I'm still here

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I'm still here

Post by FarmerHal » Thu Sep 27, 2007 5:43 pm

Just thought I'd let everyone know I haven't dropped off the face of the earth!
As far as NoSing, I haven't been doing so well and I really need to get a handle on myself. I'm doing a lot of eating out of emotions and especially anxiety. A lot of times it's because I feel "trapped" because I'm a sahm and a military wife and I still only know a handfull of people and not really comfortable leaving my kiddos w/anyone at this point (they are 3 and 1).
SO, I get all anxious and nervous (because 3 yr olds can make you crazy sometimes!) and I eat. Eat eat eat. Crackers were my weakness and now that I don't buy those anymore, I've turned to bread and honey. Ugh.

I actually went on fitday.com again today and starte logging my food. For breakfast (totally unorganized, mindless) I had over a thousand calories!
It's no wonder I've plateaued at 227. Still, I'm no longer 245, but I'd love to be 180.

I've been exercising (running and biking) about 4 times a week. Sometimes I'll throw in some exercises on the exercise ball.

I am disappointed with myself. I have been lurking and keeping up with everyone. And so I'm restarting a commitment to myself:

I will NOT starve if I get a little bit hungry between meals. Honestly!

Hunger is just another feeling. It's not an emergency, and it's not even all that uncomfortable. Glass of water, anyone?

Eating that bread or whatever you think you really want is NOT going to get rid of any anxiety I have. It will still be there after that last bite and then I'll have GUILT to go along with it.

Ok, so those are my special points I must make to myself.

Today, as a plus, I rode my bike and pulled both kiddos in the trailer to ds's preschool.

DD is now pretty much sleeping through the night, so I no lnger have the "I'm so tired" issue, thankfully. I need to gather myself and get on with it.

Sorry, this is long and I thank you if you've made it this far!

{FarmerHal} ...previously Shamrockmommy...
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Post by ou812 » Thu Sep 27, 2007 6:14 pm

Hi. Just wanted to encourage you. You can do it. Think small steps. Also, I have three kids and two of them are 4 and 5 and "Oh my gosh is it stressful at times!" Just be nice to yourself, don't punish yourself for failure. Best wishes.

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Post by bizzybee » Thu Sep 27, 2007 7:13 pm

Another Mom here offering encouragement. I put on the majority of my weight when I had 2 little kids. I was also very isolated and no family to help take the kids when I needed a break. It was a dark time in a lot of ways.

So 2 things -
It does get better, incrementally, all the time, one day you'll have a 10 year old and 8 year old and you won't have any idea how they got that way.

Ask for help, I wish I had done this more, reached out, found Mommy and me groups, taken advantage what is out there just to get an hour or 2 to myself every week. The whole martyr to my kids thing was silly. I also wish that I had weaned them a bit earlier... again trying to be the perfect mom, with toddlers who can argue with me about why they need to nurse was probably over-kill.

On the plus side, staying home with them and being super-responsive to their needs has yielded two excellent kids who sail through life and are a pleasure to have around.

You know that No-S works, that part of the equation is solved!

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Post by Jaxhil » Fri Sep 28, 2007 8:11 pm

Hi Tiffani! I'm still here too ... just the fact that we have not completely thrown in the towel should be encouraging, right? I am so glad to hear you are back to getting regular sleep (ENOUGH sleep that is :P ). That in itself will no doubt make a HUGE difference.

I need to recommit as well. I am with you, I have missed our daily check-ins! So, shall we give this another go? I am ready, sooooo ready...At least you are closer to your goal. I am actually a couple pounds FURTHER from mine..all my fault though. I have not even tried really for months.

I am thinking I really need to crank up the exercise this time too-that seems to make all the difference in the world!

I'm gona run over to the check in thread 8)

"Habit, if not resisted, soon becomes necessity."-St Augustine

"I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have."-Thomas Jefferson

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Post by FarmerHal » Sun Sep 30, 2007 12:39 am

Good to hear from everyone!
Bizzybee, I am feeling really ready to wean dd. I nursed ds 20 months and dd is 13 months and I'm ready to be done. She isn't, so we are compromising and she gets to nurse during the day only, no nighttime. (this is a new development).

I wish that I had been a little tougher about getting her to sleep through the night earlier, perhaps I wouldn't be such a zombie.

I am feeling the "mommy martyr" right now. I feel guilty asking anyone to watch them, that they are my responsibility, you know? I do have ds in preschool,which he loves and I get just a little time with me and dd, but still it's a bit crazy and I have a LOT of anxiety still with these little ones.

One day they'll both be in school and I can have some me time, to really concentrate on myself.

hilary, I plan to check in every day and that helps so much. I got out of the habit, which was a bad idea!

Anyway, thankfully, I haven't gained, just plateaued, so it's on from here :)

{FarmerHal} ...previously Shamrockmommy...
Vanilla NoS... Making good habits.
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