Trying it for 2023

(New!) Read (or post) about people who have stuck with No-S for 10 or more months, lost 10 or more pounds, or 10 or more percent for their starting weight. Periodic updates strongly encouraged -- you can think of it as "Yearly Check In."

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Matthew Warner
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Trying it for 2023

Post by Matthew Warner » Sun Jan 01, 2023 7:50 pm

Wow, I haven't been to this site in years, but I still remember the No S Diet.

My friend and I want to lose 15 pounds this year, so I'm beginning a "no sweets, spirits (incl. beer), seconds, or snacks (except fruit) except on days starting with S" plan. All of these Ss are things I regularly engage in on weekdays, so I'm hopeful this simple behavior change will help. We're doing weekly weigh-ins on a shared Google sheet. Today, I'm 196 pounds. I'm 5'9" and practice BJJ and boxing several times a week, so we'll see how it goes.

Anyway, thanks for creating this interesting diet plan. I hope all's well in the Shovelglove world. :)

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Re: Trying it for 2023

Post by reinhard » Mon Jan 30, 2023 6:24 pm

Welcome back! And sorry for the delayed welcome.

Good luck and keep us posted!


Matthew Warner
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Re: Trying it for 2023

Post by Matthew Warner » Sun Feb 26, 2023 12:26 pm

Thanks. My friend and I are both doing the diet and having modestly positive results so far. Life has gotten in the way a couple weeks, but we're trending downward, having both lost 8 pounds.

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Re: Trying it for 2023

Post by reinhard » Mon Feb 27, 2023 2:22 pm

Glad you are both off to a good start!

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