New Year. I know you're not supposed to put it off like that, but I am really low on motivation for anything, much less working on fat loss. I gently suggest you do take a break from working on fat loss and focus instead on establishing sustainable habits. I don'...
by gingerpie
Tue Dec 12, 2017 1:11 pm
Forum: No S Diet General Discussion
Topic: December Challenge
Replies: 33
Views: 41016

by gingerpie
Mon Dec 11, 2017 3:42 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: ceo418 check-in
Replies: 288
Views: 325873

Nice to see you back. However I handle it, I know that this pattern of overeating I've had since I was a child needs to stop at some point. I'm not going to be perfect, but I know I just need to be good enough to stay on habit most of the time. I hear ya'. . . I'm definitely ready to accept that "go...
by gingerpie
Mon Dec 11, 2017 2:03 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Heather221 Daily Check in
Replies: 52
Views: 62425

no need for nervousness :wink: It's just a process of learning about yourself. Try to think of each new nugget of information as a treasure and you'll do fine. Best of luck today.
by gingerpie
Mon Dec 11, 2017 1:23 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: oolala53
Replies: 2370
Views: 2901398

I can't commit to letting it go now, but I commit to looking for reasons and ways to do it. The "scanning" stage, as Beth Duffus calls it. The "ways" will probably NOT include going cold turkey, but something analogous to No S. I wish there was an S word for preoccupation so I could make it my fift...
by gingerpie
Sat Dec 09, 2017 12:21 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Linda's daily check-in
Replies: 4620
Views: 4766600

Linda, glad to hear your doing well. :) I guess you've decided to go full-on IF then?

Do keep us posted on how things are going for you. It's always nice to hear from you.
by gingerpie
Sat Dec 09, 2017 12:17 pm
Forum: Daily Check In
Topic: Merry's Monthly Check-in
Replies: 350
Views: 389751

Hi Merry, You had an amazing year habit wise. You really deserve to pat yourself on the back!! Definitely enjoy having your kids home and being at peace with yourself!! That's what's really important. You can decide later on if you want to try to "tweak" what your doing but there isn't any rush. Hon...