second-timer, type 1 diabetic, compulsive eater, YAY!

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second-timer, type 1 diabetic, compulsive eater, YAY!

Post by gingercake » Wed Mar 28, 2012 10:08 pm

Hello. Soo, I was here before, back in 2008, for awhile. In March 2009 I was diagnosed with diabetes and sort of had to start over mentally and practically with my food life. I was dx'd as type 2. I decided to go low-carb to manage it, did well, lost 30 lbs, went paleo, lost 10 more and was at good weight for me. (125 at 5'2"). I was still having trouble managing my blood sugar, though. So, I got more tests last August and found out I have a kind of type 1 diabetes known as LADA - Late Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults - which is basically a slower, later onset of type 1. My body is attacking my pancreatic cells, but slowwwwly. I still am making some natural insulin, but not nearly enough.

I started insulin (just on slow-acting/Lantus/basal now, no bolus, fellow diabetics will know what I'm talking about!) and it's been 6 months of crazyness with food, insulin adjustments, relaxing--> binging --> restricting --> craving --> relaxing --> binging, etc etc etc. aka be paleo / eat a slice of bread / say what the hell / eat a cake / freak out / "I'm going to die!" / no carbs / eat a half a banana / wth / pint of B&J / freak out...yesss, you get the picture.

And gained 15 lbs.

Obviously, this is no way to manage diabetes, or life. My doctor, though he endorses lower carb/paleo eating, is trying to get me to be less anxious and rigid and truly believes that consistent, unanxious "good-enough" diet will ultimately be better for me than always trying to have non-diabetic blood sugar, tracking like a madwoman, and then swinging all around.

So I joined Weight Watchers a couple of weeks ago.

Since then, the cycle has been as crazy as ever. And I've been thinking, I Just need to CALM the h DOWN. I've thought a lot about No S over the last months and how sane and simple it is, but thought, "no, I can't just put anything on a plate and eat it!" "because of blood sugar spikes and all of that!" "moderation doesn't work for me!" "I'm an addict!" Then I think, listen to yourself, crazy woman! You are terrified of half a potato, but at LEAST once a week you go on a sugar frenzy and wind up eating five potatoes-worth of carbs in a sitting.

I would like to restore my sanity. No S seems to me, right now, the simplest, smartest way to do this and I can make what modifications I need to to manage my blood sugar, but honestly if I can't do moderation AND manage blood sugar where I want it, I'm ready to add bolus to my insulin regime. My goal this year is to find a way of eating that helps me be sane and lose/maintain my weight, and then I will adjust my insulin regime around that, rather than trying to eat NOTHING that raises my blood sugar in order to take as little insulin as possible.

I am starting on April 1. Which happens to be an s-day! Yay! And also the Palm Sunday brunch at my church, which is my favorite religious party. Why am I not starting today? Because I don't want to.

Thank you to everyone who posts and shares their experiences. I'd especially love to be in touch with other insulin-users. It's wonderful, a medical miracle, keeps us alive, etc., but has its major frustrations.


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Post by NoSnacker » Thu Mar 29, 2012 10:02 am

Hi Sara, wow that sounds complicated..didn't realize that diabetes was so hard to control..yik.

Glad you are back and I'm sure you will calm down once the shock of it all is over.

And I'm sure a lot has to do with the loss of control over your own body..but it will all line up for you.

Do you have the No S book?

Age 56: SBMI=30.6 (12/1/13) CBMI 28.9 (2/2/14) GBMI-24.8

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Post by snapdragon » Thu Mar 29, 2012 12:14 pm

Just want to say "hi". I think this is a good option, you can work your way into lower carb with this a little at a time.

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Post by gingercake » Thu Mar 29, 2012 1:13 pm

Thanks for welcomes.

Yes, I have the book, and yes, control is a huge part of the challenge both in terms of the diabetes and compulsive eating. I always loved the idea of intuitive eating, but lack of structure made me so uneasy. Low carb provides lots of structure and control, but it's so easily thrown off in situations where you're not preparing your own food.

For blood sugar management, I will still need to default to keeping carbs on the lower side, but No S feels like the right amount of structure for me and I just think it will help psychologically even if the substance of what I eat on a normal day doesn't change that much.

Also, I DID decide to start today, after all. Why not? It will give me some practice before Monday.


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Post by ~reneew » Thu Mar 29, 2012 2:16 pm

Sara, I feel your extreme frustration! I am not diabetic, but have hypothyroidism. I've struggled with it for over 15 years. I don't believe it is regulated. I have been from one extreme to another mentally with panic being the main problem. No S is the only Sane calm approach that I have found that works. Give it an honest strict try for a month. Remember to be strict! As for when to strart... I wanted to start on my birthday which was on a Saturday, but started a few days early telling myself that if I flubbed, my "real start" date was Saturday, but if I did great, the start date was when I started. :wink: Whatever works. :wink:

You can do it!!!
I guess this doesn't work unless you actually do it.
Please pray for me

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Post by NoSRocks » Thu Mar 29, 2012 9:48 pm


Like renee, I have hypothyroidism and it is a bu* mmer! As soon as I started on thyroid meds last year, I immediately gained 12 lbs and then some! BUT .... I am so thankful to No S because I believe that if I hadn't gone on it, I would have put on much, much more by now and with No S, I have - so far - been able to maintain. I still have a bit of a struggle with my S Days, but they're slowly getting better!!

Thinking of you! Have a great weekend :)
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Post by oolala53 » Fri Mar 30, 2012 12:06 am

Well, I was a bit disappointed to hear that paleo did not solve your problems as I have always thought that would be the ace up my sleeve if I ever got in trouble. But thank you for having been strong enough to try it. And for being the one to experience the pendulum swing of it. Just like any restrictive regime: it had better be permanent, because once you trip that switch....

I also hope it's okay that I laughed out loud at a few comments. Like the one of you being afraid of a potato but not of the binge worth many potatoes. I think my seeing that in my life helped me a lot. I listen to people say, Oh, I don't eat meat, or whatever, but then they say they ate a half gallon of ice cream. Why can they be so humane to an animal and not to themselves? I know some people are vegetarians for reasons other than health, and I do respect that, if it's for real. I really do and would like to think I can eat less meat and even none eventually, for the animal's sake and the planet's, but goll darn it if I don't start having sugar cravings up the yin yang when I cut meat out for a few days. I've just seen a lot of people use food restrictions as a posture and not even know it. Now don't anyone get your panties all bunched up; I'm obviously not talking about YOU.

On a serious note, I feel ya, girl. I don't know what I'd do if I was diagnosed with a serious condition, but I do know I hope to think I would try as you have to explore my options before taking serious meds. You have really been an ace.

I pray, in my own way, for No S to bring you some peace and improved health.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by oolala53 » Fri Mar 30, 2012 12:12 am

Just had to say, WW? !!?%#@$! You poor thing; you WERE desperate.

Can I please say to skip the scale for awhile? It is such a poor measure of anything but an illusion 90% of the time. Reinhard is SO right about this. The habits are your best effort. NOTHING else is as creditable than that. And your own inner peace. If that comes from the scale, well, that is a horse of a different color, isn't it? Let the habits help you get in touch with how much you really need, eat only that, and let the chips fall where they may.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
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Post by gingercake » Fri Mar 30, 2012 4:25 pm

Thanks, oolala - your annual check in is really inspiring, by the way.

I actually think paleo is great. Technically I always did it more "primal style", a la Mark Sisson's books and site. And that's still my default...sort of low carb with emphasis on high quality real food. But, it in itself didn't cure all my issues. Anyway, yeah, totally agree re: the scale, too. I was this weight a year ago or so, and felt great about myself, because I was eating well and exercising. I'm not worried about being a particular weight, but I used to be 200 lbs and am watchful of slippery-regaining-slope.

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Re: second-timer, type 1 diabetic, compulsive eater, YAY!

Post by saracatherine » Mon Dec 17, 2012 4:23 am

Bumping this up -
This was me, but the username "gingercake" bears no actual relationship to who I am and I wanted to come back just being Sara. Username Sara already taken, so I threw my middle name in there!

After the post below, I wasn't quite ready to do this and still tried to be the perfect paleo low-carber for awhile. My anxiety was up, my cycle got weird, my stress was always at threat-level-orange. Then: I started using bolus insulin in summer, reunited with carbs, and after a couple of months my anxiety and hormonal issues straightened out and I'm really convinced that my body was very stressed out after two years of trying not to eat any carbs. I think I really needed a few months of unrestricted eating to feel better mentally and physically. (I've kind of been half-ass No-S since summer, partly because I realized I needed a time of total freedom after a couple of years of being kind of orthorexic and needed to not go straight from paleo forums to another kind of semi-religious relationship with a "program".)

Now I feel "repaired" both physiologically and in my relationship with/fear of food and am ready to employ the sane limits of No S to help me manage my diabetes and potentially disordered eating, make insulin use more consistent, and generally not think any more than I want to about food. I'll have to see how S days go, but I think I'll probably be embracing the "(sometimes)" and treating myself to snacks and extra drinks and such rather than lots of sugar or seconds and thirds.

I have, over the past months, done a lot of the one-plate eating stuff and it's really perfect for diabetes management. There's only so much you can fit on one plate, and that keeps my mealtime insulin use consistent and easy to figure out. I still have to measure and count my my carbs but this built in limit makes it pretty simple. The larger the volume of food - even "safe" food - the harder it is to manage blood sugar and get the insulin numbers right.

This time I'm using the daily check-in thread to kind of keep a big picture going for myself, as well as the habitcal.

I re-read the book this weekend and was reminded how much sane sense it made to me the first time I read it!
gingercake wrote:Hello. Soo, I was here before, back in 2008, for awhile. In March 2009 I was diagnosed with diabetes and sort of had to start over mentally and practically with my food life. I was dx'd as type 2. I decided to go low-carb to manage it, did well, lost 30 lbs, went paleo, lost 10 more and was at good weight for me. (125 at 5'2"). I was still having trouble managing my blood sugar, though. So, I got more tests last August and found out I have a kind of type 1 diabetes known as LADA - Late Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults - which is basically a slower, later onset of type 1. My body is attacking my pancreatic cells, but slowwwwly. I still am making some natural insulin, but not nearly enough.

I started insulin (just on slow-acting/Lantus/basal now, no bolus, fellow diabetics will know what I'm talking about!) and it's been 6 months of crazyness with food, insulin adjustments, relaxing--> binging --> restricting --> craving --> relaxing --> binging, etc etc etc. aka be paleo / eat a slice of bread / say what the hell / eat a cake / freak out / "I'm going to die!" / no carbs / eat a half a banana / wth / pint of B&J / freak out...yesss, you get the picture.

And gained 15 lbs.

Obviously, this is no way to manage diabetes, or life. My doctor, though he endorses lower carb/paleo eating, is trying to get me to be less anxious and rigid and truly believes that consistent, unanxious "good-enough" diet will ultimately be better for me than always trying to have non-diabetic blood sugar, tracking like a madwoman, and then swinging all around.

So I joined Weight Watchers a couple of weeks ago.

Since then, the cycle has been as crazy as ever. And I've been thinking, I Just need to CALM the h DOWN. I've thought a lot about No S over the last months and how sane and simple it is, but thought, "no, I can't just put anything on a plate and eat it!" "because of blood sugar spikes and all of that!" "moderation doesn't work for me!" "I'm an addict!" Then I think, listen to yourself, crazy woman! You are terrified of half a potato, but at LEAST once a week you go on a sugar frenzy and wind up eating five potatoes-worth of carbs in a sitting.

I would like to restore my sanity. No S seems to me, right now, the simplest, smartest way to do this and I can make what modifications I need to to manage my blood sugar, but honestly if I can't do moderation AND manage blood sugar where I want it, I'm ready to add bolus to my insulin regime. My goal this year is to find a way of eating that helps me be sane and lose/maintain my weight, and then I will adjust my insulin regime around that, rather than trying to eat NOTHING that raises my blood sugar in order to take as little insulin as possible.

I am starting on April 1. Which happens to be an s-day! Yay! And also the Palm Sunday brunch at my church, which is my favorite religious party. Why am I not starting today? Because I don't want to.

Thank you to everyone who posts and shares their experiences. I'd especially love to be in touch with other insulin-users. It's wonderful, a medical miracle, keeps us alive, etc., but has its major frustrations.


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Post by oolala53 » Mon Dec 17, 2012 6:25 am

Welcome back, Sara C.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

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Post by heatherhikes » Mon Dec 17, 2012 11:35 am

Welcome, Sara C.
So glad you decided to come back :)

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