Got whole milk?

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Got whole milk?

Post by Rilee » Fri Apr 25, 2008 4:00 pm

So today I learned a little something. I usually wait till 8:00am to eat my breakfast at work. I hold myself off with coffee and cream. But this morning I was so hungry I ate at 6:00 am and had a big bowl of cereal, 1/2 banana and whole milk. I always get hungry about 2 1/2 to 3 hours after I eat. But today I didn't even realize it was almost 10am, for me that's huge! The whole milk really made a difference...thanks Reiny! Also, until I can tame this tiger, my meals have been 5 a day. I keep them scheduled and call them meals so they are not random snacks etc... one midmorning, and one midafternoon. Eventually I'll get down to 3 I'm sure. I also am using the whole milk trick to calm my hunger at those times when I don't want to stray...evening before bed, or while I'm cooking. Who'd have thunk it?
Milk-it does the body good!

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Post by CrazyCatLady » Fri Apr 25, 2008 10:35 pm

Good for you, Rilee!

My hubby never learned to like 2% milk, so has never liked milk except when we had a child under 2 y/o (they need whole milk). I don't think I'm ready to make that change, yet, to go to whole milk, but it is very nice not to have to be afraid of foods, isn't it?

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