No S=No Scale

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No S=No Scale

Post by resting52 » Mon Apr 28, 2008 1:23 pm

Having weighed myself for 40+ years, daily, & on some days multiple times.....

Having subjected myself to weigh-ins at Weight Watchers, TOPS, etc....

Having decided that this piece of equipment RULES my state of mind.....

I've added a new line to my HabitCal:


Today being Day 1, I'm taking the plunge!


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Post by Tink » Mon Apr 28, 2008 1:34 pm

Hey Resting,
May i join you please? No scale for me!!! ~~plugs ears~~ :wink:

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Post by OrganicGal » Mon Apr 28, 2008 1:38 pm

Good idea to add it as a Habitcal. I'm gonna do the same :)
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Post by resting52 » Mon Apr 28, 2008 1:40 pm

Sure Tink,

Want to see if we can No Scale for a 21 day club? I could use the support. I hear the scale calling me, wondering where I am. Scary!


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Post by Buffalo Gal » Mon Apr 28, 2008 1:43 pm

I threw my scale away last week and I do not miss it one bit!

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Post by resting52 » Mon Apr 28, 2008 1:45 pm

Did you really throw it away-like gone gone? I want to be that brave.


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Post by Buffalo Gal » Mon Apr 28, 2008 1:50 pm

I really threw it away! It was too much of a temptation to weigh in. I know that weighing in does not work and I am such a creature of habit that I wanted to weigh in anyway. So...I got rid of the temptation!

Now I depend on the way my clothes feel and what my body is saying.

Try may be surprised how easy it is to break that habit :D

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Post by BrightAngel » Mon Apr 28, 2008 2:59 pm

I, of course, have no intention of giving up my use of the scale.
I weigh every day,
and input that data into a chart that graphs my weight,
and I use it to watch my gain-loss weight trends and patterns over time.
A scale is just a measurement tool, not a Judge.

In my past I've done that,... given and thrown away scales,
and purposely chosen to go without weighing myself for years at a time....
However, this always had very negative consequences for me.
As it shot me right into Denial of Reality,
And resulted in very large weight gains.

Some of you might be interested to know that the National Weight Control Registry
has been doing a lengthy survey of people who maintain their weight-losses for several years or more,
and it reports that more than 44% of successful maintainers weigh themselves at least once a day,
with 31% weighing themselves at least once a week.
This frequent monitoring of weight allows these individuals to catch small weight gains and initiate corrective behavior changes.

I am now in the process of successfully maintaining a large weight-loss.
BrightAngel - (Dr. Collins)
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Post by CatholicCajun » Mon Apr 28, 2008 3:01 pm

Good for you resting! I still have my scale, but will only weigh in on Saturday, which is hubby and I's official and ONLY weigh in day, will also add that to my habical. God BLess.
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Post by resting52 » Mon Apr 28, 2008 4:06 pm

Bright Angel,

I hear what you are saying and I know about the statistical research.

My point is that being on a diet has consumed far too much of my life to this point. To me, the joy of No S is that my previous obsessing about foods or points or measuring is gone. This means that dieting (or thinking about dieting) is sucking away less of my precious time on this earth. This has been freeing but has been hampered by my stepping on the scales and lamenting.

For me, it is time for a change.


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Post by Buffalo Gal » Mon Apr 28, 2008 8:16 pm

No way I could weigh myself everyday! While the scale may not be a judge it sure reinforces alot of bad images we have about ourselves.

If we are honest with ourselves our bodies will tell us everything we need to know. Do we have energy? Do our pants cut into our sides when we sit? Does you bra (sorry guys) cut off all circulation?

Great if it works for you but weighing in and keeping track never worked for me. I say trust yourself and let the force be with you not the scale.

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Post by blueskighs » Mon Apr 28, 2008 8:34 pm

I love it! What a great idea ... although I confess I am not sure I want to give up my 30 day checkins!

the thing I know is this ...
after like weighing myself off on and on for years ... I really don't NEED a scale to tell me I have gained weight, I also don't really NEED a scale to tell me I have lost weight.

from times I have not weighed I have always lost weight then got back on the scale and gained weight ... :cry:
there is a certain dignity in not weighing ourselves ... I mean what am I ... A FISH? :D

anyway ... one day I want to be free enough of the garbage between my ears to not weigh ... you know ... like when I was kid and didn't weigh myself... that would be so nice ... I am going to think on your idea ... and thank you for sharing it with us! I think you can see by the great responses you have a lot of support here!

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Post by Tink » Mon Apr 28, 2008 10:23 pm

hi Resting,
Count me in! I want to be in the No Scale for 21 days club! I spent 45 min at the gym today and i am feeling thin :lol: i dont know why staying off the scale is so hard for me; but together we will beat it :wink:

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Post by CrazyCatLady » Tue Apr 29, 2008 3:07 am

blueskighs wrote: anyway ... one day I want to be free enough of the garbage between my ears to not weigh ... you know ... like when I was kid and didn't weigh myself... that would be so nice ... I am going to think on your idea ... and thank you for sharing it with us! I think you can see by the great responses you have a lot of support here!

Me, too! I want to give up the scale, but can't quite yet. I don't consider myself a "slave" to it. But I know that it will be healthier to let it go, and just weigh occasionally, not daily.

Already, since joining this forum, I have been telling myself not to step on the scale in the morning. Hopefully soon I can give it up, except for occasional (maybe monthly) checks.

Thanks, Resting52!

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Post by Jamiebf » Tue Apr 29, 2008 4:07 am

Great girls, I'm in. I asked my hubby to hide my scales when I first started. I have wasted way too many tears over the years because of my scales. I have no intention of weighting myself.

Blue, you are right, we know when we gain weight. We can feel it.

BrightAngel, if that works for you then that is what you should do. We are all different. I am impressed that the scale does not control your emotions. Good for you.

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Post by xJocelynx87 » Tue Apr 29, 2008 5:07 am

I need No-Scale SO MUCH.
I've actually spent 5 minutes OR MORE stepping on and off my scale to see if the numbers change! Not often, but it HAS happened...

I will weigh myself on the 1st of each month, and THAT'S IT. freeing. :)

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Post by patticake » Tue Apr 29, 2008 12:02 pm

Hi everybody count me in. Day one of twenty-one. I want to be free too this program( change of thinking) has helped me so much. I am starting my 4th week of NoS. YEA!
Patti :D

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Post by resting52 » Tue Apr 29, 2008 12:10 pm

Yahoo to all!

I just checked my second green spot on my new NoScale HabitCal this morning. The scales are gone from upstairs but there is still a genuine doctor's scale in my MIL's bathroom. Can't move that one. On the other hand, you can't fool it.

I've been there with the stepping on and off a regular scale to see which time I can make it lower. Wait, who am I kidding? I did it every single day!

No more!

Glad y'all are along for the ride. Thanks for the support.


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Post by Tink » Tue Apr 29, 2008 2:39 pm

Hurray to all of us!!!! :D Well so far so good, this will be my second day of No Scales. :o I have to say what an accomplishment for someone who weighed in every morning; well to be honest sometimes it was morning and night!! :oops: I will not let the scale decide how I feel about myself anymore. I really appreciate everyone’s support thank you! :)

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Post by OrganicGal » Tue Apr 29, 2008 5:07 pm

I joined the No Scale club too, and unfortunately had to put a red square on my Habitcal for it today, as I stepped on the scale. :( But I look at this as another Habit I am another 21 days (or more) to do it.
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Post by drswife » Tue Apr 29, 2008 7:59 pm

I wish I could throw away my scale but hubby likes to have it. It doesn't have the same effect it does on him though. To him it's just data to me it has all kinds of unhealthy emotional ramifications. I've actually tried to break it by powering water on it and such.

Anyway, I haven't weighed myself for 3 weeks and i've decided not to weigh myself till I'm ABSOLUTELY sure i've lost a fair amount of weight. I figure when ppl start to comment or when I start to drop sizes. Maybe in a 4 or 5 months?

Anyway count me in! :)

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Post by Buffalo Gal » Tue Apr 29, 2008 8:40 pm

Day 23 and I have not weighed myself since day 7! I have a doctors appointment the week before my birthday (07/25)...I'll get weighed in then.

Buffalo Gal

PS I really want to step on the scale cause I feel good but I threw it away :evil:
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Post by flipturn » Tue Apr 29, 2008 11:27 pm

Ditto. Today I had to go to the internist because of a bad case of poison ivy. The scale there will never be my friend, so I told the nurse that I didn't want to know the number, not to tell me. I didn't have to return home and go on a binge triggered by three numbers.

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Post by resting52 » Wed Apr 30, 2008 12:59 pm

I quit Weight Watcher's day before yesterday. But, you know how that goes. They will keep me active (and paid up) until the first week in June. Any how, IF I go, just to see the folks there, and IF I weigh, which I probably won't, I'll just have them put the sticker in my book and not tell me.

Wait, what am I saying? I'm NOT going and I'm NOT getting weighed.

Problem solved.

Day 3 of NoScale for me!


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"Weighing In"

Post by JillyBean » Wed Apr 30, 2008 1:41 pm

Hi all,

I thought I might join this conversation, if you don't mind. I wrote today in my daily check-in that I am trying to figure out what to do about the scales. I read in the book about weighing in once a month a few times over a few days (or something like that) and then staying off the scales for another month. So, my "sort-of" plan was to weigh in on the first, second and third of each month and take the averages. Then I got into, well, maybe I should weigh in three times each day, but what do I wear, and round and round I was going. It is obvious to me that I have an issue with the scales. But I don't want to never weigh myself either.

So, I made a new HabitCal for myself with scales and I will weigh myself the first three days of each month and take the average of the three days to be my weight for that month. Those days will show up as exempt on the calendar. It will be a success or a failure the rest of the month. I so do not want the scales to rule my life any longer. But I don't want to be in denial either. What do you think?

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Post by flipturn » Wed Apr 30, 2008 1:55 pm

I have the same scale disorder, so I am trying to go by how a tight pair of pants feel. It is basically the same principle as a scale -- a reality check -- but I don't know if I will really be able to follow through with it. What if I think that things are going well and the pants must surely fit better . . . and they don't? Maybe Reinhard's idea of weighing yourself three times on three consecutive days and taking the average IS the way to go.

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Post by Tink » Wed Apr 30, 2008 2:01 pm

day 3 for me luckily for me i will be out till late because i am finding this a little bit tough,,, i keep telling myself it's only numbers and i don't need to see them.....we are all doing good :)

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Post by Buffalo Gal » Wed Apr 30, 2008 2:19 pm

Hi All!

As you all know I threw my scale away (about 3 weeks ago) and I feel like I got rid of a bad X husband. You know glad to be rid of him but still have some feelings.

"For me" the scale was in charge. It got to the point where I started to "project" what I thought I should have lost. If it did not match up with what the scale said I would get frustrated. Once I got frustrated I would beat myself up. After beating myself up....I would eat....well actually over eat!

"For Me"...the trail downward started with the scale and the plus or minus numbers! By removing the scale and chipping away at the notion that I have to weigh a certain amount of pounds or wear a certain size I started to think of food as fuel not a way to punish/comfort/reward myself. I have started to believe that weight (in pounds) is something I am NOT who I am.

It is not easy because everything we have done in the past tells us to measure our success in pounds lost. If you need to do that try to remember it is only one way to measure success and not always accurate.

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Post by CatholicCajun » Wed Apr 30, 2008 4:38 pm

Good Morning! You a former TOPS member too? I was about 10 years or so ago. I had lost 90 pounds and manages to gain it all back in 10 years plus some extra. The reason I quit? I got burned out with all the counting, measuring, good food vs. bad food, etc. Have a blessed No S day.
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Post by fkwan » Wed Apr 30, 2008 5:29 pm

Well, I guess I'm sort of the compromise here. :)

I don't have a scale at home and don't see myself ever having one, but I weigh myself five days a week at the gym, and I no longer consider Monday's number real.


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Post by OrganicGal » Wed Apr 30, 2008 6:55 pm

Put a green square on my No Scale Habitcal this morning :) For me, if I don't step on it, naked, first thing in the morning after I have gone to the bathroom, :lol: , then I won't step on it at all.

I think that comes from the being told that was the best/only way to weigh yourself, so there was/is no point weighing myself any other time of day.
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Post by resting52 » Wed Apr 30, 2008 10:22 pm

Hey Y'all,

Yes, I've done TOPS and was chapter queen! woohoo. That was 12 years and 40 pounds ago. Also did LA Weight Loss-what a total rip off. Sigh.....

I guess, in a way, the difficulty with the NoScale is that weighing was done daily, or multiple times per day, always attached to emotions. The scale remained a habit throughout all the different diets I went through. So consciously or sub-consciously, I think the scale is a fixture that supersedes diets.

I like that idea of weighing several days in a row once a month if one is going to weigh.


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Post by blueskighs » Thu May 01, 2008 3:31 am

color=red]So consciously or sub-consciously, I think the scale is a fixture that supersedes diets.[/color]
Wow... that is deep, going to think on that!

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Post by flipturn » Thu May 01, 2008 8:18 am

I went to a girls' summer camp when I was growing up, and there was a weekly weigh-in. It was done in private and was not traumatizing, but I had completely repressed the memory until now! If you were considerably underweight, in addition to afternoon (freshly baked from scratch) cookies and whole milk, you got to have a milkshake and cinnamon toast in the late morning. I was a normal weight and didn't get to have that morning snack, but I lusted after it. Funnily enough, I have never had cinnamon toast and never fed it to my very slender child when she was growing up. She went to the same camp for several years, but they had done away with the whole tradition. Or I believe so, because I never asked and it has never come up in discussions about camp with her.

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Post by blueskighs » Thu May 01, 2008 4:29 pm

wow Flipturn,

that is kind of amazing! I went to girl scout camp and they didn't have weigh-ins,

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Post by Nichole » Thu May 01, 2008 4:32 pm

The closest thing I had to camp was band camp in high school and we didn't have any weight-ins. Lol. :lol:

I have to go to the doctor's tomorrow and even though I've lost weight I'm still nervous about getting on that scale.
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Post by Jamiebf » Fri May 02, 2008 12:33 am

Still am not going to weigh in. I do not need the ups and downs for the scale. I need to work on staying on habit :?

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Post by resting52 » Fri May 02, 2008 12:37 am

Years ago, I almost took a job as a camp nurse. Does that count???

I still catch myself hesitating in the morning, pondering weighing. But every day gets easier.

I think about way back in my Grandma's day-she never would have even considered jumping on a scale ever chance she got. I still remember her telling me that the best diet was.......and then she just pushed herself back from the dinner table with her hands.

Haven't thought of that in years.

Grandma was an amazing cook, was never overweight, and always had some special treat for us when ever we would visit. She called it Our Something To Delight Us.

But it was a treat, not an every day event. Very NoS. I love that.


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Post by blueskighs » Fri May 02, 2008 3:45 am


those are beautiful thoughts about your Grandma,

Blueskighs Where I blog daily about my No S journey

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Post by Buffalo Gal » Fri May 02, 2008 12:43 pm

Hey Resting!

My Gram was never overweight and had the same sensible way about her. To her way of thinking if you needed to lose weight then you needed to eat less. She was also very big on sweeping and raking. Said it was good for the heart. She lived to me 89! I miss her!

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Post by resting52 » Fri May 02, 2008 5:20 pm

Biggest Scale Success Ever :D

This morning I did the usual power walk with the poochies, then a quick trip to the store for essentials (hair color). Then I mowed the front yard, side yard and lower acre.

Oh, and did some weeding in my garden-everything has sprouted but the carrots!

In the past, I wouldn't have even allowed myself water until I weighed. Always loved stepping on the scales after doing such a rigorous and lengthy workout. Now I know that is really nuts. I'm smarter than that. I knew that the low weight was primarily due to dehydration, but still loved to see the numbers. NO MORE!!!

This time I had a coke (remember in the South we call anything fizzy a coke-mine was actually a diet Mountain Dew), a cup of cold coffee and a glass of juice.


btw my dear Grandma died in 1981 just a few months after I married. She was 92.


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Post by Jaymiz » Fri May 02, 2008 9:40 pm

You know, I was being all smarty-pants-ish, thinking my scale had no power over me any more. After all, I stopped weighing myself consistently about 3 years ago. I now only weigh myself either once-a-week, or even once every 3 weeks!

((Lately it's been more like once every week or every 2.))

But, I was so excited by this new "NoS Plan" (I refuse to call it a "diet"), that I jumped on the scale half-way through my first week. Bad idea. Since there was no change, I had a terrible time, the next two days, avoiding the sweets. And, then --the following Monday-- I completely fell off the wagon. :-(

Originally, I couldn't explain why I felt the overwhelming urge to "rebel" against my new NoS plan... I really LIKE this way of doing things, and I really think it *can* work! But, I gave in. And, it was supposed to be just ONE day... and it turned into one whole WEEK of rebelling. :-(

Anyway. Just the other day, while reading these boards, I came across a post from Reinhard that said something about him needing to tell ALL newbies that they shouldn't expect to lose ANY weight in the first month. And, that sparked a thought/insight -- I'm still hoping for that "quick fix". So, I'm hopping on my scale, expecting to see quick changes.

Not gonna happen!

I have to wrap my head around the fact that this is going to take a good long while, BUT, that it will STAY OFF if I let it go slowly! ;-) As soon as I "get" that, I think I'll have an easier time with this whole process.

Starting again tomorrow...

Edited to add: ....and I'm NOT going to weigh myself again for ONE FULL MONTH! I'm joining the "NoS No-Scale Club"! ;) (The 'No S' Life)
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Post by blueskighs » Sat May 03, 2008 12:42 am


it is really hard to fathom ...but I can understand... I hate to say a bad weigh day can have the exact same effect on me that you are describing .. I still will keep doing my monthly weigh-ins but maybe some day .. NO SCALE

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Post by resting52 » Sat May 03, 2008 12:28 pm

Hey Jaymiz,

I did the exact same thing!

I got on the scales a few days into this plan (I'll not call it a diet) and I had gained! Worse than that, after my first weekend I was way up. Oh course that had everything to do with my acting like a kid in a candy store. As Reinhard says, "Don't be an idiot." I have now taken that to heart.

Still haven't decided what I will do about the weighing thing-if I will do like the book says and weigh in once a month, let my clothes be my guide, or just ditch the scales for good. Regardless, I plan to stay NoScale-ing until the first of June.

Welcome to the club!


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Post by Tink » Sat May 03, 2008 12:53 pm

Welcome to the club Jaymiz :) I found i was down some by Friday's and back up some on Monday's so my focus was still *diet mentality* not stepping on the scale frees me to really enjoy my meals w/o thinking gain or lose on the scale...
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Post by CrazyCatLady » Sat May 03, 2008 7:12 pm

resting52 wrote:
This time I had a coke (remember in the South we call anything fizzy a coke-mine was actually a diet Mountain Dew), a cup of cold coffee and a glass of juice.
I hear you, Resting! A "coke" for me used to be a diet pepsi! LOL!

I'm ready. I am giving up the scale. Perhaps will weigh monthly. But mostly just won't think about it too much. Sweet freedom, here I come!

I'm heavy enough to be in many stretchy pants, and clothes that won't show much of a change. But I don't care. I'm going scale-less, and trusting my body to find a new set point for weight, now that I am nourishing myself, instead of simply stuffing my face! :wink:

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Post by resting52 » Sun May 04, 2008 1:31 pm

Welcome CrazyCatLady,

I'm realizing that I'm more aware of my body shape/size as I'm less aware of the scale number. Makes sense to me!


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Post by lindalou » Sun May 04, 2008 11:36 pm

I also will start a No Scale on Habitcal Monday May 5 But I can tell you all that it is going to be hard. The scales up one day down the next. My jeans have went down one size so that tell me that I am losing fat not muscle. Not sure went I will get on the scales.

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Post by trytrytry » Mon May 05, 2008 10:32 am

Today it feels like no scale is more difficult than no sweets.. . :oops:

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Post by JillyBean » Mon May 05, 2008 11:48 am

I committed to only weighing myself on the first three days of the month (morning and night) and taking the average of the 6 weigh-ins as my weight for that month. Each month I will check it again, but not until the first of the month. No arguing with myself about it. That's just the weigh it is for me!! So, that being said, yesterday was the 4th and I could not weigh myself. At first it was a little tempting in the morning to see where I was, but when I remembered my plan and stuck to it, it got much easier as the day went on. This morning I didn't even think of it. The month will go fast enough and I'll be able to weigh again before long. (The months go too fast nowadays!) It's sort of like s and n days. On n days I just tell myself an s day is coming soon.

I am loving the freedom this new way of living is giving me.

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Post by resting52 » Mon May 05, 2008 1:13 pm

I'm thinking that I might do the June weigh in. Just don't know yet. This NoScale is hard for me since I judged myself by the scale for so many years-like 40 years. Hard habit to break. Waiting for that 21st day to see if that will reset the habit.

Today I do feel like I've lost my moorings because I feel fat but won't weigh.

So thankful that I've found this site! :D


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Post by Tink » Mon May 05, 2008 3:29 pm

Resting yes this hard but look how far we have come :D I posted how hard Mondays (because i feel fat) and Friday's (because i feel thinner) are to stay off the scale.. just take it one day at time :)
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Post by trytrytry » Tue May 06, 2008 7:46 am

I didn't even realize I was a scale addict until recently. Now I had to hide it, otherwise there would be no way to keep me away from it (I must have developed there a good habit - yesterday was just about to step on it when realized it wasn't there!!! :wink: )

But it is actually surprisingly difficult to stay off. After a week of noS (only 1 green, but eating patters way better than before) I actually feel much better. More in control, less bloated. So why do I feel like I need the numbers to reassure me? :oops:

I guess despite my addition I am grateful to my scale a little bit - it did give me a wake up call a couple of times when I went into bad eating habits, avoided the scale and then finally got the courage, saw the number and went back on a healthier diet. Not quite a yo-yo there, but I guess slowly developing one.

Anyways, I ramble, but it feels good to feel good! So I am not going to let the numbers affect my mood when I am actually starting to feel good about myself!!!

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Post by SusyAllison » Tue May 06, 2008 12:20 pm

I've done this program for a few weeks and then started not weighing several days ago. Last night dh asked me if I'd gained weight!!!!! Instead of heading to the fridge or cupboard to stuff my sadness I told him just how mad that made me. Told him that he never says a thing when I lose-only if I gain. So I weighed and sure enough, I'm up a little bit. But I'm not discouraged. The good news is that I reacted by telling him how I felt instead of stuffing my anger with food. That is a big victory for me. Now that I know my weight I know I need to cut down on how much I eat at meals. I think it is amazing to pretty much eat what I want and only gain a little.

I only get one day at a time.

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Post by Buffalo Gal » Tue May 06, 2008 12:20 pm

I gave up my scale 3 weeks ago but that did not stop my doctor from weighing me this morning. Blood pressure is good (I'm still on medication) and I lost 6 pounds (today is my 30th day of No Sing).

My Doctor is a wonderful lady from China...very quiet and very polite. Since she put me on blood pressure medication I have been steadilty gaining weight. Today she asked me what had changed.

I told her I was eating three meals a day, nothing in between and no sweets during the week.

She asked me if I was focusing on low fat, low sodium foods.

I told her no. Just three meals a day. No snacks, no sweets, no seconds.

She told me to write a book.

I told her it's aready been done and gave her a copy.

Thanks Reinhard! I am moving on to the next 6 pounds because I know I'll never see the last 6 pounds again.

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Post by OrganicGal » Tue May 06, 2008 2:56 pm

That's cool on your weight loss Buffalo Gal, and funny about the write a book comment :D

I have successfully No Scaled for 7 days in a row now! YAY for me!! I'm not going to weigh myself until June 1st, then I will weigh myself for 3 days in a row, twice a day, and take the average as my new weight. Then I won't step on the scale again until July 1st. This is the hybrid method that Reinhard talks about and what I chose as being the best workable, liveable option for me. So far, so good. :)
Creating and sustaining the No S habits are the only thing that will take me in the direction I want to go!

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Post by Buffalo Gal » Tue May 06, 2008 3:38 pm

Thanks Organtic Girl!

I think I could handle a once a month weigh in! My doctor suggested I stop by the office the first of every month so that I am using the same professional scale. She really likes this new way of thinking about eating and food.

Buffalo Gal
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Post by Buffalo Gal » Tue May 06, 2008 3:40 pm

Sorry OrganicGal ... I spelled you name wrong!
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Post by Tink » Wed May 07, 2008 12:16 am

Buffalo Gal CONGRATULATIONS!! i love hearing success stories, it gives me such hope! :) I am staying off the scale till June but this morning hubby did tell me he thinks i am losing weight!! :D
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Post by resting52 » Wed May 07, 2008 1:43 pm

Buffalo Gal-that is super about the whole doctor visit thing plus your weight loss. Wouldn't that be wild if your doctor started handing out prescriptions for Reinhard's book?? Then it would be tax deductible!

Tink-sweet for your husband to notice and say something.

TryTryTry-isn't that funny how we don't even realize what we do out of habit. Again, I think this is why NoS works so well-creating simple habits to modify overeating.

No Scaling is getting easier for me. I just saw Noel's post about her daily weights vs monthly averaging weights. Makes so much sense that we could be daily discouraged but overall encouraged. If I'm going to get discouraged, I think I'd rather take that poison once a month instead of a daily dose. And, if it is good news, then yahoo!


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Post by resting52 » Thu May 08, 2008 12:36 pm

Another day off the scale=a little more freedom for me.

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Post by Rheba » Fri May 09, 2008 11:07 am

Well, I did it. I bit the bullet this morning since I just completed my first month of No S-ing. I have been staring at the blooming thing all week knowing that I had to face reality today. So I took a DEEP breath and let it out and stepped on and............. :D :D :D I was DOWN...........8 lbs!!! :shock: :D I actually don't know what I weighed the very day I started this old/new way of eating but I know what the top weight had been a few days before so that is what I am using as my basis for loss.
I know my clothes are feeling better on me and as I said to my hubby, I don't expect this kind of loss next month but I am sure happy to be where I am NOW on the scale. He made the comment that he didn't lose as much as me and I patted his shoulder and said that was because he doesn't have as MUCH to lose as me! :lol:
We went out for supper last night (or dinner, if you prefer) and went to our favorite mexican place. I actually left the chips alone!!!! :shock: :shock: I can make a meal on those suckers by themselves!!! I also brought half of my meal home and will enjoy it this noon. This would never have happened in pre No S days. So I am truly committed to this new/old way of eating and know that eventually I will get to a comfortable weight that I can maintain.....and then maybe my fear of scales will also disappear!!! :wink:

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Post by JillyBean » Fri May 09, 2008 11:49 am

Congratulations, Rheba!! :D You're an inspiration! Are you planning to weigh yourself just once a month?

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Post by Rheba » Fri May 09, 2008 1:56 pm

Thanks, JustJill! Yes, once a month is going to be the weigh day for me. I think I can handle THAT much scale in my life. :) I hate the fact that I have given SO MUCH POWER to an inanimate object and I am trying to work on that aspect of my weight problem as well as staying true to the No S plan. I hope one day I can just look in the mirror and say "Well Done!. :) I have even marked the next weigh day on the calendar in June. I know that I have to do it at least once a month to stay on course..I don't want to be like the ostrich with it's head in the sand, oblivious to everything! Been there and done that for far too long as far as my weight is concerned. And yes, I know it will be hard to handle when the scale might not show a decrease but hopefully I will have "grown" enough to be able to handle that in a mature way instead of the "watch out refrigerator, here I come" way I have previously handled things! :oops: :lol: Gad, it's hard to grow up. :roll:

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Post by reinhard » Fri May 09, 2008 2:08 pm

Congratulations, Rheba!

I think there are two legitimate camps of no-essers: minimal weighers (once a month or so) and scientific weighers. I'm a minimal weigher myself, and I think that's a good strategy for many, if not most people. But I don't want the scientific weighers to feel like second class citizens, or discourage people for whom scientific, daily weighing tracking a moving average might be the only personally realistic option. So I'm going to look around and see if I can identify good existing online tools and/or create my own (maybe as a habitcal plugin). Don't worry, fellow minimal weighers, I'll stick plenty of caveats and pointers to our camp there as well.


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Post by BrightAngel » Fri May 09, 2008 2:19 pm

reinhard wrote: I'm a minimal weigher myself
But I don't want to discourage people for whom scientific, daily weighing
tracking a moving average might be the only personally realistic option.

So I'm going to look around and see if I can identify good existing online tools
and/or create my own (maybe as a habitcal plugin).
Don't worry, fellow minimal weighers,
I'll stick plenty of caveats and pointers to our camp there as well.

Thanks, Reinhard, as a "scientific weigher" I look forward to using your online tool.
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Post by resting52 » Fri May 09, 2008 2:43 pm


That is great and such an encouragement to me!


The differences between the daily (or many times daily) and the monthly and the never-weighers all seem valid. It is great that we all share so much common ground and can cheer each other on no matter what scale-path we choose.

Reinhard, it is especially wonderful that you haven't stuffed us all in your particular form of a box. It's more like we are all together in an open basket-contained, but free to move around.


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Post by Rheba » Fri May 09, 2008 2:57 pm

Resting, I like your analogy of the open basket...contained but not confined. Every diet plan I was ever on was a contained and confined program (box) and you weren't allowed any freedom of choice, etc. Yes, I would lose, but it didn't STAY lost! :shock: And no wonder, I was NOT learning to listen to my body. Now I am and it is a wonderful feeling. And yes, I know I will still have "difficult" days...tis the nature of the beast! :) But the light is definitely shining at the end of the tunnel and I am walking/running/crawling (depends on the day! :D ) towards it.

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Post by blueskighs » Sat May 10, 2008 5:54 am



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Post by trytrytry » Sat May 10, 2008 12:15 pm

I think there are two legitimate camps of no-essers: minimal weighers (once a month or so) and scientific weighers.
I guess maybe I am a scientific weigher then. I actually enjoy observing how my weight changes during the day. In my peak moments, I have weighted myself before a meal, then weighted a meal itself, and then weighted myself after the meal again! And guess what - the law of conservation of mass really holds!

As the weight I track, I always weigh myself in the morning before the shower - ie without cloths and pre-breakfast. This tends to give me quite consistent numbers and I rarely see random jumps from one day to another.

But then on the other hand - the minimal approach has its own benefits - I went for a week without weighting and it was quite cool to see a bigger jump in numbers. So I am going to hide the scale for another week or two (we'll see how long I last...)

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Post by Laff » Sat May 10, 2008 7:21 pm

Rheba--Congratulations on a great start. As you say, the drop in weight will not always be so great but a steady drop is what I aim for. Thanks for your note on my thread. I think I am in the minimalist camp as far as weighing. It has too much power over me at this moment. I may change my tune but for now I don't plan to WI until June.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Gotta smile. Laff

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Post by Rheba » Sat May 10, 2008 8:48 pm

Thanks, Laff! I'm with you on the power of the scale in my life. I am hoping that by sticking with this plan of eating that someday I will be able to look at a scale without dread! It has worked for Reinhard and others so there is hope for this scale fearing inner person in me as well.
Hope you also have a wonderful weekend!

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Post by Tink » Tue May 13, 2008 10:55 am

Rheba your Success is very encouraging to me! It's what we all hope for but i'll be happy with even half that come June 1 :D
SOS (stayed off scale!)
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Post by Rheba » Tue May 13, 2008 12:37 pm

In April, shortly after I had started No S, my daughter and I had a huge rummage sale. I had tried on some capris in my closet and they didn't fit. Bought a pair of my daughter's and have been wearing them but noticed they are really baggy at the waist. Yesterday I was at WalMart and tried on some and ended up with two size smaller!!! Am still wearing the pair I bought from my daughter but have to be careful....I can pull them down without unbuttoning them!! :D Could be embarrassing. :oops: To me, this just proves I don't need to step on the scale to know that this program is working for me. I never ever listened to or watched my body before so it is quite amazing. :) Yes, I will weigh once a month just to keep myself on track but now I know I don't have to allow it (the scale) so much power and control in my life. And I didn't get rid of the capris in my closet....I will fit into them eventually! And I had paid too much for them and they are still very much in style. Will keep you posted as to the progress of the capris! :lol:

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Post by resting52 » Tue May 13, 2008 12:42 pm

That is so true...........about the paying attention to the body thing. I'm asking myself, "Does my waist feel more like a waist? Is my tummy flatter?" I am seeing ME instead of stressing about a number on a piece of equipment. And, I've got a closet full of clothes waiting for me.

Rheba, we will all enjoy the capris watch!

Hey Tink, I loved that SOS (stay off scale)


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Post by Rheba » Tue May 13, 2008 1:35 pm

Ok, Resting, I'll do the capri watch and you do the closet watch! :)

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Post by Sheiler » Tue May 13, 2008 11:18 pm

Count me in. No more letting the scales dictate my mood. I succumbed to the siren call of the scales this morning, knowing I shouldn't. Did the step-on-step-off dance, then saw this post. So, no weighing myself again until at least the first of next month. Thanks for starting the ball rolling. :D

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Post by Rheba » Wed May 14, 2008 10:46 am

Hey, Sheiler, welcome to the no scale bunch! Hope your step on, step off dance worked out okay for you but think you will much prefer the once a month check in. :)
As a lot of us have said, use your body and mind to let you know that you are succeeding. We have done so many diets that required us to publicly weigh in....hey, any time I have to weigh in front of someone....that is PUBLIC!! :wink: and I know for myself, it made me feel either I was good or bad. Don't need or want that mindset anymore. And with this plan I don't have to have that mindset ever again...unless I choose to do so. So have a great No S day and enjoy the freedom from diet and scale mindset! :)

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Post by Buffalo Gal » Wed May 14, 2008 12:15 pm

Hi all!

It's been more than a month since I tossed my scale. I do weigh in once a month (at my doctors office).

In the past I think I may have used the scale or at least the results as a way to talk myself out of dieting. Didn't lose or didn't lose enough...must not be working. WHy bother?

Now by not focusing on the pounds but the behaviour I seem to be able to stick with this. Take away the power the scale seems to have over a lot of us and combine it with some simple rules you have a plan for life.

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Post by Rheba » Wed May 14, 2008 12:41 pm

Buffalo Gal, I had never really realized that I was giving the scale the power of deciding whether I would stay on the diet of the moment until I read your post. Looking back, if I was "up" in weight it gave me license to eat that day because as you said, why not, the diet isn't working anyway! I always thought I was eating because I was "bad since I didn't lose weight". :? Thanks for clicking on that light bulb in my head and helping me to see another aspect of the power of the scale. :)
I also like your idea that by focusing on our behavior plus the No S simple rules, we CAN change our lives for the better! Thank you for your insights! :)

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Post by Buffalo Gal » Wed May 14, 2008 4:58 pm

Hey Rheba!

Glad you get it! It was not easy walking away from the scale at first. I was so programmed to believe that my weight or what size I wore was the "real" measure of good or bad health. Not even close!

I have high blood pressure and most medical books or diet books will tell you I have blood pressure because I am over weight (this may be true). However the guy I work with weighs about 130 lbs soaking wet and he has high blood pressure too. He doesn't have enough fat on him to fry an egg. My doctor spoke about using less salt, eating in moderation and moving more. Who does that sound like?

Hey Reinhard maybe you should add another S (no salt).

My point... listen to what your body tells you. God gave us common sense and instincts to protect and guide us. This is the first diet I have ever tried where common sense even plays a role. The best part is after awhile we will just do it.

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Post by CrazyCatLady » Wed May 14, 2008 9:53 pm

Wow, Rheba...great insight! It is harder than I expected to quit the scale. I will focus on trusting the habit! I am learning so much from this thread!

No S for no salt? I think part of why my blood pressure used to be up is from "abnormal" eating from dieting. For instance...I'm a little hungry...good choices are pretzels, diet potato chips, fat free microwave popcorn. Its meal-time...good choices are soups, salads with fat free dressing, etc. I was flooding my body with sodium, trying to stay within calorie/point guidelines. And yes, I ate healthy choices and fruits and veggies, too, but the amount of sodium was awful.

I am still trying to stay away from certain high salt foods, like soup at a restaurant. But I believe that simply eating less, and eating foods that satisfy is decreasing my salt intake! I have not had an 11am snack of pretzels in 5 months! LOL!

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Post by Rheba » Wed May 14, 2008 11:47 pm

I realize this really doesn't deal with the scale but had something happen today that I am in a "puzzlement" about. Had lunch with a friend who is totally into weight watchers...she just achieved her lifetime memebership goal. We both ordered. We were busy talking and eating and she put over half of her food aside...didn't like it. I continued eating my salad and then the waitress came by and asked if she was done or if she wanted a "to go" box. She said no and then the waitress asked friend looked at my plate and altho she didn't say anything...I got the message... I SHOULD BE THROUGH WITH MY SALAD...and like a dummy........ I said YES! Bring me a box!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: :x :( I simply can't believe I let her do that to me! And if she looked good at goal weight (you know what weight watchers goals are...if you have ever done their plan)...but she DOESN'T. I am really angry with myself for letting her control me! Just another facet of my diet personality coming forth, I guess. Thanks for letting me vent.

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Post by NoelFigart » Wed May 14, 2008 11:54 pm

Hey, now...

I understand the frustration, but let's not attack looks, or we become guilty of a lot of things that I think make our culture less than it could be.

Granted, I understand the frustration of "caving", and buddy, do I sympathize! I've caught myself doing it and wanna scream about it.

That kind of pressure sucks big twinkie. But don't worry. Soon enough you'll be immune and won't even notice it.

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Post by Sheiler » Thu May 15, 2008 12:02 am

Hi Rheba,
I'm trying to stay away from salt more now too. It's ridiculous how much there is in almost all processed foods. Cutting out snacks has definitely lowered the salt I get,but I wanted to up my vegies for the day, so I had some V8 with lunch, then my husband pointed out just how high it is in sodium. I don't think my blood pressure is going to be an issue now that my surgery is over (I was stressing every time I went to the doctors office, so my pressure would be high) but I think it's probably a good idea to watch the salt anyway. But I wouldn't want it as an S. That would just complicate things so much. :wink:

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Post by Rheba » Thu May 15, 2008 12:33 am

Noel, really, I am NOT judging her by her appearance but she definitely does NOT look good....she feels good and I am happy for her reaching her goal (five pounds under actually, which I guessed right on the nose as a former weight watcher!) I do know that she has other health issues and I am truly concerned for her. I guess what I was really upset about is that I allowed myself to be influenced (once again) by someone who doesn't know what I am doing for myself. Hey, I survived and made it thru until our supper hour and probably would have quit eating my salad within a short time anyway....but I once again allowed someone to influence me!!!!!!!!!! :( :roll: :roll: :roll: I guess I should qualify her not looking good a little more....weight wise...yes, fantastic! She is in a size 6 which makes her very happy...but her face is looking drawn...hopefully just other health issues.... Please understand that I am NOT attacking looks per se!!!! Lord knows I would need to attack myself then! :)

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Post by resting52 » Thu May 15, 2008 1:08 pm

Rheba, I know what you are saying. I've allowed myself to get a bit offended when DD talks about Weight Watchers or tells me not to go crazy on this NoS thing. On the other hand, I listened to my dear mother-in-law relate what new weight loss challenge her senior center was doing with another senior center and how she was supposed to have 1 meat, 2 veggies, etc. In my head I have started cheering because I'm NOT going there, diet wise, ever again!

Good for your friend reaching lifetime. However, if you know Weight Watchers like I know WW, then lifetime it is a misnomer. It just means you can come to the meetings for free until you start to gain again and then you get to pay again.

Noel, I agree about the judging thing-it is true, however, that older folks (count me in) that lose a significant amount of weight look older and saggy. I know my skin doesn't bounce back the way used to. On the other hand, I'm going through a horrible cancer with a WW friend who would not have spotted it as easily if she had not lost 65 pounds. She LOOKED great, and felt great, but was very sick.

To get back to the thread=to me this is about living more naturally, more wisely and intuitively, instead of weighing and measuring every bite of food or every bit of me.

Resting :D

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Post by Rheba » Fri May 16, 2008 11:19 am

I agree wholeheartedly! This is all about learning to live naturally without the counting, weighing and measuring that we have done with all our previous diet plans. I am finally able to look at my plate and say...too much food, need to take some off the plate! Or if in a situation where I can't do that (in other words..not at home!) I am learning it is okay to leave it or get a to go box. I just don't need to eat that much food anymore.

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Post by Tink » Fri May 16, 2008 12:39 pm

Resting i am so sorry to hear about your friend,*hugs* I know how hard that is. Wow you are so on target about how we are learning to live differently!!
I love how easy this has become. Truth be told i am almost scared to step on the scale come June,,,, i don't want to feel bad about myself if the scale doesn't say * weight loss* ( Tink's been good) I know i am good, i know i feel good. I feel thinner and i love it :D
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Post by Rheba » Fri May 16, 2008 1:18 pm

Tink, I totally relate to your feelings of aprehension on your upcoming weigh in! :) I know I am feeling the same way and I am thinking maybe it is because of all my past "failures" in the weight loss department. I also think it is going to take a very long time before I get over these feelings. All I can do right now is concentrate on the plan and take the "baby step" of weighing once a month. Maybe in time, I will learn to NOT fear the scale and what it says and I am hoping that someday I will be able to stand up and shout out loud that the scale no longer controls me. It will take determination on my part (my hubby would probably say "stubbornness :wink: ) but I am telling myself I WILL succeed. And I thank all of you for walking this path with me and understanding what I am feeling. You are the greatest! :D

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Post by Buffalo Gal » Fri May 16, 2008 3:35 pm


You are already successful! If the next time you step on the scale it does not register a number you are happy with try to remember how long it took you to put the weight on! My guess....years.

I am trying to measure "success" in ways other than the scale. To my surprise I have found quite a few :D

Hang in there girl! We are all treading water with you.

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Post by fkwan » Fri May 16, 2008 3:46 pm

I swore if I broke my plateau I'd only weigh myself once a week, which for me is a big step. :) I did and I will.

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Post by BrightAngel » Fri May 16, 2008 5:19 pm

fkwan wrote:I swore if I broke my plateau I'd only weigh myself once a week, which for me is a big step. :) I did and I will.

f -
106, Congratulations. Image
Good luck with your once a week weighing plan.
I love my charts and graphs.
I'm not giving up once a day weighing, no matter what the scale says.
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Post by Tink » Mon May 19, 2008 3:35 pm

Congratulations fkwan :D
I ate so much this W/E i am defiantly staying away from the scale :lol:
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Post by Sheiler » Mon May 19, 2008 6:38 pm

Tomorrow it will have been a week since I stepped on the scales. It's been harder than I thought it would be. My husband likes to have the scale conveniently nearby, so every time I use the loo, it's sitting there staring me in the face. I will be being weighed tomorrow, because I have a doctors appointment, but whatever it says, I will not let it change my resolve about staying on habit :!: Then, back to SOS. :lol:

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Post by flipturn » Tue May 20, 2008 1:46 pm

Shortly before I started No S-ing, I bought some bathing suits from an online store. Two were part of a grab bag, where you can see the style but not the precise color or pattern that you might be getting. The price is right, but sometimes the suits are somewhat ugly, and you can't return them. Since I only wear them for lap swimming at the Y, this is just fine with me. One was too tight for me, and I thought about leaving it at the lost and found for someone to take. I tried it on this morning, it fit perfectly, and I wore it. This is further proof, if I ever needed it, that progress often has nothing to do with an arbitrary number.

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Post by resting52 » Wed May 21, 2008 12:50 am

Flipturn, That is fantastic! What a joy to feel a suit fit! Way to go.

Sheiler-I know what you mean. It is getting easier. I moved the scale today and didn't even think about getting on it though. I think what Tink says is perfect-SOS=stay off scale.


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Post by flipturn » Wed May 21, 2008 1:48 pm

Thanks for the kind words, resting. I just realized that we must have started on No S the same day!

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Post by OrganicGal » Wed May 21, 2008 1:50 pm

Crap! Stepped on the scale today & broke my No Scale Habitcal 14 day stretch. *sigh* Oh well, start again tomorrow.
Creating and sustaining the No S habits are the only thing that will take me in the direction I want to go!

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Post by reinhard » Wed May 21, 2008 2:48 pm

I don't personally have an issue with scales. I have a mild occasional curiosity but I "neither beg their favors nor fear their hate." And I think this is the best, healthiest and most effective attitude for most people to have vis a vis scales. Just be moderate in your eating and moving and have faith that this behavior will get you (and keep you) where you want to be.

But I'm starting to wonder, though, whether avoidance is the best strategy for people who are freaked out by scales, people who CAN'T simply be nonchalant about them. Maybe they should do the opposite, come to terms with what they're afraid of, kind of like someone with a phobia facing his fear -- say rats or heights or something -- in order to get over it.

I haven't thought very much about this yet, but here's my guess as to how "facing your scale phobia" might look: every day, at some regular time, get naked and step on the scale once and ONLY once. Record whatever number you see -- no stepping three times and picking your favorite. Enter the number in excel and track the (7 day? 14 day?) moving average. Do not worry or complain unless you don't like what the trend line is doing over a week or more. (for technophobic-scalophobes who don't have a clue how to use excel, I will stick a similar feature directly on the site at some point relatively soon).

The upside to doing this is that you will have data that is both meaningful and relatively smooth and even keel instead of crazy, context-less spikes. Hopefully it will calm you down both about your behavior and the scale itself. The downside is that it's a pain AND you may still go nuts when you see a number you don't like. Every bad number hurts, no matter how rational you are, and you're bound to see quite a few of them if you measure every day (the whole "checking your stocks" issue). It's a tough call to say whether it's worth it -- and a very individual call.


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