Another Total Newbie

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Another Total Newbie

Post by tracyj64 » Thu Jul 07, 2005 6:17 am

Hi Everyone,

I have been looking for an easy to do plan, for a few months now, trying to find something health but would help me lose weight fast. Something kept drawing me back to this one. I am not happy with the other stuff I tried or had to modify them too much to meet my needs so I wouldnt stick to something for too long. I was even starting to dabble with diet pills and taking 3x the normal doses of laxatives.

About 6 weeks ago I quit smoking and I have been obsessive about my weight. I have gotten quite ugly with my husband (who is deployed with the military, so he really doesn't need a psycho wife back at home with his children).

But then about 2 days ago for some reason, a light bulb went off :idea: I had started going through these diets again, eat this soup for a week and you will lose tons of weight or eat this barely any food menu for 3 days and lose 10 lbs. Then I stopped at this website yet again and saw it had a message board and read some of the post. I began to think, why am I just concentrating on the negatives, I should be concentrating on what I have accomplished. Such as instead of gaining any weight when I quit smoking I actually lost 5 lbs.

So I am dabbling with this diet the rest of this week, getting use to it, but Monday will be my first day. I am going to get back to my daily excercise even start to jog in the mornings. I have never jogged so this is a big thing. I don't want to lose alot of weight, I just want to start with 10-15 lbs, eventually down 25lbs.

You guys have inspired me.


PS Quick questions, I usually like to have a glass of skim or 2% milk with some chocolate syrup before bed, it is kind of my night snack and also part of my 3 diary a day. Although I have been having my milk with dinner. Does it matter or should I keep it with dinner?

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Post by carolejo » Thu Jul 07, 2005 8:11 am

Welcome! It'll be fun to have someone else just starting out to compare notes with. Good luck. I hope it goes well for you.

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Post by sibyl » Thu Jul 07, 2005 11:03 am

Have your milk with dinner. No Snacking!! :)
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Post by sibyl » Thu Jul 07, 2005 12:42 pm

sibyl wrote:Have your milk with dinner. No Snacking!! :)
Ack, I shouldn't post when I'm still half asleep. :P Sorry.

Your chocolate milk could be considered a snack, but its also a nightcap and there's nothing wrong with that. So enjoy it, if it helps you sleep and keeps the cravings down.
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Post by sibyl » Thu Jul 07, 2005 12:45 pm

sibyl wrote:Have your milk with dinner. No Snacking!! :)
Ack, I shouldn't post when I'm still half asleep. :P Sorry.

Your chocolate milk could be considered a snack, but its also a nightcap and there's nothing wrong with that. So enjoy it, if it helps you sleep and keeps the cravings down.

Also, don't worry so much about losing weight, or at least not losing it 'fast'. I know some people doing No S are much more into weight loss and tracking that than others (i.e., me), but one thing that has been consistent is the acknowledgement that you don't necessarily lose fast, but steadily and healthfully, and that No S is more of a 'maintenance plan' than your typical 'lose weight fast diet'.

Any way, welcome and good luck!
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Post by peetie » Thu Jul 07, 2005 2:01 pm

I am on Day #8 and finding that the biggest plus, for me, is that I am eating like a normal person. I have had decades being on the diet/binge merry go round, and there is such a calming quality to life when you aren't constantly crazed with food....overeating it.....trying not to eat it.

Granted, it is taking effort not eating between meals....the evening being the toughey, but I am finding it is easier after my first week than it was in the beginning. That's what seems so right about this seems to get easier, not harder like crash diets where you just know it's a matter of time when the will and the body can't take it anymore and sends you to Krispy Kreme ready to trade your whole paycheck for their goods!

I would be very happy to lose a few pounds, but my first goal is to eat in a reasonably healthy, sane way. Having the perfect, skinny body isn't much consolation if you have to drive yourself to distraction to maintain it. I want comfort in my life as much as possible these days, and NoS is giving that to me.


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Post by reinhard » Fri Jul 08, 2005 9:39 pm

Welcome, Tracyj.

I would skip the chocolate milk. It seems like a pretty clear "sweet" to me. If it were regular milk (even whole milk, the only kind I drink) I wouldn't blink, except it seems like a funny thing to do to your digestive system right before bed.

Naturally, do what you think best, but I think it might be both confusing to your sweet-sensor and slow down your progress to a discouraging crawl (vanilla no-s-diet is no speed demon as it is). If you think you can handle these, great. But be aware that it's a danger.

Let us know how it goes.

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Post by ClickBeetle » Sat Jul 09, 2005 3:44 am

Tracy, in somewhat the same manner as you, I often have a cup of hot cocoa before bed (the real thing, not the powdered stuff that is mostly corn syrup solids and hydrogenated vegetable oil) -- both to fulfill my dairy "quota" and to stave off chocolate cravings, plus it helps me get to sleep. For No-S I just started making it with a scant teaspoon of sugar and a bit of Splenda, so that the calories are overwhelmingly milk calories, not sugar calories.

Do what you feel is right for you, but I advise just watch that chocolate syrup. It could really set you back. The heart and diabetes association people are recommending not more than 20 grams of added sugars a day, and I'll bet the chocolate syrup has nearly that much in the amount that flavors a cup of milk.
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