I posted at the Atkins Diet Bulletin Board

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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I posted at the Atkins Diet Bulletin Board

Post by iu » Mon Mar 05, 2007 4:43 pm

I shared this morning about the No S Diet and it's principles, and how a person could use the no s strategy while using atkins, and was asked why I was introducing another diet plan on their boards. The idea of grazing all day was disregarded by saying our body needs snacks and small meals all day rather than starving our bodies by three large meals. Wow, they really think three meals is starving. I said I was sorry for being on the wrong wave length and I said goodbye. Hope some of them do google search the no s diet just to check it out. Very defensive, alot of them quoted their extreme weight loss as proof. They are very crabby there because they are missing carbs that may be good for them. I made some enemies, but I hope they check this out. Sometimes I have doubts about leaving atkins lifestyle, but just this morning I was affirmed how correct my decision was. :(
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Post by reinhard » Mon Mar 05, 2007 6:30 pm

Well, thanks for spreading the word at such great personal risk (and escaping before things got too ugly)!

Low carbers can be prickly... one trick that might work is by pointing out the commonalities (there are some):

1. no sweets is (pretty directly) a form of low carb

2. no snacks indirectly limits carbs because guess what most prepackaged snack foods are made of?

That being said, if individuals are happily succeeding on low carb, good for them. I wish them the best. I am skeptical that many will over the long haul, but I think it's best to let people figure that out for themselves rather than aggressively proselytizing (not that you were).


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I hope they at least check it out.

Post by iu » Mon Mar 05, 2007 7:29 pm

I think it was the word "grazing" I know that's what woke me up. You are so right, they will figure it out for themself, just wanted to share an alternative...oh well......at least they heard about the No S Diet, I am glad I shared....now I will let it be.
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Post by jennzenn » Mon Mar 05, 2007 9:00 pm

It sounds like the people that replied to your post on the other forum were treating Atkins like a religion of sorts. People get very defensive when you challenge their beliefs, even when you have a valid argument.

It takes religious willpower to stick with such a restrictive plan like atkins...remember my marshmallow story. Some religions believe that a sip of wine will send you to hell.
If one doesn't mind living in fear, and guilt and sometimes rules that have no real bearing on anything but to follow the leader (creator of the diet plan or religion)...go for it...belong to what ever belief system one wants.

All I can say is ....no-s is freedom from mind controlling diets, programs, plans, points, calorie counting, carb counting, watching this, watching that...etc.

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And...you will rarely see anyone practically kick you off the board for mentioning something that may sound different. We are all pretty open minded. ( From what I have noticed anyway)


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Welcome aboard

Post by Kevin » Mon Mar 05, 2007 11:45 pm

It might be that for some, Atkins is the answer. Different strokes. Welcome and good luck!
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Post by childbride » Tue Mar 06, 2007 12:19 am

People take their diets very personally. And by "diets" I mean "general way of eating," not just "eating for weight-reduction." Sometimes people take what is meant as a kind suggestion as an insult instead.

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Post by joasia » Tue Mar 06, 2007 1:38 am

Don't even get me started on the no carb crowd. I have several where I work. They eat the cheese and pepperoni off of 5 slices of pizza. They eat those awful bunless burgers. All the while you have to guard your lunch because they look like any moment they will attack your sandwich and leave no survivors. This crowd is so deprived that they are constantly acousting
you and your lunch. They spend our entire 45 minute lunch period analyzing the carb content of everybody's lunch and talking about their diet. One lady lost some weight on atkins, then said she had to stop because she started to dream of meat every night and her cholesterol went up. One year later she is at it again. When I suggested she try something else she immediately told me I was wrong. So the lesson is: Religion, sex, politics and DIET are taboo subjects at the work place.
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Post by iu » Tue Mar 06, 2007 1:54 pm

You know how when you learn something that really lifted you up and brought happiness you just have to share it, especially with those within your family and friends.....it was with that spirit. But as everyone posted here it is taboo....learned something new with that one!!! I will simply enjoy the new lifestyle and that's enough for me......thanks everyone..
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Post by florafloraflora » Tue Mar 06, 2007 3:03 pm

Hey, when we stop calling Reinhard our guru (and I do it as much as anyone) I'll be ready to condemn Atkins dieters and everyone else for their unhealthy attachment to their ways of eating. I think it's inevitable to feel strongly about something so personal and so basic.

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Post by joasia » Tue Mar 06, 2007 5:10 pm

I'm sorry if someone thought I was condemning the Atkins crowd. I know how hard weight loss is and how personal. I just get tired of the Atkins work crowd examining my lunch everyday. I guess what I meant to say is that you have to be careful what you say about diet (being that it is so personal).
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Post by joasia » Tue Mar 06, 2007 5:12 pm

P.S. I myself have toyed with the idea of going back to weight watchers. But I remember how hard it was to do all that counting. I never felt I could go out to dinner or cook something for my family. I know that weight watchers is not a lifestyle I can maintain. That is why I am not giving up on nos, even though I have been struggling (through no fault of the program).
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Post by JustAnnie » Tue Mar 06, 2007 6:50 pm

Milczar - Personally, I really enjoyed your first post to this thread. It made my day! :D

Dieting that restricts certain foods is NOT a natural state for any living organism. Animals in the wild rarely,if ever, are overweight. It's only our domestic animals and animals kept in captivity that are fat and out of shape. Those of us who are overweight are like animals kept in captivity, we've forgotten how to eat, how much to eat and that we need exercise. The No "S" system takes us back to our roots. It's not really a diet. It teaches us to eat less and get up and move like our forefathers did which will naturally make us leaner and more fit. It's more of a concept than a diet. I will never DIET again.
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Post by cab54 » Mon Mar 19, 2007 3:00 pm

FYI--My diabetic husband's blood sugar was higher daily on Atkins then at any other time, on any other diet. With no carbs and no sugar at all.

My feeling is that maybe down the road, we will see that this diet (low carb)has an after-effect on many people's blood sugars-- and finally becoming diabetic--than we realize right now. Watching him eat nothing but meat and eggs and still having a quite high blood sugar made me wonder....... :?:

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Post by arc » Mon Mar 19, 2007 8:13 pm

Too much protein can also raise blood sugars. FWIW, my blood sugar stays very low (83) on a moderate fat, adequate protein diet and starts creeping up if my carbs go much over 100g a day.

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