What about bloating?

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What about bloating?

Post by terryval » Tue May 23, 2006 7:25 pm

I've noticed on some weekends (and especially recently) that I seem to gain an inch or two in my waist literally overnight. I go to bed Friday or Saturday (depending on when I do my "weekend") after having eaten my first "weekend" meal, but still looking and feeling reasonably trim; then the next morning almost none of my pants or skirts fit comfortably.

It's not possible to put on this much fat in one night (even if I had severly overeaten, which I don't). The only other two possibilites are 1) water weight, or 2) gas bloating. Water retention occurs in the extremities, from what I know, not around the middle, and if this were gas bloating, it would be uncomfortable, but it's not - apart from having my pants be too snug.

This effect seems to go away within a day or two the following week, after I get back "on track", but it's frustrating not to be able to reap the benefits of my hard work - to look and feel good in my clothes - during the time when I'm most likely to be out and socializing.

Has anyone had a similar experience? Any suggestions?

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Post by Jennifer » Wed May 24, 2006 3:25 am

It could be all the food that is still in your "system." That is...if you eat larger volumes of food than normally. Other than that, I don't know.

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Post by terryval » Thu May 25, 2006 1:06 am

I'm wondering if it might be something like this; that the sudden influx of food is more than my intestines can handle, and so it's digested only very slowly. But then why do I get hungry again?

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu May 25, 2006 4:56 am

Hi Terryval...
I have this happen whenever I eat a lot of salty food...
Yes I believe you are right about it being water retention...

A great way to flush it out, I have recently found, is drink about 40 oz of water and the juice of about 2 lemons...
Drink it all day, and sweeten if you like...
(I use maple syrup)

Then eat healthy foods and do some exercise and "bam" the inch will melt off again and the bloating will subside..

Good luck!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by terryval » Sat May 27, 2006 11:39 pm

I've done some additional research, and I believe you are right. The body retains more water in response to an increased intake of salt, sugar and (simple) carbohydrates. Apparently this occurs particularly in women, and particularly around the midsection. :x

Grapefruit is supposed to be a natural diuretic, so I've bought some grapefruit juice and am going to see how it works. If it doesn't I've also read that some herbal supplements - hawthorn and sunflower (?) extract - help as well. And there's always a visit to the doctor for a prescription. Even though the water retention subsides within a day or two, this business of going up a waist size every week after "date night" with my husband is absurd, and I'm determined to find a way around it.

You'd think I'd have figured this out by now, but I guess I never noticed how severe a problem it has been for me. I'll post the results, if anyone's interested.

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Mon May 29, 2006 1:15 am

Caffeine is also diuretic...enjoy a Starbucks!

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Post by terryval » Mon May 29, 2006 1:45 am

I had thought of that also, but caffeine wreaks havoc on my skin (the pores on my face stand open and my face looks blotchy) and the "crash" after a large coffee is terrible.

I do enjoy coffee and tea; I just couldn't use it in the quantities I would need.

The grapefruit juice seems to have helped, but after drinking two cups, I could barely eat for a day from my teeth being so sensitive. I may just finish the container and try something else.

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Post by pangelsue » Mon May 29, 2006 3:03 am

I think you are right about the salt too. I don't notice the tight pants syndrome so much as a weight hike after the weekend. I eat a little different on the weekends but not enough to show a 2 pound weight gain by Monday but that happens every weekend. It has to be the salt and sugar retaining water. By Tuesday, it starts to go down. We usually use very little salt when we cook. On the weekends, we go out a lot more and eat at other people's houses fairly often. I am sure my salt, fat and sugar intake are quite a bit higher on the weekends. Flushing the system with fluids will probably help but maybe accepting it as a weekend might be okay too. Let us know if you find anything that helps.

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Post by terryval » Mon May 29, 2006 5:56 am

It is somewhat comforting to know that it is just a "weekend" thing; that it is not fat and will go away in a day or two. But the temporary effect is still the same - that my clothes do not fit and for that reason all of my efforts the previous week may as well be for naught. How can I enjoy going dancing with my husband when I feel like a ripe watermelon in my dress? (This is frustration talking, not irritation at you :). )

I will continue to post what I've discovered. Of course just plain water helps flush out excess salt, but other things may do the job faster. See what works for you and let us know as well.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon May 29, 2006 1:35 pm

Hi Terryval :)
Try the lemonade stuff... You will feel amazing and light and refreshed, not like the grapefruit deal.....
And I recommend using organic lemons, since they taste better and are obviously healthier...
This works better than plain water and the lemons clear out all the mucus in the body which contributes to general heaviness and sluggishness..

Have a great day :)
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

ps... I love coffee and tea, but I wouldn't recommend it as a healthy diuretic.. It isn't good for our kidneys at all...
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Post by terryval » Thu Jun 01, 2006 3:01 am

Maybe I will try it, at least to save my teeth. :)

I guess you're suggesting I use fresh lemons, instead of lemon juice? Not that that's a problem - I do love the smell of fresh lemons - and I can zest them while I'm at it!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jun 01, 2006 1:46 pm

Yes yes, fresh!
You want to get the benefits of the vitamins as well and it tastes so much better!

Get organic too.. It might be an extra 25 cents per lemon but it's much better tasting! I did compare myself and regular lemons aren't as lemony..
And then you don't have to worry about pesticides etc.....

Use two tablespoons of lemon juice with 10 ozs. of water...

Make enough for the day and just sip it every few hours...

Avoid salty foods, obviously, and try not to eat dairy, as this causes the body to develop phlegm...

Enjoy Zesty Lemonizing :)
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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