Congrats to Reinhard!

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Congrats to Reinhard!

Post by Rilee » Mon Apr 07, 2008 4:00 pm

Hi Reinhard,

I wanted to congratulate you on your book! I was on vacation in upper Wisconsin this past weekend and picked up the Womans World magazine, and low and behold there was your article! It was really exciting to see this about someone I "almost" know, hee hee! I've been following NoSing for at least 6 months now and have a new respect for the good old three squares a day. And I truly love what you've done by allowing people like me to come into your world. I appreciate dialoguing with everyone and getting support, it makes a huge difference. So take care and keep up the great work!

Rilee (formerly known as Posh)

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Location: Southern California

Post by sandooch » Tue Apr 08, 2008 12:11 am

Hi Rilee,

I'm new to the board but would also like to extend my congratulations to Reinhard on his book. I just found out about NoS last week from Woman's World magazine and was so excited when I read the article about it that I just now had to go out and buy his book to learn even more about it. I'm trying to get my parents to do this too. We don't have a lot to lose, but we are all tired of having the same few pounds coming on and off by hopping on every new diet that comes out each couple of weeks, staving, and then eating everything in the fridge. :cry:

I can't explain how excited I got when I first read the article in WW. It was like I had an epiphany. I was a low carber for many years and did lose a lot of weight from eating this way, but I missed so many foods and felt very restricted. Also, I had an injury almost a couple years ago which caused me to go into a mild depression because I couldn't exercise, so I started eating carbs again. Well, we all know what happens when we start eating carbs again after low carbing...those pounds are sure quick to come back. Luckily, I nipped it in the bud, but I am just getting tired of the restrictive diets.

I feel very fortunate for finding this plan. Thank you so much, Reinhard!

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