french portion sizes

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french portion sizes

Post by joasia » Sun Aug 27, 2006 4:06 pm

I read several articles about a study that was done comparing portion sizes in france and U.S. They studied 11 different establishments from pizza, chinese, fast food, to cafes. They found that the mean (average) portion in Paris is about 277 grams while in Philadelphia the average portion was 347 grams or more. 277 grams is about the amount that will fit on a single plate! Also, the French traditionally don't snack between meals, eat more homemade whole foods, and walk a lot. They also don't eat low fat. In France it is hard to find non fat or low fat yogurt, milk, cheese, or anything. No wonder they are slimmer.
The destiny of nations depends on the manner in which they feed themselves. Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

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Post by cab54 » Sun Nov 05, 2006 8:31 pm


I, too, have always been fascinated by the French---and all other countries, who seem to know moderation---something I think we have lost touch with in this country, and probably the main reason why we are overweight, as a nation.

I have noticed that most people I know who are normal weight, eat 3 balanced meals, rarely snack, and aren't overly into sugar and sweets, sweets, sweets.

My own mother (part French :wink: ) has always been quite slim. She eats 3 meals a day, doesn't snack much at all, has sweets only on special occasions, really, and after having 6 children, never got heavy in her life.

We, her own children---after leaving home and her wonderful influence (and wholesome cooking) found junk food and erratic eating habits, and have all had to struggle with our weight.

Starting weight--200 (gah!)
Goal weight--135, or wherever I end up

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Post by cab54 » Sun Nov 05, 2006 8:35 pm


I, too, have always been fascinated by the French---and all other countries, who seem to know moderation---something I think we have lost touch with in this country, and probably the main reason why we are overweight, as a nation.

I have noticed that most people I know who are normal weight, eat 3 balanced meals, rarely snack, and aren't overly into sugar and sweets, sweets, sweets.

My own mother (part French :wink: ) has always been quite slim. She eats 3 meals a day, doesn't snack much at all, has sweets only on special occasions, really, and after having 6 children, never got heavy in her life.

We, her own children---after leaving home and her wonderful influence (and wholesome cooking) found junk food and erratic eating habits, and have all had to struggle with our weight.

Starting weight--200 (gah!)
Goal weight--135, or wherever I end up

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Post by zoolina » Tue Nov 07, 2006 10:47 am

But it's also important to remember that moderation is hard for the French, too. I have a lot of friends that are French, and they are all super disciplined about their eating. It certainly doesn't come naturally to any of them, but they do manage to listen to this strict nagging mother voice in their heads saying " you can have a small croissant now, but that means that you will only have a tiny dinner with no desert."

And that's what makes so much sense to me about the no S diet. It's like an artificial nagging mom, giving me the rules I never really learned from my own mother.

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