Call for before and during pictures

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Call for before and during pictures

Post by reinhard » Tue Aug 23, 2005 8:06 pm

Inspired by Deb, I'm going to set up a "before and during" gallery section on the nosdiet site.

I see the format as a table where each person gets a row of before and during thumbnails (click to see bigger pictures) plus links to each bulletin board profile and check in. Send me a new "during" every year. For yourself, you get gentle pressure to continue, others get dramatic proof that this is sustainable. If you ever decide you want to remove your pictures I will of course honor your request, no questions asked.

The granularity will by yearly, so don't send me anything until you hit a year. I think that's appropriate both in terms of long term thinking and keeping the photo volume to a manageable level.

No rush and no pressure. If it's something that might interest you, keep your eye out for some good photos. I promise I'll have my own 2005 "during" soon...

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Post by JWL » Wed Aug 24, 2005 6:22 am

Hi Reinhard,

This is a good idea. I do like the granularity of one year as things move forward. But I do have a suggestion: you may consider allowing one photo after a few months of NoS/SG/UR, since there will in many cases be visible differences. There are with me, you can see the photo from March and the one from last week in my daily-check-in thread.

My reasoning is that we don't want to give people the idea that they'll have to wait a year to notice differences. For me, once I got on the plan, the difference has been fairly dramatic. Though as you say, we must take care to not get overly involved with the notion of "progress."

Anyway, just an idea...

Besides, how many people on this board have been No-Sing for at least a year? Not to many from what I can tell...
Last edited by JWL on Wed Aug 24, 2005 3:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Aug 24, 2005 12:45 pm

I agree and disagree with some points here James...

I agree that we don't want to discourage people, but so many diets are discouraging in a *different* way...
They promise these unbelievable results in no time at all, show you these photos of before and after one month, and then, ulitimately when the person dumps the diet a year or two or three later, and goes back to their old ways, they feel much much dissapointment...
I believe, that people need to gear up, from the get go, for a slow and moderate life changing plan... the mindset has to change...

I'm sure Reinhard will decide, but my thought is that although people will see and feel differences in their bodies sooner, the one year granularity will be inspirational, in a kind of reverse psychology thing way, to people who want to be on a plan that is "real" and not just a fad... If we want to post photos of ourselves along the way on our check in's we can do that every day, as far as I see it.. The problem with having a photo for every month is that, it fuels the unhealthy, almost brainwashed idea, that the only good progress is "fast and easy"....
In this day and age, no one seems to get excited about someone who lost 20 lbs in a year... But this it's really this kind of "bland" normalcy that we are trying to strive for... And for anyone who has said to themselves, "I'm sick of diets and can't stay on another one for even one month" they will find inspiration that NoS is so enjoyable and livable that people are able to stick with it for years...
Personally, when I heard that Navin was into his second year on NoS and was "halfway" to his personal goal, in weight loss, all I could think was
"Wow this guy has Herculean strength willpower!!!! If he can do it, so can I!!! " , and I actually needed to hear that it was taking him some time..
This really differentiates the diet from the quick fix mentality ones...

I don't think it will discourage people to see results after a year.. I think it will actually fortify their commitment to a long term plan and be very inspirational...
But yeah for sure, post "during pics" on individual threads for increased inspiration along the way!!!!
And, incidentally, I know that there are people out there, who have been doing NoS for more than a year, but maybe they just aren't on this group... Yahoo had over 250 people before it was changed...
Some people just don't post so much..
I know that Navin and Justin are two such examples...
Anyone else out there??? Speak now!!! LOL..

Well that's all...
Have a great day!
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Before and During

Post by Kevin » Wed Aug 24, 2005 3:22 pm

I caught that "Before and During". Or, actually the lack of "after". Very nice, Reinhard.

I might be willing to do this if I can smudge my face. Unfortunately, I'm not sure that I have so many good before pictures...

But are you factoring in SG and other exercise? My visuals have changed because I've lost weight, but they've improved because of Urban Ranger, SG, and bodyweight conditioning...

Now, let's see who guesses what my fussing with the fonts on the Urban Ranger reference means...
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Aug 24, 2005 3:42 pm

I don't know Kev!

You like us to squint????

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Post by ClickBeetle » Wed Aug 24, 2005 4:26 pm

You live in a small town?
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Post by Blondie » Wed Aug 24, 2005 4:52 pm

Sub script, Sub Urban!!!

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Wed Aug 24, 2005 10:52 pm

Blondie --> :lol:

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Blondie's the winner

Post by Kevin » Thu Aug 25, 2005 1:51 am

We have a winner.

It's the best simulation I could do of subscript type.
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Post by reinhard » Thu Aug 25, 2005 2:43 pm


You make some good points, which I'll mull over some more, but I think I still like yearly granularity because:

1. I'm in no rush, so it's ok with me if this gallery starts out tiny, or takes a few more months to start at all.

2. As Deb points out, I think shorter term inspiration is easy to come by, especially from every other diet under the sun, but even here, in the group. I'm not worried that a >1 year gallery will prove discouraging. I think it will deeply encouraging. Long term inspiration, like long term results, is in precious short supply.

3. A one year minimum is a good filter. I don't want lots of "I wonder what happened to him?" single during shots. If you make it a whole year, the next is pretty darn likely, and then the next, and so on.

4. A picture a year minimum is not a huge commitment. Enough to be useful, to yourself and others, but not so much that it's onerous

5. A picture a year maximum keeps the vain from drowning out the meek.

6. Most importantly, for us lovers of simplicity, it's nice and simple.


1. I have no problem with smudged faces.

2. I'll have a column where you can specify which systems you've been on, and I'll store it in the database so if it gets really big you can filter to see just people who've been doing the systems you're interested in. Plus people can read your daily checkin for the full gory details.

3. Ah, markup tag humor, I love it. :wink:

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Post by carolejo » Fri Mar 03, 2006 4:05 pm

I'm just pulling this back up out of the archives, because there are quite a lot of new people here and some have been asking about 'before and after pictures'.

Well, as Kevin points out (and it has been discussed several times before too), there's no AFTER here. NoS is for the rest of your life and AFTER is for when you are dead.

I don't think Reinhard ever got anywhere much with the picture gallery, which is far enough as there are so many other things going on in his life. Maybe next year? Who knows?


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Post by Jinx » Fri Mar 03, 2006 7:15 pm

How about this idea....
If we can make the space for our avatar bigger...we can but the two pictures in our avatars side by site..this way we can change them whenever we want to..and those that dont want to post the pix...dont have to.
We could perhaps have a section in our profile with two spots for photos?
this will only give people 2 spots for photos, it won't really slow down the site, and it will be easy comparison!

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