Old Diet Materials

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Old Diet Materials

Post by ZippaDee » Tue Apr 03, 2012 3:00 pm

Ok, so today I am doing some spring cleaning...sorting through drawers. I came across all my old Weight Watcher's Materials. Believe me I have a LOT of materials. I became a lifetime member of WW back in 1993...losing only 15 lbs to get there. I am currently 65 lbs heavier than that goal weight. I have gone on and off of WW too many times to count since then!! It obviously did not work for me! And before starting NOS this current time I toyed with the idea AGAIN. What is wrong with me! I'm thinking I probably SHOULD throw them all out. I can't even begin to imagine EVER doing WW again. I am committed to NOS long term!!! But, what if...... What does this mean if I can't just toss them? Does it mean I am not really totally commited to what I am doing?? I hope not! I'm thinking about boxing them up and putting them in the attic? :? ARGGGGH!!!
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Post by Blam » Tue Apr 03, 2012 4:09 pm

I think you ought to sell them because it kinda reminds me of what Reinhard said before (I think it was him) anyway the story goes about buying a sweet just incase you needed it on an n day even though you didn't want it right then you had it if you needed it but you would always end up eating it and we're setting yourself up for failure by buying it in the first place so it sounds to me like those WW materials are like a just incase.
If it were me I'd sell the stuff (if you can cause I'm not exactly sure what they are I'm guessing cook books and things?) and use the money to maybe buy some clothes that are a bit small for you to help motivate you to carry on :D
Anyways that's just my opinion and good luck with whatever you decide 8)

Too solid flesh
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Post by Too solid flesh » Tue Apr 03, 2012 7:03 pm

Sometimes, people have posted that they gave all their old diet books to charity shops, first writing www.nosdiet.com in every one.

If you are uncertain what to do, boxing them up for storage sounds like a good option for now. You will know what you do, or don't, feel ready for.
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Blithe Morning
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Post by Blithe Morning » Tue Apr 03, 2012 8:13 pm

I believe WW has revamped their program so any materials you have are out of date. I would throw them away. They are no good to anyone. Especially you.

I know you have invested a lot of energy, time and money in the materials and have seen very little results. That is when it's hardest to cut your losses and move on. There's part of us that insists that we get what we paid for and will keep at it hoping some day, some how whatever-it-is will work even after it's obvious that it won't. Investors know financially this is an expensive strategy that almost NEVER pays off.

Since we aren't talking a marriage or a wayward child here, there is no reason for you to remain emotionally invested in this stuff. Toss it.

Best to start fresh and not have those things around to make you feel guilty even if they are boxed up and away. Don't have ANYTHING in your house that makes you feel angry, guilty, ashamed or less-than in any way. It's YOUR house. This should be the one place in the world that is nurturing, safe, positive, and affirming. Everything and I mean everything should be useful, beautiful or loved. I include TV, websites and entertainment in that too.

lbb (Liz)
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Post by lbb (Liz) » Tue Apr 03, 2012 8:40 pm

I agree with Blithe Morning.
I love this quote by William Morris, "Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful."
It's hard not to live in the "just-in-case" mode, but really and truly I've never given something away, really, and looked back.
But I have kept things for a loooonnnnnggg time and never found usage for them.

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Post by wosnes » Tue Apr 03, 2012 8:49 pm

lbb wrote: I love this quote by William Morris, "Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful."
It's hard not to live in the "just-in-case" mode, but really and truly I've never given something away, really, and looked back.
I love that quote -- I've had it written down for quite some time.

If you have something in your home (like diet books) that you aren't using, they're just junk and clutter. (They're also cluttering your mind.) If you're still hesitant to get rid of them, pack them up and put them in the attic or the basement with a date on the box. If you haven't used them in after a year -- sell them or donate them to Goodwill.
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Post by Miyabi » Tue Apr 03, 2012 9:13 pm

Our town's library sale is coming up. I think I'm going to take that advice about pasting a little No S bookplate in the front when I donate my diet books. At least I know people will have fun reading the main page.

Maybe it would be easier to get rid of the WW binder if you remember it really just says: "Eat 1200 calories a day, plus you get a few hundred extra calories per week, and if you exercise a lot you get a few more."

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Post by oolala53 » Tue Apr 03, 2012 9:22 pm

I'll repeat from Baumeister and Tierney, Willpower: The Greatest Human Strength. Two pieces of advice after a complete review of weight loss literature. 1. Don't go on a diet. 2. Don't swear off chocolate or any other food. Do use limited willpower to establish rules for particular situations. Example: one plate, three times a day. He doesn't say that, but it fits.

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Post by ZippaDee » Wed Apr 04, 2012 10:51 am

Blithe Morning said:
Best to start fresh and not have those things around to make you feel guilty even if they are boxed up and away. Don't have ANYTHING in your house that makes you feel angry, guilty, ashamed or less-than in any way. It's YOUR house. This should be the one place in the world that is nurturing, safe, positive, and affirming. Everything and I mean everything should be useful, beautiful or loved. I include TV, websites and entertainment in that too.
Thank you for that! So very well said. It spoke volumes to me!

Ibb wrote:
I love this quote by William Morris, "Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful."
Oh I LOVE it too!! I have a book of quotes and this is now included! THANKS!

Blam...I agree they are a "just in case" thing. Ugh! And what I have would be of no value to anyone I am sure!

Wosnes...back in Oct. 2010 when I started NoS the first time. I boxed all this stuff up and put it in the attic. Not sure at what point they came back out of the attic. I took them out looked at them and considered going there AGAIN, but never did. I think it's time for them to totally get out of my space! I agree...they are cluttering my space and mind!

Miyabi...As I said, these materials would be of no value to anyone, but I DO like the No S bookplate idea!!

Oolala...AMEN! I agree with you. It IS the easy way.

They are outta here!! Thanks guys!!!! :D
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Post by ~reneew » Wed Apr 04, 2012 3:30 pm

I boxed up my old diet stuff (2 huge boxes) and donated one and put one out in my garage. 2 years later I broke open the box... don't go there! If you can get rid of them do it! I still have that box plus another one. ug!
I guess this doesn't work unless you actually do it.
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Post by oolala53 » Wed Apr 04, 2012 4:05 pm

Oh, what a great burden will be lifted if we can get this handled! I wonder if Reinhard realizes how lucky he is that this fit so well with his life? He must be astounded at times to see how long the struggle goes on. I keep trying to think, what obsessed people 150 years ago? Could this possibly be a sickness of the comfortable middle class? Is it because we don't have to worry about survival anymore? Not that the poor aren't overweight, but does it rule their thinking? We won't even worry about the rich. They represent so few. But I do think they tend not to be heavy. Maybe worrying about keeping what they have.

I have a theory that anorexia doesn't happen among the poor, either. It seems to be only among those who have more than enough and possibly high expectations because of it. But that is another matter. And I am procrastinating! Okay, offline for at least one hour.
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Post by carpediem » Mon Apr 09, 2012 12:43 pm

What a great idea! I've just come back to NoS after a 2 year hiatus and am determined to give this thing my all. I have sooooo many books and diet plans laying around, not to mention CDs on everything from hynosis to meditation...such a waste of $$ and time! I have a whole binder full of WW materials and recipes. May keep a few of the better recipes but the rest is history! Almost feel like I should have a ceremonial ritual of some type; represents years of my life I'll never get back. I REALLY like the idea of the "NoS" script on the inside cover. Think the sellable items will get shipped off to Amazon or Ebay, while the written material (believe me there's volumns!) is hitting the shredder!! Thanks for the idea, ZippaDee! :P

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Post by oolala53 » Tue Apr 10, 2012 1:15 am

Oops, made a boo boo. I deleted it.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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