What's your favorite?

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What's your favorite?

Post by gk » Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:48 pm

I thought maybe we could start a favorite's list of fitness DVD's for those of us who work out at home. List any type of fitness DVD you have, whether it be stretching, cardio, muscle strengthening, zumba, whatever.......all levels.

I haven't worked out in a while, so I'm starting slowly with a good stretch tape, to loosen up my stiff muscles:

Gaiam - A.M./P.M. Stretch with Madeliene Lewis. It's good for those days that maybe you're a little too stiff or sore to do a workout or if you just want a good overall body stretch - very thorough.

One I've used in the past is Pick Your Level: Weight Loss Pilates with Ellen Barrett. I like the fact that you can pick from three levels of difficulty through the entire workout, to customize your workout in the various moves. Plus, Ellen is a good instructor with cues and not annoying to listen to. (I don't have the DVD - it's available on Roku.)

I thought about trying Zumba eventually but noticed mixed reviews on some of their DVD's......
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Post by JBRhode » Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:02 pm

Don't get me started! I love my exercise DVD's and own many! Here are my three favorite stand bys:

1. Ultimate Sculpt by Kathy Smith. As a rule I'm not a huge Kathy Smith but for some reason this is my favorite exercise video of all time. I've been doing it since 2008. I never get tired of it. It's strength training combined with cardio and has some nice exmphasis on core training, balance and stretching. A perfectly balanced full body workout.

2. Get Ripped - Slim & Lean and Get Ripped & Chiseled by Jari Love. These are pure strength training videos and my favorite two of all the Jari Love videos I own. They are extremely challenging - a day after doing one of these you pretty much feel like you got hit by a truck. But last time I did these regularly I dropped a pants size in 6 weeks with no changes to diet and got stronger than I've ever been in my life.

3. Anything by Amy Dixon. She's the best DVD fitness instructor out there. She works you as hard as Jillian Michaels but with more respect to the body and without all the Jillian Michaels narcissism. The only one I currently own by her is Super Fit Bod and it's a great, challening full body
strength/cardio work out.

Also worth mentioning is Kelley Coffey Meyer's DVDs which I find hard on the joints but deliciously challenging. I've also found the Biggest Loser DVD's to be pretty decent, particularly when time pressed. The workouts tend to be just about 20 minutes each and usually blend both cardio and strength to some extent.

And kickboxing. I love kickboxing DVD's but haven't come across any really good ones in a while.

And my least favorite vidoes?

1. Anything by The Firm. You need a master's degree in choreography to complete their workouts.

2. Anything that says "Dance" in the title. I dance like a dog meows.

3. Yoga. Anything yoga. I will fall asleep mid pose due to yoga-induced boredom.

I'm always looking for new exercise DVD's! - looking forward to hear everyone's recommendations!

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Post by snapdragon » Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:48 pm

I picked up supreme 90 which is a cheap knockoff of the p90x. It was 20$
I compared the review on Amazon and many of the people who used both thought that supreme 90 was worth the value. I only started yesterday, the instructor was good and not cheesy at all. the entire workout including warm up and cool down was about 45 minutes.

I like kettle bells a lot and have Bob Harper's KB shred DVD I like that one too.

I have heard lots about Jerri Love so thanks for the review. Will look at that in the future.

I laughed at your FIRM review, agreed!

Remember Buns of Steele! We used to do that on our lunch break back in the day. I have a friend who does the exact same BOS tape every day it's all wavy and skips.lol

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Post by rungirl96 » Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:16 pm

I'm embarrassed by how many fitness DVD's I own and how little I use them. The one I've probably used the most is Beginners Pilates by Gaiam (I think that's how you spell the company). The instructors name is Anna Coban. It's a great core workout and takes 30 min tops. We used to do it at work during lunch.

I recently bought Amy Dixon's Breathless Body. It's a HIIT (high intensity interval training) or Tabata style workout and I was curious how challenging it would be since I've read a lot about HIIT/Tabata recently. It was very challenging! I only made it through half of the workout, 4 of 8 drills, and I had to follow the beginner instructor. My calves were sore for 3 days after. I haven't done again since, but hopefully I will. It sounded a lot easier than it actually was. The intervals really had my heart rate up and the recovery between sets was short enough that I didn't fully recover. Good aerobic workout!

I also have p90x and did it several times when I first got it but only the strengthening DVD's. If I'm going to do cardio I'd much rather go out for a run or ride my bike, unless it's mid-August and 110 degrees here (I live in the south).

I have Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and I actually have used it quite a bit at times. I like that it's quick and intense enough that I feel like I've put in a good effort.

That's my review on some of the exercise DVD's I've done.

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Post by gk » Mon Apr 16, 2012 12:28 am

Thanks for the ideas guys!

Looks like there's not too many of us out there who still go the route of working out at home with DVD's.

I'll make sure to add any good DVD's as I find them. Please feel free to do the same. One can waste alot of money buying fitness DVD's, trying to find a good one.

Thanks again!! :)
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Post by r.jean » Mon Apr 16, 2012 11:15 am

I love Leslie Sansone's walking away the pounds (WATP). She has a number of different ones. I like the ones using weights not bands, and I favor the older DVDs. I most often do WATP 2 mile using 3 lb weights the whole time and adding arm movements so that my arms are always moving. (She uses 2 lb weights during part of the video, and the arms are not always moving.)

I have a mini DVD player, and I take WATP to do in hotels (using the one with bands now that I have it.).

WATP is a mild to moderate easy to follow routine requiring little space with different routines to choose the right one for the time you have that day.

Thtrchc and I have discussed our favorites. On her thread I believe. I see others like Tobiasmom who use WATP too.
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