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No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Post by Dory » Thu Apr 17, 2008 11:19 am

It's such a relief not to be constantly thinking about "what can I eat". I've noticed since No Sing, that is exactly what I had been doing on every single diet I'd been on. I've lost 2lbs. my first week without really thinking about it. I can't say that I haven't wanted to snack but even when I given in (I've allowed my self an apple with a little peanut butter) I've been ok. As I continue No Sing I've noticed I need this 4:00 pm snack on less days. For me 4:00 ment binge time and blowing whatever diet I was on and then the guilt. I finally realised I have better things to do with my life.
Thank you Reinhard from the bottom of my heart and stomach.

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Post by Rheba » Thu Apr 17, 2008 11:36 am

tomorrow will be the completion of my first week of No S-ing! Can't believe it has been a week already!!! This is by far the easiest and least complicated plan I have ever been on and I am so thankful that I found Reinhard's article...and immediately bought the book and started the plan! Want to weigh myself but won't...don't want to go back into the mentality of letting the scale say whether I am "bad" or "good". But my jeans do feel looser so feel I am making progress. Let's change that to I KNOW I am making progress...I am not snacking or eating seconds!!! Granted some of my single plates have been pretty full but on the whole, I have taken smaller portions.
Not having to fix separate meals anymore or forcing my hubby to eat something I have concocted to be "good for the diet" is really freedom. I'm even going to buy whole milk again and regular sour cream!!! WOW! :shock: Such a thing wouldn't have been possible for me to even consider a week ago. I keep remembering what the chef's on food network say....better to eat a small portion of something that really does taste good (meaning full fat, etc.) than a large portion of something that doesn't satisfy. Think that will be my motto from now on!!! Onward and Downward with No S! :D

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Post by blueskighs » Fri Apr 18, 2008 3:50 am


congratulations on completing a week! All the things that you said ... especially about not having to fix some diet concoction and then convince hubby to eat it :lol:

I can relate to!

www.nosdiet.blogspot.com Where I blog daily about my No S journey

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Post by Rheba » Fri Apr 18, 2008 2:22 pm

Thanks blueskighs! I'm thinking I will have to move the scale from the bathroom to the closet as it keeps "calling" me!!! :) I am going to TRY to wait a month before weighing..altho I might be going to the doctor on Monday and if so, I know they will weigh me........with my (gasp!) clothes on...and if that is the case, I think i will try to look elsewhere so as to not clog my thinking!!! You know....you're either good or bad depending what the scale says...type of thinking!! :?
I asked my hubby if he wanted something special this weekend for a snack or sweet and he said no...just homemade ice cream..which is already in the freezer. I told him I would make him pie or cake but he said no, then it would just sit around all week. I told him he could take it to the guys at work...they would really like that! I don't even know if I am going to take a sweet or snack this weekend...right now nothing sounds tempting or appealing so don't know what will happen. Can't believe I have actually written that!!!!!!!!! WOW! :D :D And only after one week! YeHaw! :lol:

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Post by Jaymiz » Fri Apr 18, 2008 6:20 pm

Rheba wrote:I'm thinking I will have to move the scale from the bathroom to the closet as it keeps "calling" me!!! :) I am going to TRY to wait a month before weighing..altho I might be going to the doctor on Monday and if so, I know they will weigh me........with my (gasp!) clothes on...and if that is the case, I think i will try to look elsewhere so as to not clog my thinking!!! You know....you're either good or bad depending what the scale says...type of thinking!! :?
Two things:

1. Someone said, recently, to take the scale and hide it under the couch. And, I thought, "What a funny place to hide the scale!" But, in all honesty, you're more likely to look for it in the bathroom / hall closet... not so much under the couch! LOL :-P

2. You CAN refuse to be weighed at the doctor's office! I've heard lots of people say this online. Mind you, I know in some instances, you NEED to be weighed (for certain conditions / issues). But, for just regular visits, you can still refuse to step on that scale.... you can also face the other way (looking at the doctor instead of the scale, itself). ;-)

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Post by Rheba » Fri Apr 18, 2008 7:22 pm

Don't have to face the doctor issue for 6 weeks. Then I go in for a repeat on some blood work. And I know that I have to be weighed because when I spoke to the nurse on the phone I told her I had gained a lot of weight this past year. But I also told her I was on the No S plan and she thought it sounded good! :) Another post on another discussion suggested putting a pair of pants that are tight on the chair in the bedroom and trying them on once a week to gauge your progress. I plan to implement that immediately! Much better than the scale!! :)

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Post by Rheba » Fri Apr 18, 2008 8:33 pm

Just had to share..........tried on a pants that I could not get fastened last week..........THEY BUTTONED :!: :!: :!: :D :D No S works!!! :D

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Post by pointsbandit » Sun Apr 20, 2008 6:04 am

I come to thee on the Woman's World bandwagon. :D

I idly leafed through the magazine at the store, decided to buy it and brought it home. At first, I thought the diet sounded absurd. WW ALWAYS has some crazy diet or another, it's almost funny to see what claims they'll make next. I showed it to my Mom, who thought it was a little silly.

We're both relatively intelligent people (I hope), and gradually, the idea sort of "made sense". I said to my Mom the other day, "It covers my 3 weaknesses: sweets, snacking too much, and not eating regularly."
When I was in college, I sometimes wouldn't eat until 7-8 hours after I got up because my schedule was so packed. Then, of course, I would overeat.

I've tried Weight Watchers, and it works, but now with a toddler underfoot, I just can't handle counting points and often making separate meals for the two of us. Plus, I can't AFFORD to go to WW meetings now that I'm a single Mommy. I feel a little guilty, because I've been a huge fan of WW for a long time, but I hate core and I just don't think I can do it right now.

I'm a little skeptical. I haven't started yet, I have a hard time taking that first step. I have a lot to lose, so I'm not the typical dieter. (Or sadly, maybe that's changing these days.)

My Mom kept telling me, "Go to the website and check it out!" I feel bad now, I finally snapped at her one day and said, "Mom, these things ALWAYS cost money. They advertise some great diet then you have to pay to join the website. YOU go look at it." Well, I finally logged on...and I find this here...free!

I think I'm in love. ;)

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Post by Informatix » Sun Apr 20, 2008 6:09 am

I, too, purchased the Woman's World magazine and read about this eating plan which is changing my life as I type! I have probably purchased about ten magazines "at the checkout" in my life, but something about this issue spoke to me and I had to buy it. I wound up spending about an hour on the No S website that very night, and promptly placed my order for the book through Amazon. I lost 50 pounds in 3.5 months last year on Medifast, which involves eating six times per day. I have since gained about 20 pounds back in my failed attempt to transition from eating dust six times daily to eating "sensible, healthy, frequent meals", AKA Weight Watchers. Eating only three times a day on No S is like a vacation! It's also great to be able to eat delicious food without having to weigh it and log it on a website. I started doing the Medifast plan on 4/20/07 at Medifast at 250 pounds. One year later, I'm 220 pounds and embarking on a sustainable, lifetime eating plan. I know that I won't lose 50 pounds in 3.5 months this time, and that's okay, because I know that I will keep off forever when the weight comes off. Thanks for listening, everyone!

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yep - read in in woman's world

Post by Sharky » Sun Apr 20, 2008 6:33 am

I rarely buy this magazine but just did for some reason today -and am so incredibly glad i did - its really weird but earlier this week i just said - FORGET IT!! i am tired of these crazy diets and i am tired of spending money, time and energy - i KNOW what to do - i know how to eat well - i do LIKE to exercise - so just do IT - - i guess the "no-diet" phrase on the magazine cover caught my eye so i bought it - and i love the concept - love the cander and "realness" of the words on the site - its just refreshing -

I will keep you all posted - I live on the beautiful island of Oahu in Hawaii - we are 6 hours behind most of you on this bulletin board so often its difficult to keep up with discussions but i will use this board to help during my "no snacks" part of the plan because i am a hefty snacker -

Aloha - julie

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Post by Rheba » Sun Apr 20, 2008 11:47 am

Welcome to you, Pointsbandit, Informatix and Sharky! This plan does indeed work and as the old song says, The best things in life are free!!!! And even his book is very reasonably priced. But the part that I like the best is that this plan does work. It might be hard at first giving up the sweets and snacks and seconds but it only takes 21 days to retrain ourselves into good habits so hang in there. And if you slip up, that's okay, too. As they say, Rome wasn't built in a day. And we didn't gain all this weight in a day so we need to be patient and kind to ourselves while losing it in a healthy way. I just wish all of you the best of luck on this plan. I know I am sold BIG TIME on it. Wish I had found it sooner and gone back to the sensible way of eating that I grew up with...three square meals a day.

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Post by noSer » Sun Apr 20, 2008 8:20 pm

Welcome, newbies. Can't tell you how much I love this diet. Not even sure it is a 'diet' it's so easy to do. I kept wishing and looking and hoping for some way of eating that fit my lifestyle. I know people who have gone on all sorts of eating plans and lost weight, but I am just not willing to cook good food for my family, and then eat crap. That lasts maybe two weeks with me. I love not counting, not weighing, not having to announce to the world that I'm on another diet. This time, I'm willing to just keep quiet and let the pounds slowly come off. I know I can stick with this for a lifetime. Can't say thank you enough to Reinhard.

Have a great day!
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Post by DianeA2Z » Mon Apr 21, 2008 6:05 pm

Welcome, welcome and Aloha to every newbie! You will be happy to note you are in good company! From most of the posts I've read on this and other threads, those of us who have become No-S-ers (or members of Reinhard's Rebels if you will), all have realistic expectations and know we are not going to lose vast quantities of weight in a short period of time.

If you have not purchased Reinhard's book, I would encourage you to do so. It's not overly expensive, it fits in a tote/backpack/briefcase and there are extra words of wisdom that are easy to reference when you're feeling a bit at odds with what you might see online. I bought my book at Barnes and Noble, but I know you can buy it online through various sources. Reinhard is very clear on cautioning us that this is a lifestyle change and one that will require patience over a long period of time. He's done his research for sure! Losing 1/2 to 1 pound a week is the gold standard for sustainable weight loss. Reading the online posts will give you even more insight and let you know that you are not alone in your weight loss struggles/issues.

The discussion boards are so wonderful because we're all learning or re-learning new habits and Reinhard explains quite succinctly how to structure your behavior to build new and healthy habits. Give yourselves a big pat on the back because you've just take the first step toward better health! Oh, and I really recommend the HabitCal 'cause it keeps you accountable.

Best wishes and supportive hugs,
Visit www.MaximizeYourWellness.com
(Ok, a shameless plug). I'm just here to learn how to say No to the S!

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Post by sandooch » Mon Apr 21, 2008 6:23 pm

Rheba wrote:Just had to share..........tried on a pants that I could not get fastened last week..........THEY BUTTONED :!: :!: :!: :D :D No S works!!! :D
That is awesome, Rheba. Way to go!!! :D


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Post by REDROSE » Tue Apr 22, 2008 12:12 am

Another new member from WW. I am an avid reader and loved seeing this no diet, diet. I've been trying to lose 20lbs so I'm hoping this does the trick.
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Post by Rheba » Tue Apr 22, 2008 11:31 am

Welcome RedRose! This will definitely work but as the other gals and guys have said, it will take patience as the weight loss isn't huge..but they always say that if you lose at a slow and steady pace you are more likely to keep it off. And I think that is what most all of us want to do this time around. This is my second week and I am enjoying it immensely. I don't worry and stew and fret about meals anymore. If I am hungry and something sounds good and it isn't a sweet or a snack..I eat it and don't have to feel guilty or berate myself. Such a change in my thinking in a short time.
As one of the other gals said...buy the book and read it and keep it handy for when you have questions and then re-read it. It does work!!
Good luck to you!

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Post by CatholicCajun » Wed Apr 23, 2008 4:34 pm

I have been buying WW for a few years now looking for the perfect diet. I have not found any, my husband would always ask me why I buy them, and then throw them away, I told him part of the truth, that I enjoyed the articles, but not the REAL truth, that I was looking for the perfect diet, well the issue that had the No S diet in it has been the last issue for me, I mean the WW magazine was almost like a drug when I would see it in the store, now I am sorry for the people of the WW magazine, but I truly feel that my prayers have been answered and I have FINALLY found the perfect diet. God Bless.
Je'sus, j'Ai Confiance dans Vous

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Post by Vicky54 » Wed Apr 23, 2008 9:48 pm

I agree with Cajun, I have bought WW for years trying to find the perfect weight loss plan. I think I have found it! I am so tired of counting calories, points, fat grams and carbs. I need something easy, something I won't starve to death on but can see a gradual steady weight loss. I am 54 and have been on a diet of some sort most of my adult life. I am glad to find this plan all of you on the same journey too! Vicky

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Post by blueskighs » Thu Apr 24, 2008 1:54 am


I need something easy too and it seems that No S is absolutely the easiest there is. I have also been either dieting-restricting or binging most of my adult life, so like you, I am very glad to put all that down,


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Post by amyg » Thu Apr 24, 2008 4:12 pm

I learned about No S from the Womens World article myself! Thank GOD! I've been looking for something like this FOREVER!!!! I'm on week 2 and loving it! I know I've lost but haven't gotten weighed. I feel great! I really believe all the sweets and snacks were zapping my energy. I have always felt better when I'm a little empty, not to imply that I'm hungry, I'm really not. I'm just not overstuffed and miserable. I actually had no idea that I snacked so much...untill I stopped. WOW. :lol: Anyway, thanks so much for sharing what you've learned. I'm hoping for a loss of 25 pounds over however much time it takes. This is painless! :wink:

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Me too

Post by Jamiebf » Thu Apr 24, 2008 11:26 pm

I agree with you all, I have been getting WW for years delivered to my door and yes it is for the diets. I did not renew my subscription last week because I am done I have found what works. Day 25 for me, I have had one bad day but did not quit like I ussally do. Thanks to Rienhard no more obsessing!!

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Post by blueskighs » Fri Apr 25, 2008 4:26 am

that is so COOL that you did not renew your subscription to WW!!!!!

amyg ,


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Re: Welcome Woman's World readers!

Post by Caroline » Fri Apr 25, 2008 8:47 pm

reinhard wrote:We've had more new members over the last 2 days than we used to get in the course of a typical month, and the No S Diet book is now the 10th bestselling diet book at amazon.com. I assume the woman's world article had something to do with this. :-)

So, welcome!

You should be able to find everything you need to know to get started on the home page (and certainly in the book), but don't hesitate to ask questions if you're stumped. Between the bulletin board and the podcasts and the homepage there is a LOT of information on this site, but it can be tricky to find precisely what you're looking for -- so don't worry about repeating a question that might have been asked already. If you're wondering about something and can't find the answer, chances are others are, too.

Looking forward to making your individual acquaintances,


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Post by Caroline » Fri Apr 25, 2008 8:51 pm

I also saw the article in Women's World...Started the diet 2 weeks ago today and have lost 7 pounds...Am so excited about this way of eating....I love ice cream and did not want to give it up forever to lose weight...I prayed for an answer and it came in the form of Women's World...Ordered the book from Amazon.com yesterday...All I can say is Thank You..Thank You...Thank You... :D

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Post by Vicky54 » Sat Apr 26, 2008 12:08 am

How much is everyone exercising? What type of exercise are you doing? I am using resistance bands several times a week, but I need more. Thanks for any suggestions. Vicky

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Post by NoelFigart » Sat Apr 26, 2008 12:18 am


That's what my workouts look like. I'm a degraded beast...

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Post by psee1 » Sat Apr 26, 2008 12:51 am

I have started working out every am-trying to get 30 min of cardio daily with some strength training mixed in.

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Post by Jaymiz » Sat Apr 26, 2008 1:23 am

Vicky54 wrote:How much is everyone exercising? What type of exercise are you doing? I am using resistance bands several times a week, but I need more. Thanks for any suggestions. Vicky
First of all, just FYI, there's another thread I started that's all about exercise/movement:

But, to answer your question... I've not BEEN exercising, recently, but when I *do* exercise consistently, it's usually one of the following forms:

- Leslie Sansone's "Walk Away the Pounds" DVDs (I can walk 1-4 miles *in my living room!*) 3-4 times per week
...see: http://www.lesliesansone.com

- recumbent/stationary bike-riding

- dancing around my living room to music

- walking uptown and back

And, I hope to take up running, so I'm going to be doing a walk/jog-interval program soon. Gotta get back into my "Urban Ranger" groove first, though. ;)
http://jaymiz.wordpress.com (The 'No S' Life)
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Post by blueskighs » Sat Apr 26, 2008 6:35 am

for exercise for me these days,

resistance and yoga/stretching stuff,

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Post by CatholicCajun » Sat Apr 26, 2008 10:12 pm

For the first time in years I was able to go to the store and now even have the desire for a WW magazine. That in itself is progress for me!!!
Je'sus, j'Ai Confiance dans Vous

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Post by donnasue316 » Sat Apr 26, 2008 11:42 pm

I love Womans World magazine! I saw the article and read with interest and started it on 4/7/08. I have lost almost 8 lbs!!!! This is the best diet ever. I feel this is something that I can stick with now. To tell you the truth for the last year or so I just couldn't seem to lose weight so this is wonderful for me! Thanks again for coming up with this way of eating. :D

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Post by LindaGay » Tue Apr 29, 2008 7:22 pm

I have just bought my book -The No S Diet- THANK YOU so much! I have 5o pounds to lose, have tried everything from 3-diets, weight watchers, grapefruit, you name it, but this! This simple, simple idea.


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Post by Jamiebf » Tue Apr 29, 2008 8:43 pm

Welcome LindayGay, This is a great life plan. Read all the support on this site and remember this for the most part is a process. It is not fast but is one you can to for a lifetime. New habits is what we are changing. No more diet obsessing
Good luck to you :)

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Post by LindaGay » Tue Apr 29, 2008 8:46 pm

Thank you for your comments! I am proceeding!

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Post by blueskighs » Wed Apr 30, 2008 1:04 am



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Woman's Day Magazine Article???

Post by JoAnnAtkinson » Thu May 01, 2008 12:46 am

Does anyone know if I can read the Woman's Day article concerning the No S Diet plan on the Internet? I missed buying that issue and I would like to read it. Please post it if it is available.
JoAnn in TEXAS
Last edited by JoAnnAtkinson on Thu May 01, 2008 2:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Strange to feel hungry again!

Post by Karma rex » Thu May 01, 2008 4:40 am

I'm on my second week and really finding this is a great eating plan. I was so use to having those healthy snacks (always planned for two a day) I never got hungry. Or if I did I would find something to eat immediately. I was also eating whatever was offered at work on top of my regular snacks! Now I am somewhat hungry before dinner and sometimes add an apple to my dinner and eat that as part of my meal. I also try to add a fruit to my breakfast on most days. Evenings are sometimes hard but I get on the forum and read about how you are all doing and the time goes by quickly. I do drink more water in the evening though. I am really hopeful that this will be my answer to a steady weight loss that will return me to my former thinner self. I may refine my eating to incorporate more healthy balanced meals after my first 21 days. I am pretty much eating what I want just following the one plate rule. My plates are smaller than a regular dinner plate. Tonight I had chicken strips and mac and cheese as it wasn't very healthy I actually went down another plate size! I need to eat more veggies...will work on that soon. Yesterday and today I passed up doughnuts and cookies at work and it felt good! I had been trying to do the 5 small meals a day but I'd end up eating at least one or two large meals a day along with the rest! I plan on sticking to this 3 times a day and have my snack or sweets on the weekend!

JoAnn, the WW article had less information than you can get here. It was nice to see pictures of the gals that this program worked for though. Rexanne

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Post by blueskighs » Thu May 01, 2008 4:03 pm

I was so use to having those healthy snacks (always planned for two a day) I never got hungry. Or if I did I would find something to eat immediately. I was also eating whatever was offered at work on top of my regular snacks!
Karma Rex,

that was kind of my experience exactly ... if I got hungry I ate :) if someone offered me something ... it was difficult to say no.

It sounds like you are really doing great!

www.nosdiet.blogspot.com Where I blog daily about my No S journey

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Post by LindaGay » Thu May 01, 2008 4:06 pm

Oh, my goodness this is HARD! I had trouble the first couple of weeks getting my head around the whole idea, and then I sat down last night and REALLY read the book! Today, I have begun in earnest! I am on the chapter about snacks, and snacks ARE my issue.

Work is the worst; I have to be to work around 7:00 am so I eat breakfast (1 plate) at 6:00 am. By 10:00 in the morning I am going crazy looking for something to eat (but not eating it), stopping myself from going to the break room----where wonderful surgery snacks prevail….

SNACKS! I didn’t realize they were the culprit! Because I didn’t realize what I was eating and HOW MUCH!

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Post by blueskighs » Thu May 01, 2008 4:07 pm


have you found the book helpful? I am re-reading it. I find it extremely helpful,

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Post by LindaGay » Thu May 01, 2008 4:10 pm

Yes the book is helpful! Why the book is helpful, is it helped me TURN the Corner in my mind that says STOP EATING SO MUCH!

I don't want to be this huge, fat person anymore! I want to be the thin person I was in my 40's.

The book helps because I can't always read the boards, but I can read the book!

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Post by LindaGay » Thu May 01, 2008 4:13 pm

I love your blog! Would you mind if I link it to my blog?


It's about life on our Western Colorado Farm.

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Post by blueskighs » Thu May 01, 2008 4:14 pm

Why the book is helpful, is it helped me TURN the Corner in my mind that says STOP EATING SO MUCH!
LindaGay you said it better than I could, but that is what it did for me too! TURNED THE CORNER IN MY MIND!
when I picked up the book I thought ... sounds good but there is NO WAY I could have sweets on weekend, not me SUGAR ADDICT! :D but by the time I finished the book ... I was like maybe I DO just have a REALLY BAD HABIT and maybe if I just follow these simple instructions, the cutesy jingle, something MIGHT HAPPEN!

so yeah you are right ... in a few hours time the book too me from AVOWED SUGAR ADDICT ... to possiblity ... turned the corner in my mind as you so eloquently stated!

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Post by LindaGay » Thu May 01, 2008 4:19 pm

And the gift of the book, and what you just stated, is Sugar, and snacks are a bad habit!

I always wondered if I needed to punish myself (WW, Low Carb, etc.) because like one of the diets said: ADDICTS, I was a sugar addict so I needed to punish myself with the 'right way' of eating and I would be cured.

I am not an addict, I have bad eating habits and those can be changed!


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Post by blueskighs » Thu May 01, 2008 4:22 pm


Sorry in our exchange missed your post about my blog!

Yes, please, by all means link it! And THANK YOU :oops: !

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Post by blueskighs » Thu May 01, 2008 4:24 pm


COOL BLOG! beautiful pictures of the flowers!

what fun, I have marked it!

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Post by LindaGay » Thu May 01, 2008 4:48 pm

Great! Thanks! I also noted on yours that you have linked the No S Diet site, do you think he would let me link his to mine too?

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Post by blueskighs » Thu May 01, 2008 4:52 pm


I am sure he would! Well, maybe I shouldn't speak for him? :oops:

I am kind of coming from this perspecitive, after suffering through the years, I personally would like as many people as possible to hear about NO S!


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Post by LindaGay » Thu May 01, 2008 5:58 pm

The Book is WONDERFUL! Everyone buy one for yourself, then buy extra to give away!

I am SO glad I have the book!

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anyone eat regular food???

Post by zuzu1012008 » Sat May 03, 2008 8:56 pm

Hi im stephanie,
me and my mother looked through the world womens magazine and decided to try it because we are both over weight, and it seemed it would be good to try. So its our 6th day and we dont know what to eat. We've gone on blogs about people on the No S diet and they are eating some weird things like tofu and other things, and we want real food so if anyone has any suggestions feel free to please contact me thanks.

ps u can email us at judywade109@excite.com :D

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womans world

Post by hushpuppy » Sun May 04, 2008 12:39 am

Just read womans world article and am jumping right into the nos plan. Need to lose lots of pounds and this sounds as though it might be the answer to my snacking/grazing problems. Thanks[/b]

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Woman's Day magazine article?

Post by JoAnnAtkinson » Sun May 04, 2008 1:37 am

Does anyone know where to read the Woman's Day article about the No S diet online?????? I missed out on that
magazine for that week. Post the article if anyone has it.
Thank you!!!! ;-(

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Re: Woman's Day magazine article?

Post by Jaymiz » Sun May 04, 2008 5:49 pm

JoAnnAtkinson wrote:Does anyone know where to read the Woman's Day article about the No S diet online?????? I missed out on that
magazine for that week. Post the article if anyone has it.
Thank you!!!! ;-(
I couldn't find it online, so I typed up the article from the magazine and put it on my blog (saved the room here)...


You won't get the pictures, but at least you can read the article. ;)
http://jaymiz.wordpress.com (The 'No S' Life)
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Thank you Jaymiz!!!!

Post by JoAnnAtkinson » Sun May 04, 2008 7:36 pm

Jaymiz....Thank you so much for doing that for we that missed the Woman's Day article. It is very much appreciated!!! :lol:

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New Day 1

Post by magme » Sun May 04, 2008 8:40 pm

I was on a American Base over here in Germany and purchased the magazine. I think this diet is such a great idea.. I am a snacker.. and I need to get it check.. Day 1 and counting :D

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Re: Thank you Jaymiz!!!!

Post by Jaymiz » Sun May 04, 2008 9:04 pm

JoAnnAtkinson wrote:Jaymiz....Thank you so much for doing that, for we that missed the Woman's Day article. It is very much appreciated!!! :lol:
You're very welcome. :)
http://jaymiz.wordpress.com (The 'No S' Life)
"The more you do a thing, the easier it becomes" ~ Anon.

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Post by calif angel » Thu May 08, 2008 4:23 am

I wish is was already tomorrow so I could start this ! I can't wait and that's a first for me............ :lol:

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Another Newbee from Womens World.

Post by Sheiler » Fri May 09, 2008 2:28 am

I read the women's world article and set it aside. I was about to have surgery, figured it wouldn't be a great time to start something new. I started No-S-ing in the hospital, and have been on it now for 4 weeks. I figured the lower appetite from not feeling great could only help and gave me a little bit of a running start, but I've kept to it, much to my amazement. I've been on a lot of diets, even lost 40 pounds on atkins, but gained it back, and watched friends lose even more, gain it back, and hate themselves for it. I'd love to lose a significant amount of weight before my daughter's wedding in August, but I'd rather gain a healthy outlook towards food and if that means losing weight at a much more modest speed and keeping it off, then I'm going for that. It helps to have this forum to remind me, though, not to be too impatient.
This diet just makes so much sense. I haven't had any trouble at all following all of the S's. I did have trouble today getting the 3 meals in at regular times. Missed lunch, then wasn't sure whether to eat something, or wait for dinner. I'm sure that's addressed in the book, but it hasn't arrived yet.
My biggest challenges are all addressed by this diet. I have a real sweet tooth, I'm a late night snacker, and I have trouble gauging portions. This has addressed all of the excuses. There's no room for fooling myself - No means No. And on the flip side, yes means yes. If I want it, I eat it, just no more than a reasonable plateful at mealtimes, and only on S days if it's a sweet. I've lost 16 pounds, but I don't fool myself that I will continue to lose at that rate. I can't do much in the way of exercise yet, but that needs to come too, and I'm glad that exercise is addressed in as sensible a way as eating is, and that there are others here for advice and support along the way.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for sharing this plan. What an impact you are making :!:

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Post by blueskighs » Fri May 09, 2008 2:48 am

This diet just makes so much sense.
Sheiler you are doing FANTASTIC! Congratulations on getting on No S even while you were in the hospital and sticking with it!

Thank you for sharing your great story. It is inspiring,
www.nosdiet.blogspot.com Where I blog daily about my No S journey

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Post by Rheba » Fri May 09, 2008 10:44 am

Sheiler you have done great! Congrats to you! :) I agree that this program/plan/diet makes the most sense of any I've come across or tried in all these many years. Keep up the good work!!! :D

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Post by reinhard » Fri May 09, 2008 1:06 pm


Congratulations! That's very impressive -- and starting in the hospital, no less. I'm glad you also sound braced for the rate of weight loss to go down.

I'm don't think I actually do address the issue of what to do when you've missed a meal in the book (except for advising to try not to miss meals to begin with)... It will inevitably happen of course, but generally I'll just have the meal late then. There have been a VERY few times in the years I've been no-essing that I've missing a meal without making it up ASAP. I think it's important not to let accidentally missed meals turn into something regular. If the spacing between the late meal and the next one winds up being a little tight, make it a small meal, a token meal, just to keep that regular metronome of the 3 meal habit going.


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Post by LindaGay » Fri May 09, 2008 1:29 pm

Sheiler, GOOD for You! And thanks for posting, everything helps to keep me and others going forward.

Reinhard, I have just finished the book! THANK you for putting everything into a portable format! I think the book idea is just a big as the No S Diet.

Once more, to everyone who posts here, I thank you for helping me make it through each and every day.

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Re: anyone eat regular food???

Post by Rigthdietforme » Fri May 09, 2008 6:07 pm


Hi I am in college and the diet is hard for me to figure out cuz I am not the best place to get something to eat.
I boiled some eggs.
Artichoke hearts- out of the can with some margarine and garlic.
Zucchini and spaghetti squash with a tomato sauce and garlic.

Good luck


zuzu1012008 wrote:Hi im stephanie,
me and my mother looked through the world womens magazine and decided to try it because we are both over weight, and it seemed it would be good to try. So its our 6th day and we dont know what to eat. We've gone on blogs about people on the No S diet and they are eating some weird things like tofu and other things, and we want real food so if anyone has any suggestions feel free to please contact me thanks.

ps u can email us at judywade109@excite.com :D

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Post by CatholicCajun » Mon May 12, 2008 8:15 pm

I started the No S Diet when I bought the WW magazine that it appeared in, to this date I have not purchased another one, even though I enjoy the magazine, I just don't feel the "need" to keep buying it, because I am no longer searching for the next magic diet to come along. For me, this is in itself major progress. God Bless.
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Post by Rheba » Tue May 13, 2008 12:07 am

Just bought a second No S book to give to my dear friend...I have been "preaching" about how great this is to her...especially since I lost 8 lbs. the first month!!! :lol: Anyhow, she is also gung ho to try it so I gladly went to my local Barnes and Nobles this morning and bought it for her.
Also..........I had to buy some new capri's this a.m.!!!!!!!!! Bought some from my daughter in April before our rummage and I can literally pull them DOWN without unbuttoning them!!!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: What a feeling!!! :D I am just so very happy with this plan....which is what I really grew up with back all those many years ago..that I just can't imagine doing anything else ever again. All I can say is thank God for No S and for Reinhard for publishing the book so I could find it and give up the diet mentality once and for all! 8)

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Post by LindaGay » Tue May 13, 2008 2:25 pm

I can agree with both of you! I am down 7 pounds and in three weeks! Although, I must say I had a very bad (eat everything in site) weekend, and have to start over today!

As Reinhard says in the book, sometimes it takes a few false starts to make the habit stick. I am working on making the habit stick, the weight is taking care of itself!

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Post by CatholicCajun » Tue May 13, 2008 2:55 pm

cvmom wrote:Hi Lilly.

I have donated my diet books to the library too, but with one caveat: I wrote www.nosdiet.com on the inside of the books. It helped relieve me of any guilt as I was passing the books along.


Great idea! I think I will do the same with my ridiculous collection of diet books!!
Je'sus, j'Ai Confiance dans Vous

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