Talk me back from the ledge!!

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Talk me back from the ledge!!

Post by paulrone » Fri Jul 06, 2007 1:54 pm

Guys and Gals, I've been on No S for a while and I saw some improvement early on, but then it stopped. I need to drop 20 pounds, but I've been stuck there.
This morning, things got worse. I know it isn't totally accurate, but I gained 4 pounds this week. I'm sure some of it is fluid, but not all of it. I also measured bodyfat percent and it jumped up 2%. Not good. I haven't been able to do any formal exercise since Monday, when I strained my calf muscle. Four days without formal exercise should NOT result in a 4 pound gain!
I'm frustrated and I'm not sure what I need to change. Any suggestions would be helpful.
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Post by kccc » Fri Jul 06, 2007 3:14 pm

I just had a similar moment (see "I'm being an idiot" thread). For me, weekend binging led to the same kind of jumps.

First step - if you fall off the wagon, get back on FAST. It limits the damage. It's surprising how fast those 4 lbs will go back off UNLESS you invite them to stay and bring their friends. :)

Second... focus on the habit, not the results. (Yeah, I know. I have a hard time with this one too. But you have to trust the process. See my "Counter-intuitive" thread.) If you can build the habit, you will see results... eventually. But not if you are so anxious about the results that you undermine the habit.

Third...Adjust your perspective, and cut yourself some slack. Weight loss is NOT linear. Even when I lost with WW, my body would drop, then plateau for a lo-ong time, then drop again. During the plateau, I might lose inches... it's like my body had to stabilize before losing more. You have to wait it out patiently. (See the second rule again.)

Fourth... find little non-food rewards for staying on track. That does two things: reinforces habit, and helps you identify "things you like that aren't food." (Especially good for those of us who eat as a "default treat.") Be nice to yourself, and pat yourself on the back for sticking with this.

And post here a lot. When we give another person advice, we hear it ourselves. It's good for all of us. :)

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Post by paulrone » Fri Jul 06, 2007 6:39 pm

I really don't know what's going on. I don't have many failures and I try to keep portion sizes under control.
I guess I'll spend the weekend getting this sorted out.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jul 07, 2007 1:41 am

Paul you simply need to stick to it and keep trying.
Be strict with the rules and patient.
It took me about a year to lose my first 17 lbs.
I only had an average of about 75 percent successful N days back then.

But it didn't come back on, so it was worth it.
This is not "extreme" dieting and it's not going to be super fast..
All other weight loss programs push the fast aspect so much that we become very brainwashed to think that losing weight fast is the way to go, so it's easy with all that pressure from those messages, to feel even more frustrated at a slow change.
Sorry about your injury. Take it easy.
And get back from that ledge!

Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by mimi » Sat Jul 07, 2007 5:01 pm

Hey Paurone! Sorry to hear you're having some setbacks! The calf muscle will heal in time - so make sure you give it time! Maybe you could try shovelgloving until it does (more of an upper body workout?)? I have not made one myself, since I prefer walking outside so much, but it might be worth a look into. At least until you can go back to running. As for No S and your results...sit yourself down and seriously think for awhile. I know you mentioned you are a former WW member and you had success there - but it didn't last, did it. Think of all the other torturous diet plans you have been on, or thought about going on, and how they didn't work for long either. Then think of all the great and positive things about living a No S life. No special foods to buy or prepare, no special equipment needed, no weighing, measuring, counting, or ciphering of any kind. And the freedom you gain from the food wars and struggles - most important I feel, at least to me. Now seriously look for ways and places where maybe you have been sabotaging your own No S efforts. Be honest. Do you use the Habitcal? I use my old calendar that hangs on the side of the fridge in the kitchen and mark off the days in the appropriate colors, yellow, green, or red. This is significant for me, and the biggest part of my success thus far, because I think otherwise I would become careless - maybe not intentionally, but I would forget exactly how many non-weekend S days I had actually declared over a month's time, or I wouldn't remember how many slipups had occurred, etc. The calendar puts it there at a glance. It keeps me straight, and pats me on the back at the same time. Success breeds more success. Now, for heaven's sake! Get back from that ledge! Whatever were you thinking about Paurone?!
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Post by brotherjohn » Mon Jul 09, 2007 2:30 pm

Good morning, Paulrone!

Remember, my friend, it's progress, not perfection. Success consists of getting up one more time than we fall down! :wink:

***thinking of you with kind thoughts today***


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Post by reinhard » Mon Jul 09, 2007 8:56 pm


Plateau's are frustrating, but inevitable. It's important not to panic and forfeit the advances you've already made.

I guess there are two questions to focus on:

1. are your results really backsliding? The numbers you give are kind of small... You might want to keep more meticulous track like Rose did for a little while to see how meaningful they are. Of course, mere stagnation isn't great either -- but it's better.

2. you say you're having trouble figuring out where the excess is coming in. First off, depending on what you discover by doing #1, there might not be a whole lot. But let's say you really do detect backsliding or stagnate an intolerable amount of time. The first thing I'd do is be hard core about monitoring basic compliance. I see you've used the habitcal a bit.. try using it meticulously for a full calendar month at least. If your compliance is good, and the results are still not what you'd like, then maybe consider further interventions. My guess is you won't need to. But we'll be happy to brainstorm and help if you think you do.


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Re: Talk me back from the ledge!!

Post by stevecooper » Tue Jul 10, 2007 10:00 am

Morning, P.

How far are you from your target weight, and how did you come to that figure?

I'm thinking there's a significant difference between, say, being six pounds over what you'd like and being six stone over.

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Post by paulrone » Fri Jul 13, 2007 1:54 pm

I really appreciate everyone's suggestions. This really helps. I guess I expect fast results. That's a type A personality for you, though. I tend to expect a lot from myself.

I'm really focused on three things right now, and I'll be tracking them on HabitCal: 1. No S 2. Portion Size 3. Exercise

I know I'm sticking to No S about 90%, but that's not good enough. I need 100%. As for portion sizes, I think they've crept upward when I wasn't paying attention. I need to get this under control. As for exercise, I believe I may need to switch to walking and biking. Running seems to be wearing my body down. A consistent walking program will be better than an inconsistent, painful running program. I think I'll be adding shovelglove to it, as well.

Another thing I need to realize is that I'm on the last 20 pounds. They are extremely stubborn, so I will need patience to deal with it.

By the way, sorry for the sporadic posting. Work has been hectic, so I haven't had time to post; also, my modem at home got fried by a lightning strike, so I can't post from there. The pace at work is slowing down, so I should be on here more in the future.
-Sometimes Fundamentalist and self-appointed King of the S-day Moderates
"As it is (sometimes) written, so let it (sometimes) be done."

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