James: -75 pounds in a year

(New!) Read (or post) about people who have stuck with No-S for 10 or more months, lost 10 or more pounds, or 10 or more percent for their starting weight. Periodic updates strongly encouraged -- you can think of it as "Yearly Check In."

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James: -75 pounds in a year

Post by reinhard » Thu Sep 10, 2009 1:55 pm

This was recently posted to the "general discussion" forum but is absolutely "testimonials worthy" and I wanted to make sure it was easy to find so I'm reposting (with permission) it here:



About a year ago, I started the No-S diet on advice from a friend. It sounded reasonable and practical. Coupled with daily exercise, I kept on it, and didn't fret too much about falling out of the diet on occasion. I started out at 38 inches and 245 pounds.

Now, I have a 34 inch waist and I weigh 170 pounds.

Needless to say, it was a success for me. I've been recommending the idea to friends and family.

Thanks for the help,

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Post by Jaxhil » Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:29 pm

Short, sweet and *inspiring*. Congrats, James, and thanks so much for sharing!

"Habit, if not resisted, soon becomes necessity."-St Augustine

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Post by Tombo » Thu May 10, 2018 12:06 pm

Thanks for sharing, another amazing success story :D

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Post by dropfiftyfast » Mon Dec 03, 2018 11:38 pm

Inspiring indeed. Congratulations!

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