needing a little encouragement

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needing a little encouragement

Post by bchris9791 » Fri Mar 20, 2015 2:16 pm

I am new here. A little background( not too much).
1. Heavy most my life to about 25 when I found my groove.
2. Stayed in a good range pretty naturally without actually focusing on diet.
3. Hit 45 and everything changed. Other women will know what I'm talking about. ( and men who know women).
4. Tried many things ( nutriystems frankenfood, weight watchers etc).
5. Weight lost found its way home to me.
6. Weight watchers for a year yielded a 10 pound loss. But I was overly reliant on foods that are heavily processed
7. I don't want processed junk anymore!
Went to Greece and gained 8 back.
8. Really focusing on real food and how to simply eat nourishing food but not to much and hope my body finds its best weight.
9. Have a few food sensitivities so I decided to do this crazy thing called the whole30 for a month. No dairy no grain no sugar no alcohol for a month.
10. No weight loss but I did realize exactly what I have sensitivities to.
11. Also realized I should not read posts from active 25 yeAr old men and women who talk about effortless weight loss, it messes with my mind

So here I am on day 6 of no s. I have been successful with the habit but have gained a pound. I know I know....measure the habit. But Im feeling discouraged.

Anyone out there who gained at first and then saw success?

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Post by Dale » Fri Mar 20, 2015 10:17 pm

Good work on getting the habit established!

I don't remember what happened the first week, but I do know that my weight naturally fluctuates by a pound or two (sometimes more) from day to day. I think it's the same for most people. I would not expect to see a loss from week to week. The way I look at it, unless you've been eating enough extra calories (an extra 3500 roughly, above maintenance), you haven't actually gained a pound. Don't worry about it! It's just not long enough a time to be able to judge if it's "working" or not.

I find it helps to chart my weight so I can see progress over a longer time.

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Post by ironchef » Fri Mar 20, 2015 10:38 pm

Welcome! And well done on your green first week.

One of the key ideas of No S s that it becomes a habit, so that it becomes easier, rather than harder, over time (the opposite of most other diets). This is why people put so much emphasis on forming habits at the start, rather than getting worried about the scale straight away. So I would suggest giving it at least a month or more on habit before you focus on anything else.

For the first year or so on No S, I weighed daily and calculated a trend (moving average). This takes out the daily fluctuations (mostly water and salt related). You can do this yourself, or I think will do it for you. My weight goes up and down sometimes 3 - 4 pounds over a week, even though my overall trend may be downwards the whole time.

The other thing I've seen posters do is weigh less frequently (e.g. once a week on Friday morning) so they don't see all the little bumps up and down.

If you stay on habit with green N days for several months and are not losing at all, then it might be time to consider something else - e.g. some moderate exercise, your ratio of light to dense foods on your plate, how much alcohol you drink, etc. But Day 6 is waaaay too early for worrying about all that gumpf.

Best wishes with your journey :)

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Location: milwaukee wi

Post by bchris9791 » Sat Mar 21, 2015 12:10 am


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