Compliments... sort of

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Compliments... sort of

Post by silverfish » Tue Nov 14, 2006 10:17 pm

My little sister told me last night that I could probably stop losing weight about now. She said I would start making her look bad :)

But when we looked in the reflective wall of the lift on the way up to the restaurant, it was true: we aren't the same size, but we are both on the same scale now. And maybe she is right.

I'm certainly comfortable with what I weigh and how I look, despite being about 8-9kg (18-20 pounds) over what the BMI says my top weight should be. (Mind you, I was comfortable 50 pounds ago). But this isn't about losing weight anymore (if it ever primarily was) - it is about living this way, enjoying food, living somewhat mindfully, etc, etc. I'm not trying to lose weight - if it happens as a side effect, that's good, but I know its slowing down. I'm not running to lose weight but because I enjoy it, like going a little further and faster each week, feeling the high.

I don't want to be any particular weight now - the issues with that are all really consumer and availability issues: the really cool clothes are just coming into my reach, and I would like to be able to buy button-through shirts easily. Although, as my sister pointed out, that is what vests and cardigans are for.

So that's where I am at the moment :)

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Post by Rosemary » Tue Nov 14, 2006 11:03 pm

silverfish, although we're upside down, according to geography, your spirit is definitely right side up! I liked the way you expressed both your acceptance of your status quo and your optimism. Your words had the happy effect of reflecting, and thereby doubling, my own pleasure in the way things are.

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Post by zoolina » Wed Nov 15, 2006 8:00 am


That's what really has made me a fan of the no-s lifestyle. IIn the past few weeks I've been far less concerned about either the scale or my appearance on it. I find myself not really caring AS much about the bulge around the middle because if I can call a day a success, then I'm doing all I can do. Love it.


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Post by pangelsue » Wed Nov 15, 2006 12:26 pm

That is a real Zen approach. Finding the peace in now. Congrats, Silverfish. That makes each day a real success.
A lot of growing up happens between "it fell" and "I dropped it."

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Post by david » Wed Nov 15, 2006 5:07 pm

Silverfish is cool.


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Post by reinhard » Fri Nov 17, 2006 2:31 am

Thanks for the update, Silverfish.

Nothing like a self-deprecating complement for authenticity!

I'm so glad to hear that no-s continues to be both pleasant and effective for you. It's great that your focus is on behavior and attitude rather than scale numbers (though you've done great in that department, too).


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