2nd time around.. with (hopefully) a future need of a mod

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2nd time around.. with (hopefully) a future need of a mod

Post by Pinkcupcakes » Wed May 02, 2012 9:33 am

Hi Everyone

I am back for the second time! third day in and loving it (it makes so much sense - why did I stray)?!

After 2 weeks of serious overeating and bingeing - I hit rock bottom and realised that I need some struture in my life! Im a newly-wed and happy - so i dont know why I am self saboaging myself like this ?! :cry:

I recently visited Florida for my Honeymoon and started in Miami - gosh the peolple there ARE beautiful! It made me realise that I am in denial about how overweight I am. I need to lose 1.5-2 stone to be at my ideal weight (im only 5''3 so that is a lot on my frame).

I hope to start a family asap and want my body to be fit and healthy in preperation. I wondered if anyone else had nosed during pregnancy? How did you cope? Did you add any mods?

If you dont want to be where you've always been, change what you've always done!

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Post by NoSnacker » Sat May 12, 2012 12:45 pm

Hi there, I started as well in June 2011 only to leave and gain weight trying to diet/count calories....but I came back in March..realizing No S is really the only sensible way to do anything.

I read something Reinhardt wrote, don't be discouraged if you don't succeed the first time round, most do. So here we are again...I can say my second attempt here is totally different.

What I'm doing this time is:
1) realizing this will take time,
2) 3x5 notes cards to myself like "bingeing is not an option, does nothing for me, never did". We kid ourselves when we think it did. We only wake up the next day miserable.
3) knowing that eventually my S days will calm down...the S days gone wild were my reason for leaving before as they carried over into my N days.
4) I also have my reasons for wanting to lose weight on 3x5 cards and read a couple times a day (Beck Solutions recommendation)

Anyhow, don't give up...it is like quitting smoking eventually we all get there...either the first attempt, second, or third...

Age 56: SBMI=30.6 (12/1/13) CBMI 28.9 (2/2/14) GBMI-24.8

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