Hi Everyone! ...I'm a newb.

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Hi Everyone! ...I'm a newb.

Post by Bananna » Sun May 13, 2012 3:38 pm

I first 'discovered' this on sparkpeople a few months back...at the time I liked the idea in principle but was just way too attached to junk foods and sweets and my life was too stressful to challenge myself to this level.

Life has calmed down some...and I really would like to get back to this way of eating, as this is the way I ate growing up and so I know it's the way it's meant to be.

I have six kids, and am just finishing up a bachelor's in social work which I worked very hard to get considering the number of kids. So it is no surprise I am stress eating. These last few years though, I gained probably 50 pounds...which sucks. But now that I'm done, and my new life plan is more balanced (part time Masters -just one course a semester, and a Part-time job that I love)...combined with a wee bit of professional counselling with someone specializing in disordered and emotional eating, and I think I will be good to get started.

Anyways! It's Mother's Day and I new yesterday that I would start something tomorrow and how neat would it be to do a Mother's Day to Mother's Day personal challenge/experiment. Just how far can I get in one year...and I like 'commemorative' start dates..for some reason, lol. This one is especially meaningful as the reason I am kind of in this spot is due to putting me last in order to gain in leaps and bounds in other areas for the greater good of my family. Time for a gift to me!

I am not really sure what this site is all about yet...but I will stick around and learn and read and get to know you as I can! ...so far so good, a decent, whole foods breakfast with no sweets! ...but it is Mother's day and a Sunday so I don't even need to really stress anyway, lol.

oh I should maybe also mention, though I don't know if it is relevant, I am a vegetarian, I am trying to and need to quit dairy which I only have chocolate left really (for endometriosis), I also don't ever touch gluten for the same reason and also for arthritis, I do eat eggs, I might one day eat salmon, and I have done the raw vegan diet for months straight before and would classify myself now as a raw food enthusiast. My latest read is the pH Miracle Diet....it focuses on low sugar and is actually really fascinating stuff so far. No S is good for me, because it focuses on when/how and not the what which I clearly enjoy wandering with.

Mother's Day to Mother's Day...the experiment.

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Post by Too solid flesh » Sun May 13, 2012 9:07 pm

Welcome, Bananna, and happy Mother's Day!

There are a number of us veggies on the bulletin boards, and also people who follow a variety of restricted diets for different reasons.
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Post by NoSnacker » Mon May 14, 2012 11:13 am

Welcome..I also was on sparkpeople for a few years and found No S there, actually was introduced there by Oolala..she is the team leader there for the No S team.

Do you have the book?
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Post by Dale » Mon May 14, 2012 11:48 am

Hi, Bannana. Congratulations on finishing your bachelor's in difficult circumstances! I like that No S isn't about the "what" too. There's a lot of flexibility.

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Post by rungirl96 » Mon May 14, 2012 8:40 pm

Welcome! I found No S on Sparkpeople as well and jumped on it immediately.

I know how stressful going to grad school is with kids. I'd never do it again and would have a hard time recommending it. You'll get back to better habits now that your life is more manageable.

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Post by carpediem » Tue May 15, 2012 11:47 am

Welcome Banana! You will like it here :D Lots of nice people and great support group. Congratulations on furthering your education. I went back for my masters shortly after my husband and I adopted 2 special needs children (also had 2 biological children) so I have a sense of what you're going through. It can be done but all these years later, when I look back I still sometimes wonder exactly how I managed it!
I admire your being able to stick to the dietary restrictions (gluton, vegan, dairy etc). I'm sure it's healthier but don't think I would be able to stick to it. Afraid I would get bogged down by all the things I couldn't eat and just give up.

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Post by reinhard » Thu May 17, 2012 1:49 pm

Welcome, Bananna! Sounds like you have a lot going on!

The good news is that

1) as you point out, no-s is quite compatible with all your "what" wanderings (vegetarianism, low-ph, etc.).

2) even beyond that, it's extremely unobtrusive. Rather than competing with all your many (6 kids, wow!) obligations, medium to long term it will free up more time and resources for you to devote to them.

Of course, there's often an initial hump while you're building the habits, so brace yourself for that.

Best of luck and looking forward to hearing more,


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