Just Curious

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Just Curious

Post by cvmom » Tue Sep 27, 2005 11:56 pm

Hi All.

I was just curious about how all of you made it to the No S site. I found it while asking Jeeves about No Sugar Diets.

There seem to be a lot of new people around here lately. I know that's a good thing. Reinhard, dear, how is the book coming along?????


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Post by Sinnie » Wed Sep 28, 2005 12:11 am

Good question Dru. You have me racking my brain as I really can't remember what I typed in the search engine, although I definitely know I found it through Yahoo. I have a tendency to search different diet/health stuff on the internet, so for me it was just a random search that brought me here.

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Post by navin » Wed Sep 28, 2005 1:02 am

According to an old legend, here is how it goes. It was a cold day in New Hampshire two years minus two fortnights ago, and I was with some old college friends, as well as some of their spouses and friends and friends of friends and stuff. The weekend-long gathering was highlighted with decadent chocolate cake and an overall abundance of food. There were a few of us there ruminating about weight loss and the like. One among us mentioned this plan, the plan they call No-S. I was skeptical at first, as I am of a lot of things, but considered it. As I was driving home, I realized most of my driving would be Monday, and then some Tuesday. I took the opportunity to try it out - knowing only the basic rules, and not yet having even been to the website. Monday and Tuesday were successful N-days, and when I made it home I checked out the website. With my experience and with the knowledge gleaned from reading the site, it dawned on me that this wasn't some crazy, dangerous cult, but rather a sensible way to manage behavior that leads to overeating and weight gain. And that is how I became part of the fold of the No-S community.

Choose to believe it or not, but that is how the folklore goes.

That man who led me here was some copmuter guy named Justin, who looks an awful lot like the Justin that posts here. But I'm sure that's just a freak coincidence.... this is legend, after all.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Sep 28, 2005 1:52 am

Hey Dru! Here's another exciting NoS tale from the vault! LOL...
Last Summer I was so totally fat and out of control that I was truly miserable... I felt totally desperate, but not so desperate that I would put myself through going on some BS diet... I didn't even know there was any other choice out there anymore, since all the means of losing weight, I had used in recent years were all, stupid... I felt I'd never find the motivation to try and lose weight through some bogus diet again, and really worried that I would not be able to motivate myself in any other way... At that point I'd been up and down three times over my adult life... My lowest weight was 159 and then my highest was 225'ish...

After going out to see a show with a woman, and complaining about my gaining trend that year (while holding a recently bought can of COKE!), this woman told me I should look at this "Blood Type" diet...
So I googled it and Reinhard's little ad came up on the side...
It said something like
"Don't try the Blood type diet yet!" LOL..., or something..
Well, I clicked on his Google ad and instantly lost my interest in pursuing the Blood Type Diet! LOL...
I was won over by page one!
I can remember laughing my ass off, while reading it...
My favorite quote then, and still is now, was when Reinhard mentioned that, not only are we "irresponsible", when we don't look at the real problems causing our weight, but we are being

I don't know why that cracked me up so much, but I just was totally tickled by it!!! It was so contemptuous and sarcastic!!! But it was also true!!!..At least in most cases.... I thought he was just totally refreshing!
I mean think about it... No one wants to simply say "I eat too much" when they are fat.. They just say stuff like "I'm allergic to Carbs" or, "I have bad genes", etc... LOL...
So I was like,,, "This guy is a genius!"...

I was also highly impressed with his link on the homepage which he called "Normal Cookbook" which brings you to the amazon page for The Lutece Cookbook...
For those of you who don't know this place, it is one of the best French restaurants that has ever existed in NYC... Sadly it is now closed... Very stodgy atmosphere, and stuffy waiters, with attitudes, but just the most glorious food around!
As a treat, I was taken there by my first boyfriends rich Aunt, for lunch, oh let's see, about 1988 or something...
Lunch for one was about fifty dollars a person.. And that was nearly twenty years ago, so go and figure whatever that would represent now with inflation... It was so good.. I remember how it tasted to this day!
I had an Onion Tart, Escargots, and Fillet Mignon.. And some amazing dessert! Wow..
I figured... "This guy isn't peddling "Healthy Choice" or "Lean Cuisine" frozen dinners.. He likes to eat! So far, I'm pretty impressed!..."

Then I think the pictures of him doing Shovelglove in his pajamas with his Death Star model in the background, sealed the deal!
I thought...
"This guy is certainly weird enough for me! I'll try this!!! LOL..."

I wrote to him at his email and he actually wrote me back and offered to help if I needed it, which was, to me, completely amazing, and a sign of a very unusual and genuinely nice person (which he is!)...

And the rest is history!
And that was when I became GratefulDeb!
(Not just because I like the Dead, but because I was so very grateful~)

So, sorry Dr. D'Addamo... I still didn't buy your book! LOL...

Peace and Love,
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Post by peetie » Wed Sep 28, 2005 3:10 am

Dru, I came here in a rather round about way. First I googled naturally thin and came upon NT, a non diet board that I worked for awhile, but it was lacking for me in several areas.

From there I heard about a TTapp board....an exercise board, but it had a nutrition thread, and there was one about The Leptin Diet which is three meals a day and no snacks. Someone there said that reminded her of NoS, and the rest is history.

This makes oodles more sense than either of the above plans, but they got me here....so they were worth their weight in gold for that.


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Post by JWL » Wed Sep 28, 2005 3:28 am

I came to the No-S page from the shovelglove page. And I came to the shovelglove page from stumptuous's weight training site.

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Post by snazzybabe » Wed Sep 28, 2005 5:51 am

Freakwitch wrote:I came to the No-S page from the shovelglove page. And I came to the shovelglove page from stumptuous's weight training site.
Same here, on both counts.

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Wed Sep 28, 2005 10:51 am

I came here through a general search of "Diets" on the yahoo message board lists. I had finally made the break from McDougalling and was really searching for a new cyberspace playground.

As an aside to your question, I must say, I am very happy to have found, not only the No-S program, but also all of you on this board. You are all a really terrific bunch of people! :D

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Post by carolejo » Wed Sep 28, 2005 11:14 am

I put something on my Blog about wanting to do something about my self-destructive eating habits and one of my friends suggested this. She'd never tried it, but thought it might appeal to me...

...and here I am.

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Post by Azathoth » Wed Sep 28, 2005 2:26 pm

Like freakwitch and snazzybabe, I too found No-S through Shovelglove (and like Deb, it was totally the pictures of Reinhard posing with the shovelglove in front of various star wars models, along with the pure practicality of shovelglove that sold me on the whole thing). Also like Freakwitch and Snazzybabe, I found shovelglove through http://www.stumptuous.com/weights.html.

Week 2 of No-S, shovelglove, and urban ranger (since I started keeping track of it) and no problems yet... This diet and these livestyles mixed with just the slightest bit of willpower is all that is needed for success.

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Post by iMarzz » Wed Sep 28, 2005 2:47 pm

At the time the book French Women Don't Get Fat had just been published and was receiving a lot of press. I was looking for a non-diet at the time. I googled "French Diet" and luckily stumbled upon this.


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Post by silverfish » Wed Sep 28, 2005 10:40 pm

My weight had been increasing steadily since boarding school and through seven years at a residential college. Oddly enough, I was content with my weight for the first time - not happy, but not constantly worked up about it either. By early this year I was out of uni and college and into full-time work and a house. I was moving a bit each day and not gaining weight (though I knew I wasn't healthy). I'd tried to lose weight before but not through any particular diet (I always thought healthy eating and exercise were the smartest way to lose weight - I just didn't make myself eat healthily!).

I found No-S through http://www.43folders.com (which I found through a friend's blog). Like Gratefuldeb, it made me laugh, but it also made a lot of sense so I thought I'd try it - more as a joke than anything else. That was three months ago, and I've lost almost 10% of my starting weight (110kg), and that's without terribly regular exercise (but I'm starting to feel trapped so will need to start getting out of the house in the evenings again!).

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Post by reinhard » Wed Sep 28, 2005 11:23 pm

Dru, thanks for starting this thread. This is very interesting to me. It's tricky to get good inbound links because dietspace is so commercialized and no one wants to link to a competitor.

Regarding the proposal, it's done and slowly being sent around. I'm cautiously optimistic, but not holding my breath. Thanks for all the encouragement!

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Post by Blue Daisy » Thu Sep 29, 2005 1:44 am

I googled "no snack diet" and NoS diet came up as one of the links. I read the home page in June and decided to try it in September. It sounded like common sense eating.

I should also add that the reason I googled "no snack diet" is I vaguely remembered reading something about a no snack diet. It had caught my attention sometime in the past. I think it might have been when I was paging through the diet discussion groups on Yahoo groups.
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Post by Justin » Thu Sep 29, 2005 6:22 pm

navin wrote:According to an old legend, here is how it goes. It was a cold day in New Hampshire two years minus two fortnights ago, and I was with some old college friends, as well as some of their spouses and friends and friends of friends and stuff.


Choose to believe it or not, but that is how the folklore goes.

That man who led me here was some copmuter guy named Justin, who looks an awful lot like the Justin that posts here. But I'm sure that's just a freak coincidence.... this is legend, after all.
:) Oh! Well well well. I guess my NoS evangelism has paid off. I didn't make the connection, navin.


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Post by annolope » Mon Oct 10, 2005 11:24 pm

I came across this website by typing "Help, I am fat" in my google search engine. This was the only site that came up that I haven't tried already. I printed it off, read it thoroughly and decided to give it a whirl. I was encourage from the start by the philosophy that you can't diet, you need to change habits for live. I was also excited that I could work on losing weight but still have treats!!! Best of all I like the fact that I am eating the same food as my family and I am not buy into yet another crazy diet gimack. This is day four of my new way of eating, we'll see what happens.

. :? :wink: [/i]
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Post by ClickBeetle » Tue Oct 11, 2005 1:07 am

I think I googled something like "low sugar diet" and stumbled across this site. I had seen an old schoolmate who lost a great deal of weight by eliminating sugar from her diet, and I was interested in learning more about that.
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Post by MerryKat » Tue Oct 11, 2005 1:02 pm

I joined a friend's board on ezboards called "Dump the Diet" - and while reading through various posts I found one by Peetie discussing No S Diet and I was curious.

So thanks to Peetie for saving me from more dieting hell and helping me find my life eating plan.
Hugs from Sunny South Africa
Vanilla No S with no Sugar due to Health issues - 11 yrs No S - September 2016 (some good, some bad (my own doing) but always the right thing for me!)

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Post by peetie » Tue Oct 11, 2005 1:54 pm

Wow, I feel like an instrument for good! Thanks for the acknowledgement, Mo. I am very happy to have preached the gospel of Reinhard and been heard!


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Post by reinhard » Wed Oct 12, 2005 12:54 am

Thanks for that post, Peetie. I don't think there's any better form of advertisement. So if no-s is working for you, folks, and you frequent other boards, post away!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Oct 12, 2005 4:06 pm

At least three librarians here at the Great Neck library are aware of NoS now since I've been cast out of my own comfy home and forced into the land of public access computers! LOL..... :lol:

And Yay to Peetie!!!
See, sometimes being a communicator has it's benefits!
Now, don't forget to mention NoS to the California Prune Council!

Have a great day..
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Post by mondurvic » Wed Oct 19, 2005 11:40 pm

A friend referred me to it yesterday. Don't know how she came upon it, but will ask. I have already passed the lunk on, though I haven't yet started. That happens November 1st.


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Post by mondurvic » Wed Oct 19, 2005 11:41 pm

I mean I've passed the LINK on. Better start previewing my messages . . .


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Post by orange tea » Fri Dec 23, 2005 12:57 pm

Someone mentioned it on simpleliving.net and I goggled it for the site.

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Post by Shameless Hussey » Fri Dec 23, 2005 4:55 pm

orange tea wrote:Someone mentioned it on simpleliving.net and I goggled it for the site.
Hey, that was me! :D

And I found No S by googling "no sugar no flour" which was a diet I had read about in the paper. Much prefer our beloved No S!

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Post by Lane » Sun Jan 01, 2006 7:58 am

I googled the word "gluttony" and the NoS diet ad was the ONLY ad that came up on the right hand column. Apparently few other diets consider gluttony as a possible reason for overweight!

BTW: I googled it again to see what would show up and NoS is still the only ad there with the tagline:

Not only is it a deadly sin, but it
can kill you.

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Post by red-lee » Tue Jan 03, 2006 12:21 am

I dogpiled "gluttony" and came up with Reinhard's site. Gluttony is a weird thing to look up if you're wantin' to find some reason NOT to eat the things you shouldn't. I can't tell ya how many times I bought new books that I thought were going to be the answer to stop this never-ending cycle. Other people join gyms after the holidays, not me, I look up gluttony hoping to find something that will put the fear of God into me to stop eating sweets when I say I'm not going to do that anymore.

Sledgehammer eh? Hmmm...guess I'll have to go out to Home Depot and get me one...LOL. I'd love to know if the women started out with a 12 pounder. Do you all really and truly use a sledgehammer? This has to be the most amazing discovery for me. I never liked doing exercise but I wanna stay fit and make exercise a daily happening. I think using a sledgehammer would certainly give me the incentive I need.

Gluttony: Not only is it a deadly sin, but it can kill you' - that word gluttony has brought me to this site, and now I am going to read more, and then try it. If it works, I will spread the news far and wide trust me.
Smilesss n Huggssss....

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Post by Lane » Tue Jan 03, 2006 1:05 am

Great minds think alike!!! You go girl!!!

I think you'll find that if you TRULY follow the NoS 14-word plan, you WILL lose weight. Good luck and happy New (You) Year!


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Post by red-lee » Tue Jan 03, 2006 4:21 am

Thank you Lane. It all sounds too unbelievable right now. I love that Happy New (You) Year. That's what I want to accomplish so very much by not eating sweets and snacks.

I sat here at the computer and read alot of the No-S Diet. I tried to print it out but couldn't. I just printed something before that and all of a sudden the printer is not functioning. I was so excited, now I have to wait to see if I can figure out what the heck is wrong. I think it could be the ink cartridge. I'll get a new one tomorrow and try that. Hope that's all it needs. I can hardly wait to start on the program.

Do you use a sledgehammer? I just can't get over that's what you people use for exercises.

Anyway, thank you again for your kind words of encouragement. I will be posting again soon.
Smilesss n Huggssss....

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Post by Lane » Tue Jan 03, 2006 8:21 am

I haven't tried shovelglove yet. I've got a little one in kindergarten this year (you see him pressing his nose on a window on my avatar), so I've got a 3-hour slot each day that I fill with a variety of things -- one of which has been a workout at the gym on Mondays and Wednesdays. My goal for 2006 is to work out Mon thru Fri. With NoS and my measly 2-day-per-week workout (30 minutes each), I've been losing about 2 pounds per month. I'm hoping to double that and lose 4 pounds per month which means I will hit my goal weight by mid July.

Are you going to try shovelglove?


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Post by Sinnie » Tue Jan 03, 2006 4:02 pm

Well, I am totally ready to give shovelglove a try. So I went to the Home Depot by my house and no where could I find a sledgehammer!!! I looked all around and my mom's guess is it may be seasonal or something. They had hammers and other things, but no sledgehammers. Bummer! :wink:

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Post by red-lee » Tue Jan 03, 2006 7:58 pm

He's a cutie that's for sure.

I really don't know what I'm gonna do yet. I was all gung ho yesterday, but today I'm not so fired up. After I read all of the No-S Diet I will decide, then I will have to decide whether or not to get a sledgehammer...if I can find one. You can get one in here. I was checkin em out. 12 pounders run about $26.95. I thought maybe I'd try a 10 pounder if I decide to go for it. I lose interest in things so fast. That's something I would love to change about myself. I definitely need to lose some weight so I better get on the stick...or S-hammer...LOL.

Aren't sledgehammers available at all hardware stores including Home Depot? If not, how bout Sears or Target, or even K-Mart (if you have any of those stores nearby you can check em out). What if you decide not to keep using the S-hammer, will you have another use for it? Not sure I would. Maybe for protection or self-defense.

Lane, if you like the gym, stick with it. You're already accustomed to doing that twice a week and that's a good thing. If you increase your visits to 5x a week, that would be super. I dont think you'll need the shovelglove. Guess it's up to you.

Later folks....
Smilesss n Huggssss....

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jan 03, 2006 9:12 pm

Hi Red and Cynthia!

Just a little suggestion.. somewhere on Reinhards homepage or shovelglove page, there's a link where you can make purchases of pretty much any item found through amazon.com...
If you order through that link, he gets a small percentage of the sale, without any increase of cost to you...
Thought I'd put that out there incase you wanted to donate a tiny cut towards buying diapers for his cute little daughter! Or who knows, maybe start a college fund! LOL...
Sledgehammers are available in all sizes..

Have fun!
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Post by KrazyKat » Thu Jan 26, 2006 1:12 pm

Hi, I have only been on here three days; I have read many many diet books and tried a limited number of them. The one that seemed to work the best for me, I got about 13 years ago or so, called "The 35 Plus Woman's Diet", and it actually explained what happens in the body with various types of foods, and why water retention occurs.

The problem with it was that it had pretty boring and bland recipes and it was a bit nitpicky. I have two sons, growing boys, and it was just too much trouble trying to make things this way so while its basics were sound, its approach was too much. It also depended too heavily on that "instant weightloss" startup where reducing carbs leads to loss of WATER so that you are "motivated" to keep on going. Ha!

Same for many others, which when read, seemed to be minor variations on this book which was way ahead of the glycemic index popularity! So In between years, I tried OA, which was way too controlling also, and at the same time, too wide-open; you have to go through it to know what I mean. During this time I realized that I had a tendency to complicate things, so I just gave up on all of it.

When the SONOMA diet came out, I was hugely skeptical, and looked over the book in the library, realizing it was just another one of those variations on the 35 plus book I had read.....and I was not willing to part with my money yet again. BUT, I wanted to see if anything had been written on it, that would support my suspicions, and googled "basis of the Sonoma Diet" and stumbled on Reinhardt's site!

When I read the NO S rationale, I thought, there ya go. That is perfect for me and so here I am! When I was forty, I promised I would lose the excess weight I gained during my pregnancy (I had my sons late)....never happened; instead, I got heavier and heavier....and had a hysterectomy several years ago, and heavier.....and I am very active but I am getting older and sorer, so I really need to get this OFF!

That's all, folks!

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Thu Jan 26, 2006 2:18 pm

I found my little sledgehammer at Walmart. It is a 4-pounder (6 pounds total weight) that cost about $10. They also had a heavier one for just a little bit more money. I'm surprised you couldn't find one at Home Depot, but, then, I couldn't find one at Menard's either!

Believe it or not, there is a hammer store online, and they sell every size, weight, and material of sledgehammer you can imagine. Unfortunately I've lost the link. If I find it again, I'll post it for you.

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Post by Beth » Thu Jan 26, 2006 2:57 pm

peetie wrote:Dru, I came here in a rather round about way. First I googled naturally thin and came upon NT, a non diet board that I worked for awhile, but it was lacking for me in several areas.

From there I heard about a TTapp board....an exercise board, but it had a nutrition thread, and there was one about The Leptin Diet which is three meals a day and no snacks. Someone there said that reminded her of NoS, and the rest is history.

This makes oodles more sense than either of the above plans, but they got me here....so they were worth their weight in gold for that.

LOL- Peetie, that was ME on the ML thread at T-tapp!!! :D
Glad you found it, I think I found it from an earlier thread on the t-tapp board entitled No-S or something like it...
Mom to Nathan and Jessica, born 04/20/2004

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Post by peetie » Thu Jan 26, 2006 3:52 pm

Hi Beth,
I thought I recognized your adorable little babies! It's funny how we can run into the same people in our quest to find the Holy grail of dieting! I can't thank you enough for steering me here.

I found that NT was a good place for me to start....it helped me to get away from the diet binge roller coaster, but I found there wasn't much room for individuality in what works. When I discovered waiting between meals was better for me, and that I wasn't really hungry but just snacking cause I could, everyone jumped all over me. That I was ignoring my true hunger, I was going to "cycle"....even the board leader jumped on me!

What is interesting, is I went back there just to see what's going on the other day and found that right on the NT site they are espousing the Leptin diet which is similar to NoS! NOW they see the wisdom in 3 meals!!!

Anywy, it's so nice to see you here. I think you'll find this is your last stop along the diet-way. There's plenty of rope here...but not so much you end up hanging yourself!


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Post by That guy » Thu Jan 26, 2006 3:56 pm

I found the site from a random Slashdot comment about bashing things with sledgehammers -- I believe it was in a poll or something. That link led to the shovelglove site. I tried SG, turns out I love it (very stress relieving) and then read through the rest of the stuff. I'm not going to do the weekend luddite, but the No-S seemed logical and no-BS.

Looks like something will finally work. I did try Atkins in the past and got as low as 209 from a 245 starting point, but when I cracked after 4 months I gained it all back. I started this at 246 @ 5'9", we'll see what happens.
Starting over 07/31/06 @ 262
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Post by Sinnie » Fri Jan 27, 2006 3:25 am

Peetie and Beth....

I think it's so ironic that I as well was lurking and posted a couple times on the T-Tapp boards about the Mastering Leptin thread...I actually have the T-tapp workout (which I think is great) but I can't stick to it! I guess in that sense it doesnt do me much good. I prefer walking :D

I have also been into NT (naturally thin) for a number of years, read the books and I do believe and understand the concepts, but I was never willing to go the distance and stick it out. When I did commit, I felt better and started losing weight, but its almost hard to deal with an anti-diet when all you want to do is lose weight. No-S is the perfect happy medium for me.

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Post by peetie » Fri Jan 27, 2006 3:47 am

The part of NT that didn't work for me (among several) was if you even THINK you're hungry you should eat so your metabolism won't go into "famine mode". For somebody like me, who had really lost touch with my hunger and fullness signals due to years of bingeing and dieting, I found myself eating too many times a day...thinking I must be hungry!

With the guidance of NoS, I was able to relearn what real hunger was, and also to not be afraid of it! With NT I was obsessed with food all day. With NoS, I eat three meals a day and that's it.....no carrying food bags with me and thinking about eating every couple hours.

I did the TTapp work out too, and it's very good, but I agree. It is hard to get motivated to do it. It's hard! Walking is easy and gives you a chance to get outside and soak up some Vitamin D and breathe in some extra oxygen.
It's something I actually DO, not just think about doing!


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Post by Dietlife » Fri Jan 27, 2006 3:54 am

I think I was looking for a diet book on amazon, and I saw a link to this--and much like Deb--I loved it.

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Post by Beth » Mon Jan 30, 2006 3:54 pm

Peetie and Cynthia,
Yes I too looked at NT a while back. I too, did not feel comfortable with the "if you even THINK about food, eat something", hated carrying practically a BRIEFCASE of food to work, and even in the book, Ms Antonello tells you what foods to avoid (why do that when I will only binge on those "forbidden" foods later?)- foods that I can either have in a no-s meal if I want to, or if they are sweets, I know I can have them on the weekends using no-s?
Anyway, about the t-tapping- yes it really can be challenging, but I myself LOVE it- PBS feels SO GOOD for my poor back! And if you prefer to walk, get her SATI tape and learn the t-tapp form for walking to implement into your walks outside, for more effective inch loss. Another thing you could do is buy those MetaTrek weighted shoes to walk outside in (for further aerobic benefit). Or just enjoy your walks without all that LOL!
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Post by Sinnie » Mon Jan 30, 2006 4:08 pm

Beth, I just have to say that your babies are so cute!!!

Maybe I will try and at least so the PBS of t-tapp because its very quick and effective. That coupled with walks in the fresh air will be a great combo.....now just waiting for good weather! Although, this year has been an extremely mild winter in Ontario. Today is 6°C but its raining a bit! Otherwise, not bad weather to go for a walk in.

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Post by Thalia » Tue Sep 11, 2007 11:44 pm

I found this site after googling "French Women Don't Get Fat" -- I had just read the book and was curious about reviews and experiences with it. Well, No S is VERY similar in a lot of ways. The French Women idea is that you walk everywhere and take the stairs, eat small portions of high-quality in-season delicious food, don't snack, drink a glass of wine with dinner, and work small amounts of high-quality delicious treats into your week.

I find No S appealing because it's simple, it doesn't require you to be obsessive about food, and it's sustainable for a lifetime. I've done Weight Watcher's Core program and I felt great on it and it was really effective-- but because the rules are so restrictive, I ended up drifting off and gaining more weight than I had lost. So I'm committing to the 21-day challenge on No S, walking and biking my butt off (I just got a bike a few weeks ago so I can run local errands without driving everywhere), and using what I learned on Core as a foundation for filling, healthy meals -- one thing I loved about Core was that I lost weight without ever feeling starved, the way you do on a conventional diet.

I do like the French Women approach and I'll probably try some of her recipes. I'm not spending a whole weekend drinking LEEK BROTH, though!

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Post by reinhard » Wed Sep 12, 2007 4:01 pm

Welcome, Thalia!

Sadly, google adwords upped the cost for "gluttony" (wasn't worth it do them with just one person paying so little, I guess), so I've had to take that one down. Pity -- it was my favorite.

I'm glad the "french women" ad is working, though. I haven't actually read the book, but from what I understand of traditional French eating, it's very no-s compatible. I based no-s on traditional eating structures like this.


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Post by kccc » Thu Sep 13, 2007 12:14 am

I honestly can't remember how I got here. How is that for lame?

I do know it was linked at one time to an organizational site/blog I sometimes frequent, so that may have been it.

At any rate, as soon as I came, I recognized it as the plan for me!

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Post by katie1980 » Thu Sep 13, 2007 2:11 am

I got here from Mark Forster's blog about organisation! So quite, quite different from many other people! :lol:

But I've stuck with it for 37 days now, and am feeling much more in control. I've also lost over half a stone (1 stone = 14lbs) and I'm really pleased with that. It shows how much extra rubbish I was eating before, though, to lose so well! It's nice not to even really have to think about it, too. If it has sugar and it's not an S day, it's pretty much off-limits (except drinks like fruit juice, etc), so it's a no-brainer. If I were to think "do I really want this", the answer would usually be yes!

I've found it becoming a habit much more easily than I thought it would 8)

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Post by silverfish » Thu Sep 13, 2007 2:20 am

Not entirely unique, though - I think a few of us came across from 43folders :)

NoS appeals to people who like self-maintaining systems!

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Post by katie1980 » Thu Sep 13, 2007 5:03 am

silverfish wrote:Not entirely unique, though - I think a few of us came across from 43folders :)

NoS appeals to people who like self-maintaining systems!
I have to admit to being ignorant in the ways of 43 folders - I have no idea what it is! :lol: and also :oops:

I realised it wasn't a unique way of finding No S, but a lot of people who are here had already been looking for weight loss plans. I was just unhappy with my weight, but knew I wouldn't be able to stick with a restrictive diet. Especially being a long way from home (and sometimes, familiar foods! :lol: ) But when I read about this option, it sounded ideal - sugar is not a necessary part of daily routine, but being able to eat whatever types of food are available is, mainly because we eat "out" most lunchtimes as this environment is not conducive to bringing sandwiches to work!

And I'll definitely agree with the self-maintaining systems bit! No S is so easy, and it doesn't feel difficult because there are days when you can just "break out" and eat whatever you want to. There aren't many (if any) "diet plans" that let you do that. You can have a treat every now and then, but even with Slimming World, which can be quite "lenient", some of the treat foods are ridiculously high in "syns"! I tried it for quite a while, but just found it too restrictive in the end, and pretty much gave up on the diet before I gave up the group. Then the social side fizzled out when a new leader took over the group, and even the meetings just weren't fun any more! At least with No S there is no weekly fee, you do what you want, when you want, and because the weigh-in is daily, there's no recrimination if your weekly weight doesn't decrease by your target amount! Much better, I think 8)

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Post by London Mum » Thu Sep 13, 2007 8:49 am

katie1980 wrote:I got here from Mark Forster's blog about organisation! So quite, quite different from many other people! :lol:

But I've stuck with it for 37 days now, and am feeling much more in control. I've also lost over half a stone (1 stone = 14lbs) and I'm really pleased with that. It shows how much extra rubbish I was eating before, though, to lose so well! It's nice not to even really have to think about it, too. If it has sugar and it's not an S day, it's pretty much off-limits (except drinks like fruit juice, etc), so it's a no-brainer. If I were to think "do I really want this", the answer would usually be yes!

I've found it becoming a habit much more easily than I thought it would 8)
That's how I came too. Linked last November and started straight away. I knew immediately it was the right thing for me, and apart from a major blip over the school summer holidays I have found it fairly easy to stick to. Weight loss has not been dramatic but I need to up the exercise as I am nearly within the correct range for my height anyway. One day I will get round to trying shovelglove.

Mark himself gave up on it pretty quickly, and tried to modify it in a way which was way more complicated. He hasn't updated recently so I'm guessing that didn't work for him either.


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Post by Brandon » Thu Sep 13, 2007 1:11 pm

I got here through Shovelglove. I was looking at a forum on bodyweight exercises and saw a post that referred to Shovelglove. The name was intriguing enough that I decided to follow the link. I've never picked up shovelglove, as I already had a healthy exercise habit going (though it is always a fallback possibility in the back of my mind), but I was intrigued enough by the common sense approach to further investigate the Everyday Systems page. NoS made so much sense that I jumped on it. I wasn't really looking for a diet, but I did realize that my eating needed improving as I had been slowly regaining weight that I'd lost 2 years ago.

I've been very pleased with my results so far. I love the common sense simplicity of it.

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Post by WinstonWolf » Thu Sep 13, 2007 3:52 pm

I got here through google.

I heard about sledgehammer workouts from a news snippet about this guy:

Michael Clarke Duncan (actor, was in the green mile, played The Kingpin in Daredevil...). Big man. Lost 90 lbs by doing a lot more workouts.

I saw something on a website about how he got a sledgehammer and truck tire and went to town.

To get here I think I just searched google for "sledgehammer workout" and shovelglove came up... and I thought that was a very odd name for anything having to do with a sledgehammer...

Fun, in any case, and far less boring than sitting there doing dumbbell curls over and over and over and over...
Last edited by WinstonWolf on Thu Sep 13, 2007 3:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by kccc » Thu Sep 13, 2007 3:53 pm

London Mum wrote:
katie1980 wrote:I got here from Mark Forster's blog about organisation! So quite, quite different from many other people! :lol:

But I've stuck with it for 37 days now, and am feeling much more in control. I've also lost over half a stone (1 stone = 14lbs) and I'm really pleased with that. It shows how much extra rubbish I was eating before, though, to lose so well! It's nice not to even really have to think about it, too. If it has sugar and it's not an S day, it's pretty much off-limits (except drinks like fruit juice, etc), so it's a no-brainer. If I were to think "do I really want this", the answer would usually be yes!

I've found it becoming a habit much more easily than I thought it would 8)
That's how I came too. Linked last November and started straight away. I knew immediately it was the right thing for me, and apart from a major blip over the school summer holidays I have found it fairly easy to stick to. Weight loss has not been dramatic but I need to up the exercise as I am nearly within the correct range for my height anyway. One day I will get round to trying shovelglove.

Mark himself gave up on it pretty quickly, and tried to modify it in a way which was way more complicated. He hasn't updated recently so I'm guessing that didn't work for him either.

That's the "organizational blog" I was mentioning - blanked on the name and was too lazy/busy to look it up. But I'm not sure if I saw it there, or had seen it first and noticed it there as well. (These days, the only memory I have is in my computer.)

I agree with your assessment on his "modifications to make it more complicated" probably being his undoing. It's a fine balance between individualizing and over-complicating, isn't it?

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Post by mimi » Thu Sep 13, 2007 7:20 pm

I found NoS through the owner of the local Curves gym that I attend. She found it through a Google search, although I'm not sure exactly what she searched under. She was looking for healthy weight loss programs to present to members for use in one of her weight loss challenges.
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Post by katie1980 » Fri Sep 14, 2007 12:16 am

KCCC wrote:I agree with your assessment on his [Mark's] "modifications to make it more complicated" probably being his undoing. It's a fine balance between individualizing and over-complicating, isn't it?
I read his extra rules, and the fact that he drops his target weight twice a week, and thought it seemed a bit excessive! Considering how up and down my weight has been since I started, without really doing much differently each day, there's no way I'd stick with it if I had changing rules for each day! I like the fact that I don't have to think about what rules are in place. If it's a week day they're there, if it's a weekend or special day, there are no rules! :lol: Doesn't get much simpler than that, does it? :)

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