Afraid of S Days

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Afraid of S Days

Post by NERunner » Fri Sep 30, 2011 11:06 pm

Hello! I've know about this diet for quite a while, and even tried it a couple of times, but I always made exceptions for snacks. I exercise a lot, and I told myself I "needed" snacks, that my hunger was "different" because of the amount of exercise I do. I've been trying to lose the same 10 pounds for the past 10 years, and in the past few months I've managed to gain an additional 10 so I dusted off the book and I'm trying again. I've gone vanilla no S and have been successful this week. I've experienced some of what I've read about here....I'm hungry, but it's not a bad thing, I'm eating slower and enjoying my meals more, I've planned what I want to eat for dinner every night (breakfast and lunch are usually the same every day) so I have something to look forward to.

My problem....I'm afraid of the weekend! I've done so well, and I'm afraid I won't restart on Monday, that I'll find an excuse to snack again. Snacking is my downfall, once I start eating in the evening I don't stop until I go to bed. Any suggestions? Thanks!

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Post by chentegt » Fri Sep 30, 2011 11:20 pm

Hello welcome!
that my hunger was "different" because of the amount of exercise I do.
I've been there and it caused me to overeat.

Don't understimate the effectiveness of simply vanilla s, sticking to just 1 plate, no snacking or sweets and that's all.

Relax, enjoy your weekends. Really, don't worry about S days, just focus on getting great N days compliance and it will work. You cannot fail on S days if your N days are good. Remember it.
If after a few weeks you're still worried, then identify the probable excesses and think about them, before eating, if you really want to eat them.

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Post by r.jean » Sat Oct 01, 2011 2:28 am

Weekends do not mean you have to go hog wild. You just relax the rules and indulge a bit. You may go hog wild at first but that is okay. The point is to learn that it is okay to eat what you want sometimes as long as you learn to manage it most of the time. If you skip S days entirely, you will probably fail eventually. No one can be perfect forever.

I also used to eat from supper time to bed time without stopping. I am not sure why or how, but by following the basic no S rules to the letter, I stopped.

Commit to just doing it for 21 days, and it will be easier after that.
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Post by Who Me? » Sat Oct 01, 2011 4:05 am

People who seem to do well with this system, seem to carefully select and truly relish their esses. Buy yourself a really wonderful slice of cake (or whatever) and really savor it. That sure beats mindlessly noshing on junk all weekend long, doesn't it?

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Post by reinhard » Mon Oct 03, 2011 3:22 pm

My problem....I'm afraid of the weekend! I've done so well, and I'm afraid I won't restart on Monday, that I'll find an excuse to snack again. Snacking is my downfall, once I start eating in the evening I don't stop until I go to bed. Any suggestions? Thanks!
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Post by NERunner » Wed Oct 05, 2011 12:13 am

reinhard wrote: I have the perfect mod for you: ... 419#105419

You're right, that is the perfect mod, and I even closely followed it Saturday without knowing about it! I had my 3 meals, and had an ice cream cone right after dinner, like dessert. I did have a small bowl of popcorn while I watched TV that evening. Sunday wasn't so good, I did quite a bit of snacking and had to keep reminding myself I wasn't "cheating", it was an S day.

Back to N days yesterday, and was successful both yesterday and today. I do think more about what I'm going to have for dinner, and I try to make it last and really enjoy it since I know it's my last meal of the day. Thanks everyone, this forum is great!

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Post by jellybeans01 » Thu Oct 06, 2011 3:06 pm

I trained for a marathon and ate a little extra thinking I "had" to. Not really, I ended up doing vanilla and being just fine. Someone on the forum gave me an article about Jack la lane. Dismissing the idea of having to eat so much because we workout.
I have your problem though with weekends. It is my downfall. Right now I'm trying to right out cards that encourage my reason for this diet and go over them everyday at my week times.

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