First Day - Overeating in the evenings

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First Day - Overeating in the evenings

Post by Lolly23 » Mon Aug 21, 2006 6:41 pm

Hi all,

I am 23 and from Scotland, i have just signed up, and will be starting to use the No S rules tomorrow. My problem is, that during the day because i have a fairly active job my mind is not on food, so tend to skip breakfast, and have a large lunch and dinner. Then in the evening i generaly snack until about 9pm, i allways feel terribly guilty about this. This has been my habbit for so long, im scared it is going to be hard to break. I havn't really tried any diets before, but i am around 3 stone overweight and realise it is time to do somthing about it.

I am planning to work out for about an hour a day maby more if i can find the time, i am hoping this will speed things along a bit.

I would be greatfull for any comments from people who have the same probelms of snacking in the evening, and any support.

Thanks xx

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Post by david » Mon Aug 21, 2006 9:01 pm

It's pretty simple to stop snacking in the evenings.


If I did it, you can.

You will be hungry, of course, but you'll live and you can easily form new habits.


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Post by Steve » Mon Aug 21, 2006 9:37 pm

One thing that helped me avoid evening snacking in the early days of my diet was to just not keep snack food in the house. After a couple of weeks, when the No-S habits were more established, it was easier to start keeping snack-like foods (to go with meals, or to save for S-days) in the cupboards again without being tempted to eat them.

Another thing would be to make sure your meals are substantial enough and spaced apart adequately -- maybe make a habit of eating breakfast, and if you can get away with it, maybe eat dinner an hour or two later than you do now.

Also, drink lots of water -- takes up space in the stomach, and sometimes when you think you're hungry, you're actually just thirsty, from what I'm told.

And of course just keep yourself occupied -- if you're working out, or doing something else that's active, you'll be less likely to snack than if you're watching TV or whatever.

One little trick that works for some people is brushing their teeth earlier in the evening rather than right before bed. That way they're less tempted to snack (I guess because then they'd have to brush their teeth again, and besides, that minty taste doesn't go with everything.) Doesn't work for everyone, I guess, but it might be worth a try.

Anyway, it's rough for the first couple days or so, but once you get into the habit it's surprising how easy it is. Good luck!

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Post by RobinT » Mon Aug 21, 2006 10:40 pm's what;s been working for me...Rhinehard mentioned that you can have 4 meals if you need it...with my blood sugar issues, i probably should, but i wanted to keep that "fence around the rules" and keep it to 3. So at night, I have a drink...a Sugar Free Hot Cocoa to be exact. I also load in a scoop of fiber powder (benefiber) has no taste at all. it fills me up and is a soothing snack.

I have been so happy with this plan. The S days are fun, but i physicaly feel so much better on No S's.

Best of will find the folks on this board to be lovely and informative people!

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Post by Eatin' Free » Mon Aug 21, 2006 11:55 pm

Herbal teas help me a lot. There are some nights when I'll have two or three large mugs of tea, if water is not serving the purpose. I've also started going to bed a little earlier to read or listen to music. Keeps me out of the kitchen and TV room, definite danger zones for me.

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Post by gettnbusy » Tue Aug 22, 2006 5:58 am

Im a huge night time snacker too (well, I used to be before last week). What I have been using that helps me with the whole chewing thing is sugar free gum. It is hopefully ok, I know it is a sweet but it is sugar free & keeps me from eating anything else which saves me even more calories & agony later. One other thing that helps is to keep myself occupied. It was mentioned going to bed earlier to do other things (read, etc.) and that is great. Maybe take a walk around your building if it's not too late every time you think of snacking or find yourself going to the fridge. I keep Reinhard's No S Diet slogan prinout thing on the fridge. It ALWYAS help me to redirect my htoughts about WHY I AM STANDING IN FRONT OF THE FRIDGE!! And normally, it's never due to hunger. So, stop & think and eventually the thoughts become less & less of snacking. Keep us updated! Especially if you find something that works.
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Post by mstevens » Tue Aug 22, 2006 7:52 am

You could always have breakfast at 9pm if you didn't have it in the morning.

And as other people said, I find fluids, especially things like tea & coffee (even decaff, so it's not the caffeine factor) are very good for dealing with the hunger pangs.

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Post by Mia21972 » Tue Aug 22, 2006 12:16 pm

I've been trying to eat later and make dinner my largest meal so that I'm full during my prime snacking housr, (6-10 PM). What's going to be difficult is that school starts on Friday which means breakfast at 6 AM, lunch at 10:45 so I'll be really ready for dinner by 4 PM! Here's me praying hard for will power and strength! ~Mia
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Post by reinhard » Tue Aug 22, 2006 12:59 pm

Welcome, Lolly23.

Most of our lives are not ideally set up to keep our minds on food -- that's why we unthinkingly overeat. Because society no longer demands it, because it actively distracts us from it, we need to force ourselves to pay a little attention. You're going to have to do this with your meals if you want to succeed at no-s. It does cost something in terms of effort, but not a whole lot, and the payoff is abundantly worth it.

So don't skip breakfast, even if you aren't hungry and are in a rush. Regularly eating breakfast will train you to be hungry for it. And it doesn't have to be a huge production. It just needs a little gesture of formality and respect, just a nod. And you see the revenge appetite takes at night if you haven't placated it with a little respect in advance.

At night, as others have suggested, have a glass or milk or herbal tea or whatever instead of your snack. It's like methadone for your existing snack habit. It should be enough to keep it from demanding the real thing. Habit is sneaky, but it's also kind of dumb. If you're firm, and give it something, you can fool it.

Best wishes and keep us posted,


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