Things in a bowl

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Things in a bowl

Post by Jesseco » Tue Mar 25, 2008 1:19 am

I often eat oatmeal and turkey sausage or bacon for breakfast (before this diet). Is it o.k. to put the bowl on a large plate so that I can put my bacon or sausage next to it?

Same with a bowl of soup. If I want that and a sandwich (or 1/2 sandwich if a whole one won't fit), is that o.k.?

I'm afraid if I don't do that (being a former calorie counter) I'll be mad and say to myself, "But that meal is only ____ calories. It's legalistic not to eat it just because I'm using a bowl!"

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Post by paulrone » Tue Mar 25, 2008 1:58 pm

Yeah, it's OK.

The only hesitation I would have is using a large plate. I prefer to use a bowl for soup and a salad plate for the sandwich/fruit. I've found it works better.
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Post by reinhard » Tue Mar 25, 2008 2:22 pm

The most important reason for the single plate rule is to SEE everything in front of you at once -- to make excess (if there is excess) visible so you aren't deceiving yourself. A bowl and a small plate side by side should be fine. You can think of this as "virtual plating" -- and it's really the best kind of virtual plating, parallel rather than serial, to push the computer analogy :-)

As for being legalistic -- amen, be legalistic. If you aren't, you're going to have to be scientific every time, counting calories, weighing stuff etc, and that's much, much harder. Legalism is far less work than that, and in the long run, big picture, it accomplishes the same thing -- you'll eat less food. It might not work EVERY meal, but over hundreds and thousands of meals, over a lifetime of meals, it'll work well enough. And that's all you really ought to care about.

If following the "letter of the law" is unappealing to you, think of it terms of aesthetics, like, when you break the rules you are breaking the meter of a poem. So when you violate the rules, you're not some free spirit, just a bad artist. The No-s rules are about as long as a haiku, so the analogy isn't too stretched :-)


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Post by Terhorst » Tue Mar 25, 2008 3:27 pm

The No S Haiku

The No S Diet --
No sweets; no snacks; no seconds --
Is so sensible,

For, to keep you sane,
The days that begin with "S,"
Are unlike the rest:

Saturday, Sunday,
And even on Special Days,
Those things are OK!

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Post by paulrone » Tue Mar 25, 2008 9:35 pm

Terhorst wrote:The No S Haiku

The No S Diet --
No sweets; no snacks; no seconds --
Is so sensible,

For, to keep you sane,
The days that begin with "S,"
Are unlike the rest:

Saturday, Sunday,
And even on Special Days,
Those things are OK!
Cool. The closest I got was a man from Nantucket limerick :wink:

But back to the topic: I use a separate plate, but I see where you're coming from. I've just seen some big ol' plates out there! My mom has some that are - no kidding - 15 inches across. My dad has filled it to heaping with a bowl balanced on the edge. But then, he's not too concerned about his diabetes or his morbid obesity.
That's why I use a seven inch salad plate. I promise it holds much less.
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Post by BrightAngel » Tue Apr 22, 2008 8:51 pm

Good question.
I've been making sure any bowl I use fits on my plate with all my other food,
like the book suggests with an apple,
but then I move it off the plate because I don't like my cold yogurt
to be right next to my hot cereal.
I'm still putting the salad right on the plate with my food,
because it's hard to fit a salad bowl on the plate.
but....I really don't like my salad and protein main food touching.
(until they are inside me).
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Post by Noturningback » Tue Apr 22, 2008 8:53 pm

Terhorst wrote:The No S Haiku

The No S Diet --
No sweets; no snacks; no seconds --
Is so sensible,

For, to keep you sane,
The days that begin with "S,"
Are unlike the rest:

Saturday, Sunday,
And even on Special Days,
Those things are OK!
That is great!

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Post by flipturn » Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:22 pm

Terhorst -- I love your haiku. It is funny because this morning I was going to tell BrightAngel that her postings look like poetry!

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Post by BrightAngel » Tue Apr 22, 2008 10:03 pm

flipturn wrote:It is funny because this morning I was going to tell BrightAngel that her postings look like poetry!
I read that. :P
I like to make my lines short
because it seems like they are, then, easier to read.
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Ak! I am a glutton

Post by KTina » Wed Apr 23, 2008 1:52 am

So I haven't been putting Soup in a bown next to my salad.
1. My bowl is flat and wide.
2. My soup is almost ALL veggies, no starch no protein,
3. My salad is ENOURMOUS--2-3 cups of arugula, spinach, 1-2 TBSP seeds/raisins 1-2 TBSP dressing with an apple or pear cut into it
And i have a slice of whole wheat flat bread.
AND maybe another vegetable like squash or zuchinin and maybe 2-3 slices of turkey.

So at this point being on day 2, I guess it's okay that my portion of salad is enormous. I LOVE VEGETABLES.

I am just proud I am not snacking and not sweeting. This is a CHALLENGE!

I am also going 6-8 hours between meals! Woo hooo!

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