
No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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British Chap
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Post by British Chap » Wed Nov 15, 2006 4:42 pm

Hello everyone - I'm new to the forum and No S's today - read about it this morning. Doing it this afternoon - sounds right up my street.

I need to weigh myself tonight - and I'm really looking for shape and tone rather than weight loss per se. Never the less - this looks like a good way to shift the lard. I reckon I want to say goodbye to around 23-24 pounds.

Anyway - I love my snacks (or should I say that I did.) So I'm looking for fun ways to make drinks more interesting so I've something to enjoy and look forward to.

I already drink fruit and redbush tea rather than normal tea and coffee. I wanted to get people's views on drinking cocoa. I'm NOT talking about hot chocolate here. Cocoa is 2 tsp. pure cocoa powder (unsweetened) with about a teaspoon of sugar and 14 oz of skimmed milk. I'd certainly limit it to one a day - would you consider this to be a snack? javascript:emoticon(':D')
Very Happy

Intrigued to see what folks think.

Anyway - thanks and best wishes to all of you. :D

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Post by pangelsue » Thu Nov 16, 2006 1:09 am

I thought about this for a while and there are several schools of thought here. Unfortunately, if it has calories, so I am inclined to think it is a treat. But sugar and cream in coffee is OK so that begs the issue again. Hard call but I would vote, treat because milk, sugar and cocoa all have calories.

Welcome, by the way and best of luck.
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Big Phil
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Post by Big Phil » Thu Nov 16, 2006 1:53 am

I think Reinhard's original ruling on tea and coffee was that you could have as much as you like, with sugar if you want because in calorie terms it doesn't make much difference. The cocoa is probably in the same league, I fail to believe that after 10,000 years drinking the stuff, milk is the thing that has suddenly caused an obesity epidemic! Milk is good for you (unless you are lactose intolerant).
However, it sounds like a comfort drink to me, and most of the point of NoS (for me at least and for a few others who have posted) is to conquer comfort eating. Eating to cheer yourself up or for something to do when you are bored. My concern is if that is what cocoa is for you then it could be counter-productive in continuing the comfort eating in a disguised form, only to rear it's ugly head later. If that is not the case then go for it. Perhaps the safe option is to have the tea and coffee you enjoy during the week, but keep the cocoa for an S-day treat on weekends when you can enjoy it with some marshmallows and cake or biscuits.

Just my two cents worth,


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Post by reinhard » Thu Nov 16, 2006 3:55 am

Big Phil hit it... I'm less concerned about the calories of the cocoa than what it symbolizes. It seems so desserty. If you could keep it at that, no problem. But I'm concerned it will be a slippery slope.

If you think you can handle it, go for it. But be aware of this danger and if you run into trouble, it's a good candidate for removal. Cocoa is very nice (and more appropriate) on S days.


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British Chap
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Post by British Chap » Thu Nov 16, 2006 11:20 am

Good insight and common sense from everyone. Thank you for sharing your experience. Cocoa goes to S-days it is.


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