Depressed but not quitting

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Depressed but not quitting

Post by carla70 » Tue Apr 22, 2008 1:32 pm

I just have been so depressed (and crabby as my family will attest to) the last couple of days. I have been doing No S successfully now since the 14th of April. I know it hasn't been a long time and things take time. But I stepped on the scale today, which I know I shoudn't. But my "official" weigh in is tomorrow.. and I am up again. In two weeks I have gained 8-9 pounds???????? I am not quitting No S because I know it can work as many of you have proven. Just hard to see the scale go up and up and up. I have been letting myself have the glass ceiling of two weak brandy/water (not every night but some) and I am thinking until I lose I should take that away. It can maybe be a reward for losing.

I am starting to walk and trying to walk more at's a care center so long hallways..try to walk them quite a bit. Also going to get back into routine of walking at night after work, but things get busy. I think I need to get my sorry butt out of my cozy bed in the morning and walk.

I got my whining and vent out. I love this site and the people on this site with their inspiration. Thank you.

Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Post by flipturn » Tue Apr 22, 2008 1:46 pm

Hi, Carla, and welcome! Here are a few things that come to mind: banish the scale and use a pair of jeans as an indication of how your body is adjusting to No S. Buy a pedometer so you can see how much you are walking at work; maybe you can get in a little extra mileage in those hallways and don't need to force yourself to walk some more at night. Get some sleep, because it sounds like you are tired. Patience is a virtue, and you can't expect much weight loss in the first week unless you were previously eating thousands of extra calories every day, you have plenty to lose and have never dieted in your life. Finally, remember that it is hard for many of us to change several habits at once, and we are in this together.

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Re: Depressed but not quitting

Post by wosnes » Tue Apr 22, 2008 1:54 pm

carla70 wrote:I just have been so depressed (and crabby as my family will attest to) the last couple of days. I have been doing No S successfully now since the 14th of April. I know it hasn't been a long time and things take time. But I stepped on the scale today, which I know I shoudn't. But my "official" weigh in is tomorrow.. and I am up again. In two weeks I have gained 8-9 pounds???????? I am not quitting No S because I know it can work as many of you have proven. Just hard to see the scale go up and up and up. I have been letting myself have the glass ceiling of two weak brandy/water (not every night but some) and I am thinking until I lose I should take that away. It can maybe be a reward for losing.

I am starting to walk and trying to walk more at's a care center so long hallways..try to walk them quite a bit. Also going to get back into routine of walking at night after work, but things get busy. I think I need to get my sorry butt out of my cozy bed in the morning and walk.

I got my whining and vent out. I love this site and the people on this site with their inspiration. Thank you.

Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.
The calories in a weak brandy and water aren't significant enough to be concerned about. I'd go for walking more -- I know it can be hard to find time, but we always manage to make time for the things that are important to us.

There are a lot of possibilities as to why you've gained instead of lost weight. How much weight do you think you have to lose?
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Post by carla70 » Tue Apr 22, 2008 1:55 pm

Flipturn - thank you that was very kind words. I have been on one diet or another for the past 20 years, in 1997 I was 297 and at my lowest two years ago I was 169. Today I am 190 as the scale says. Dang scale!

You hit the nail on the head about sleep, I go to sleep early each night but wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep. Last night was the first night I only stayed awake for a few minutes and was able to fall back asleep. Normally I am up from about 1-2 til about 4.

It is all a stuggle and I am willing and with NO S have the knowledge to do it.

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Post by reinhard » Tue Apr 22, 2008 2:20 pm

Hi Carla,

Well, let's diagnose. It's possible that no-s might not work for you, but I'm pretty confident it can at the very least provide a useful base of operations.

1) The 14th is 8 days ago. That's a blip. You shouldn't expect anything in such a short time frame. Think months. Years. A lifetime. At least weeks (plural)!

2) I'd be stunned if you followed the literal rules of no-s for any length of time and gained weight. I'd much sooner suspect the scale. According to my scale, I gained (and lost) even more weight than this in a single day: ... .php?id=24

It's theoretically possible to overeat on no-s, but it should be really, really obvious if you're gaming the system like this. Do you get the sense that you are overeating? No-s should make it easy to get a sense of this. If you're not overeating, and you're overweight, you will lose weight. If you are still overeating, it should be really obvious where the excess is coming from. Mountainous firsts? Breaches of the literal rules? Dubious S-days? Keeping the literal rules is the most important thing to focus on. It's the clearest, easiest thing to focus on, and in time, that focus will almost certainly make the other issues dissolve into insignificance. If for some reason it doesn't, you CAN add additional layers to no-s (like, limiting S-events on S-days, or tightening the definition of sweets). I would be very, very cautious about adding such rules unless they are really necessary, but it can be a comfort to know that they are available options should you really need them at some point, options that build on what you have, rather than forcing you to tear everything down again and start from scratch.


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Post by Amyliz » Tue Apr 22, 2008 2:25 pm

hi Carla - just to encourage you .. . after 2 weeks on this diet I 'gained' 4lbs according to the scale and freaked a little. but i have had a huge change in attitude and overall enjoyment of food that i stuck with no-s.

i'm in week 4 now, and YES my jeans are feeling better! i'm not about to get back on the scale, but hang it there!

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Post by Buffalo Gal » Tue Apr 22, 2008 2:30 pm

Hi Carla!

Hang in there and give yourself a break! None of us got overweight in 8 days. Take one small step and make one small change each day. Before you know it you will be running.

Keep the faith!

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Post by Noturningback » Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:07 pm

Hi Carla,


There are so many factors involved in losing and gaining weight. After my tonsillectommy/adenoidectomy I gained 9lbs in one week. Most people lose about 12lbs but, I gained. I was eating from the moment I left surgery but, not 9lbs worth in a week. That would be a net of 31,500 calories. :shock:

Of course, it was all water weight and in the end I was down 2lbs from my pre-op weight. Now, I know surgery is different than one's daily diet but, it is to show you that our bodies are contstantly keeping us in homeostasis. Anything may kncock us off our bodies' equilibrium, for a bit, until it gets back into homeostatsis. Stress, change in diet, nutrients, hormones, caloric intake....etc all play a role.

Personally, I would stick to the rules and give it a good few weeks before deciding if this is working for you or not. Since the No S Diet is not a crash diet it will come off slower than many of the fads out there but, the weight won't come crashing back either.


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Post by carla70 » Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:48 pm

Thank you all for the encouragement and advice. It is GREATLY appreciated. And thank you for listening to my whining.

I am going to stick to it. I didn't expect to lose right away but didn't want to keep seeing the gain. But I understand the scale and how it varies. I need to stop using that as my factor.

I will evaluate my "plate" and what I am putting in the big trap and maybe that is my downfall. I didn't think I was, but will need to pay more attention to that.

I am going into the doctor tomorrow to see why my stomach has been burning so bad all the time. Either ulcer back or my mother thinks gallbladder.

Still Love No S and I know it can work.. I love feeling like I can eat without overdoing it and guilt.

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Post by flipturn » Tue Apr 22, 2008 4:08 pm

Hi, Carla -- I read your response and have focused on the fact that you have gained some weight recently but nevertheless have kept off 100 pounds. That is a tremendous accomplishment!

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Post by fkwan » Tue Apr 22, 2008 4:38 pm

Hi Carla,

Are you perimenopausal? All diet and weight loss rules go out the window.

Did you weigh yourself first thing in the morning, nude, on an empty stomach and pee first? :) Seriously, that can make a difference. Just for fun yesterday I did a morning weight (110) and then by noon, after eating breakfast and about a liter of water, I gained 4 pounds!!!!

Have you had your thyroid checked? Couldn't lose any weight until I went on thyroid medication.

As far as I can tell 21 days into this wonderful world of normalcy, the weight will come off, but it will take at least twice as long as you hoped it would. :?



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Post by Nichole » Tue Apr 22, 2008 5:13 pm

flipturn wrote:Hi, Carla -- I read your response and have focused on the fact that you have gained some weight recently but nevertheless have kept off 100 pounds. That is a tremendous accomplishment!
I was just about to say that! Definitely pat yourself on the back for that!! :)
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Post by carla70 » Tue Apr 22, 2008 6:37 pm

Yes I guess I should be happy that I haven't gained it all back LOL

It took so long to lose that I don't always see that.

I am feeling better with my attitude this afternoon. Thank you all for the help.

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Post by Jaymiz » Tue Apr 22, 2008 8:10 pm

Noturningback wrote:After my tonsillectommy/adenoidectomy I gained 9lbs in one week. Most people lose about 12lbs but, I gained. I was eating from the moment I left surgery but, not 9lbs worth in a week. That would be a net of 31,500 calories. :shock:

Of course, it was all water weight and in the end I was down 2lbs from my pre-op weight.
A little off-topic, but I just had to comment on this one...
I had my tonsils removed just 5 years ago, and I couldn't eat anything but vanilla pudding for 3 weeks. I lost 20 pounds! NOT a recommended way to go about things, trust me! It was awful!

Sure, I was glad to have those 20 pounds gone, but they came right back WITH FRIENDS shortly after I could eat again. :-( Ah well... Like I said, that was NOT a good way to go about dropping pounds. ((and, for the record, I do NOT recommend having your tonsils removed when you're an adult -- it's tremendously painful to recover from!)) (The 'No S' Life)
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Post by Noturningback » Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:18 pm

Jaymiz wrote:
A little off-topic, but I just had to comment on this one...
I had my tonsils removed just 5 years ago, and I couldn't eat anything but vanilla pudding for 3 weeks. I lost 20 pounds! NOT a recommended way to go about things, trust me! It was awful!

Sure, I was glad to have those 20 pounds gone, but they came right back WITH FRIENDS shortly after I could eat again. :-( Ah well... Like I said, that was NOT a good way to go about dropping pounds. ((and, for the record, I do NOT recommend having your tonsils removed when you're an adult -- it's tremendously painful to recover from!))
Gosh I am so sorry you had a difficult time. It is a painfull surgery that is difficut in adults. I must have totally lucked out because I was completely painless the entire time and ate and spoke from 10 minutes after surgery. I'm a month post op and everything is healed up now. I really must be one in a hundred because I seem to be the only person I know who flew through that surgery without pain or problems. I lost 2 lbs in total because well I ate less frequently due to the Percocet. The worst part was mild withdrawals from Percocet the day I stopped taking them (obvious I guess) I would do the surgery all over again because it solved my chronic tonsillitis. However, easy to say when it was painless. I wonder what pain killer you were given. People who take Vicadin or Tylenol 3 seem to not do as well.

Oh well! It's over now. Yeah! :)

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Post by pinkmommy » Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:49 pm

I am quite new but just wanted to offer up my "weigh" plan. I actually think it would be better not to weigh at all but for someone like me who will go crazy w/o *some* numbers, I plan on weighing once a month. Here's the big thing for me: the day in my cycle (sorry guys - you don't get this joy). The day in my cycle can make a huge difference in numbers on the scale. I have chosen cycle day five. I will use same scale, same time of day, etc.

I also know that scale numbers are only one indication and a tight pair of jeans is much better. How many times have we read that muscle weighs more than fat. The number on the scale is ONE indicator, and not necessarily a good one.

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Post by lola628 » Wed Apr 23, 2008 6:46 am

Hi Carla -

For what it's worth, I gained a few pounds my first two weeks also. I was eating less and walking more also..... I'm just grateful to finally have a sane and sustainable eating plan, plus I'm not weighing myself as much anymore. Don't let that set you back! Best wishes to you!

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