mh_logic's Shovel Glove Routine

Which movements do you do? How many reps? In what order? When? Do you mix in other non-shovelglove moves? Post here or browse to get ideas.
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mh_logic's Shovel Glove Routine

Post by mh_logic » Thu Apr 24, 2014 8:01 am

Hi everyone,

I'm new here to the boards but not new to the ShovelGlove workout. I've been doing the SG workout for 3 years or so now on and off. I'm hoping that by posting here on the boards it will hold me more accountable and help to develop better daily habits.

I just completed my first SG workout in a few weeks (been getting slothy). Feels good to be back at it. So, here's my routine with a 12 pound sledge.

5 minute stretch
14 minute SG workout
- 50x shovel movement each side
- 50x axe chop each side
- 30x butter churns
- 5x deep squats (bad knees)

Pretty basic, but the high reps eat up a good chunk of the clock so I'm not constantly watching time.

Lots of great moves and routines posted here. Already found a few new moves I will incorporate tomorrow.

Question: do you guys tend to stay with the same routine day in and day out or do you mix it up?

I'm also doing the UrbanRanger and tracking my progress in HabitCal.

I'll try to post progress updates when I can. When I started SG I was close to 300 lbs. and couldn't even do 7 minutes. I'm down to about 260 lbs. now. I'll be doing monthly weigh-ins (no scale worshipping) and taking measurements to chart progress.

I'm off to read some more posts...

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Post by reinhard » Fri May 02, 2014 1:26 pm

Belated congratulations on your success so far and thanks for sharing your routine!

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