Very Anxious

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Very Anxious

Post by sarahkay » Sun May 06, 2012 5:18 pm

wow what a weekend. I've eaten less this weekend just because of working so much. I only could eat on my lunch and dinner breaks.

I feel so trapped when I try to do no s. I feel like its still a diet, it still has rules, and it makes me anxious, I panic, and I quit. It is a viscious cycle.

However, I am scared to completely stop trying because of how high my BMI is... I did not realize how high it had risen. I want to be strong and love myself NOW not when I lose X amount of pounds. And I guess I feel like if I diet or try to lose weight, then I'm not "really" loving myself. How do I make this work? I feel so back and forth with it and part of me accepts myself as a larger girl, and part of me wants to be normal sized again. I don't know what to do. I know I am very repetitive about these things, I just can't seem to get past them or figure them out so I can move on.

Does anyone fee like this? What did you do? How do you handle your anxiety? Thank you in advance for any support or encouragement.

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Post by wosnes » Sun May 06, 2012 5:42 pm

You're building habits, not following rules. Actually, not trying to follow the habits and lose weight is NOT loving yourself. It means that the bad habits are the most important thing to you. Snacks, sweets, or seconds are more important than weighing less and improving your health.

Don't try to figure them out. Just move on. You could spend the rest of your life trying to figure it out and watch your BMI get higher and higher. JUST MOVE ON!!

Accepting yourself as a larger girl doesn't mean you don't recognize a need for improvement.
"That which we persist in doing becomes easier for us to do. Not that the nature of the thing itself has changed but our power to do it is increased." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

"You are what you eat -- so don't be Fast, Easy, Cheap or Fake."

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Post by sarahkay » Sun May 06, 2012 6:23 pm

I guess I never looked at it like that. But it makes sense. Not taking care of my health is not loving myself. Different perspective... definitely something to think about. Thank you wosnes :)

lbb (Liz)
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Post by lbb (Liz) » Mon May 07, 2012 12:12 am

wosnes is right.
Please don't give up. We all have this rebellious gal within who says, "screw the rules!" but in all reality, saying that gets us nowhere.
This is NOT a diet. It's habits.
We have good ones and bad ones. And the more we ignore the bad ones, the bigger and worse they get.
GOod luck. We're all here for ya.

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Post by sarahkay » Mon May 07, 2012 2:52 am

thank you so much for your encouragment. Even now I am sitting here all alone at my computer digging deep deciding if i really want to try this tomorrow...

I do for my health's sake. I am scared of getting high blood pressure like my parents, and heart disease like their parents. It would be kinda neat to lose weight. Because of my amazing boyfriend of about a year now, I have really accepted myself and can see beauty in myself. But maybe that doesn't mean that I "shouldn't" lose weight, just that it doesn't define me.

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Post by JBRhode » Tue May 08, 2012 12:20 am

It helps me to think of No S as "tools" instead of "rules"!

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Post by minimizer » Tue May 08, 2012 1:42 am

Maybe you could look at it as not being accepting of health problems, but of course you accept and love yourself.
I have been told that "Self-Discipline Equals Self-Love" and I believe it.

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Post by Dale » Tue May 08, 2012 2:53 pm

I have something in common in you in that I don't feel bad about my body. My boyfriend thinks I look great and he doesn't think I need to lose weight at all. For the past few years I've been happy not dieting and not losing weight.

However, I do have some health problems, including heart disease and joint problems, and would like to be lighter because of those. The reason I haven't dieted recently, is that I've heard that the majority of people who diet end up bigger and I haven't wanted to risk my health by either gaining more weight or yo-yo dieting.

The reason I've decided to give this diet a go is that it's not far off how I eat normally, so I feel hopeful that I could stick to it for life. It's much to early for me to say if this is the case yet!

I do think it's important that you do it because you want to for yourself, rather than because you feel you should. Personally, I tend to rebel against feeling that I "should" do things.

I also feel that a "failed" attempt is not a failure - it's practice. I remember when I was trying to give up smoking years ago I was told it's usual for successful quitters to have had more than one attempt. In other words, having tried and "failed" makes you more likely to succeed. If the diet isn't working for you at the moment, then it might work better later. If the diet is making you anxious and miserable and you don't have an urgent need to lose weight, maybe you could take a break and concentrate on getting fitter and think about the eating side later?

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Post by sarahkay » Tue May 08, 2012 4:05 pm

Dale, you sound a lot like me!

I do want to lose weight though because I don't feel comfortable anymore. I tried focusing on fitness but I still abuse food and feel really stuffed and gross a lot. I do want to address some of my eating issues because even if I was fit and a little slimmer because of it, I would still be having a really warped relationship with food.

That being said, I still kind of don't want to diet either! How has No S been going for you?

JbRhode I love that! Tools not rules! Helps me relax a little!

And minimizer, I agree. I just have never used self discipline with food before and it is very weird for me!

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Post by sarahkay » Tue May 08, 2012 4:24 pm

lbb (Liz) wrote: Please don't give up..
that meant SO MUCH to me. Just that right there. Thank you :)

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Post by Dale » Tue May 08, 2012 5:29 pm

No S has been going brilliantly for me, but it wasn't a huge change in that I don't have a sweet tooth (so it didn't bother me to give up sweets during the week, and I don't feel like eating them much at weekends either), and I was eating 3 one-course meals a day anyway. So it was just the snacks that had to go, for me. I think that has made it easier to start with but it has got even easier as I go along. It just feels like routine and I don't usually even think about eating between meals.

I was lucky in that the foods that I'd be most likely to eat in excess were savoury foods. I love crisps (potato chips), so to start with I'd sometimes have them with my meals on No S days so I didn't feel deprived. Now I just have them on S days if I fancy them. I'm amazed to find that I don't really feel hungry between meals, not the way I thought I would.

I have only been doing it for a couple of months, so I don't know how it will pan out. I feel it suits me very well, because it doesn't feel like a diet, or at least, not as much as other diets I've tried. My weight loss is very slow, but I wanted it to be slow (I want to build muscle, I want to be able to maintain the weight loss and I want my skin to be able to adjust to my changing size and slow seems to be the way to go) and I'm not aiming for a big weight loss: just enough to get me fitter and healthier for now. I keep thinking about what it will feel like to be light on my feet and that keeps me motivated!

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Post by sarahkay » Wed May 09, 2012 1:02 am

I definitely want to feel lighter on my feet! I want to move freely and easily and enjoy moving!

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