Losing weight forever?

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Losing weight forever?

Post by jordonk27 » Fri Mar 17, 2006 11:18 pm

Recently I've lost so much weight on the No S Diet (about 20 lbs. in 4 months) that my family is worried about me. When I mentioned that I'm still losing weight, they got even worse. I pointed out that I'm no longer losing 6-7 pounds like in the first two months, but only about 1 pound per month. They say that a pound a month will add up to 12 pounds a year and that I'll eventually get sick. But I think that the weight loss models exponential decay: it is rapid at first but then dwindles to virtually nothing. Has anyone here simply stopped losing weight rather than wasting away? I need to convince my family somehow...

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Post by Sakira » Fri Mar 17, 2006 11:38 pm


I am new to the NoS life, but I have been reading a lot on the boards. From what I can tell, when your body gets down to the weight it wants to be, you stop losing. Then you can keep doing the diet to maintain at that point. Which is pretty cool because it should be habit and you can eat to live and not live to eat.


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Post by NoSforme » Fri Mar 17, 2006 11:46 pm

Are you really getting too skinny or is the family just worried because of the sudden change? I suppose if you did keep losing past an ideal weight, you could stay with NoS but add more calorie dense foods during maintenance.

Are you're family members overweight? Sometimes someone elses success can scare people. You may have a certain role in the family and they have to adjust.

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Post by Hunter Gatherer » Sat Mar 18, 2006 2:19 am

Most people eating three meals a day do not starve to death.

If you are not underweight already I don't see what they are concerned about. One way to assuage their worries would be to talk to a doctor (expensive for just the soothing of what is most likely an overreaction, but hey, maybe you just happen to live next door to one or have one as a family friend). Maybe you could even get them to pay for it if they are THAT concerned.

You could figure out your current BMI and your ideal weight. If they see that you are not actually in danger of wasting away anytime soon that might calm them down. You could also compare where you are now with what would be an unhealthy weight and point out how far away you are from that danger point.

Has anyone in your family had trouble with an eating disorder? If so this might be what is fueling their fears.
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Post by Laff » Sat Mar 18, 2006 4:15 am

20 pounds in 4 months does not sound like an unreasonable loss assuming you needed to lose to begin with. I doubt that you would lose on this plan if you didn't have excess weight and if you are eating reasonable quantities of food. What have you been eating on a day to day basis? Are you doing some exercise as well? I wish you continued success. :)
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Mar 18, 2006 2:56 pm

Hi Jordon :)

You are young so you still have an active metabolism..
Reinhard lost 20 lbs in the first two months and then he lost 20 over the next year or two overall... He was walking 2.5 miles, and SG'ing every N day.... He is now maintaining his loss and a lean mean 170 lbs... He hasn't wasted away...

I'm sorry if this sounds a tad rude, but your family doesn't have a real understanding of how weight loss works... Simply taking your initial weight loss and then projecting into the future at the same rate of loss isn't logical at all... I forget what your initial weight was, but I'm sure that in the end, if you eat three healthy meals a day for the rest of your life, I assure you that you won't get sick or waste away... That is just totally illogical and irrational to believe...

Give them a picture of Reinhard and let them know how active he is and how long he has been strictly doing NOS... He doesn't look sick to me...
I tend to agree with some of the ideas about why they are overreacting to your changes, but I'll wait to see what your response is to those ideas before I offer any other advice...
I am thrilled for you that NoS has worked so well!!!!
To go back to your thread title, you won't indefinitely "lose weight forever" but if you stick with this way of life, whatever you lose, will stay off permanently!!!
Peace and Love,
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Post by carolejo » Sun Mar 19, 2006 5:48 pm

Hi Jordan,

You definately won't waste away! This is all about getting to the balance point for your body. If you eat 3 sensible balanced platefuls of healthy food every single day, your body will eventually get to the weight it wants and needs to be, biologically. Be careful not to stint on your meals - make them balanced and include some higher calorie elements in there too.

I hope your family will come to see that this is a good thing provided it is done sensibly and carefully and that you won't be harming yourself and you won't become invisible from sideways on! If you combine the NoS with some resistance exercise regime, you'll gain some muscle mass too and that might help to re-assure your folks.

Go gently.

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Sun Mar 19, 2006 9:01 pm


I hope you take to heart everyone's post, because what they say is 100% correct. Also, the questions they asked are on target, so you should give consideration to those, too.

Congratulations on your present and future success!!!

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Post by reinhard » Mon Mar 20, 2006 4:36 pm


I'm exited to hear that moderation is giving you such striking results! A lot of people here have a much harder time of it... As Deb mentioned, I started out at a similar pace, and it just flattened out as I reached my normal/ideal weight. Eat like a normal person, and you'll weight like a normal person, eventually. It'll taper off, you won't waste away.

To put your parents (and yourself) at ease: just look at the inputs. If your meals are reasonable, and that should be obvious, there's no way you're going to starve to death. And your current pound a month, assuming you can afford to shed a few, is hardly alarming.

Keep us posted, and let us know if you have more questions,


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Jordonk, way to go...

Post by Kevin » Tue Mar 21, 2006 2:05 am

Be careful here. Respect what your family wants for you, but realize that they are human, too, and if you are doing what they haven't been able to accomplish, they will see their reality as normal, and yours as abnormal. Be gentle with them. Some day, you'll maybe lead them - at least some of them - to a happier weight.

On the other hand, you're eating enough, right? Three good square meals a day?

Oh, and I'm not losing weight anymore. Well, really, really slowly. I doubt I will ever get below 175 as I'm doing a good bit of resistance exercise and I'm building muscle.
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